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Monday, November 14, 2011

भूपेन हजारिकाको अस्तु टिस्टा-रङ्गीतको सङ्गममा विसर्जन... Bhupen Hazarika’s ashes immersed in the Teesta...दलहरू विकास र राज्यको मुद्दामा जनता कतातिर?...पूर्वघोषित नगराध्यक्षले भरे नामाङ्कन पत्र...यो पालि पनि चुनाउ नहुने नै भयो...Award for rural reporting...Hill municipalities elections might skip polls...Children’s Day observed... चुनाव अघि नै बिपक्षी दलहरुको आत्मसमर्पण ?...GTA support claim rejected...Showcause fury at tribal leader - Parishad chief in Dooars

भूपेन हजारिकाको अस्तु टिस्टा-रङ्गीतको सङ्गममा विसर्जन
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, १४ नोभेम्बर| भूपेन हजारिकाले सङ्गीतको निम्ति कुनै जातिलाई छुट्टाएनन्| उनले कुनै विशेष जातिलाई लिएर मात्र लिएर गीत गाएनन्| उनले सम्पूर्ण जातिलाई समेटेर नै गीत गाएर विश्‍वमा नै ख्याती कमाएका हुन्|
५ नोभेम्बरको दिन मुम्बइमा निधन भएका भूपेन हजारिकाको अन्तिम विदाइ दिन त्यसदिन ५० लाख भन्दा अधिक मानिसहरू शवयात्रामा सहाभागी बनेका थिए| तीनै भूपेन हजारिकाको सुकिर्ती विश्‍वभरि नै पुर्‍याउन अहिले भारतमा मात्र नभएर देश विदेशका नदीहरूमा पनि तिनको अस्तुलाई विसर्जन गरिने पहल असम साहित्य सभाले शुरू गरेको छ| भूपेन हजारिकाको अस्तु आज टिस्टा अनि रङ्गीतको सङ्गमस्थल त्रिवेणीमा पनि विजर्जन गरियो| निजोरापार गुवाहाटीमा जन्म लिएका भूपेन हजारिकाको अस्तु टिस्टा-रङ्गीतको सङ्गमस्थलमा अर्पण गर्न असमबाट आज दिउँसो ८ जनाको टोली त्रिवेणी आइपुगेका थिए| भारतीय गोर्खा परिसङ्गका असम राज्य सभापति पुष्पधर शर्मा, सहल्लाहकार राजु शर्मा, आग्सुका मूल सचिव केशव शर्मा, असम गोर्खा सम्मेलनका अध्यक्ष गोविन्द उपाध्यय आदिको एक टोलीले आज असमदेखि त्रिवेणीसम्म अस्तु लिएर आएका थिए|

अस्तु विसर्जन गर्नअघि भागोप प्रतिनिधिहरू आर मोक्तान, पीके प्रधान, बीएन प्रधान, रमल छत्री, गोजमुमो टिस्टा शाखाका  प्रतिनिधिहरू, लप्चु पेशोक शाखाका अध्यक्ष रमेश लामा अनि मोर्चा उत्तर पूर्विय संयोजक सुकबहादुर राईले भूपेन हजारिकाको तस्वीरअघि खदाअर्पण गर्दै श्रद्धाञ्जली चडाए| भूपेन हजारिकालाई श्रद्धाञ्जली अर्पण गर्न अस्तु विसर्जन अवधी सयभन्दा अधिक मानिसहरू भेला भएका थिए जसमा जीएलपी जवानहरू पनि तैनाथ थिए|
त्रिवेणी परिसरमा एक मिनटको मौनधारणपछि भूपेन हजारिकाको अस्तुलाई टिस्टा-रङ्गीत नदीको दोभानमा विसर्जन गरियो| असमबाट हजारिकाको अस्तु लिएर आइपुगेका टोलीका भागोप असम राज्य सभापति पुष्पधर शर्माले हजारिकाको सुकिर्ती सबै ठाउँहरूमा पुर्‍याउने असम साहित्य सभाको योजना रहेकोले सोही योजनाअनुरूप हजारिकाको गोर्खाहरूप्रति रहेको प्रगाड सम्बन्धकै कारण आफूहरू अस्तु विसर्जनको निम्ति टिस्टा रङ्गीतको दोभानसम्म आइपुगेको बताए|  
शर्माअनुसार १९६७ सालमा एकचोटी हरिभक्त कटुवालले  हजारिकालाई सम्मान जनाउँदै तिनको शीरमा नेपाली टोपी पहिराएका थिए| त्यसैबेलादेखि तिनले जीवनभर नेपालीले दिएको सम्मान भन्दै सँधै नेपाली टोपी शीरमा लगाउँथें| त्यो टोपी दुइदशकपछि तिनको शीरबाट उतारियो जब तिनी पञ्चतत्वमा बिलिन भए| तिनले नेपाली जातिलाई धेरै माया गर्ने गरेको बताउँदै शर्माले अस्तु विसर्जन अवधी भेला भएका जनसमुहलाई हजारिकाको जीवनीबारे पनि प्रकाश पारे|
Bhupen Hazarika’s ashes immersed in the Teesta
RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Kalimpong, Nov. 14: A portion of the ashes of music legend Bhupen Hazarika was immersed in the Teesta at Tribeni today, hours after an urn containing the mortal remains of the singer was brought from Guwahati.
The urn was brought here after Assam-based Gorkha organisations like Assam Gorkha Parisangh, Akhil Assam Gorkha Students Union (AAGSU) and Assam Nepali Sahitya Sabha took an initiative along with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha to immerse part of the remains in the river.
Tribeni, the confluence of the Teesta and the Rangeet, is 18km from Kalimpong town.
Today, 100-odd people gathered to pay their last respects to a man whose love for the Gorkhas was evident by the “vadgawley” Nepali topi with crossed khukuris pinned to it that the balladeer always wore.
The Gorkhas find mention in at least one of his songs, Kopili noir parat Gorkha gabhoru joni (that Gorkha girl on the banks of the Kopili river).
Cries of “Bhupen Hazarika amar raho” broke the afternoon quiet today as the urn was put on a raft and taken to the middle of the river.
“The essence of Bhupenda was his humanism. He does not belong only to Assam but to the entire world. His songs do not talk about his community alone but of others as well. We felt it was only fitting to immerse his ashes in the Teesta as a way of paying our respects since rivers figure so prominently in his songs,” said Keshab Sharma, the secretary of AAGSU.
One of Hazarika’s immortal songs is “Bishtirna nadi pare” that has been translated in many languages.
“That song is the one that comes to my mind immediately when I think of Bhupen Hazarika. I had first heard the great man sing it during the joint centenary celebrations of Dow Hill and Victoria schools (both in Kurseong) way back in 1979. I was in Class V then,” Rajesh Subba, the principal of Green Shields School in Takdah, told The Telegraph over the phone.
Dilip Rasaily, who had accompanied Hazarika on the violin on some of his performances, said: “He had great respect for Nepali culture and literature. I consider him to be the temple of Assamese literature, music and culture. I am so glad that his ashes are being immersed in the Teesta.”
The balladeer was cremated on the Gauhati University campus on November 9. Portion of the remains were immersed in rivers in Assam, Meghalaya and Arunachal Pradesh.
Part of the ashes would be immersed in different rivers across the world that are mentioned in his songs.

दलहरू विकास र राज्यको मुद्दामा जनता कतातिर?
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, १४ नोभेम्बर| अहिले पहाडमा विचित्रको राजनीति शुरु भएको छ| छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति गठन भएको पार्टी विकास र चुनाउतिर छ, जुन दलले छुट्टै राज्य र गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्ने दल वा संगठनहरूको खिल्लि उडाउन थालेको छ| इन्द्रेको बाबु चन्द्रे आए पनि छट्टै राज्य हुँदैन भन्दै बरु विकास नै पहाडको निम्ति उचित मुद्दा ठानेको छ गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले| ४५ महिना छुट्टै राज्यको निम्ति समय ओगटेर अन्तमा आफ्नो खासरुपमा आइपुगेको मोर्चा अब छुट्टै राज्यको कुरा उठान गर्ने पक्षमा छैन|
छुट्टै राज्यको आन्दोलनलाई विकाससित साटेर केन्द्र र राज्यलाई गोर्खा जनमक्ति मोर्चाले आन्दोलन सकिएको देखाइरहेको राजैतिक सचेतहरू मान्छन्| केन्द्र र राज्यलाई छुट्टै राज्यको आन्दोलन सकिएको भन्दै त्यसको सट्टामा चुनाउ, चौकी र पैसा मागिएको आरोप लगाउनेहरूको जमात ठूलै छ| अहिले दुइधारमा  पहाडको राजनीति चलिरहेको छ| एउटा हो मोर्चाको विकासको राजनीति अनि अर्को हो राष्ट्रियस्तरमा छुटै राज्यको आन्दोलन गर्ने सर्वदलीय मञ्च गोर्खाल्याण्ड टास्क फोर्सको घोषणा| आन्दोलनको अवधारणा भनेकै छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति निर्माण भएको थियो| तर यही मुद्दालाई अहिले विकासको निम्ति स्थापित गरिएको छ| गोरामुमोले जुन भूल दोहोर्‍यायो आखिरमा गोजमुमोले पनि त्यही धार पक्रियो| आन्दोलनलाई सम्झौतामा ल्याइएपछि गोर्खा जनमुक्तिबाट जनताको मोहभङ्ग भइसकेको भए पनि अन्य विकल्पको अभावमा मोर्चाले गर्ने हरेक राजनैतिक मुद्दाको शिकार हुनुपर्ने बाध्यता जनतालाई रहेको धेरैले विश्‍लेषण गरेका छन्|
जसरी गोरामुमोको कालमा यस्तै विश्‍लेषणलाई पक्रिएर विशेष अवसरमा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चालाई स्थापित गरिएको थियो| अहिले आएर मोर्चाको स्थापनाको औचित्य नै शंकाको घेरामा परेको छ| दार्जीलिङ जिल्लामा राज्य केन्द्रित आन्दोलन गरिएको फलस्वरुप नै अहिले राज्य अधिनस्त विकास योजनामा आन्दोलनलाई स्थगित गर्नुपर्ने मोर्चाको बाध्यताभित्र अनेकौं कारणहरू खोजिन पर्ने देखिएको छ| अहिले आएर आन्दोलन राष्ट्रिय प्रारुपमा गरिए मात्र नै बङ्गाल सरकारले पहाडको सवालमा समाधानको सूत्र खोज्ने अवसर पाउने छैन भन्ने विचारको विकास भएको देखिएको छ| गोरामुमो अनि गोजमुमोले राज्य केन्द्रित आन्दोलन गर्ने कार्य मात्र गरेन पहाडको संशाधन नष्ट गर्ने अनि हत्या हिंसाको परिस्थिति तयार पारेकै कारण सम्झौतामा आउनु परेको पनि विश्‍लेषकहरू ठान्छन्| १९८६ मा सीआरपी लगाएर १२ सय भन्दा धेरको हत्या गरिएपछि दागोपाप थाप्नु पर्ने परिस्थिति निर्माण भएको थियो|
यता गोजमुमोकालमा गोर्खालीग नेता मदन तामङको हत्यापछि जीटीए थाप्नुपर्ने परिस्थिति निर्माण भएको विशलेषकहरूले ठानेका छन्| अहिले मोर्चाले छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन थन्काएको छ अनि दार्जीलिङ जिल्लामा विकास गर्नको निम्ति एउटा यवस्था ग्रहण गरिसकेको छ| तर गोर्खाहरूले सयवर्षदेखि देखेको छुट्टैराज्यको सपना अझ पनि सबैसित छ| राष्ट्रियरुपमा मुद्दाको उठान नगरेसम्म मुद्दाले पार पाउने कतैबाट पनि सम्भावना देखिँदैन|
यस्तोमा मोर्चापछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड टास्क फोर्स गठन गरिएको छ| अहिले दलहरूले त आ-आफ्नो बाटो पक्रिसकेको छ तर जनताले कुन बाटो पक्रिने हो त्यो स्पष्ट भएको छैन| विकास पनि गरिनै पर्ने मुद्दा  रहेको छ तर विकासको बहानामा आन्दोलनलाई स्थगित गरिनु कतैबाट पनि उचित नरहेको देखिएको छ| यस्तोमा अहिले विकास पनि गर्दै अनि आन्दोलन पनि गर्दै गर्नुपर्ने स्थिति उपार्जन भएको छ| विकास गर्नको निम्ति हो भने जनालाई मोर्चासित बस्ने पर्ने बाध्यता आउने छ| जो पनि मोर्चा बाहिर पर्छन् उनीहरूको विकास निश्‍चय नै हुने छैन| यसैपालीको नगपालिका चुनाउमएा मोर्चाले टिकट दिएका उम्मेदवार बाहेक अरू जो पनि स्वतन्त्ररुपले उठ्छन् उसलाई पार्टी बाहिर गरिने मात्र होइन नगपालिकाको बोर्डबाट नै बाहिर गर्ने अनि तिनलाई योजना बञ्चित गराइने मोर्चाले घोषणा नै गरेको छ|  यस्तोमा मोर्चा सहभागी नभएको छुट्टैराज्यको राष्ट्रियरुपको आन्दोलमा पहाडका जनता जो छुट्टैराज्य चहान्छन् उनीहरूको सहभागितामा मोर्चाले बाधा खडा गर्ने पनि स्पष्ट छ|
जो गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमा जान्छन् तिनलाई विकास योजनाबाट नै बाहिर गर्ने हो कि भन्ने त्रासको उपार्जन गरिएकोले अब जनताले छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलनमा आफ्नो सहभागिता कसरी दिने हो भन्ने प्रश्‍न खडा भएको छ|
पूर्वघोषित नगराध्यक्षले भरे नामाङ्कन पत्र
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, १४ नोभेम्बर| गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा चुनाउको मैदानमा उत्रिसकेको छ| कालेबुङमा नगरपालिका चुनाउलाई लिएर मोर्चा समर्थकहरूमा हर्षको लहर छाएको छ| आन्तरिकरुपमा पार्टीको टिकटलाई लिएर धेरै कलह चलेको भए पनि मोर्चाले त्यसलाई प्रकटमा ल्याएको छैन| नगरपालिका चुनाउको निम्ति मोर्चाले केवल उम्मेदवारहरू मात्र होइन वार्ड कमिटी पनि तयार गरिसकेको छ| पार्टीको टिकट पाएका मम्मेदवारहरूमा २१ जनाले नामाङ्कन पत्र भरिसकेका छन् भने आज मोर्चाबाट पूर्वघोषित नगराध्यक्ष एलबी परियारले पनि नामाङ्कन पत्र भरे| 
परियार मोर्चाका स्टडी फोरमका कर्मठ सदस्य हुन्| मोर्चाले जीटीएको सम्बन्धमा राज्य र केन्द्र सरकारसित जति पनि बैठकहरू गर्‍यो, त्यसमा परियारको सहभागिता प्रमुख रहेको थियो| तिनले मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डको बेला पार्टीबाट राजिनामा समेत दिएका थिए भने पछिबाट मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरूको करकापमा पार्टीमा फर्किएको तिनले घोषणा गरेका थिए|
मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन भन्दै गर्दा तिनले जीटीएको कुरा त्यसबेला गरेका थिए| तिनले भनेका थिए, छुट्टै राज्य अहिले नै सम्भव छैन, यसकारण कुनै पनि व्यवस्थामा सम्झौता गरिनु नै उत्तम निर्णय हुने छ| परियार पूर्व आईपीएस पनि हुन् भने अब तिनी डब्ल्युबीसीएस स्तरका अधिकारीको अधीनमा बस्ने छन्| यस अघि तिनी दागोपाप प्राथमिक शिक्षा पर्षदमा पनि उच्चस्थ पदमा थिए| मोर्चाले नगरपालिकालाई आफ्नो अधीनमा लिने सम्पूर्ण पूर्वाधारहरूको निर्माण गरिसकेको छ| चारैवटा नगरपालिकाको निम्ति अध्यक्षसमेत मोर्चाले छानिसकेको भए पनि दार्जीलिङ र कालबुङका अध्यक्षहरूको मात्र नाम सार्वजनिक गरेको छ| यता मोर्चा अध्यक्ष कालेबुङमा बसेर नगरपालिका प्रशासनको पूर्वाधारहरूको निर्माणमा जुटेका छन्| तिनले हिजो प्रत्येक वार्डको विकासको निम्ति वार्डमा रहेका मोर्चाका प्रशाखाहरूबाट दुइदुइजना प्रतिनिधिहरू छान्दै वार्ड कमिटी पनि बनाएका छन्|
नगरपालिका ऐन अनुसार नै वार्ड समिति बनाइएको बताइए पनि कमिटीमा केवल एउटै दलका प्रतिनिधिहरू मात्र रहेका छन्| यसै पनि अहिले पार्टीको टिकट अनि वार्ड समिति निर्माणले वार्डहरूमा धेरै किचलोहरु उपार्जन भएको छ| जसको समाधान गर्न मोर्चा अध्यक्षले वार्डका समर्थकसित बारम्बार बैठक गरिरहेको छ| १५ नोभेम्बरको दिन नगरपालिका प्रशासनको कार्यरुप र कार्यढॉंचामाथि छलफल गर्न तिनले वार्डका प्रतिनिधिहरूसित बैठक गर्ने भएका छन्|

यो पालि पनि चुनाउ नहुने नै भयो
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, १४ नोभेम्बर| जीटीए गठन होस् नहोस्, सीमाङ्कन तय होस् नहोस्, पहिले नगरपालिका चुनाउ चॉंही लडि हाल्नुपर्छ भन्ने सोंचमा रहेको गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले नगरपालिका चुनाउको निम्ति पूर्ण तयारी गरिसकेको छ| यता जीटीए र ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउको सम्भावना थोरै कम्ति रहेको छ| सीमाङ्कनको कुरा मिले मात्र मोर्चा जीटीएको चुनाउ लड्ने छ अनि त्यसपछि मात्र ग्राम पञ्चायतको पालो आउने गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले घोषणा गरिसकेको छ| मोर्चामा नगरपालिका चुनाउलाई लिएर जति उत्साहित छ त्यति नै हतोत्साहित रहेका छन् पहाडका अन्य दलहरू| मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङले आफ्ना वार्ड पार्षदहरूलाई नगरपालिका ६ महिना पनि जॉंदैन भनेर मुखले त भनिरहेको छ तर अर्कोतिर नगर प्रशासन कसरी चलाउने भन्ने सम्बन्धमा दैनिकरूपले बैठकहरू गरिरहेको छ।
नगरपालिका सञ्चालनको निम्ति केवल पार्षदहरू चुन्ने काम मात्र होइन वार्ड समिति बनाउने कार्यमा मोर्चा दिलो ज्यानले लागिपरेको छ| यता पहाडका अन्य दलहरूले भने पहाडमा गणतन्त्र नरहेको मात्र होइन नरपालिका चुनाउलाई लिएर राज्य सरकारले केवल गोर्खा जनमुक्तिसित मात्र बैठक गरेको अनि चुनाउबारे पहाडको कुनै पनि अन्यपार्टीलाई अवगत नगराइएको समेत बताउँदै चुनाउ नलड्ने घोषणा गरिरहेको छ| क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीले पहाडमा चुनाउको परिवेश नरहेकोले नगरपालिका चुनाउ नलड्ने बताइसकेको छ भने आज अखिल भारतीय गोर्खालीगले पनि चुनाउ नलड्ने घोषणा गरेको छ| अहिलेसम्म कुनै पनि विपक्षका दलहरूले नामाङ्कन पत्र भरेका छैनन्| केवल गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले मात्र अहिले भटाभट नामाङ्कन पत्र भर्ने कार्य गरिरहेको छ| पहाडको दोस्रो शक्तिशाली दल क्रामाकपाले चुनाउ नलड्ने भए पनि गोर्खालीगले पनि सोही कारण देखाएर चुनाउ नलड्ने भएको छ|
यता पहाडको कंग्रेस अहिलेसम्म चुनाउलाई लिएर मौन देखिएको छ| थाहा लागे अनुसार कंग्रेसले नगरपालिका चुनाउ लड्न पर्ने हो होइन भन्ने कुराको निम्ति हाइकमाण्डको आदेश पर्खिरहेको छ|
अहिलेसम्म तर कंग्रेस नगरपालिका चुनाउको निम्ति उति इच्छुक रहेको देखिएको छैन| यता माकपाले भने नामाङ्कन पत्र लिएको छ तर भरेर बुझाएको थाहा लागेको छैन| नगरपालिका चुनाउको निम्ति नामाङ्कन भर्ने मिति १५ नोभेम्बर रहेको छ|
यसदिनसम्म मोर्चाबाहेक कस कसले नामाङ्कन पत्र बुझाउने हो कुनै निश्‍चित छैन| सबैले नामाङ्कन पत्र भर्ने अन्तिम दिनसम्मको प्रतीक्षा गरिरहेको छ|
यदि यसपल्ट अन्य कुनै पनि दलले नामाङ्कन पत्र भरेनन् भने चुनाउ लड्ने केवल मोर्चा मात्र हुने छ| केवल एउटा दललाई लिएर मात्र चुनाउ सम्पन्न गराइने हो होइन केही भन्न सकिन्न| एउटा मात्र दललाई लिएर चुनाउ सम्पन्न गराइने कुरा सम्भव भने छैन| साकारण पहाडमा नगरपालिका चुनाउ हुने नहुने अहिले निश्‍चित छैन| पहाडमा गणतन्त्रको सवाल निक्कै गतिलो मुद्दा बन्दै गइरहेको छ, किन भने केवल चुनाउको बेला बङ्गालको पुलिस प्रशासनले जनताको सुरक्षा गर्ने कुरा पहाडको स्थायी समाधान होइन| गणतन्त्रको सवालले नै चुनाउको भविष्य तोक्ने देखिएको छ|
चुनाव अघि नै बिपक्षी दलहरुको आत्मसमर्पण ?
डी के वाइबा, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ १४ नोभेम्बर । नगरपालिका चुनावलाई लिएर अहिले पहाडको राजनैतिक वातावरण तातिएको छ भने बिपक्षी पार्टीहरुको पानी मरुवा निर्णयले मोर्चा समर्थकहरुमा खुशीको लहर छाएको छ। यसपाली हुने नगरपालिका चुनावमा बिपक्षी दलहरुले मोर्चालाई सजिलै जित्न नदिन टक्कर दिने सम्भावना रहेको भएता पनि चुनाव अघिनै बिपक्षी दलहरुले हात उठाएर गोजमुमोलाई वक ओभर दिएको भान भएको छ। क्रामाकपाले नगरपालिका चुनाव नलड्ने घोषणा अगावै गरिसके पछि अलीले मोर्चालाई टक्कर दिने ब्यापक सम्भावना रहेको थियो। तर मानिसहरुले सोंचे भन्दा बेग्लै घोषणा गरेर लीगले पनि मोर्चा अघि आत्मसमर्पण गरेको छ।
अब चुनाव लड्ने वा नलड्ने भन्ने बारेमा कंग्रेस पार्टी र माकपाको निर्णय मात्र अघि आउन बाँकि रहेको छ। आजसम्मको गतिविधी हेर्दा चाहीँ माकपा र कंग्रेस पार्टी पनि चुनाव नलड्ने सम्भावना नै बढी रहेको छ। बिपक्षी पार्टीहरुले नगरपालिका नलड्नुको कारण बेग्ला बेग्लै बताईरहेको भएता पनि वास्तविकता भने अरु नै रहेको राजनैतिक बिश्लेषकहरु बताउँछन्। यता माकपा पार्टीका नेता तारा सुन्दासले नगरपालिका चुनाव लड्ने घोषणा त गरेका थिए अनि नामङ्कन पत्र समेत झिकेका थिए,तर आजसम्म तिनी मौन बसेका छन्। सुन्दासले ११ नोभेम्बरको दिन नै नामङकन पत्र भर्ने घोषणा गरे पनि आजसम्म भरेका छैनन्। किन भरेका छैनन् त्यो थाहा नभएता पनि यतिञ्जेल सम्म नभरेका कारण चुनाव लड्न नसक्ने सम्भावना बड्दै गईरहेको छ। तिनले कालेबुङ को २३ वटा नै वार्डहरुबाट माकपाले चुनाव लड्ने समेत घोषणा गरेका थिए तर आजसम्म उनका कोहि समर्थकहरुले नामङ्न पत्र लिएका पनि छैनन् ।
यता गोरामुमोले पनि सुटुक्कै नगरपालिका चुनावको निम्ति नामङ्कन पत्र भर्ने सम्भावना भएकै समयमा सुभास घिसिङले चुनाव नलड्ने घोषणा गरे पछि मोटा मोटि रुपमा गोजमुमो अघोषित बिजयी बन्न पुगेको छ। गोजमुमो नेताहरुले यदि बिपक्षी पार्टीकाहरु पनि चुनावी मैदानमा ओर्ले बिगतको बिधानसभा चुनावमा झैं ह्याकुला मिचाई गरेर बिजय बनिने रणनीति बनाएको छ। यसको निम्ति बिभिन्न वार्डहरुमा आफ्ना कार्य कर्ताहरुलाई सक्रिय समेत पारेको छ। एकातिर गोजमुमोले नगरपालिका चुनावमा आफ्ना प्रतिद्वन्दीहरुलाई आरामले जित्ने कसरत गरेको छ भने अर्कोतिर बिपक्षी पार्टीहरु भने चुनावमा प्रतिद्वन्दी गर्न अगावै हात उठाएर मोर्चाको अघि घुँडा टेकेको छ। गोजमुमोले यदि बिपक्षी दलहरुले नामङ्कन भर्न चाहेको खण्डमा उनीहरुको समर्थनमा फारममा सही गर्ने मानिसहरु पनि पाउँन गाह्रो परोस भनि भनेको थियो। कतै आफ्ना समर्थकहरुको कमी भएको कारण पनि बिपक्षी दलका नेताहरुले नामङ्कन पत्र भर्ने आँट नगरेका हुन् कि भन्ने आशंकाहरु पनि मानिसहरु गरिरहेका छन् ।
मानिहरुले जे भने पनि यता चुनाव नलड्ने घोषणा गर्ने क्रामाकपा, अभागोली अनि गोरामुमोले भने छुट्टा छुट्टै कारण बताएको छ। उनीहरुले चुनाव नलड्ने भनि बताएको कारण कतिसम्म तथ्यपरक छ भन्ने कुरा उनीहरुलाई नै थाहा भए पनि मोर्चासित प्रतिद्वन्दीता गर्दा कतै लज्जाजनक हारको सामना गर्न पर्छ भनेर पो हुन् कि भन्ने प्रश्न पनि अल्झेको छ। बिगतमा बिधान सभा चुनावमा जसरी लज्जाजनक हारको सामना गर्न परेको थियो ठीक त्यस्तै हारको सामना गर्न पर्छ भनेर चुनावी मैदानमा नओर्लीएको पनि हुन सक्ने राजनैतिक बिश्लेषकहरु बताउँछन्। आखिर के बाध्यता परिरहको छ चुनावमा भाग नलिन त्यो कसैलाई पनि थाहा नभए पनि चुनाव नलड्ने निर्णयले भने बिपक्षी दलहरुको पानी मरूवा निर्णय रहेको पनि बिश्लेषकहरु बताउँछन्। वास्तवमा चुनावमा भाग लिएर मोर्चालाई टक्कर दिएको भए उनीहरुको दलीय अस्तित्व समेत थाहा पाउने थियो तर यसो नगरेर चुनावमा समेत भाग नलिनु ती राजनैतिक दलहरुकै कमजोडी रहेको पनि उनीहरु बताउँछन्। चुनावमा भाग नलिएर मोर्चालाई लाभ त भएको छ नै तर यता चुनावमा भाग नलिने दलहरुलाई भने कतिसम्म फाइदा पुग्ने हो त्यो आगामी दिनले नै बाताउँने छ।

Award for rural reporting
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, NOVEMBER 14: With an aim to promote rural reporting and to encourage the journalists of Sikkim on rural based reporting the Governor Balmiki Prasad Singh today handed away the cheque of Rs 1.50 lakh to the President of Press Club of Sikkim Bhim Rawat during the state level Childrens’ Day celebration at Chintan Bhawan.
The award instituted by Raj Bhawan will be presented to one of the reporters who extensively write the rural news and stories during the National Press Day on November 18 every year.
The award shall comprise of Rs 10,000 and a citation. A Committee has been constituted that shall nominate the name of the awardee. The said award shall be given from National Press Day celebration of 2012.
The Press Club of Sikkim thanked the Governor for instituting the award in order to encourage the journalists on Rural reporting.
Hill municipalities elections might skip polls
Amitava Banerjee, HT, Darjeeling , November 14, 2011: There could be no need for polls during the forthcoming Municipal elections in the Darjeeling Hills. With the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) having contested in all the seats in the 4 hill municipalities; with other political outfits deciding not to join in the fray and no independent candidates yet, the GJM could emerge victorious, uncontested.
All major political outfits in the Hills including the CPIM, Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM,) All India Gorkha League (AIGL) and the Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) have decided not to take part in this political exercise.
“We had initiated a political exercise of unifying opposition parties and fielding consensus candidates. However this exercise failed with the CPRM, AIGL deciding not to contest. The Congress party is still awaiting instructions from the party high command. The Government has failed to provide security to the opposition voters and candidates. There are threat perceptions. Hence we have decided not to contest” stated KB Wattar, District Secretariat member, CPIM.
“The State Assembly elections a few months ago are a clear indicator of things to emerge post Municipal polls. Despite assurances of security, post poll violence erupted throughout the hills with houses and property of opposition party supporters being vandalized, torched after the Assembly elections.
More than 10% of opposition party supporters had to flee the hills and are residing in the plains. The present State Government does not acknowledge hill opposition parties and does not want to meet them even. Under these circumstances we will not contest elections, as free fair elections is a mere farce in the Hills” stated Luxman Pradhan, General Secretary, AIGL.
The GNLF in a press release have also announced their decision to stay away from both Municipal and Panchayat elections.
The GJM meanwhile has filed nominations for all 32 seats in Darjeeling; all 23 seats in Kalimpong; all 20 seats in Kurseong and all 9 seats in Mirik. November 15 is the last date of filing nominations and November 18 is the last date of withdrawal.
“Till Monday only GJM candidates had filed nominations. If no other candidates file nominations; there are no withdrawals and the GJM candidates get through the scrutiny then there will be no need for polls. In such a case, we will send a report to the Election Commission and based on the notification from the EC we will hand out the certificates to the candidates.” stated Chewang Palzor, District Election Officer.
Polls are slated for the December 11, 2011.
In Hills, GJM to contest civic poll minus its rivals
ENS, Kolkata, Nov 15, 2011: The Hills may be bracing for civic polls but it seems it would go uncontested virtually making it a free run for Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM). After Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) chief Subhas Ghising said on Sunday that his party will not contest the civic polls as he considered it to be “illegal”, almost all the othere parties — CPM, AIGL and CRPM — have announced boycotting the polls claiming there is no democracy in Darjeeling hills.
“The AIGL has decided not to take part in the civic elections. We are living under constant threat. Moreover, we do not see any kind of democracy in Darjeeling. We have been threatened of dire consequences, if we fielded our candidates in the election,” said a senior AIGL leader.
According to the party leaders, son of Madan Tamang, the slain AIGL leader, has received threat through SMSes, warning him against travelling to Darjeeling. Sanjog Tamanag, son of late Madan Tamang has been threatened against travelling to Darjeeling or lest he will be killed. We have lodged a complaint with the Darjeeling police station. He is currently in Siliguri and we have demanded security for him,” the AIGL leader added.
Former minister and senior CPM leader Ashok Bhattacharya has also said that his party will boycott the elections as they consider it to be “undemocratic”. The same footsteps have been followed by the CPRM and All India Gorkha League.
Another outfit, CPRM, too has decided to keep themselves away from the polls. “There is no point in contesting the election. The GJM has already started their election campaign with arms. The threat perception in the area is very high and the people are under fear psychosis,” said CPRM secretary Gobon Chhetri.
“After Mamata Banerjee came to power, situation has worsened as Mamata and GJM have jointly conspired to suppress the Gorkhaland movement,” Chhetri added.
Elections in Darjeeling district will be held on December 11. The counting of votes will take place on December 13.
Shorn of cop power, CPM to skip polls - Asok blames attack fear for boycott

TT, Nov. 14: The CPM will not contest the civic polls to be held in the Darjeeling hills after seven years for fear that it will be attacked as “police and administration are no longer with the Left party”.
The CPM’s admission — that shorn of the power to control the administration it has become vulnerable — comes barely six months after the party had fielded candidates in the Assembly elections in Darjeeling though it was aware even then that it had little chance against the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.
Earlier this month, the other Morcha rivals — the CPRM, Congress, and the GNLF — had said they would not contest the December 11 civic elections. At that time, the CPM had tried to coax the Opposition parties into putting up consensus candidates, a proposal shot down by all outfits except the ABGL.
Today, along with the CPM, the ABGL, too, said it would not contest the polls.
The last day for filing nominations is tomorrow. The Morcha might win uncontested if nobody else files nominations for the seats in Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and the Mirik municipalities.
Former hill affairs minister and the CPM Siliguri strongman Asok Bhattacharya today said the status of his party was different during the Assembly polls. “Then the Election Commission was there as the watchdog. Besides, the state police and the administration were with us. They had the power to control law and order in the hills. But now, under Trinamul government, even the police are in cahoots with the Morcha. So, who will protect us? There is no democratic atmosphere for participating in the municipal elections,” Bhattacharya said.
CPM Rajya Sabha member Saman Pathak said the Morcha had been intimidating his party members.
“We had serious apprehensions that the Morcha would try to foment trouble and it has turned out to be true. Till sometime ago, we were confident that we, along with the other Opposition parties in the hills, would be able to put up some consensus candidates. But the Morcha threat forced the others to back out. We were left alone and given the current state of affair, we decided not to participate in the election,” he said.
Pathak alleged that numerous pleas to the administration — including the district magistrate — to see to it that non-Morcha parties could carry on with their political activities in the hills had gone unheeded.
In Darjeeling, ABGL president Bharati Tamang said: “We had thought that with the change in guard, democracy would be back in the hills. But the new government is working like the previous one.”
Tamang also added that the election was just a ploy to derail the Gorkhaland demand. “The state has forced the municipality elections without consulting the other political parties,” she said. “The people in the hills cannot come forward openly and so, the elections cannot be fair. Even the last Assembly elections were not held in a free and fair atmosphere.”
The Morcha said that in all probability it would win all seats uncontested. The Bimal Gurung-led outfit said while it was glad that it would be a fight-less win, the rivals themselves were to blame for this situation.
“As far as democracy is concerned, it is not good that there will be no contest. But this only indicates the lack of credibility of the Opposition parties among the hill people,” Morcha spokesperson Harka Bahadur Chhetri said. “The allegations made by these parties are baseless. They bit the dust in the last polls. This time, realising that the results would be similar, they have walked out of the contest. It is better that they act like responsible Opposition parties.”
Children’s Day observed
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok 14th November: On the auspicious occasion of Children’s Day, the State paid respect to Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru at Chintan Bhawan, today. The programme began with the garlanding of the bust of Pt. Jawaharlal Nehru at Zero Mile, J.N.Road, Gangtok by the Governor, Mr Balmiki Prasad Singh,Minister HRDD, Mr N.K.Pradhan and other dignitaries,which was followed by the main function held at Chintan Bhawan. The programme started with the lighting of ceremonial lamps in front of the potrait of Pt Nehru by the Governor and other dignitaries on the dais. Students of Modern Secondary School and Sir Tashi Namgyal Senior Secondary School showcased their patriotism by singing various patriotic songs.
On the occasion, the Governor Mr Balmiki Prasad Singh presented Rs 1.50 lakhs as financial assistance to Multanchi Lom Aal Shezum (MLAS), Dzongu for Lepcha model house-cum-museum and Rs 1.50 lakhs as financial assistance to Press Club of Sikkim for promotion of rural reporting in Sikkim.
In his speech on the 122nd Birth Anniversary of Pt Jawaharlal Nehru, the Governor said that Pt Nehru was a visionary of India and he along with our Father of the Nation Mahatma Gandhi ushered our country to freedom. Nehru was against communalism which is a menace to the society and thus it has to be fought for building a United India. He was the main person behind building the Election Commission, the Public Service Commission and fought vehemently for the independence of judiciary. In 1951 Nehru along with Maulana Azad laid the foundation stone of the 1st Institute of Technology at Kharagpur, informed the Governor. The Governor stated that children are the future of any society and thus they have to work hard to acquire skills. He stated that the female literacy is a matter of concern in the state and Sikkim should show the way in leading female literacy towards excellence.
The initiative of the state government in giving opportunity to the rural children for higher education in public schools was also applauded by the Governor. He expressed that Nehru had special love for Sikkim and during his lifetime he visited Sikkim four times. Nehru wanted Sikkim to be a representatory of culture and he was the pioneer in setting up of the Namgyal Institute of Technology and was the person behind Sikkim’s Five year plan.
The Governor Mr Balmiki Prasad Singh said that Sikkim is progressing well and despite the tragedy of 18th September the state has bounced back and regardless of it, the pace of development would not go down. He also appealed the gathering to build a prosperous Sikkim and hoped that the children would serve not just the state but the whole of the nation.
Mr N.K.Pradhan started his speech by remembering the Pt Jawaharlal Nehru and stated that children are the future of our nation and this day was remembered in honour of India’s 1st Prime Minister’s birthday who always believed that the future of the country nestled in the hands of the children. Mr Pradhan advocated that children should get best of education in a holistic pattern and it remains upon us to make them into responsible citizens. He stated that each one of us have responsibility towards every human being and that parents play the most crucial and pivotal role in shaping their future.
The programme concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by the Secretary, HRDD, Mr C.S. Rao.
GTA support claim rejected
TT, Jalpaiguri, Nov. 14: The Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad chief today claimed that tribal people in the Terai and the Dooars were against the inclusion of the regions in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration.
Parishad state president Birsa Tirkey’s claim came a day after Parishad supporters confronted him at Malbazar for showcausing five regional leaders who had batted for the GTA.
The Parishad chief has been touring the region for the past three days to find out if the Adivasis support the local leadership’s nod to the inclusion of the Terai and the Dooars in the GTA.
“I have realised during the tour that the people of our community are not interested in the GTA. It is only a handful of Parishad leaders who are mooting the alliance with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. The majority of the Adivasis are not with them,” Tirkey said here today.
Parishad state secretary Tezkumar Toppo and the former president of the forum’s Terai-Dooars regional committee, John Barla, were among the five leaders showcaused by the state committee of the forum.
The five had jointly announced at Mungpoo on October 31 that they were in favour of the GTA’s jurisdiction stretching to the Terai and the Dooars.
The president of the tribal outfit had held talks with the rebels in Malbazar yesterday. After the meeting, more than 400 Parishad members surrounded Tirkey and asked him to withdraw the notices slapped on the five leaders. Although the crowd told the state president that they would prefer to go with the GTA, he did not comment then.
Tirkey today said only the state committee could alter the Parishad’s stand on the territorial jurisdiction of the GTA. “The state committee had submitted its opinion regarding the territory of the GTA to the high-powered panel headed by a retired judge on October 24. So, only the state committee can withdraw what we stated before the high-powered panel. No decision can be taken based on the opinion of a handful of leaders in the Terai and the Dooars,” he said.
The state president also said as the Terai and the Dooars were covered under the Centre’s Integrated Tribal Development Project, the region could not be included in any set up like the GTA.
Tirkey submitted a memorandum to the Jalpaiguri district magistrate with a list of demands that included the granting of pattas and establishment of Hindi schools and an industrial training institute.

Showcause fury at tribal leader - Parishad chief in Dooars

TT, Jalpaiguri, Nov. 13: Around 400 Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad supporters today surrounded the forum’s Bengal president and questioned the state committee’s decision to serve showcause notices on five leaders in the Dooars and the Terai.
Birsa Tirkey was on a tour of the Dooars and the Terai when he faced protest from the supporters of the five regional leaders. The five had been served the showcause notices as they had inked a pact with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha for the inclusion of the Terai and the Dooars in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration without the state committee’s consent.
Parishad general secretary Tezkumar Toppo, Dooars-Terai president John Barla and president of the Progressive Tea Workers Union Sukra Munda were among the five leaders showcaused by the state leadership.
Tirkey had arrived in the region yesterday to talk to the local leaders and assess the ground situation. “He is here basically to find out if any action against the regional leaders would affect the organisation’s credibility among the Adivasis in north Bengal as they enjoy support among the masses,” said an observer.
The state president had no inkling of what was in store for him at the stock-taking meeting with the local heavyweights today. Tirkey met the regional leaders at Toppo’s house in Malbazar, where a large number of Parishad members were present.
“After the meeting was over around 2.30pm, Tirkey was surrounded by about 400 Parishad members. They told Tirkey in no uncertain terms that the state leadership had done injustice by slapping show-cause notices on the five leaders,” said a Parishad source.
As Tirkey stood there without saying anything, Toppo escorted him away and told the crowd that they had briefed him on their stand. “We have replied to the showcause notices and have urged the state president to judge our stand impartially,” Toppo told the supporters.
The sources said Tirkey did not react as he could gauge the backing the regional leaders had among the masses.
While Toppo, Sukra Munda and Barla handed over their replies to the showcause, the two others will give the responses later.
Tirkey sounded soft when asked about the action being mulled against the five leaders. “We are an NGO and our constitution does not condone siding with political parties. I received some replies and the state committee will discuss the compulsions that made them side with the Morcha. We will reveal our decision in Calcutta on November 26.”
GNLF to skip polls
GNLF chief Subash Ghisingh said on Sunday that his party would not participate in the municipal elections scheduled for next month in the hills.

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