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Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Vice Chancellor Prof Mahendra P Lama in National Transport Development Policy Committee ... खेलाडी खोज्न स्कूल.... कालेबुङमा बिजुली बाल्न 34 करोडको योजना...Bill on public order withdrawn ... e”. August 30 date for panel meet... Tea unions to wait a week for wage deal

Vice Chancellor Prof Mahendra P Lama in National Transport Development Policy Committee
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok,16 August:Sikkim University Founding Vice Chancellor Prof Mahendra P Lama has been nominated as a member of the high level Working Group on Improvement and Development of Transport Infrastructure in the North East for the National Transport Development Policy Committee (NTDPC). The Group has been constituted by the National Planning Commission, Govt of India. The Group is headed by Shri Vivek Sahai, former Chairman, Railway Board and consist of among others Director General, Roads, Ministry of Road Transport & Highways; Director General, Border Roads Organisation (BRO); Executive Director (Projects), Railway Board; Joint Secretary, Ministry of Civil Aviation; Joint Secretary (BSM), Ministry of External Affairs and Secretary, North Eastern Council (NEC). The Working Group shall submit its report within three months.
Terms of Reference for the Group are as follows.
1) To assess the Transport Infrastructure Deficit in the North East Region.
2) To assess the role of each mode of transport for improving the accessibility and mobility of both people and goods.
3) To make recommendations for provision of transport infrastructure and facilities keeping in view:
(a)the role of each mode of transport
(b)the requirement of traffic demand, particularly, that relating to movement of essential commodities
(c)need to ensure balance between the ability of transport to serve economic development of the region and to conserve energy, protect environment, promote safety and sustain good quality of life.
(d)Need to adopt and evolve suitable technology for cost effective creation, economical maintenance and efficient utilisation of transport assets.
4) To assess transport infrastructure, requirement of providing connectivity with the neighbouring countries with a view to enabling trade between North Eastern Region and neighbouring countries.
5) To assess the investment requirement of Transport sector and to recommend measures to fund the projected investment.
6) To suggest measures to improve the capacity to evolve and implement projects in North East.
बल्ल ठडिए सापकोटाः सकियो विवाद ?
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16 अगस्त। एक शिक्षकको घर भत्काइए पछि मात्र ठडियो जङ्गवीर सापकोटाको सालिग। धेरै वर्षदेखि स्वाधिनता सेनानी जङ्गबीर सापकोटाको सालिग स्थापित गर्ने कोशिश गरिएको भए पनि निर्माण समितिले यसवर्षको स्वाधिनता दिवसमा मात्र सफलता पायो। यसै त यस अघिको दुइवटा स्वाधिनता दिवसको दिन नै उद्घाटन गर्ने घोषणा भइसकेको सेनानी जङ्गबीर सापकोटाको सालिग यसवर्षमात्र ठडियो। 
9 माइल छेउको नयॉं मोटर स्ट्याण्डको प्रवेशद्वारामा नै जङ्गबीर सापकोटाको सालिग स्थापित गरिएको छ, जसको अनावरण स्वाधिनता दिवसको अवसरमा गरे कालेबुङका विधायक डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले। निर्माण समितिको गतिलो विजय रहेको यो सालिग स्थापना निक्कै विवादमा आएको थियो। विवाद थियो स्थापित गरिने ठाउँको। समितिले जहॉं सालिग ठड्याउने सपना सजाएको थियो, त्यहीँ थियो एक पूर्व शिक्षकको घर। त्यो नहटाएसम्म स्थापित नै गर्न नसकिने। 
यसको निम्ति शिक्षकसित समितिले अन्यत्र पुनर्वास गराइने सम्झौता गराइएको भए पनि समिति र प्रशासनको भरपर्दो आश्वासनको कमीले शिक्षकले घर भत्काउन मानेनन्‌। यसको कारण विवाद निक्कै चुलिएको थियो। विवाद त्यो क्षेत्रको थियो जहा नगरपालिकाको ऐन विरूद्ध वर्षौंदेखि घर बनाएर मानिसहरू बस्दै आएका छन्‌। वर्षौंदेखि उनीहरु बस्दै आएको पनि नगर प्रशासन कै कमजोरीको कारण थियो। तर यसपल्ट भने अवैद्धरूपले बल्दै आएका ती शिक्षकको घर भत्काइदिएर नगर प्रशासनले पनि आफ्नो क्षमता देखाइदिए। ती शिक्षकको घर भत्काए पनि अन्य यस्ता धेरै घरहहरू छन्‌ जसलाई हटाएर त्यो क्षमता देखाउन भने प्रशासन चुकिरहेको छ। प्रश्न उठिरहेको छ कि ती शिक्षकको घर त उठाए अरूको पनि उठाउँछ त? विवाद सकिएको मानिए पनि विवाद अझ त्यहीँ रहेको पनि सबैले अनुभव गरेका छन्‌। शिक्षकको घर भत्काइएपछि मात्र सेनानी सापकोटाको सालिग त्यहॉं ठडाउन प्रशासन अनि निर्माण समिति सक्षम बनेको छ। उद्गाटन कार्यक्रममा सम्पूर्ण सामाजिक सङ्गठन, शैक्षिक सङ्गठन अनि वरिष्ट नागरिकहरूको उपस्थिति थियो।
खेलाडी खोज्न स्कूल
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16 अगस्त। पहाडबाट असल फुटबल खेलाडी खोज्नको निम्ति आजदेखि औपचारिकरूपले फुटबल स्कूलको उद्घाटन गरिएको छ। उत्तरबङ्गाल विकास मन्त्री गौतम देवको साक्षित्वमा मोहन बगान एथलेटिक क्लबका सचिव अञ्जन मित्र अनि दर्पणका निदेशक सन्दिप चौधरीले स्कूल स्थापनाको निम्ति तयार पारिएको सम्झौतापत्रमा हस्ताक्षर गरे। मोहन बगान पहाड़बाट यस्ता खेलाडी खोज्न चहान्छ, जसले देशको नाम फुटबलबाट उच्च गर्न सकोस्‌, किन भने पहाड़मा यस्ता खेलाडीहरू लुकेर बसेका छन्‌, जो सही मञ्च र प्रशिक्षण नपाएर बस्तीमा नै सडिरहेका छन्‌, सम्झौतापछि अञ्जन मित्रले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा यसो भने। तिनले भने अनुसार दर्पण पब्लिकेशनले स्थापित स्कूलको सञ्चालनको निम्ति सबै आर्थिक पक्ष बेहोर्नेछ। 

सन्दिप चौधरीले पनि दर्पणले गोर्खाहरूको निम्ति धेरै काम गरिसकेको बताउँदै पहाड़मा लुकेका देशका असल कर्णधारलाई देशको निम्ति स्थापित गर्न आफूहरूले यो योजनालाई कार्यान्वयनमा ल्याएका बताए। मेलाग्राउण्डमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा मुख्य अतिथि थिए उत्तरबङ्गाल विकास मन्त्री गौतम देव। तिनले भने, पहाड़को निम्ति यो सबैभन्दा ठूलो हर्षको कुरा हो किन भने स्वाधिनता दिवसको दिन देशको निम्ति पहाड़बाट असल कर्णधार खोजी निकाल्न यो सम्झौता भइरहेको छ। 
फुटबल स्कूलले निश्चय नै उपलब्धीपूर्ण परिणाम ल्याउने छ। विशेष आतिथ्य दिन आइपुगेका गोजमुमो महासचिव रोशन गिरी पनि यो सम्झौतामा हर्षित रहेको जनाए। पहाड़मा असल खेलाडीहरू रहेको बताउँदै तिनले उनीहरूलाई बाहिर निकालेर देशको निम्ति यतार गर्ने सोंच देशप्रेमको नमुना रहेको जनाए। यस अवसरमा दार्जीलिङका विधायक त्रिलोक देवान, नगर विकास उपाध्यक्ष नन्टु पाल, दार्जीलिङ हिल्स स्पोट्‌र्स एसोसिएसनका अध्यक्ष अनि सचिव दावा लामा र महेन्द्र सुब्बा, चर्चित फुटबल खेलाडी श्याम थापा,न ारी मोर्चाकी आशा गुरूङ अनि प्रदीप प्रधान समेतको उपस्थिति थियो।
कालेबुङमा बिजुली बाल्न 34 करोडको योजना
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16 अगस्त। यसपल्ट पनि धुमधामसित कालेबुङमा स्वाधिनता दिवस पालन गरियो। कालेबुङका विभिन्न विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरूले उत्कृष्ट परेड देखाए। यसै अवसरमा सलामी थाप्न उपस्थित थिए कालेबुङका विधायक डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री। तिनले स्वाधिनता दिवस हर्षोल्लासपूर्ण पालन गर्नुले गोर्खाहरू भारतीय रहेको सन्देश जाने बताउँदै गोर्खालिग नेता डम्बरसिंह गुरूङले सन्‌ 1949मा यस्तै स्वाधिनता दिवसमा भनेको कुरा सम्झना गरे। गुरूङले भनेका थिए, देश स्वाधिन भयो म खुशी छु तर गोर्खाहरूको भविष्य जुन अन्धकारमय छ, त्यो सम्झर दःुखी छु। डा. छेत्रीले भारतदेशमा अहिलेसम्म नै गोर्खाहरू पनि भारतीय नागरिक हुन्‌ भन्न आन्दोलन भएको बताउँदै देशकै नागरिक रहेकोले देशमा बस्ने ठाउँ माग्दै 86 को आन्दोलन चर्किएको बताए। तिनले भने, पुर्खाले जे जति गरे गरे अब पालो हाम्रो। अघि देश हामीसित बोल्थ्यो तर हामी बोल्न पाउँथेनौं। 

आज आमुसामु भएर देशसित मोर्चाका नेताहरू बात मार्छन्‌। आज हामी बोल्छौं, देश सुन्छ। पुर्खाको सपना साकार पार्न नै मोर्चाले जीटीए ग्रहण गरेको भन्दै तिनले थपे, सुबास घिसिङलाई दागोपापमा गोर्खा शब्द थप्न दॉंतबाट पसीना आएको थियो। हामीले सजिलै ल्याण्ड थप्यौं। पछि कसैले पनि यति लामो गोर्खा टेरिटोरियल एड्‌मिनिष्ट्रेशन भन्दैनन्‌। छोट्याएर गोर्खाल्याण्ड नै भन्नेछन्‌। यस हिसाबले हामीले गोर्खाल्याण्ड पाइसक्यौं। तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्दले 50 प्रतिशत चिह्नारीको संकट समाधान भएको ठोकुवा यसदिन पनि गरे। विपक्षलाई जीटीएको विरोध गर्ने हक नभएको बताउँदै तिनले मोर्चा विकासमा नै लागिपर्ने बताउँदै तिनले भने, कालेबुङको मात्र कुरा गर्नु हो भने विजुलीको निम्ति मात्र 34 करोड़को योजना बुझाइसकेका छौं। 
अब सबैतिर बिजुली बल्ने छन्‌। तिनले यसदिन पनि विकासको निम्ति मोर्चाले गर्ने विकासको कामहरूको व्याख्यान लामै दिए। यसबीच तिनले एउटा सबैको सरोकारको कुरा पनि गरे, त्यो थियो विजुली, फोन, जमीन र वाहनको ट्याक्स र बीलको कुरा। तिनले स्पष्ट भने, पैसा बेसी छ भन्दैमा बील नतिर्नु। ममता व्यानर्जीले पुरानो बील माफ गरिसकेका छन्‌। अगस्तदेखि उता मात्र सबैको बील तिरिनेछ। यस अघि बील सम्बन्धमा कुनै कार्यालीय सूचना आए वा तिर्ने सम्बन्धमा दवाब आए पार्टीले त्यसको जिम्मा लिनेछ।
Bill on public order withdrawn
TT, Gangtok, Aug. 16: The Sikkim government today said it would withdraw a bill that sought to ban processions and hunger-strikes, a day after the governor advised it to do so.
Tabled on Thursday, the bill was to have been put to vote on August 26 in the Assembly where all 32 MLAs belong to the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front.
The Opposition parties have protested vociferously since the bill, which also seeks to ban squatting, sloganeering and waving of black flags — anything with the potential to “harm public order”— was introduced.
In a single-sentence statement issued late in the afternoon, the state information and public relations department said: “The Sikkim Prevention and Control of Disturbance of Public Order Bill, 2011, Bill No. 10, of 2011, which had been introduced in the Assembly on 11th August, 2011, has been decided to be withdrawn by the government as per the Rules of Procedure and Conduct of Business in the Sikkim Legislative Assembly.”
The statement followed one issued by the Raj Bhavan last evening saying governor Balmiki Prasad Singh had “advised the state government to withdraw the bill”.
The governor’s statement came soon after the tea party he hosted on Independence Day ended at 6.30pm. All the Opposition parties had boycotted the event.
The Opposition said they would believe the intent of the Pawan Chamling government only when the bill was formally withdrawn, and that their protests would continue till then.
“We do not believe the state government and unless the bill is withdrawn from the Assembly on August 26, our agitation will continue. We will recognise the state government’s statement only when the chief minister formally withdraws the bill,” said Biraj Adhikari, president of the Sikkim National People’s Party, after a meeting of all Opposition parties in Gangtok today.
Sources said Chamling and the governor met twice yesterday: once during the finals of the state Independence Day football tournament at Palzos Stadium and again at the Raj Bhavan.
“The governor and the chief minister were engaged in several moments of conversation during Chamling’s one-hour stay from 5.30pm at the Raj Bhavan tea party. The Opposition political parties had stayed away from Raj Bhavan as a mark of protest against the tabling of what they had been terming a ‘black bill’,” a source present at the Raj Bhavan yesterday said.
“It seems the governor impressed upon the chief minister that he does not have any option but to refer the bill to the President since it contains aspects like ‘preserving peace among communities on grounds of religion, race or caste, as well as child labour’ — subjects that are already on the concurrent list with strong central laws,” the source said.
Once the bill is sent to the President for approval, there is no guarantee it will be passed. “The President might not sign the bill and put it on the backburner, which can be an embarrassment for the ruling party,” a legal expert said.
The Sikkim Himali Parishad had organised a black-flag protest here on Sunday against the bill and eight of their supporters were arrested for causing “public nuisance”.
August 30 date for panel meet - Morcha uneasy about delay in territory committee’s work
VIVEK CHHETRI. TT, Darjeeling, Aug. 16: The joint verification committee will hold its first meeting in Calcutta on August 30 at a time the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha is worried that there has been no progress in the functioning of the panel that will look into the party’s territory demand.
The committee has been constituted to consider the Morcha’s demand for the inclusion of Gorkha-dominated areas in the Dooars and the Terai in the proposed Gorkhaland Territorial Administration.
Anil Verma, administrator of the DGHC and the convener of the committee, said: “It has been decided that the panel will hold its first meeting in Calcutta on August 30. Since it has been agreed that the committee will frame its own rules and regulation for its functioning, there is hope that efforts will be made in this regard at the first meeting.”
The decision to hold the meeting comes at a time a section of Morcha leaders started feeling “uneasy” about the lack of progress in the work of the 10-member committee although the state government had appointed a retired high court judge Shyamal Sen as the chairperson.
While the Morcha will be represented by four leaders in the verification committee, the district magistrates of Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling and an official of the home department will be government members. The Centre will be represented by the director of the census. As the convener, Anil Verma will conduct the meeting and co-ordinate with the members.
As the JVC is yet to get down to work, the formation of the GTA might be pushed back as the Morcha has made it clear that elections to the new body should be held only after the committee submits its report.
The Morcha believes the government might not place the GTA bill in the current Assembly session. “We are getting a feeling that the state government might not place the bill in the current session. They might do so in the winter session,” said a Morcha leader.
Some Morcha leaders are also apprehensive that the government is not comfortable with the transfer of the lucrative forest department to the GTA. “Even though the government has agreed to hand over all wings of the forest department (the issue regarding the handing over of reserved forests has been referred to the Centre), the authorities might be having second thoughts on the issue now. We are, however, closely monitoring the state government’s moves,” said a Morcha leader.
The other issue, which the Morcha believes could delay the placing of the bill in the Assembly in the ongoing session, is the “double standard” of a section of tea planters.
“The planters are telling us that they are happy that the tauzi department has been transferred to the GTA. But we are getting a feeling that they are sending their representatives to their contacts in the state government with a different take on the issue and are maintaining double standards. However, we have not yet got any concrete proof on this,” said the leader.
The bill has to be passed by the Assembly to put in place the GTA. The CPM has already cried hoarse over the GTA agreement, saying many of its provisions are unconstitutional.
“How can they have a three tier panchayat system for the GTA area without a constitutional amendment? The issue of territory will stir the hornet’s nest. The agreement is contradictory to the present state government’s stand as it talks about setting up a special economic zone,” said CPM leader Asok Bhattacharya.
Bhattacharya also wanted to know the logic of the refusal to provide legislative powers to the new body. “The Morcha had demanded such powers. The Centre and our government had agreed upon them. However, no such provision has been given to the GTA in the agreement, which is a letdown for the people of the Darjeeling hills.”
The Morcha has said it does not want to set up the GTA by amending the Constitution of India as that would be deemed as a permanent settlement. Without a constitutional recognition, the body cannot have legislative powers on transferred subjects.
Tea unions to wait a week for wage deal
TT, Siliguri/Jaigaon, Aug. 16: Trade unions today said they would resume agitation after a week if tea planters failed to arrive at a decision on garden workers’ wages by then, the announcement coming after a request from tea managements to come up with a realistic demand.
But the rift among the trade unions continued even as the Adivasi Vikas Parishad’s labour wing scaled down their demand to Rs 90 a day. In the last tripartite talks, they had demanded Rs 130, although in public — specially on banners and during slogans — they continued to claim that they wanted a daily wage of Rs 250 for tea workers.
Currently, the workers are paid Rs 67 a day.
The Adivasi-backed union, however, is not a member of any of the two apex bodies of trade unions, which till sometime back had been negotiating together. But today, the Defence Committee for Plantation Workers’ Rights alleged that the other apex body — the Coordination Committee of Plantation Workers — was keeping them away from the wage discussions.
In Jalpaiguri, the Co-ordination Committee, consisting mostly of Left trade unions, said it was willing to give a week’s time to the planters. “They had sent us a letter, urging us to consider the production cost of tea and place a realistic demand for the revised wages. We have information that the state government might convene another round of meeting in the next three-four days. We are willing to wait for another week before we decide on further course of action.”
Observers in the industry said the Coordination Committee with its Left constituents was trying to create a pressure on the Mamata Banerjee government, which had underestimated Citu’s clout in the gardens. On Friday, both the apex bodies had called a bandh which had shut down north Bengal for 12 hours, a move that had not gone down well with Mamata who has been asking people to shun bandhs for a pro-development image. Except for a handful, the rest of the 208 gardens in the Dooars and the Terai were shut on Friday. The Adivasi union, which had not joined the strike, could do little to keep open the gardens where there is a considerable presence of Citu and Intuc.
The Defence Committee, which had supported the strike, today came down heavily on the Co-ordination Committee.
“We had agreed in a meeting on July 23 that both the apex bodies would agitate jointly for revised wages. But today, they held a meeting among themselves. We were left out. This step has shocked us,” said Samir Roy, the convener of the Defence Committee.
“We want to make it clear that if they want to do nothing with us, we will not abide by any decision taken by them. Senior trade union leaders must understand that the negotiation has been hampered because of a separate stand taken by one single trade union (PTWU). Now if there is a split among ourselves, it would further affect collective bargaining,” Roy said.
The convener of the Coordination Committee, Chitta Dey, has however, brushed aside the allegations. “We had certain internal issues to discuss and there is no question of avoiding the other apex body. Certain decisions were taken today and we will, in a day or two, intimate the Defence Committee so that they can in turn inform their constituent unions,” he said.
In Nagrakata, the Adivasi labour wing, the Progressive Tea Workers’ Union, said it was withdrawing its three-day general strike from August 22.
“We decided to withdraw the three-day general strike from August 22 as the state government seems to be sincere in resolving the crisis,” Tezkumar Toppo, the PTWU vice-chairman, said after the meeting.
On Friday, Mamata threatened to enact a law banning strikes, referring to the spate of shutdowns and the embargo imposed by the Adivasi union on the despatch of tea in north Bengal. On Sunday, PTWU leaders met north Bengal development minister Gautam Deb, who had told them that the government should be given some time to resolve their problems. After that, the trade union lifted the tea strike for August 17 and 18 and the embargo as well.
“Tomorrow, we will hold gate meetings in each garden to apprise our supporters of the decision and the progress we have achieved so far. We will then wait till August 25 and if no development is seen till then, our movement would resume the next day,” Toppo said.
The PTWU today also admitted that they had scaled down their demand from Rs 250 a day to Rs 130 during the last round of negotiations with the planters. “Again, considering the request of planters to think of production costs and the tea prices, today we decided to reduce the daily wage demand to Rs 90 per day,” Toppo said. “We want Rs 90 to be paid immediately as revised wage for the first year, followed by annual increments in the next two years. Under no circumstances, will we come down further.”
Rs 2 lakh for flood victim kin
TT,Calcutta, Aug. 16: The state government today announced that Rs 2 lakh would be given to the next of kin of the 21 people who had died in the state in the flood-like situation till yesterday.
Government officials said six more persons had died since yesterday and a decision would be taken later. Officials at the Writers’ Buildings have said even though some rivers, including Damodar in Howrah, Jamuna in North 24-Parganas, Jalangi in Murshidabad and Rupnarayan and Chandia in West Midnapore are flowing above the danger level, the water levels are receding. Around 26 lakh people in 209 blocks and 60 municipalities in 14 districts were affected. Nearly 29,500 villagers have taken shelter in 268 relief camps across the state.
Garden reopen
TT, Jaigaon: Bharnobari Tea Estate will reopen on Wednesday, officials of the garden said. The estate had been closed since August 5 following an altercation between the management and the workers who demanded immediate transfer of a manager.
Shot dead
TT, Malda: A labour supplier was called out of his house and shot dead in an orchard near his home in Kaliachak on Tuesday. Matin Sheikh, 35, of Gayeshbari Nayabasti, was preparing to leave for Jamirghata station when Sadiqul Sheikh and four-five others called him out. They allegedly took him to an orchard and shot him in the head, stomach and chest five times. Police said Matin, a Congress worker, had been arrested in connection with a robbery in Rajasthan in 2001. After his release, he started working as a labour supplier.
Dress code
TT, Alipurduar: The people of Bhutnirhat have promised not to harass teachers of the local high school over their dress. Residents of the village, 38km from here, had threatened to shut down Bhutnirhat High School if the teachers came in salwar-kameez. At a meeting between the teachers, the local people and the BDO, on Tuesday the villagers said they had not objection to salwar-kameez. The teachers in turn promised to come on time and organise a programme celebrating the 10th anniversary of the school.

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