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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Rallies held in Nagaland for creation of new state called Frontier Nagaland ... Visarev investment fails to meet Dec 31 payment deadline

GJM has and had no option
Special Correspondent, KalimNews: The proposed bandh called by GJM  starting from 12th January is the last option to express its anguish over the present stalemate regarding formation of GRA. 
There was slow progress regarding the matters related to the GRA MOA / MOU draft preparation with the central government at the same time there was differences in opinion and objective among the state government and GJM regarding some matters of GRA. On the other hand it was quite evident that GJM was more eager and excited to opt for the formation of GRA as the only alternative and  immediate solution of the Gorkhaland demand. 
To speak the truth Bengal government was completely negative to come into any conclusive settlement of the present agitation prevailing in Darjeeling Hills and Dooars. It was successful in buying time and the Madan Tamang murder accompanied with Nicole Tamang escape  were the catalysts for the delay.
As anti GJM parties are crying against the GJM's option for GRA certain group of common people too are not satisfied with the GJM's statement for accepting GRA as the temporary solution of 3 year old agitation. People also are not happy with the involvement  of party leaders with contractors for development works and repetition of similar trend seen during the GNLF regime.
As the party strength of GJM is getting weaker and people are now opting for other parties including GNLF leaving GJM, it had no option than to go for a common programme to reach and affect everyone the people, party workers, the government and administration.
Telangana is a pretext but a cause to the party workers who follow the party blindly obeying the high command as in the days of  GNLF. Srikrishna Committee report did not propose the formation of Telangana as the only option otherwise there would have been bursting of crackers and victory rallies instead of demonstrations. 
It is now evident that no one fromm the Government side is in favour of Gorkhaland and WB Govt is not keen on giving nothing less than to it also. It is clear to GJM that Gorkhaland is an impossible demand when there is LF govt in the state and Congress in the center but it cannot leave the demand right here as it has no other alternative and has come to blind alley. GJM now has no option than to go and stick to the demand of Gorkhaland for its existence. In doing so it may be successful in winning the hearts of many who still think that Gorkhaland is the one and only demand I support and long for.
Of course GJM doubts that not all of the common cadres of the party are sincere and they will run after money if offered more than what they are able to grab now. But it has no option but still common people who are sincere and have Gorkhaland running in their every last drop of the blood will surely support it specially Bimal Gurung. People have no confidence in other leaders and so called intellectuals who proved their sincerity or allegiance to the party just after the Madan Tamang murder incident. And the anti GJM parties too will have no other option than to support GJM.
बन्द होइन भन्छ भने विपक्षीले वलियो कार्यक्रम सुझाओस्‌-डा.छेत्री

Manoj Bogati, Darjeeling, कालेबुङ,8 जनवरी। तेलंगना मुद्दाले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको मुद्दालाई ठण्डा पारिदिएपछि मोर्चाले केन्द्रिय कुटनीति र तेलंगनाको राजनैतिक उन्नतिलाई ध्यानमा राख्दै घोषणा गरेको पहाड़ बन्दको कुरालाई विपक्षले जनप्रताड़ित बताएको छ। पहाड़मा बन्द गरेर कुनै फाइदा नरहेको अनि यो जनताले मोर्चाको प्राधिकरण थाप्ने सपना वा प्रस्तावनालाई नमानेपछि जनतामाथि रिस्‌ खन्याएको मात्र रहेको विपक्षले बताउन थालेपछि मोर्चाको बन्दको पूर्व कार्यक्रम निक्कै विवादमा आइरहेको छ। 

आज यसै सन्दर्भमा कालेबुङका पत्रकारहरूले मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीसित प्रश्न गर्दा तिनले विपक्षमाथि ठाड़ो प्रतिक्रिया गरेका छन्‌। तिनले भने, बन्द मोर्चाको कार्यक्रम होइन। मोर्चाले रुचाएर बन्द गरेको होइन। बन्द मोर्चालाई थोपिएको छ। विपक्षका साथीहरूले बन्द नगर भन्छ भने बन्दभन्दा बलियो कार्यक्रम गरेर देखाओस्‌। बन्द नगरेर के गर्नु त? दिल्लीगामी कार्यक्रम? 11 पल्ट हामी त दिल्लीमा केन्द्र सरकारसित वार्तामा बसिसकेका छौं। दिल्लीगामी कार्यक्रम गर्न हामीलाई सिकाउनुपर्दैन। 

बन्द नगर  भन्छ भने त्यो भन्दा बलियो कार्यक्रम लिएर आओस्‌। नत्र मोर्चाले गरेको कार्यक्रममाथि राजनैतिक बैदारजस्तो भएर नअह्राओस्‌। विपक्ष के राजनैतिक दर्शक हुने त? उनीहरू नबस्ने भोकहड्तालमा? केवल राजनैतिक दर्शक हौ भने बाहिरबाट टिप्पणी नगर। सक्छौ भने कार्यक्रम गरेर देखाउ। तिनी भागोपसमेतले मोर्चाको केन्द्रिय समिति भोकहड़तालमा बस्ने कुरालाई स्वागतयोग्य बताएकोमा रिसाए। 

तिनले भने, मोर्चाले गरेको आन्दोलनमाथि भागोपलाई टिप्पणी गर्ने कुनै अधिकार छैन। भागोपले आन्दोलन गरेको छैन। 22वटा राज्यमा सङ्गठन छ भन्नेले कार्यक्रम पनि गरेर देखाओस्‌। जसले कार्यक्रम गर्दैछ त्यसमा टिप्पणी गर्ने अधिकार भागोपलाई छैन। तिनले विपक्ष( भागोपसहित)ले कार्यक्रम भने नगर्ने अनि मोर्चाले गरेको कार्यक्रममाथि नकरात्मक टिप्पणी मात्र गर्ने कार्यलाई जनताले ध्यानमा राख्नुपर्ने अनि उनीहरू मुद्दामाथि गम्भीर नरहेको बुझ्नुपर्ने पनि तिनले बताए। 

तिनले गोरानिमोका दावा पाखरिनलाई पनि औचित्यहीन कार्यक्रम गरिरहेको आरोप लगाए। तेलंगना कमिशनमा पुगिसकेकोबेला जन्तरमन्तरमा धर्ना दिनु वेकारको कार्य रहेको तिनले बताए। डा.छेत्री अशोक भट्टाचार्यले पहाड़मा पनि आयोगले तेलंगनालाई सुझाएजस्तै स्वायत्त शासन दिनुपर्छ भन्ने विषयमा गरेको टिप्पणीप्रति पनि प्रतिक्रिया गरे। तिनले भने,पहाड़मा के चाहिन्छ भन्नेबारे पहाड़ नै बोल्छ। अशोकलाई बोल्ने अधिकार छैन। तेलंगनाले स्वायत्त शासन मानेको छैन, उनीहरू राज्यको निम्ति अड़िग छन्‌। हामी पनि अडिग छौं। आयोग नै अन्योलपूर्ण छ। जबसम्म पहाड़ बङ्गाल अधिनस्त रहन्छ  तबसम्म पहाड़मा कुनै पनि विकास हुनसक्दैन। यसको उदाहरण हिलडेभलोपमेन्ट काउन्सिल र दागोपाप छँदैछ। मोर्चा गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति अडिक छ।
Ralies held in Nagaland for creation of new state called Frontier Nagaland
IFP, Dimapur, Jan 7 (NNN): Nagas in four Nagaland districts carried out massive public rallies demanding the creation of a new state christened as 'Frontier Nagaland' by bifurcating Nagaland.
The rallies were held simultaneously in the districts of Tuensang, Mon, Kiphire and Longleng today. The rallies were organised by Eastern Nagaland People's Organisation (ENPO).
The ENPO, which is the apex organization of six Naga tribes including Konyak, Khiamniungan, Chang, Yimchunger, Sangtam and Phom confining in the four districts, has submitted a memorandum to the Prime Minister urging him to realize the demand.
“Our demand for the creation of Frontier Nagaland is based on historical facts. This is something like going back to the earlier arrangement when the entire area was under the erstwhile Tuensang Frontier Division of NEFA,” ENPO general secretary Toshi Wungpung said.
Mentionably, before Nagaland’s attainment of statehood in 1963, the entire area was under the Tuensang Frontier Division of NEFA. Mon, Kiphire and Longleng districts were carved out of Tuensang post-statehood.
Toshi Wungmung alleges that for decades, gross injustice has been done to the people of these four districts by the successive governments, both in the state and at the centre.
“Of the 11 districts in Nagaland, these four backward districts have almost half of the state’s total population. But despite that, they continue to remain extremely under-developed,” the ENPO general secretary said. He added that only three per cent of the total population of the four districts was into government jobs. “It is a democratic and people’s movement based on fundamental issues. The people in the four districts have their wholehearted support to it,” Wungmung added.
So far, the Nagaland Government has not spoken out anything. But the Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee has appealed to the people of the four districts, called Eastern Nagas, to reconsider their demand.
The Nagaland Pradesh Congress Committee (NPCC) said, “At a time when the Nagas have expressed their willingness and taken concrete practical steps to reconcile with one another and unite for a lasting Indo-Naga political solution, the Congress appeals to our Eastern Naga brothers [and sisters] to reconsider their stand in the interest of the Nagas in general".
Visarev investment fails to meet Dec 31 payment deadline
IFP, IMPHAL Jan 5: The Visarev Investment Company has failed to pay dues to investors of the state confirming the fraud it carried out through the internet.
The website of the company had claimed that the backlog payments of investors would be cleared within December 31, 2010 and it is self evident that the claim has not emerged in reality. The company owes several crores as payments have to be cleared for at least three months.
In the meantime, several self acclaimed leaders of Visarev have left the state for Bangalore to allegedly demand that the company clears the debt. It is still not clear of how far that is true as the Visarev Company is based at Malaysia.
The alleged CEO of the company, namely one James in an advertisement on the company website states that investors should come to Malaysia to attend a meeting scheduled on January 12 and should arrive by January 5 at the venue. There is no accurate report on how many investors from Manipur is going to attend the meeting.
It may be remembered that, IFP reported that the Visarev company has collapsed in the paper’s December 8, 2010 edition and two newspapers had carried a misleading advertisement that the report was false and payments will be made within December 31,2010. The advertisement which came in the form of a press clarification was not authentic as there was no name of the CEO, seal or stamp of the company. The bearers of the clarification were also not officials of Visarev, and as per their statement, they were simply running an errand. IFP had refused to publish the clarification on grounds of being unauthentic.
As angry investors have begun demanding their returns, a similar notification allegedly from Visarev began circulating that the payments will be made within January 2010, and the hold up was due to a global financial crisis. It is clear that this notification is forged as there is no similar advertisement in the Visarev website at present.
An investor who wishes to remain anonymous told IFP, “I have invested more than 10 lacs in Visarev in August 2010. I still have to get back more than 8 lacs as the company has not paid returns since October last. I am at a complete loss at what to do and where to complain”.
Similar complaints could be heard as numerous investors from all walks of life have started voicing their apprehension whether they have been had.
“ I am keeping my fingers crossed in the hope that Visarev pays out soon , otherwise there will be so many unwanted incidents waiting to happen”, said another investor.
It is clearly evident that Visarev is a pyramid scam and the investors have run dry.

Violence abates on border, vigil up
TT, Shillong/Dhubri, Jan. 8: The situation in the Garo and Rabha-dominated areas on the Assam-Meghalaya border is slowly returning to normal, with no fresh reports of any untoward incident coming in today from the violence-hit areas.
Other than a few cases of arson last night, the border remained clam throughout the day at Mendipathar and Resubelpara, the vulnerable areas of the East Garo Hills district in Meghalaya.
One house belonging to a Garo was torched at Nokel Awe in Williamnagar in the wee hours today. The target was a Rabha tenant who, however, had already left the place.
The district administration even relaxed the curfew from 2pm to 5pm today in the affected areas.
In the meantime, the Meghalaya government has restricted movement of state legislators through Goalpara till the situation turns to normal, keeping in view the narrow escape of an MLAdelegation from a Goalpara village, where they had to face an angry mob. The administration has also cautioned people against taking the Goalpara route to Garo Hills.
Among other measures, chief minister Mukul Sangma, who is camping in Delhi, is expected to meet Union home minister P. Chidambaram and defence minister A.K. Anthony to chalk out an effective mechanism to check the ethnic clashes. The need to have a joint inquiry will also figure in the meeting.
But for the thousands of people languishing in various relief camps on both sides of the border, the journey back home might take some more time, as according to the All Rabha Students Union (Arsu), “some elements are hell-bent on creating disturbance” in the affected areas.
The student body has demanded deployment of the army, as the paramilitary forces and Assam battalion currently deployed in the sensitive areas are inadequate to deal with the “criminals and militants” active there.
The Arsu also submitted memoranda to Assam and Meghalaya chief ministers demanding compensation of Rs 10 lakh to the next kin of those killed, and also Rs 10 lakh for those whose houses were torched.
On the other side of the border, briefing the press today about the situation in Goalpara, deputy superintendent of police Lankeswar Medhi said the situation was improving gradually.
He also said a meeting with Rabha and Garo leaders was held at Kukurkata police station today. Goalpara additional deputy commissioner Naresh Ghose told the The Telegraph that there were altogether 3,12,035 camp inmates, belonging to both Rabha and Garo communities, currently taking shelter in 25 relief camps in Goalpara district.
The Goalpara district administration relaxed curfew from 9am to noon today.
Govt sniffs rebel hand
TT, Jan. 8: The Bengal government today said it had “evidence” suggesting Maoist involvement in the Netai violence, a day after denying knowledge about such a role.
“Basically, we are looking at all angles and that includes Maoist involvement. We have got some evidence in this regard,” home secretary G.D. Gautama said.
Yesterday afternoon, Gautama had said: “We have no knowledge of the involvement of Maoists.”
But West Midnapore police chief Manoj Verma had said last night that “some Maoists had pressured the villagers to drive out the homeless people who had returned”.
Verma today submitted a report to Gautama. According to sources, the report said “homeless people” had “taken shelter” in local CPM leader Rathin Dandapath’s house.
The report added the “homeless people” were discussing how to return to their villages last morning when “some 2,000-2,500 people ghe-raoed Dandapath’s house”.
The sound of “bombs and crackers were heard from behind the mob” after some time, followed by “indiscriminate firing by armed miscreants”.
Verma said “evidence suggests that Maoists and members of the PCPA” were “behind the villagers”.
Chief secretary Samar Ghosh did not give a direct answer to questions if the “armed miscreants” were from both sides. “It’s a matter of inference who was armed and who wasn’t,” Ghosh said.
CPM woes
CPM supporters in Netai today claimed the local people had forced them to join the protest outside the cadre camp and had threatened to ransack their houses if they refused.
One such supporter, Champa Mondal, who suffered a pellet injury in her right shoulder during yesterday’s firing, said she was standing outside her house with her sister-in-law when a group of villagers marching towards the CPM camp ordered them to follow.
“They told us they were going to the camp to protest the high-handedness of the cadres and asked us to join them. When we hesitated, they threatened to ransack our house,” Champa said.
She said People’s Committee activists used to force local CPM supporters into joining their rallies the same way.
Bullets fly after ‘blank fire’
Sanjay Mandal, TT, Calcutta, Jan. 8: A Nitai resident today said a “group of 10-12 people” fired in the air from a field opposite the CPM camp, triggering a retaliation from the cadres.
Rabi Sen, a farmer, escaped unhurt but a bullet pierced his brother Dilip’s left eye.
Rabi, in his mid 20s, yesterday admitted Dilip to SSKM hospital. Doctors said he had lost the eye.
Rabi said he used to cook food for the “harmads” at the Netai camp and also guard it from 3pm to 4am.
“Yesterday, I went to the CPM camp at our village with around 2,000 local people,” he said.
“As we were talking with the harmads, local CPM leader Abani Singh came out of the house,” Rabi recounted.
“When we told him that we would no longer take arms training, Singh replied that a decision on the issue could only be taken by the DG of the harmads,” Rabi said.
He said that suddenly, “10-12 persons” armed with shotguns appeared on the field opposite the camp and “started firing in the air”.
“It was then that those inside the camp started firing indiscriminately,” Rabi said.
Rabi said “24 people stayed in local CPM leader Rathin Dandapath’s home”.
Netai residents Tapas Mondal and Arati Mondal, who are receiving treatment at SSKM, also said there was indiscriminate firing from inside the camp. While Tapas took a bullet in his thigh, Arati was hit in the abdomen.
SSKM officials said three of the seven who had been brought from Netai were in critical condition.
Bengal’s government has failed
SNS, 9 Jan: IT is nothing short of perverse escapism to engage in a futile debate on the use of the expression harmad in the Union home minister’s letter to the chief minister when the administration demonstrates a shameless incapacity to cope with an orgy of violence. That another spate of killings has occurred at Lalgarh, the epicentre of a virtual war over a considerable period of time, confirms that no steps have been taken after repeated reminders about the state’s fundamental responsibilities.
Mr Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee had assured the Home Minister, Mr P Chidambaram that he would try to disarm party cadres without admitting in as many words that armed camps existed. It didn’t need eight more villagers, many of them women, to be gunned down and many more to be seriously injured to confirm a fact everyone in West Bengal is aware of. Whether such camps are needed to “defend’’ people driven out of homes or to help a political party regain control over a village is irrelevant. The point missed by the administration ~ and the party that virtually runs the government ~ is that there is no justification for any extra-constitutional authority to rule by the gun. Contradictory statements by elements in the administration, the pathetic sight of the DGP taking to his heels when pressed for answers and the deafening silence from the chief minister come when the situation has reached a flashpoint.
There are two serious problems in West Bengal today. One, the government appears to have little control over law and order. Two, the government is in a fiscal mess. Both are emergencies, and Mr Bhattacharjee’s government clearly lacks the wherewithal to deal with either. Add to this, the perils of existence in the state ~ the risk to life, armed attacks, student violence, the fear of disruption, protest meetings and traffic hold-ups in Kolkata almost every day ~ and the situation is clearly grim.
Bureaucrats and police officers straddle the fence, unsure of their future in a fast-evolving political situation. And politicians ~ of all hues ~ are stoking the fires by parading bodies, making allegations, encouraging violence and, quite frankly, lying through their teeth. Neither Mr Bhattacharjee nor his main opponent, Ms Mamata Banerjee, seem willing or able to defuse tensions; indeed, the two are largely responsible for the lawlessness that prevails, with support roles played by their party colleagues.
In essence, therefore, there is a clear case here for intervention by the Centre. So far this has taken the shape of a somewhat pointless exchange of correspondence between the Home Minister and the Chief Minister, culminating in Friday’s peremptory summons from New Delhi to Mr Bhattacharjee. Such meetings are meaningless because the government in Writers’ Buildings works at two levels ~ first as a creature of the Constitution and second as an extension of a political party.
And as we come closer to the assembly election, administrative responsibilities are being overwhelmed by political needs, and in far greater measure than ever before during the CPI-M’s long spell in office. The West Bengal Governor has expressed himself rather strongly by calling this a decisive stage for the government to act “before it becomes a point of no return”. With respect, that point has already been reached. It is necessary, indeed vital for the Governor to brief the Centre on the state of affairs that exists. It is even more necessary for the Centre to then act. Mr Bhattacharjee has failed to do his job. 

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