Workshop on Hazards and critical environmental issues held
KalimNews, Kalimpong, 23 November: Critical matters related to earthquake, landslide, water scarcity and waste management were discussed during a workshop held today at Ramkrishna Rangamanch of Kalimpong. N.L.Sherpa SDO Kalimpong was the chief guest of the programme while PR Pradhan ex- Sabhatipati of Zilla Parishad presided the meeting attended by about seven hundred spectators. Representatives of branches of Krishak Kalyan sangathan of different areas, NGOs, schools and others attended the workshop on hazards and critical environmental issues in the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya.
Resource persons presented talk and power point presentations on different critical matters and hazards related to environment with technical details in the programme organised by Krishak Kalyan Sangathan and co hosted by Kalimpong Press Club, Save the hills and Sustainable Hill Engineering Design .
Dr Malay Mukul Roy Asst Professor of Department of Earth science IIT Mumbai presented his paper on seismicity of the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya and highlighted the hazards to be faced by the hill people if not properly precautioned. Gayatri Kharel structural engineer and a member of SHED spoke on the earthquake resistant and non engineered buildings. Kharel stressed on houses built with Igra and engineered by structure engineer.
Wing Commander Praful Rao of STH cautioned that landslide hazards may occur with devastating disaster after five months in the next year if no preventive measures are taken. Roshan Rai Director of DLR Prerna highlighted the waste dumping management system in Darjeeling and spoke on solid waste management in the Darjeeling Sikkim Himalaya. He cited that unless our attitude changes the hazards will continue. He stressed on the reduce, reuse and recycle of the waste produces.
Priya Shrestha of WWF, Gangtok presented a news technique and ways to recharge the drying springs. G.N.Raha of Indian meteorological department of Gangtok highlighted the trends in the changes of weather patterns. Interactions after each talk was very fruitful and impressive.
Bishnu Chhetri, Secretary of KKS welcomed the guests of the programme in which Monima Norbu was the MC and A.K.Rai gave vote of thanks.
भुइँचालो, जलवायु परिवर्तन र डम्पिङमाथि कार्यशाला ‘अब बॉंच्ने दिन केवल पॉंच महिना’
नगरपालिकाले मैला 'फ्यॉंक्छु' भन्नु नै गैरकानूनी हो|
नगरपालिकाले 'मैला व्यवस्थापन' गर्छु भन्नु पर्छ।
टिस्टानदीमा जुन हाइडल प्रजेक्टहरू भइरहेको छ, त्यसको कारण भुइँचालो आएको होइन|
सबैभन्दा उत्तम र सुरक्षित घर भनेको नै इग्राको घर हो|
अब बॉंच्ने दिन केवल पॉंच महिना छ| यो पॉंच महिनाभित्रमा बॉंच्ने उपायहरू आलम्बन गरिनुपर्छ|
भुइँचालो त आउँछ तर मान्छे मार्न आउँदैन, मान्छे मार्छ भने बिल्डिङले|

भुइँचालो, जलवायु परिवर्तन र डम्पिङमाथि कार्यशाला ‘अब बॉंच्ने दिन केवल पॉंच महिना’
नगरपालिकाले मैला 'फ्यॉंक्छु' भन्नु नै गैरकानूनी हो|
नगरपालिकाले 'मैला व्यवस्थापन' गर्छु भन्नु पर्छ।
टिस्टानदीमा जुन हाइडल प्रजेक्टहरू भइरहेको छ, त्यसको कारण भुइँचालो आएको होइन|
सबैभन्दा उत्तम र सुरक्षित घर भनेको नै इग्राको घर हो|
अब बॉंच्ने दिन केवल पॉंच महिना छ| यो पॉंच महिनाभित्रमा बॉंच्ने उपायहरू आलम्बन गरिनुपर्छ|
भुइँचालो त आउँछ तर मान्छे मार्न आउँदैन, मान्छे मार्छ भने बिल्डिङले|

मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, २३ नोभेम्बर| महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले नढॉंटी भने- 'नगरपालिकामा धेर जस्तो बिल्डिङ प्लानिङ बिना नै जबरजस्ती बनाइन्छ| यसमा अघिल्ला नगरपालिका बोर्डको भूल छ| पॉंच तल्लासम्मको अनुमति हुन्छ तर बनाउँछ आठ तल्ला| भुइँचालो आउँदा उनीहरु नै सरकारले क्षतिपूर्ति दिनुपर्छ भनेर अघि आउँछन्| यस्तो विडम्बना छ पहाडमा|
कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लब, कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठन, सेड अनि सेभ हिल्सले भुइँचालोपछि पहिलोपल्ट आपदा अनि जलवायु परिवर्तनको असरमाथि-कार्यशाला गर्यो, जसको निचोड थियो आफ्नो भविष्यको व्यवस्थापन आफै गरौं| यसै कार्यक्रमका मुख्य अतिथि शेर्पाले कार्यक्रम सकेपछि आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा लाखौं खर्च गरेर बिल्डिङ बनाउनेहरूले नाली नबनाएकोले नै पैह्रो निम्ताएको बताइरहेका थिए| सेस्मिक जोन-चारमा आएको यसपल्टको ६.८ रेक्टर् स्केलको भुइँचालोले यसरी बिल्डिङ बनाउनेहरूको आँखा उघार्ने काम गर्यो भन्नु भ्रम मात्र रहेको बताउँदै तिनले निचोड दिए, जबसम्म आफैलाई बँचाउने व्यवस्थापनमा नागरिकहरू सचेत बन्दैनन् भुँइचालो, पैह्रो अनि मैलाले समस्या उत्पन्न गर्न छोड्दैन|
कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लब, कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठन, सेड अनि सेभ हिल्सले भुइँचालोपछि पहिलोपल्ट आपदा अनि जलवायु परिवर्तनको असरमाथि-कार्यशाला गर्यो, जसको निचोड थियो आफ्नो भविष्यको व्यवस्थापन आफै गरौं| यसै कार्यक्रमका मुख्य अतिथि शेर्पाले कार्यक्रम सकेपछि आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा लाखौं खर्च गरेर बिल्डिङ बनाउनेहरूले नाली नबनाएकोले नै पैह्रो निम्ताएको बताइरहेका थिए| सेस्मिक जोन-चारमा आएको यसपल्टको ६.८ रेक्टर् स्केलको भुइँचालोले यसरी बिल्डिङ बनाउनेहरूको आँखा उघार्ने काम गर्यो भन्नु भ्रम मात्र रहेको बताउँदै तिनले निचोड दिए, जबसम्म आफैलाई बँचाउने व्यवस्थापनमा नागरिकहरू सचेत बन्दैनन् भुँइचालो, पैह्रो अनि मैलाले समस्या उत्पन्न गर्न छोड्दैन|
कार्यशालाले अब सबैको आँखा उघार्यो कि?
कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लब, कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठन, सेड अनि सेभ द हिल्सलाई लाग्यो भर्खर १८ सितम्बरले जुन संत्रास फैलाएर गयो, यसबारे समीक्षा हुनुपर्छ| समीक्षासित नै आउने समस्याहरूसित बॉंच्ने उपायहरूबारे जिल्लावासीलाई सचेत गराइनुपर्छ| यही कुरामा मतो मिलेपछि आयोजित कार्याशालामा सेभ द हिल्सका निदेशक विङ कमाण्डर प्रफुल्ल रावले भने, अब बॉंच्ने दिन केवल पॉंच महिना छ| यो पॉंच महिनाभित्रमा बॉंच्ने उपायहरू आलम्बन गरिनुपर्छ| तिनको आशय थियो अब मनसुन आउन पॉंच महिना बॉंकी छ| किन भने यसपालिको मनसूनले व्यापक पैह्रो बोकेर आउने छ| तिनले यसपल्टको भुइँचालोबाट सिक्किम र दार्जीलिङ भाग्यले बॉंचेको बताउँदै भने, केवल १५ सेकेण्ड मात्र, आइतबार, सॉंझमा अनि झरी रोकिएको बेला भुइँचालो आउनु नै हाम्रो भाग्य थियो| तर यही भुइँचालोबाट हाम्रो दुर्भाग्य शुरू भएको छ किन भने यसपल्टको भुइँचालोले सिक्किम र दार्जीलिङलाई व्यापकरुपले चर्काएको छ अनि यसपल्टको बर्खामा ती चर्किएको ठाउँ व्यापक पैह्रो जाने निश्चित छ|
तुलनीय हिसाबमा झरीको मात्रा र प्रकारमा फरक आएको छ| एकैदिनमा महिना दिनमा पर्नु पर्ने झरी आयो भने पैह्रो निश्चित हुने छ| बीआईएसको रिपोर्ट अनुसार हिमालय क्षेत्रमा ठूलो बिल्डिङ बनाउने अनुमति छैन तर हिमालय क्षेत्रमा नै ठूला बिल्डिङहरू बनिरहेको छ| 'ड्रेनेज सिस्टम' ठीक छैन| जब पनि आपदा आउँछ तब आपदालाई कम्ति गर्ने होइन सरकारले पनि करोडौरुपले क्षति भएको संसाधनको पुन निर्माणमा खचर्र् गर्ने गर्छ|'सिस्टम' यहीं ठीक छैन| अब पॉंच महिनापछि फेरि पक्का आपदा आउँछ, तब के गर्ने भत्किएको बनाउनमा खर्च गर्ने कि आपदाबाट बॉंच्ने पूर्वाधारहरू तयार पार्ने? पॉंच महिनामा नै सबै कुरा तय गरिनु मात्र होइन, कार्यान्वयन गरिनुपर्छ| तिनले आफ्नो निचोडमा भने, मानवकृत समस्यालाई मान्छेले नै कम्ति गर्न सक्छ, तर यसको निम्ति चाहिन्छ सचेतता|
संरचना अभियन्ता गायत्री खरेलले रावको कुराको चुरो पक्रिएर भनिन्, अहिलेसम्मको रेकर्डमा जसले पनि कंक्रिटको बिल्डिङ बनाए क्षति उनीहरूलाई नै भए| कि त बिल्डिङ भुइँचालोबाट बॉंच्ने योजना अनुसार बनाइएन, कि त माटोको परीक्षण गरिएन| बिल्डिङ बनाउन अघि यो क्षेत्र सेस्मिक जोन-४ मा पर्ने अनि जोन ५ बाट घेरिएको कुरामा ध्यान दिनुपर्छ| किन भने घर बनाउनु ठूलो कुरा होइन कसरी सुरक्षित घर बनाउनु त्यही ठूलो कुरा हो| तिनले त स्पष्टरुपमा सरकार र नागरिकहरूलाई सुझाव दिए, सबैभन्दा उत्तम र सुरक्षित घर भनेको नै इग्राको घर हो| सरकारले पहाडमा कुनै अनुसन्धान र वैज्ञानिक अनुसन्धानबिना नै बिल्डिङ बनाउने जुन नियमहरू बनाएको छ, खरेलको भनाइ अनुसार ती सबै हानिकारक छन्| सरकारले बनाउने योजना तराई केन्द्रित हुने गरेको छ अनि त्यसैलाई पहाडमा पनि लागू गर्ने गरेको छ, वास्तवमा यही कुरा पनि पहाडको निम्ति खतरा बनिरहेको खरेलको कुराले संकेत गरिरहेको थियो| तिनले भनिन्, म त घर बनाउनेहरुलाई जमीनलाई कम्ति भार हुने घर नै बनाउने सुझाव दिन्छु किन भने भुइँचालो आउँछ नै अनि त्यसबाट बॉंच्नु नै हाम्रो पुर्व योजना हुनुपर्छ|
तीनकै कुरालाई पुष्टि गर्दै अर्थ साइन्स आईआईटीका प्रोफेसर मलय मुकूलले भने, हिमालय क्षेत्रमा भुइँचालो त आउँछ नै किन भने यहॉं पहाड बनिने क्रम सकिएको छैन| पहाड बनिने क्रम लाखौं वर्षसम्म चल्ने छ अनि जबसम्म चल्ने छ तबसम्म भुइँकम्प हुन्छ नै| तिनको भनाइ अनुसार पहाड बन्ने क्रममा नै भर्खर पनि भुइँचालो आएको थियो| भुइँचालो आउने क्षेत्र रहेको कारण नै यो क्षेत्र सेस्मिक जोन-४ मा पर्छ| यसको सोझो अर्थ हो कुनै पनि बेला दार्जीलिङ-सिक्किममा भुइँचालो चल्छ नै| तर कहिले चल्छ त्यो भने किटान गर्न नसकिने मुकूलले भने| भुइँचालो त आउँछ तर मान्छे मार्न आउँदैन, मान्छे मार्छ भने बिल्डिङले| हाम्रो प्रयास अब भुइँचालोबाट बॉंच्ने होइन बिल्डिङबाट बॉंच्ने हुनुपर्छ-मुकूलले भने| तिनी अनुसार ठूला ठूला बिल्डिङ, योजनाहीन निर्माण अनि प्रविधिको ज्ञानबिना नै बनाइएका बिल्डिङहरू नै यमराज हुन्| आज तिनले के पनि खुलासा गरे भने १८ सेप्टेम्बरको दिए आएको भुइँचालोको एपी सेन्टर मङ्गन थिएन| सेन्टर थियो सिक्किम-नेपालको सीमाना, कञ्चनजङ्घाको निकट| यसकारण नै धेर जोखिम भएन| मङ्गन हुनु हो भने जोखिम धेर थियो|
यसैबीच अर्को प्रमुख कुरा पनि तिनले गरे, टिस्टानदीमा जुन हाइडल प्रजेक्टहरू भइरहेको छ, त्यसको कारण भुइँचालो आएको होइन| मङ्गन एपीक् सेन्टर थियो भने ड्यामलाई कारण मान्न सकिन्थ्यो तर यसको एपीसेन्टर सिक्किम-नेपालको सीमाना हो| टिस्टामा अहिलेसम्म ड्यामहरू बनिएको छैन, डिक्चुमा मात्र ड्याम बनिएको छ| ड्यामले जमीनमा भार उत्पन्न गर्छ अनि त्यही भारले एपी सेन्टर निर्माण गर्छ| डिक्चुको ड्यामले सिक्किम-नेपाल सिमानामा एपीक् सेन्टर निर्माण गर्यो भन्नु भूल कुरा हो| यसपालीको भुइँचालो ड्याम सम्बन्धित होइन किन भने एपीक् सेन्टर कञ्चनजङ्गा निकट थियो| तिनले पहाड बनिने क्रम चलिरहेकोले भुइँचालो चल्ने अनि यसबाट बॉंच्ने उपायहरूको आलम्बन नै बुद्धिमत्ता रहेको जनाए| भारतीय मौसम विभागका जी एन राहाले मौसम परिवर्तनबारे बताए भने प्रिया श्रेष्ठले धारा संरक्षणबारे अवगत गराए|
प्रेरणा सामाजिक संस्थाका संस्थापक रोशन राईले आज स्पष्ट पारे, नगरपालिकाले नगरको मैला फ्यॉंक्नु कानूनविरुद्ध कार्य हो| नगरपालिकाले मैला 'फ्यॉंक्छु' भन्नु नै गैरकानूनी हो| नगरपालिकाले 'मैला व्यवस्थापन' गर्छु भन्नु पर्छ| कालेबुङको पुरानो डम्पिङमा मैला फ्यॉंक्न नै समस्याको समाधान देख्नेहरूलाई तिनको यो टिप्पणी मुखभरिको मुक्का बनेको छ| मैलाको थुप्रोमा बस्न पल्केका अनि त्यो मैलाको जिम्मेवारी आफूले नलिने प्रवृति पालेका नगरवासीलाई तिनले भने, आफ्नो आगन बढारेर अर्काको घर पुर्ने काममा खुशी हुनु हुँदैन किन भने उसले आफ्नै घर पुरिरहेको छ| तिनको भनाइको अर्थ थियो नगरमा थुप्रिने मैलालाई नगरवासीले घरघरमा नै व्यवस्थापन गर्ने कार्य गरेन भने नगरको मैला कहॉं फ्यॉंक्ने? एक दिनमा थुप्रिने ४० मेट्रिक टन मैला केलाउनु र व्यवस्थापन गर्नु सम्भव कुरा होइन| तिनले आफूले थुपार्ने मैला आफै व्यवस्थापन गर्ने तक्निक अप्नाउनुपर्ने अनि नगरपालिकाले अवसर निर्माण गर्नुपर्ने बताए|
मानव निर्मित प्रकोपहरुकै कारण मानिसहरुको ज्यान धेर जाने गर्छन – प्रफुल्ल राव डी० के० वाइबा, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुंग, 23 नोभेम्बेर : दार्जीलिंग - सिक्किम हिमालय क्षेत्रहरुमा भइरहेको प्राकृतिक प्रकोपहरु अनि विविध संकट विषयमा भएको कार्यशालामा आज विशेषज्ञहरुले प्राकृतिक आपदा हुँदा आईपर्ने संकट र यससित जुझ्न अपनाउनु पर्ने सतर्कता बारे बार्ताहरु पेश गरे | कालेबुंग कृषक कल्याण संगठन अनि कालेबुंग प्रेस क्लबको आयोजनामा स्थानीय रामकृष्ण रंगमन्चमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा स्रोत व्यक्तिका रुपमा सेभ द हिल्सका प्रफुल्ल राव , गायत्री खरेल, प्रिया श्रेष्ट, रोशन राइ , मलय मुकुल, जी० एन० राहा उपस्थित रहेका थिए| शिक्षाविद पी० आर० प्रधानले अध्यक्षता गरेको कार्यक्रममा महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पा मुख्य अतिथिका रुपमा उपस्थित रहेका थिए| कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित रहेका श्रोत व्यक्तिहरुले विभिन्न विषयहरुमा आ- आफ्नो वार्ता पेश गरे भने प्राकृतिक प्रकोपहरू रोक्न नसकेतापनि यसबाट हुने नोक्सान भने के कसरी कम गर्न सकिन्छ भन्ने विषय बिशेषज्ञहरुले बताए |
कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै सेभ द हिल्सका प्रफुल्ल रावले पहाडमा पहिरोबाट हुने नोक्सान बारे अवगत गराउँदै यसलाई रोकथाम गर्न कसरी सकिन्छ भन्ने बारेमा पनि अवगत गराए | पहाडमा प्रति वर्ष पहिरोको चपेटमा परेर ज्यानको समेत नोक्सान हुने बताउँदै प्रत्येक समाजका नागरिकहरुले पहिरोको रोकथाम बारे पहल गर्नु पर्ने पनि अव्गात गराए| अहिले दार्जीलिंग पहाडमा पहिरोको कारणहरु हेर्दै जाँदा पप्राकृतिक नभएर मानव निर्मित धेर भएको पनि रावले जनाए| मानिसहरु आफ्नो सुविधालाई मध्य नजर राखेर मात्र कार्य गरिरहेको कारण पनि यस्ता खतराहरु सृजना हुने गरेको तिनले बताए |
मानिसहरु विभिन्न प्रकारका प्लास्टिकहरुको प्रयोग गरेर यसलाई व्यवस्थित तरिकाले नाफ्याकेर नाला र झोडाहरुमा फ्याक्दा अनि विल्डिंगहरु जथाभावी निर्माण गर्दा समेत पहिरो गएर मानिसहरुको ज्यान समेत गैरहेको पनि तिनले बताए|प्रतिवर्ष पहाडमा पहिरोको क्रम दोहोरिएको बताउँदै अझै पनि मानिसहरुको चेतना जाग्न नसकेको पनि रावले जनाए | प्राकृतिक प्रकोप पहिरो निश्चित रुपले जाने भएपनि यसबाट बाच्न र यसलाई रोकथाम गर्न मानिसहरुले सही समयमा पहल गर्नु पर्ने बताए| यसै क्रममा अर्का स्रोत व्यक्तिका रुपमा उपस्थित रहेको गायत्री खरेलले पहाडमा अधिकतर रुपमा बिना इन्जिनियर बनाइएका बहुतले भवनहरुको कारण पनि प्राकृतिक प्रकोपहरु पहिरो - भुइँचालो आउँदा खतरा हुने बताए| तिनले पहाडमा बनिने बहुतले भवनहरु इन्जिनियरको देखरेखमा निर्माण गर्न सके प्राकृतिक प्रकोपबाट मानिसहरुको ज्यान बाच्ने सम्भावना धेर हुने पनि जनाए| प्राकृतिक प्रकोप भुइँचालो कहिले र कतिबेला आउँछ कसैले पनि भन्न नसक्ने बताउँदै यस्ता प्रकोपहरू आउँदा कसरि मानिसहरु धेर बाच्न सक्छ भन्ने सतर्कता अपनाउन भने आवश्यक रहेको थप जानकारी गराए|तिनले भुइँचालो आउँदा कस्तो घरहरु मानिसहरुका निम्ति बस्न योग्य हुन सक्ने बताउँदै यस्ता कुराहरुमा पहाडमा धेर मानिसहरु अचेत नै रहेको पनि तिनले जनाए|
यसै क्रममा अर्को स्रोत व्यक्ति रोशन राइले " वेस्ट म्यानेजमेन्ट " विषयमा आफ्नो वार्ता राखे|तिनले पनि पहाडमा हुने प्राकृतिक घटनाहरुमा पहाडकै मानिसहरु दायित्वहिन भएको बताउँदै प्रत्येक नागरिकले समाजमा आफ्नो दायित्व बहन गर्नु पर्ने बताए|तिनले पहाडमा सालीड वेस्ट म्यानेजमेन्ट सही रुपमा नभएको बताउँदै प्रत्येक घर - घरबाट निस्कने मैलाहरुलाई सही व्यवस्थापन नगर्दा नै नाला र झोडाहरु बन्द भई विभिन्न घटनाहरु हुने गरेको बताए| प्रत्येक घरबाट उत्पन्न हुने मैलाहरुलाई छानेर कुहुने मैलालाई कम्पोस मल निर्माण गर्न सकिने अनि त्यसबाट मैलाको उत्पादनमा कम हुने र आय श्रोत तथा रोजगारीको अवसर पनि निक्लन सक्ने बताए | भारत सरकारको नियम अनुरुप मैलालाई कसैले पनि जथाभावी फ्याक्न नहुने पनि बताए|आज झोडाहरुमा पानी व्यवस्थित रुपले बग्न नसक्नुको कारण नै जथाभावी पहिरो गएर समस्याहरु उत्पन्न भएको राईले जनाए|
अर्कोतिर कार्यक्रममलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै अर्का श्रोत व्यक्ति मलय मुकुलले गत १८ सितम्बरमा गएको भुइँचालो सिक्किममा निर्मानाधीन जल परियोजनाको कारणले होइन भन्ने दाबी गरे| तिनले भुइँचालोले होइन तर बहुतले भवनहरुले मानिसहरुको धेर ज्यान गएको बताउँदै यस्ता भवनहरु निर्माण गर्दा बैज्ञानिकको सहयोग लिनु आवश्यक रहेको बताए|
यसै क्रममा स्रोत व्यक्ति जी० एन० राहाले प्राकृतिक आपदाहरु बारेमा अवगात गराए| यस अवसरमा कार्यक्रमका मुख्य अतिथि महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पाले मानिसहरुले ड्रेनेज सिस्टम राम्रो नभएको घरहरु निर्माण गरेको कारण पनि समस्याहरु सृजना हुने बताए| तिनले नगरपालिका क्षेत्रमा झोडा नजिक घर बनाउदा कसैलाई अनुमति नदिने गरेको भएपनि जब्बरजस्ती भवनहरु निर्माण गर्दा नै खतरा उत्पन्न हुने गरेको जनाए|पहिले मानिसहरु जथाभावी नियम तोडेर घर बनाएपछि जब समस्या हुन्छ वा प्राकृतिक प्रकोपको कारण घर भत्कनछ तब प्रशासनलाई नै उल्टो दोष दिने गरेको पनि जनाए| महकुमा अधिकारी शेर्पाले यो मानिसहरुको संकुचित बिचारधाराको कारण हो भन्दै आफ्नो स्वार्थ मात्र नहेरेर प्रशासनलाई पनि सहयोग गर्नु पर्ने आह्वान गरे| मैला एउटा निकै ठुलो समस्या रहेको बताउँदै यसलाई समाधान गर्न प्रत्येक नागरिकको पनि कर्तब्य रहेको बताए|कार्यक्रमलाई कृषक कल्याण संगठनका सचिव विष्णु छेत्रीले स्वागत भाषण राखे भने प्रेस क्लबका सचिव ए० के० राईले धन्यबाद ज्ञापन दिए|
विमल गुरूङको निर्देशमा आन्दोलन
मनोज बोगटी,कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, २३ नोभेम्बर| मायावतीले उत्तर प्रदेशलाई चारवटा राज्यमा विभाजन गर्ने प्रस्ताव विधानसभामा पारित गरेपछि अहिले दार्जीलिङ पहाडको राजनीतिमा पनि नयॉं मोड आउने सम्भावना बढेर गएको छ| गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले जीटीएमा हस्ताक्षर गरपछि शिथिलता आएको आन्दोललाई फेरि निरन्तरता दिने भएपछि अहिले थुप्रै अडकलबाजीहरू पनि शुरू भएको छ| एकातिर मोर्चाले जीटीएमा नै पार्टीको ध्यान केन्द्रित रहेको र अहिले नै छुट्टै राज्यको आन्दोलन नगर्ने बताएको थियो भने मोर्चाकै भातृ सङ्गठन युवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन गर्छु भन्नुले जनमानसमा व्यापक अन्योलता देखापरेको छ| आज युवा मोर्चा कालेबुङ शाखाका अध्यक्ष सुनिल प्रधानलेे विमल गुरूङको सुझाउ अनुसार नै युवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई अघि बढाउने बताएका छन्| तिनले भने, उत्तर प्रदेशकी मख्यमन्त्री मायावतीले चारवटा राज्य गठन गर्ने प्रस्ताव विधानसभामा पारित गरेकी छन्| देशमा नयॉं राज्यहरू बनिने सम्भावना बढेर गएको छ| देशमा कुनै पनि राज्य बनिँदा गोर्खाल्याण्डलाई प्रमुखता दिनुपर्छ| तिनीअनुसार दिसम्बरको अन्तिम सप्ताहतिर युवा मोर्चाले बैठक गर्नेछ| त्यसपछि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति आन्दोलन गरिने बताउँदै कालेबुङका सम्पूर्ण सङ्घ-संस्था, सचेत नागरिक आदिलाई आन्दोलनमा सहयोग पुर्याइदिने आह्वान गर्दै अन्य मोर्चाको भातृ सङ्गठनहरूलाई पनि तयार बसिदिने अनुरोध गरेका छन्| अब युवाहरू नै अघि बढ्नुपर्ने बोध आफूहरूले गरेकोले नै आन्दलन यूवा मोर्चाले शुरू गर्न लागेको तिनले बताए|
सामुहिक नेतृत्वको निम्ति युवा मोर्चालाई गोर्खालिगको निम्तो
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, २३ नोभेम्बर| गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङले अहिले छुट्टै राज्य होइन तर मोर्चाको ध्यान जीटीएमा नै केन्द्रित रहेको बताइरहेका छन् भने अर्कोतिर मोर्चाको भातृ सङ्गठन युवा मोर्चा भने गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलन गर्ने तम्तयारमा लागिपरेको छ| युवा मोर्चाले जीटीएमाथि विरोध पनि छैन अनि समर्थन पनि नरहेको बताएपछि अखिल भारतीय गोर्खालीगका केन्द्रिय महासचिव प्रताप खातीले युवा मोर्चालाई मोर्चामा नरहेर सामुहिक नेतृत्वको निम्ति अघि आउनुपर्ने बताएका छन्| तिनले भने, यदि युवा मोर्चाले सॉंचो ह्रदयले गोर्खाल्याण्ड चाहन्छ भने सामुहिक नेतृत्वको निम्ति उनीहरू अघि आउनुपर्छ|युवा मोर्चाका नेताहरू बङ्गालको अधिनियम अनुसार नगर पार्षद भएका छन्, उनीहरूले राजिनामा दिनुपर्छ|
विमल गुरूङले १८ जुलाईमा नै जीटीएमा हस्ताक्षर गरेकोले तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्न नसक्ने बताउँदै युवा मोर्चाले विमल गुरूङको पार्टीमा रहेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्न नसक्ने सुझाउ खातीले दिएका छन्|अहिले विमल गुरूङले जीटीएलाई नै प्रथमिकता दिइरहेको छु भन्नुले तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्डको माग सॉंचो अर्थमा कहिले पनि नगरेको स्पष्ट भएको पनि खाती बताएका छन्|
विमल गुरूङ सरकारी मान्छे रहेको अनि अहिले आएर युवा मोर्चाले आन्दोलन गर्छु भन्नु केवल जनतालाई दिग्भ्रमित पार्ने कार्य मात्र गर्न खोजिरहेको तिनले अभियोग लगाएका छन्| मयावतीको पहललाई स्वागत जनाउँदै तिनले भने, मयावतीले उत्तर प्रदेशलाई चार भागमा विभाजन गर्ने इच्छाशक्ति देखाएकी छन्, त्यसलाई गोर्खालीगले सलाम गर्छ| गणतन्त्रमा जनआकांक्षा मुख्य कुरा हो, त्यही जनआकांक्षा कै कारणले असम टुक्रिएर सात भाग भयो, उत्तराखण्ड, झारखण्ड र छत्तिसगड बनियो, अन्य राज्यहरू गठन भए, अहिले तलेङ्गाना गठन हुने स्थितिमा छ| तर नेतृत्व इमान्दार नरहेकै कारणले अनि पैसा र चौकीको प्रलोभनमा फँसेकोले गर्दा अहिलेसम्म गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य हुन नसकेको हो|
मदन तामाङ पनि सामुहिक नेतृत्वमा नै आस्था राख्ने मानिस भएकोले उनलाई नै अनुसरण गरेर आफूहरूले पनि सामुहिक नेतृत्वलाई नै जोड दिइरहेको तिनले बताए| छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति डा. इन्द्रबहादुर राई, पीआर प्रधान आदि जस्ता वुद्धिजीवीहरू अघि आउन जरूरी रहेको बताउँदै बुद्धिजीवीहरू भनेको महास्वेता देवीजस्तो हुनपर्ने बताए| तिनले भने, जसरी ममतालाई महास्वेता देवीले सठिक समयमा सही मार्गदर्शन दिए अहिले ममता अगणतान्त्रिक भएपछि उनले ममताको साथ छोडेर विरोध गर्नथाले| हामीलाई पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड प्रप्तिको निम्ति त्यस्तै वुद्धिजीवीको आवश्यकता रहेको छ।
Tribal rebels baulk at deal with Morcha Parishad rethink after state stir plan
TT, Siliguri, Nov. 23: Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad leaders in the plains today said they would back out of the agreement with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha if the hill outfit revived its movement for a separate state.
The tribal and Gorkha outfits had agreed last month to work together for the formation of an administrative body that would comprise the Darjeeling hills, and the Dooars and the Terai.
But the Morcha youth wing’s decision yesterday to renew the statehood agitation forced the Parishad leaders to take a relook at the deal.
“We are aware of the announcement by the Yuwa Morcha yesterday that a public meeting would be held at Mungpoo on December 18 to resume the Gorkhaland agitation. This has made us rethink the proposal to form Gorkhaland and Adivasi Territorial Administration,” Tezkumar Toppo, the state general secretary of the Parishad, said today.
He was one of the five Parishad leaders from the Dooars and the Terai who were instrumental in forging the tie-up with the Morcha.
“We are clear on our stand that if the demand for the statehood is raised by the Morcha again, we will withdraw from the deal. We cannot agree to the inclusion of the Adivasi-populated areas in a separate state. We are only interested in an autonomous body whose jurisdiction stretches to the the tribal-dominated areas also,” said Toppo.
The tribal outfit said it would wait till December 18 to decide if the relationship with the Morcha should continue. “If the Yuwa Morcha rakes up the old demand of the separate state at the December 18 meeting, we will have no other option but to scrap the agreement and seek autonomy for the Adivasi populated areas under the Sixth Schedule,” said Toppo.
Observers said “Gorkhaland” had given breathing space to the Parishad dissidents, who had joined hands with the Morcha without the consent of the state leadership.
“The Parishad state committee had accused the leaders in the plains of breach of discipline for signing the agreement with the Morcha. The dissidents have an opportunity now to prove that they are with the tribal population,” said an observer.
The Morcha announcement didn’t go down well with Adivasi trade union leader Sukra Munda either. He was among the five Parishad leaders showcaused by the state committee for the tie-up with the Morcha.
“We took the decision to join hands with the Morcha only after the Centre and the state had endorsed the formation of the GTA. If the Morcha takes a decision that is against the spirit of the autonomy, we will reconsider our stand,” said Munda, a state committee member and the chairman of the Parishad-backed Progressive Tea Workers’ Union.
John Barla, the ousted president of the Dooars Terai regional unit of the Parishad, said he couldn’t comment on “media reports”.
Birsa Tirkey, the state president of the Parishad state committee which had show-caused the five, said: “We have alerted the regional leaders several times and have expressed our apprehensions. It is time that they clarify their stand.”
Adivasi stand makes GTA panel job tough
VIVEK CHHETRI AND AVIJIT SINHA, TT,Nov. 23: The committee formed to decide on the territorial jurisdiction of the GTA is unlikely to come up with a solution as a a section of the Adivasi leaders has sought the inclusion of the Dooars and the Terai in the body.
The 10-member high-powered committee, headed by Justice (retd) Shyamal Sen, had only been asked to look into the Morcha demand for some mouzas in the plains.
The committee that had set a deadline of October 31 for the public to submit their opinion on the areas to be brought under the GTA will hold its first meeting in Calcutta on November 29.
However, a day before the deadline expired, a section of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad leaders had joined hands with the Morcha and said all the mouzas in the Dooars and the Terai should be included in the GTA. The Morcha had staked claim to 199 mouzas in the plains, which they claim were dominated by the Nepali people.
The Adivasi leaders’ stand has come as a stumbling block and there are enough indications that the committee might not be able to take a decision on the territorial jurisdiction.
Requesting anonymity, a member of the panel, said: “According to the terms of reference, the committee is mandated to look only into the Morcha’s demand for the inclusion of a certain number of mouzas in the GTA. I do not think that the committee can look into the demand raised by the Adivasis as it would be outside the purview of the term of reference.”
The member’s statement is an indication that even if the committee does come up with its report on the Morcha’s demand, a final decision on the territorial jurisdiction will still remain elusive as the Adivasi leaders want the entire Dooars and the Terai to be included in the new body.
The panel members include four Morcha leaders, apart from the district magistrates of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, an official of the state’s home department, director of census who is representing the Centre and the administrator of the DGHC.
There are no representatives of the Adivasi community on the committee.
The rebel Parishad leaders who want to be part of the GTA admitted that they had not made any submission before the committee demanding the inclusion of the entire Dooars in the new body.
“The only submission from the Parishad was made by the state committee,” said Tez Kumar Toppo, one of the five rebels who have joined hands with the Morcha.
The Parishad stand was made clear before the panel by Birsa Tirkey, the president of the state committee, which is opposed to inclusion of the tribal areas in the GTA.
“I told the committee categorically on October 24 that any area in the Dooars and the Terai should not be included in the set-up for the Darjeeling hills. We demand that the Sixth Schedule status be conferred on the Dooars and the Terai,” said Tirkey.
The delay in settling the territorial issue will hold up the formation of the GTA as the Morcha has already said no elections can be held to the body unless a decision is reached on its geographical jurisdiction.
Observers believe only if the state government intervenes, the territorial issue could be solved.
Meagre funds charge
TT, Calcutta, Nov. 23: Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chhetri today alleged that the state government had not kept its promise on funds for the reconstruction of the quake-hit Darjeeling hills.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leader said the hills had received only Rs 40 crore from the state, and nothing from the Centre, against a demand of Rs 1,000 crore.
“Chief minister Mamata Banerjee had promised many things when she visited the affected areas. But nothing has been done yet. All we got was Rs 40 crore. No repair can be started with such meagre amount,” Chhetri said at Writers’ Buildings today.
Chhetri said the Morcha had demanded Rs 1,000 crore for Darjeeling after an earthquake registering 6.8 on the Richter hit on September 18.
“A few thousand people from 67 villages in Kalimpong alone lost their homes. They are still living in camps. But they need to shift before winter,” said Chhetri. “These people will not have other options but to launch an agitation if the promises are not kept.”
Chief secretary Samar Ghosh said neither the state nor the Centre had promised a rehabilitation package of Rs 1,000 crore as claimed by the MLA. He added that the state government had spent Rs 55 crore for earthquake relief and rehabilitation in north Bengal and plans to send more as and when possible.
DYFI leader killed in road mishap, foul play suspected
SNS, SILIGURI, 23 NOV: A Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) state committee member, Mr Sujit Roy (35), was killed and his friend was injured in a road accident at Leusipakri under Phansidewa police station in Siliguri today morning.
The Darjeeling district CPI-M leaders suspect that Mr Roy was murdered. The CPI-M leaders, including the former state urban development minister, demanded a high level inquiry into the incident. The DYFI leaders today urged police to trace the vehicle and unearth the mystery behind the "accident". The accident took place around 5.30 a.m near Nazrul Satabarsho High School. Mr Roy and his two friends, Mr Sanjay Roy and Mr Nakul Roy, were jogging when the accident occurred. Mr Sanjay Roy is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Mr Roy was a non-teaching staff of the school and he used to go jogging everyday. Mr Nakul was unhurt and informed others when the accident took place. According to him, a white pick-up van hit them and drove away. He could not note down the number plate of the vehicle.
The CPI-M leaders also alleged that the police reached the spot after one-and-half hours and they did not take any initiative to chase the vehicle. , Mr Roy died on the spot. The DYFI leaders have set a 48-hour deadline and asked the police to reveal the mystery behind the "unnatural accident". They have also threatened to launch a stir against police inaction. The Siliguri additional SP, Mr Amit P Javalgi, said the police had registered a specific case and started an investigation. "The vehicle is yet to be traced," he said.
The DYFI state committee member, Mr Roy, who was also CPI-M Phansidewa zonal committee member, the leader of the Opposition in Phansidewa panchayat samiti and associated with other organisations. The former urban development minister, Mr Asok Bhattacharya, said: "We suspect that there is a conspiracy behind the "accident". There was no congestion on the road and they were jogging on the roadside but we do not understand how the vehicle hit them."
Mr Bhattacharya has also blamed the police and said: "Police came to the spot one-and-a-half hours later despite several reminders and they did not show any initiative to trace the vehicle. So, we have demanded high level inquiry into the unpleasant incident." The Darjeeling district DYFI secretary, Mr Shankar Ghosh, said: "We cannot rule out a conspiracy. Police should trace the vehicle, the driver and the owner to unearth the mystery behind it." "We suspect that conspirator had known his routine and plotted to end the life of a popular leader," Mr Ghosh alleged.
The Siliguri additional SP said: "We are not ruling out any possibility. Police have already started working and trying to trace the vehicle. There was no one else on the road to note down the vehicle numberplate.” Locals took to the streets, since he was popular for his various social activities. The CPI-M and DYFI workers took out a mourning rally from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital to Darjeeling district CPI-M party office in Siliguri.
The 10-member high-powered committee, headed by Justice (retd) Shyamal Sen, had only been asked to look into the Morcha demand for some mouzas in the plains.
The committee that had set a deadline of October 31 for the public to submit their opinion on the areas to be brought under the GTA will hold its first meeting in Calcutta on November 29.
However, a day before the deadline expired, a section of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad leaders had joined hands with the Morcha and said all the mouzas in the Dooars and the Terai should be included in the GTA. The Morcha had staked claim to 199 mouzas in the plains, which they claim were dominated by the Nepali people.
The Adivasi leaders’ stand has come as a stumbling block and there are enough indications that the committee might not be able to take a decision on the territorial jurisdiction.
Requesting anonymity, a member of the panel, said: “According to the terms of reference, the committee is mandated to look only into the Morcha’s demand for the inclusion of a certain number of mouzas in the GTA. I do not think that the committee can look into the demand raised by the Adivasis as it would be outside the purview of the term of reference.”
The member’s statement is an indication that even if the committee does come up with its report on the Morcha’s demand, a final decision on the territorial jurisdiction will still remain elusive as the Adivasi leaders want the entire Dooars and the Terai to be included in the new body.
The panel members include four Morcha leaders, apart from the district magistrates of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, an official of the state’s home department, director of census who is representing the Centre and the administrator of the DGHC.
There are no representatives of the Adivasi community on the committee.
The rebel Parishad leaders who want to be part of the GTA admitted that they had not made any submission before the committee demanding the inclusion of the entire Dooars in the new body.
“The only submission from the Parishad was made by the state committee,” said Tez Kumar Toppo, one of the five rebels who have joined hands with the Morcha.
The Parishad stand was made clear before the panel by Birsa Tirkey, the president of the state committee, which is opposed to inclusion of the tribal areas in the GTA.
“I told the committee categorically on October 24 that any area in the Dooars and the Terai should not be included in the set-up for the Darjeeling hills. We demand that the Sixth Schedule status be conferred on the Dooars and the Terai,” said Tirkey.
The delay in settling the territorial issue will hold up the formation of the GTA as the Morcha has already said no elections can be held to the body unless a decision is reached on its geographical jurisdiction.
Observers believe only if the state government intervenes, the territorial issue could be solved.
Meagre funds charge
TT, Calcutta, Nov. 23: Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chhetri today alleged that the state government had not kept its promise on funds for the reconstruction of the quake-hit Darjeeling hills.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leader said the hills had received only Rs 40 crore from the state, and nothing from the Centre, against a demand of Rs 1,000 crore.
“Chief minister Mamata Banerjee had promised many things when she visited the affected areas. But nothing has been done yet. All we got was Rs 40 crore. No repair can be started with such meagre amount,” Chhetri said at Writers’ Buildings today.
Chhetri said the Morcha had demanded Rs 1,000 crore for Darjeeling after an earthquake registering 6.8 on the Richter hit on September 18.
“A few thousand people from 67 villages in Kalimpong alone lost their homes. They are still living in camps. But they need to shift before winter,” said Chhetri. “These people will not have other options but to launch an agitation if the promises are not kept.”
Chief secretary Samar Ghosh said neither the state nor the Centre had promised a rehabilitation package of Rs 1,000 crore as claimed by the MLA. He added that the state government had spent Rs 55 crore for earthquake relief and rehabilitation in north Bengal and plans to send more as and when possible.
DYFI leader killed in road mishap, foul play suspected
SNS, SILIGURI, 23 NOV: A Democratic Youth Federation of India (DYFI) state committee member, Mr Sujit Roy (35), was killed and his friend was injured in a road accident at Leusipakri under Phansidewa police station in Siliguri today morning.
The Darjeeling district CPI-M leaders suspect that Mr Roy was murdered. The CPI-M leaders, including the former state urban development minister, demanded a high level inquiry into the incident. The DYFI leaders today urged police to trace the vehicle and unearth the mystery behind the "accident". The accident took place around 5.30 a.m near Nazrul Satabarsho High School. Mr Roy and his two friends, Mr Sanjay Roy and Mr Nakul Roy, were jogging when the accident occurred. Mr Sanjay Roy is undergoing treatment at the hospital. Mr Roy was a non-teaching staff of the school and he used to go jogging everyday. Mr Nakul was unhurt and informed others when the accident took place. According to him, a white pick-up van hit them and drove away. He could not note down the number plate of the vehicle.
The CPI-M leaders also alleged that the police reached the spot after one-and-half hours and they did not take any initiative to chase the vehicle. , Mr Roy died on the spot. The DYFI leaders have set a 48-hour deadline and asked the police to reveal the mystery behind the "unnatural accident". They have also threatened to launch a stir against police inaction. The Siliguri additional SP, Mr Amit P Javalgi, said the police had registered a specific case and started an investigation. "The vehicle is yet to be traced," he said.
The DYFI state committee member, Mr Roy, who was also CPI-M Phansidewa zonal committee member, the leader of the Opposition in Phansidewa panchayat samiti and associated with other organisations. The former urban development minister, Mr Asok Bhattacharya, said: "We suspect that there is a conspiracy behind the "accident". There was no congestion on the road and they were jogging on the roadside but we do not understand how the vehicle hit them."
Mr Bhattacharya has also blamed the police and said: "Police came to the spot one-and-a-half hours later despite several reminders and they did not show any initiative to trace the vehicle. So, we have demanded high level inquiry into the unpleasant incident." The Darjeeling district DYFI secretary, Mr Shankar Ghosh, said: "We cannot rule out a conspiracy. Police should trace the vehicle, the driver and the owner to unearth the mystery behind it." "We suspect that conspirator had known his routine and plotted to end the life of a popular leader," Mr Ghosh alleged.
The Siliguri additional SP said: "We are not ruling out any possibility. Police have already started working and trying to trace the vehicle. There was no one else on the road to note down the vehicle numberplate.” Locals took to the streets, since he was popular for his various social activities. The CPI-M and DYFI workers took out a mourning rally from North Bengal Medical College and Hospital to Darjeeling district CPI-M party office in Siliguri.
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