जीना प्रधान हत्याकाण्ड हत्याराहरूको सुइको पाइएको छैन

पेदोङमा सामाजिक कार्यकर्ताकोरुपमा चिनिएकी जीनाको हत्या यसरी होला भनेर कसैले पनि विश्वास गर्न सकेका छैनन्। मिलनसार मात्र होइन सामाजिक सेवामा डट्ने जीनालाई झोडामा अर्धनग्न अवस्थामा पाइएदेखि नै क्षेत्रमा सनसनी फैलिएको थियो। मानिसहरू तिनलाई घाइते अनि अर्धनग्न अवस्थामा भेटेपछि नै आक्रोशित बनेका थिए। आज तिनको अन्तिम संस्कारको दिन थियो। तर तिनको मलामी जुलूसमा रुपान्तर भयो। मलामी सबै आक्रोशित थिए। प्रशासनले हत्यारालाई शीघ्र नै पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने माग मलामी जुलूसले गरिरहेको थियो। तोपखानास्थित जीनाको घरदेखि नै निस्किएको जुलूसले जीनाको शवलाई नगर परिक्रमा गरायो। उनीहरू भन्न चहान्थे, जीनाको ज्यानलिने राक्षसलाई पक्राउ गर्न सबैले सहयोग गरौं। किन भने जुन क्षेत्रमा घटना भयो, त्यहॉंका मानिसहरुको शंका अनुसार जीनालाई अँध्यारोको फाइदा उठाएर तिनको बलात्कार गरियो अनि जीनाले उनीहरूको कुकर्म पर्दाफास गर्ने डरले जीनालाई प्राणघातक आक्रमण गरियो।
जसले पनि जीनामाथि यस्तो कुकर्म गरे तिनलाई थाहा थियो कि जीना सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता हुन् अनि तिनी चुपो लागेर बस्ने छैनन्। जीनाको टाउकोमा गहिरो चोट पाइएको थियो। पोष्टमर्टमपछि तिनको शव परिवारलाई सुम्पिइएपछि आज तिनको अन्तिम संस्कार गरिएको थियो। मलामी जुलूसमा रुपान्तर भएपछि पेदोङ गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका प्रतिनिधि विनोद प्रधानको अगुवाईमा पुलिस चेक पोष्ट मार्फत कालेबुङ थानामा ज्ञापन चढाएको छ। ज्ञापनमा शीघ्र नै हत्याराको खोजी गरिनुपर्ने माग गरिएको छ।
यता हिल सोसियल वेलफेयर सोसाइटीका सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता युडेन भोटियाले नारीहरू असुरक्षित रहेको कुरा प्रमाणित भएको जनाइन्। तिनले आफ्ना छोरीहरूको सुरक्षाको निम्ति अभिभावकहरू सचेत हुनुपर्ने बताउँदा हत्यारा खोजिनिकाल्न सबैको सहयोग हुनुपर्ने बताइन्। यस घटनाको कारण पेदोङमा पुलिस चेक पोष्ट होइन थाना नै हुनुपर्ने माग पनि उठेको छ। घटना हुने वित्तिकै खबर पाएर पुगेको कालेबुङ पुलिस टोलीले जॉंच कार्य सक्रिय गरेको छ। घटनाको चुरोसम्म पुग्न सबैको सहयोग चाहिने थानाको भनाइ रहेको छ। यता पेदोङमा घटनाप्रति संवेदना राख्दै हत्यारा पक्राउ गरिनुपर्ने मागमा व्यापक पोष्टरिङ देखापरेको छ। अहिलेसम्म सिलगढीमा जीनाको शवलाई लिएर गरिएको फोरेन्सिक रिपोर्ट अघि आएको छैन भने पोष्टमर्टमको रिपोर्ट पनि सार्वजनिक गरिएको छैन। पुलिस प्रशासनले हत्यारासम्म पुग्न अनेकौं विधि अप्नाउने भएको छ।
यता हिल सोसियल वेलफेयर सोसाइटीका सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता युडेन भोटियाले नारीहरू असुरक्षित रहेको कुरा प्रमाणित भएको जनाइन्। तिनले आफ्ना छोरीहरूको सुरक्षाको निम्ति अभिभावकहरू सचेत हुनुपर्ने बताउँदा हत्यारा खोजिनिकाल्न सबैको सहयोग हुनुपर्ने बताइन्। यस घटनाको कारण पेदोङमा पुलिस चेक पोष्ट होइन थाना नै हुनुपर्ने माग पनि उठेको छ। घटना हुने वित्तिकै खबर पाएर पुगेको कालेबुङ पुलिस टोलीले जॉंच कार्य सक्रिय गरेको छ। घटनाको चुरोसम्म पुग्न सबैको सहयोग चाहिने थानाको भनाइ रहेको छ। यता पेदोङमा घटनाप्रति संवेदना राख्दै हत्यारा पक्राउ गरिनुपर्ने मागमा व्यापक पोष्टरिङ देखापरेको छ। अहिलेसम्म सिलगढीमा जीनाको शवलाई लिएर गरिएको फोरेन्सिक रिपोर्ट अघि आएको छैन भने पोष्टमर्टमको रिपोर्ट पनि सार्वजनिक गरिएको छैन। पुलिस प्रशासनले हत्यारासम्म पुग्न अनेकौं विधि अप्नाउने भएको छ।
पहाडमा गणतन्त्र कि अगणतन्त्र ?
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16 नोभेम्बर। क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीको मंतव्य छ, जुन पहाडमा एक राजनैतिक नेता मदन तामङको दिउँसै हत्या भयो, अनि हत्याराहरूलाई पक्राउ गरिएको छैन, यस्तो अवस्थामा चुनाउ हुनु पहाडमा गणतन्त्र रहेको घोषणा गर्नु हो। तर वास्तविकता हत्या र हत्यारा पक्राउ नपर्नु हो। हत्या हुनु र हत्यारालाई पक्राउ नगरेर हत्याको आरोप लागेको दल र नेताहरूले चुनाउ गर भन्नसाथ चुनाउ गर्नु सरकारले हत्याराको साथ दिनु हो। उपयुक्त परिवेश नरहेको कारण क्रामाकपाले विधान सभा चुनाउ पनि लडेन अनि नगरपालिका चुनाउ पनि लडेन। गोर्खालिगको भनाइ पनि त्यही छ, जसको नाममा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरिएको छ, उसैलाई लिएर सरकारले चुनाउ गराउनु पहाडको गणतन्त्रमाथि खेलवाड गर्नु हो।
लीगले भने अनुसार पहाडमा केवल मदन तामङको मात्र होइन कालेबुङ र बिजनबारीमा पनि हत्या गरिएको अनि यसबारे प्रशासन र सरकार दुवै मौन बस्नु अनि हत्या गर्नेलाई मात्र सरकारले प्रमुखता दिनु पहाडको गणतन्त्रको हनन् हो। यता कंग्रेसको भनाइ छ, जुन आकांक्षाको निम्ति नगरपालिका अनि पञ्चायत चुनाउ रोकिएको थियो, त्यही पुरा नभइ पुरानै व्यवस्था(दागोपाप) अन्तर्गत भइरहेको चुनाउमा किन उठ्ने? मूल जनाआकांक्षालाई दबाउँदै चुनाउ भइरहेको छ। यसमा सहभागी हुने प्रश्न उठ्दैन।
माकपाले भनेको छ, पहाडमा गणतान्त्रिक परिस्थिति छैन। एउटा दलको हैकम छ। त्यसलाई बङ्गाल सरकारले प्रोत्साहित गरिरहेको छ। यस्तोमा चुनाउको कुरा गर्नु अगणतान्त्रिक हो। गोरामुमोका अध्यक्ष सुवास घिसिङले पनि त्यही भने, पहाडमा एउटा दलको हैकम छ। तानाशाह छ। कुनै पनि दललाई स्वतन्त्ररुपले राजनीति गर्ने परिस्थिति छैन। कुनै यस्तो दल छैन, जसले पहाडमा गणतन्त्र छ भनोस्। केवल एउटै दल छ, त्यो हो गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा। यो त्यही मोर्चा हो जसले गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको मुद्दा टिपेर पहाडमा आफ्नो वर्चस्व कायम गर्यो। प्रारम्भिक उद्देश्यबाट कोशौं टाडो पुगिसकेको मोर्चाको दाबी छ, पहाडमा जनसमर्थित र जनप्रिय दल भनेको नै गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा हो। मोर्चा खराब दल भएको भए जनता साथ रहने थिएन। ती जनता जो मोर्चामा छन्, उनीहरूले नै छुट्टैराज्य होइन जीटीए भए पनि पुग्छ भने पछि मोर्चाले जनताले भने अनुसारको व्यवस्थामा हस्ताक्षर गरिसकेको छ।
स्पष्ट छ कि दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा रहेका मोर्चा समर्थित जनता छुट्टैराज्यको पक्षमा छैनन्। यो कुरालाई कंग्रेसले यसरी व्याख्या गरेको छ, जनता छुट्टैराज्य अथवा युटीसम्मको कुरा चहाने भएदेखि विधानसभा चुनाउमा कंग्रेसलाई समर्थन गर्ने थियो। तर जनताले गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य नै नभए पनि युटीसम्म पुगेको कंग्रेसलाई समर्थन नगरेर जीटीएलाई गर्यो। यसै पनि केन्द्रले पहाडमा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा भनेर चिन्दैन। पहाडलाई भाजपा भनेर चिन्छ किन भने दार्जीलिङका सांसद भाजपाका हुन्। मोर्चाले जे पनि भन्छ, त्यसलाई जनताको समर्थन छ, चाहे त्यो जति नै नराम्रो र हानिकारक किन नहोस्। विपक्षका दलहरूले जति नै राम्रो कुरा गरोस्, उनीहरूलाई जनताले पत्तो दिइरहेको छैन। जनताको साथ नभएका यी दलहरूले तर मोर्चाको आलोचना गर्न कहिल्यै भुलेको छैन। जनताले साथ दिएको मोर्चाले चुनाउ लड्दा भने पहाडमा गणतन्त्र हुनु र त्यही पहाडमा विपक्षले चुनाउ नलड्नुको कारण गणतन्त्र नभएको बताउनु के निक्कै गम्भीर कुरा नै हो? मदन तामङको हत्या मोर्चाका नेताहरूले गरेको आरोप गोर्खालीग, क्रामाकपा पिपल्स फोरम र अन्य दलहरूको छ। मोर्चाले त्यसको जवाबमा सबैको जवाब पुलिस र सीबीआईले दिन्छ भनेको छ।
जॉंचको रिपोर्टले मोर्चाका नेताहरूलाई दोषी नै देखाएको छैन। न त सीबीआई जॉंच नै तीब्र गरिएको छ न त मोर्चाका केन्द्रिय नेता निकोल तामङलाई नै भेटिएको छ। नाटकीय ढङ्गमा हराएका निकोल अब निस्कने हो होइनन्, त्यो पुलिस र प्रशासनको कुरा हो तर गोर्खालिगले त्यही जॉंच गरिरहेको पुलिस प्रशासन र सीबीआईलाई नै जसको नाममा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरिएको छ, उनीहरूलाई अहिलेसम्म सोधपुछ नै नगरेको आरोप लगाएको छ। यता हत्याकाण्डको डिजिटल फाइल ममताले आफ्नो कब्जामा लिएको अनि त्यो सीबीआईलाई नै नदिएको आरोप लगाउने गोर्खालिगले विमल गुरूङ अनि तिनका नेताहरूलाई बँचाउन नै यस्तो चलखेल गरिएको आरोप लगाइरहेको छ। यस्तो परिस्थितिमा विपक्षले उठाइरहेको सवाललाई अनदेखा गर्न मिल्छ? भन्ने प्रश्न अहिले उठिरहेको छ।
हत्या त भएको नै हो अनि यसबारे भइरहेको चलखेल पनि धेरजसो मानिसहरूलाई थाहा रहेकोले पहाडमा गणतन्त्र नरहेको विपक्षको मुद्दा निक्कै नै बलियो देखापरेको छ। यता मोर्चाले चुनाउ लडेर अनि निर्विरोध जित्ने स्थितिमा पुगेर पनि पहाडमा गणतन्त्र नरहेको अनि एउटै पार्टीको हैकम रहेको कुरालाई नै प्रमाणित गरेको पिपल्स फोरमको दाबी पनि छ।
व्यायामले मानिसहरु सधै स्वास्थ्य रहनु सक्छ – टी लाचुंगपा

तिनले व्यायामको क्षेत्रमा 40 वर्षको अनुभव बताउदै यस चालीस वर्षको अनुभवमा आफुलेनै नया व्यायामको आबिष्कार गरेको अनि यस व्यायामको माध्यमले रोगहरुको निको हुनको साथै मानिसहरुको स्वास्थ्य पनि ठिक हुने पनि लाचुंगपाले अवगत गराए। तिनले चाडै कालेबुंगमा यस बिषयमा एउटा शिविरको आयोजना गर्ने जानकारी गराउदै यसबाट मानिसहरुको स्वास्थ्य बारेमा लाभ हुनको साथै यसबाट रोजकारको अवसर पनि प्राप्त हुने पनि जानकारी दिए। यस अवसरमा कार्यक्रममा शिक्षाविद पी आर प्रधान, आर एल त्रीखत्रि, सोनाम भोटिया आदिले पनि कार्यक्रमलाइ सम्बोधन गरे।
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 17 नोभेम्बर। सिक्किमका पूर्व बन मन्त्री थुकचुक लाचुङ्पा कुनै राजनैतिक मुद्दा लिएर होइनन्, एरोविक-माथि शिविर हाल्ने कुरा लिएर कालेबुङ आइपुगेका थिए। लाचुङ्पाको कुरा सुन्दा यस्तो लागिरहेको थियो कि तिनी कुनै राजनैतिक नेता होइनन बरु योग सिकाउने कुनै योग गुरू हुन्। किन भने तिनी आज कालेबुङ दुःख निवारक सम्मेलनले जम्मा गरेका मानिसहरूलाई स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धमा तिनले 40 वर्षमा अविष्कार गरेको योग जस्तै कुनै व्ययामको कुरा गरिरहेका थिए। तिनले भने, 40 वर्षको अनुभवपछि मैले धेरै पुस्तकहरू पढेर, धेरै योग गुरूहरुसित भेटेर, यस्तो कसरतको सूत्र निकालेको छु, त्यो अहिलेसम्मकै चर्चित कसरत श्रेणीमा पर्दैन। नितान्तै नौलो र उपयुक्त यो कसरतको अभ्यास मैले नेपाल. सिक्किम, पश्चिम जर्मनतिर गराइसकेको छु। अब यसको विस्तारणको पहलमा जुटिरहेको छु। कालेबुङका जनताले मलाई सेवा गर्ने मौका दिन्छ भन्ने विश्वास गरेको छु। लाचुङ्पाले कुनै विषयमा होइन स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धमा कालेबुङका बुजुर्गहरूलाई भनिरहेका थिए, मलाई हेर्नुहोस्, 65 वर्ष पुगें। तर मलाई त्यत्तिको वृद्ध देख्दैन। यसको राज मसित छ। म त्यही राजलाई तपाईँहरूमा बॉंड्न चहान्छु।
सिक्किमको राजनीतिमा निक्कै दह्रोरुपले चिनिने मात्र होइन सिक्किममा मन्त्री पद खाइसकेका थुकचुक लाचुङ्पाले कालेबुङ दुःख निवारक सम्मेलन भवनमा थुप्रिएका बुढापाका अनि तन्नेरीहरूसमेतलाई छक्क पारिरहेका थिए। तिनले भने, अहिले कसैलाई करोड रुपियॉं दिइयो भने, तिनले सबै भन्दा पहिले घर, गाडी, विदेश भ्रमणको सूची तयार पार्छ तर आफ्नो स्वास्थ्यको निम्ति एकपल पनि सोंच्दैनन्। म उनीहरूलाई स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धमा धेरै टिप्स दिन चहान्छु। व्यस्त नगरीका व्यस्त मानिसहरूलाई सजिलो भन्दा सजिलोमा , धेरै भन्दा धेरै स्वास्थ्य लाभ हुने कसरतको अविष्कार गरेको छु। स्वास्थ्य समाजको निर्माण गर्नको निम्ति स्वस्थ हुनु पहिलो अनिवार्यता हो। तिनले यसको निम्ति कालेबुङमा शिविर हाल्ने समेत बताउँदै भने, मेला ग्राउण्डमा यसको निम्ति धेरै दिनसम्म शिविर लगाउन मलाई सहयोग गर्नुहोस्। तपाईँहरूले कालेबुङबासीलाई शिविरमा बोलाइदिनोस्, म उनीहरूलाई स्वस्थ रहने सूत्र प्रदान गर्ने छु। तिनले दाबी नै गरे, प्रेसर र डायविटिज 6 महिनामा निको हुने छ। छालाको रोग, हड्डीको रोग तथा सम्पूर्ण रोगहरूको निवारकणको निम्ति मेरो अविष्कार उत्तम कसरत रहने छ। तिनले कालेबुङमा जमीन किनेर कसरत शिविर नै स्थायीरुपले बनाउन चाहेको मात्र होइन, यस शिविरमार्फत वेरोजगारहरूलाई रोजगारको अवसर निर्माण गर्न उत्सुक रहेको पनि यस दिन बताए।
भेटरेन फुटबल टुर्नामेण्टको शुरुआत

पहिलो खेलको अवसरमा कालेबुंगका एक्ज्युकेटिभ मेजिस्ट्रेट डी भोटिया उपस्थित रहेका थिए भने दोस्रो खेलको मुख्य अतिथि सिक्किमका पुर्व मंत्री टी लाचुंगपा उपस्थित रहेका थिए। यसरी नै बिशिष्ट अतिथिका रुपमा रिनजी भोटिया, निमा तामंग, काजीम छिरिंग भोटिया, बन्दना योन्जन आदि उपस्थित रहेका थिए। यसका साथै बिगतका पुराना खेलाडीहरुको पनि यस अवसरमा ब्यापक उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
मेला ग्राउण्डमा आज खेलिएको प्रथम फूटबल खेलमा नाम्ची अनि दार्जीलिंगका खेलाडीहरुले खुबै आकर्षक खेल प्रदर्शन गरेर मानिसहरुलाइ भरपुर खेलको आनन्द दिलाए। दुवै दलका खेलाडीहरुले खेलको शुरुदेखिनै बिपक्षि दलमाथि आक्रमण गर्दै एकाधिक गोल गर्ने प्रयासहरु गरे पनि निर्धारित समयसम्म पनि कुनै गोल गर्न सकेनन। खेल सकिन्दा पनि परिणाम गोल बिहिन रहेको थियो। यसरी निर्धारित समसम्म कुनै गोल नभएपछि अन्तमा खेलको नियम अनुरुप पेनल्टि सुटआउट खेलाइएको थियो जसमा दार्जीलिंग भेटरेन क्लबले नाम्चीलाइ शुन्यको बिरुद्ध एक गोल गरेर बिजय हासील गर्न सफल बन्यो। यसरीनै जोंग्री भेटरेन क्लब गान्तोक बनाम जलपाइगडी भेटरेन क्लब माझ सम्पन्न खेलमा पनि दुवै दलका खेलाडीहरुले खुबै राम्रो खेल प्रदर्शन गरेर मानिसहरुलाइ भरपुर मनोरंजन दिए। उक्त खेलमा जोंग्रीले जलपाइगडीलाइ 2 गोलको बिरुद्ध 3 गोल गरेर जीत हासिल गरे।
Demand to probe tea land deal
TT, Siliguri, Nov. 17: A forum fighting for people displaced during the construction of the Uttarayon township has demanded a judicial inquiry into the Chandmoni Tea Estate’s transfer of land to the project and the deaths of two garden workers in a police firing in 2002.
The Chandmoni Tea Estate Anti-Eviction Joint Action Committee raised the demand in a memorandum sent to Mamata Banerjee two days ago.
“We demand a judicial inquiry into the land deal and the death of two garden workers in a police firing while they were protesting against the acquisition of the plot. Rules had been violated when the tea garden land was converted into a township project, under which several high-rises and shopping malls have been built,” Abhijit Majumdar, a state committee member of the CPIML (Liberation), told journalists here today.
“Further, the state government and the realtor have failed to keep their promises that tea plants would be grown on at least 150 acres within the township and 500-odd workers of the estate would be rehabilitated.”
The committee consisted of different non-governmental organisations and right groups. It said the government had handed over 406.64 acres to the private company against a sum of Rs 13.92 lakh in 2002. It said the actual valuation of the plot was Rs 100 crore.
Majumdar said the demand for the judicial probe had been raised in the wake of the government’s decision to start inquiries into the land dispute at Rajarhat in Calcutta and firing in Marichjhapi.
Rail funds for jumbo safety
TT, Jalpaiguri, Nov. 17: The Centre has released the first tranche of funds for the construction of underpasses, guard walls and slopes along the railway line in the Dooars to prevent elephant deaths on the tracks.
V. K. Sood, the chief conservator of forests, north Bengal, said the Union ministry of environment and forests had sent Rs 1.93 crore to the Northeast Frontier Railway’s Alipurduar division on November 12. He said the ministry would release Rs 47 lakh more.
The forester said the engineers of the NFR had drawn up a plan to erect a 11.5km-long guard wall in the Mahananda sanctuary, construct a 9km-wide underpass in the Jaldapara forest and to create a slope in Chapramari.
“We had a discussion with railway officials and engineers at Maligaon (NFR headquarters) yesterday. The work will start after the railways and the Bengal forest department jointly inspect the spot where the projects have been proposed,” said Sood.
The funds had been promised by then Union environment and forest minister, Jairam Ramesh, during his visit to Moraghat in the Dooars where seven elephants had been mowed down by a goods train on the night of September 22, 2010. Ramesh had also suggested the erection of watchtowers along the elephant corridors so that forest guards could keep tabs on the animals.
However, the Centre is yet to sanction funds for the construction of 10 watchtowers along the 165km-long railway route between Alipurduar Junction and Siliguri Junction.
More than 35 elephants have been run over by trains ever since the tracks in the Dooars and the Terai have been converted into broad gauge in 2003.
Forest minister Hiten Barman said the work would be jointly taken up by his department and the railways.
“Guard walls and underpasses will be constructed to prevent the death of wild animals, especially elephants. We have also sent a proposal to build 10 watchtowers along the rail route,” said Barman.
Asked whether the underpasses and guard walls would help halt elephant deaths on the tracks, a senior forester said: “We have to wait and watch. We have never taken such steps anywhere in the state before and it is to be seen how the elephants which prefer to pass through particular corridors will move once these things come up.”Legal Aid Clinics
K.K.Pant, PIB: As India lives in its villages, it is imperative that the villagers be provided an effective legal assistance in their village itself. As of now it is also a fact that most of the legal services institutions are located in urban and semi-urban areas which position puts the villagers at a disadvantage. To overcome this hurdle a Scheme of Legal Aid Clinics has been prepared to provide legal relief easily to the indigent and backward sections of our society. The Scheme, adopted in December last year under the National Plan of Action of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), is being implemented through the legal services institutions (i.e., the Taluk/Sub-divisional/Mandal Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities, High Court Legal Services Committees, State Legal Services Authorities and Supreme Court Legal Services Committee established under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987) spread throughout the nation. NALSA plans to set up Legal Aid Clinics in all villages throughout the country. Legal Aid Clinic is one of the thrust areas envisioned in the NALSA’s Quinquennial vision & strategy document.
Legal Aid Clinics on the lines of primary health centres where a doctor and other auxiliary medical staff provide basic health care to the people situated in village areas affected with poverty and social squalor. Like the doctors rendering health services to the people of the locality in the primary health centre, a lawyer manning the legal aid clinic provides legal services to the people. The basic objective of the Scheme is to provide legal services to the poor, marginalized and weaker sections of the society as categorized in Section 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act 1987, especially to the people living in faraway places including the places with geographical barriers, away from the seats of justice and the offices of the legal services institutions.The aim of the Scheme is to provide an inexpensive local machinery for rendering legal services of basic nature like legal advice, drafting of petitions, notices, replies, applications and other documents of legal importance and also for resolving the disputes of the local people by making the parties to see reason and thereby preventing the disputes reaching courts. In cases where legal services of a higher level are required, the matter can be referred to the legal services institutions established under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
Legal Aid Clinics are manned by paralegal volunteers (selected and trained by the Legal Services Authorities) and lawyers with a sense of commitment, sensibility and sensitiveness to the problems of common people. The paralegal volunteer is available during the working hours of the Legal Aid Clinics.
The Legal Aid Clinics are located at a place which is easily accessible to the local people. A room within the office building of the local body institutions like village panchayat is considered ideal.
The local Legal Services Authorities are persuading the local body institutions like village panchayat, mandal / block panchayat, municipality and corporation etc, to provide a room for the functioning of legal aid clinic. Since the legal aid clinic is for the benefit of the people in the locality, the local body institutions is impressed upon the need to co-operate with the functioning of the legal aid clinics and to realise that the legal aid clinic is aimed at promoting peace and welfare of the people in the locality.
Legal Aid Clinics are under the direct administrative control of the nearest legal services institution having territorial jurisdiction. The District Legal Services Authority has the supervisory and advisory powers on all Legal Aid Clinics functioning within the district. The State Legal Services Authority has the power to issue guidelines on the working of these Clinics.
The State Legal Services Authorities issue directions from time to time for improving the services in the Legal Aid Clinics to ensure that members of the weaker sections of the society are provided legal services in an efficient manner. The State Legal Services Authorities are required to send quarterly reports about the functioning of the Legal Aid Clinics within their jurisdiction to National Legal Services Authority.
Demand to probe tea land deal
TT, Siliguri, Nov. 17: A forum fighting for people displaced during the construction of the Uttarayon township has demanded a judicial inquiry into the Chandmoni Tea Estate’s transfer of land to the project and the deaths of two garden workers in a police firing in 2002.
The Chandmoni Tea Estate Anti-Eviction Joint Action Committee raised the demand in a memorandum sent to Mamata Banerjee two days ago.
“We demand a judicial inquiry into the land deal and the death of two garden workers in a police firing while they were protesting against the acquisition of the plot. Rules had been violated when the tea garden land was converted into a township project, under which several high-rises and shopping malls have been built,” Abhijit Majumdar, a state committee member of the CPIML (Liberation), told journalists here today.
“Further, the state government and the realtor have failed to keep their promises that tea plants would be grown on at least 150 acres within the township and 500-odd workers of the estate would be rehabilitated.”
The committee consisted of different non-governmental organisations and right groups. It said the government had handed over 406.64 acres to the private company against a sum of Rs 13.92 lakh in 2002. It said the actual valuation of the plot was Rs 100 crore.
Majumdar said the demand for the judicial probe had been raised in the wake of the government’s decision to start inquiries into the land dispute at Rajarhat in Calcutta and firing in Marichjhapi.
Rail funds for jumbo safety
TT, Jalpaiguri, Nov. 17: The Centre has released the first tranche of funds for the construction of underpasses, guard walls and slopes along the railway line in the Dooars to prevent elephant deaths on the tracks.
V. K. Sood, the chief conservator of forests, north Bengal, said the Union ministry of environment and forests had sent Rs 1.93 crore to the Northeast Frontier Railway’s Alipurduar division on November 12. He said the ministry would release Rs 47 lakh more.
The forester said the engineers of the NFR had drawn up a plan to erect a 11.5km-long guard wall in the Mahananda sanctuary, construct a 9km-wide underpass in the Jaldapara forest and to create a slope in Chapramari.
“We had a discussion with railway officials and engineers at Maligaon (NFR headquarters) yesterday. The work will start after the railways and the Bengal forest department jointly inspect the spot where the projects have been proposed,” said Sood.
The funds had been promised by then Union environment and forest minister, Jairam Ramesh, during his visit to Moraghat in the Dooars where seven elephants had been mowed down by a goods train on the night of September 22, 2010. Ramesh had also suggested the erection of watchtowers along the elephant corridors so that forest guards could keep tabs on the animals.
However, the Centre is yet to sanction funds for the construction of 10 watchtowers along the 165km-long railway route between Alipurduar Junction and Siliguri Junction.
More than 35 elephants have been run over by trains ever since the tracks in the Dooars and the Terai have been converted into broad gauge in 2003.
Forest minister Hiten Barman said the work would be jointly taken up by his department and the railways.
“Guard walls and underpasses will be constructed to prevent the death of wild animals, especially elephants. We have also sent a proposal to build 10 watchtowers along the rail route,” said Barman.
Asked whether the underpasses and guard walls would help halt elephant deaths on the tracks, a senior forester said: “We have to wait and watch. We have never taken such steps anywhere in the state before and it is to be seen how the elephants which prefer to pass through particular corridors will move once these things come up.”Legal Aid Clinics
K.K.Pant, PIB: As India lives in its villages, it is imperative that the villagers be provided an effective legal assistance in their village itself. As of now it is also a fact that most of the legal services institutions are located in urban and semi-urban areas which position puts the villagers at a disadvantage. To overcome this hurdle a Scheme of Legal Aid Clinics has been prepared to provide legal relief easily to the indigent and backward sections of our society. The Scheme, adopted in December last year under the National Plan of Action of the National Legal Services Authority (NALSA), is being implemented through the legal services institutions (i.e., the Taluk/Sub-divisional/Mandal Legal Services Committees, District Legal Services Authorities, High Court Legal Services Committees, State Legal Services Authorities and Supreme Court Legal Services Committee established under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987) spread throughout the nation. NALSA plans to set up Legal Aid Clinics in all villages throughout the country. Legal Aid Clinic is one of the thrust areas envisioned in the NALSA’s Quinquennial vision & strategy document.
Legal Aid Clinics on the lines of primary health centres where a doctor and other auxiliary medical staff provide basic health care to the people situated in village areas affected with poverty and social squalor. Like the doctors rendering health services to the people of the locality in the primary health centre, a lawyer manning the legal aid clinic provides legal services to the people. The basic objective of the Scheme is to provide legal services to the poor, marginalized and weaker sections of the society as categorized in Section 12 of the Legal Services Authorities Act 1987, especially to the people living in faraway places including the places with geographical barriers, away from the seats of justice and the offices of the legal services institutions.The aim of the Scheme is to provide an inexpensive local machinery for rendering legal services of basic nature like legal advice, drafting of petitions, notices, replies, applications and other documents of legal importance and also for resolving the disputes of the local people by making the parties to see reason and thereby preventing the disputes reaching courts. In cases where legal services of a higher level are required, the matter can be referred to the legal services institutions established under the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987.
Legal Aid Clinics are manned by paralegal volunteers (selected and trained by the Legal Services Authorities) and lawyers with a sense of commitment, sensibility and sensitiveness to the problems of common people. The paralegal volunteer is available during the working hours of the Legal Aid Clinics.
The Legal Aid Clinics are located at a place which is easily accessible to the local people. A room within the office building of the local body institutions like village panchayat is considered ideal.
The local Legal Services Authorities are persuading the local body institutions like village panchayat, mandal / block panchayat, municipality and corporation etc, to provide a room for the functioning of legal aid clinic. Since the legal aid clinic is for the benefit of the people in the locality, the local body institutions is impressed upon the need to co-operate with the functioning of the legal aid clinics and to realise that the legal aid clinic is aimed at promoting peace and welfare of the people in the locality.
Legal Aid Clinics are under the direct administrative control of the nearest legal services institution having territorial jurisdiction. The District Legal Services Authority has the supervisory and advisory powers on all Legal Aid Clinics functioning within the district. The State Legal Services Authority has the power to issue guidelines on the working of these Clinics.
The State Legal Services Authorities issue directions from time to time for improving the services in the Legal Aid Clinics to ensure that members of the weaker sections of the society are provided legal services in an efficient manner. The State Legal Services Authorities are required to send quarterly reports about the functioning of the Legal Aid Clinics within their jurisdiction to National Legal Services Authority.
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