स्टोभ बम विस्फोट काण्डमा पक्रा परेका छत्र सुब्बाका छोरा सन्तोषले 96 दिनपछि पाए जमानत
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Santosh Subba after his release from the Correctional home |
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 4 नोभेम्बर। 96 दिनपछि आखिरमा छत्र सुब्बाका छोरा सन्तोष सुब्बाले जमानत पाए। छ पल्ट न्यायलयमा उभ्याएपछि आज तिनको अधिवक्ता टीएन भोटियाले चडाएको जमानत याचिकालाई न्यायलयले स्वीकृति दियो। छत्र सुब्बाका छोरा कालेबुङको मोटर स्ट्याण्डमा राखिएको उत्तरबङ्ग राज्य परिवहन निगमका बसमा 26 जुलाईको दिन स्टोभ बम पड्काएको शंकामा पक्रा परेका थिए। सार्वभौम राष्ट्रको दाबीमा युएलए भनिने भूमिगत सङ्गठनका प्रमुख एम थेगिमले घटनाको जिम्मेवारी लिएपछि सन्तोष सुब्बालाई रेलीरोडको चर्च नजिकबाट कालेबुङ पुलिसले पक्राउ गरेको थियो। तिनको जमानत याचिकलाई आज एडिसनल चिफ जुडिसियल मेजिस्ट्रेड राणा धामले स्वीकृत गरे। सन्तोष सुब्बा सॉंझको चारबजी जमानतमा मुक्त बनेका छन्। तिनी विरुद्ध आइपीसी 435,511 अनि 427 सेक्सन 3 पीडीपीपी एक्ट, सेक्सन 3 अनि 4 अफ एक्सक्लुसिभ सब्स्टेन्सेस एक्ट अन्तर्गत मुद्दा दर्ता गरिएको थियो।
पुलिसले आज चार्जसिट बुझाएकोले तिनको जमानत असम्भव रहेको भए पनि तिनका अधिवक्ताका कुशल वकालतीद्वारा नै सन्तोषको जमानत सम्भव भयो। सन्तोष जमानतमा मुक्त भएपछि तिनका अधिवक्ता टीएन भोटियाले भने, सन्तोष सुब्बालाई कुनै ठोस प्रमाण बिना शंसोधनागारमा राखिराख्न न्यायसंगत थिएन। संशोधनागारमा राख्दै मुद्दा लाउँदै गर्ने क्रम तिनको पिताको झैं हुने तथा त्यस्तै परिस्थिति होला भनेर मैले न्यायलयसित सन्तोषको जमानतको अपील गरेको थिएँ। सन्तोष नभाग्ने ग्यारेन्टी मेलै लिएको छु। आज पुलिसले चार्जसीट बुझाएको छ, सोही हेरेर तिनीमाथि आगामी मुद्दा चल्ने पनि अधिवक्ताले जनाएका छन्। यता सन्तोष सुब्बाले अघिबाट नै घरिघरि दोहोर्याउँदै आएको कुरा नै फेरि दोहोर्याए। तिनले भने, मलाई बिनाकारण जेलमा राखियो। दिनमा चारघण्टा मात्र बहिर निस्कन दिइन्छ। मेरो दोष छैन। यसकारण म कसैको कारणले होइन ईश्वरको कारणले नै मुक्त भएको हुँ।
पुलिसले आज चार्जसिट बुझाएकोले तिनको जमानत असम्भव रहेको भए पनि तिनका अधिवक्ताका कुशल वकालतीद्वारा नै सन्तोषको जमानत सम्भव भयो। सन्तोष जमानतमा मुक्त भएपछि तिनका अधिवक्ता टीएन भोटियाले भने, सन्तोष सुब्बालाई कुनै ठोस प्रमाण बिना शंसोधनागारमा राखिराख्न न्यायसंगत थिएन। संशोधनागारमा राख्दै मुद्दा लाउँदै गर्ने क्रम तिनको पिताको झैं हुने तथा त्यस्तै परिस्थिति होला भनेर मैले न्यायलयसित सन्तोषको जमानतको अपील गरेको थिएँ। सन्तोष नभाग्ने ग्यारेन्टी मेलै लिएको छु। आज पुलिसले चार्जसीट बुझाएको छ, सोही हेरेर तिनीमाथि आगामी मुद्दा चल्ने पनि अधिवक्ताले जनाएका छन्। यता सन्तोष सुब्बाले अघिबाट नै घरिघरि दोहोर्याउँदै आएको कुरा नै फेरि दोहोर्याए। तिनले भने, मलाई बिनाकारण जेलमा राखियो। दिनमा चारघण्टा मात्र बहिर निस्कन दिइन्छ। मेरो दोष छैन। यसकारण म कसैको कारणले होइन ईश्वरको कारणले नै मुक्त भएको हुँ।
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Wife and son of Santosh |
तिनले अझ भने, भारतको संविधानमा निर्दोषलाई बन्दी बनाइने कुरा नभए पनि मलाई किन बन्दी बनाइयो त? म यसबारे मुद्दा हाल्ने छु। उच्चन्यायालय अनि मानवाधिकारसम्म पुग्ने छु। तिनले आफ्नो बाबु छत्र सुब्बालाई मुक्त गरेर आफूलाई जेल हाल्नुभित्र कुनै न कुनै षडयन्त्र रहेको पनि तिनले बताए। सार्वभौम राष्ट्रको माग गर्ने एम थेगिम सन्तोष नै रहेको हुन सक्ने शंका पुलिसले गरेको थियो तर सन्तोषले यसकुरालाई पनि बारम्बार नै विरोध गर्दै आइरहेका थिए। आज पनि तिनलाई एम थेगिमसित जोडेको सम्बन्धमा प्रश्न गर्दा भने, एम थेगिम को हुन् म चिन्दिन। मलाई पुलिस आईबी, डीआईबी सबैले केरकार गरे। मलाई जबरजस्ती एम थेगिम बनाउने कोशिष भइरहेको छ। पुलिसले तिनलाई तिनको मुद्दाको कुनै पनि संख्या उल्लेख नभएको कागजमा हस्ताक्षर गर्न लगाएको पनि तिनले खुलासा गरेका छन्।
यता पुलिसले एम थेगिमले प्रयोग गरेका सीम कार्डको आधारमा सन्तोषलाई पक्राउ गरिएको बताइएको भए पनि सन्तोष सुब्बाले भने आफ्नो सीम कार्ड हराएको अनि यसको निम्ति थानामा प्राथमिकी पनि दर्ता गरेको अनि यसको प्रमाण आफूसित रहेको पनि तिनले बताएका छन्। तिनले भने, मलाई जस्तो अरु निर्दोषलाई पनि यस्तो खाले जालमा पार्न सक्छ। मेरो बाबु सोझो नेता रहेको भन्दैमा मलाई पनि जेलमा थुन्नु कहॉंसम्मको न्यायोचित कार्य हो। मीडियाले यस्ता अन्यायका कुराहरूलाई प्रकाशमा ल्याउनुपर्छ।
तिनले आफूले पहिले भूमिगत रहेको भए पनि सबै कुरालाई भूलेर आफू ईश्वरको शरणमा गएको अनि चर्च जॉंदै गरेको बेला नै आफूलाई पक्राउ गरेको पनि तिनले खुलाएका छन्। बल्ल बल्ल बाबा एघाह्रवर्षपछि जेलबाट फर्किएका थिए। तिनीसित भेट्ने बोल्ने मेरो सपनालाई भताभुङ्ग नै पारिदियो। आज म खुशी छु, म घर गइरहेको छु।
Bail for Chhatrey son
TT, Darjeeling, Nov. 4: Santosh Subba, 35, an accused in the kerosene stove blast in Kalimpong’s Motor Stand area, was granted bail by the additional chief judicial magistrate’s court here today.
Santosh, the son of former Gorkha leader Chhatrey Subba, was arrested on July 31, a few days after a person called up a vernacular newspaper’s office in Kalimpong and said the Underground Liberation Association had carried out the blast to protest the signing of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration agreement. “I have been framed and I am innocent. I will even move the Human Rights Commission to get justice,” Santosh said. A parked bus and a ticket counter at the Motor Stand were partially damaged in the blast.
यता पुलिसले एम थेगिमले प्रयोग गरेका सीम कार्डको आधारमा सन्तोषलाई पक्राउ गरिएको बताइएको भए पनि सन्तोष सुब्बाले भने आफ्नो सीम कार्ड हराएको अनि यसको निम्ति थानामा प्राथमिकी पनि दर्ता गरेको अनि यसको प्रमाण आफूसित रहेको पनि तिनले बताएका छन्। तिनले भने, मलाई जस्तो अरु निर्दोषलाई पनि यस्तो खाले जालमा पार्न सक्छ। मेरो बाबु सोझो नेता रहेको भन्दैमा मलाई पनि जेलमा थुन्नु कहॉंसम्मको न्यायोचित कार्य हो। मीडियाले यस्ता अन्यायका कुराहरूलाई प्रकाशमा ल्याउनुपर्छ।
तिनले आफूले पहिले भूमिगत रहेको भए पनि सबै कुरालाई भूलेर आफू ईश्वरको शरणमा गएको अनि चर्च जॉंदै गरेको बेला नै आफूलाई पक्राउ गरेको पनि तिनले खुलाएका छन्। बल्ल बल्ल बाबा एघाह्रवर्षपछि जेलबाट फर्किएका थिए। तिनीसित भेट्ने बोल्ने मेरो सपनालाई भताभुङ्ग नै पारिदियो। आज म खुशी छु, म घर गइरहेको छु।
Bail for Chhatrey son
TT, Darjeeling, Nov. 4: Santosh Subba, 35, an accused in the kerosene stove blast in Kalimpong’s Motor Stand area, was granted bail by the additional chief judicial magistrate’s court here today.
Santosh, the son of former Gorkha leader Chhatrey Subba, was arrested on July 31, a few days after a person called up a vernacular newspaper’s office in Kalimpong and said the Underground Liberation Association had carried out the blast to protest the signing of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration agreement. “I have been framed and I am innocent. I will even move the Human Rights Commission to get justice,” Santosh said. A parked bus and a ticket counter at the Motor Stand were partially damaged in the blast.
मोर्चा-आविपबीचको सम्झौता छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति स्वागतयोग्य-भागोप
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 4 नोभेम्बर। मधेश र पहाडको विकासको निम्ति गरिएको गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा अनि आदिवासी विकास परिषद्को सम्झौता छुट्टैराज्यको सवालमा स्वागत योग्य रहेको आज भागोपले जनाएको छ। यता मोर्चाले भने छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति आविपसित हात मिलाएको होइन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड नदिएर बङ्गाल सरकारले पहाडलाई स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड बनाउने घोषणा गरेपछि छुट्टैराज्यको मुद्दालाई थन्काएर गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा अहिले पहाडलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड होइन स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड बनाउनमा व्यस्त छ।
यही स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड बनाउनको निम्ति नै मोर्चाले अहिले आदिवासी विकास परिषदको क्षेत्रीय समितिसित हात मिलाए पनि सम्झौताले व्यापक विरोधिता कमाइरहेको छ। यता भागोप कालेबुङ जोनका अध्यक्ष प्रभाकर देवानले भने जुन सुकै कुराको निम्ति आदिवासी विकास परिषद्सित मोर्चाले सम्झौता गरेको होस्, त्यतातिर नहेरेर छुट्टैराज्यको सवाललाई हेर्दा मोर्चाले स्वागतयोग्य काम गरेको बताएका छन्। भागोपले जीटीएलाई विरोध नगरेपनि जीटीएमा तराई र डुवर्सका गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रको समावेशिकरणको राजनीतिको विरोध गरेको थियो। भागोप अनुसार प्रस्तावित गोर्खाल्याण्ड क्षेत्र बङ्गालको भूभाग होइन। ऐतिहासिकतालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै यही प्रस्तावित क्षेत्रमा नै सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूको राजनैतिक सुरक्षा अनि चिह्नारीको सुनिश्चितताको निम्ति छुट्टैराज्य हुनुपर्ने भागोपको माग थियो। यसै कारण जीटीएको सिमाङ्कनको निम्ति गठित हाइपावर कमिटीलाई भागोपले विरोध गरिरहेको थियो। केही क्षेत्र मात्र प्रस्तावित छुट्टैराज्यको मानचित्रमा हाल्नु भनेको छुट्टैराज्यको सीमाना सॉंघुरो गर्नु मात्र होइन सरकारकै नरहेको भूभागलाई बङ्गालमा पञ्जिकृत गर्नु रहेको पनि भागोपको भनाइ थियो। तराई र डुवर्सका केही गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्र मात्र जीटीएमा हाल्ने कुराको विरोध गर्दै आइरहेको भागोपलाई अहिले तराई र डुवर्सका सम्पूर्ण क्षेत्र नै प्रस्तावित गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको मानचित्रमा पस्ने कुरालाई सकरात्मकरुपले लिएको छ।
प्रभाकर देवानले भने, तराई र डुवर्स बिना छुट्टैराज्य सम्भव छैन। मोर्चाले जुन सम्झौता आदिवासी विकास परिषद्सित गरेको छ, यो स्थायी सम्झौता होस्। यसमा कही पनि विचलन नआओस्। भविष्यसम्म नै यो सम्झौता कायम होस् किन भने यो सम्झौताले छुट्टैराज्यको सावलमा धेरै नै सहयोग पुर्याउँछ। तिनले यो सम्झौताले कतै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको मागलाई असर नगर्ने बरु सहयोग पुर्याउने पनि जनाएका छन्। तिनले तराई र डुवर्सका आदिवासीहरूले पनि समयोचित कदम उठाएको बताएका छन्। तिनले भने, सिमाङ्कनको कुरामा रैथानेहरूको इच्छा नै चुडान्त हुन्छ। अरू राजनैतिक दलहरुले जे जस्तो टिप्पणी दिइरहेको भए पनि सरकारले रैथानेहरूको निर्णयलाई नै प्रमुखता दिनुपर्छ। केही राजनैतिक दलहरूले आविप र मोर्चाबीच भएको सम्झौतालाई नाटक बताएका छन्। कतिले बिजनबारी घटनालाई भुलाउन गरिएको राजनैतिक हल्ला मात्र पनि यो सम्झौतालाई मानेका छन् भने कतिले मोर्चाले जानेर होस् अथवा नजानेर होस् आविपलाई सहमतिमा ल्याएर छुट्टैराज्यको सवालमा घतलाग्दो कार्य गरेको पनि मानेका छन्। यता मोर्चाल आफै भने छुट्टैराज्यको सवालको निम्ति सम्झौता पटक्कै गरेको होइन भन्ने कुराको दाबी गरिरहेको छ।
किन भने मोर्चाले यदि छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति नै सम्झौता गरेको हो भन्यो भने आविपले साथ छोड्ने कुरा लिखित सम्झौतामा नै गरेकोले मोर्चा त्रसित छ। भरपर्दो सूत्रले जनाए अनुसार मोर्चा र आविपबीच भएको सम्झौतामा लिखितरुपमा नै छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति नभएर केवल विकासको निम्ति सम्झौता गरिएको छ। नगरपालिका चुनाउमा आफ्नो सत्ता स्थापित गरिसकेपछि यसै चुनाउको जनमत देखाएर जीटीएको चुनाउ गराउने अनि यसैबीच तराई र डुवर्समा आदिवासी अनि अन्य समुदायहरूलाई बुझाउन मोर्चाले जनसभा गर्ने अनि त्यसबेला मात्र आविपसित भएको सम्झौताहरूको खुलासा गर्ने मोर्चाले कार्यसूची बनाएको पनि सूत्रको दाबी छ। यता आदिवासी विकास परिषदको क्षेत्रीय समितिलाई भने राज्य समितिले चापमा पारेको छ। बिरसा तिर्की अनुसार राजनैतिक दल मोर्चासित संवैधानिक सुरक्षा नभएको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको निम्ति अराजनैतिक सङ्गठन आविपको मेल मिलाप हुन नसक्ने किटान गरेका छन्। तिर्की अनुसार पैसा र चौकीको लोभमा नै क्षेत्रीय आविप नेताहरूले गोटी चालेको हो। उनीहरूको स्वार्थको निम्ति आविपको छबि बिगार्ने पक्षमा आविपको राज्य समिति नरहेको पनि तिर्कीको भनाइ रहेको छ।
यही स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड बनाउनको निम्ति नै मोर्चाले अहिले आदिवासी विकास परिषदको क्षेत्रीय समितिसित हात मिलाए पनि सम्झौताले व्यापक विरोधिता कमाइरहेको छ। यता भागोप कालेबुङ जोनका अध्यक्ष प्रभाकर देवानले भने जुन सुकै कुराको निम्ति आदिवासी विकास परिषद्सित मोर्चाले सम्झौता गरेको होस्, त्यतातिर नहेरेर छुट्टैराज्यको सवाललाई हेर्दा मोर्चाले स्वागतयोग्य काम गरेको बताएका छन्। भागोपले जीटीएलाई विरोध नगरेपनि जीटीएमा तराई र डुवर्सका गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रको समावेशिकरणको राजनीतिको विरोध गरेको थियो। भागोप अनुसार प्रस्तावित गोर्खाल्याण्ड क्षेत्र बङ्गालको भूभाग होइन। ऐतिहासिकतालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै यही प्रस्तावित क्षेत्रमा नै सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूको राजनैतिक सुरक्षा अनि चिह्नारीको सुनिश्चितताको निम्ति छुट्टैराज्य हुनुपर्ने भागोपको माग थियो। यसै कारण जीटीएको सिमाङ्कनको निम्ति गठित हाइपावर कमिटीलाई भागोपले विरोध गरिरहेको थियो। केही क्षेत्र मात्र प्रस्तावित छुट्टैराज्यको मानचित्रमा हाल्नु भनेको छुट्टैराज्यको सीमाना सॉंघुरो गर्नु मात्र होइन सरकारकै नरहेको भूभागलाई बङ्गालमा पञ्जिकृत गर्नु रहेको पनि भागोपको भनाइ थियो। तराई र डुवर्सका केही गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्र मात्र जीटीएमा हाल्ने कुराको विरोध गर्दै आइरहेको भागोपलाई अहिले तराई र डुवर्सका सम्पूर्ण क्षेत्र नै प्रस्तावित गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको मानचित्रमा पस्ने कुरालाई सकरात्मकरुपले लिएको छ।
प्रभाकर देवानले भने, तराई र डुवर्स बिना छुट्टैराज्य सम्भव छैन। मोर्चाले जुन सम्झौता आदिवासी विकास परिषद्सित गरेको छ, यो स्थायी सम्झौता होस्। यसमा कही पनि विचलन नआओस्। भविष्यसम्म नै यो सम्झौता कायम होस् किन भने यो सम्झौताले छुट्टैराज्यको सावलमा धेरै नै सहयोग पुर्याउँछ। तिनले यो सम्झौताले कतै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको मागलाई असर नगर्ने बरु सहयोग पुर्याउने पनि जनाएका छन्। तिनले तराई र डुवर्सका आदिवासीहरूले पनि समयोचित कदम उठाएको बताएका छन्। तिनले भने, सिमाङ्कनको कुरामा रैथानेहरूको इच्छा नै चुडान्त हुन्छ। अरू राजनैतिक दलहरुले जे जस्तो टिप्पणी दिइरहेको भए पनि सरकारले रैथानेहरूको निर्णयलाई नै प्रमुखता दिनुपर्छ। केही राजनैतिक दलहरूले आविप र मोर्चाबीच भएको सम्झौतालाई नाटक बताएका छन्। कतिले बिजनबारी घटनालाई भुलाउन गरिएको राजनैतिक हल्ला मात्र पनि यो सम्झौतालाई मानेका छन् भने कतिले मोर्चाले जानेर होस् अथवा नजानेर होस् आविपलाई सहमतिमा ल्याएर छुट्टैराज्यको सवालमा घतलाग्दो कार्य गरेको पनि मानेका छन्। यता मोर्चाल आफै भने छुट्टैराज्यको सवालको निम्ति सम्झौता पटक्कै गरेको होइन भन्ने कुराको दाबी गरिरहेको छ।
किन भने मोर्चाले यदि छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति नै सम्झौता गरेको हो भन्यो भने आविपले साथ छोड्ने कुरा लिखित सम्झौतामा नै गरेकोले मोर्चा त्रसित छ। भरपर्दो सूत्रले जनाए अनुसार मोर्चा र आविपबीच भएको सम्झौतामा लिखितरुपमा नै छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति नभएर केवल विकासको निम्ति सम्झौता गरिएको छ। नगरपालिका चुनाउमा आफ्नो सत्ता स्थापित गरिसकेपछि यसै चुनाउको जनमत देखाएर जीटीएको चुनाउ गराउने अनि यसैबीच तराई र डुवर्समा आदिवासी अनि अन्य समुदायहरूलाई बुझाउन मोर्चाले जनसभा गर्ने अनि त्यसबेला मात्र आविपसित भएको सम्झौताहरूको खुलासा गर्ने मोर्चाले कार्यसूची बनाएको पनि सूत्रको दाबी छ। यता आदिवासी विकास परिषदको क्षेत्रीय समितिलाई भने राज्य समितिले चापमा पारेको छ। बिरसा तिर्की अनुसार राजनैतिक दल मोर्चासित संवैधानिक सुरक्षा नभएको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको निम्ति अराजनैतिक सङ्गठन आविपको मेल मिलाप हुन नसक्ने किटान गरेका छन्। तिर्की अनुसार पैसा र चौकीको लोभमा नै क्षेत्रीय आविप नेताहरूले गोटी चालेको हो। उनीहरूको स्वार्थको निम्ति आविपको छबि बिगार्ने पक्षमा आविपको राज्य समिति नरहेको पनि तिर्कीको भनाइ रहेको छ।
‘गोर्खाल्याण्डःमोर्चालाई व्यापार’
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 4 नोभेम्बर। क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीले मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्दलाई व्यापार बनाएको ठाडो आरोप लगाएको छ। क्रामाकपा आञ्चलिक समितिका सचिव मोहन पौड्यालले आज बताए अनुसार गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले पञ्चायत चुनाउ नगरेर नगरपालिका चुनाउ मात्र गर्नु व्यापारिक वृतिको नमूना रहेको बताए।
तिनले भने, तराई र डुवर्सको एकै इञ्च नछोड्ने बताउने मोर्चा अन्तमा गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रसम्म पुगेको थियो। मोर्चाले कसरी नाटक गर्यो भने यता जीटीएमा कुरा ठामठिम गरेर उता लङमार्च फर गोर्खाल्याण्ड गर्यो। अहिले त्यो मार्चलाई फर्किएर हेर्दा पत्तो लाग्छ कि त्यो अनावश्यक कार्यक्रम थियो। यस्तै अनावश्यक कार्यक्रम गरेर नै सिब्सुमा तीनजनाले ज्यान गुमाए। अकबर लामा गुमाए। तर अन्तमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा त्यागेर विकासको निम्ति जीटीए अनि अहिले फेरि जीएण्ड एटीए भनिरहेको छ।
मोर्चा जीएण्ड एटीएसम्म आइपुग्दा गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्दलाई व्यापार बनाइसकेको स्पष्ट हुन्छ। तिनले नगरपालिका चुनाउमाथि विचार माग्दा भने, यो बङ्गालको खेल हो। खेल किन हो भने मोर्चालाई शक्ति बँचाई राख्न कुनै पनि सरकारी आर्थिक कोष चाहियो। त्यो नगरपालिकाले मात्र पुरा गर्न सक्छ। यदि यस्तो होइन भने 75 प्रतिशत जनता ग्राम पञ्चायतमा बस्छन्, त्यसको चुनाउ किन हुँदैन? अब सीमाङ्कनको कुरा पनि रहेन। अब त पञ्चायतको चुनाउ हुनुपर्ने। तर मोर्चाले ग्राम पञ्चायतका 70 प्रतिशत जनतामाथि शासन गर्नको निम्ति नै केवल नगरपालिका चुनाउ गरिरहेको छ। तिनी अनुसार न त सरकारले जनताको असुविधालाई हेरिरहेको छ न त मोर्चाले।
मोर्चालाई कतिबेला नगरपालिका आफ्नो कब्जामा लिउँ अनि जनतालाई सास्ती दिउँ भइरहेको पनि पौड्यालले बताए। तिनले भने, नगरमा प्रभुत्व जमाएपछि गाउँ बस्तीलाई आफ्नो अधीनमा राख्न नै मोर्चाले ग्रामीण जनतालाई वास्ता नगरी दलीय फाइदाको निम्ति नगरपालिका चुनाउ गरिरहेको छ। तर वास्तवमा नै पहिले ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ हुनुपर्ने हो। गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई दलीय फाइदाको निम्ति मोर्चाले प्रयोग गरिरहेको बताउँदै तिनले भने, मोर्चाले जनताको आकांक्षाप्रति कुठाराघात गरेको छ। तिनी अनुसार ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ 2006 देखि नै भइरहेको छैन। तर 2009 सम्म नगरपालिका भने मोर्चाको अधीनमा नै थियो। असुविधा ग्रामीणवासीलाई छ। उनीहरू आफ्ना सानोदेखि सानोसम्मको कुनै पनि कागजपत्र बनाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। उनीहरूको निम्ति स्थापित पञ्चायतबाट कुनै पनि सुविधा पाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। यसकारण चुनाउ नै गर्छ भने मोर्चाले ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ गर्नुपर्छ।
तिनले भने, तराई र डुवर्सको एकै इञ्च नछोड्ने बताउने मोर्चा अन्तमा गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रसम्म पुगेको थियो। मोर्चाले कसरी नाटक गर्यो भने यता जीटीएमा कुरा ठामठिम गरेर उता लङमार्च फर गोर्खाल्याण्ड गर्यो। अहिले त्यो मार्चलाई फर्किएर हेर्दा पत्तो लाग्छ कि त्यो अनावश्यक कार्यक्रम थियो। यस्तै अनावश्यक कार्यक्रम गरेर नै सिब्सुमा तीनजनाले ज्यान गुमाए। अकबर लामा गुमाए। तर अन्तमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा त्यागेर विकासको निम्ति जीटीए अनि अहिले फेरि जीएण्ड एटीए भनिरहेको छ।
मोर्चा जीएण्ड एटीएसम्म आइपुग्दा गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्दलाई व्यापार बनाइसकेको स्पष्ट हुन्छ। तिनले नगरपालिका चुनाउमाथि विचार माग्दा भने, यो बङ्गालको खेल हो। खेल किन हो भने मोर्चालाई शक्ति बँचाई राख्न कुनै पनि सरकारी आर्थिक कोष चाहियो। त्यो नगरपालिकाले मात्र पुरा गर्न सक्छ। यदि यस्तो होइन भने 75 प्रतिशत जनता ग्राम पञ्चायतमा बस्छन्, त्यसको चुनाउ किन हुँदैन? अब सीमाङ्कनको कुरा पनि रहेन। अब त पञ्चायतको चुनाउ हुनुपर्ने। तर मोर्चाले ग्राम पञ्चायतका 70 प्रतिशत जनतामाथि शासन गर्नको निम्ति नै केवल नगरपालिका चुनाउ गरिरहेको छ। तिनी अनुसार न त सरकारले जनताको असुविधालाई हेरिरहेको छ न त मोर्चाले।
मोर्चालाई कतिबेला नगरपालिका आफ्नो कब्जामा लिउँ अनि जनतालाई सास्ती दिउँ भइरहेको पनि पौड्यालले बताए। तिनले भने, नगरमा प्रभुत्व जमाएपछि गाउँ बस्तीलाई आफ्नो अधीनमा राख्न नै मोर्चाले ग्रामीण जनतालाई वास्ता नगरी दलीय फाइदाको निम्ति नगरपालिका चुनाउ गरिरहेको छ। तर वास्तवमा नै पहिले ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ हुनुपर्ने हो। गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई दलीय फाइदाको निम्ति मोर्चाले प्रयोग गरिरहेको बताउँदै तिनले भने, मोर्चाले जनताको आकांक्षाप्रति कुठाराघात गरेको छ। तिनी अनुसार ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ 2006 देखि नै भइरहेको छैन। तर 2009 सम्म नगरपालिका भने मोर्चाको अधीनमा नै थियो। असुविधा ग्रामीणवासीलाई छ। उनीहरू आफ्ना सानोदेखि सानोसम्मको कुनै पनि कागजपत्र बनाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। उनीहरूको निम्ति स्थापित पञ्चायतबाट कुनै पनि सुविधा पाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। यसकारण चुनाउ नै गर्छ भने मोर्चाले ग्राम पञ्चायत चुनाउ गर्नुपर्छ।
चिहानको शासनमा बस्नु हुँदैन-देवान
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 4 नोभेम्बर। बिजनबारी घटना, मोर्चा आविप सम्झौतापछि अब पहाडको राजनीति तताउने नगरपालिका चुनाउ नजिक आइरहेको छ। यसको निम्ति मोर्चाले चुनाउ आयोगसित भेटघाट गरिसकेको छ भने पहाडमा मोर्चाले नगरपालिका चुनाउको निम्ति रणनीति पनि तयार पारिसकेको छ।
विधानसभा चुनाउमा भारतीय गोर्खा परिसङ्घले सबै दलहरूलाई गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति एक हुने आह्वान गरेको भए पनि भागोपको आह्वानलाई दलीय स्वार्थको मुद्दाको कारण कुनै पनि दलले पत्तो दिएन। यसपल्ट नगरपालिका चुनाउ आइरहेको सम्बन्धमा भागोपको दृष्टिकोण कस्तो छ भनी सोधिएको प्रश्नमा प्रभाकर देवानले भने, नगरपालिका चुनाउसित भागोपको कुनै पनि सम्बन्ध छैन किन भने भागोप अराजनैतिक सङ्गठन हो। बङ्गालको राजनीतिसित मात्र पनि भागोपले सरोकार राख्दैन। नगरपालिका चुनाउ राजनैतिक विषय हो। तिनले बङ्गालमा बस्ने नबस्ने मूल मुद्दा रहेको बताउँदै अझ भने, बङ्गाललाई चिहान भन्दैछौं भने त्यही चिहानको ऐनभित्र बस्नु मेरो व्यक्तिगत विचारले उचित होइन।
भागोपलाई विधानसभा चुनाउको बेला क्षेत्रीय राजनीतिमा चासो राखेको आरोप लागेको थियो तर यसबारे भागोपले छुट्टैराज्यको मुद्दाको निम्ति विधानसभा चुनाउको अवसरमा एक बद्ध गराउने कोशिश गरेको बारम्बार बताइरहेका छन्। यसपल्ट नगरपालिका चुनाउको अघि नै फेरि भागोपलाई दलीय एकताको निम्ति जुटिरहेको पाइएको छ। भागोपलाई मन नपराउनेहरूले भागोपलाई चुनाउको बेला सक्रिय रहेको आरोप लगाउने गरेको भए पनि छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन विकासमा टुङ्गिएपछि अहिले प्रस्तावित क्षेत्रबाट राजनैतिक-अराजनैतिक सङ्गठनहरूलाई एक गरेर राष्ट्रियस्तरको छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन गर्ने कार्यसूची बनाइरहेको छ। यसको निम्ति भागोपले पहिलो बैठक गरिसकेको छ भने दोस्रो बैठक कालेबुङमा नै गरिने भएको छ। सोही बैठकद्वारा नै भावी रणनीति तय गरिने भएको छ।
विधानसभा चुनाउमा भारतीय गोर्खा परिसङ्घले सबै दलहरूलाई गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति एक हुने आह्वान गरेको भए पनि भागोपको आह्वानलाई दलीय स्वार्थको मुद्दाको कारण कुनै पनि दलले पत्तो दिएन। यसपल्ट नगरपालिका चुनाउ आइरहेको सम्बन्धमा भागोपको दृष्टिकोण कस्तो छ भनी सोधिएको प्रश्नमा प्रभाकर देवानले भने, नगरपालिका चुनाउसित भागोपको कुनै पनि सम्बन्ध छैन किन भने भागोप अराजनैतिक सङ्गठन हो। बङ्गालको राजनीतिसित मात्र पनि भागोपले सरोकार राख्दैन। नगरपालिका चुनाउ राजनैतिक विषय हो। तिनले बङ्गालमा बस्ने नबस्ने मूल मुद्दा रहेको बताउँदै अझ भने, बङ्गाललाई चिहान भन्दैछौं भने त्यही चिहानको ऐनभित्र बस्नु मेरो व्यक्तिगत विचारले उचित होइन।
भागोपलाई विधानसभा चुनाउको बेला क्षेत्रीय राजनीतिमा चासो राखेको आरोप लागेको थियो तर यसबारे भागोपले छुट्टैराज्यको मुद्दाको निम्ति विधानसभा चुनाउको अवसरमा एक बद्ध गराउने कोशिश गरेको बारम्बार बताइरहेका छन्। यसपल्ट नगरपालिका चुनाउको अघि नै फेरि भागोपलाई दलीय एकताको निम्ति जुटिरहेको पाइएको छ। भागोपलाई मन नपराउनेहरूले भागोपलाई चुनाउको बेला सक्रिय रहेको आरोप लगाउने गरेको भए पनि छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन विकासमा टुङ्गिएपछि अहिले प्रस्तावित क्षेत्रबाट राजनैतिक-अराजनैतिक सङ्गठनहरूलाई एक गरेर राष्ट्रियस्तरको छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन गर्ने कार्यसूची बनाइरहेको छ। यसको निम्ति भागोपले पहिलो बैठक गरिसकेको छ भने दोस्रो बैठक कालेबुङमा नै गरिने भएको छ। सोही बैठकद्वारा नै भावी रणनीति तय गरिने भएको छ।
सानुमति गाउँबुढा
कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 4 नोभेम्बर। कालेबुङकी वयोवृद्ध साहित्यकार सानुमति राईलाई यसपल्ट बसिबियॉंलोले गाउँबुढाको उपाधीले सम्मान गर्ने भएको छ। बसिबियॉंलोलाई यसपल्ट शतकीय प्रकरणकोरूपमा पालन गरिने भएको छ। भोलिदेखि शुरू हुने दुइदिने कार्यक्रमबीच सानुमति राईलाई गाउँबुढाको उपाधीले सम्मान गर्ने शमशेर अलीले जनाएका छन्। यस अधि दसरथ घिमिरे, महानन्द पौड्याल अनि नरबहादुर दाहाललाई यो उपाधीले सम्मान गरिसकिएको छ। 5 अनि 6 नोभेम्बरको दिन राष्ट्रियस्तरीय कार्यक्रम गर्ने अनि देशका विभिन्न भाषाका साहित्यकारहरूले पनि कार्यक्रममा अंशग्रहण गर्ने जनाइएको छ।
St. Stephen College, Delhi joins hand with Spark NGO
For Chandaney Earthquake Rehabilitation
Shital Pradhan, KalimNews, SINGTAM, NOVEMBER 4: A two day Sikkim Earthquake Rehabilitation work was done by 13 member team from St. Stephen College, Delhi accompanied by Praveen Pradhan, President SPARK NGO from Singtam at Chandaney, under Dalapchand GPU on November 2 - 3. The team of Delhi College headed by Miss Richa Raj, lecturer and staff advisor from “Social Service League” distributed and installed seven tents for the seven affected family members.
Richa Raj along with 12 other college students had reached Gangtok on November 1 on their maiden visit to Sikkim. The next day they left for Chandaney where they met the local villagers and expressed their desire to help them. The Delhi team had earlier met Rongli BDO and SDM Rongli Sub Division at their respective offices.
Thangchungnung Mangte President of the “Social Service League” told that this “Social Service League” is a group of society at St Stephen’s College that works for the social cause. Previously they have been to Tsunami affected areas of South India and worked for Bihar Flood. They had also organized Blood Donation Camp on 2010.
Mangte told that their small team of students had collected donations from the students to help the Earthquake families of Sikkim and had brought seven tents along with them. They had wished to work at small village so they had contacted Praveen Pradhan, President SPARK NGO from Singtam prior to their visit who had clued-up about the earthquake position of Chandaney and different other areas under Regu BAC. Those students had interacted with the villagers of Chandaney have found them very cooperative and humble.
Villagers had thanked the students for their support for their social help coming from far state. They went on to say that SPARK NGO from Singtam had visited earlier and promised to bring help for the villagers and on their second visit they had brought the Delhi team so they were very pleased for their effort in bringing goods to the village.
“Social Service League” group and Praveen Pradhan have thanked Revd. Dr. Valson Thampu, Principal of St. Stephen College for allowing them to visit Sikkim, Tashi Densappa alumni of St Stephen College, KT Gyaltsen, Hon’ble Speaker Sikkim Legislative Assembly, Praveen Pradhan, SPARK NGO, Singtam and Helping Hand, Gangtok and PD Rai, SDM Rongli Sub Division, Dhiraj Pradhan, BDO Regu BAC and MK Rai, Panchayat Secretary for their cordial support.
Lastly Pradhan has thanked Richa Raj and her college team for their commendable work and wished them success in their future projects too.
Tea workers get 27% wage hike
TNN | Nov 5, 2011,KOLKATA/JALPAIGURI : Tea company managements and 36 labour unions on Friday reached a consensus to revise garden workers' wage to Rs 85 from Rs 67 per day. The revised wage would be effective from April 1, 2011.
The agreement was reached after a meeting among the unions, managements and two state ministers - labour minister Purnendu Basu and minister for North Bengal affairs Gautam Deb.
"The government is going to set up a tea directorate to revamp the industry," said industries minister Partha Chatterjee. He said attempts are on to reopen five state-owned gardens. The meeting also discussed plans to improve living conditions of the workers.
The revised wage rate brought jubilation among tea workers. Earlier, there had been massive movements in the tea belt of the Dooars and Terai which had resulted in strikes and embargo on tea trading. This crippled the industry for some time.
It has been decided that managements would clear the revised wage arrears in two phases by this fiscal year. This will benefit about 2.5 lakh labourers. "We are glad that finally the agreement has been signed," said Samir Roy, convener of Defence Committee for Plantation Workers' Rights, a body comprising 18 labour unions. There are 153 tea gardens in the Dooars and 42 gardens in the Terai which respectively produce 180 million kg and 50 million kg of tea annually. The present market rate of processed tea is between Rs.120 and Rs.130. So far, the daily wage of the workers was Rs.67 and this the labour unions had been demanding for something around Rs 120, while the planters did not want to go beyond Rs 75 and for that there was a deadlock.
Demanding the hike, the committee had observed a strike on August 12. The labour wing of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parshad had also enforced an embargo over dispatch of tea in the gardens of the Dooars and Terai for few days.
The labour unions had initially demanded the daily wage to be increased to Rs.130. But the garden planters wanted to give the labourers a hike of Rs.24 that too in three phases, which the labour unions are not ready to accept.
Rate now: Rs 85 a day - Plains tea workers get Rs 18 raise
TT, Nov. 4: The wages for workers of the Terai and Dooars tea gardens were revised at a tripartite meeting in Calcutta today, the hike of Rs 18 making it almost equal to the amount that the workforce in the Darjeeling gardens has been getting since April this year.
According to the three-year agreement, the daily wage of the workers will be Rs 85 for the current year, Rs 90 for 2012-2013 and Rs 95 for the financial year ending on March 31, 2014 (see chart).
Earlier, the daily wage in the plains gardens with 2.5 lakh workers had been Rs 67.
Ministers Purnendu Bose (labour), Gautam Deb (north Bengal development) and Partha Chatterjee (industries) were present at the meeting, where it was announced that the tea problem stood solved “as of now”.
“It’s not hundred per cent of what we had set out to achieve. But this is a win-win situation for all stakeholders. We are trying to do everything we can for the revival and rejuvenation of the tea industry,” said Chatterjee after the agreement was signed at Writers’ Buildings between the government, five planters’ associations and 35 labour unions.
“We had been negotiating with the garden owners and the labour unions for months to try and reach a consensus on the wage. Demands were as high as Rs 165 a day. But we had to find a common ground. The arrears, for the period between April 1 and October 31 this year, will be paid in two instalments before Christmas and Holi,” said Bose. The new wages will be paid at the end of this week. The variable dearness allowance, the calculation of which is based on the All India Consumer Price Index and to which the workers are entitled to under the agreement, will be settled within the next six months.
“It took months to resolve the issue but our initiative helped reach a wage rate, which is the highest ever in the industry so far. Workers used to get a daily wage of Rs 67 which has been revised to Rs 85, meaning a hike of Rs 18. In the agreements facilitated by the previous government, the hike had never been so high,” north Bengal development minister Deb.
In April, the labour wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had managed to strike a wage deal of Rs 90 a day, a hike of Rs 23, for workers of the Darjeeling tea industry.
Since then, the plains workers had been clamouring for a similar wage hike.
The state government has also decided to ask the Centre to provide foodgrain and amenities like drinking water, sanitation and medical facilities to the tea labourers. The fringe benefits are now provided by the managements of the respective gardens.
“We will talk to the Centre to explore the possibilities of bringing these amenities under the ambit of the National Rural Health Mission,” said Bose.
The government, the owners and the labour unions also agreed in writing to ensure a smooth day-to-day running of the tea estates.
“We will strive to revive the tea industry by ensuring export growth, better revenue collection and consumer satisfaction. We are very serious about it. We will also speak to the Centre and set up a tea directorate for the overall supervision of the industry,” said Chatterjee. “This agreement is just a stepping stone. A lot of responsibilities lie ahead for us,” he added.
The industries minister said the government would also try to revive the five state-owned tea estates which had been running on losses for years.
“We are happy with today’s agreement,” said Sukra Munda, the chairperson of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad backed-Progressive Tea Workers’ Union.
“The issue had been pending for sometime to be resolved. Now it has been resolved,” said Harihar Acharya, the Terai committee president of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union, which is affiliated to the Morcha.
The planters, too, breathed a sigh of relief. “We have proved our sincerity about arriving at a settlement. But because of the revision in the wages, there will be a steep rise in production costs. The state government has promised to help us,” said Sanjoy Bagchi, the assistant secretary of the Dooars Branch of the Indian Tea Association.
Hill rivals hint at consensus candidates
VIVEK CHHETRI AND AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Darjeeling/Siliguri, Nov. 4: The hill Opposition, determined not to give a “walkover” to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, today discussed the possibility of putting up common candidates in a few select seats for the municipal polls next month.
Today’s meeting between the CPM, the CPRM, the ABGL and the Congress was the result of the initiative of MP Saman Pathak who also said the Opposition should have “some presence” in the hills.
However, no final decision was taken at the meeting today. The CPRM and the ABGL will hold separate meetings on November 6 to decide whether they should contest the polls at all.
After the meeting, CPM Rajya Sabha member Pathak told journalists: “It was an informal meeting between the CPM, the Congress, the Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League and the CPRM. All the parties were of the opinion that a democratic environment for the people to freely voice their opinion does not exist in the hills.
The Morcha should not be given a walkover. There should be some Opposition presence in the hills. ”
Pathak admitted that they would try and even get in touch with the Subash Ghisingh-led GNLF.
“We have not finalised whether we will contest or not but we will definitely try and get in touch with the GNLF,” Pathak said.
The MP, however, did not divulge any specific decisions on fielding common candidates for the municipal polls. The other parties refused comment.
On Wednesday, the CPRM had indicated that it would not contest the civic polls but today’s meeting hinted that the party was willing to discuss the possibility of putting up consensus candidates in some seats.
Civic elections will be held in the four hill municipalities — Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik — for the first time in seven years on December 11.
In fact, before the Assembly polls this year the CPRM had also suggested to the ABGL that they put up common candidates but it fell through after the latter went ahead and fielded its own candidates.
Although CPRM leader Govind Chhetri had earlier maintained that a “majority” of the party’s senior leaders were against contesting the municipal polls, an observer said: “Even if the CPRM does not contest by itself, it may extend support to some other party covertly or overtly.”
Observers also believe that it is slowly becoming a compulsion for the hill parties to at least have a nominal presence during the elections instead of handing a walkover to the Morcha, which would further demoralise their supporters.
The CPM has taken the initiative to field common candidates for its survival in hill politics.
“The CPM will have to field candidates to retain whatever support it still enjoys in the hills,” an observer said.
“Boycotting the civic polls would send a clear message to its supporters in the hills that CPM is no longer interested in the region. The party cannot afford it now as it would help the Morcha and Trinamul campaign against them,” the observer added.
Sources in the party said even if the other outfits did not agree to field candidates, the Left party would go ahead and do so, at least in some seats.
Non-GJMM parties undecided over participating in civic poll
SNS, SILIGURI/DARJEELING, 4 NOV: With the Darjeeling district administration having taken initiatives to ensure free and fair civic body elections in the Hills, the principal non-GJMM parties are still dithering whether they would participate in the election or not.
The civic polls in the four Hill municipalities ~ Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik ~ are slated for 11 December. The last civic election was held in 2005. but it could not be held in 2009 because of the dragging tension over the statehood agitations. The filing of nomination is expected to begin on 8 November.
The Darjeeling district Left Front today said it would have a talk with the non-GJMM political parties like the AIGL, the CPRM and the GNLF about the matter.
The Darjeeling district Left Front convenor, Mr Asok Bhattacharya, said in Siliguri today that the party would take the decision on the matter soon.
“We will first have talks with all the non-GJMM parties, including the Congress, to decide whether the prevailing atmosphere in the Hills is conducive for a free and fair election. The dialogue has already begun and the Rajya Sabha MP, Mr Saman Pathak, has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the dialogue on behalf of the CPI-M,” the senior Marxist leader said.
Mr Pathak had talks with some political parties on the issue in Darjeeling today. The CPRM and the AIGL have called meetings on Sunday to decide whether they would take part in the civic elections.
The AIGL president, Mrs Bharati Tamang, said her party would meet in Kalimpong on 6 November to take a final decision on the matter.
A senior CPRM leader, Mr Taramoni Rai, said the ground situation had remained unchanged in the Hills. “The surface peace is misguiding. The reality is different,” he said, adding that his party would take the decision on the matter next Sunday.
All-party meet at DM’s office over election in Hills
An all-party meeting was held today at the office of the Darjeeling district magistrate (DM) regarding civic elections in the four municipalities, namely, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik, slated on 11 December. All the important political parties like CPI-M, CPRM, BJP, Congress and GJMM participated in the meeting. But the GNLF was conspicuous by its absence.
It was learnt from administrative officials that the DM, Mr Soumitra Mohan, had enlightened all the political parties about the rules and regulations to be followed by the parties. After the meting was over the CPRM leader, Mr Shekher Chettri, said the DM had assured them of free and fair elections. “We hope the electorate would have the freedom to choose candidates freely,” he said.
The process of filing nomination for the 11 December civic body elections is set to commence on 8 November. The process is expected to be completed by 16 November. But these dates are tentative, as the final decision would be taken soon by the state election commission, a senior district official said.
However, uncertainty prevails over whether the major non-GJMM parties like AIGL, GNLF and CPI-M would take part in the elections or not. A senior Marxist leader and the Rajya Sabha MP from the Darjeeling Hills, Mr Saman Pathak, said the atmosphere in the Hills was not conducive for free and fair elections. “We would decide whether we would contest or not later,” he added.
Parishad prepares for numbers show
TT, Siliguri, Nov. 4: The tribal leaders in the Terai and the Dooars, who have been showcaused by the state leadership, said they would go ahead with their public meeting on Sunday to prove that their decision to join the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration is correct.
John Barla, the former president of the Dooars Terai regional unit of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad and one of the five who had been showcaused, said the state leaders of the outfit had failed to read the minds of the grassroots supporters.
The state committee of the Parishad had on Wednesday asked the five regional leaders to reply within six days why they had agreed without approval that the Dooars and the Terai should be made part of the GTA, the hill set-up for the Darjeeling hills.
“Sitting in Calcutta, it is not possible to know the aspirations of the tribal people in the Terai and the Dooars. Several times, we tried to meet the state leaders, including the state president, and apprise them of the circumstances that made us sign the agreement with the Morcha but they refused to give us audience,” said Barla, who returned to the Dooars today after his attempts to meet the state leaders in Calcutta failed.
“The discourteous manner in which we were stopped from clarifying our stand has hurt us. It has also posed a challenge before us and we are determined to prove that what we had said earlier that the Dooars and the Terai should join the GTA is correct,” he said.
Barla said none of the showcaused leaders would speak at the November 6 meeting at Malbazar.
“It will be others, who had given us the feedback on the common man’s aspiration, who will do the talking,” he said.
Barla accused Parishad state president Birsa Tirkey, who had issued the show cause notices, of blowing the issue out of proportion. Tirkey, however, has denied the charges.
“They are facing action for violating the laid down norms of our organisation. Even if they had learnt that tribal people were demanding the inclusion of the Dooars and the Terai in GTA and a tie-up with the Morcha, they should have consulted the state committee first. Going ahead and signing a written agreement with the Morcha was an act of obstinacy on their part for which they are facing the consequences,” he said.
UJSS rejects GATA
KalimNews:Uttarbangal Jharkhandi Sangha samity a new outfit rejected the recent GTA vis avis GATA agreement made by Doaars Terai branch of ABAVP.Sankar Kujur of UJSS said that they will fight too th and nail agaiant the proposal of inclusion of Terai and Dooars in GATA or proposed GATA. It also threatened that it will demonstrate raising its voice against the decision of the ABAVP Terai Dooars leders.
Richa Raj along with 12 other college students had reached Gangtok on November 1 on their maiden visit to Sikkim. The next day they left for Chandaney where they met the local villagers and expressed their desire to help them. The Delhi team had earlier met Rongli BDO and SDM Rongli Sub Division at their respective offices.
Thangchungnung Mangte President of the “Social Service League” told that this “Social Service League” is a group of society at St Stephen’s College that works for the social cause. Previously they have been to Tsunami affected areas of South India and worked for Bihar Flood. They had also organized Blood Donation Camp on 2010.
Mangte told that their small team of students had collected donations from the students to help the Earthquake families of Sikkim and had brought seven tents along with them. They had wished to work at small village so they had contacted Praveen Pradhan, President SPARK NGO from Singtam prior to their visit who had clued-up about the earthquake position of Chandaney and different other areas under Regu BAC. Those students had interacted with the villagers of Chandaney have found them very cooperative and humble.
Villagers had thanked the students for their support for their social help coming from far state. They went on to say that SPARK NGO from Singtam had visited earlier and promised to bring help for the villagers and on their second visit they had brought the Delhi team so they were very pleased for their effort in bringing goods to the village.
“Social Service League” group and Praveen Pradhan have thanked Revd. Dr. Valson Thampu, Principal of St. Stephen College for allowing them to visit Sikkim, Tashi Densappa alumni of St Stephen College, KT Gyaltsen, Hon’ble Speaker Sikkim Legislative Assembly, Praveen Pradhan, SPARK NGO, Singtam and Helping Hand, Gangtok and PD Rai, SDM Rongli Sub Division, Dhiraj Pradhan, BDO Regu BAC and MK Rai, Panchayat Secretary for their cordial support.
Lastly Pradhan has thanked Richa Raj and her college team for their commendable work and wished them success in their future projects too.
Tea workers get 27% wage hike
TNN | Nov 5, 2011,KOLKATA/JALPAIGURI : Tea company managements and 36 labour unions on Friday reached a consensus to revise garden workers' wage to Rs 85 from Rs 67 per day. The revised wage would be effective from April 1, 2011.
The agreement was reached after a meeting among the unions, managements and two state ministers - labour minister Purnendu Basu and minister for North Bengal affairs Gautam Deb.
"The government is going to set up a tea directorate to revamp the industry," said industries minister Partha Chatterjee. He said attempts are on to reopen five state-owned gardens. The meeting also discussed plans to improve living conditions of the workers.
The revised wage rate brought jubilation among tea workers. Earlier, there had been massive movements in the tea belt of the Dooars and Terai which had resulted in strikes and embargo on tea trading. This crippled the industry for some time.
It has been decided that managements would clear the revised wage arrears in two phases by this fiscal year. This will benefit about 2.5 lakh labourers. "We are glad that finally the agreement has been signed," said Samir Roy, convener of Defence Committee for Plantation Workers' Rights, a body comprising 18 labour unions. There are 153 tea gardens in the Dooars and 42 gardens in the Terai which respectively produce 180 million kg and 50 million kg of tea annually. The present market rate of processed tea is between Rs.120 and Rs.130. So far, the daily wage of the workers was Rs.67 and this the labour unions had been demanding for something around Rs 120, while the planters did not want to go beyond Rs 75 and for that there was a deadlock.
Demanding the hike, the committee had observed a strike on August 12. The labour wing of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parshad had also enforced an embargo over dispatch of tea in the gardens of the Dooars and Terai for few days.
The labour unions had initially demanded the daily wage to be increased to Rs.130. But the garden planters wanted to give the labourers a hike of Rs.24 that too in three phases, which the labour unions are not ready to accept.
Rate now: Rs 85 a day - Plains tea workers get Rs 18 raise
TT, Nov. 4: The wages for workers of the Terai and Dooars tea gardens were revised at a tripartite meeting in Calcutta today, the hike of Rs 18 making it almost equal to the amount that the workforce in the Darjeeling gardens has been getting since April this year.
According to the three-year agreement, the daily wage of the workers will be Rs 85 for the current year, Rs 90 for 2012-2013 and Rs 95 for the financial year ending on March 31, 2014 (see chart).
Earlier, the daily wage in the plains gardens with 2.5 lakh workers had been Rs 67.
Ministers Purnendu Bose (labour), Gautam Deb (north Bengal development) and Partha Chatterjee (industries) were present at the meeting, where it was announced that the tea problem stood solved “as of now”.
“It’s not hundred per cent of what we had set out to achieve. But this is a win-win situation for all stakeholders. We are trying to do everything we can for the revival and rejuvenation of the tea industry,” said Chatterjee after the agreement was signed at Writers’ Buildings between the government, five planters’ associations and 35 labour unions.
“We had been negotiating with the garden owners and the labour unions for months to try and reach a consensus on the wage. Demands were as high as Rs 165 a day. But we had to find a common ground. The arrears, for the period between April 1 and October 31 this year, will be paid in two instalments before Christmas and Holi,” said Bose. The new wages will be paid at the end of this week. The variable dearness allowance, the calculation of which is based on the All India Consumer Price Index and to which the workers are entitled to under the agreement, will be settled within the next six months.
“It took months to resolve the issue but our initiative helped reach a wage rate, which is the highest ever in the industry so far. Workers used to get a daily wage of Rs 67 which has been revised to Rs 85, meaning a hike of Rs 18. In the agreements facilitated by the previous government, the hike had never been so high,” north Bengal development minister Deb.
In April, the labour wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had managed to strike a wage deal of Rs 90 a day, a hike of Rs 23, for workers of the Darjeeling tea industry.
Since then, the plains workers had been clamouring for a similar wage hike.
The state government has also decided to ask the Centre to provide foodgrain and amenities like drinking water, sanitation and medical facilities to the tea labourers. The fringe benefits are now provided by the managements of the respective gardens.
“We will talk to the Centre to explore the possibilities of bringing these amenities under the ambit of the National Rural Health Mission,” said Bose.
The government, the owners and the labour unions also agreed in writing to ensure a smooth day-to-day running of the tea estates.
“We will strive to revive the tea industry by ensuring export growth, better revenue collection and consumer satisfaction. We are very serious about it. We will also speak to the Centre and set up a tea directorate for the overall supervision of the industry,” said Chatterjee. “This agreement is just a stepping stone. A lot of responsibilities lie ahead for us,” he added.
The industries minister said the government would also try to revive the five state-owned tea estates which had been running on losses for years.
“We are happy with today’s agreement,” said Sukra Munda, the chairperson of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad backed-Progressive Tea Workers’ Union.
“The issue had been pending for sometime to be resolved. Now it has been resolved,” said Harihar Acharya, the Terai committee president of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union, which is affiliated to the Morcha.
The planters, too, breathed a sigh of relief. “We have proved our sincerity about arriving at a settlement. But because of the revision in the wages, there will be a steep rise in production costs. The state government has promised to help us,” said Sanjoy Bagchi, the assistant secretary of the Dooars Branch of the Indian Tea Association.
Hill rivals hint at consensus candidates
Rajya Sabha member Saman Pathak (left) and CPM leader KB Wattar at the news conference in Darjeeling on Friday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
Today’s meeting between the CPM, the CPRM, the ABGL and the Congress was the result of the initiative of MP Saman Pathak who also said the Opposition should have “some presence” in the hills.
However, no final decision was taken at the meeting today. The CPRM and the ABGL will hold separate meetings on November 6 to decide whether they should contest the polls at all.
After the meeting, CPM Rajya Sabha member Pathak told journalists: “It was an informal meeting between the CPM, the Congress, the Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League and the CPRM. All the parties were of the opinion that a democratic environment for the people to freely voice their opinion does not exist in the hills.
The Morcha should not be given a walkover. There should be some Opposition presence in the hills. ”
Pathak admitted that they would try and even get in touch with the Subash Ghisingh-led GNLF.
“We have not finalised whether we will contest or not but we will definitely try and get in touch with the GNLF,” Pathak said.
The MP, however, did not divulge any specific decisions on fielding common candidates for the municipal polls. The other parties refused comment.
On Wednesday, the CPRM had indicated that it would not contest the civic polls but today’s meeting hinted that the party was willing to discuss the possibility of putting up consensus candidates in some seats.
Civic elections will be held in the four hill municipalities — Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik — for the first time in seven years on December 11.
In fact, before the Assembly polls this year the CPRM had also suggested to the ABGL that they put up common candidates but it fell through after the latter went ahead and fielded its own candidates.
Although CPRM leader Govind Chhetri had earlier maintained that a “majority” of the party’s senior leaders were against contesting the municipal polls, an observer said: “Even if the CPRM does not contest by itself, it may extend support to some other party covertly or overtly.”
Observers also believe that it is slowly becoming a compulsion for the hill parties to at least have a nominal presence during the elections instead of handing a walkover to the Morcha, which would further demoralise their supporters.
The CPM has taken the initiative to field common candidates for its survival in hill politics.
“The CPM will have to field candidates to retain whatever support it still enjoys in the hills,” an observer said.
“Boycotting the civic polls would send a clear message to its supporters in the hills that CPM is no longer interested in the region. The party cannot afford it now as it would help the Morcha and Trinamul campaign against them,” the observer added.
Sources in the party said even if the other outfits did not agree to field candidates, the Left party would go ahead and do so, at least in some seats.
Non-GJMM parties undecided over participating in civic poll
SNS, SILIGURI/DARJEELING, 4 NOV: With the Darjeeling district administration having taken initiatives to ensure free and fair civic body elections in the Hills, the principal non-GJMM parties are still dithering whether they would participate in the election or not.
The civic polls in the four Hill municipalities ~ Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik ~ are slated for 11 December. The last civic election was held in 2005. but it could not be held in 2009 because of the dragging tension over the statehood agitations. The filing of nomination is expected to begin on 8 November.
The Darjeeling district Left Front today said it would have a talk with the non-GJMM political parties like the AIGL, the CPRM and the GNLF about the matter.
The Darjeeling district Left Front convenor, Mr Asok Bhattacharya, said in Siliguri today that the party would take the decision on the matter soon.
“We will first have talks with all the non-GJMM parties, including the Congress, to decide whether the prevailing atmosphere in the Hills is conducive for a free and fair election. The dialogue has already begun and the Rajya Sabha MP, Mr Saman Pathak, has been entrusted with the responsibility of conducting the dialogue on behalf of the CPI-M,” the senior Marxist leader said.
Mr Pathak had talks with some political parties on the issue in Darjeeling today. The CPRM and the AIGL have called meetings on Sunday to decide whether they would take part in the civic elections.
The AIGL president, Mrs Bharati Tamang, said her party would meet in Kalimpong on 6 November to take a final decision on the matter.
A senior CPRM leader, Mr Taramoni Rai, said the ground situation had remained unchanged in the Hills. “The surface peace is misguiding. The reality is different,” he said, adding that his party would take the decision on the matter next Sunday.
All-party meet at DM’s office over election in Hills
An all-party meeting was held today at the office of the Darjeeling district magistrate (DM) regarding civic elections in the four municipalities, namely, Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Mirik, slated on 11 December. All the important political parties like CPI-M, CPRM, BJP, Congress and GJMM participated in the meeting. But the GNLF was conspicuous by its absence.
It was learnt from administrative officials that the DM, Mr Soumitra Mohan, had enlightened all the political parties about the rules and regulations to be followed by the parties. After the meting was over the CPRM leader, Mr Shekher Chettri, said the DM had assured them of free and fair elections. “We hope the electorate would have the freedom to choose candidates freely,” he said.
The process of filing nomination for the 11 December civic body elections is set to commence on 8 November. The process is expected to be completed by 16 November. But these dates are tentative, as the final decision would be taken soon by the state election commission, a senior district official said.
However, uncertainty prevails over whether the major non-GJMM parties like AIGL, GNLF and CPI-M would take part in the elections or not. A senior Marxist leader and the Rajya Sabha MP from the Darjeeling Hills, Mr Saman Pathak, said the atmosphere in the Hills was not conducive for free and fair elections. “We would decide whether we would contest or not later,” he added.
Parishad prepares for numbers show
TT, Siliguri, Nov. 4: The tribal leaders in the Terai and the Dooars, who have been showcaused by the state leadership, said they would go ahead with their public meeting on Sunday to prove that their decision to join the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration is correct.
Birsa Tirkey, John Barla |
The state committee of the Parishad had on Wednesday asked the five regional leaders to reply within six days why they had agreed without approval that the Dooars and the Terai should be made part of the GTA, the hill set-up for the Darjeeling hills.
“Sitting in Calcutta, it is not possible to know the aspirations of the tribal people in the Terai and the Dooars. Several times, we tried to meet the state leaders, including the state president, and apprise them of the circumstances that made us sign the agreement with the Morcha but they refused to give us audience,” said Barla, who returned to the Dooars today after his attempts to meet the state leaders in Calcutta failed.
“The discourteous manner in which we were stopped from clarifying our stand has hurt us. It has also posed a challenge before us and we are determined to prove that what we had said earlier that the Dooars and the Terai should join the GTA is correct,” he said.
Barla said none of the showcaused leaders would speak at the November 6 meeting at Malbazar.
“It will be others, who had given us the feedback on the common man’s aspiration, who will do the talking,” he said.
Barla accused Parishad state president Birsa Tirkey, who had issued the show cause notices, of blowing the issue out of proportion. Tirkey, however, has denied the charges.
“They are facing action for violating the laid down norms of our organisation. Even if they had learnt that tribal people were demanding the inclusion of the Dooars and the Terai in GTA and a tie-up with the Morcha, they should have consulted the state committee first. Going ahead and signing a written agreement with the Morcha was an act of obstinacy on their part for which they are facing the consequences,” he said.
UJSS rejects GATA
KalimNews:Uttarbangal Jharkhandi Sangha samity a new outfit rejected the recent GTA vis avis GATA agreement made by Doaars Terai branch of ABAVP.Sankar Kujur of UJSS said that they will fight too th and nail agaiant the proposal of inclusion of Terai and Dooars in GATA or proposed GATA. It also threatened that it will demonstrate raising its voice against the decision of the ABAVP Terai Dooars leders.
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