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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डः ममता सरकार कति इमान्दार?.... काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री ... Talks with Gorkhaland leaders on June 6: Mamata.... Anti Tobacco Day observed ... Separate Gorkhaland talks later, says CM .... GJM puts Gorkhaland demand on backburner ... Mamata has Gurung on her side, for now

मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 31 मई। ममता व्यानर्जी जो आफ्नो राजत्वकालमा बङ्गाल फुटेर कुनै राज्य भएको चहॉंदैनन्‌। तिनलाई विश्वास छ, बङ्गालमा कतै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको सवाल उठेको छ भने, त्यो विकाससित सम्बन्धित समस्या हो। वाम सरकारले गरेको सानीमाको व्यावहारको जवाबमा नै छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दलन चर्किएको हो। यसैकारण तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड नभनेर स्वीट्‌जरल्याण्ड भनेको राजनैतिक विश्लेषकहरू ठान्छन्‌। पहाड़मा छुट्टैराज्यको गर्मी चलिरहेको बेलामा तिनले आफू मुख्यमन्त्री भए तीन महिनामा नै समस्या समाधान गर्छु भनेर त्यसै डेट लाइनन  दिएका होइनन्‌। डेटलाइनकोपछि पहाड़को समस्या बुझाइ ठूलो कारण रहेको छ। 
वाम सरकारले विकास नगरेकोले नै पहाड़मा छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन गर्नुपरेको तिनको बुझाइ छ। ममता व्यानर्जी मुख्यमन्त्री हुने वित्तिकै राजनैतिक बन्दीहरूलाई मुक्त गरिने घोषणा गरेर छत्र सुब्बाको मुक्तिको सवाल पनि ममताको ममतामा नै जोड़िएर बसेको छ। यता नयॉं सरकार गठन हुने वित्तिकै सीबीआईले गोर्खालीग नेता मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डसित जोड्दै मोर्चाका नेता दीपेन मालेलाई पक्राउ गरिसकेको छ। मालेको पक्राउसित नै पहाड़को राजनीतिमा आन्तरिक गर्मी थपिएको छ। मोर्चाले सीआईडीले बुझाएको चार्जसिटमा नाम नै नभएको मालेलाई पक्राउ गरेकोमा आपत्ति जनाउँदै न्यायपालिकामा अड्‌को थाप्दै निकोल तामङलाई जिउँदै मागेको छ। यता सीआईडीले बुझाएको चार्जसिटमा तीसजनाको नाम रहेको छ, जसमा आठ जनालाई पक्राउ समेत गरिएको छ।
गोर्खालीगले मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डको दोषीकोरूपमा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाममा समेत प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको भए पनि सीआईडीको लिष्टमा उनीहरूको नाम नपरेको लीगको आरोप छ। यता सीबीआई, सीआईडीले जारी गरेको नामकोपछि नलागेर आफ्नै ढङ्गले कार्य गरिरहेकोले लीगले सीबीआईको कार्यपद्धतिलाई सकारेको छ।
मदन तामङको हत्या त्यसबेला भएको थियो जतिबेला तिनले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको व्यापक विरोध गरेका थिए। तिनको हत्या हुने वित्तिकै वाम नेताहरू प्रशासनका उच्चअधिकारीसमेतले मोर्चाको हात रहेको बताएका थिए। हत्या हुने बित्तिकै मोर्चालाई दोष्याइनु अनि मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम अघि आउनुले निक्कै सनसनी पनि मच्चिएको थियो। टेलिफोनिक संवादले मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाम अघि ल्याएकोले मामिला निक्कै गर्मीएको थियो तर वास्तविकता प्रकटमा ल्याइने काम न त सीआईडीबाट भयो न त पुलिस प्रशासनबाट। बङ्गालमा ममता व्यानर्जीले अहिले राज्य सीआईडीमा फेरबदल ल्याउने बताएकोले वाम सरकारको पक्षमा काम गर्ने अधिकारीहरूको सफाइको सम्भावना अघि आएको छ। जुन हिसाबमा मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम मदन तामङको हत्याकाण्डसित जोड़िएको छ, यसको व्यापक जॉंच पड़्‌ताल गर्ने जिम्मा पनि अब ममता सरकारमा नै आएको छ।
यता ममता सरकारसित मोर्चाले जनमुद्दालाई लिएर भेट्‌ने काम अनि वार्ताको शिलशिला शुरू गरिसकेको छ। कमसेकम ममता सरकारले सत्य कुरालाई अघि ल्याउने आशा पहाड़वासीले गरेको छ तर जनता अघिको मुद्दामा ममता सरकारले कुनै न्यायपरक काम गर्न नसके ममताबाट पहाड़वासीको विश्वास उठ्‌ने समेतको सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। यता मोर्चालाई लागेको दोषको पनि छिनाफाना हुन अनिवार्य छ किन भने जबसम्म मोर्चालाई यो आक्षेप लाग्नेछ तबसम्म पहाड़को परिस्थिति सहज रहनेछैन। जो दोषी हो, उसलाई बाहिर निकाल्न ममता सरकार सफल हुने हो कि राज्यमा आफ्नो हैकम र प्रभुत्व जमाउनको निम्ति पहाड़प्रति वामनीति नै अप्नाइने हो,यसैमा ममता सरकारको इमान्दारिता जोखिने पहाड़का राजनैतिक विश्लेषकहरूले अनुमान गरेका छन्‌।
काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री
कालिमन्युज: काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राईलाई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री घोषणा गरिएको छ। नेशनल गोर्खा फोरमले सक्रिय रुपमा समर्थन दिएको काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री बन्नपुगेका छन् । श्री राईले आफ्नो सफलतामा गोर्खा फोरमको सहयोग रहेको कुरोलाई स्वीकार्दै आभार प्रकट गरेका छन् । यो सफलता गोर्खा फोरमको मात्र नभएर आसामका समस्त गोर्खा जातिको नै सफलता ठान्नु पर्छ । गोर्खा सन्तानको यो सफलतामा आसामको भूमिमा गोर्खा जातिको अस्तित्वको स्वीकारबोध पनि प्रष्ट भएको छ ।
काँग्रेस पार्टीबाट केवल दुइजना मात्र विधायक भएकाले गोर्खा जातिबाट एकजनासम्म मन्त्री बनाइनु उचित छ भन्ने माग पनि गोर्खा फोरमले आसामका मुख्यमन्त्री तरुण गोगोईलाई आग्रह-पत्र पनि चढाएको थियो । पछिल्लो विधानसभामा अध्यक्ष पदमा कुशलतापूर्वक कार्यभार सम्भालेर यो सत्रमा क्यबिनेट पदमा पुगेका श्री राईज्यू आसामे गोर्खाहरुका निर्विवाद अगुवा बन्नपुगेका छन् । गोर्खा फोरमले यस उपलव्धिमा हार्दिक बधाई टक्राएको छ । राई कानुन, न्याय, योजना, विकाश अनि पेन्सन मन्त्रालयका मन्त्री भएका छन |
Anti Tobacco Day observed
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 31 May:  Sikkim joined the nation in observing the Anti Tobacco Day ,highlighting the health risks associated with the use of tobacco and advocating for effective policies to reduce its consumption.
According to World Health Organisations' statistics, tobacco use is the second leading cause of death globally after hypertension.It is currently responsible for killing one in 10 adults all over the world.
The latest report of the Indian Council of Medical Research says that smoking and chewing tobacco is the cause of 50 percent of all cancer in men and 25 percent in women. Smokers and other tobacco users , not only put their own life at risk but also of those around them.
The day in the State was marked by Mountain Biking for Healthy Sikkim Expedition from Chanmari to Pubic Netam around the capital. The expedition flagged off by the State legislative Assembly Speaker and Area MLA Mr KT GyaItsen was aimed at promoting tourism while creating mass awareness against Drug Abuse and Alcoholism. In his address, Mr. Gyaltsen called upon the people, specially the youth, to keep away from injurious to health substances such as drugs, liquor and tobacco.
The NCC cadets of TNSS, PNGSS, Ranipool SS ,Assam Lingzey School and TNA took out anti-tobacco rallies in and around Gangtok to mark the day. It was led by the Commanding Officer of the Three Sikkim Battalion Lieutenant Colonel D.Mahapatra.
A day long programme was held at the Namthang Senior Secondary School in South district to mark the Anti Tobacco Day today. Speaking on the occasion as Resource Person a senior Psychiatrist Dr.CL Pradhan described company, curiosity , tension and imitation of the elders by the younger ones as the main reasons for tobacco consumption. He called for having self-control and care for one’s own life as the remedial measures against the use of tobacco. The local PHC In-charge Dr. Palmu Rai dwelt upon the ill effects of tobacco consumption.

पूर्व सिक्किमको छलोमपोङमा दूर्लभ कछुवा भेटियो
प्रवीण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, रंगेली,31 मई। पूर्व सिक्किमको रंगेली महकुमा क्षेत्र अन्तर्गत छलमपोङ गाउँमा एउटा दूर्लभ प्रजातिको कछुवा फेला परेको छ। महकुमामा कार्यरत वन विभागका एसीएफ वाइल्ड लाइफ प्रह्लाद प्रधानले यसको जानकारी दिएका छन्। उनले बताए अऩुसार गत 27 मईको दिन छलमपोङ गाउँका किसान मणिकुमार प्रधानले बारीमा घाँस काट्न जाँदा पहेलो रंगको उक्त कछुवा देखेर वन विभागलाई सूचीत गऱ्यो। सूचना पाउनसाथै एसीएफ प्रधानको नेतृत्वमा गएको वन विभागको कर्माचारीहरूले उक्त कछुवा सुरक्षी पक्रेर संरक्षणको निम्ति राख्ने व्यवस्था गरेको उनले बताए। एसीएफ प्रधानले बताए अनुसार यो क्षेत्रमा अहिलेसम्म यस्तो दूर्लभ प्रजातिको जीव नदेखिएको अनि पहिलो पल्ट भेटिएको हो। यसको प्रजाति चिन्हित गर्ने तथा अन्य थप अनुसंधान गर्ने कार्य जारी रहेको उनले बताए। 
यसैगरि कछुवाको सन्तान निक्कै धैरे हुने भएको हुनाले अझै छोडिएकाहरू हुन सक्ने सम्भावनालाई ध्यानमा राखेर स्थानीय गाउँलेहरूलाई यदी यस्तो जीव भेटेको खण्डमा तुरन्दै वन विभागलाई सूचीत गर्ने आग्रह गरिएको उनले बताए। प्राप्त कछुवा पूर्ण स्वस्थ्य रहेको तथा त्यसको ओजन लगभग साढे तीन देखि चार किलोग्राम रहेको एसीएफ प्रधानले बताए। उनले उक्त कछुवालाई एक जना आरओको साथमा दक्षिण सिक्किमको किताममा स्थित वर्ड पार्कमा संरक्षणको निम्ति पठाएको बताए। उनले भने, वनविभागको सीएफ वाइल्ड लाइफ गट लेप्चाको मौखिक निदेशनमा उक्त कछुवा सुरक्षीत किताम वर्ड पार्कमा 28 मईकै दिन पुऱ्याउने कार्य भएको छ।
Talks with Gorkhaland leaders on June 6: Mamata
ANI, May 31, 2011 - Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister has said a meeting of political leaders concerned with Darjeeling Hills would be held on June 6 to resolve the demand for creation of separate hill state.
"A meeting will be held on June 6 between the government officials and concerned political leaders. Once that meeting is held, we will decide when the political process could be started," said Mamata Banerjee.
Meanwhile, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) President Bimal Gurung said that the decision taken in favour of Gorkha people augurs well for the Darjeeling Hills.
"This is a good news for all of us. The hard work, which we have done, has been recognised finally. We have shared our feelings with madam (Mamata Banerjee). So the decision will be taken only after this official meeting, which is going to take place on June 6," said Gurung. I hope everything will go well in near future. We will wait for the decision," he added.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million. Reportedly, the demand for Gorkhaland had been made prior to the India's independence in 1947.
A renewed demand for a separate Gorkhaland region, which would include Darjeeling and some contiguous areas of Jalpaiguri District, has created fresh turmoil over the past few months.
At the fifth round of tripartite talks in New Delhi, the GJM had agreed to the constitution of an interim council by 2011 prior to the creation of a separate state.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million.
Separate Gorkhaland talks later, says CM
Asian Age, Kolkata, 31 May: Separate Gorkhaland issue will not figure in the talks which will resume between the state government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on June 6 to resolve the problems in the Darjeeling Hills. This became evident after a meeting between GJM president Bimal Gurung and chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the Writers’ Buildings on Monday.
“Today’s meeting was a political courtesy one. A meeting will be held between the state government officers and GJM representatives at the Writers’ Buildings on June 6. Then a political level meeting will be held, involving the state, the Centre and the GJM. The state chief secretary has been asked to contact the Centre on this matter,” the chief minister announced after a 45-minute meeting with a eight-member GJM delegation led by Mr Gurung.
On being asked about their demand for Gorkhaland, Mr Gurung replied: “Yeh abhi discuss nehi hoga, bad me dekha jayega (It will not be discussed now, we will see it later).” This comment is a very significant one, especially when the GJM has been adamant on its Gorkhaland demand.
GJM puts Gorkhaland demand on backburner
Marcus Dam, TH,Kolkata:For now, the outfit is amenable to an interim administrative set-up
The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) leadership has put its demand for a separate Gorkhaland State on the backburner and agreed to resume the process of dialogue with the West Bengal government and the Centre to resolve the political crisis in the Darjeeling hills.
GJM president Bimal Gurung, along with his colleagues, called on Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here on Monday when it was decided that talks would be held with the State administration on June 6.
The talks will be a prelude to the next round of tripartite discussions at the political level for, as the Chief Minister put it, “a speedy solution” to the impasse over the issue.
Mamata has Gurung on her side, for now
TNN, May 31, 2011, Kolkata: KOLKATA: In her first meeting as chief minister with Bimal Gurung, Mamata Banerjee persuaded the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president to sit with officials on June 6 to discuss the pressing problems of the Hills. The thorny political issues were deferred to a tripartite meeting at a later date.
"We all love Darjeeling. It is very much a part of West Bengal and will continue to remain so," Mamata announced after an hour-long meeting with Gurung. The GJM president said, "We did not insist on anything. We are impressed with all the plans the chief minister has for the Hills and we want to see what she does. There will in any case be tripartite meetings later."
Mamata accepted an invitation from the GJM to visit Darjeeling.
Besides Gurung, GJM general secretary Roshan Giri and the four party MLAs were present in the meeting as was chief secretary Samar Ghosh.
Gurung agreed to Mamata's suggestion that the CID should investigate into the Sibchu police firing on February 8 in which three GJM supporters were killed. "GJM leaders have been demanding a CBI investigation into the Sibchu incident.
I have requested them to keep faith in the CID. We are reorganizing the CID and it should carry out an impartial investigation. We will take steps in accordance with their findings," Mamata said. She also announced that the government would pay compensations to the family members of the three killed.
The GJM president accused the previous Left Front government of indulging in "politics" in the hills. "Mamata Banerjee has assured us of a fair investigation by the CID. We are ready to keep faith in her as she has ousted the CPM from power after 34 years. The CPM government has only done politics in the hills," he said.
Mamata said the chief secretary would hold the official-level meeting on June 6. After that he would speak to the Centre for a tripartite talk on contentious issues. "We want a solution as soon as possible. If there is a political vision, things work out according to plan. We want good things to happen to Darjeeling and the state," the CM said.
The confidence that Mamata managed to generate in the minds of GJM leaders was not a sudden development. The groundwork was laid last year when she visited Darjeeling. Even on Monday, She made it a point to personally approach the four GJM MLAs in the floor of the assembly and greet them. The GJM legislators were made to sit on the treasury benches .

Monday, May 30, 2011

छत्रे सुब्बाहरूलाई ममता सरकारले न्याय दिनुपर्छ-बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटी.... Gurung happy with Mamata’s hill plans

छत्रे सुब्बाहरूलाई ममता सरकारले न्याय दिनुपर्छ-बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटी
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 30 मई। उत्तरबङ्गाल बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटीले मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीको बन्दिमुक्ति पहललाई नितान्तै महत्वपूर्ण पहल मानेको छ। बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटी राज्य कमिटीका सचिव छोटन दासले अघिल्लो सरकारले राजनैतिक फाइदाको निम्ति नै धेरै राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूलाई षड़ाएर राखेको बताउँदै ममताको सरकारले शुरूमा नै राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूप्रति उदारता देखाएको जनाएका छन्‌। 
कलकत्ताबाट छोटन दासले टेलिफोनिक जानकारी दिए अनुसार ममता सरकारले राज्यभरिका राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूको उन्मुक्तिको निम्ति कमिटी नै गठन गर्ने घोषणा गरेका छन्‌। यसलाई लिएर ममता सरकारले प्राथमिक पहलमा नै राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूलाई मुक्त गर्ने सोंच बनाएको छ। छोटन दासले भने, राजभरि यस्ता बन्दिहरू धेरै छन्‌, जसलाई राजनैतिक कारणले बन्दि गरिएको भए पनि राजनैतिक बन्दिको दर्जा भने दिइएको छैन। अघिल्लो सरकारको मनोपोली यहीँबाट स्पष्ट थियो। 
अहिलेको सरकारको सोंच र कार्यशैली नै फरक छ, यसकारण राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूलाई लिएर ममता व्यानर्जीले न्यायपूर्ण पहल गर्ने विश्वास बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटीलाई छ। तिनले पहाड़का छत्र सुब्बाहरूको सन्दर्भमा भने, छत्र सुब्बाहरूलाई राजनैतिक कारण नै पक्राउ गरिएको हो, तर उनीहरूलाई राजनैतिक बन्दिको मर्यादा संशोधनागृह सम्बन्धित विभागले प्रदान गरेन। यसमा अघिल्लो सरकारको राजनैतिक स्वार्थ थियो। सुप्रिम कोर्टले राजनैतिक कारणले बन्दि बनेकालाई स्वतः नै राजनैतिक बन्दिको मर्यादा प्रदान गर्नुपर्ने निर्देश दिएको छ, तर अघिल्लो सरकारले सुप्रिम कोर्टको निर्देशलाई कुनै महत्व दिइरहेको थिएन। 
छत्र सुब्बा अनि तिनका साथीहरू 10 वर्षदेखि बन्दि छन्‌। उनीहरूको निम्ति बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटीले बारम्बार आवाज उठाउँदै आइरहेको छ। अब मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीसित पनि उनीहरूको जिकिर गरिने छ। तिनले 31 मईको दिन बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटीले ममता व्यानर्जीसित बैठक गर्ने पनि जनाएका छन्‌। तिनले भने, ममता व्यानर्जीले गठन गर्ने बन्दि मुक्ति कमिटीमा हाम्रो बन्दि मुक्ति कमिटीका सदस्यहरू रहनेबारे कुराकानी भइरहेको छ। दार्जीलिङ जिल्ला कमिटीका अध्यक्ष अजित राय अनि सल्लाहकार विभास चक्रवर्ती कमिटीमा बस्ने सम्भावना रहेको पनि तिनले बताए। दासले भने, हाम्रा सदस्यहरू कमिटीमा रहेपछि छत्र सुब्बाहरूको मुद्दाले गति प्राप्त गर्ने छ। 

हाम्रो माग छ, छत्र सुब्बाहरूलाई राजनैतिक बन्दिको मर्यादा दिएर उनीहरूलाई मुक्त गरिनुपर्छ। यसबारेमा राज्य कमिटी  गम्भीर रहेको छ। यता क्रामाकपाको युवा सङ्गठन गक्रायुमोले पनि भर्खर नै छत्र सुब्बाहरूलाई मुक्त गरिनुपर्ने मागमा मुख्यमन्त्रीलाई पत्रव्यवहार गरिसकेको छ। बन्दि मुक्ति कमिटी जिल्ला शाखाका उपाध्यक्ष अरूण घतानीले छत्र सुब्बाहरूको मुक्तिको निम्ति कमिटी कटिबद्ध रहेको जनाए। तिनले राज्य कमिटीलाई जिल्ला कमिटीले जिल्लाका राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूको पूर्ण  सूची उपलब्ध गराइने अनि यसैको आधारमा कमिटीले राज्य सरकारसित कुरा अघि बढ़ाउने जनाएका छन्‌।
Gurung happy with Mamata’s hill plans
TT, Calcutta, May 30: Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung met chief minister Mamata Banerjee today and said he was “very happy” with her plans for the hills. He also withdrew the demand for a CBI probe into the Sibchu police firing that had killed three party activists on February 8.
“I am very happy with what Madam (Mamata) has thought about the hills. We came today to congratulate her and to tell her about our struggle. We had a very good discussion,” said Gurung after the 50-minute meeting, which also included chief secretary Samar Ghosh at Writers’ Buildings this evening. Neither the Morcha chief nor the chief minister, however, said what the plans for the hills were.
Mamata said the Morcha withdrew its demand for a CBI probe into the Sibchu incident after she requested the delegation to have faith in the CID, which she would “reconstitute”.
“Gurungbabu told me about the atrocities in the hills and about the Sibchu police firing, for which he wanted a CBI probe. I requested him to have faith in our CID, which I will reconstitute. We agreed on a CID probe. Our government will help the families of those killed in the incident,” said the chief minister.
Three hill MLAs — Trilok Kumar Dewan, Harka Bahadur Chhetri and Rohit Sharma — were part of the delegation as was the party backed Independent MLA from Kalchini, Wilson Chompromary.
Asked if the demand for Gorkhaland featured in the meeting, Gurung said: “Gorkhaland talks can come later. This was more of a courtesy visit.”
At that point of media interaction, Mamata interrupted and asked “everyone” to be “positive”.
“Please! I ask everyone to be positive. Please do not let the situation deteriorate by making him (Gurung) say more than he has to,” she said.
“If the political vision is in the right place, a lot can be achieved,” she added.
Sources in the government said the Morcha would be heard and they would receive all co-operation but statehood would remain out of the question. “We are open to offering greater autonomy to the hills, but a separate state remains out of the question. That was made clear by Didi again in today’s meeting,” said a Writers’ source.
The Morcha and the government have also agreed to another meeting at Writers’ on June 6 to decide on the course of action for a solution to the Darjeeling conundrum.
“We love Darjeeling. We love Bengal. Everyone wants a quick solution to the Darjeeling problem…. State government officials will meet the Morcha on June 6. Depending on the outcome of the meeting, there could be a political-level meeting eventually, where representatives from the Centre could also be invited,” said Mamata.
Asked if she was going to go to Darjeeling during the process of solving the problem in the hills, Mamata said: “Of course. I will go a thousand times if necessary.”
The Morcha leadership had earlier declared that their MLAs would resign if their demand for statehood was not met. The Morcha had threatened to contest every bye-election from the three constituencies and keep resigning till the government succumbed to their demands for statehood. Today, Gurung said there was no need “right away” to think “negatively”.
“The new government has a vision. Let us see where things go. There is no reason to start thinking negatively right away,” he said.
Gurung also pointed out that the Morcha was optimistic about finding a solution following the unseating of the Left Front after 34 years.
“We are finally free of the 34-year rule. Now things can get moving,” said Gurung on his way out of Writers’.

 DHR to publish toy train booklets
TT, Siliguri, May 30: A booklet containing detailed and updated information on toy trains will be published by the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway in July.
This is the first time that the DHR is coming up with a booklet on the hill railway. The earlier publications were issued from the North East Frontier Railway (NFR) headquarters at Malegaon. The hill railway is a part of the NFR.
“The earlier publications on the DHR were designed and issued by the chief public relations officer from the NFR headquarters in Malegaon. But since a full-fledged director has been posted for the DHR from 2007, he has been vested with the responsibility of coming out with a booklet on the toy train. The booklet will be the first publication solely designed and issued by the DHR,” an official of the NFR said.
The last booklet on the hill railway was published around two years back.
“Since then there have been some changes in the services of the toy train after the landslide at Paglajhora last year. Also new coaches have been added to some of the existing ones. The new booklet will provide updated information on the present scenario of the DHR. It will consist of around 10 pages,” the official said.
DHR authorities said the booklet will have information on the services of the Unesco World Heritage Railway in a tourist-friendly manner.
“The process of printing the booklets is on and they will be released within a month’s time. The booklet will have a brief history and photographs of the DHR, its present condition and the services on offer. This is going to be the first publication designed and issued by the DHR. The aim is basically to give visiting tourists information about the heritage railway, generate awareness and increase the popularity of the DHR,” said P.P. Roy, the DHR director.
Apart from the new booklet, the DHR has a website where tourists can get information about the hill railway.
“The website is managed by the DHR authorities and it, too, has the same information that the booklet will provide. However, not all tourists have access to the Internet and this booklet will be helpful for them. Apart from that, there was a lot of demand from foreign tourists who are always looking for guides, maps and information on the toy train. It will also serve the first-time visitors who have little or no knowledge about the heritage railway,” an official said.
The UK-based Darjeeling Himalayan Railway Society (DHRS), an association of toy train lovers, has a quarterly magazine, The Darjeeling Mail, that contains information on the latest development on the toy trains.
Recently, the National Railway Museum in Delhi came out with leaflets to promote the Unesco World Heritage Railway in the Darjeeling, Kalka-Shimla and Nilgiri routes.
“They (the DHR booklets) will be kept at stalls at popular stations like Sukna, Kurseong, Ghoom and Darjeeling where tourists get to visit the galleries and the museums. The first few booklets will be given out as complementary copies but they will be sold at some price later which is yet to be decided,” the official said.
Initially around 500 copies would be printed, of which 50-100 copies would be complimentary.

Sunday, May 29, 2011

अनलाईनमा चढ्यो कालेबुङे पत्रकारिता, ..... Bimal Gurung arrives in Kolkata, speculation rife as Hill leaders meet CM today .... Govt plans job drive in Darjeeling, Maoist-affected districts.... Location of North Bengal Secretariat not yet decided....... Naxals ready for talks with Didi ... ममताले नेपाली भाषालाई अल्पसंख्यको दर्जा दिएकोमा आभार

अनलाईनमा चढ्यो कालेबुङे पत्रकारिता
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। क्षेत्रीय हिसाबमा जिल्लाभरिमा नै सबैभन्दा सक्रिय पत्रकारिता कालेबुङमा भइरहेको छ। प्रिन्टमा त छँदैछ, मुख्यत इलेक्ट्रोनिक मीडियाको क्षेत्रमा पनि कुनै पनि राज्यको जिल्लाभित्रको एउटा महकुमामा सबै भन्दा सक्रिय रहेको ठाउँ नै पनि कालेबुङ भएको छ। कार्यक्रमहरूबारे पूर्ण प्रसारण गर्ने च्यानलहरू मात्र 11 वटा रहेको छ भने समाचारप्रधान च्यानलहरू चारवटा छन्‌। सङ्घ-संस्थाहरूको नीजि कार्यक्रमहरू प्रसारण गर्ने च्यानलहरूमा हिल च्यानल, शिखर टिभी, अभिभाव च्यानल, कालेबुङ वान, एकता टिभी, गोर्खा च्यानल, एसई, हाम्रो च्यानल, हाम्रो दर्पण, हाम्रो आवाज, कन्सेर्टो क्लब आदि रहेको छ। यी च्यानलहरूमा साहित्यिक, सामाजिक, शैक्षिक तथा अन्य जानकारीमूलक कार्यक्रमहरू महकुमावासीले हेर्न पाउँछन्‌ भने सॉंझ 6ः30 देखि जिल्लाभरिका समाचारहरू प्रसारण हुने गरेको छ। समाचार प्रसारण गर्ने च्यानलहरूमा दैनन्दिनी, केटीभी, हिमालयन पिपल्स च्यानल अनि हाल खबर रहेका छन्‌। 
कालेबुङका दुइवटै पत्रकारितासित संलग्न संस्थाहरू कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लब अनि जर्नलिष्ट एशोसिएसनले क्रमैले दैनन्दिनी अनि हालखबर समाचारमूलक च्यानल प्रसारण गर्ने गरेको छ। कालेबुङ महकुमाबाट कुनै पनि समाचारपत्रहरू अहिले प्रकाशित नभए पनि मासिक अंग्रेजी पत्रिका हिमालयन टाइम्स भने निरन्तर प्रकाशित भइरहेको छ। पत्रकारिताको क्षेत्रमा कालेबुङले आफ्नैरूपले प्रगति गरिरहेको पत्रकारहरूको संगठनहरूले पनि स्वीकार्ने गरेको छ भने जिल्ला मात्र होइन जिल्लाबाहिरबाट पनि कालेबुङलाई पत्रकारिताको क्षेत्रमा अगुवाकोरूपमा हेर्ने गरेको पाइन्छ।  
कालेबुङको पत्रकारिताले  इलेक्ट्रोनिकदेखि अहिले विस्तारै साइबर क्षेत्रमा पनि प्रवेश गरिरहेको छ। कालेबुङ महकुमाबाट खुबै सक्रियरूपमा कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले दुइवटा अनलाइन न्यूज साइट चलाइरहेको छ। जसमा कालिम्पोङअनलाइनन्यूज डट ब्लगस्पट डट कम अनि कालिम्पोङन्यूज डट नेट रहेको छ। ब्लगसाइटलाई प्रेस क्लबले 2009 देखि नै नियमित गरिरहेको छ भने 2010 देखि नै अर्को न्यूज साइट पनि शुरू गरेको छ, जो नियमितरूपले चलिरहेको छ। 
दुवै साइटका सम्पादक अरूण कुमार राईले भने, यस अघि पनि कालेबुङ इन्फो र हिमाल्यन टाइम्स न्यूज साइटहरू थियो अनि अहिले पनि छ तर यी साइटहरू निरन्तर छैनन्‌। हामीलाई लाग्यो न्यूज साइटलाई निरन्तर राखियो भने साइबर पाठकहरूले राम्रै जानकारीहरू प्राप्त गर्न सक्नेछन्‌। तिनले अझ भने, पत्रकारिताको क्षेत्रमा रहेर समयसित नै दौड्‌नुपर्ने दायित्व पत्रकारसित रहन्छ। आफैलाई अपडेट गर्न पनि न्यूज साइट थालियो। 
राईले यसप्रकारको साइबर चहलपहललाई सुबै समय सापेक्ष बताउँदै भने, क्षेत्र सुलभ नरहेकोले हाम्रा मानिसहरू धेरै विदेशिन परेका छन्‌। उनीहरूलाई आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा के भइरहेको छ, त्यसको जानकारी दिने साधन नै थिएन। उनीहरूलाई सेवा पुर्‍याउनै पनि न्यूज साइट शुरु गरियो। क्लबद्वारा निरन्तर साइटहरू अहिले 140 देशले हेर्ने गरेका छन्‌ भने दैनिकरूपमा सयभन्दा माथिका साइबर पाठकहरूले पढ्‌ने गरेका छन्‌। 
यता कालेबुङ इलेक्ट्रोनिक मिडियाको क्षेत्रमा छोटो अवधीमा नै लोकप्रियता हासिल गर्ने केटीभीले पनि केही महिनादेखि अनलाइन न्यूज केटीभीकालिम्पोङ डट कम चलाई रहेको छ भने उस्तै मझौला युवा पत्रकारहरूले निर्भिकरूपमा चलाइरहेको हिमालयन पिपल्स च्यानलले पनि केही महिनादेखि अनलाइन न्यूज कालिम्पोङट डट टीके चलाईरहेको छ।
कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले एउटा ब्लगस्पटबाट अनलाइन चलाइरहेको छ भने अर्को आफ्नै डोमेनमा चलाइरहेको छ। यता केटीभीले पनि आफ्नै डोमेनमा चलाइरहेको छ तर  हिमालयन पिपल्स च्यानलले भने ब्लगस्पटबाट नै अनलाइन न्यूज चलाइरहेको छ। अंग्रेजी, नेपाली दुवै भाषामा यी साइटहरूले स्थानीयदेखि राष्ट्रिय र अन्तराष्ट्रियसम्मकै समाचारहरू उपलब्ध गर्ने गरेको छ। केटीभीकालेबुङ डटकमका सम्पादक नरेन्द्र तामङले पनि न्यूज साइट थाल्नको कारण जमाना अनुसारले पत्रकारिता गर्नु नै बताए। तिनले भने, विदेशमा रहेका यताका मानिसहरूलाई सजिलोसित नै यताका जानकारीहरू पस्केर साइबर सेवा गर्न नै साइट थालियो। 
हामी भिडियो, टेक्स र फोटोबाट नै समाचारहरू दिइरहेका छौं। कालिम्पोङ डट टीके चलाइरहेका हिमालयन पिपल्स च्यानलका प्रज्वल वोगटी अनि सन्दिप कुलुङले पनि भने, विश्वभरि नै साइबर न्यूज चलिरहेको छ। त्यो धारामा हामी किन नपस्ने? समयसित नै कदम बढ़ाउनु मात्र होइन, विश्वभरि नै अहिले क्षेत्रीयस्तरमा रहेका ससाना घटनाक्रमहरूबारे जान्न चहानेहरू छन्‌, उनीहरूलाई सही सूचना, जानकारी उपलब्ध गराउन अनि विदेशिएका हाम्रा आजका पुस्तालाई जन्मथलोमा भइरहेका घटनाक्रमहरूबारे जानकारी दिन अहिले ब्लसाइट नै चलाइरहेका छौं। पछि यसलाई साइटकैरूपमास्थापित गरिनेछ।
प्रेस क्लब अनि केटीभीले भने निरन्तररूपले अनलाइन पत्रकारहरू राखेका छन्‌। जिल्लामा नै पारिश्रमिक दिएर पत्रकारहरू राख्ने अनलाइन समाचार पत्रिकाहरू पनि यी कालिम्पोङअनलाइनन्यूज डट ब्लगस्पट डट कम,कालिम्पोङन्यूज डट नेट अनि केटीभीकालेबुङ डटकम रहेको छ।

Bimal Gurung arrives in Kolkata, speculation rife as Hill leaders meet CM today
29 May 2011,SNS, DARJEELING/ SILIGURI, 29 MAY: After being invited by the new chief minister Miss Mamata Banerjee, the president of  Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM), Mr Bimal Gurung, along with two members of its Study Forum, Mr LB Pariyar and Mr P Arjun, today arrived in Kolkata to attend a two-way talks with the state government in Kolkata tomorrow. Notably, the GJMM had refrained from holding two-way talks on the Hills problem with the Left Front government since 2009.
Though the GJMM leaders have termed tomorrow's meeting as a “courtesy call”, speculation is rife that Miss Mamata Banerjee may offer something to the GJMM after she herself called upon Mr Gurung to come down to Kolkata.
Speaking to reporters at Bagdogra the GJMM president, Mr Bimal Gurung, said: “Though Gorkhaland is our main demand we are not in a hurry to obtain it. We have faith in the new CM.”
“We are going to Kolkata just to congratulate her and have decided to give her some time to settle down and work on the development of the state and Hills.”
Political observers said that the GJMM would adjust with the present Central and state governments to obtain autonomy, including a special package for the development of the Hills, which was decided at the last meeting on 25 January in New Delhi. On the other hand, speaking on the Gorkhaland issue, the GJMM media secretary, Mr HB Chettri, newly-elected MLA from Kalimpong, has expressed his faith in the new government stating that there would be no compromise on the separate state issue and they would welcome any talks that will pave the way for Gorkhaland.  While Miss Mamata Banerjee has announced that she will solve the longstanding problems in the Hills within three months, it is also well known that the CM is against the division of Bengal, political observers believe reorganisation of the autonomous hill council in terms of the financial and legislative powers may be on the cards for the GJMM.
Both sides keen on talks - Morcha chief Gurung leaves for meeting with Mamata
VIVEK CHHETRI AND BIRESWAR BANERJEE,  TT, Darjeeling /Siliguri, May 29: Mamata Banerjee and Bimal Gurung are expected to work out the modalities to resume the tripartite talks on a clean slate while keeping the political compulsions of both sides in mind during their meeting in Calcutta tomorrow.
Without doubt the Morcha leadership is also likely to place before the chief minister a list of local demands which would be necessary for the party to keep its flock together in the hills.
Morcha president Bimal Gurung before leaving for Calcutta told reporters at the Bagdogra airport today that the visit was more of a courtesy call: “We wanted a change in Bengal, as under the Left Front regime the state had been reduced to poverty in the past 34 years. As the Trinamul-Congress combine under the leadership of Mamata Banerjee has given us the much-awaited change, we would like to congratulate her for that.”
Morcha leaders admitted that the solution to the hill impasse could be found only through discussions at the tripartite level. “Even Mamata Banerjee is keen to start the tripartite negotiations and she is aware of the details of the previous meeting,” said a senior leader who is part of the Morcha delegation.
The Morcha is aware that given the thumping victory of Mamata, the chief minister is unlikely to yield to its statehood demand. “The important thing is, however, to begin negotiations. We have given enough indication to the new government that we will not budge an inch from our demand,” the Morcha leader said.
Observers, however, believe that the statement has been made more under compulsion, as both sides are aware that they need to be sensitive to the other’s constraints before starting dialogues.
“As the government is newly formed, it needs some time. We will hold dialogue with the government and whatever issues we discuss at the political or tripartite level, we will let the people know accordingly,” Gurung said this afternoon.
Working out the agenda for the tripartite meeting is not expected to be easy as the Morcha would be reluctant to start negotiations on the line of the “interim set-up” while the government will not like to be seen as having agreed to discuss the “creation of Gorkhaland”.
“The major part of the discussion is likely to hover on how to start the talks,” said an observer.
Morcha insiders said the party delegation would consist of the four MLAs from Darjeeling, Kalimpong, Kurseong and Kalchini, party’s general secretary Roshan Giri and study forum members P. Arjun and L.B. Pariyar, besides Gurung.
The delegation is also likely to raise demands like regularisation of DGHC contractual workers, a CBI inquiry into the Sibchu firing, release of political prisoners including Chhatrey Subba, withdrawal of Subash Ghisingh’s Z-category security and putting an end to alleged police harassment of party workers.
“The presence of L.B. Pariyar, who has a thorough understanding of administrative problems in the hills, along with Trilok Dewan, the Darjeeling MLA who is also the former chief secretary of Andhra Pradesh, is an indication that these issues will come up for discussion,” said an observer.
Sources said if possible the Morcha could also suggest the various development works that need to be taken up in the hills, while negotiations on “Gorkhaland” continue.
The seating arrangement of the Morcha MLAs in the Assembly is also likely to come up for discussion.
“They do not want to share the same space with the Left Front. They want to stay in the treasury bench but not necessarily as part of the government,” a party leader said.
“While in the treasury bench, Morcha MLAs can speak out against the government (if they felt hill interests are being hurt) in a more effective manner,” he said while stressing that this was a “minor” issue.
Tenzing memory fades away - Few pay homage

Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, May 29: One of the most internationally acclaimed Indians seems to have been forgotten in his own native land, if the number of people who paid homage to Tenzing Norgay’s samadhi in Darjeeling today is any indication.
On this day in 1953, when Tenzing Norgay Sherpa scaled Mount Everest for the first time with Edmund Hillary, the hill people danced to Bir Tenzing timro biswa la gaudhachaa jai gan (The world is singing your song, brave Tenzing). It was composed by singer Navin Bardewa for His Master’s Voice (HMV).
Following Tenzing’s achievement, the then prime minister, Jawaharlal Nehru, established the now world famous Himalayan Mountaineering Institute where the mountaineer served as the field director and the adviser till his death on May 9, 1986.
Local people said they had not yet seen such a big funeral procession in Darjeeling other than that of Tenzing. Even on May 25, 1997, the hill people were singing laurels of the mountaineer, as was evident from the huge turnout at a function where Hillary unveiled Tenzing’s statue at the HMI.
But 14 years on, only a few people were seen paying homage to Tenzing at his samadhi here, apart from the 100-odd people of the Sherpa community, including Tenzing’s own family members, and the HMI authorities.
“We have been organising a small prayer meeting here for the past three years. However, we haven’t yet been able to organise cultural programmes or mark the event in a big way. There is no help from the government either,” said P.T. Sherpa, the joint secretary of the United Buddhist Sherpa Association of Darjeeling.
Col. Neeraj Rana, the principal of the HMI, said: “We held a prayer meeting and also helped the Sherpa community organise the event. Funds are not a problem.”
More than the government’s non-participation, the lack of response from the common people seems to be the most disappointing.
“I do not know what has happened. I do not even know why he has been forgotten. But I am here to pay my homage to him today,” said Nima Norbu, an Everester.
Incidentally, May 29 was so dear to Tenzing that he even celebrated his birthday on this day.
“My father did not remember his date of birth but he always said he must have been born on this date,” Jamling Tenzing Norgay Sherpa, son of the legendary mountaineering and an Everester himself, had once told The Telegraph
Govt plans job drive in Darjeeling, Maoist-affected districts
Sabyasachi Bandopadhyay, IE, 30 May, Kolkata:The Mamata Banerjee government has decided to provide jobs to the underprivileged in Junglemahal and Darjeeling in a bid to usher in development in these troubled areas.
In a cabinet meeting scheduled early next month, two proposals for recruitment to the constabulary of Kolkata Police are going to be placed.
Three hundred youths from Darjeeling, and 700 youths belonging to Scheduled Castes and Schedules Tribes from the Left Wing Extremism (LWE)-affected areas of West Midnapore, Bankura and Purulia districts will be inducted in Kolkata Police for the post of constable.
The police recruitment board will be asked to put up advertisements for applications from interested candidates in these areas
This is the first recruitment drive by the Trinamool Congress-Congress government, aimed at solving the problems in these areas by bringing development. In the meeting to be held in Patna tomorrow to prepare the approach paper for the 12th Five Year Plan, the West Bengal government will again place the demand for inclusion of Bankura and Purulia districts in the list of 35 districts across the country that have been declared by the Planning Commission as LWE-affected areas. So far, the commission has included only West Midnapore in the list.
The state government has repeatedly requested the commission to expand the list. “We are again placing the demand because if it is granted, we will get a good package from the Planning Commission for development of these two areas,” an official of the state department of planning and development told The Indian Express.
The meeting in Patna will be attended by the chief ministers of five states. However, since Mamata’s schedule is packed, Manish Gupta, who is in charge of the planning and development department, will attend the meet.
सरकारी पाठशालाको सराहनीय कार्य - घर भन्दा सुन्दर देन्ताम सरकारी उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालय
प्रवीण खालींग , कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 29 मई। अधिकांश मानिसको मानसिकतामा छाप बनेर बसिसकेको सरकारी पाठशालाको जिर्ण नक्सालाई एक पल्ट सोच्न बाध्य बनाएको छ, देन्ताम सरकारी उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयले। कसैले विश्वास गर्न नसक्ने एउटा घरभन्दा सुन्दर स्कुल हुन सक्ने सम्भावनालाई साकार पारिदिएको छ यो पाठशालाका लगनशील शिक्षक र विद्यार्थीहरूले।
झट्टै हेर्दा कुनै टुरिष्ट लज अथवा पार्कको अघि बनाइएको फुलै-फुलको बगैचा बीचको घर जस्तो लाग्ने देन्ताम सरकारी उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयले स्कूल परिसरमा फुलाएका फुल, पौधा र साफ सफाईले कुनै महगों पब्लीक स्कूलको भानलाई पनि फिक्का पार्छ।
वर्ष 2009 देखि स्कूल परिसरलाई रमाइलो र हरियालीमा परिणत गर्ने पहल शुरू गरिएको प्रधानअध्यापक पीपी शर्मा बताउँछन्। स्कूलका अर्का जागरिला शिक्षक एन डी राईको कुशल देखरेखमा विद्यार्थी-शिक्षक र अन्य कर्मचारीहरूले लगनशील भएर पाठशाला परिसरलाई घरलाई जस्तै महत्व प्रदान गरेर स्वच्छ अऩि फल फूलको बगैचामा परिणत गर्न सफल भएका छन्।
राज्यमा मानव संसाधन विकासको निम्ति राज्य सरकार द्वारा शिक्षालाई विशेष प्राथमिकताको आधारमा विकास गरिरहेको छ। यस्तो अवस्थामा पन संधै सरकारी पाठशालाहूरमा पूर्वाधारको कमी अऩि स्कूल भवनको जिर्ण अवस्थाको गुनासोहरू आइ रहने गर्छ। तर 1925 साल देखि पश्चिम जिल्लाको दूर्गम क्षेत्रमा एक मानिने देन्तामा शिक्षाको ज्योति जलाउने कार्य गरिरहेको यो पाठशालाले सरकारी पाठशालाप्रतिको मनोभाव परिवर्तन गर्ने उदाहरणीय कार्य गरेको छ। जसले कुनै उच्च वर्गीय केटा-केटी पढ्ने पॉब्लीक स्कूलको भन्दा गुणस्तरीय कार्य गरिरहेको स्पष्ट भएको छ। पाठशालाले गुणस्तरीय शिक्षा सितै विद्यार्थीहरूलाई व्यावहारिक र व्यावसायीक शिक्षाको राम्रो व्यवस्था गरेको प्रधान अध्यापक शर्मा बताउँछन्। जसमा अहिले वागवाणी र डेयरी जस्ता व्यावसायीक शिक्षाको पाठ्यक्रम सञ्चालित छ।
पाठशाला भवनको वरिपरि बगैचा निर्माण गिरएको छ भने च्याउ उत्पादन, मौरी पालन ,छिमेकीको घरमा सुंगुर पालन तथा औषधीय वनस्पती संकलन जस्ता महत्वपूर्ण कार्य संचालित रहेको छ। जसले विद्यार्थीहरूमा व्यावहारिक ज्ञान अनि समुदायले परापूर्वदेखि गर्दै आएको कार्यलाई वैज्ञानिक ढंगमा सिक्ने अवसर प्रदान गरेको छ, जुन सरकारले उपलब्ध गराएको संसाधनको सही प्रयोगको एउटा उदाहरण बन्न पुगेको छ। जुन राज्यका अन्य सरकारी तथा निजी विद्यालयहरूको निम्ति पाठ भएको छ।
513 जना विद्यार्थी रहेको यो पाठशालामा लगनशील शिक्षक तथा विद्यार्थीहरूको सहयोगले राज्यको सरकारी पाठशालाहरूको निम्ति उदाहरण बन्ने क्रममा रहेको भएपनि पाठशालामा अझै अपुग र अभाव तथा मानव शक्तिको कमी भने टट्कारो रहेको प्रधान अध्यापक शर्मा बताउँछन्। उनले उपलब्ध गराएको प्रतिवेदन अनुसार अहिलेसम्म पाठशालामा विज्ञान विषयमा उच्चत्तर माध्यमिकको पठनपाठन शुरु गर्न सकिएको छैन्। यसै गरि शिक्षक र कर्मचारीहरूको पनि निक्कै अभाव रहेको छ। जसमा गणीतको दुइ जना स्नातक, जीव विज्ञानको 1 जना स्नातक, कलाको स्नातक 2 जना , एकजना पिउन, 9 जना स्नातकोत्तर, स्नातक (भाषा लगायत) का 10 जना प्राथमिक पाठशालाका 11 जना तथा एक जना भोकेशनल (एकाउंट एंड अडिटिंग) शिक्षकको आवश्यकता रहेको छ। यी शिक्षकहरूको अभावमा स्कूलले लक्षित गरेको लक्ष्य पाउन हाम्मे-हाम्मे परिरहेको छ।
अर्कोतिर किताबी शिक्षाबाहेक पनि पाठशालाले ब्रिटिश काउन्सील, इको क्लब, डीएनए क्लब, उपभोक्ता क्लब, हे म्याथ, एडु सेन्ट, एनएसएस, सेवा दल अऩि श्रम दल जस्ता योजनालाई कार्यान्वित गरेर विद्यार्थीहरूमा जीवनको अनुभावलाई अझ बलियो पार्ने कार्य गरिरहेको छ।
वर्ष 2009 देखि 2011 सालसम्म पाठशालाले थालेको सुधारात्मक कार्यहरूको फलस्वरूप पाठशालाको आफ्नै सुनाखरीको ग्यालेरी बनिएको छ। पाठशाला आफै बगैचामा परिणत गरेर मौसम अनुसारको फुल फुलाउने परम्परा तथा थालेर राज्यमै पहिलो बगैचा स्कूलको रूपमा देन्ताम उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक पाठशाल अघि आउऩ सफल भएको छ। यसैगरि वर्ष 2006 सालदेखि नै विद्यार्थीहरूको परिक्षमा उत्कृष्ट अंक ल्याउन सहयोग पुऱ्याउने पाठशालाका शिक्षकहरू आफैले व्हीन्टर कोचिंग कक्षा संचालन गर्दै आएका छन् जसको सकरात्मक प्रतिफल अघि आएको छ।
अर्कोतिर पाठशालाले आगामी 2011-12 सालक लक्ष्य राखेर विज्ञान विषयमा उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक कक्षा सञ्चालन शुरु गर्ने तथा पाठशालाको वर्तमान पुस्तकालयलाई बडाए ठूलो पुस्तकालय निर्माण गर्ने तथा शितकालीन विदामा विद्यार्थीहरूको निम्ति कम्प्युटर कोचिङ शुरू गर्ने निधो गरेको प्रधानअध्यापक शर्माले बताए। यसरी बलियो संकल्प शक्तिको फलस्वरूप पाठशालाको परिसर सितै विद्यार्थीहरूमा अनुशासन कार्य प्रति झुकाउ र शिक्षालाई माया गर्न सक्ने बनाउन सकिने उदाहरण बनेको देन्ताप पाठशाललाई राज्यको अन्य सरकारी तथा निजी विद्यालयहरूले पनि सिको गर्न पर्ने देखिन्छ।

Nepal averts crisis, extends term of Constituent Assembly 
Shirish B Pradhan, Kathmandu, May 29 (PTI) Averting a major Constitutional crisis, Nepal's key parties today struck a last-minute deal to extend the term of the Constituent Assembly (CA) by three months under which Prime Minister Jhalanath Khanal will step down for the formation of a national unity government.
The breakthrough came after overnight consultations between main political parties - Nepali Congress, the Maoists and CPN-UML - to forge a five-point agreement on the peace process and extending the term of CA which expired last night.
Out of 508 parliament members, 504 lawmakers voted in the favour of the bill for 9th amendment of the Constitution seeking to extend the term of the CA for three months.
Naxals ready for talks with Didi
KOLKATA, May 28, DHNS : West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee's decision to return 400 acres of land to obdurate farmers at Singur has warmed the cockles of Maoists' so much that they have expressed their willingness to come to the negotiating table, provided she ''paves the way for a favourable situation.''
>However, while “deeply” appreciating the chief minister's gesture, Maoist leaders Bikash and Bikram were wary of her silence over the withdrawal of combined forces from the rebel heartland, a news release of the banned outfit CPI(Maoists) here said on Saturday.
Within a week of her assuming power, Banerjee chaired a state cabinet meeting where it was decided to remove all legal hurdles to arrange for the return of 400 acres of land to Singur farmers, who have so far declined to accept the compensation cheques
What has further sent a positive vibe to the people was the impromptu reaction of senior CPM leader and former state Revenue Minister Abdur Rezzak Mollah who said he was ready to help the chief minister, if she “desired his assistance,” in this matter. Even as Mollah earned a bitter experience from state CPM mandarins here for his “unsolicited outburst” and had to submit an apology, the rebel leaders have felt that it is time to hail Banerjee's Singur initiative.
"Soon after swearing- in, she expressed her readiness to sort out the problems at Jangal Mahal; but she did not lay out any plan. We may consider joining talks with the state government if she creates a favourable situation,” the news release from the rebels said.Ironically, it was Mamata's espousal of the farmers' cause that brought her close to the rebels during the land agitations at Nandigram and Singur.
The rebels' announcement came close on the heels of a successful meeting between a top level delegation of Gorkha Janamukti Morcha(GJM) of Darjeeling and Mamata Banerjee at the state secretariat here.
भाजपाले मुख्यसचिव र अध्यक्ष पात्रो विरूद्ध कानुनी कार्वाही गर्ने
हाम्रो जवाफ नदिएर दोष स्वीकार गरेको छः पदम बहादुर छेत्री

कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 29 मई। भारत सरकारको महालेखा नियंत्रक द्वारा प्रकाशित प्रतिवेदन क्याग रिपोर्टको आधारमा सिक्किमको विभिन्न जल विद्युत परियोजनाहरू निर्माण गर्न ठेकादारी दिँदा सरकारले गरेको लापर्वाहीको कारण लगभग 6 हजार 254 करोड रूपियाँ वर्षेनी राजस्व घाटा हुन पुगेको खुलासालाई लिएर राज्य सरकारको मुख्यसचिव, भ्रष्ट्राचार नियन्त्रणको निम्ति गठीत कानुन आयोग तथा जाँच आयोगले एक महिना बित्दा पनि त्यसको जवाफ दिन नसकेपछि भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) द्वारा कडा शब्दमा भत्सर्ना गर्दै मुख्यसचिवव एनडी चिङ्गापा र आयोगका अध्यक्ष आर के पात्रालाई चेतावनी पत्र सुम्पिएको छ।
भाजपा अध्यक्ष पदम बहादुर छेत्रीद्वारा 28 मईको दिन मुख्य सचिव अनि अध्यक्ष पात्रालाई उक्त पत्र दिएका छन्। पत्रमा मुख्यसचिवलाई लेखिएको पत्रमा एक महिनासम्म उक्त भ्रष्ट्राचारको कुनै सूचना समेत उपलब्ध गराउन नसकेपछि अपराधीहरू विरूद्ध कार्वाही गर्न असफल रहेको बताउँदै मुख्यसचिव विरूद्ध अपराधिक मामिला सही ठाउँमा दर्ता गर्ने चेताउनी दिएका छन्। निर्धारित एक महिनासम्म पनि सिक्किमको राजस्वमा यत्रो घाटा गर्ने लापरवाहीमा सलग्न व्यक्तिहरूलाई कार्वाही गर्न नसकेको आरोप उनले लगाएका छन्।
यसैगरि आरके पात्रालाई लिखित पत्रमा पनि एउटा न्यायाधिश जस्तो गरीमामय पदमा आसिन भएर केवल गरीब जनताले बुझाएको करको पैसामा वेतन थाप्ने कार्य मात्र गरिरहेको आरोप लगाइएको छ। उनले भनेका छन्. यदी जनताको निम्ति काम गर्न नसक्ने हो भने आफ्नो घर फर्किए हुन्छ। यसका साथै अध्यक्ष पात्रा विरूद्ध पनि सही ठाउँमा कार्वाही गर्ने उनले चेताउनी दिएका छन्।
उध्यक्ष छेत्रीले पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै भने, हामीले सबै प्रमाणसहित कागज पत्र दिएर पनि कुनै कार्वाही गर्नको साटो हाम्रो जवाफसमेत दिन उचित नठानेर मुख्यसचिव र अध्यक्ष पात्रा दुवैले दोष स्वीकार गरिसकेका छन्। यिनीहरू विरूद्ध विधिवतरूपमा कार्वाही नगरि छोड्दैनौं, तिनले भने।
ममताले नेपाली भाषालाई अल्पसंख्यको दर्जा दिएकोमा आभार
कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 29 मई। पश्चिम बंगालको नव निर्वाचित तृणमूल सरकारका मुख्यमन्त्री सुश्री ममता बन्धोपाध्यायद्वारा नेपाली भाषा लगायत उर्दू, हिन्दी, उडिया, सन्थाली अनि गुरूमुखीलाई भाषिक अल्पसंख्यकको रूपमा राज्यमा मान्यता प्रदान गर्ने घोषणाका सिक्किममा पनि स्वागत भएको छ।
नेपाली साहित्यका ख्यातीप्राप्त साहित्यकार तथा हिमाली प्रशासन देन्ताम पश्चिम सिक्किमद्वारा प्रकाशित सिद्धी साहित्यिक पत्रिकाका प्रधान सम्पादर प्रद्युम्न श्रेष्ठद्वारा तृणमूल सरकारको निर्णयलाई स्वागत जनाउएका छन्। उनले प्रेस विज्ञप्ति जारी गरेर भनेका छन्, भाषिक अल्पसंख्यकको रूपमा मान्यता दिएपछि नेपाली जस्तो भाषाको विकासमा ठूलो सहयोग हुनेछ। उनले भने, यो नेपाली भाषीको निम्ति ठूलो कुरो हो। यसैगरि एनजेपी रेल्वेस्टेशनमा नेपाली भाषामा सूचना प्रसारण गर्ने तथा डिजिटल ट्रैक अऩुसंधान गर्ने घोषणालाई पनि स्वागत जनाउँदै आभार प्रकट गरेका छन्।
उनले भने, रेलवे स्टेशनमा दैनिक हजारौं नेपाली भाषी समुदायले यात्रा गर्ने गर्छन् त्यसकारण उनीहरूले आफ्नो मातृभाषामा सूचना र जानकारी पाउँदा आफैलाई स्वाभिमान र गौरव बोध गर्ने मौका प्रदान गर्ने छ। यसका साथै आफ्नो भाषामा जानकारी पाउँदा धेरै सुविधा हुनेछ। अर्कोतिर उनले मुख्यमन्त्री बन्धोपाध्यायसित माग गर्दै भनेका छन्. अब सरकारी सूचनापट, राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग, प्रत्येक सरकारी कार्यालय तथा सरकारी आवासीय भवनहरूमा पनि नेपाली भाषामा आवश्यक सूचना उपलब्ध गराउने व्यवस्था गरिनुपर्छ।

Plea on tea cut-off date - Small growers want NOC for more plantations
TT, Jalpaiguri, May 29: Small tea growers of Jalpaiguri have demanded that the new government extend the cut-off date for the granting of no-objection certificates from 2001 to at least 2008.

The Jalpaiguri District Small Tea Growers’ Association, which held its fifth annual general meeting here today, said they would soon meet Mamata Banerjee and industries minister Partha Chatterjee to discuss the cut-off set by the Left regime.

The Left Front government had fixed June 5, 2001, as the cut-off date and decided that the NOC would be granted to the small tea growers who had set up their plantations prior to that date. Planters with gardens that are of 1-3 acres are considered small growers.

“The government survey on small tea growers started only in December 2008. And though the survey report was submitted to the state government by the land department, it was never officially released,” said the joint secretary of the association, Bijoy Gopal Chakraborty.

He said till June 5, 2001, there were 1,828 small tea gardens but since then 5,176 more small plantations have come up. “Only 700 gardens have received the NOCs. We are going to ask the new government to extend the cut-off date to at least 2008 for the Siliguri subdivision and Jalpaiguri and North Dinajpur districts and then grant the NOCs. Otherwise so many of our members will be deprived of bank loans and government assistance,” he said.
Chakraborty said small growers in the district supply tealeaves to 34 bought-leaf factories and to factories of eight large gardens. “From our supplied leaves, 40 million kg of tea is produced that accounts for 35 per cent of the total tea produced in the state. We make a significant contribution to the industry and that is why we are demanding a quick response to our demands,” he claimed.
The deputy director of the Tea Board’s Siliguri office, Kalyan Kumar Bhattacharya, who was present at today’s meeting, said the NOC was a must in order to get government aids. “Most of the gardens do not have this certificate and we are not being able to extend assistance to them,” he said.
PR, KalimNews: Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee in a press briefing after cabinet meeting on 25/05/2011 at Rotunda informed that the papers on the agreement regarding Singur Land deal with Tata and the Government would be published soon and distributed among the media after scrutiny by the Commerce & Industry Minister Shri Partha Chatterjee. The process for returning 400 acres of land to the farmers, who were unwilling to part with the land for the Tata ‘Nano’ motor car factory, has started. 
She further added that the embargo on releasing the fund for subsidy on purchasing food cereals, supplied through B.P.L. cards have been lifted. The monthly instalment of Rs. 40 cores has been earmarked for this purpose. It will be increased gradually.
The Chief Minister’s Secretariat at North Bengal will be established shortly and place for the Secretariat is on search. The North Bengal Development Council will be revamped. The budget allotment for six districts of North Bengal has been raised to 200 cores of rupees.
A master plan for flood and drought control will be made in consultation with a committee, consisting of experts from BESU (Shibpur), Jadavpur University and IIT, Kharagpur. It will also consider the issues like prevention of the erosion of the Ganges, reclamation of the canals, rivers etc.
She stated that the government has decided to pay the salary and pension to all the government employees through banks from the month of September’11.
All the 141 wards under Kolkata Municipal Corporation will be brought under a comprehensive control of Kolkata Police for better monitoring of law and order situation and traffic control by September.
In reply to a question she informed that all the papers regarding the release of political prisoners are being examined. She will also meet Mr. Justice Sachar in coming June. 

Saturday, May 28, 2011

भित्तामा समाचार... मिङले निकाले खुकुरी.... रम्फूमा पुल दुइफ्याक... Will CM offer a cabinet berth to GJM?.... .Mamata runs into madrassa protest

मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। टेलिभिजनबाट होइन, समाचरपत्रबाट पनि होइन नयॉं उपकरण मार्कि डिस्प्लेबाट कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले कालेबुङ नगरवासीलाई समाचार उपलब्ध गराइरहेको छ। जिल्लामा मात्र होइन, राज्यमा नै कुनै पनि प्रेससित सम्बन्धित सङ्गठनले यसप्रकार पहल गरेको यही प्रथम मानिएको छ। दिल्लीजस्तो व्यस्त नगरीमा यसप्रकारको डिस्प्ले बोर्डमा स्क्रोलिङद्वारा नगरका घटनाक्रमहरू राख्ने गरेको सुनिएको भए पनि यसबारे प्रायःलाई नै जानकारी छैन। कालेबुङको मुटु मानिने डम्बरचोक, जहॉं सबै राजनैतिक दलहरूले आफ्नो मुद्दा उठाउँदै जनसभाहरूको आयोजना गर्ने गर्छन्‌, जहॉं कुनै पनि सामाजिक सङ्गठनहरूले आफ्नो कुरा राख्ने गर्छन्‌, त्यहीँ दिनभरि घटेका घटनाहरू अनि वर्तमान परिस्थितिमा अनिवार्य हुने जानकारीहरू प्रेस क्लबले उपलब्ध गर्दै आइरहेको छ। 
डम्बरचोकको एउटा बिल्डिङमा झुण्डाइएको स्क्रोलिङ बोर्डमा दिनभरि नै नगरमा बजार गर्न आउनेहरूले सित्थैमा समाचारहरू पढ्‌न पाइरहेका छन्‌। कतै अचानक बन्दको घोषणा भयो, जिल्लाभरिमा नै कुनै गम्भीर घटना भयो भने वास्तविकता बुझ्न अनि कुरो सही हो होइन बुझ्न मानिसहरू डम्बरचोकमा आउँछन्‌। स्क्रोलिङमा उपलब्ध ताजा ब्रेकिङ न्यूज हेरेर  ढुक्क पर्छन्‌।
डम्बरचोकमा नै सधैँ वाहन खेप्ने एक चालकले भने, कोहीबेला दिनभरि चल्ने अफवाहहरूले अन्योलमा पार्ने स्थितिमा यो स्क्रोलिङले वास्तविकता भनिदिने भएकोले फाइदा भइरहेको छ। प्रेस क्लबका सचिव अरूणकुमार राईले अब नगरमा ब्रेकिङ न्यूज स्क्रोलिङ मार्कीलाई अझ व्यवस्थित गरेर मानिसहरूलाई स्थायी फाइदा दिनेपक्षमा क्लबले कार्ययोजना बनाइरहेको बताए। 

तिनले भने, ब्रेकिङ न्यूज मात्र होइन, विभिन्न सङ्घ सङ्गठनहरूको साङ्गाठानिक सूचना, विज्ञापन अनि दैनन्दिन जीवनको निम्ति अनिवार्य पर्ने आवश्यक जानकारीहरू पनि यसमा डिस्प्ले गरिनेछ। तिनले ब्रेकिङ न्यूजलाई निःशुल्क उपलब्ध गराइने भएपनि यसलाई व्यावसायिकरूप दिनको निम्ति विज्ञापनहरूको डिस्प्ले गरिने भएको पनि जनाए।
जिल्लामा नै प्रथमपल्ट नगरवासीहरूलाई निःशुल्करूपमा ताजा जानकारीहरू पस्केर क्लबले नगरवासीहरूलाई त धेरै फाइदा दिइरहेको छ त्यसबाहेक पनि समाजलाई पत्रकारिता अनि सामाजिक जिम्मेवारी बोध गराउने काइदापनि सिकाइरहेको छ। यसलाई निरन्तरता दिन तक्निकीय ज्ञान रहेका क्लबका सदस्यहरूले अहिले निःशुल्क सेवा दिएको कारणले नै यसलाई जारी राख्ने काम भइरहेको छ, क्लबका सक्रिय सदस्य हीरा छेत्रीले भने, हाम्रो पहललाई धेरैले प्रोत्साहित गरिरहेका छन्‌। धेरैपक्षबाट सघाउहरू भइरहेको छ। सबैको सकरात्मक सहयोग भए ब्रेकिङ डिस्प्ले को निम्ति छुट्टै कर्मचारी नियुक्त गर्ने विचारमा छौं।
मिङले निकाले खुकुरी
मनोज वोगटी,  कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। कालेबुङका चर्चित व्यङ्‌ग्यकार-कथाकार मिङ लिवाङले आज स्थानीय साहित्यकार अनि वरिष्ट नागरिकहरूबीच खुकुरी निकाले, तर पुस्तककोरूपमा। गोर्खाज पछि निकालेको खुकुरी लिवाङको दोस्रो अंग्रेजी पुस्तक रहेका छन्‌। एकै छिन ल?-बाट लिवाङ पाठकहरूमा चर्चित छन्‌। एकै छिन्‌ ल? तिनको व्यङ्ग रचनाहरूको स्तम्भ रहेको थियो। पछि तिनले पुस्तक पनि प्रकाशित गरेका थिए। तिनका व्यङ्‌ग्यहरूको पुस्तक ज्यान्टलम्यान पाठकले खुवै रुचाएको कृति हो भने छिमेकीको छोरी अनि मनभित्रको मन कथा संग्रहहरू पनि रुचाइएका कृतिहरू हुन्‌। यी कृतिहरूले जति ख्याति कमाए, त्यसभन्दा दोब्बार ख्याति तिनको अंग्रेजी पुस्तक गोर्खाज-ले कमाएको थियो।
देशमा गोर्खाहरूको चिह्नारीको सङ्‌कट बनिरहेको अवस्थामा तिनले गोर्खालाई चिनाउन यो पुस्तक निकालेका थिए जो विदेशका पाठकहरूले खुबै रुचाएका थिए। गोर्खाज गोर्खा पाठकबाहेक पनि अन्य भाषी र जाति पाठकले रुचाइदिएकोले यो खुकुरी निकाल्ने आँट गरेको हुँ-मिङ लिवाङले खुकुरीको विमोचन कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै आज भने। रामकृष्ण रङ्गमञ्चको अम्वेदकर भवनमा स्थानीय साहित्यकार अनि वरिष्ट नागरिकहरूबीच लिवाङले आज गोर्खाहरूको जातीय हतियार तथा सांस्कृतिक हतियार खुकुरीबारे लेखिएको पुस्तक खुकुरी-को विमोचन गरे। तिनले भने, गोर्खालाई चिनाउने विचारले गोर्खाज निकालेको थिएँ, गोर्खाहरूको सांस्कृतिक हतियारलाई चिनाउन खुकुरी निकालें। खुकुरीको उत्पति, यसको बनावट, थरी, बनाउने तरिका, मरम्मति, यसको कारखाना, खुकुरीको महत्व, यसमाथि पोखिएका विचारहरूमाथि पुस्तक तयार पारिएको तिनले बताए। खुकुरीको सांस्कृतिक महत्वलाई नयॉं पुस्तामा पुनर्थापित गर्ने पनि पुस्तकको ध्येय रहेको छ-तिनले भने। कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित साहित्यकार सलोक कार्थक,प्राध्यापक नवरत्न प्रधान, क्याप्टन प्रकाशमणि प्रधान, सीएल प्रधान, कुमार गुरूङ, लक्ष्मन गुरूङ, विवेक केशर पाण्डे, योगबीर शाक्य, ललित गोले तथा अन्य अतिथिहरूले पुस्तकहरूलाई सामुहिकरूपले विमोचन गरिएको थियो।
कथाकार शमशेर अलीले पुस्तकमाथि टिप्पणी राखे भने ललिग गोले, नवरत्न प्रधान, विवेककेशर पाण्डे अनि प्रकाशमणि प्रधानले पनि आफ्नो सम्बोधन राखेका थिए। सबैले नै खुकुरीलाई अंग्रेजीमा लेखेर नयॉं पुस्ताका पाठक अनि विदेशी पाठकहरूलाई लोभ्याउन सक्ने बताए। क्याप्टन प्रकाशमणि प्रधानले आफ्नो रकभेल एकाडेमीका विद्यार्थीहरूका निम्ति खुकुरीलाई लाइब्रेरीमा राख्ने समेत बताए। खुकुरी मात्र होइन, गोर्खाका संस्कृति र जातीय सवालसित जोड़िएका अन्यपक्षमा पनि पुस्तक लेखिनुपर्छ, प्रकाशित गर्ने जिम्मा हाम्रो हुनेछ-खुकुरीका प्रकाशक तथा हिमाल इण्डिया प्रिन्टर्सको पक्षमा विवेककेशर पाण्डेले भने।
Min Liwang presents second book in English language

KalimNews : A popular satirist and story writer Min Liwang once again presented a book written in English language to the society today. Book titled "Khukuri – An exquisite Gorkha craftsmanship" was released today during a simple function held at Ambedkar Sabhagriha of Kalimpong. Local intellectuals and social figures including Nav Ratna Pradhan, Principal, SUMI, Capt Prakash Mani Pradhan, Principal, Rockvale Academy, Lalit Goley, Secretary, Gorkha Sanskriti Sanrakshan Samitee, Solon Karthak and Samsher Ali, renowned story writers, Publisher Vivek Keshar Pandey and many others were present on the occasion.
While addressing the gathering writer Liwang expressed his thankfulness to those who helped him out in bringing out the book. Capt P.M. Pradhan not only encouraged the writer-publisher by way of promising to buy 50 copies of the book for his students but also viewed that the students of English language background who are usually weak in mother tongue should be made aware of their cultural heritage with the help of such works.
रम्फूमा पुल दुइफ्याक
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। रम्फूमा आज पुल दुइफ्याक हुँदा तीन घण्टा राजमार्ग बाधित बन्यो। राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग 31-ए अन्तर्गत रम्फूदेखि आठ किलोमिटर टाड़ो पश्चिम बङ्गालस्थित तारखोलाको पुल आज अचानक भत्कियो। रम्फूबाट पत्रकार सञ्जय अग्रवालले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार विहान 8 बजी सिलिगुड़ीबाट आइरहेको एउटा ट्रक( एसके 03-0810) यसपुलकोबीचमा आइपुग्दा अचानक पुल बीचैबाट भत्किएर दुइभाग भयो। 

पुल दुइफ्याक भएकोले अनि ट्रक बीचैमा फँसेकोले यातायातमा नै व्यावधान आएको थियो। लाम लागेका वाहनहरूलाई छेवैमा रहेको कच्चाबाटोलाई वैकल्पिकरुपमा प्रयोग गर्दै आवातजावत गर्न परेको थियो। कच्चाबाटोको स्थिति पनि राम्रो नभएको अनि वान वे-को कारण यात्रीहरूले जामको समस्या भोग्नुपरेको थियो। सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले सक्रियता देखाउँदै भत्केको ठाउँमा फलामको प्लेट लगाएर काम चलाउनुपरेको थियो। फलामको प्लेट लगाएर त्यहॉंबाट 11 बजीतिर अस्थायीरूपमा राजमार्ग सुचारु गरिएको थियो। मार्गलाई पूर्णरूपले पक्कागर्न केही समय लाग्ने सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले जनाएको छ। अहिलेलाई अस्थायीरूपले काम चलाइएको भए पनि कुनै पनि बेला कुनै पनि चालकको अलिकति लापारवाही पनि ठूलो सङ्‌कटको कारण बन्न सक्ने सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। स्मरमीय छ, यही पुल चारवर्षमा तीनपल्ट विभिन्न ठाउँबाट भत्किँदै आइरहेको छ।

Will CM offer a cabinet berth to GJM?
Ajanta Chakraborty, TNN,May 29, 2011, KOLKATA: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee made a good start in breaking the impasse in the Hills. The Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha leaders also reciprocated by coming down to Kolkata to congratulate the new chief minister.
The new situation has thrown up new possibilities.GJM president Bimal Gurung himself is coming to Kolkata to meet the chief minister on Monday.
While Mamata has announced steps to speed up development in the Hills to create a conducive atmosphere for talks, the GJM leadership that gave unconditional support to the Trinamool Congress candidates in the foothills and the Dooars may ask for reorganisation of the autonomous hill council in terms of its geographical area, and also the financial and legislative powers.
A discussion on these lines may scale down the Gorkhaland movement for the time being, though GJM leaders have unequivocally expressed their demand for Gorkhaland.
Mamata may offer them a Cabinet berth, though many among the Trinamool Congress are not sure how far such a strategy would work out when the GJM has not severed ties with the BJP. They are more insistent on giving greater autonomy to the hill council to honour the sentiments of the Hill people.
Such an agenda came up for discussion in the last tripartite meeting attended by the GJM, the state government and the Centre on January 25. But the GJM having the least faith on the Left Front government did not take that route. Now, with the Left Front out of power, the situation is conducive for renewing talks.
The GJM, supporting the Mamata Banerjee government from outside, has four MLAs. All four, along with GJM general secretary Roshan Giri were present when Mamata was sworn in as the chief minister on May 20. A nine-member GJM delegation had arrived here last Thursday when their party MLAs were sworn in and later met the chief minister at Writers'. And now, GJM president Gurung is all set to meet Mamata.
Whatever the strategy, there is enough indication that such talks with the GJM would continue. GJM leaders, too, are not very keen on getting a Cabinet berth.
GJM spokesman and Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chettri told TOI on Saturday, "We are open to any offer, much as we are sceptical about the consequences. Of course, Mamata is different — she is a motherly kind of a lady. We are confident that she will be more sensitive to our problems than the Left Front government was. The last government was indecisive and dragged the talks."
Chettri, who defeated Prakash Dahal of the GNLF by 1,01,675 votes in the 2011 assembly elections, however, hastened to add: "But there will be no compromise on the issue of a separate state. Our president (Bimal Gurung) would take the final call."
Gurung will reach Kolkata on Sunday afternoon to attend the meeting at Writers' on Monday. Mamata had sent out positive vibes when the GJM leaders met her at the state secretariat on Thursday. She had talked about solving the Darjeeling crisis, but stressed on development in the same breath.
"She has announced an increase in the budgetary allotment (Rs 200 crore from Rs 60 crore) for North Bengal. Mamataji is trying, but we can tell from experience that all funds stop at Siliguri and nothing reaches the Dooars and Darjeeling. Still, we are counting much on the new CM," added Chettri.
Mamata runs into madrassa protest
TNN, May 28, 2011, KOLKATA: Exactly a week after taking over the helm at Writers' Buildings, chief minister Mamata Banerjee faced the first agitation with madrassa students squatting on the street at BBD Bag, forcing evening peak-hour traffic to take a diverted route through Lalbazar Street. The students were protesting against Mamata's decision to change the name of the proposed Aliah University to Aliah Madrassa University.
While making this announcement on Thursday , Mamata said that the change in the name is required as several organisations have demanded the inclusion of the word "madrassa". Those who demonstrated at BBD Bag on Friday said the word "madrassa" can't be used for a University, as it means a school. While police prevented the demonstrators from marching up to Writers' , Mamata invited a delegation of students to meet her. Before a decision could be taken on who this delegation would consist of, the students blocked south-bound traffic from the Lalbazar crossing.
Police followed Mamata's directions and didn't use force to evict the squatters. Soon, a scuffle begun between the students and office-goers. The police used this opportunity to push the demonstrators to the side of the road and movement of traffic resumed along the stretch.
Paljor stadium with turf 

Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 28 May:The long awaited state of art artificial turf at the Paljor stadium in Gangtok is now open for the sportspersons and sports-lovers . The Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling dedicated this latest sports infrastructure to the youth of the State today.
Mr.Bhaichung Bhutia’s United Sikkim Football Club and the Ministers’ XI , consisting of Sikkimese footballers playing outside the State, were the first to run over this artificial turf , playing the exhibition match to mark the occasion. As the match remained inconclusive even after the expiry of the stipulated time with one goal each to the credit of both the teams, ten minutes extra time was given to each of the them. This too could not decide the game as both teams again scored one goal each.
A varied cultural programme depicting the rich ethnic tradition of Sikkim was the highlight of the event.
Our Gangtok correspondent reports that costing about three crore eighty lakh rupees, the artificial turf , spread over an area of more than 93,000 sq ft, is said to be the largest turf in the SAARC region. Sikkim is the fourth State in the country to have its own artificial turf. According to the sources,the work for laying the artificial turf had commenced from Ist January this year and despite hurdles, the project was finished in a record time by 15 of the last month.
Our correspondent reports that the three layered surface of the artificial turf has a silica sand base with rubber granules in the middle and the Field turf grass fibers on the top. This improves the safety in the field compared to earlier artificial surfaces . The surface is also beneficial due to low cost maintenance and durability. It is said that  the turf will not require maintenance for at least eight years .

Green signal
The world is watching fascinated as Bengal undergoes its metamorphosis. The red on the walls is turning green. There is also a tinge of white and yellow everywhere. For the first time in over three decades, Gandhi is to find a place in Writers’ Buildings among the other pictures. Away from Bengal, Banga Bhavan on New Delhi’s Hailey Road is awaiting changes as well. Mamata Banerjee, apparently, has elaborate plans to refurbish the hostel. She has expressed a wish to convert the canteen into a Bengali restaurant on the lines of Andhra Bhavan where outsiders can also savour the food. Just a thought on food to accompany all that food for thought.

Friday, May 27, 2011

83 जना बन्दीहरूसित नै छत्रेहरूको पनि उन्मुक्ति हुनुपर्छ-क्रामाकपा... Morcha wants Nickole in 10 days.... मङ्‌पूमा शुरू भयो चिरौटोको खेती.... Tribal outfit wants to meet Mamata...... Bengal to get its first woman deputy speaker...

83 जना बन्दीहरूसित नै छत्रेहरूको पनि उन्मुक्ति हुनुपर्छ-क्रामाकपा
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 27 मई। वामदुर्ग ध्वस्त गरेर आफ्नो सरकारको झण्डा गाड्‌ने वित्तिकै मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले जेलबन्दिहरूलाई शुभ खबर दिइन्‌। तिनी अनुसार राजनैतिक कारणले जेलबन्दिहरूको निम्ति बन्दिमुक्ति कमिटी बनाइनुपर्छ। यसैबीच राज्यभरिका 83 जना बन्दिहरूको सूची अघि आएको थियो। ममताले राजनैतिक बन्दिहरूको मुक्तिको घोषणा गर्ने बित्तिकै बन्दिहरूको निम्ति खुशीको खबर त भयो, त्यही घोषणा गोर्खा बन्दिहरूमा लागू हुन्छ कि हुँदैन भन्ने प्रश्न लिएर पहाड़ आइपुग्यो। किन भने राजनैतिक कारणले नै बन्दि भएका छत्र सुब्बा, शरण देवान, गुञ्जे लामा, विजय छेत्री, श्याम छेत्री अनि कुमार छेत्रीले दस बर्षदेखि बन्दिजीवन बिताइरहेका छन्‌। न त उनीहरूको दोष नै केलाइएको छ न त मुक्त नै गरिएको छ। 
दसवर्ष बिना सुनवाई जेलमा राख्नु वामफ्रण्ट सरकारको तानाशाह नै मानिएको छ। राजनैतिक कारणले बन्दि भएको भए पनि छत्रे सुब्बाहरूलाई राजनैतिक बन्दिको मर्यादा दिएको छैन। यता पहाड़को क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीले ममता व्यानर्जीले 83 जना राजनैतिक बन्दिहरुको मुक्तिको पहल गर्दा छत्रे सुब्बाहरू छोड़िनु नहुने बताएको छ। आज कालेबुङको डम्बरचोकमा पोष्टरिङ गर्दै क्रामाकपाले भनेको छ, वामफ्रण्ट सरकार गोर्खाहरूको निम्ति कहिल्यै हीतचिन्तक हुन सकेन। 
वामफ्रण्ट सरकारको यस्तै तानाशाहीलाई अन्त गर्दै सरकारमा आएकी ममता व्यानर्जीले निश्चय नै गोर्खाहरूको हीत हेर्नेछिन्‌। तिनले 83 जना बन्दिहरूसित नै छत्रे सुब्बाहरूलाई पनि बन्दिबाट मुक्त गरेर तिनी सबैको सरकार हो भन्ने परिचय दिनेछिन्‌। क्रामाकपाका मोहन पौड्यालले भने, छत्र सुब्बाहरूलाई राजनैतिक बन्दिको मर्यादा दिइनुपर्छ। त्यसपछि उनीहरुलाई पनि ममताले अन्यसित नै मुक्त गर्नुपर्छ। आज पोष्टरिङद्वारा क्रामाकपाले छत्रे सुब्बाहरूलाई न्याय हुनुपर्ने माग राखेको छ। क्रामाकपाको युवा इकाई गणतान्त्रिक क्रान्तिकारी युवा मोर्चाले शीघ्र नै यस मागलाई अघि राखेर मुख्यमन्त्रीलाई पत्रचार गर्ने पनि भएको छ। पौड्यालले भने, छत्रे सुब्बा व्यक्तिगत कारणले जेलबन्दि भएका होइनन्‌। तिनले धोकेबाज सुबास घिसिङलाई दागोपाप त्यागेर केवल गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन गरिनुपर्ने सम्बन्धमा दबाव दिएका थिए। राजनैतिक जालझेलको कारण तिनलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड विरोधी वामफ्रण्ट सरकारले जेलमा षड़ाएर राखेको हो। 
क्रामाकपाले तिनको उन्मुक्तिको निम्ति धेरै पहल गरेको भए पनि वामफ्रण्ट सरकारले कानमा तेल हालेकोले केही हुन नसकेको बताउँदै ममता सरकारमा वामफ्रण्ट सरकारको झैं क्रुरता नरहेको विश्वास रहेको जनाए। तिनले भने, विना दोष , विना सुनवाई दसवर्षदेखि जेलयापन गरिरहेका छत्र सुब्बाहरूको न्यायको निम्ति ममताको पहल हुनुपर्छ। यसबारे क्रामाकपाले छुट्टै कार्यक्रमलाई अघि बढ़ाउने छ। तिनले गोर्खा जनमुक्तिका तीन विधायकहरू पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डकै निम्ति विधानसभामा गएको हो भने ममताले बन्दिहरूको निम्ति पहल गरिरहेको समयमा गोर्खाल्याण्डकै कारण बन्दि बनेका छत्र सुब्बाहरूको मुक्तिको निम्ति शीघ्र्र नै पहल गर्नुपर्ने पनि जनाए। तिनले भने, क्रामाकपाको अपील नै छ उनीहरूलाई कि, ठीक समयमा ठीक कुरा राखेर छत्र सुब्बाहरूको मुक्तिको निम्ति विधायकहरूको पहल होस्‌।
 Morcha wants Nickole in 10 days

Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, May 27: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has set a deadline of 10 days for the government to produce Nickole Tamang in court, a day after the CBI arrested a party leader for his alleged involvement in the Madan Tamang murder case.
Although the Morcha was the first party to demand a CBI inquiry into the Madan murder, there are enough indications that the Morcha is looking at piling pressure on the administration by its deadline — a move observers believe is aimed at deflecting the focus of the murder probe.
The party has not specified what it would do after the deadline expires, hinting only that it would be a strong agitation.
Nickole, a Morcha central committee member and a prime accused in the murder case, disappeared from CID custody on August 22, 2010, and is still untraceable. The CBI is inquiring both into Tamang’s murder and the disappearance of Nickole.
Priyabardan Rai, the general secretary of the Yuva Morcha, today said: “We had asked for the CBI inquiry and we still want the agency to investigate the incident. However, they should refrain from harassing and arresting innocent people. Dipan Mallay is innocent. The administration should first produce Nickole Tamang alive within 10 days or else we will launch an agitation.”
The CBI had detained Mallay from his native place Pokhriabong, 25km from here, on Wednesday and registered his arrest after an interrogation yesterday.
Sources said following Mallay’s arrest the police had been conducting raids in the Lebong Valley area.
Even before the expiry of the 10-day deadline, Rai said the party would organise a series of rallies across the hills from May 31.
“A rally would be organised in Darjeeling on May 31 and June 3, followed by rallies in Kalimpong on June 1 and in Kurseong on June 4.”
The single-point slogan during the rally would be to produce Nickole “alive”.
While the CID, which was earlier investigating the murder case, maintains that Nickole had escaped from their temporary camp office at Pintail Village near Siliguri, the Morcha had alleged that he might have been killed because of torture by the investigating officials.
Nickole’s family members had filed a habeas corpus at Calcutta High Court following which the court had directed the state government to hand over the case to the CBI last year.
Mallay has been taken to Calcutta by the CBI for further investigation. The investigating team will have to produce the accused in court on June 4.
Mallay has been booked under sections 147/148 (rioting/rioting with deadly weapons), 149 (unlawful assembly), 427 (mischief causing damage), 506 (criminal intimidation), 302 (murder), 120 (conspiracy) and 34 (act done by several persons in furtherance of common intention) of the IPC.
Manik Saha, assistant public prosecutor, had yesterday said Mallay had “confessed to his guilt” while Mallay himself had said he was innocent. So far nine people are in custody for their alleged involvement in the case. Of them, eight had been arrested by the CID.
ABGL leader Tamang was hacked to death by khukuri- wielding people in broad daylight in Darjeeling on May 21 last year.

Madhyamik Result: KalimNews:Triza Rai of Kalimpong Girls High School scored 84% the highest of the subdivision.
Trishita Mitra of Siliguri Girls High School scored 745 ie 93.1 %, and is the topper of the district. She scored cent percent in Mathematics and Physical science. In the Jalpaiguri Anwesha Bhowmick of Suniti Bala Sadar High School scored 741 out of 800 ie 92.6%.
Quarterly cabinet meets in north: Deb

TT, Siliguri, May 27: The state cabinet will meet in north Bengal once in three months with the chief minister visiting on a regular basis to expedite the growth process in the region, the minister for north Bengal development Gautam Deb said here today.
Deb also said a university would be set up in Cooch Behar — the fourth in the region after North Bengal University, Gourbanga University and the Uttarbanga Krishi Vishwavidyalaya. A Hindi-medium college in the Dooars, a long-standing demand of the tribals in the region, will also come up.
“The chief minister has formed a separate ministry and has allocated Rs 200 crore for the region. She will be visiting north Bengal on a regular basis to expedite the development process and also work from her secretariat to be built in the region. It has been also decided that the state cabinet will meet once in three months in north Bengal to ensure that projects related to the region are taken care of in an appropriate manner,” Deb told reporters at the Siliguri Municipal Corporation office this afternoon.
The minister detailed the plans of his government for the region at two meetings that he attended during the day. The one in the morning was with the officials of the Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority.
The university in Cooch Behar will provide more avenues and options to students living in this part of the state who want to pursue higher studies, he said at the SJDA office. “We will also establish a Hindi-medium college in the Dooars… An array of UG courses in science, commerce and humanities streams, would be offered at the college. Locations of both the varsity and the college, however, are yet to be finalised.”
Pointing out the region’s vulnerability during the rainy season, Deb said he would talk to disaster management minister Javed Khan and officials of North Bengal Flood Control Commission and other authorities like the Farakka Barrage to work out flood-control measures beforehand.
“Instead of going into a scurry after there is an inundation with relief material, food and sandbags, we would make arrangements in advance,” the minister said.
About Siliguri, Deb said he would take steps in consultation with the administration to reduce traffic load in and around the town.
“We have decided to shift the office of the motor vehicles department to Paribahan Nagar in Matigara. Its current location next to the subdivisional office is the cause of congestion on court campus,” Deb said.
“Also, the PCM bus terminus on Sevoke Road would be utilised at optimum level and all buses bound for Kalimpong and Sikkim will depart from there. Regarding the local bus stand of Siliguri which is also close to the court, we have decided to find a suitable alternative location. Bidhan Market (erstwhile Hongkong Market) would be developed in a planned manner during the coming months.”
At the SMC, Deb said the formation of the new civic board was just a matter of time. “Both parties (Congress and Trinamul) together are running the state now and we don’t feel there would be much rigidity left on either side. I will, according to rules, step down from the councillor’s post on the day the new board is formed.”
मङ्‌पूमा शुरू भयो चिरौटोको खेती
डी.के वाइबा, कालिमन्युज, मङ्‌पू, 27 मई। भारत सरकारको औषधीय पौधाहरूमाथि चलिरहेको राष्ट्रिय अभियान अन्तर्गत मङ्‌पू क्षेत्रमा अहिले विभिन्न कार्यहरू भइरहेको छ। विशेष गरी समुद्र तटदेखि उच्च क्षेत्रमा गरिने औषधीय पौधाहरू चिरौटो, कुट्‌की, विखुमा आदि जस्ता औषधीय पौधाहरूको खेतीलाई व्यवसायिकरूप दिएर कृषकहरूले आर्थिक आय गर्न सक्छ भनेर भारत सरकारले औषधीय खेतीमाथि राष्ट्रिय अभियान चलाएको छ। सरकारको अभियान अन्तर्गत कृषकहरूले औषधीय खेती गर्नको निम्ति आर्थिक सहुलियत समेत प्राप्त गर्न सक्छन्‌। सोही अभियान अन्तर्गत सिन्कोना निर्देशालय एवं अन्य औषधीय पौधाहरू अधिनस्त हाल मङ्‌पू वरिपरि चिरौटो खेती भइरहेको छ।
चिरौटो हालमा छालाको क्यान्सर जस्तो घातक रोगको निम्ति पनि प्रयोग भइरहेको छ भने यस औषधीय पौधाको बजारमा व्यापक माग रहेको सिन्कोना निर्देशक डा. जी.सी. सुब्बाले बताएका छन्‌। सरकारको यस अभियान अन्तर्गत औषधीय पौधाहरू मध्ये चिरौटो खेती गरिरहेका स्थानीय युवक सुरेश तामाङले सरकारको यस योजनाबाट आफू लाभान्वित बनेको बताए। आफ्नै उब्जनी गर्ने खेतबारी अनि खेतीको निम्ति योग्य नरहेकाा भूमिहरूलाई पनि औषधीय पौधाको निम्ति प्रयोग गरेर आफूले आर्थिक आय समेत गरिरहेको बताए। सरकाको यस योजनाले थुप्रै बेरोजगार युवाहरूलाई रोजगारको अवसर प्राप्त हुने अनि यसबाट पाउने सहुलियतले थप फाइदा पुर्‍याउने पनि तिनले बताए। यस्ता सरकारी सहुलियतहरूबारे बेरोजगार युवाहरू जागरुक बन्नु पर्ने पनि तामङले बताए।&
अर्कोतिर सिन्कोना निर्देशक डा. जी.सी.सुब्बाले भारत सरकारको औषधीय पौधाहरूमाथि चलाइरहेको यस अभियानले सरकार अनि बेरोजगार दुवै पक्षलाई फाइदा भइरहेको बताए। पहिले औषधीय पौधाहरू पहाड़का जङ्गलभरि नै पाइने तर यसको उचित संरक्षणको अभाव तथा कतिपय तस्करीहरूले यसको अवैद्ध गोरख धन्दा चलाएरको कारण अहिले मासिएर गएको पनि तिनले बताए। हालमा सरकारको यस योजनाले पहाड़मा पाइने औषधीय पौधाहरूको संरक्षण हुने कार्य पनि भइरहेको सुब्बाले जनाएका छन्‌। एकातिर विश्व बजारमा हर्बल औषधीको माग बढिरहेको छ भने अर्कोतिर औषधीय पौधाहरूको खेतीबारे सरकारले नै यस्ता योजना शुरू गरेको कारण पनि यसबाट औषधीय पौधाहरूको खेती गर्नेहरूलाई लाभ पुग्ने निर्देशक सुब्बाले थप बताएका छन्‌।
भाजपाको कलुक बजारमा एकदिने भोकहड्ताल
मुख्यमन्त्रीको गाँउ भ्रमण 17 वर्षे नाटकको अन्तिम दृश्यः पदम बहादुर
प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 27 मई। भारतीय जनता पार्टी (भाजपा) सिक्किम प्रदेश एकाईद्वारा पश्चिम सिक्किमको कलुक बजारमा हिजो विहिबार क्षेत्रको विकासमा भएको व्यापक भ्रष्टाचारको विरोधमा एक दिन सांकेतिक भोकहड्ताल सम्पन्न भयो। भोक हड्ताल सकेर उक्त क्षेत्रको सडक, पर्यटकीय स्थल र अन्य पूर्वाधारहरूको विकासको नाममा करोडौं रुपियाँ हिनामिना गर्ने ठेकादार विरूद्ध कार्वाही गर्ने माग गर्दै पश्चिम जिल प्रशासक शान्ता कुमार प्रधानलाई ठेकादारहरूको लाइसेन्स रद्द गरेर बल्याक लिस्ट गर्नु पर्ने माग पेश गरेको यहाँ आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा भाजपा राज्य अध्यक्ष पदम बहादुर छेत्री ले जानकारी दिए। उनले भने, यो सिक्किममा भएको खपिनसक्नु भ्रष्ट्राचारको विरोधमा उठेको सांकेतिक विरोधको लहर हो।&
यदि एक महिना भित्रमा सरकारले गाँउ बस्तीलाई भनेर तोकेको विकास कार्यहरूको नाममा भ्रष्ट्राचार गरेको कुरोलाई कार्वाही नगरे आमरण अनशन शुरु गर्ने उनले घोषणा गरे। हिजोको भोकहड्ताल भाजपाका सचिव लातेन शेर्पाको नेतृत्वमा भाजपा अध्यक्ष लगायत 22 जना युवाहरूले भाग लिएका थिए भने स्थानीय मानिसहरूले स्वत भाजपाले डाकेको बन्दको समर्थनमा आफ्नो उपस्थिति दर्ता गरेर भ्रष्टाचारको विरोधमा उभिने संकल्प लिएका थिए। अध्यक्ष छेत्रीले भने, सिक्किमको जनता बोल्दैनन् भन्ने भनाइ हिजो देखि गलत साबित भएको छ किनभने मानिस नबोल्नुको पछाडी एउटै कारण हुन्छ त्यो के भने अध्याधिक रिसायो भने र कसैसित मन दुख्यो भने मान्छेले बोलचाल बन्द गर्छ त्यस्तै एसडीएफ सरकारको 17 वर्षे शासनमा जनता साह्रै रिसाएको छ अनि उऩीहरू मौन विरोधमा छन्।
अर्कोतिर उनले मुख्यमन्त्रीले 17 वर्ष पछि गाउँ पस्ने अभियान थालेको कुरामाथि कटाक्ष प्रहार गर्दै भने, जनताले छोड्न थालेपछि गाउँ पसेको नाटक गर्दैछ, एसडीएफको 17 वर्षे ढाँटै-ढाँटले भरिएको नाटकको यो अन्तिम दृश्य हो। उनले कटाक्ष प्रहार गर्दै भने, मुख्यमन्त्रीको 17 वर्षे जनतालाई झुक्याउने नाटकको पराकाष्ठ हो यो गाउँ भ्रमण अनि 17 वर्ष नाटकको पर्दा खस्न लागेको अन्तिम दृश्य हो। उनले अझ भने, मिन्तोगाङमै बसेर 17 वर्ष जनतालाई झुक्कायो अब गाउँ घरमै पुगेर पनि ढाट्ने योजना लिएर जनताकोमा जाँदैछन्।
उनले पश्चिम जिल्लमा मुख्यमन्त्रीको भ्रमणकालमा उनको टोलीलाई जनताले यसै विषयमा प्रश्न गर्ने बताउँदै भने, हाम्रो कार्यकर्ताहरूले सोझै बाटो रोकेर जनताको आँखामा छारो हाल्ने कामको बारेमा प्रश्न गर्ने छन्। पश्चिम जिल्लाको जिला सुधार गृह, रिन्चेनपोङ-कलुक, कलुक-सोरेङ सडक, टुरिष्ट गेस्ट हाउस र जनताको हित विपरीत बाटो खनेर क्षतिपूर्तीसम्म नदिएको कुराहरूमा आँखा नचिम्लने चेताउऩी सरकारलाई दिँदै यदी एक महिनामा काम नगरे लातेन शेर्पाले आमरण भोगहड्ताल थाल्ने घोषणा गरे। यसमा समर्थन जनाउँदै अध्यक्ष छेत्रीले भने अब लातेन शेर्पा एक्लो हुने छैन सयौं युवाहरूले भ्रष्ट्राचारको विरोधमा मौनता तोडेर मैदानमा उत्रने छन्। यसैगरि हिजोको भोक हड्तालमा सुरक्षा व्यवस्था सही रूपमा व्यवस्थित गरिदिएकोमा सिक्किम पुलिसलाई आभार प्रकट गरे। भोक हड्तालकै क्रममा आधा दिनसम्म विभिन्न वक्ताहरूले सरकारको गलत नीति र सिद्धान्तको बारेमा जनतालाई अवगत् गराएका थिए भने जनतालाई भ्रष्ट्राचारले पराकाष्ठ नाघि सकेको जानकारी गराएका थिए।
तीन दशक पुरानो गरिमा फर्काउन सफल सोमबारे पाठशाला
पूर्वाधारहरूको अभावमा स्कूलमा धेरै समस्या छः प्रधानअध्यापक
प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज, सोमबारे। पश्चिम जिल्लाको सोमबारे उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयले गुमाएको तीन दशक पुरानो गरीमा फर्काइ ल्याउन सक्षम बन्दै यसपालीको उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक परिक्षामा सतप्रतिशत परिक्षार्थीहरू उतिर्ण वनाउन सक्षम भएका छन्। पाठशाला संचालन समिति, अभीभावकगण, पञ्चायत तथा जिल्ला पञ्चायत सदस्यहरूको उपस्थितमा हिजो विहिबार एउटा महत्वापूर्ण सभा बसेर स्कूलको हरेक पक्षबारे बहस गर्दै क्षेत्रमा शिक्षालाई प्राथमिकताको आधारमा महत्व प्रदान गर्ने निर्णय गरियो।
बैठकमा प्रधान अध्यपक मञ्जु सुब्बाले आफ्नो मन्तव्य पेश गर्दै अहिले पाठशालामा 777 जना विद्यार्थी अध्ययनरत रहेको जसमा 415 जना केटी तथा 336 केटा रहेको जनाकारी गराउँदै यी विद्यार्थीहरूलाई शिक्षा दिने क्रममा विभिन्न प्रकारको पूर्वाधारहरूको अभाव रहेको कुरो अवगत गराइऩ्। जसमा उनले विद्युत अनियमितताको कारण कम्प्युटर शिक्षणमा व्यापक बाधा उत्पन्न भइरहेको बताइऩ्। य़सैगरि 50 जना शिक्षण र गैर शिक्षण कर्मचारी रहेको यो पाठशालामा अहिले 11 जना शिक्षकहरूको स्थान्तरण र अवकाशले गर्दा पठन पाठनमा व्यापक प्रभाव परिरहेको बताइऩ। अर्कोतिर उनले अहिलेसम्म विद्यार्थीहरूको उतिर्ण दरमा कमी आएर लगभग असल पाठशालाको रूपमा चिन्हित बन्न पुगिसकेको यो पाठशालाले यसपालीदेखि राम्रो प्रदर्शन गर्दै शिक्षाको स्तरलाई बलियो पार्न कम्मरै कसेर राम्रो प्रतिफल निकालेको बताउँदै यसलाई निरन्तरता दिनु पाठशाला संचालन समिति, अभिभावकगण तथा जन प्रतिनिधिहरूले हातेमालो गर्न पर्ने आग्रह गरिन्। यसैगरि स्कूलके मैदान सानो रहेको तथा पाठशालाको प्रेक्षागृहमा मञ्चको व्यवस्थासम्म नभएकोले विभिन्न प्रकारको समस्याहरू रहीआएको उनले सभामा बताइन्।&
यसैगरि बड्दो विद्यार्थीहरूको संख्या सितै पाठशालाको पूर्वधार साघुरो बन्दै गएकोमा चिन्ता व्यक्त गर्दै सरकार समक्ष पठाशालाको आकार विस्तार गर्न अनुरोध गरिने बताए। यसैगरि कार्यक्रममा अप्पर थाम्बोङ पंचायत एकाईका सभापति सोनामित लेप्चाले पाठशालाको उत्कृष्ठ परिणामको निम्ति बधाइ दिए भने, आगामी मुख्यमन्त्रीको क्षेत्रमा भ्रमण हुँदा स्कूलको समस्याहरूबारे अवगत गराएर मागहरू प्रस्तुत गरिने बताए। यसैगरि पाठशालाको 9 साइडको मैदानलाई 11 साइडको बनाइऩे तथा स्कूल भवनको विस्तार गरिने विषयमा प्रकाश पारिन्। यसैगरि शिक्षक बीएम हिङमाङले प्राथमिक पाठशालाका समस्याहरू बारे बताउँदै समयमा पाठ्यपुस्तक नआएकोले कठीन भइरहेको बताए। यसैगरि बैठकमा शिक्षक आरके प्रधान, पीएक राईले आफ्नो मन्तव्य पेश गरे भने अभिभावकको पक्षमा केबी ठटाल र देविका घिमिरेले मन्तव्य पोखे। सुमन घिमिरेले धन्यवाद ज्ञापन गरेका थिए। अर्कोतिर पाठशाला टप्पर बनेका क्लिन्ट शेर्पा अनि लिम्बु भाषामा राज्य टप्पर बनेका मिकीहाङ सुब्बालाई सबैले बधाइ तथा शुभकामना व्यक्त गरे।
Madhyamik merit list marks rat
TT, Calcutta, May 27: The Madhyamik merit list made a comeback today, naming eight students with the best grades in this year’s test in violation of a policy decision taken years ago to spare schoolchildren the stress of trying to become toppers.
The eight students in the West Bengal Board of Secondary Education’s 2011 merit list have been graded “AA” in all seven subjects — the rating represents a score between 90 and 100 per cent — but don’t necessarily have higher aggregates than the rest.
Board officials used that argument to justify naming the eight students, saying they were being recognised as the most consistent performers across subjects rather than as the “Top 8 of 2011”. But the board failed to explain how that was different from naming the top eight students in terms of total marks.
The board’s decision to resume showcasing individual achievement masked a 1.22 per cent drop in the overall success rate from last year’s result. “Yes, there’s been a marginal decline. But an 80.57 per cent success rate isn’t bad,” a an official said.
The system of announcing Madhyamik and Higher Secondary toppers had been officially abolished in 2005 in tune with a central policy that was announced the previous year to make school examinations student-friendly and stress-free.
“Announcing names, irrespective of whether they are the ones who have performed most consistently or scored the highest, goes against the spirit of the unanimous decision taken by the education ministers of all states in 2004 that there should be no merit list for Class X and XII exams. The objective of the new set of reforms in school education has also been defeated with the return of the toppers’ list,” a government official said.
Board president Anjan Sengupta said the decision to declare the names of the eight students graded AA in all seven subjects was cleared by school education minister Rabindranath Bhattacharya. “In any case, we haven’t violated the central policy of not disclosing marks or ranking students as first, second and third. We could have been accused of deviating from policy had we announced a toppers’ list in the conventional sense.”
What the board didn’t do, Mamata Banerjee did. The chief minister called up Mrinmoy Pal of Bankura, who has scored 760 out of 800, to congratulate him for being this year’s unofficial Madhyamik topper. Mrinmoy didn’t make it to the board’s list because he hasn’t got “AA” in all subjects.
Although the system of naming toppers was abolished under Left Front rule, the school education department continued the practice of felicitating the top performers in Madhyamik and Higher Secondary. “There have been complaints about students being picked for such functions on the basis of political recommendations,” a teacher said.
The Telegraph has been highlighting stories of academic success in the face of adversity rather than the achievements of those with the highest marks or grades (see graphic).
Examinee dead
Three Madhyamik examinees from Cooch Behar allegedly consumed poison after they learnt they had failed in the board examinations. While one student died, two others have been hospitalised.
Police sources said Shefali Khatun, 16, a student of Ichchamoyee High School died after consuming poison at her house. The other two are under treatment at the Mathabhanga subdivisional hospital.
Tribal outfit wants to meet Mamata
Caesar Mandal, TNN, May 27, 2011: Tribal leaders of Dooars and Terai — the tea garden belt of the north Bengal foothills want to meet Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee over the issues faced by Dooars.
The north Bengal tribal outfit Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parishad (ABAVP) has become a crucial ethnic player of the tea belt after Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha raised separate Gorkhaland issue and demanded induction of the foothills in their proposed state.
A bloody clash sparked in the tea belt of Bengal between the activists and Morcha and ABAVP in 2009 as tribals refused to accept Morcha's Gorkhaland proposal. The Left Front government reportedly backed tribal outfit to confront Morcha.
Soon the tribal outfit has become a threat to the Left trade unions who controlled the tea gardens. In recent assembly polls, candidates of tribal outfit contested from six assembly seats in Dooars and became a key factor.
Since 2009, the tribal outfit has been demanding Sixth Schedule status for the Dooars and Terai region along with the demands of basic development of the land. Though the tribal outfit failed to win any assembly seat they managed to bag a considerable vote share.
"We are firm in our position to oppose induction of foothills in Gorkhaland or the interim set up of proposed Gorkhaland. We have already sent letter to Banerjee seeking appointment to discuss on our demands,' said John Barla, ABAVP leader.
Actors’ stolen Pajero seized
TT, Alipurduar, May 27: A Mitsubishi Pajero owned by Bollywood couple Ashutosh Rana and Renuka Sahani was recovered by police from Indo-Bhutan border in Jaigaon.
Two persons, suspected to be members of a car lifting racket, have been arrested and taken to Mumbai from where the vehicle had been stolen.
Sources said a police team patrolling Netaji Road in Jaigaon had spotted a Mitsubishi Pajero on May 10. The policemen signalled the SUV to stop, but the driver sped away.
The police chased the car and intercepted it a few hundred metres away from the gate that leads to Bhutan. “If the car had entered Bhutan, it would have been a tough job to catch the culprits and recover the vehicle,” said a police officer.
The driver, Kazi Biswakarma, failed to produce relevant documents of the vehicle and was arrested along with another person seated in the car. The duo, residents of Siliguri, were produced in the additional chief judicial magistrate’s court here the next day and remanded in police custody for seven days.
The police recorded the details of the Pajero, including the engine and chassis numbers, and passed on the information to all police stations in the country. Soon, a reply came from Maharashtra police, who said a complaint had been lodged with Versova police station in Andheri West of Mumbai on May 3, mentioning that a Mitsubishi Pajero had been stolen.
“The Maharashtra police also said the car belonged to Asutosh Rana and Renuka Sahani. On Wednesday, a three-member Maharashtra police team reached Jaigaon and completed all formalities before heading back to Mumbai today with the two accused and the car,” said a police officer.
The police did not say if the car had been stolen by Biswakarma and the other arrested man, Dinesh Singh. They said the probe was progressing and the duo were most probably part of an inter-state car lifting racket.
Bengal to get its first woman deputy speaker

Saibal Sen, TNN | May 27, 2011, KOLKATA: Sonali Guha would be sworn in on May 30 as the deputy speaker of the state legislative assembly. The mercurial Guha, a Trinamool Congress MLA from Satgachia, former chief minister Jyoti Basu's constituency, will be the first woman to sit in the deputy speaker's chair.
The Trinamool Congress candidates Biman Banerjee (speaker) and Guha (deputy speaker) are expected to be elected unopposed.
From 1977 to 1996 Jyoti Basu had won all the elections in Satgachia but in 2001 he decided no to contest elections any more due to health reasons. Guha had hogged headlines when she defeated Basu's former election agent Gokul Bairagi in 2001.
Known in political circles as Mamata Banerjee's trusted lieutenant, this feisty politician had her own fair share of controversies. Earlier police even charged Guha with criminal cases after she reportedly locked up police officers, including a DYSP, in South 24-Parganas Nodakhali police station. Once, she even reportedly tried to commit suicide.