मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 31 मई। ममता व्यानर्जी जो आफ्नो राजत्वकालमा बङ्गाल फुटेर कुनै राज्य भएको चहॉंदैनन्। तिनलाई विश्वास छ, बङ्गालमा कतै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको सवाल उठेको छ भने, त्यो विकाससित सम्बन्धित समस्या हो। वाम सरकारले गरेको सानीमाको व्यावहारको जवाबमा नै छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दलन चर्किएको हो। यसैकारण तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड नभनेर स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड भनेको राजनैतिक विश्लेषकहरू ठान्छन्। पहाड़मा छुट्टैराज्यको गर्मी चलिरहेको बेलामा तिनले आफू मुख्यमन्त्री भए तीन महिनामा नै समस्या समाधान गर्छु भनेर त्यसै डेट लाइनन दिएका होइनन्। डेटलाइनकोपछि पहाड़को समस्या बुझाइ ठूलो कारण रहेको छ।
वाम सरकारले विकास नगरेकोले नै पहाड़मा छुट्टैराज्यको आन्दोलन गर्नुपरेको तिनको बुझाइ छ। ममता व्यानर्जी मुख्यमन्त्री हुने वित्तिकै राजनैतिक बन्दीहरूलाई मुक्त गरिने घोषणा गरेर छत्र सुब्बाको मुक्तिको सवाल पनि ममताको ममतामा नै जोड़िएर बसेको छ। यता नयॉं सरकार गठन हुने वित्तिकै सीबीआईले गोर्खालीग नेता मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डसित जोड्दै मोर्चाका नेता दीपेन मालेलाई पक्राउ गरिसकेको छ। मालेको पक्राउसित नै पहाड़को राजनीतिमा आन्तरिक गर्मी थपिएको छ। मोर्चाले सीआईडीले बुझाएको चार्जसिटमा नाम नै नभएको मालेलाई पक्राउ गरेकोमा आपत्ति जनाउँदै न्यायपालिकामा अड्को थाप्दै निकोल तामङलाई जिउँदै मागेको छ। यता सीआईडीले बुझाएको चार्जसिटमा तीसजनाको नाम रहेको छ, जसमा आठ जनालाई पक्राउ समेत गरिएको छ।
गोर्खालीगले मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डको दोषीकोरूपमा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाममा समेत प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको भए पनि सीआईडीको लिष्टमा उनीहरूको नाम नपरेको लीगको आरोप छ। यता सीबीआई, सीआईडीले जारी गरेको नामकोपछि नलागेर आफ्नै ढङ्गले कार्य गरिरहेकोले लीगले सीबीआईको कार्यपद्धतिलाई सकारेको छ।
मदन तामङको हत्या त्यसबेला भएको थियो जतिबेला तिनले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको व्यापक विरोध गरेका थिए। तिनको हत्या हुने वित्तिकै वाम नेताहरू प्रशासनका उच्चअधिकारीसमेतले मोर्चाको हात रहेको बताएका थिए। हत्या हुने बित्तिकै मोर्चालाई दोष्याइनु अनि मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम अघि आउनुले निक्कै सनसनी पनि मच्चिएको थियो। टेलिफोनिक संवादले मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाम अघि ल्याएकोले मामिला निक्कै गर्मीएको थियो तर वास्तविकता प्रकटमा ल्याइने काम न त सीआईडीबाट भयो न त पुलिस प्रशासनबाट। बङ्गालमा ममता व्यानर्जीले अहिले राज्य सीआईडीमा फेरबदल ल्याउने बताएकोले वाम सरकारको पक्षमा काम गर्ने अधिकारीहरूको सफाइको सम्भावना अघि आएको छ। जुन हिसाबमा मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम मदन तामङको हत्याकाण्डसित जोड़िएको छ, यसको व्यापक जॉंच पड़्ताल गर्ने जिम्मा पनि अब ममता सरकारमा नै आएको छ।
यता ममता सरकारसित मोर्चाले जनमुद्दालाई लिएर भेट्ने काम अनि वार्ताको शिलशिला शुरू गरिसकेको छ। कमसेकम ममता सरकारले सत्य कुरालाई अघि ल्याउने आशा पहाड़वासीले गरेको छ तर जनता अघिको मुद्दामा ममता सरकारले कुनै न्यायपरक काम गर्न नसके ममताबाट पहाड़वासीको विश्वास उठ्ने समेतको सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। यता मोर्चालाई लागेको दोषको पनि छिनाफाना हुन अनिवार्य छ किन भने जबसम्म मोर्चालाई यो आक्षेप लाग्नेछ तबसम्म पहाड़को परिस्थिति सहज रहनेछैन। जो दोषी हो, उसलाई बाहिर निकाल्न ममता सरकार सफल हुने हो कि राज्यमा आफ्नो हैकम र प्रभुत्व जमाउनको निम्ति पहाड़प्रति वामनीति नै अप्नाइने हो,यसैमा ममता सरकारको इमान्दारिता जोखिने पहाड़का राजनैतिक विश्लेषकहरूले अनुमान गरेका छन्।
काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री
कालिमन्युज: काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राईलाई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री घोषणा गरिएको छ। नेशनल गोर्खा फोरमले सक्रिय रुपमा समर्थन दिएको काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री बन्नपुगेका छन् । श्री राईले आफ्नो सफलतामा गोर्खा फोरमको सहयोग रहेको कुरोलाई स्वीकार्दै आभार प्रकट गरेका छन् । यो सफलता गोर्खा फोरमको मात्र नभएर आसामका समस्त गोर्खा जातिको नै सफलता ठान्नु पर्छ । गोर्खा सन्तानको यो सफलतामा आसामको भूमिमा गोर्खा जातिको अस्तित्वको स्वीकारबोध पनि प्रष्ट भएको छ ।
काँग्रेस पार्टीबाट केवल दुइजना मात्र विधायक भएकाले गोर्खा जातिबाट एकजनासम्म मन्त्री बनाइनु उचित छ भन्ने माग पनि गोर्खा फोरमले आसामका मुख्यमन्त्री तरुण गोगोईलाई आग्रह-पत्र पनि चढाएको थियो । पछिल्लो विधानसभामा अध्यक्ष पदमा कुशलतापूर्वक कार्यभार सम्भालेर यो सत्रमा क्यबिनेट पदमा पुगेका श्री राईज्यू आसामे गोर्खाहरुका निर्विवाद अगुवा बन्नपुगेका छन् । गोर्खा फोरमले यस उपलव्धिमा हार्दिक बधाई टक्राएको छ । राई कानुन, न्याय, योजना, विकाश अनि पेन्सन मन्त्रालयका मन्त्री भएका छन |
गोर्खालीगले मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डको दोषीकोरूपमा गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाममा समेत प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको भए पनि सीआईडीको लिष्टमा उनीहरूको नाम नपरेको लीगको आरोप छ। यता सीबीआई, सीआईडीले जारी गरेको नामकोपछि नलागेर आफ्नै ढङ्गले कार्य गरिरहेकोले लीगले सीबीआईको कार्यपद्धतिलाई सकारेको छ।
मदन तामङको हत्या त्यसबेला भएको थियो जतिबेला तिनले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको व्यापक विरोध गरेका थिए। तिनको हत्या हुने वित्तिकै वाम नेताहरू प्रशासनका उच्चअधिकारीसमेतले मोर्चाको हात रहेको बताएका थिए। हत्या हुने बित्तिकै मोर्चालाई दोष्याइनु अनि मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम अघि आउनुले निक्कै सनसनी पनि मच्चिएको थियो। टेलिफोनिक संवादले मोर्चाका शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाम अघि ल्याएकोले मामिला निक्कै गर्मीएको थियो तर वास्तविकता प्रकटमा ल्याइने काम न त सीआईडीबाट भयो न त पुलिस प्रशासनबाट। बङ्गालमा ममता व्यानर्जीले अहिले राज्य सीआईडीमा फेरबदल ल्याउने बताएकोले वाम सरकारको पक्षमा काम गर्ने अधिकारीहरूको सफाइको सम्भावना अघि आएको छ। जुन हिसाबमा मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम मदन तामङको हत्याकाण्डसित जोड़िएको छ, यसको व्यापक जॉंच पड़्ताल गर्ने जिम्मा पनि अब ममता सरकारमा नै आएको छ।
यता ममता सरकारसित मोर्चाले जनमुद्दालाई लिएर भेट्ने काम अनि वार्ताको शिलशिला शुरू गरिसकेको छ। कमसेकम ममता सरकारले सत्य कुरालाई अघि ल्याउने आशा पहाड़वासीले गरेको छ तर जनता अघिको मुद्दामा ममता सरकारले कुनै न्यायपरक काम गर्न नसके ममताबाट पहाड़वासीको विश्वास उठ्ने समेतको सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। यता मोर्चालाई लागेको दोषको पनि छिनाफाना हुन अनिवार्य छ किन भने जबसम्म मोर्चालाई यो आक्षेप लाग्नेछ तबसम्म पहाड़को परिस्थिति सहज रहनेछैन। जो दोषी हो, उसलाई बाहिर निकाल्न ममता सरकार सफल हुने हो कि राज्यमा आफ्नो हैकम र प्रभुत्व जमाउनको निम्ति पहाड़प्रति वामनीति नै अप्नाइने हो,यसैमा ममता सरकारको इमान्दारिता जोखिने पहाड़का राजनैतिक विश्लेषकहरूले अनुमान गरेका छन्।
काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री
कालिमन्युज: काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राईलाई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री घोषणा गरिएको छ। नेशनल गोर्खा फोरमले सक्रिय रुपमा समर्थन दिएको काँग्रेसी उम्मेद्वार टंक बहादुर राई आसाम राज्यको क्याबिनेट स्तरको मन्त्री बन्नपुगेका छन् । श्री राईले आफ्नो सफलतामा गोर्खा फोरमको सहयोग रहेको कुरोलाई स्वीकार्दै आभार प्रकट गरेका छन् । यो सफलता गोर्खा फोरमको मात्र नभएर आसामका समस्त गोर्खा जातिको नै सफलता ठान्नु पर्छ । गोर्खा सन्तानको यो सफलतामा आसामको भूमिमा गोर्खा जातिको अस्तित्वको स्वीकारबोध पनि प्रष्ट भएको छ ।
काँग्रेस पार्टीबाट केवल दुइजना मात्र विधायक भएकाले गोर्खा जातिबाट एकजनासम्म मन्त्री बनाइनु उचित छ भन्ने माग पनि गोर्खा फोरमले आसामका मुख्यमन्त्री तरुण गोगोईलाई आग्रह-पत्र पनि चढाएको थियो । पछिल्लो विधानसभामा अध्यक्ष पदमा कुशलतापूर्वक कार्यभार सम्भालेर यो सत्रमा क्यबिनेट पदमा पुगेका श्री राईज्यू आसामे गोर्खाहरुका निर्विवाद अगुवा बन्नपुगेका छन् । गोर्खा फोरमले यस उपलव्धिमा हार्दिक बधाई टक्राएको छ । राई कानुन, न्याय, योजना, विकाश अनि पेन्सन मन्त्रालयका मन्त्री भएका छन |
Anti Tobacco Day observed
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 31 May: Sikkim joined the nation in observing the Anti Tobacco Day ,highlighting the health risks associated with the use of tobacco and advocating for effective policies to reduce its consumption. According to World Health Organisations' statistics, tobacco use is the second leading cause of death globally after hypertension.It is currently responsible for killing one in 10 adults all over the world.
The latest report of the Indian Council of Medical Research says that smoking and chewing tobacco is the cause of 50 percent of all cancer in men and 25 percent in women. Smokers and other tobacco users , not only put their own life at risk but also of those around them.
The day in the State was marked by Mountain Biking for Healthy Sikkim Expedition from Chanmari to Pubic Netam around the capital. The expedition flagged off by the State legislative Assembly Speaker and Area MLA Mr KT GyaItsen was aimed at promoting tourism while creating mass awareness against Drug Abuse and Alcoholism. In his address, Mr. Gyaltsen called upon the people, specially the youth, to keep away from injurious to health substances such as drugs, liquor and tobacco.
The NCC cadets of TNSS, PNGSS, Ranipool SS ,Assam Lingzey School and TNA took out anti-tobacco rallies in and around Gangtok to mark the day. It was led by the Commanding Officer of the Three Sikkim Battalion Lieutenant Colonel D.Mahapatra.
A day long programme was held at the Namthang Senior Secondary School in South district to mark the Anti Tobacco Day today. Speaking on the occasion as Resource Person a senior Psychiatrist Dr.CL Pradhan described company, curiosity , tension and imitation of the elders by the younger ones as the main reasons for tobacco consumption. He called for having self-control and care for one’s own life as the remedial measures against the use of tobacco. The local PHC In-charge Dr. Palmu Rai dwelt upon the ill effects of tobacco consumption.
प्रवीण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, रंगेली,31 मई। पूर्व सिक्किमको रंगेली महकुमा क्षेत्र अन्तर्गत छलमपोङ गाउँमा एउटा दूर्लभ प्रजातिको कछुवा फेला परेको छ। महकुमामा कार्यरत वन विभागका एसीएफ वाइल्ड लाइफ प्रह्लाद प्रधानले यसको जानकारी दिएका छन्। उनले बताए अऩुसार गत 27 मईको दिन छलमपोङ गाउँका किसान मणिकुमार प्रधानले बारीमा घाँस काट्न जाँदा पहेलो रंगको उक्त कछुवा देखेर वन विभागलाई सूचीत गऱ्यो। सूचना पाउनसाथै एसीएफ प्रधानको नेतृत्वमा गएको वन विभागको कर्माचारीहरूले उक्त कछुवा सुरक्षी पक्रेर संरक्षणको निम्ति राख्ने व्यवस्था गरेको उनले बताए। एसीएफ प्रधानले बताए अनुसार यो क्षेत्रमा अहिलेसम्म यस्तो दूर्लभ प्रजातिको जीव नदेखिएको अनि पहिलो पल्ट भेटिएको हो। यसको प्रजाति चिन्हित गर्ने तथा अन्य थप अनुसंधान गर्ने कार्य जारी रहेको उनले बताए।
ANI, May 31, 2011 - Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister has said a meeting of political leaders concerned with Darjeeling Hills would be held on June 6 to resolve the demand for creation of separate hill state.
"A meeting will be held on June 6 between the government officials and concerned political leaders. Once that meeting is held, we will decide when the political process could be started," said Mamata Banerjee.
Meanwhile, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) President Bimal Gurung said that the decision taken in favour of Gorkha people augurs well for the Darjeeling Hills.
"This is a good news for all of us. The hard work, which we have done, has been recognised finally. We have shared our feelings with madam (Mamata Banerjee). So the decision will be taken only after this official meeting, which is going to take place on June 6," said Gurung. I hope everything will go well in near future. We will wait for the decision," he added.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million. Reportedly, the demand for Gorkhaland had been made prior to the India's independence in 1947.
A renewed demand for a separate Gorkhaland region, which would include Darjeeling and some contiguous areas of Jalpaiguri District, has created fresh turmoil over the past few months.
At the fifth round of tripartite talks in New Delhi, the GJM had agreed to the constitution of an interim council by 2011 prior to the creation of a separate state.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million.
Separate Gorkhaland talks later, says CM
Asian Age, Kolkata, 31 May: Separate Gorkhaland issue will not figure in the talks which will resume between the state government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on June 6 to resolve the problems in the Darjeeling Hills. This became evident after a meeting between GJM president Bimal Gurung and chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the Writers’ Buildings on Monday.
“Today’s meeting was a political courtesy one. A meeting will be held between the state government officers and GJM representatives at the Writers’ Buildings on June 6. Then a political level meeting will be held, involving the state, the Centre and the GJM. The state chief secretary has been asked to contact the Centre on this matter,” the chief minister announced after a 45-minute meeting with a eight-member GJM delegation led by Mr Gurung.
On being asked about their demand for Gorkhaland, Mr Gurung replied: “Yeh abhi discuss nehi hoga, bad me dekha jayega (It will not be discussed now, we will see it later).” This comment is a very significant one, especially when the GJM has been adamant on its Gorkhaland demand.
GJM puts Gorkhaland demand on backburner
Marcus Dam, TH,Kolkata:For now, the outfit is amenable to an interim administrative set-up
The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) leadership has put its demand for a separate Gorkhaland State on the backburner and agreed to resume the process of dialogue with the West Bengal government and the Centre to resolve the political crisis in the Darjeeling hills.
GJM president Bimal Gurung, along with his colleagues, called on Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here on Monday when it was decided that talks would be held with the State administration on June 6.
The talks will be a prelude to the next round of tripartite discussions at the political level for, as the Chief Minister put it, “a speedy solution” to the impasse over the issue.
Mamata has Gurung on her side, for now
TNN, May 31, 2011, Kolkata: KOLKATA: In her first meeting as chief minister with Bimal Gurung, Mamata Banerjee persuaded the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president to sit with officials on June 6 to discuss the pressing problems of the Hills. The thorny political issues were deferred to a tripartite meeting at a later date.
"We all love Darjeeling. It is very much a part of West Bengal and will continue to remain so," Mamata announced after an hour-long meeting with Gurung. The GJM president said, "We did not insist on anything. We are impressed with all the plans the chief minister has for the Hills and we want to see what she does. There will in any case be tripartite meetings later."
Mamata accepted an invitation from the GJM to visit Darjeeling.
Besides Gurung, GJM general secretary Roshan Giri and the four party MLAs were present in the meeting as was chief secretary Samar Ghosh.
Gurung agreed to Mamata's suggestion that the CID should investigate into the Sibchu police firing on February 8 in which three GJM supporters were killed. "GJM leaders have been demanding a CBI investigation into the Sibchu incident.
I have requested them to keep faith in the CID. We are reorganizing the CID and it should carry out an impartial investigation. We will take steps in accordance with their findings," Mamata said. She also announced that the government would pay compensations to the family members of the three killed.
The GJM president accused the previous Left Front government of indulging in "politics" in the hills. "Mamata Banerjee has assured us of a fair investigation by the CID. We are ready to keep faith in her as she has ousted the CPM from power after 34 years. The CPM government has only done politics in the hills," he said.
Mamata said the chief secretary would hold the official-level meeting on June 6. After that he would speak to the Centre for a tripartite talk on contentious issues. "We want a solution as soon as possible. If there is a political vision, things work out according to plan. We want good things to happen to Darjeeling and the state," the CM said.
The confidence that Mamata managed to generate in the minds of GJM leaders was not a sudden development. The groundwork was laid last year when she visited Darjeeling. Even on Monday, She made it a point to personally approach the four GJM MLAs in the floor of the assembly and greet them. The GJM legislators were made to sit on the treasury benches .
A day long programme was held at the Namthang Senior Secondary School in South district to mark the Anti Tobacco Day today. Speaking on the occasion as Resource Person a senior Psychiatrist Dr.CL Pradhan described company, curiosity , tension and imitation of the elders by the younger ones as the main reasons for tobacco consumption. He called for having self-control and care for one’s own life as the remedial measures against the use of tobacco. The local PHC In-charge Dr. Palmu Rai dwelt upon the ill effects of tobacco consumption.
पूर्व सिक्किमको छलोमपोङमा दूर्लभ कछुवा भेटियो

यसैगरि कछुवाको सन्तान निक्कै धैरे हुने भएको हुनाले अझै छोडिएकाहरू हुन सक्ने सम्भावनालाई ध्यानमा राखेर स्थानीय गाउँलेहरूलाई यदी यस्तो जीव भेटेको खण्डमा तुरन्दै वन विभागलाई सूचीत गर्ने आग्रह गरिएको उनले बताए। प्राप्त कछुवा पूर्ण स्वस्थ्य रहेको तथा त्यसको ओजन लगभग साढे तीन देखि चार किलोग्राम रहेको एसीएफ प्रधानले बताए। उनले उक्त कछुवालाई एक जना आरओको साथमा दक्षिण सिक्किमको किताममा स्थित वर्ड पार्कमा संरक्षणको निम्ति पठाएको बताए। उनले भने, वनविभागको सीएफ वाइल्ड लाइफ गट लेप्चाको मौखिक निदेशनमा उक्त कछुवा सुरक्षीत किताम वर्ड पार्कमा 28 मईकै दिन पुऱ्याउने कार्य भएको छ।
Talks with Gorkhaland leaders on June 6: MamataANI, May 31, 2011 - Kolkata: West Bengal Chief Minister has said a meeting of political leaders concerned with Darjeeling Hills would be held on June 6 to resolve the demand for creation of separate hill state.
"A meeting will be held on June 6 between the government officials and concerned political leaders. Once that meeting is held, we will decide when the political process could be started," said Mamata Banerjee.
Meanwhile, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) President Bimal Gurung said that the decision taken in favour of Gorkha people augurs well for the Darjeeling Hills.
"This is a good news for all of us. The hard work, which we have done, has been recognised finally. We have shared our feelings with madam (Mamata Banerjee). So the decision will be taken only after this official meeting, which is going to take place on June 6," said Gurung. I hope everything will go well in near future. We will wait for the decision," he added.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million. Reportedly, the demand for Gorkhaland had been made prior to the India's independence in 1947.
A renewed demand for a separate Gorkhaland region, which would include Darjeeling and some contiguous areas of Jalpaiguri District, has created fresh turmoil over the past few months.
At the fifth round of tripartite talks in New Delhi, the GJM had agreed to the constitution of an interim council by 2011 prior to the creation of a separate state.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal is estimated to be around a million.
Separate Gorkhaland talks later, says CM
Asian Age, Kolkata, 31 May: Separate Gorkhaland issue will not figure in the talks which will resume between the state government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on June 6 to resolve the problems in the Darjeeling Hills. This became evident after a meeting between GJM president Bimal Gurung and chief minister Mamata Banerjee at the Writers’ Buildings on Monday.
“Today’s meeting was a political courtesy one. A meeting will be held between the state government officers and GJM representatives at the Writers’ Buildings on June 6. Then a political level meeting will be held, involving the state, the Centre and the GJM. The state chief secretary has been asked to contact the Centre on this matter,” the chief minister announced after a 45-minute meeting with a eight-member GJM delegation led by Mr Gurung.
On being asked about their demand for Gorkhaland, Mr Gurung replied: “Yeh abhi discuss nehi hoga, bad me dekha jayega (It will not be discussed now, we will see it later).” This comment is a very significant one, especially when the GJM has been adamant on its Gorkhaland demand.
GJM puts Gorkhaland demand on backburner
Marcus Dam, TH,Kolkata:For now, the outfit is amenable to an interim administrative set-up
The Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) leadership has put its demand for a separate Gorkhaland State on the backburner and agreed to resume the process of dialogue with the West Bengal government and the Centre to resolve the political crisis in the Darjeeling hills.
GJM president Bimal Gurung, along with his colleagues, called on Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee here on Monday when it was decided that talks would be held with the State administration on June 6.
The talks will be a prelude to the next round of tripartite discussions at the political level for, as the Chief Minister put it, “a speedy solution” to the impasse over the issue.
Mamata has Gurung on her side, for now
TNN, May 31, 2011, Kolkata: KOLKATA: In her first meeting as chief minister with Bimal Gurung, Mamata Banerjee persuaded the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president to sit with officials on June 6 to discuss the pressing problems of the Hills. The thorny political issues were deferred to a tripartite meeting at a later date.
"We all love Darjeeling. It is very much a part of West Bengal and will continue to remain so," Mamata announced after an hour-long meeting with Gurung. The GJM president said, "We did not insist on anything. We are impressed with all the plans the chief minister has for the Hills and we want to see what she does. There will in any case be tripartite meetings later."
Mamata accepted an invitation from the GJM to visit Darjeeling.
Besides Gurung, GJM general secretary Roshan Giri and the four party MLAs were present in the meeting as was chief secretary Samar Ghosh.
Gurung agreed to Mamata's suggestion that the CID should investigate into the Sibchu police firing on February 8 in which three GJM supporters were killed. "GJM leaders have been demanding a CBI investigation into the Sibchu incident.
I have requested them to keep faith in the CID. We are reorganizing the CID and it should carry out an impartial investigation. We will take steps in accordance with their findings," Mamata said. She also announced that the government would pay compensations to the family members of the three killed.
The GJM president accused the previous Left Front government of indulging in "politics" in the hills. "Mamata Banerjee has assured us of a fair investigation by the CID. We are ready to keep faith in her as she has ousted the CPM from power after 34 years. The CPM government has only done politics in the hills," he said.
Mamata said the chief secretary would hold the official-level meeting on June 6. After that he would speak to the Centre for a tripartite talk on contentious issues. "We want a solution as soon as possible. If there is a political vision, things work out according to plan. We want good things to happen to Darjeeling and the state," the CM said.
The confidence that Mamata managed to generate in the minds of GJM leaders was not a sudden development. The groundwork was laid last year when she visited Darjeeling. Even on Monday, She made it a point to personally approach the four GJM MLAs in the floor of the assembly and greet them. The GJM legislators were made to sit on the treasury benches .
"BANGAL HAMRO CHIHAN HO, CHIHAN MA HAMI BASDAI NAO" bhan ne haru MAMTA ko TMC govt. auna sath "CHIHAN" ma basna tayar chha ...................... yo k ho?