

डम्बरचोकमा नै सधैँ वाहन खेप्ने एक चालकले भने, कोहीबेला दिनभरि चल्ने अफवाहहरूले अन्योलमा पार्ने स्थितिमा यो स्क्रोलिङले वास्तविकता भनिदिने भएकोले फाइदा भइरहेको छ। प्रेस क्लबका सचिव अरूणकुमार राईले अब नगरमा ब्रेकिङ न्यूज स्क्रोलिङ मार्कीलाई अझ व्यवस्थित गरेर मानिसहरूलाई स्थायी फाइदा दिनेपक्षमा क्लबले कार्ययोजना बनाइरहेको बताए।

जिल्लामा नै प्रथमपल्ट नगरवासीहरूलाई निःशुल्करूपमा ताजा जानकारीहरू पस्केर क्लबले नगरवासीहरूलाई त धेरै फाइदा दिइरहेको छ त्यसबाहेक पनि समाजलाई पत्रकारिता अनि सामाजिक जिम्मेवारी बोध गराउने काइदापनि सिकाइरहेको छ। यसलाई निरन्तरता दिन तक्निकीय ज्ञान रहेका क्लबका सदस्यहरूले अहिले निःशुल्क सेवा दिएको कारणले नै यसलाई जारी राख्ने काम भइरहेको छ, क्लबका सक्रिय सदस्य हीरा छेत्रीले भने, हाम्रो पहललाई धेरैले प्रोत्साहित गरिरहेका छन्। धेरैपक्षबाट सघाउहरू भइरहेको छ। सबैको सकरात्मक सहयोग भए ब्रेकिङ डिस्प्ले को निम्ति छुट्टै कर्मचारी नियुक्त गर्ने विचारमा छौं।
मिङले निकाले खुकुरी
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। कालेबुङका चर्चित व्यङ्ग्यकार-कथाकार मिङ लिवाङले आज स्थानीय साहित्यकार अनि वरिष्ट नागरिकहरूबीच खुकुरी निकाले, तर पुस्तककोरूपमा। गोर्खाज पछि निकालेको खुकुरी लिवाङको दोस्रो अंग्रेजी पुस्तक रहेका छन्। एकै छिन ल?-बाट लिवाङ पाठकहरूमा चर्चित छन्। एकै छिन् ल? तिनको व्यङ्ग रचनाहरूको स्तम्भ रहेको थियो। पछि तिनले पुस्तक पनि प्रकाशित गरेका थिए। तिनका व्यङ्ग्यहरूको पुस्तक ज्यान्टलम्यान पाठकले खुवै रुचाएको कृति हो भने छिमेकीको छोरी अनि मनभित्रको मन कथा संग्रहहरू पनि रुचाइएका कृतिहरू हुन्। यी कृतिहरूले जति ख्याति कमाए, त्यसभन्दा दोब्बार ख्याति तिनको अंग्रेजी पुस्तक गोर्खाज-ले कमाएको थियो।

कथाकार शमशेर अलीले पुस्तकमाथि टिप्पणी राखे भने ललिग गोले, नवरत्न प्रधान, विवेककेशर पाण्डे अनि प्रकाशमणि प्रधानले पनि आफ्नो सम्बोधन राखेका थिए। सबैले नै खुकुरीलाई अंग्रेजीमा लेखेर नयॉं पुस्ताका पाठक अनि विदेशी पाठकहरूलाई लोभ्याउन सक्ने बताए। क्याप्टन प्रकाशमणि प्रधानले आफ्नो रकभेल एकाडेमीका विद्यार्थीहरूका निम्ति खुकुरीलाई लाइब्रेरीमा राख्ने समेत बताए। खुकुरी मात्र होइन, गोर्खाका संस्कृति र जातीय सवालसित जोड़िएका अन्यपक्षमा पनि पुस्तक लेखिनुपर्छ, प्रकाशित गर्ने जिम्मा हाम्रो हुनेछ-खुकुरीका प्रकाशक तथा हिमाल इण्डिया प्रिन्टर्सको पक्षमा विवेककेशर पाण्डेले भने।
Min Liwang presents second book in English language
KalimNews : A popular satirist and story writer Min Liwang once again presented a book written in English language to the society today. Book titled "Khukuri – An exquisite Gorkha craftsmanship" was released today during a simple function held at Ambedkar Sabhagriha of Kalimpong. Local intellectuals and social figures including Nav Ratna Pradhan, Principal, SUMI, Capt Prakash Mani Pradhan, Principal, Rockvale Academy, Lalit Goley, Secretary, Gorkha Sanskriti Sanrakshan Samitee, Solon Karthak and Samsher Ali, renowned story writers, Publisher Vivek Keshar Pandey and many others were present on the occasion.
While addressing the gathering writer Liwang expressed his thankfulness to those who helped him out in bringing out the book. Capt P.M. Pradhan not only encouraged the writer-publisher by way of promising to buy 50 copies of the book for his students but also viewed that the students of English language background who are usually weak in mother tongue should be made aware of their cultural heritage with the help of such works.
रम्फूमा पुल दुइफ्याक
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। रम्फूमा आज पुल दुइफ्याक हुँदा तीन घण्टा राजमार्ग बाधित बन्यो। राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग 31-ए अन्तर्गत रम्फूदेखि आठ किलोमिटर टाड़ो पश्चिम बङ्गालस्थित तारखोलाको पुल आज अचानक भत्कियो। रम्फूबाट पत्रकार सञ्जय अग्रवालले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार विहान 8 बजी सिलिगुड़ीबाट आइरहेको एउटा ट्रक( एसके 03-0810) यसपुलकोबीचमा आइपुग्दा अचानक पुल बीचैबाट भत्किएर दुइभाग भयो।
पुल दुइफ्याक भएकोले अनि ट्रक बीचैमा फँसेकोले यातायातमा नै व्यावधान आएको थियो। लाम लागेका वाहनहरूलाई छेवैमा रहेको कच्चाबाटोलाई वैकल्पिकरुपमा प्रयोग गर्दै आवातजावत गर्न परेको थियो। कच्चाबाटोको स्थिति पनि राम्रो नभएको अनि वान वे-को कारण यात्रीहरूले जामको समस्या भोग्नुपरेको थियो। सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले सक्रियता देखाउँदै भत्केको ठाउँमा फलामको प्लेट लगाएर काम चलाउनुपरेको थियो। फलामको प्लेट लगाएर त्यहॉंबाट 11 बजीतिर अस्थायीरूपमा राजमार्ग सुचारु गरिएको थियो। मार्गलाई पूर्णरूपले पक्कागर्न केही समय लाग्ने सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले जनाएको छ। अहिलेलाई अस्थायीरूपले काम चलाइएको भए पनि कुनै पनि बेला कुनै पनि चालकको अलिकति लापारवाही पनि ठूलो सङ्कटको कारण बन्न सक्ने सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। स्मरमीय छ, यही पुल चारवर्षमा तीनपल्ट विभिन्न ठाउँबाट भत्किँदै आइरहेको छ।
The new situation has thrown up new possibilities.GJM president Bimal Gurung himself is coming to Kolkata to meet the chief minister on Monday.
While Mamata has announced steps to speed up development in the Hills to create a conducive atmosphere for talks, the GJM leadership that gave unconditional support to the Trinamool Congress candidates in the foothills and the Dooars may ask for reorganisation of the autonomous hill council in terms of its geographical area, and also the financial and legislative powers.
A discussion on these lines may scale down the Gorkhaland movement for the time being, though GJM leaders have unequivocally expressed their demand for Gorkhaland.
Mamata may offer them a Cabinet berth, though many among the Trinamool Congress are not sure how far such a strategy would work out when the GJM has not severed ties with the BJP. They are more insistent on giving greater autonomy to the hill council to honour the sentiments of the Hill people.
Such an agenda came up for discussion in the last tripartite meeting attended by the GJM, the state government and the Centre on January 25. But the GJM having the least faith on the Left Front government did not take that route. Now, with the Left Front out of power, the situation is conducive for renewing talks.
The GJM, supporting the Mamata Banerjee government from outside, has four MLAs. All four, along with GJM general secretary Roshan Giri were present when Mamata was sworn in as the chief minister on May 20. A nine-member GJM delegation had arrived here last Thursday when their party MLAs were sworn in and later met the chief minister at Writers'. And now, GJM president Gurung is all set to meet Mamata.
Whatever the strategy, there is enough indication that such talks with the GJM would continue. GJM leaders, too, are not very keen on getting a Cabinet berth.
GJM spokesman and Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chettri told TOI on Saturday, "We are open to any offer, much as we are sceptical about the consequences. Of course, Mamata is different — she is a motherly kind of a lady. We are confident that she will be more sensitive to our problems than the Left Front government was. The last government was indecisive and dragged the talks."
Chettri, who defeated Prakash Dahal of the GNLF by 1,01,675 votes in the 2011 assembly elections, however, hastened to add: "But there will be no compromise on the issue of a separate state. Our president (Bimal Gurung) would take the final call."
Gurung will reach Kolkata on Sunday afternoon to attend the meeting at Writers' on Monday. Mamata had sent out positive vibes when the GJM leaders met her at the state secretariat on Thursday. She had talked about solving the Darjeeling crisis, but stressed on development in the same breath.
"She has announced an increase in the budgetary allotment (Rs 200 crore from Rs 60 crore) for North Bengal. Mamataji is trying, but we can tell from experience that all funds stop at Siliguri and nothing reaches the Dooars and Darjeeling. Still, we are counting much on the new CM," added Chettri.
Mamata runs into madrassa protest
TNN, May 28, 2011, KOLKATA: Exactly a week after taking over the helm at Writers' Buildings, chief minister Mamata Banerjee faced the first agitation with madrassa students squatting on the street at BBD Bag, forcing evening peak-hour traffic to take a diverted route through Lalbazar Street. The students were protesting against Mamata's decision to change the name of the proposed Aliah University to Aliah Madrassa University.
While making this announcement on Thursday , Mamata said that the change in the name is required as several organisations have demanded the inclusion of the word "madrassa". Those who demonstrated at BBD Bag on Friday said the word "madrassa" can't be used for a University, as it means a school. While police prevented the demonstrators from marching up to Writers' , Mamata invited a delegation of students to meet her. Before a decision could be taken on who this delegation would consist of, the students blocked south-bound traffic from the Lalbazar crossing.
Police followed Mamata's directions and didn't use force to evict the squatters. Soon, a scuffle begun between the students and office-goers. The police used this opportunity to push the demonstrators to the side of the road and movement of traffic resumed along the stretch.
Paljor stadium with turf
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 28 May:The long awaited state of art artificial turf at the Paljor stadium in Gangtok is now open for the sportspersons and sports-lovers . The Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling dedicated this latest sports infrastructure to the youth of the State today.
Mr.Bhaichung Bhutia’s United Sikkim Football Club and the Ministers’ XI , consisting of Sikkimese footballers playing outside the State, were the first to run over this artificial turf , playing the exhibition match to mark the occasion. As the match remained inconclusive even after the expiry of the stipulated time with one goal each to the credit of both the teams, ten minutes extra time was given to each of the them. This too could not decide the game as both teams again scored one goal each.
A varied cultural programme depicting the rich ethnic tradition of Sikkim was the highlight of the event.
Our Gangtok correspondent reports that costing about three crore eighty lakh rupees, the artificial turf , spread over an area of more than 93,000 sq ft, is said to be the largest turf in the SAARC region. Sikkim is the fourth State in the country to have its own artificial turf. According to the sources,the work for laying the artificial turf had commenced from Ist January this year and despite hurdles, the project was finished in a record time by 15 of the last month.
Our correspondent reports that the three layered surface of the artificial turf has a silica sand base with rubber granules in the middle and the Field turf grass fibers on the top. This improves the safety in the field compared to earlier artificial surfaces . The surface is also beneficial due to low cost maintenance and durability. It is said that the turf will not require maintenance for at least eight years .
Green signal
While addressing the gathering writer Liwang expressed his thankfulness to those who helped him out in bringing out the book. Capt P.M. Pradhan not only encouraged the writer-publisher by way of promising to buy 50 copies of the book for his students but also viewed that the students of English language background who are usually weak in mother tongue should be made aware of their cultural heritage with the help of such works.
रम्फूमा पुल दुइफ्याक
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 28 मई। रम्फूमा आज पुल दुइफ्याक हुँदा तीन घण्टा राजमार्ग बाधित बन्यो। राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग 31-ए अन्तर्गत रम्फूदेखि आठ किलोमिटर टाड़ो पश्चिम बङ्गालस्थित तारखोलाको पुल आज अचानक भत्कियो। रम्फूबाट पत्रकार सञ्जय अग्रवालले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार विहान 8 बजी सिलिगुड़ीबाट आइरहेको एउटा ट्रक( एसके 03-0810) यसपुलकोबीचमा आइपुग्दा अचानक पुल बीचैबाट भत्किएर दुइभाग भयो।
पुल दुइफ्याक भएकोले अनि ट्रक बीचैमा फँसेकोले यातायातमा नै व्यावधान आएको थियो। लाम लागेका वाहनहरूलाई छेवैमा रहेको कच्चाबाटोलाई वैकल्पिकरुपमा प्रयोग गर्दै आवातजावत गर्न परेको थियो। कच्चाबाटोको स्थिति पनि राम्रो नभएको अनि वान वे-को कारण यात्रीहरूले जामको समस्या भोग्नुपरेको थियो। सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले सक्रियता देखाउँदै भत्केको ठाउँमा फलामको प्लेट लगाएर काम चलाउनुपरेको थियो। फलामको प्लेट लगाएर त्यहॉंबाट 11 बजीतिर अस्थायीरूपमा राजमार्ग सुचारु गरिएको थियो। मार्गलाई पूर्णरूपले पक्कागर्न केही समय लाग्ने सीमा सड़क सङ्गठनले जनाएको छ। अहिलेलाई अस्थायीरूपले काम चलाइएको भए पनि कुनै पनि बेला कुनै पनि चालकको अलिकति लापारवाही पनि ठूलो सङ्कटको कारण बन्न सक्ने सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। स्मरमीय छ, यही पुल चारवर्षमा तीनपल्ट विभिन्न ठाउँबाट भत्किँदै आइरहेको छ।
Will CM offer a cabinet berth to GJM?
Ajanta Chakraborty, TNN,May 29, 2011, KOLKATA: Chief minister Mamata Banerjee made a good start in breaking the impasse in the Hills. The Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha leaders also reciprocated by coming down to Kolkata to congratulate the new chief minister. The new situation has thrown up new possibilities.GJM president Bimal Gurung himself is coming to Kolkata to meet the chief minister on Monday.
While Mamata has announced steps to speed up development in the Hills to create a conducive atmosphere for talks, the GJM leadership that gave unconditional support to the Trinamool Congress candidates in the foothills and the Dooars may ask for reorganisation of the autonomous hill council in terms of its geographical area, and also the financial and legislative powers.
A discussion on these lines may scale down the Gorkhaland movement for the time being, though GJM leaders have unequivocally expressed their demand for Gorkhaland.
Mamata may offer them a Cabinet berth, though many among the Trinamool Congress are not sure how far such a strategy would work out when the GJM has not severed ties with the BJP. They are more insistent on giving greater autonomy to the hill council to honour the sentiments of the Hill people.
Such an agenda came up for discussion in the last tripartite meeting attended by the GJM, the state government and the Centre on January 25. But the GJM having the least faith on the Left Front government did not take that route. Now, with the Left Front out of power, the situation is conducive for renewing talks.
The GJM, supporting the Mamata Banerjee government from outside, has four MLAs. All four, along with GJM general secretary Roshan Giri were present when Mamata was sworn in as the chief minister on May 20. A nine-member GJM delegation had arrived here last Thursday when their party MLAs were sworn in and later met the chief minister at Writers'. And now, GJM president Gurung is all set to meet Mamata.
Whatever the strategy, there is enough indication that such talks with the GJM would continue. GJM leaders, too, are not very keen on getting a Cabinet berth.
GJM spokesman and Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chettri told TOI on Saturday, "We are open to any offer, much as we are sceptical about the consequences. Of course, Mamata is different — she is a motherly kind of a lady. We are confident that she will be more sensitive to our problems than the Left Front government was. The last government was indecisive and dragged the talks."
Chettri, who defeated Prakash Dahal of the GNLF by 1,01,675 votes in the 2011 assembly elections, however, hastened to add: "But there will be no compromise on the issue of a separate state. Our president (Bimal Gurung) would take the final call."
Gurung will reach Kolkata on Sunday afternoon to attend the meeting at Writers' on Monday. Mamata had sent out positive vibes when the GJM leaders met her at the state secretariat on Thursday. She had talked about solving the Darjeeling crisis, but stressed on development in the same breath.
"She has announced an increase in the budgetary allotment (Rs 200 crore from Rs 60 crore) for North Bengal. Mamataji is trying, but we can tell from experience that all funds stop at Siliguri and nothing reaches the Dooars and Darjeeling. Still, we are counting much on the new CM," added Chettri.
Mamata runs into madrassa protest
TNN, May 28, 2011, KOLKATA: Exactly a week after taking over the helm at Writers' Buildings, chief minister Mamata Banerjee faced the first agitation with madrassa students squatting on the street at BBD Bag, forcing evening peak-hour traffic to take a diverted route through Lalbazar Street. The students were protesting against Mamata's decision to change the name of the proposed Aliah University to Aliah Madrassa University.
While making this announcement on Thursday , Mamata said that the change in the name is required as several organisations have demanded the inclusion of the word "madrassa". Those who demonstrated at BBD Bag on Friday said the word "madrassa" can't be used for a University, as it means a school. While police prevented the demonstrators from marching up to Writers' , Mamata invited a delegation of students to meet her. Before a decision could be taken on who this delegation would consist of, the students blocked south-bound traffic from the Lalbazar crossing.
Police followed Mamata's directions and didn't use force to evict the squatters. Soon, a scuffle begun between the students and office-goers. The police used this opportunity to push the demonstrators to the side of the road and movement of traffic resumed along the stretch.
Paljor stadium with turf
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 28 May:The long awaited state of art artificial turf at the Paljor stadium in Gangtok is now open for the sportspersons and sports-lovers . The Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling dedicated this latest sports infrastructure to the youth of the State today.
Mr.Bhaichung Bhutia’s United Sikkim Football Club and the Ministers’ XI , consisting of Sikkimese footballers playing outside the State, were the first to run over this artificial turf , playing the exhibition match to mark the occasion. As the match remained inconclusive even after the expiry of the stipulated time with one goal each to the credit of both the teams, ten minutes extra time was given to each of the them. This too could not decide the game as both teams again scored one goal each.
A varied cultural programme depicting the rich ethnic tradition of Sikkim was the highlight of the event.
Our Gangtok correspondent reports that costing about three crore eighty lakh rupees, the artificial turf , spread over an area of more than 93,000 sq ft, is said to be the largest turf in the SAARC region. Sikkim is the fourth State in the country to have its own artificial turf. According to the sources,the work for laying the artificial turf had commenced from Ist January this year and despite hurdles, the project was finished in a record time by 15 of the last month.
Our correspondent reports that the three layered surface of the artificial turf has a silica sand base with rubber granules in the middle and the Field turf grass fibers on the top. This improves the safety in the field compared to earlier artificial surfaces . The surface is also beneficial due to low cost maintenance and durability. It is said that the turf will not require maintenance for at least eight years .
Green signal
The world is watching fascinated as Bengal undergoes its metamorphosis. The red on the walls is turning green. There is also a tinge of white and yellow everywhere. For the first time in over three decades, Gandhi is to find a place in Writers’ Buildings among the other pictures. Away from Bengal, Banga Bhavan on New Delhi’s Hailey Road is awaiting changes as well. Mamata Banerjee, apparently, has elaborate plans to refurbish the hostel. She has expressed a wish to convert the canteen into a Bengali restaurant on the lines of Andhra Bhavan where outsiders can also savour the food. Just a thought on food to accompany all that food for thought.
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