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Sunday, October 31, 2010

Minister in Mungpo ... Brother killed brother

Dr.G.C Subba (Director)
Dr.U.K Som (Quinologist) , C.B Thapa (Manager)
and Mahanta Chatterjee Minister
Photo: DK Waiba, KalimNews
DK Waiba, KalimNews,,31 October: Mahanta Chatterjee, Minister in Charge of Food processing and Horticulture department visited Mungpo Cinchona Factory at Mungpo today. During his second visit he inspected old and idle factory, water reservoir and mushroom plantation. Minister Chattterjee expressed his satisfaction on the revival process of the factory.
Established in 1865 this factory was almost dead from 1995 and it was declared a dying industry. Since Dr. G.C. Subba joined as Director of the Government Medicinal Plantation the condition of the plantation is improving and on his initiative Mahanta Chatterjee MIC has initiated to revive the Cinchona producing factory of Mungpo.
Dr GC Subba said that since Government has handed this plantation from Commerce & Industry department to the Food processing & Horticulture the entire scenario of Medicinal plantation is changing. He also declared that the daily wage of workers is increased from Rs 21.62 to Rs 128. It is the achievement of the plantation union and hard work of the workers. Workers should be honest and hardworking, he added.
Brother killed brother
KalimNews,,31 October: In an incident of mere discussion on wearing of a pant Bijay Darjee (26)  stabbed on thigh of his younger brother Biwas Darjee(21) on saturday night. Darjee brothers are residents of Church line of Jholung Bazar under Jaldhaka Police station. It is said that Biwas had used Bijay's pant on which they had a hot discussion and suddenly Bijay got agitated and stabbed Biwas. 
There was delay in taking Biwas to the hospital for controlling the bleeding and later he succumbed to his injury on the way to hospital. His dead body was taken to S.D. hospital in Kalimpong and later handed over to his family members. Police is searching for Bijay who is still absconding.  
Set up is against Gorkhas' future

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ONGC in Final
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Saturday, October 30, 2010

Stability is a must- Governor ...Kalimpong Press Club felicitates social worker

Stability is a must- Governor
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: Bengal Governor MK Narayanan admitted that Darjeeling hills is situated in a rather vulnerable and sensitive location so it needs stability for security of the area. It should be governed by anyone who can restore peace and harmony and stability in the area. He further said that Darjeeling hill is in a unstable state and it needs immediate stability.
Governor Narayanan accompanied with his wife arrived in Kalimpong in the morning and will stay in Circuit House and will return tomorrow after visiting Lava and its adjoining areas. He visited Durbin and Deolo.
Kalimpong Press Club felicitates social worker
KalimNews,(,Kalimpong:Social worker Sudesh Pradhan will be conferred with Kaleybung Ratna Puraskar an award instituted by Kalimpong Press Club. On the occasion of the Club's 12th foundation day and National Press Day the award will be presented to Pradhan for his service to the needy and helpless. Pradhan is serving in Calcutta police. Earlier the Club had presented the award to everest climber Manoj Chhetri , National hockey player Bharat Chhetri and Horticulturist Dr Miku Foning with the first Award and Lalit Golay with the second Award in different fields. 
On the occasion a young and budding journalist will be felicitated for excellence in Journalism. During a press conference held in the Club's Office at Kalimpong Zion Lepcha convenor of the ceremony committee stated that the club's news blog will be upgraded to a news website. Prof. Dr.M.P.Lama, Vice- Chancellor of Sikkim University will be the chief guest of the programme in which an inter college extempore contest will be organised in Nepali and English. A.K.Rai secretary of the Club also informed that a draft copy of the Club's Yellow page project INFODEX will be released on the day.
GNLF branches reviving 
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: GNLF branch and unit committees are being forming in different parts of Darjeeling. In Borbotay of Rock garden area village committee is constituted after the formation of a committee in Liza hill of Chongtong. 
Meanwhile GJMM has organised a national level convention in Gymkhana Hall of Darjeeling on sunday. Representatives of different state committees and local branches will participate in the interactive programme.  The first matter of discussion whether it is right to accept GRA or  should the GJMM continue the movement for the creation of a separate state. The convention will also focus on the matter of GRA its status, power and structure and mode of function if GRA is to be accepted .
On the other hand Darjeeling police had so far succeeded in proclamation of attached properties of 15 of the 23 accused in the Madan Tamang murder case.
Congress leader shot in Dooars
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: Suresh Jha a congress leader of Anandapur TE near Oodlabari under Kranti Police station was shot dead by some miscreants while he was returning in the night of friday in his motorbike. Suresh (39) a contractor was secretary of Anandapur TE Congress committee and attacked while returning with a CPI supporter and his son from Chakendi Bhandari Mela at about 11 pm in the night . Congress supporters alleged that it is the handiwork of CPM goondas.

National electoral day
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Bengal Mumbai FC in Semifinal 
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Total literacy in Sikkim within 2015 promises CM 
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TAAS  welcomes States proposal
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Suicide arrest
TT, Oct. 30: A polytechnic student whose girlfriend committed suicide after he allegedly circulated a video clip of their intimate moments was arrested in Burdwan today.
Anindya Garai, a third-year architecture student of Siliguri Polytechnic Institute, was picked up from Burdwan station by Darjeeling police. His father Apurva Garai was accompanying him.
Anindya had been absconding since September, when the girl had lodged an FIR. The police said Anindya had stayed at various places in south Bengal and Madhya Pradesh while on the run. They said his movements were tracked through his cellphone.
Shillong Chamber Choir to perform for USPresident Obama
PTI, Shillong, 30 October : After holding the nation spellbound with western chorals and Hindi classics on a TV reality show, the Shillong Chamber Choir will now have a very special audience - US President Barack Obama.
The young group of singers from Shillong, dubbed as the 'rock capital of India', is scheduled to perform for the US President and his wife Michelle at President Pratibha Patil's presidential banquet at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on 8 November.

A free Press
Morung Express:Journalists around the world in varying contexts risk their lives daily in unprotected situations to act in public interest by bringing stories, to share experiences and to impartially report unfolding situations with the hope to inform and empower people to make knowledgeable decisions and actions. It is the desire of most journalists to reveal the truth, promote justice and peace; facilitate pluralism and encourage political and cultural expressions. Hence the public institution of the media is a critical necessity to every democracy. A press that is constrained by rigid polities, restrictive legislations, intimidation or societal dogma indicates the lack of democratic principles and practices.
Empirical truth has quite clearly indicated that there can be no free press if journalists exist in conditions of poverty, corruption and fear. This in turn has direct implications on the society and its democratic values. Any deliberate assault on the institutions of the free press therefore is seen as an attack on not just democracy, but the people that make up the society. By this, one does not simply imply any isolated acts against members of the institution; rather it means any systematic or deliberate actions that threatens, intimidates and assaults the very idea of a free press; and in essence the very people that makes up the institution of the media. Invariably the concept of a free press is naturally connected to the idea of safety. And in an increasingly polarized world which is characterized by exclusivity, public mistrust, rising violence and fear, the idea of safety has become very relative.
In the Naga context, the institution of the press needs to be strengthened. While it has weathered many difficult circumstances and assumed an important role in the narratives of the progression of society, it still needs to work on consolidating public trust and assume a more deliberate role in shaping and enabling democratic change. The gap between the institution of the press and the society is widening, and as a result the press has in recent times become a vulnerable and soft target to those who seek to intimidate the press. A free Naga press is of absolute necessity. Therefore to ensure the growth and vibrancy of a free press it is crucial for public protest against any undemocratic assault on the institutions of the press. Simultaneously, it is also important that the press takes upon itself the responsibility to reflect and articulate the view and opinions of the people in the public arena. It remains a question whether civil society and the press in the Naga context is relating in a complimentary manner.

Left wants package for plains

TT, Siliguri, Oct. 29: Darjeeling district Left Front will demand a special package for Siliguri and the Dooars and the strengthening of the administrative set-up in Siliguri after an interim authority is put in place for the hills.
District LF convener and Bengal municipal affairs minister Asok Bhattacharya said the demands would be made before the chief minister ahead of the next round of tripartite dialogue.
“The date for the next round of tripartite talks has not been finalised. But we will urge the chief minister to demand a special package for the development of the Dooars and Siliguri as we feel there are so many areas in the plains which need development,” said Bhattacharya.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has claimed that the next tripartite meeting will be held after Diwali. There are rumours that a deal will be signed at the next meeting at the political level to set up the interim authority for the hills.
“A new bridge at Sevoke for better communication between Siliguri and the Dooars is necessary and the Centre has to sanction it. Education, health, water supply and roads are the other areas which are to be developed in the plains,” said the minister.
Bhattacharya said many government offices would have to be opened in Siliguri subdivision once the hills were brought under the interim authority.
“For better administration and to avoid any inconvenience for the people in the plains, we will demand that offices of the land and land reforms department, regional transport authority and the chief medical officer be opened here,” said the Siliguri MLA.
Rescue reveals Kidney racket route
TT, Alipurduar, Oct. 29:A physically challenged youth from Alipurduar was rescued by his family members from a Bikaner-bound train in a semi-conscious state yesterday, 48 hours after he was allegedly abducted by a gang involved in a kidney racket.
The tip-off that guided the search team had been given by one of the gang members — a disabled man himself — arrested the same day Abhijit Saha went missing.
The 28-year-old graduate had not returned home on Tuesday evening after he had gone out on his tricycle for a regular short outing. According to Babon, his brother, the family from Ward 11 filed a missing person’s complaint at Alipurduar police station the same evening.
“On Wednesday evening, a friend told me that he had spotted my brother’s tricycle in front of a house in the Sovabazar area of town. I rushed there and found that it was indeed Abhijit’s tricycle and it was parked in front of the house of Raju Das who stayed there on rent,” Babon said.
Raju, an amputee who begged in the station area, was apprehended by the Sahas near the Alipurduar station at 11pm on Wednesday.
“We brought him to our house. Raju confessed that he had drugged and put Abhijit on a Guwahati-bound train on Tuesday. He admitted that he was part of a gang that was involved in kidney trafficking and was paid Rs 10,000 for each youth he sent to Guwahati where the kingpins of the gang are based,” Babon said. Raju, who allegedly confessed that he had sent about 10 other youths to Guwahati, was then handed over to police.
Based on the information provided by Raju, Babon and his cousin Debashis boarded a Guwahati-bound passenger train yesterday morning. They kept their eyes open on each station throughout the journey, hoping that they would spot Abhijit. “Around 1pm, we reached Kamakhshya station, where the Guwahati-Bikaner Express, headed for Rajasthan, had pulled up. We got off and began searching the train. Just as the train was pulling out, we spotted Abhijit sitting in front of the passage near the toilet of a bogie in a semi-conscious state. We immediately got up into the running train, pulled the chain and brought it to a halt,” Babon said.
He said that GRP personnel came running and demanded to know what was going on. “We showed the policemen Abhijit’s disability certificate and identified ourselves. They allowed us to board the Brahmaputra Express and we reached home last night,” Babon said.
After Abhijit was brought back home, the Alipurduar police station refused to accept an FIR that Abhijit’s father, Amal Saha, a kerosene oil dealer, wanted to file. “We had tried to file an FIR yesterday morning giving all the details that Raju had told us but the police showed no interest. We also named Tapas, a pantry car attendant, and a rickshawpuller Gopal, who had taken Abhijit to the Alipurduar station on Tuesday night. We had got the names from Raju,” Amal Saha said. Snubbed, the family turned to the chairperson of the municipality, Dipto Chatterjee, who accompanied them to the police station. The FIR was then accepted.
“The role of the police is very strange. Only after I threatened to contact the police superintendent that the police accepted the FIR. I have a feeling that the police are trying to shield the racketeers,” Chatterjee said.
The additional superintendent of police Alipurduar, Anup Jaiswal, and subdivisional police officer David Lepcha called on Abhijit.
Both the officers refused to elaborate on the visit. Asked about his ordeal, Abhijit said he remembered little. “I can only recollect that two persons put me on a train, and then meeting Babon.”
Jalpaiguri police chief Anand Kumar said: “We are also looking into why the police station initially refused to accept the FIR. One person has been arrested and he is now being interrogated.”

‘Normal’ rains take toll on tea
Rajeev Ravidas, Kalimpong, Oct. 29: The monsoon has taken its toll on tea this time although experts said it was a “normal” year in terms of rainfall with fewer landslides compared to last year.
Landslides in the nearly five months of the rainy season that began in mid-June and ended yesterday have claimed three lives compared to over 30 deaths in 2009. Even normal life was disrupted less this year. The situation in tea gardens, the main industry in the hills, however, is not as cheerful with production likely to dip this time.
“The monsoon withdrew from the sub-Himalayan Bengal and Sikkim yesterday. Overall, the monsoon was normal in the hills as well as in the plains of north Bengal. Sikkim also experienced normal rainfall this year,” said G.N. Raha, the meteorologist in-charge of the flood meteorological office in Jalpaiguri.
Data available with Save the Hills, an NGO that works on landslide-related issues, corroborated the recordings of the met office. Earlier this year, the STH had installed three automatic rainfall gauges in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong. “Of the three major hill towns, Kurseong received above normal rainfall, while Darjeeling and Kalimpong received a notch less than normal,” said Praful Rao, the STH president. Rao said even though it was a relief that few lives were lost, the landslide hazard should be seen from a different perspective. “It does not cause death like an earthquake but impacts human lives over a longer period of time,” he said.
As far as tea is concerned, the industry apprehends further fall in production. “Production of Darjeeling Tea was 14 million kg in the early 90s which came down to 9.3 million kg in 2009, according to the Tea Board of India.
“We apprehend a further shortfall in production this year,” said Sandeep Mukherjee, the secretary of Darjeeling Tea Association. The monsoon was erratic this year in keeping with the trend of the last decade. “Over the past decade, there has been a 22 per cent shortfall in rainfall. This (shortfall) is likely to go up further in the future…(Moreover) in the last three years, drought-like conditions prevailed at the start of every year.
College axe on smut clip accused
TT, Siliguri, Oct. 29: The directorate of technical education and training has decided to expel polytechnic student Anindya Garai, whose alleged circulation of an MMS on intimate moments with his girlfriend prompted her to kill herself.
“The directorate has taken the decision to rusticate Anindya from the college today. The formalities will take a day or two to be completed and a letter will be issued declaring his rustication,” said Subrata Sarkar, the principal of Siliguri Government Polytechnic.
The accused is missing since September 18 when the girl, a second-year student of the college, had lodged an FIR against him.
Yesterday, the principal had said he did not have the power to expel Anindya, a third-year architecture student of the college. The institution is governed by the directorate.
Police who had detained Tapas Singha Roy, a cellphone storeowner in the Siliguri Junction area last evening, suspect that the businessman had helped Anindya make the video clip. His shop has been sealed.
The police said the search for the accused student was on and they were in touch with their counterparts in Bankura. Anindya is a resident of Balarampally in Bankura’s Sonamukhi.
“We have already sent a four-member team to Bankura and another team will leave for the district. We are expecting the student to be arrested shortly,” said Gaurav Sharma, the additional superintendent of police of Siliguri.
This morning, state urban development minister Asok Bhattacharya visited the girl’s parents at their Pati Colony residence where she had committed suicide on Wednesday evening.
Bhattacharya, accompanied by councillor of Ward 47 Nurul Islam, assured the girl’s parents of speedy arrest of the accused.
“Whatever happened to the girl is shocking and I will talk to the district police superintendent and the inspector-general of police (north Bengal) to speed up the investigation and arrest the culprit, who forced the girl to commit suicide, immediately. I will also talk to the Bankura police in this regard,” Bhattacharya, the CPM MLA from Siliguri, told reporters after visiting the bereaved family.
Residents of Pati Colony and several students’ organisations, including the Chhatra Parishad, SFI and the AIDSO, submitted memorandums to the administration urging for action against the accused.
“What we want now is that the student who had forced the girl to take such a drastic step should be punished,” said Mintu Sarkar, a neighbour of the victim’s family.
Pinak Priya Bhattacharya,TNN, SILIGURI: One person was arrested on Friday in connection with the suicide of a first-year student of Siliguri Polytechnic on Thursday. Her boyfriend had secretly filmed them together in bed and circulated the explicit MMS and even uploaded it on YouTube.
Tapas Singha Roy runs a mobile repairing shop at Old Matigara Road in Pradhannagar, Siliguri. Darjeeling police have found other sexually explicit videos stored in a computer at his shop. After preliminary probe, police believe he could have had a hand in the circulation of the MMS and also in uploading the video.
A day after Neha's (name changed) suicide, neighbours claimed that it was actually due to pressure exerted on her family from CPM-sheltered land mafia that the girl ended her life. They have also claimed that Singha Roy has closed links with the mafia and that the MMS was circulated only at the goons' "orders".
The locals alleged that after the sleaze MMS was circulated, five land brokers, who are also local CPM leaders, had started pressuring the girl's father to sell them the 7.5 cottah of land he owned. They had allegedly passed lewd comments at the girl's father after he refused to do so.
"Neha's father was already upset with the MMS and his problems doubled with the land mafia trying to force him to sell his land. This also instigated him to rebuke his daughter. Already traumatised after the leak, the girl was shattered after her father held her responsible for the trouble," a neighbour said.
The names of the land brokers taken by the locals are Buddheswar Burman, Amar Das, Bachchu Sarkar, Mintu Sarkar and Swapan Saha. Two of them are CPM local committee members.
Jibesh Sarkar, the CPM state committee member, rubbished the charges against his party members and said Trinamool workers were spreading false information to malign the CPM.
Gautam Deb, Trinamool's Darjeeling district committee secretary, said it was only because the culprits were CPM members that they had evaded the police net so far.
"This is a sensitive case and all arrests have to be made only after we are satisfied with the investigation," said Darjeeling SP D P Singh. 
Students hurt
TT, Alipurduar: Five students were injured when they were swept off the roof of a private bus they were travelling on by a passing branch of a tree along NH31 near Dimdima on Friday morning. About 10-12 boys were on the roof of the crowded bus plying the Gayerkata-Birpara route, police said. Satish Bara, 12, a Class VII student, has been referred to the district hospital in Jalpaiguri with head injuries. All the boys were students of Fatema High School in Dimdima.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Assembly wants report on home, hurdle

House fury on MLA’s hill heckle- Assembly wants report on home, hurdle 
TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 29: An Assembly standing committee has sought a report from the additional chief secretary on the torching of Kurseong MLA’s house and the reason why the legislator was finding it difficult to return home.
The additional chief secretary has been asked by the standing committee on home affairs to submit the report within November 19.
The move could pave the return of MLA Shanta Chhetri and around 40 GNLF leaders who were hounded out of the hills in 2008 allegedly by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha supporters.
Chhetri, speaking to The Telegraph over the phone from Siliguri, said: “I am a member of the standing committees on home, judiciary, jail and general administration. I had submitted a complaint to the chairman of the committee on home affairs, Gyan Singh Sohanpal, on September 21 apprising him of my situation.”
According to Chhetri, the standing committee discussed her complaint on October 12. Seven days later, a letter was sent to the additional chief secretary seeking a report on the the MLA’s complaint within a month. The letter has been written by H.S. Ghosh, a joint secretary of the Assembly.
“I have been denied justice till date. My house was burnt on February 18, 2010, even though I have not entered Kurseong since 2007. I immediately filed an FIR and later submitted written information on the people who burnt my house in April but no action has been taken for me to return home,” said Chhetri.
The GNLF leader blamed the Morcha for the attack on her house. “I have been under tremendous pressure. I have always supported the Morcha’s demand for Gorkhaland and have also raised the issue in the Assembly but I do not know why I have been targeted,” she added.
Chhetri could stay in the hills only when her husband was ailing and later to complete his last rites in February 2010 after his death. Presently, she can come till Siliguri.
Chhetri’s move could also help other GNLF leaders return home as the National Human Rights Commission has issued a directive on March 4, asking the state government to ensure the security of all the “affected people” (who had been chased from the hills).
So far, 25 GNLF leaders have written to police expressing their desire to return following which district police chief D.P. Singh sought additional forces from the state to facilitate their return.

Lhabab Duchen observed
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Gangtok Chapter of International Nepali Sahitya Sammelan constituted
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China built world's fastest super computer named Tianhe-1A  
28 Oct 2010, PDT:Tianhe-1A, a new supercomputer revealed today at HPC 2010 China, has set a new performance record of 2.507 petaflops, as measured by the LINPACK benchmark, making it the fastest system in China and in the world today(1)
The Tianhe-1A Supercomputer, located at National Supercomputer Center, Tianjin
Tianhe-1A epitomizes modern heterogeneous computing by coupling massively parallel GPUs with multi-core CPUs, enabling significant achievements in performance, size and power. The system uses 7,168 NVIDIA® Tesla™ M2050 GPUs and 14,336 CPUs; it would require more than 50,000 CPUs and twice as much floor space to deliver the same performance using CPUs alone.
More importantly, a 2.507 petaflop system built entirely with CPUs would consume more than 12 megawatts. Thanks to the use of GPUs in a heterogeneous computing environment, Tianhe-1A consumes only 4.04 megawatts, making it 3 times more power efficient -- the difference in power consumption is enough to provide electricity to over 5000 homes for a year.
Tianhe-1A was designed by the National University of Defense Technology (NUDT) in China. The system is housed at National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin and is already fully operational.
"The performance and efficiency of Tianhe-1A was simply not possible without GPUs," said Guangming Liu, chief of National Supercomputer Center in Tianjin. "The scientific research that is now possible with a system of this scale is almost without limits; we could not be more pleased with the results."
The Tianhe-1A supercomputer will be operated as an open access system to use for large scale scientific computations.
"GPUs are redefining high performance computing," said Jen-Hsun Huang, president and CEO of NVIDIA. "With the Tianhe-1A, GPUs now power two of the top three fastest computers in the world today. These GPU supercomputers are essential tools for scientists looking to turbocharge their rate of discovery." NVIDIA Tesla GPUs, based on the CUDA™ parallel computing architecture, are designed specifically for high performance computing (HPC) environments and deliver transformative performance increases across a wide range of HPC fields, including drug discovery, hurricane and tsunami modeling, cancer research, car design, even studying the formation of galaxies.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Python in Kalimpong, .. Extra force plea for GNLF comeback

KalimNews: A 12 ft long Python was found in Tari Gaon of   Lower Bom Busty. It was found near a road under construction by the local people in the morning time. Later the python was taken out from the small stream and handed over to the Forest officials for safe custody.I t is assumed that the python weighs about 20kg. 
When the python was spotted by some villagers there was a commotion in the village as they had never seen such a huge python.
KalimNews: Police failed to identify the body of one dead in the NH31A vehicle accident near 27 mile. The person assumed to be from Nepal is yet to be claimed by his family members. The ill fated vehicle was traveling from Singtam to Siliguri on wednesday. The other dead was identified as Santu Poddar of Siliguri and the injured Ganesh Sharma and Mina Sharma  are recovering.
Extra force plea for GNLF comeback 

Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 28: Nearly 25 GNLF leaders have decided to return to the hills en masse, prompting the Darjeeling police chief to ask the state government for more forces to ensure their security.
The announcement comes even as the GNLF steps up its offensive before the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha signs an agreement on the interim set-up for the hills. The Subash Ghisingh-led party had already started forming village committees and yesterday announced the formation of a unit in Darjeeling subdivision, almost three years after nearly 40 leaders were hounded out of the hills. It is not yet clear if Ghisingh will be part of the group that is planning the comeback after Diwali.
Darjeeling superintendent of police D.P. Singh said: “We have received letters from 25 GNLF leaders expressing desire to return home. I have written to the state government seeking additional forces to ensure their safety and security.” Singh said no intimation had come from Ghisingh, who had been forced to leave the hills in June 2008.
However, sources in the police said “before Dashain (Durga Puja) they had received information that Ghisingh, too, was planning a return”.
The GNLF, as part of the rival camp, is trying to take advantage of the fluid hill politics before the pact on the interim set-up is sealed with the Morcha. The ABGL, another Morcha rival, had yesterday said the hills would go up in flames if the deal was sealed as people wanted Gorkhaland and not any interim arrangement. In a tactical move, the ABGL while naming its former president Madan Tamang had also mentioned the names of Morcha supporters Pramila Sharma and Akbar Lama — all three were killed — as those who had sacrificed their lives for Gorkhaland and not for any interim set-up.
Ghisingh along with around 40 prominent party leaders were forced to leave the hills after a bullet fired from the house of a GNLF leader killed Morcha supporter Pramila in June 2008. Houses of many of the leaders were torched and vandalised allegedly by Morcha supporters who claimed that the general public had chased the GNLF leaders away.
The only GNLF leader who managed to enter the hills early this year is Dawa Pakhrin. He, however, came back only after resigning as the president of the GNLF’s Kalimpong branch committee. Even Shanta Chhetri, the GNLF MLA from Kurseong, has not been able to visit her constituency since 2008.
On March 4 this year, a National Human Rights Commission directive asked the state chief secretary and the director general of police to provide security to GNLF leaders wanting to return.
Observers believe that the GNLF leaders are confident that they can return home not because of the NHRC’s directive but also because of the “fluid political situation in the hills”.
“The GNLF and the ABGL have been able to make some inroads largely because of the fallout of the murder of ABGL leader Madan Tamang. The GNLF leaders perhaps believe that this is the right time to return home,” said an observer. 
Smut clip spurs girl suicide- boyfriend accused of circulating MMS
TT, Siliguri, Oct. 28: A student of a polytechnic college here has committed suicide, almost a month after she filed a police complaint accusing her boyfriend of circulating an MMS on the physical intimacy between them that he had clicked with his cellphone.
The girl, a second-year civil engineering student of Siliguri Polytechnic Institute, hanged herself at her residence at Pati Colony here yesterday evening. Anindya Garai, a third-year architecture student of the same institution, had allegedly released the MMS on the campus last month. He had also uploaded it on the Internet.
“The two were having an affair. Anindya, who used to stay in a private boarding at Santinagar in Dabgram near the college, had taken the girl there. While the duo were in an objectionable position, he recorded the video and is suspected to have circulated it later,” said Gaurav Sharma, the additional superintendent of police of Siliguri.
“We have also come to know that the clip has been uploaded on certain websites. We are trying to remove it in consultation with the appropriate authorities.” A cellphone storeowner in the Junction area was detained for interrogation in the evening.
The FIR filed by the girl (a copy of which is with The Telegraph) said she had an affair with Anindya who took the opportunity and recorded a video of the physical intimacy between them.
“When I wanted to end our relationship, he threatened that he would release the MMS. Within the next few days, I found that it had been circulated among students in my college. I find it tough to live now and if no steps are taken against him and he is not punished, I would have no other option but to commit suicide,” reads the FIR filed by the girl.
She had also mentioned in the FIR that Anindya was a resident of Balarampally in Sonamukhi, Bankura.
The girl’s father Nilratan Saha is a grocer. The Sahas have refused to speak even as the neighbours and representatives of students’ organisations accused the police of a lackadaisical attitude.
“It is absolutely the irresponsible attitude of the police, who failed to arrest Anindya in the past one month, that prompted her to take the drastic step,” said Sheikh Mukhtar Ahmed, a secretary of the Chhatra Parishad, the student wing of the Congress.
The Chhatra Parishad and the SFI and DYFI — student and youth wings of the CPM — submitted separate memorandums to the ASP, demanding stringent action against Anindya.
The principal of the polytechnic college Subrata Sarkar said he was shocked when he heard about the incident. He denied that he had known about the September 18 FIR or that Anindya had been missing since, despite the fact that the student had not attended classes for nearly a month. “I came to know about all these from the media. The college is now shut.”
Accusing the police of being irresponsible, Jaya Prasad, a neighbour of the Sahas, said: “How can the police sit idle and not take action against the youth who made her life hell? Much like that boy, the police are equally responsible for her death. If they had arrested him, she would have found some solace and refrained from committing suicide.”
Pranab Pal, another resident of Pati Colony, said they were shocked when they heard about the suicide. “We want the youth to be behind bars. He should be severely punished,” he said.
The police said a hunt was on for Anindya. “The youth, who is a resident of Sonamukhi in Bankura district, escaped after the first FIR. We have deputed an officer and are searching for him,” ASP Sharma said. “After yesterday’s incident, the girl’s mother has filed another FIR, levelling the same allegations against him.” (KalimNews: A man is detained and found connected in uploading the video to internet or making CDs.)
KalimNews: A mms clip with some intimate scenes is being circulated among school students of Kalimpong. A clip that includes a photo of a school girl in school uniform  with  hazy pornographic scenes is attached in which the identity of the girl is not clear. The name of the girl is also indicated in the clip and it is quite clear that  the clip is made to defame the girl and the school. Both the girl and the school is aware of the clip but no case registered in the police station.
Apollo heart unit
TT, Siliguri, Oct. 28: The Apollo Group of Hospitals will set up a heart institute at five places across the state, including one in Siliguri.
One such institute already started functioning in Calcutta last month.
“Apart from Calcutta, we have chosen Siliguri, Asansol, Midnapore, Sreerampur and Howrah to set up Apollo Gleneagles Heart Institutes. The aim is to provide best cardiac care expertise to people in distant places so that they do not have to travel to the metros for treatment,” Rupali Basu, the chief executive officer of Apollo Gleneagles Hospital in Calcutta, said here today.
“Siliguri will be one of our major centres that will cater for not only the six districts in the region but also patients from neighbouring countries of Bangladesh, Bhutan and Nepal,” she said.
According to Debashish Ghosh, a senior cardiologist at the Calcutta institute, the Siliguri unit will initially have a 50-bed coronary care unit (CCU) for those who have suffered heart attacks and diagnostic facility for other heart diseases.
“The first four hours after a heart attack are crucial and best treatment should be provided during that period. Initially, we plan to establish CCUs with best facilities and experts to give them such care,” he said.
The facility in Calcutta has arrhythmia clinic for treatment of patients with abnormal heart rates, heart failure unit for post cardiac surgery and angioplasty, pacemaker wing for management and maintenance of patients with pacemakers and clinics for expecting mothers with hypertension and cardiac conditions.
“These clinics will be set up in all the five institutes but surgeries and angioplasties will be done only in Calcutta,” said Basu. “Once we find a site in Siliguri, we will probably establish the heart institute in the next six months.”
Aussies eye peak after charity
TT, Gangtok, Oct. 28: Three Australians today set off on an expedition to scale Mt Joponu in West Sikkim after weeklong community services in Siliguri.
Michael Bishop, 50, Dana Najedly, 60, and her husband Robert Fletcher, 63, left Gangtok for Yuksom, 140km from here, today, along with state government-appointed liaison officer, Bhaichung Yonzon.
While Bishop and Najedly are doctors, Fletcher is a civil engineer. Their target is 5,930-metre high Mt Joponu, a favourite peak for foreign climbers visiting Sikkim.
The expedition to Joponu is a short break for the Australian trio from their community work in the slums of Siliguri.
“We had been organising free medical camps in Siliguri for the past one week. We are also working towards upgrading facilities at a sports club at Bidya Chakro colony there. In between, we decided to come to Sikkim to do some trekking and climbing and explore the beautiful wilderness and mountains of this state,” said Bishop.
“After the trip, we will return to Siliguri on November 11 and continue the work for one more week,” he said.
According to the itinerary prepared by Sikkim Holidays, which is organising the expedition, the Australian team would be reaching the base camp at Thangshing at 3,960 metre after five days of trek from Yuksom.
“The team is expected to summit Joponu on November 4. But we have kept one day extra in case there is bad weather,” said Barap Namygal Bhutia, the managing director of Sikkim Holidays.
The most experienced climber in the team is Bishop who scaled Goechala in West Sikkim in November 2009 and in April 2010. The peak is over 10,000 feet high.
‘The route (to Goechala) was beautiful with lots of wildlife, spectacular scenery and friendly people and I decided that I would go climbing there again,” he said.
Bishop said he had scaled peaks in New Zealand and Australia. “The peaks in New Zealand are of lesser height, around 3,000 metre. Here we want to climb a peak which is double the height of those in New Zealand and it will be more difficult,” he said.
But for Najedly and Fletcher, the expedition to Joponu will be their first experience of mountaineering. But the couple said they had undergone physical training in Australia for the trek.
Bishop said they would return home in April and planned to come back with more people.
“We want to bring doctors and professionals from Australia to Sikkim for trekking and climbing and at the same time, engage in community services. We will return to Australia in April and hope to come back with a bigger team for expeditions and community work in Sikkim and probably in Kalimpong,” he said.
Asked whether such idea would be appealing to other Australians, Bishop said: “Australians like to do charity and help the poor and at the same time, visit beautiful places and do some adventure sports.” 
Pity The nation
By Arundhati Roy, 27 October, 2010:
I write this from Srinagar, Kashmir. This morning’s papers say that I may be arrested on charges of sedition for what I have said at recent public meetings on Kashmir. I said what millions of people here say every day. I said what I, as well as other commentators have written and said for years. Anybody who cares to read the transcripts of my speeches will see that they were fundamentally a call for justice. I spoke about justice for the people of Kashmir who live under one of the most brutal military occupations in the world; for Kashmiri Pandits who live out the tragedy of having been driven out of their homeland; for Dalit soldiers killed in Kashmir whose graves I visited on garbage heaps in their villages in Cuddalore; for the Indian poor who pay the price of this occupation in material ways and who are now learning to live in the terror of what is becoming a police state.
Yesterday I traveled to Shopian, the apple-town in South Kashmir which had remained closed for 47 days last year in protest against the brutal rape and murder of Asiya and Nilofer, the young women whose bodies were found in a shallow stream near their homes and whose murderers have still not been brought to justice. I met Shakeel, who is Nilofer’s husband and Asiya’s brother. We sat in a circle of people crazed with grief and anger who had lost hope that they would ever get ‘insaf’—justice—from India, and now believed that Azadi—freedom— was their only hope. I met young stone pelters who had been shot through their eyes. I traveled with a young man who told me how three of his friends, teenagers in Anantnag district, had been taken into custody and had their finger-nails pulled out as punishment for throwing stones.
In the papers some have accused me of giving ‘hate-speeches’, of wanting India to break up. On the contrary, what I say comes from love and pride. It comes from not wanting people to be killed, raped, imprisoned or have their finger-nails pulled out in order to force them to say they are Indians. It comes from wanting to live in a society that is striving to be a just one. Pity the nation that has to silence its writers for speaking their minds. Pity the nation that needs to jail those who ask for justice, while communal killers, mass murderers, corporate scamsters, looters, rapists, and those who prey on the poorest of the poor, roam free. (Source:
Arundhati Roy
October 26 2010