मोर्चाको चुनावी अभियान तीब्र
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, ८ नोभेम्बर। अहिले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा नगरपालिका चुनाउलाई लिएर व्यस्त रहेको छ। मोर्चाले अहिले प्रत्येक वार्डहरूबाट उम्मेद्वारहरू चयन गर्ने काम शुरू गरेको छ। कालेबुङ नगरापालिका समष्टिमा रहेको 23 वटा वार्डहरूमा अहिले मोर्चा बैठक गरेर उम्मेद्वार छनौट गर्न लागिपरेको छ। 12 नोभेम्बरभित्रमा मोर्चाले उम्मेद्वारहरूको नाम सार्वजनिक गर्ने निधो गरेको छ। 22 नम्बर वार्डको निम्ति मात्र मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङ स्वयंले एलबी परियारलाई चयन गरेका छन् जुन वार्डमा मोर्चाको चुनाउ सर्वेक्षण टोलीले बुधबार बैठक गर्यो। पहिलोचोटि 22 नम्बर वार्डमा बैठक गरेपछि आजदेखि सर्वेक्षण टोलीले विभिन्न वार्डहरूमा बैठक गर्न शुरू गरेको छ।
आज स्थानीय ठाकुरबारी मन्दिरमा वार्ड नम्बर 1 मा बैठक भयो। मोर्चाको एक चुनाउ सर्वेक्षण टोलीमा रहेका मोर्चा उपाध्यक्ष कल्याण देवान, प्रवीण रहपाल, लतिका सिन्हा, काजिम छिरिङ भोटिया, मेजर वार्नर अनि जेएसटीओका सागर थापाको उपस्थितिबीच वार्ड नम्बर 1 का मोर्चा समर्थकहरूको बैठक भयो।
महिलाको निम्ति आरक्षित वार्ड न्मबर 1 मा उम्मेद्वारहरूलाई लिएर धेरै तर्क वितर्कपछि तीनचार उम्मेद्वारको नाम सर्वेक्षण टोलीले लगेको छ जुन रिपोर्ट मोर्चाको चुनाउ समितिलाई बुझाएपछि नै उम्मेद्वार छनौट गरिने भएको छ।
यसरी नै आज 11 नम्बर वार्डको पनि चुनावी बैठक सम्पन्न भयो।
स्थानीय गोदुनिस भवनमा सम्पन्न् बैठकमा मोर्चाको सर्वेक्षण टोलीमा महकुमा अध्यक्ष सरिता राई, ननिता गौतम, देशभक्त सुब्बा, पासङ शेर्पा, क्याप्टन अल्बर्ट लेप्चा अनि डेण्डुप भोटिया रहेका छिए।
साधरणवर्गको निम्ति आरक्षित खुल्ला रहेको वार्ड नम्बर 11 बाट 9 जना उम्मेद्दवारहरूको नाम सर्वेक्षण टोलीले लगेको छ।
नगरपालिकामा असहाय विपक्ष
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, ८ नोभेम्बर। सधैँ झैं यसपल्ट पनि नगरपालिका चुनाउ विपक्षको निम्ति चुनौति बन्यो। फेरि पनि छुट्टैराज्यको सवालसित जोडेर विपक्षका दलहरूले नगरपालिका चुनाउमा नउठ्ने संकेत दिइरहेको छ। छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति एकमत रहने सबै विपक्षसित तर जनमत छैन। विधानसभा चुनाउले स्पष्ट पारिसकेको छ कि कुन दल कति पानीमा छ। केवल एउटै दल क्रान्तिकारी मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीको मात्र पोल खोलिन सकेन बॉंकी सबै दलहरू जो जो चुनाउ लड्यो, छर्लङ्ग बन्यो कि उसित कति जनता साथमा छन्। क्रामाकपाले चुनाउ लडेन अनि भन्यो कि विधानसभा चुनाउ सबैभएर गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति लडौं। एक्लाएक्लै लड्नु चौकी र पैसाको राजनीति हो। यहॉंसम्म त ठीकै छ तर क्रामाकपाले नगरपालिका चुनाउ पनि लड्न सकेन।
वास्तवमा क्रामाकपालाई आफ्नो कार्यबलमाथि विश्वास छैन यसैकारण नै कुनै पनि चुनाउको बेला छुट्टैराज्यको सवाल बोकेर नलड्ने शंखघोष गर्छ। घुरेन नबॉंधी घडेरीको कल्पना गर्नेहरू यसै पनि महामुर्ख हुन्, क्रामाकपाको दिशा यसै उक्तितिर लम्किरहेको राजनैतिक सचेतहरू ठान्छन्। मुख्यगरी चुनाउको सवालमा क्रामाकपाको आत्मविश्वास कमजोर देखिएको छ।
विधानसभा चुनाउमा क्रामाकपाले भोट नहाल्ने भयो तर गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले रेकर्डमतले बिजय प्राप्त गर्यो। सबै मतहरूलाई जोड्दा स्पष्ट थियो कि नहालिएका मतहरू कति उब्रिए। ती उब्रिएका मतहरूमा नै क्रामाकपाको 'होल्ड' नाप्ने कार्य हिसाब जान्नेहरूले गरेको देखिएको छ। यसपल्ट पनि नगरपालिका चुनाउमा क्रामाकपा अनि अन्य ससाना दलहरू जोसित सङ्गठन छ तर कार्यकर्ताहरु छैनन्, नलड्ने भएको छ। गोर्खालीगले पनि चुनाउ लड्न नसक्ने संकेत नै प्रायः दिइसकेको छ तरै पनि लीगले 14 नोभेम्बरको दिन निर्णय गर्ने भएको छ। थाहा लागे अनुसार एक जना उम्मेद्वारले नामाङ्कनपत्र भर्दा दसजना साक्षीहरू साथमा चाहिन्छ। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चापक्षबाट विपक्षसित भोट हाल्ने जनता त होइन विपक्षसित नामाङ्कन भर्दा चाहिने त्यही दस जना साक्षीसमेत नभएको कुरा आइरहेको छ। मोर्चा पक्षबाट थाहा लागे अनुसार विपक्ष भनेको केवल नगरमा दुइएक जना कार्यकर्ताकोरूपमा छन्। जसको मीडिया छैन भने कुनै अस्तित्व नै छैन। मीडियाले उनीहरूको कुरालाई प्राथमिकता दिने भएकोले नै उनीहरू समाचार पत्र अनि लोकल क्याबलहरूबाट बोल्न पाइरहेका छन्।
मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताहरू अनुसार विपक्षले आफू हुनुको परिचय त्यसबेला दिनुपर्छ जब चुनाउ आउँछ अनि त्यसमा प्रतिस्पर्धा उत्पन्न गर्नुपर्छ। जब यसो गर्ने बेला आउँछ विपक्षको सातो नै हराउँछ। गाउँगाउँ, नगरनगर वार्डवार्ड नै मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताहरू रहेकोले अब विपक्षको टिकटमा को उठ्ने भन्ने सावल उत्पन्न भइरहेको जान्नमा आएको छ। कोही पनि दुश्मनी लिन चहॉंदैनन्। विपक्षसित मान्छे छैन अनि जो जो पनि उनीहरूको पक्षमा छन्, उनीहरू छिमेकीमा रहेको मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताहरूसित दुश्मनी लिन चहॉंदैनन्। यसो हुँदा विपक्षलाई उम्मेद्वार खडा गर्न असुविधा भइरहेको देखिएको छ। एउटा नगरपालिकाको निम्ति जनतालाई सहमत गराउन नसक्ने दलहरूले छुट्टैराज्यको कुरा गरेकोले नै अहिलेसम्म ती दलहरूले जनतालाई आफ्नो पक्षमा तान्न नसकेको हो कि भन्ने कुरा राजनैतिक सचेतकहरूले बारम्बार गर्ने गरेका छन्।
अहिले प्रश्न गणतन्त्रको पनि गरिएको छ तर गणतन्त्र स्थापनाको निम्ति प्रशासनिक क्षमतामा भने आउन सक्दैनन्। जनतालाई विपक्षका दलहरूले न त कुनै पनि मुद्दामा स्पष्टसित बुझाउन सकिरहेका छन् न त उनीहरू आफै नै पनि मुद्दाहरूमा स्पष्ट रहेका छन्। विपक्षलाई केवल मोर्चाले गरेको कार्यक्रममाथि टिप्पणी गर्नु मात्र नै आफ्नो धर्म लाग्ने गरेको पनि निक्कै सुनिने कुराहरू रहेका छन्। जसले कुनै पनि काम गर्न सक्दैनन् उनीहरूले नै अरुले गरेको काममाथि टिप्पणी गर्ने गरेकोले नै गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले ती दलहरूलाई दलकोरुपमा गन्ने नगरेको पनि स्पष्ट हुन्छ। भर्खर भागोपले छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति दलीय एकताको पहल गर्यो। यो पहल हुने सुनेर मोर्चाले ती दलहरूलाई उल्टै शुभकामना दियो। यस्तो देखियो कि मोर्चालाई थाहा छ कि विपक्षका जति नै दलहरू एक भए पनि मोर्चालाई कुनै पनि प्रभाव पार्न सक्दैन। विपक्षले जति पनि चहलपहल गर्छ त्यो मोर्चासितको रिस् र पूर्वाग्रहले नै गर्छ।
मोर्चाले यस्तो ठान्नु पनि स्वाभाविक देखिएको छ किन भने ती दलहरूले जुन कार्यव्यवहार देखाइरहेका छन्, त्यसलाई हेर्दा लाग्दैन कि विपक्षले पहाडमा विपक्षको भूमिका पालन गर्छ। जनताले विश्वास गर्ने लायकको अहिलेसम्म विपक्षका दलहरू कुनै पनि कार्यक्रम बनाउन सकेन। यद्धपि ती दलहरूले हुङ्कार भने अहिलेसम्म नै जारी राखेको छ। यसपल्ट नगरपालिका चुनाउमा अंशग्रहण नगरेर फेरि पनि मोर्चालाई नगरपालिकामा बलियो गराउने काम त विपक्षले गरि नै रहेको छ, सधैँभरि मोर्चाको विरोधमा बोलेर दलको अस्तित्व बँचाउने कमजोर कुटनीति पनि गरिरहेको देखिएको छ। नगरपालिका चुनाउलाई लिएर देखिएको विपक्षको असाहयपनले भविष्यका मुद्दा उठानहरूको भविष्य आँक्न सकिने त स्पष्ट नै छ, ती दलहरूले अब अर्कै विपक्ष शक्तिको विकल्पको वातावरण बनाइरहेको पनि देखिएको छ।
नगरपालिकालाई कर नदिने पक्षमा लोकल वाहन चालकहरू
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, ८ नोभेम्बर। ट्राफिक व्यवस्थामा सुधार ल्याउन विभागले अहिले थुप्रै फेरबदलहरू गरेको छ भने वाह्नहरूमाथि अनिवार्य रूपमा कर संग्रह गर्ने कार्य पनि थालेको छ। अहिले दुइचक्के वाहनहरूको निम्ति प्रत्येक घण्टाको पॉंच रूपिँया, चारचक्के प्राइबेटको निम्ति दश रूपिँया अनि लोकल वाहनहरूको निम्ति दैनिक दश रूपिँया गरेर नगरपालिकाले पार्किङ फी उठाउन शुरू गरेको छ। नगरपालिकाले यसरी वाहनहरूबाट करहरू संग्रह गर्न थालेपछि लोकल वाहन चालकहरूले भने नगरपालिकालाई कर दिन असमर्थता प्रकट गरेका छन्।
हिल मोटर्स ड्राभर वरकर्स युनियनले नगरपालिकाले लोकल बाहनहरूमाथि दैनिक दश रूपिँया गरेर संग्रह गरिने गरेको कर नदिने पक्षमा विधायक अनि महकुमा अधिकारीको अनुपस्थितिमा मेजिस्ट्रेट डीकी भोटियालाई एक ज्ञापन बुझाएको छ। ज्ञापनमा कर नदिने पक्षमा सङ्गठनले विविध मागहरू राखेको छ। सङ्गठनले ज्ञापनमा कर उठाउनुभन्दा पहिले नयॉं मोटरस्ट्याण्डहरू निर्माण गरिनुपर्ने, नोभेल्टी परिसरमा अविलम्ब मोटर स्याण्ड निर्माण हुनुपर्ने, नगरको रोडहरूको मरम्मति गर्नुपर्ने आदि पॉंचवटा मागहरू उल्लेख गरिएको छ। सङ्गठनका अध्यक्ष सन्तोष शर्माले बताएअनुसार जबसम्म विभागले सङ्गठनको मागहरू पूरा गर्दैन तबसम्म लोकल वाहन चालकहरूले नरपालिकालाई कर नदिने भएको छ। तिनले भने, अहिले नगरको जम्मै सडकहरू भत्किएर गाडी कुद्न लायकको छैन। नयॉं मोटरस्ट्याण्डहरू निर्माण नगरिकन हाम्रो सँधै राख्ने ठाउँबाट गाडी हटाउने काम भइरहेको छ। मानिसहरूले लोनमा गाडी लिएका छन्। सबैमा दैनिक रूपमा नगरपालिकालाई कर तिर्ने क्षमता हुँदैन। यसर्थ जबसम्म नयॉं मोटरस्याण्डहरूको निर्माण हुँदैन तबसम्म हामीलाई पुरानै ठाउँमा गाडी राख्न दिनुपर्छ। तिनले जबसम्म कालेबुङमा कुनै उद्योग धन्दाहरू नभएकोले अनि पर्यटकहरू पनि धेर नआउने भएकोले चालकहरूलाई अहिले जीविका पनि धान्न साह्रो परिरहेको बताए। सरकारले अगस्त महिनादेखि गाडीको करहरू बुझाउनु भनेको भएपनि कालेबुङमा अहिले मोटर भेकल अफिस नभएकोले करहरू बुझाउन नसकेको पनि तिनले जनाए। तरैपनि ट्राफिक इन्सपेक्टरहरूले वाहनहरू पक्रिरहेको आरोप लगाए। यता महकुमा अधिकारी एल एन शेर्पाले नगरपालिकालाई वाहन चालकहरूले कर नै दिएन भने नगरको समस्या समाधान नहुने बताए। यद्यपि तिनले यस विषयमा चालकहरूसँग फेरि एकचोटि बैठक गरिने बताए।
अहिले नगरपालिकाले नगरमा दुइचक्के वाहनहरूको निम्ति रूपिँया पॉंच अनि प्राइवेट चारचक्के वाहनहरूको निम्ति दश रूपिँया प्रति घण्टा गरेर उठाउन शुरू गरेपछि अफिसका कर्मचारीहरूलाई धेरै असुविधा भइरहेको बताइएको थियो। दैनिक छ घण्टाभन्दा अधिक समयसम्म नगरमा वाहन राख्दा दिनमा 30 देखि 40 रूपिँयासम्म लाग्ने गर्दछ। यस सम्बन्धामा महिनाभरि बाहन राख्ने कर्मचारीहरूले महकुमा अधिकारी कार्यालयमा दर्खास्त गरे सहजै सहमतिमा आउनसक्ने बताए।
चुनाव नामांकन प्रारम्भ- तारा सुन्दासले नामांकन पत्र भर्ने
डी के वाइबा, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, ८ नोभेम्बर। -आजदेखि आगामी दिसम्बर महिनामा सम्पन्न हुने नगरपालिका चुनावको चुनाव आचार संहिता लागु भएको कालेबुङ महकुमा अधिकारी एल एन शेर्पाले जानकारी दिए|आजदेखि नै चुनाव आचार संहिता लागु भएको कारण अबोप्रान्त कुनै पनि नयाँ विकाशका योजनाहरु शुरु गर्न नपाउने पनि तिनले जानकारी दिए| कुनै पनि नयाँ विकासका योजनाहरु शुरु गर्न नपाएपनि बिगतका दिनहरुदेखि भैरहेका कार्यहरु भने सुचारु रुपले चल्ने पनि महकुमा अधिकारी शेर्पाले बताए|नगरपालिका चुनाव शान्तिपूर्वक हुने कुरामा आफु आशावादी रहेको बताउदै चुनाव शान्तिपूर्वक होस् भनेर तिनले अगावै सर्वदलीय बैठक गरेर सम्पूर्ण राजनैतिक पार्टीहरुलाई जानकारी गराएको पनि तिनले जनाए|
नगरपालिका चुनावको निम्ति आज देखि आचार संहिता लागु भैसकेको छ भने नामांकन पत्र भर्ने कार्य पनि शुरु भएको छ| चुनावको निम्ति अहिले पहाडको शक्तिशाली दल मानिएको गोजमुमोले चुनावी कसरतलाई तिब्र गतिमा अघि बढाईरहेको छ भने अन्य राजनैतिक दलहरुले भने कुनै कार्य शुरु गरेको छैन| मोर्चाले चुनावी कसरत अगावै शुरु गरेतापनि आज नामांकन पत्र भर्ने प्रथम दिन भने अन्य राजनैतिक पार्टिका नेताहरु महकुमा कार्यलय नपुगे पनि माकपा नेता तारा सुन्दासले भने नामांकन पत्र लिएका छन्|
सुन्दासले आज महकुमा कार्यालयबाट् नामांकन पत्र लिए पछि पत्रकारहरुलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै आगामी ११ नोभेम्बरको दिन नामांकन पत्र जम्मा गर्ने जानकारी दिए|तिनले यस भन्दा अघिका नगरपालिका चुनावहरुमा प्रतिद्वन्दीता गरिसकेका छन् भने दुई चोटि विजय समेत भइसकेका छन्|संन् १९८६ मा कालेबुङ कलेजमा छात्र संगठनबाट चुनाव लडेर सह सचिव बन्ने सुन्दास पहिलो चोटि नगरपालिका चुनावमा उठेर विजय बनेका थिए|त्यसपछि दार्जीलिंगमा हिंसात्मक आन्दोलन शुरु भएर अशान्त बन्दा पनि तिनले राजिनामा समेत दिएनन| फलस्वरुप पछि नगरपालिकाको अध्यक्ष साथै सन् १९९०-१९९४ सम्म नगर शासक पनि भएका थिए| त्यसपछि सन् १९९९ मा भएको चुनावमा पनि सुन्दास विजय बनेका थिए| यस पल्ट हुने चुनावमा पनि तिनले वार्ड नम्बर १० बाट नै प्रतिद्वन्दीत गर्ने भएका छन|
Siddhesvara Dhama inaugurated in Solophok
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Namchi, 08 November: Shri Jadadguru Sankaryacharya Swami Swarupananda Saraswati in the presence of the Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling Mrs. Tika Maya Chamling and host of other dignitaries inaugurated the Siddhesvara Dhama in Solophok, Namchi South South Sikkim and also performed the main puja or the "Pran Prastisha" of the dhama.
The place which is a pilgrim cum cultural heritage complex is built by Rural Development and Management Department, Government of Sikkim with state of art technology has all the capacity to turn out to be the most sort after tourist as well as pilgrimage destination of Sikkim in the near future.As on date the entire cost of the project today stands at Rs.99.56 Crore.
Aiming at promoting religious tourism, coupled with village and eco tourism, and also providing immense income generation avenues and opportunities through economic spin off this Pilgrimage-cum-Cultural Centre at Solophok has a 108 feet tall statue of Lord Shiva.
Sikkim gets holier for more tourists
TT, Namchi, Nov. 8: Sikkim today made a giant leap into pilgrimage tourism with the opening of Siddhesvara Dham that boasts a 108ft tall statue of Lord Shiva and replicas of four sacred Hindu temples in the country.
The site near Namchi was consecrated by Shri Jagadguru Sankaracharya Swami Swarupananda Saraswati.
Siddhesvara Dham has been created over 29.9 hectares at Solophok hilltop, 5km from Namchi, at a cost of Rs 56.51 crore.
The giant statue of Lord Shiva in sitting posture has been erected at the highest point of the hilltop. The statue overlooks the complex whose main attraction is the models of sacred Hindu shrines at Jagannath, Badrinath, Dwaraka and Rameswaram.
The Siddhesvara Dham is also dotted with the replicas of all 12 jyotirlingas (Shiva shrines) spread across the country. An 18feet tall statue of Lord Kirateshwar (an incarnation of Lord Shiva believed to have become a hunter in Sikkim forests according to Hindu mythology) has also been created at the Solophok complex.
The chief minister, Pawan Chamling, was present when the complex was consecrated by the Sankaracharya. Chamling hoped that the Siddhesvar Dham would add to the communal harmony, peace and prosperity of Sikkim.
“We have built the Siddhesvar Dham for the development of our people and their spiritual uplift. We pray that the flow of development and peace continue in Sikkim,” he said.
A 135ft statue of Guru Padmasambhava — the patron saint of Sikkim — and a two-storey temple dedicated to Sai Baba also boost the pilgrimage appeal of South Sikkim. While Guru Padmasambhava’s statue is across the Solophok hilltop, the Sai temple is just a stone’s throw from the new pilgrimage complex.
Namchi is 75km from Gangtok and is the administrative headquarters of South Sikkim.
The rural development department said the Siddhesvara Dham had been set up with an aim to promote pilgrimage tourism and create commercial opportunities for the local people.
“All tourism stakeholders in Sikkim are grateful to the chief minister for dedicating the biggest tourism asset to the state. The religious complex will definitely generate pilgrimage tourism in the state. The religious sites in Sikkim will not only promote tourism but will also bless the people here. All the people in Sikkim will benefit spiritually and economically from this asset,” said Paljor Lachungpa, the adviser to the Travel Agents’ Association of Sikkim.
Lachungpa said he hoped that the creation of such assets would lead to all-year tourism in Sikkim.
“Earlier, we were dependent only on nature-based tourism. With new sites, we can market the state throughout the year,” he said.
The Sikkim Assembly had passed a bill in August to set up an autonomous body for the management of Siddhesvara Dham.
Teesta to green left bank from January
BIRESWAR BANERJEE, TT, Siliguri, Nov. 8: Water from the Teesta will be channelled into farmland on its left bank for the first time in January.
So long, the beneficiaries of the Teesta Barrage Project for north Bengal had been limited only to the right bank with its four canals.
Nearly 7,000 hectares in two blocks of Jalpaiguri district will benefit from this new channelling of water through the sole Teesta-Jaldhaka canal on the left bank. Only a part of the canal will start functioning in January.
If this deadline is met, the total farmland that will be irrigated under the entire project will go up to 73,000 hectares.
When the 30.31km-long left canal is completed, water will reach Cooch Behar as well along with more areas of Jalpaiguri district.
The Rs 3,000 crore project came into national limelight when chief minister Mamata Banerjee refused to accompany Manmohan Singh to Dhaka to protest the 50:50 Teesta sharing agreement with Bangladesh on September 6. She had said the deal would go against the interest of the farmers of the region, a claim that was backed by river experts.
Finally, the deal was scrapped.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb, after a review meeting with TBP officials this afternoon, said: “For the first time, water will be channelled from the river through the canal on the left bank of the Teesta. The supply of water for irrigation is likely to start from January 2012.”
He said since the formation of the Trinamul government, Mamata had taken a keen interest in speedy completion of the project and has held several rounds of talks with irrigation minister Manas Bhunia. “It is good that finally, we can provide water to at least some of the projected portion of agricultural land located on the left bank of the Teesta,” Deb said.
The project with its initial cost of Rs 69 crore and started in 1976 to water 9.22 lakh hectares of land across the six districts of north Bengal suffered a setback during the Left regime.
Now, water reaches only 66,000 hectares, all of which are on the right bank of the river.
“Among the six districts, Cooch Behar was supposed to be the largest beneficiary in respect of farmland but till date, not a single drop of water has reached the district from TBP,” a source in the irrigation project said.
Deb said farmers of Malbazar and Mainaguri blocks would benefit from the left bank watering. “Releasing water through the left bank will help irrigate at least 7,000 hectares of land in Malbazar and Mainaguri blocks,” he said. “Work on the project has gathered momentum and officials are consistently monitoring its progress. In the current fiscal, the Centre has sanctioned Rs 377 crore. Tenders for work worth Rs 157 crore have already been issued,” the minister stated.
He also said the project was facing hurdles like land litigation, most of which have been reported in North Dinajpur district.
“To resolve this problem, we will hold a meeting in Islampur on December 9. Officials of departments concerned, and representatives of different political parties and local MLAs and MPs would be invited to work out a solution,” the minister said.
More than 150 cases have been filed by people who are either dissatisfied with the compensation or are against acquisition of land for the project.
“Of this, 87 cases are from North Dinajpur district alone, which is under the ambit of the right bank canal of the Teesta. Intervention by local ministers and public representatives, we hope, will help clear the litigation hurdles,” one of the sources said.
Walkways for brave hearts only - Kalimpong bridges under scanner
RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Kalimpong, Nov. 8: At least three suspension bridges in Kalimpong are in a shambles, putting at risk the lives of hundreds of villagers who cannot afford the jeep rides to town.
The bridges over kholas or streams connect Kalimpong’s Relli to Primtam, Khani and Yok and the other adjoining hamlets.
Villagers prefer the bridges to the shared jeep rides, which cost Rs 60 each for a more than a two-hour journey. On the other hand, on foot, the travel time is half an hour.
For instance, hundreds of school and college students from Primtam, Kangeybong and Lower Kafer walk the Relli-Primtam bridge every day. So precarious is the walkway that only two or three persons can be on it at a time. The wooden planks have disappeared at places and the ones that exist are in a state of decay.
The balancing rods on either side holding up the ropes have disappeared while the bolts and screws of those in place have come off. The bridge shakes when someone walks on them.
“The bridge was constructed way back in 1967. The 102-metre long and 85ft high bridge is in such a dilapidated condition because of zero maintenance that the possibility of a Bijanbari rerun cannot be ruled out,” said Nima Tamang, a farmer from Primtam. Thirty-three people were killed when the walkway over the Little Rangit in Bijanbari collapsed last month.
After the tragedy, Darjeeling district magistrate Saumitra Mohan issued a circular asking for fitness certificates from all government agencies that are in charge of bridges and buildings in the hills.
In fact, the Kalimpong Engineering Division (KED), which looks after the maintenance of the Relli bridges, prepared an estimate for the repair of the Relli-Primtam and Relli-Khani connectors last week.
A KED official said the Relli-Yok bridge was beyond repair and a completely new structure will have to be constructed. “The other two bridges can be repaired for Rs 11-12 lakh each,” said the official.
He admitted that the condition of all three bridges was very bad. “It is true that the bridges have not been repaired for ages. Of the three, the condition of the Relli-Khani bridge is relatively better. But these bridges are for the brave hearted only,” the official added. The Relli-Khani bridge is 111.6 metres in length and 120 feet high while the Relli-Yok bridge is 120 metres long and 90 feet high.
Kamal Rai, who hikes from Yok to Kalimpong to sell vegetables on Wednesdays and Saturdays, said pleas to repair the bridges had been unheard.
“Only the young and firm can walk on them. Others are forced to take a shared jeep, which is very expensive,” he said. Rai said it takes about two-and-half hours to reach Kalimpong by road but a mere half an hour on foot.
Bhaichung cherishes Siliguri soccer academy wish
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Darjeeling, Nov. 8: Bhaichung Bhutia today expressed his desire to set up a football academy in Siliguri and was hopeful that the Bengal government would extend help to fulfil his dream.
The former Indian football team captain was in Darjeeling today to see his team United Sikkim take on Techno Aryan in the quarterfinal of the All India Brigade of Gurkha Gold Cup.
“I am hopeful that I can set up a football academy in Siliguri soon as we need many academies to tap in the talent of this region,” he said.
The footballer said the Sikkim government had already extended him support to set up an academy in the state. “Right now, my aim is to ensure that United Sikkim qualify for the I-League (which is the highest league in India) and make it to the biggest and the best club in India in four to five years. United Sikkim is slowly becoming a pan-Indian club and its support base is not just confined to the Northeast,” said the footballer.
Bhaichung is also looking at setting up football schools. “In fact, I have already set up a school in Delhi,” he said.
Unlike academies where serious football training is imparted, schools are places where students come and play soccer more for the fun of the game.
The player doesn’t want to follow other Indian clubs which are planning tie-ups with European teams to set up academics. He is of the opinion that a tie-up with individual footballers would be of greater help than going in for any association with academies.
The footballer said all his future plans had to do with United Sikkim and he was in the process of scouting for new talents. “Since many multinational companies are not based in this region, finding sponsors is the biggest problem now. The team is also new and it will definitely take some time before we find sponsors,” said Bhaichung.
Bhaichung might not have found a brand for his club but there were signs today that he himself was a huge brand even after his retirement. Hundreds of fans followed him around at the St Joseph’s College (North Point) ground where he had come to see his team play.
Autograph hunters and shutterbugs followed him at every step giving him little space to spend time with his club members. Sikkim United beat Techno Aryan in the match with a solitary goal scored by Sushil Kumar Singh in the first half. Singh is also a member of the national squad.
In the second half, the Aryans came back strongly but failed to find the net. Bhaichung’s boys will take on the defending champions Army XI in the semi-final.
United Sikkim will be hoping to fare better in the match against the army and improve their goal conversion rate, which nearly cost the Gangtok team a slot in the semi-final.
Siddhesvara Dhama inaugurated in Solophok
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Namchi, 08 November: Shri Jadadguru Sankaryacharya Swami Swarupananda Saraswati in the presence of the Chief Minister Mr. Pawan Chamling Mrs. Tika Maya Chamling and host of other dignitaries inaugurated the Siddhesvara Dhama in Solophok, Namchi South South Sikkim and also performed the main puja or the "Pran Prastisha" of the dhama.
The place which is a pilgrim cum cultural heritage complex is built by Rural Development and Management Department, Government of Sikkim with state of art technology has all the capacity to turn out to be the most sort after tourist as well as pilgrimage destination of Sikkim in the near future.As on date the entire cost of the project today stands at Rs.99.56 Crore.
Aiming at promoting religious tourism, coupled with village and eco tourism, and also providing immense income generation avenues and opportunities through economic spin off this Pilgrimage-cum-Cultural Centre at Solophok has a 108 feet tall statue of Lord Shiva.
Sikkim gets holier for more tourists
The Siddhesvara Dham at Solophok hilltop. Picture by Prabin Khaling |
The site near Namchi was consecrated by Shri Jagadguru Sankaracharya Swami Swarupananda Saraswati.
Siddhesvara Dham has been created over 29.9 hectares at Solophok hilltop, 5km from Namchi, at a cost of Rs 56.51 crore.
The giant statue of Lord Shiva in sitting posture has been erected at the highest point of the hilltop. The statue overlooks the complex whose main attraction is the models of sacred Hindu shrines at Jagannath, Badrinath, Dwaraka and Rameswaram.
The Siddhesvara Dham is also dotted with the replicas of all 12 jyotirlingas (Shiva shrines) spread across the country. An 18feet tall statue of Lord Kirateshwar (an incarnation of Lord Shiva believed to have become a hunter in Sikkim forests according to Hindu mythology) has also been created at the Solophok complex.
The chief minister, Pawan Chamling, was present when the complex was consecrated by the Sankaracharya. Chamling hoped that the Siddhesvar Dham would add to the communal harmony, peace and prosperity of Sikkim.
“We have built the Siddhesvar Dham for the development of our people and their spiritual uplift. We pray that the flow of development and peace continue in Sikkim,” he said.
A 135ft statue of Guru Padmasambhava — the patron saint of Sikkim — and a two-storey temple dedicated to Sai Baba also boost the pilgrimage appeal of South Sikkim. While Guru Padmasambhava’s statue is across the Solophok hilltop, the Sai temple is just a stone’s throw from the new pilgrimage complex.
Namchi is 75km from Gangtok and is the administrative headquarters of South Sikkim.
The rural development department said the Siddhesvara Dham had been set up with an aim to promote pilgrimage tourism and create commercial opportunities for the local people.
“All tourism stakeholders in Sikkim are grateful to the chief minister for dedicating the biggest tourism asset to the state. The religious complex will definitely generate pilgrimage tourism in the state. The religious sites in Sikkim will not only promote tourism but will also bless the people here. All the people in Sikkim will benefit spiritually and economically from this asset,” said Paljor Lachungpa, the adviser to the Travel Agents’ Association of Sikkim.
Lachungpa said he hoped that the creation of such assets would lead to all-year tourism in Sikkim.
“Earlier, we were dependent only on nature-based tourism. With new sites, we can market the state throughout the year,” he said.
The Sikkim Assembly had passed a bill in August to set up an autonomous body for the management of Siddhesvara Dham.
Teesta to green left bank from January

So long, the beneficiaries of the Teesta Barrage Project for north Bengal had been limited only to the right bank with its four canals.
Nearly 7,000 hectares in two blocks of Jalpaiguri district will benefit from this new channelling of water through the sole Teesta-Jaldhaka canal on the left bank. Only a part of the canal will start functioning in January.
If this deadline is met, the total farmland that will be irrigated under the entire project will go up to 73,000 hectares.
When the 30.31km-long left canal is completed, water will reach Cooch Behar as well along with more areas of Jalpaiguri district.
The Rs 3,000 crore project came into national limelight when chief minister Mamata Banerjee refused to accompany Manmohan Singh to Dhaka to protest the 50:50 Teesta sharing agreement with Bangladesh on September 6. She had said the deal would go against the interest of the farmers of the region, a claim that was backed by river experts.
Finally, the deal was scrapped.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb, after a review meeting with TBP officials this afternoon, said: “For the first time, water will be channelled from the river through the canal on the left bank of the Teesta. The supply of water for irrigation is likely to start from January 2012.”
He said since the formation of the Trinamul government, Mamata had taken a keen interest in speedy completion of the project and has held several rounds of talks with irrigation minister Manas Bhunia. “It is good that finally, we can provide water to at least some of the projected portion of agricultural land located on the left bank of the Teesta,” Deb said.
The project with its initial cost of Rs 69 crore and started in 1976 to water 9.22 lakh hectares of land across the six districts of north Bengal suffered a setback during the Left regime.
Now, water reaches only 66,000 hectares, all of which are on the right bank of the river.
“Among the six districts, Cooch Behar was supposed to be the largest beneficiary in respect of farmland but till date, not a single drop of water has reached the district from TBP,” a source in the irrigation project said.
Deb said farmers of Malbazar and Mainaguri blocks would benefit from the left bank watering. “Releasing water through the left bank will help irrigate at least 7,000 hectares of land in Malbazar and Mainaguri blocks,” he said. “Work on the project has gathered momentum and officials are consistently monitoring its progress. In the current fiscal, the Centre has sanctioned Rs 377 crore. Tenders for work worth Rs 157 crore have already been issued,” the minister stated.
He also said the project was facing hurdles like land litigation, most of which have been reported in North Dinajpur district.
“To resolve this problem, we will hold a meeting in Islampur on December 9. Officials of departments concerned, and representatives of different political parties and local MLAs and MPs would be invited to work out a solution,” the minister said.
More than 150 cases have been filed by people who are either dissatisfied with the compensation or are against acquisition of land for the project.
“Of this, 87 cases are from North Dinajpur district alone, which is under the ambit of the right bank canal of the Teesta. Intervention by local ministers and public representatives, we hope, will help clear the litigation hurdles,” one of the sources said.
Walkways for brave hearts only - Kalimpong bridges under scanner
A suspension bridge in Kalimpong. The bridge connects the hill town to Yok. Picture by Chinlop Fudong Lepcha |
The bridges over kholas or streams connect Kalimpong’s Relli to Primtam, Khani and Yok and the other adjoining hamlets.
Villagers prefer the bridges to the shared jeep rides, which cost Rs 60 each for a more than a two-hour journey. On the other hand, on foot, the travel time is half an hour.
For instance, hundreds of school and college students from Primtam, Kangeybong and Lower Kafer walk the Relli-Primtam bridge every day. So precarious is the walkway that only two or three persons can be on it at a time. The wooden planks have disappeared at places and the ones that exist are in a state of decay.
The balancing rods on either side holding up the ropes have disappeared while the bolts and screws of those in place have come off. The bridge shakes when someone walks on them.
“The bridge was constructed way back in 1967. The 102-metre long and 85ft high bridge is in such a dilapidated condition because of zero maintenance that the possibility of a Bijanbari rerun cannot be ruled out,” said Nima Tamang, a farmer from Primtam. Thirty-three people were killed when the walkway over the Little Rangit in Bijanbari collapsed last month.
After the tragedy, Darjeeling district magistrate Saumitra Mohan issued a circular asking for fitness certificates from all government agencies that are in charge of bridges and buildings in the hills.
In fact, the Kalimpong Engineering Division (KED), which looks after the maintenance of the Relli bridges, prepared an estimate for the repair of the Relli-Primtam and Relli-Khani connectors last week.
A KED official said the Relli-Yok bridge was beyond repair and a completely new structure will have to be constructed. “The other two bridges can be repaired for Rs 11-12 lakh each,” said the official.
He admitted that the condition of all three bridges was very bad. “It is true that the bridges have not been repaired for ages. Of the three, the condition of the Relli-Khani bridge is relatively better. But these bridges are for the brave hearted only,” the official added. The Relli-Khani bridge is 111.6 metres in length and 120 feet high while the Relli-Yok bridge is 120 metres long and 90 feet high.
Kamal Rai, who hikes from Yok to Kalimpong to sell vegetables on Wednesdays and Saturdays, said pleas to repair the bridges had been unheard.
“Only the young and firm can walk on them. Others are forced to take a shared jeep, which is very expensive,” he said. Rai said it takes about two-and-half hours to reach Kalimpong by road but a mere half an hour on foot.
Bhaichung cherishes Siliguri soccer academy wish
The crowd at the St Joseph’s College (North Point) ground to watch the match between United Sikkim and Techno Aryan on Tuesday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
The former Indian football team captain was in Darjeeling today to see his team United Sikkim take on Techno Aryan in the quarterfinal of the All India Brigade of Gurkha Gold Cup.
“I am hopeful that I can set up a football academy in Siliguri soon as we need many academies to tap in the talent of this region,” he said.
The footballer said the Sikkim government had already extended him support to set up an academy in the state. “Right now, my aim is to ensure that United Sikkim qualify for the I-League (which is the highest league in India) and make it to the biggest and the best club in India in four to five years. United Sikkim is slowly becoming a pan-Indian club and its support base is not just confined to the Northeast,” said the footballer.
Bhaichung is also looking at setting up football schools. “In fact, I have already set up a school in Delhi,” he said.
Unlike academies where serious football training is imparted, schools are places where students come and play soccer more for the fun of the game.
The player doesn’t want to follow other Indian clubs which are planning tie-ups with European teams to set up academics. He is of the opinion that a tie-up with individual footballers would be of greater help than going in for any association with academies.
The footballer said all his future plans had to do with United Sikkim and he was in the process of scouting for new talents. “Since many multinational companies are not based in this region, finding sponsors is the biggest problem now. The team is also new and it will definitely take some time before we find sponsors,” said Bhaichung.
Bhaichung might not have found a brand for his club but there were signs today that he himself was a huge brand even after his retirement. Hundreds of fans followed him around at the St Joseph’s College (North Point) ground where he had come to see his team play.
Autograph hunters and shutterbugs followed him at every step giving him little space to spend time with his club members. Sikkim United beat Techno Aryan in the match with a solitary goal scored by Sushil Kumar Singh in the first half. Singh is also a member of the national squad.
In the second half, the Aryans came back strongly but failed to find the net. Bhaichung’s boys will take on the defending champions Army XI in the semi-final.
United Sikkim will be hoping to fare better in the match against the army and improve their goal conversion rate, which nearly cost the Gangtok team a slot in the semi-final.
kalimpong Bridge under scanner ma ... Todey Tangta ko Dabai Khola ko suspension bridge ko jhan yo vanda pani halat kharab chha... Tya ta jhan kasai ko pani Dhyan gayeko jasto lagdaina hai........Relli Khani Bridge ko vanda badi wooden plank khatam vako chha... earthquake le Base nai vatkeko chha... aahile ta tya ko manisharu khola tarera aau jau garne gareko chha... tara khola tarnu dherai jokhim purna chha...