कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबद्वारा 13 औं स्थापना दिवस पालन

तिनले भने, क्लबले यसरी विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा रहेका विशिष्ट व्यक्तिहरूलाई सम्मान गर्ने खॉंचो किन पर्यो? यो बुझ्नुपर्ने विषय छ। प्रेस क्लब चहान्छ समाजका असल नागरिक र विशिष्ट व्यक्तिहरू जसले समाज निर्माणमा आफ्नो योगदान दिइरहेका छन्, उनीहरू समाजका उदाहरण हुन् भनेर समाजलाई बुझाउन चहान्छन्। यसभित्र समाज निर्माण कै उद्देश्य लुकेको छ। प्रेस क्लब जो झोलामा संस्था बोकेर हिँड्छ, आफै चॉंही गरीब छ, उसले यसरी सम्मान र सम्वर्द्धना जनाउनु ठूलो उदाहरण हो। यस्ता संस्थाहरूलाई बँचाउन हुने खानेहरू अघि आउनुपर्छ।
तिनले पत्रकारहरूले सही तथ्यलाई अघि ल्याउने बताउँदै कति सही कुरा अघि ल्याउँदा अथवा आलोचना गर्दा रिसाउनेहरू हुने पनि बताए। कोही बेला म पनि रिसाउँछु। जब कि एक समय म पनि यस्तै लेख्थें। राजनीतिमा लागेपछि मान्छेलाई यसरी परिवर्तन गराउँदो रहेछ-तिनले भने। तिनले एसेम्ब्लीमा आफूले कसरी कार्य गरिरहेको छ, त्यसलाई उदाहरण राख्दै पत्रकारहरूले सही ठाउँमा सही कुरा उठान गर्नुपर्ने बताए। रामकृष्ण रङ्गमञ्चमा आयोजित प्रेस क्लबको स्थापना कार्यक्रमलाई क्लबका अध्यक्ष अरूणकुमार रसाइलीले अध्यक्षता गरेका थिए भने मुख्य अतिथि डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्री रहेका थिए। कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबका सचिव अरुणकुमार राईले क्लबका रिपोर्ट वित्तचित्रद्वारा प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए। तिनले क्लबले अहिले क्लबको एक एकाइ कालिमन्युजले न्युज एजेन्सीको काम गरिरहेको अनि हेडलाइन एसएमएस, सूचनापटकोरूपमा डम्बर चोकमा स्क्रोलिङ मार्कि, दुइवटा अनलाईन न्युज साइट कालिम्पोंग न्युज सञ्चालन गरिरहेको बताउँदै प्रेस क्लबको भवन एमपी ल्याडबाट पाइएको अनुदानबाट निर्माण भइरहेको पनि बताए। सीताराम काफ्लेद्वारा सञ्चालित कार्यक्रममा यसपल्टको कालेबुङ रत्न पुरस्कार परिधान श्रृङ्गारसित नै सामाजिक योगदान पुर्याउने बबिता घतानी धमलालाई प्रदान गर्यो।

यस बाहेक पनि अंग्रेजी माध्यमको विद्यालय स्थापना गरेर शिक्षासित नै व्यवसायको अवधारणाको विकास गर्ने टडलर्स तथा सप्तश्री ज्ञानपीठका निर्देशिका स्व. ललिता प्रधानलाई मरणोप्रान्त एक्सेलेन्स इन एडुकेशनले सम्मान जनायो। ललिता प्रधानको यसै वर्ष देहान्त भएको थियो भने तिनको सम्मान ग्रहण गर्न तिनका लोग्ने तथा वर्तमान सप्तश्री ज्ञानपिठका निर्देशक तपन प्रधान उपस्थित थिए। यसैबीच शिक्षाको क्षेत्रमा 125 वर्षको योगदान दिने कालेबुङको एसयुएमआईलाई पनि सम्वर्धना प्रदान गरियो। शिक्षाविद् पीआर प्रधानलाई कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले प्रशस्तिपत्र अनि स्मृति चिन्ह प्रदान गर्ने सम्मान जनायो। कार्यक्रममा जाइन लेप्चा, मनोज वोगटी, गोरूबथानका पत्रकार रुद्र कार्की, कथाकार सञ्जय विष्ट अनि पत्रकार डीके वाइवाले पुरस्कार प्रापकहरूको परिचय सम्बोधन राखेका थिए भने कार्यक्रमबीच क्लबको च्यानल दैनन्दिनीसित जोडिएर कार्य गरिरहेका सहयोगीहरूलाई पनि स्मृति चिन्ह् प्रदान गरिएको थियो।
बबिता घतानीलार्ई कालेबुङ रत्न
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 18 नोभेम्बर। सत्रवर्ष अघि सत्रवर्षकै उमेरदेखि सियो समातेर जिउने तथा सिलाई बुनाइ गरिरहेकी चञ्चली ठिटी बबिता घतानी एक्लैले व्यवसायिकरुपले 50 भन्दा धेरलाई स्वरोजगारी बनाएकी छन्। तिनको यही योगदानलाई कदर गर्दै कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले आज तिनलाई यसवर्षको कालेबुङ रत्न पुरस्कारले सम्मान गर्यो। मुख्यअथिति डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीको बाहुलीबाट तिनलाई चॉंदी अङ्कित स्मृति पत्र, दोसल्ला अनि प्रशस्ति पत्र प्रदान गरियो।

यसै अवधी दिल्लीमा ड्रेस डिजाइनिङमा डिप्लोमा लिएपछि तिनलाई लाग्यो सिकिएको यो कुरालाई सीमित राख्नु हुँदैन, अनि शुरू भयो सन् 1994 मा फेन्सी बुटिक 10 माइलमा। बविताले धेरै बेरोजगार महिलाहरूलाई रोजगारको ढोका खोलिदिएकी छन्। पचासजना उनी जस्तै सबलरुपमा आफूबाट प्रशिक्षण लिनेहरूले जीविकोपार्जन गरिरहेको बताउँछिन्-बबिता। मुख्यगरी नयॉं नयॉं डिजाइनका लुगाहरू उत्पादन गर्न बबिताको कोशिश हुने गरेको छ। अहिले तिनी सिक्किम, भुटान, नेपाल लगायत भारतका विभिन्न ठाउँहरूमा चर्चित छन्। इशाई जगत्मा तिनी विवहाका लूगाहरू निर्माण गर्ने एक भरोसापूर्ण व्यवसायी हुन्। 1997 मा तिनीको मिशन कम्पाण्डका अजय धमलासित बिवहा भयो। अहिले तिनीहरुसित तिनकी छोरी कृपाश्ना अनि छोरा बर्नाडसाथमा छन्। अहिलेसम्म नै बबिता घतानीले सोही फेन्सी बुटिक चलाइरहेकी छन्।
आफ्नो कारोबार त चलाइरहेकी नै छन्, यो सित नै यो पेशामा लागेर जीविकोपार्जन गर्न सकिने भएकैले धेरैलाई प्रशिक्षण पनि दिँदै आइरहेकी छन्। सरकारी निकायदेखि गैरसरकारी निकायसम्मले तिनलाई एक प्रशिक्षककोरुपमा निम्त्याउने गरेको छ। सिलाई बुनाई र ड्रेस डिजाइनिङ अहिले विश्वमा नै फैलिँदो पेशाकोरुपमा स्थापित बन्दै गइरहेकोले सरकारी रोजगारको आशामा नबसेर स्वनिर्भरी पेशातिर आजका युवतीहरू लाग्नुपर्ने धारणा बबितासित रहेको छ। पुरस्कार गर्हण गरेपछि तिनले भनिन्-थाहै नपाई मैले धेरैलाई स्वरोजगार बनाइसकेछु। अब थाहा गरेर बनाउने छु। मलाई प्रेस क्लबले दिएको यो जिम्मेवारीलाई कर्तव्यरूपमा लिएकी छु।
मनोजलाई एक्सिलेन्स इन जर्नलिज्म
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 18 नोभेम्बर। पकेट मनिको निम्ति गाउँमा ढुङ्गा फुटाउने मान्छेलाई परिवारको आर्थिक समस्याले छोप्दै लग्यो। आफूभित्रको कलालाई भित्र नै दबाएर परिवारको निम्ति कमाउनुपर्ने जिम्मावारीले जेठो छोरोलाई नै छोप्छ, त्यस्तै भयो तिनलाई पनि। गाउँमा नै गाडीमा झुण्डिएर गाडी चलाउन सिके। त्यसपछि तिनी ड्राइभर भए। आज तिनै ड्राइभरले खिचेको फोटो भुटानका रानीले छनौट गरेर भुटानको डाकटिकट बनाइएको छ। आज तिनै ड्राइभरलाई कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबले एक्सिलेन्स इन जर्नलिज्मले सम्मान गर्यो। ती सम्मानित पत्रकार हुन् कालेबुङ प्रेस क्लबदेवारा प्रसारित दैनन्दिनी च्यानलका भिडियो पत्रकार अनि तक्निकी सम्पादन मनोज राई। मनोज राई जो 18 सेप्टेम्बरको दिनको आएको भुइँचालोपछि आफूसित भएको एउटै हतियार भिडियो क्यामेरा लिएर पीडितहरुको दुःख बुझ्न गाउँ पसे।

मनोजले भुइँचालो पीडितहरूलाई राहत पुर्याउनको निम्ति ठूलो भुमिका निभाएका थिए। एउटा सरकारले गर्नुपर्ने काम एकजना पत्रकारले आफ्नो कॉंधमा लिँदै जुन साहस, धर्य र मानवीय गुणले उनलाई अग्रसर गरायो, उनको यही साहसिक र मानवीय कार्यको निम्ति प्रेस क्लब अफ कालेबुङले तिनलाई एक्सिलेन्स इन जर्नलिज्म-2011 ले सम्मान गरिरहेको छ-प्रेस कल्बका अध्यक्ष अरुण रसाइलीले भने। महाकालडॉंडा भालूखोप निवासी बीबी राई अनि पम्फा राईकी जेठो छोरा हुन् मनोज। तिनी एक रोजगारहीन परिवारका स्वरोजगारी छोरो हुन्। आज राम्रो क्यामेराम्यान-सित नै निर्भिक र जिम्मेवार पत्रकारकोरुपमा चिनिएका छन्।
एक ड्राइभर मान्छेले जीवनमा सामाजिक दायित्व बोकेर कसरी सफलताको फड्को मार्नुपर्छ- मनोजले उदाहरण दिएको छ। बाजेले किनिदिएको यासिका क्यामेराबाट फोटो पत्रकारिता अनि भिडियो पत्रकारिताको भुइँ पक्रिएका मनोज केटीभीपछि अहिले दैनन्दिनी च्यानलका भिडियो पत्रकार हुन्।
तिनले चलचित्र अनि म्युजिक भिडियोमा पनि क्यामेराम्यानको रुपमा काम गरिसकेका छन्। डम्फु-तिनले क्यामेरा चलाएको पहिलो म्युजिक भीडीयो थियो। सागर किरणले प्रशान्त तामाङलाई जिताउन निकालेको सबके दिलोंके धडकन, नमो बुद्धाय भजन, रहर लाग्यो है एल्बमहरु आउँछन् तिनको नामसित जोडिएर। याक्सुम ड्राइङ्ग, सिक्किमबाट निकालिएको यो एल्बम सिक्किमको इतिहास र संस्कृतिसित सम्बन्धित ऐतिहासिक एल्बम हो। यही एल्बममा मनोज राईले खिचेको भिडियोबाट निकालिएको सांस्कृतिक तस्बीरलाई भुटानको रानीको छनौटमा भुटानको डाक टिकट बनाइएको छ।
यस्ता धेरै एल्बमहरूमा मात्र होइन टेली चलचित्र जस्तै प्रिय मन, तिम्रो बासित पैसा छैन ,सायद, ज्योति बिनाको उज्यालोमा पनि तिनले काम गरेका छन्।
चर्चित चलचित्र निर्देशक अमर सराइली, शशि सुनाम अनि नेपालका चर्चित कोरियोग्रफर कमल राईसित पनि मनोजले काम गरिसकेका छन्। शंखे अनि मन्दिर गाउँका भुइँचालो पीडितहरूबारे तिनले बनाएको वित्तचित्रबाट प्रभावित बनेर होप फ्यामेली ट्रष्ट अनि विदेशी एक संस्थाले चार परिवारको घर निर्माण गर्ने कार्य गरिरहेको छ। अब पत्रकारितालाई गाउँतिर लगिनुपर्छ-मनोज राई भन्छन्। सबैथोक शहरमुखी बनेकोले ग्रामीणवासी किनारामा पर्दैछन्। उनीहरूको समस्या र दुःखहरूलाई शहरका पत्रकारहरूले सम्बोधन गर्न सक्नुपर्छ। मेरो प्रयास सही रहेको कुरा प्रेस क्लबद्वारा सम्मानित हुँदा मलाई अनुभव भएको छ-तिनले अझ भने। मनोज राई 24 घण्टा बङ्गला च्यानलका कालेबुङ संवाददाता पनि हुन् भने समय दैनिकसित पनि तिनको संलग्नता रहेको छ।
13th foundation day of Kalimpong Press Club held
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Babita receiving the citation from Dr HB Chhetri, MLA |
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Manoj Rai receiving the citation from Sr Correspondent A Kumar |
During the ceremony Manoj Rai a videographer and technical editor of Dainandini News, a local cable Tv news channel was also felicitated with excellence in Journalism for his service in relief to the earthquake victims of this year. Manoj’s one of the photograph was selected by Queen mother of Bhutan as a postal stamp.
Late Lalita Pradhan founder of Saptashree Gyanpith was posthumously awarded excellence in education for being a pioneer in establishing English medium private nursery school in Kalimpong. Tapan Pradhan director of thenschool and husband of late Lalita Pradhan received the citation. SUMI a century old school of Kalimpong was also felicitated for celebrating 125 years of establishment. PR Pradhan Ex headmaster of the school received the citation.
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Presentation of Olive |
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Tapan Pradhan of Saptashree Gyanpith receing the citation from Dr BB Gurung |
During the programme documentary on the activities and report of Kalimpong Press Club were presented. Dr HB Chhetri addressed the audience while Dr. BB gurung curator of Kalimpong Science centre, Mr. Arun Kumar and the MLA Dr. Chhetri gave away the citation and mementoes. Past and present news readers, hostess and interviewers of Dainandini a unit of kalimpong press Club were also felicitated by Mr AK Rasaily and AK Rai the club’s president and secretary for their contribution to the Kalimpong Press Club and its units like Dainandini.
Sitaram Kafley was the MC while Asct Prof Sanjay Bistha, Rudra Karki, Manoj Bogati, Zion Lepcha, Kalyan Thapa assisted in the welcome and biography presentation. Vote of thanks was given by DK Waiba.
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Babita addressing the audience |
चुनाउअधि नै मोर्चाको विजय उत्सव - निर्विरोध निर्वाचित उम्मेदवारहरूलाई नगर पार्षदको प्रमाण पत्र वितरण
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 19 नोभेम्बर। 11 दिसम्बरमा हुने नगरपालिका चुनाउमा कालेबुङमा रहेको 23 वटा नगरपालिका समष्टिमा मोर्चाविरूद्ध कुनै पनि दल अथवा निर्दलीय प्रार्थीहरू खडा नभएपछि चुनाउ अघि नै मोर्चा उम्मेदवारहरूको निर्विरोध जीत सुनिश्चित बन्यो। निर्विरोध मोर्चाका उम्मेदवारहरूलाई महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले नगरपालिका परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र वितरण गरे। 22 नम्बर वार्डका उम्मेदवार एलबी परियार आज अनुपस्थित रहेपनि रहल अन्यहरूले चुनाउ हुनअघि नै नगर परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र लिए। कालेबुङ नगरपालिकामा मोर्चासँग कसैले पनि प्रतिद्विन्दिता नगर्ने भएपछि मोर्चाले नगरपालिका वोर्ड गठन गर्ने निश्चित रहेकोले परिषदको टिकट थापेपछि मोर्चाले आज नै विजय उत्सव पालन गर्यो।
मोर्चा उम्मेदवारहरूले आज महकुमा अधिकारीको हातबाट नगर परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र लिएपछि मोर्चा समर्थक अनि नगर पार्षदहरूले खुशियालीस्वरूप नगरमा जुलूस निकाल्यो भने डम्बरचोकमा एक सभा पनि गर्यो। मोर्चा महकुमा समिति अध्यक्ष सरिता राईको सभापतित्वमा सम्पन्न सभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै कालेबुङका विधायक डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले कालेबुङ नगरको सर्वाङ्गिन विकासको निम्ति अहिलेको नगर पार्षदहरूमा धेरै जिम्मेवारी रहेको बताए। तिनले भने, हामीले नगर पार्षदहरूलाई धेरै जिम्मेवारी सुम्पिएका छौं। अब उनीहरूले धेरभन्दा धेर समय जनताको सेवामा खर्च गर्नुपर्छ। कालेबुङ नगरमा धेरै समस्या रहेको छ। पानीको समस्या छ, डम्पिङको समस्या छ। एलबी परियारजस्ता दक्ष व्यक्तित्व यसपल्ट नगरपालिामा छन्। नगरको सर्वाङ्गिन विकासको निम्ति पार्षदहरूले सही रूपमा कार्य गरेर देखाउनुपर्छ।
नगर भनेको घरको सिटिङ रूम रहेकोले त्यसको स्याहार सुसार गर्न जरुरी रहेको बताउँदै नगरलाई हेरेर नै नगरमा कस्ता मानिसहरू बस्छन् भन्ने बाहिरकाहरूले अडकल लगाउने बताए। सरकारलाई मोर्चाले राम्रोसँग चिनिसकेकोले सानोभन्दा सानो कुरा माग्नपरे पनि बाझ्न नपर्ने स्थिति आउने नगर पार्षदहरूलाई तिनले बताए। पर्यकटहरूले अबको दुइतीन वर्षभित्रमा कालेबुङको अनुहार परिवर्तन भएको देख्ने पनि तिनले प्रतिवद्धता जाहेर गरे। अहिले कालेबुङमा बाटो, पानी, बस्ने व्यवस्था अनि टुरिस्ट स्पोटहरूले धेर नभएकोले पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा वृद्धि हुननसकेको बताउँदै पर्यटकहरूलाई यी सुविधाहरू प्रदान गर्न अहिले मोर्चा लागिपरेको तिनले बताए। अर्कोतिर, मोर्चा महकुमा समितिका सचिव शुभ प्रधानले अग्रजहरूले गरेको भूललाई सच्चयाएर पार्षदहरूले कार्य गर्नुपर्ने सभामा बताए। मोर्चा स्टडी फोरमका सदस्य एवं मोर्चा कालेबुङ नगरपालिका चुनाउ समितिका अध्यक्ष आरबी भूजेलले जनताको सहयोग, विपक्षीदलहरूको मौन समर्थन अनि आन्दोलन अवधी मोर्चाले घर दैलोमा गएर लिएको समर्थनकै कारण नगरपालिका चुनाउमा मोर्चाको निर्विरोध जीत हुनसकेको बताए। आगामी चुनाउहरूमा पनि मोर्चाले नै निर्विरोध जीत हासिल गर्ने विश्वास प्रकट गरे।
जिना हत्याकाण्डको प्रतिवादमा मौन जुलूस
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज,कालेबुङ, 19 नोभेम्बर। पेदोङको तोपखानाकी जिना प्रधानको निर्मम हत्याकाण्डको विरोधमा अहिले चारैतिरबाट प्रतिवाद भइरहेको छ। हत्याकाण्डमा संलग्न आरोपीलाई यथाशीघ्र पक्राउ गरिनुपर्ने मागमा आज कालेबुङको एक अराजनैतिक संस्था एकता परिवार पनि सडकमा ओर्लियो। एकता परिवारले हत्याकाण्को विरोधमा आज नगरमा मौन जुलूस निकाल्यो। स्थानीय डम्बरचोक परिसरबाट शुरू भएको जुलूसले नगर परिक्रमा गर्दै महकुमा अधिकारी कार्यलयमा पुगी एलएन शेर्पालाई समाजमा चेलीहरू असुरक्षित रहेको बताउँदै आरोपीलाई यथाशीघ्र पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा एक ज्ञापन पनि चडायो। महकुमा अधिकारीलाई ज्ञापन बुझाएपछि प्रतिनिधिहरूले जुलूसमा सहभागी बनेकाहरूलाई सम्बोधन पनि गरे। जुलूसमा एकता परिवारका सभापति विनय घिसिङ, सचिव छिरिङ डेङ्गा भोटिया, सदस्य विजय सुन्दास, दार्जीलिङ डाइसेस क्याथलिक एसोसिएसनका बेनेडिक गुरूङ, दामसाङ क्याथोलिक एसोसिएसनका राजेन थापा आदिको विशेष उपस्थिति थियो।
Move to divide UP fuels demand for Gorkhaland
Madhuparna Das, IE.Kolkata Nov 20, 2011: The demand for the separate state of Gorkhaland has once again gathered the steam after the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati, brought the proposal for UP’s partition in four smaller states in the state legislature.
After Mayawati proposed to divide UP into Awadh Pradesh, Poorvanchal, Bundelkhand and Paschim Pradesh, the hill parties and civil society groups of Darjeeling have again started raising their voice for Gorkhaland demand.
Significantly, the GJM which recently signed the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) treaty with the state and the Central government has also started taking part in the movement and senior leadership of the party insists that if UP can be divided into four states, why Gorkhland should not be carved out from West Bengal.
“We are closely watching the developments in Uttar Pradesh. We support the cause of the UP government and we will meet our Central committee members shortly to discuss how we can initiate talks with the state government for separate statehood,” said Roshan Giri, GJM general secretary.
Meanwhile, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, a national-level NGO of the Indian Gorkhas, which is fighting for the cause of Gorkhaland, has welcomed the Mayawati government’s move and urged other states to renew their demand for creation of smaller states. The BGP urges that an initiative be taken at the earliest to address demands for Gorkhaland and Telengana as well.
“We welcome the UP Cabinet decision and now other states should also follow the UP example for creating smaller states,” said Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan, working president, BGP.
“We hope the UP Cabinet move will initiate the national debate on reorganisation of India. Particularly about Gorkhaland, the Parisangh makes it amply clear that the present agreement on GTA does not reflect the aspirations of the Gorkhas living in Darjeeling, Dooars and other parts of the country. The agreement between the West Bengal government and the GJM should not be held up as an excuse to deny the genuine demand of the Indian Gorkhas for a separate state of Gorkhaland,” said Munshi Tamang, general secretary of BGP.
GJM candidates victorious in civic election -victory rally in Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong
KalimNews, Kalimpong, 19 November: In the municipality election of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong municipalities Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) candidates won without any contest. The Municipal election held after 6 years only in Mirik the polls slated for the December 11 will decide the fate of five for the nine wards where more than one candidates have filed nomination.
In Mirik 8 independent candidates had filed nominations for six wards. Of the 8 Nima Singh Tamang from Ward 6, Sunil Bomzan from Ward 7 and Saraswati Tamang from Ward 3 withdrew to declare the GJM candidates of these wards victorious.
But Vijay Tamang of Ward 6, Roshan Tamang of Ward 7, Krishna Sarki of Ward 8, Bijay Tamang of ward 9 and Pemba Tshering Tamang of Ward 2 refused to withdraw and decided to contest the poll.The first three belong to GJM and were expelled by the party.
For all the wards of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong along with 4 wards of Mirik single candidates filed nomination as such these candidates were declared victorious.
The GJM candidates had filed nomination for the entire 32 seats in Darjeeling, 23 seats in Kalimpong, 20 seats in Kurseong and 9 seats in Mirik.The uncontested candidates were handed over the certificates by the respective election officers.
After the notification of election after December 13 the formation of Municipal boards in the 4 Hill Municipalities will be formed.
GJM brought victory rallies in all the three hill towns of Kalimpong, Kurseong and Darjeeling.
National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 2011 to 11 years old handicapped by both the hands Bikram Bhattarai
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, NOVEMBER 19: Despite of being handicapped by both the hands 11 years old Bikram Bhattarai’s exceptional performance in all round activities has earned him the National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 2011.
A student of class II in Indira Memorial Academy at Sama-Lingdum busty of Ranka, Bikram received the award from the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Women and Child Development Krishna Tirath during the childrens’ day celebration at Vigywan Bhawan, New Delhi on November 14.
The award comprises of a certificate, trophy and a cash award of Rs 10,000. Born on 18th November 2002 to Narapati and Januka Bhattarai Bikram is a brilliant student who has not allowed his physical disability to be a hinder in his quest for excellence.He was born without hands, but has taught himself to use his feet for all the purposes including the writing, eating, and even painting. He also performs better than many of his class mates. He is a very talented artist and draws and paints efficiently using the feet. He also plays football and has a keen interest in the sports.
“I am happy that my son’s talent has been appreciated, what can be more painful for the parents to see their child suffer without hands” said the proud father NP Bhattarai talking with Media today.He has also thanked all those who motivated Bikram in leading a normal child life despite of his physical deformities.
Small feet, big steps: Children honoured on their day
IANS, New Delhi: Becoming an artist may not be an unusual dream for a 9-year-old, but for Bikram Bhattarai from Sikkim, it's an extraordinary achievement. One of the winners of the National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement, Bikram is a painter, a good student and a football player with a difference -- he was born without hands.
Asked how he felt about winning the award, he gives a naughty smile. Good, he says shyly.
He used to see his elder sister do things with her hands, he picked it up and started doing it with his feet, says Bikram's mother Jhumpa.
He saw her writing, using pen and pencils with her hands, and he picked it up, she says.
Bikram's elder sister Anjali is 12 years old. Their father N.P. Bhattarai is the sarpanch of Samalingdum village in Sikkim.
The boy now paints, writes and eats using his feet.
Asked what his hobbies are, the boy, shy of the strangers surrounding him, looks at his parents, who translate his answer.
Playing..., comes the reply from his mother.
We are proud of him, he never thought he lacked something, and he does not, says the father.
Bikram is among the 27 children who were felicitated with National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement here on the occasion of Children's Day.
Another young talent is five-year-old Akshita, who won the award as an artist and blogger.
Perhaps one of the youngest bloggers of the country, Akshita's blog is called Pakhi ki Duniya, a place where her pictures, photos and thoughts are updated, with the help of her parents.
She used to make drawings since she was very young. Earlier, we used to throw them away. But then we realised her perception was different, says Akanksha, Akshita's mother.
Her imagination is different, she will draw a fish in the sky, and interpret things differently. So we started updating her drawings, photos and other things on her blog, says her father Krishna Kumar Yadav, who is a director in the Postal Department.
He adds that her blog has views from more than 70 countries, and over 400 people are following the little girl's Facebook page.
Adding to the list of extraordinary children are Haris Imtiaz Khan, a 13-year-old who holds the record for being world's youngest live portrait artist; 15-year-old Mohit, who has to his credit more than 200 awards in art and painting and Shubha Tatiya, 11, who has been awarded for her talent in skating.
AAGSU ashes of music legend Bhupen Hazarika was immersed in the Teesta
PR, AGSU, Guwahati, Nov. 14: A portion of the ashes of music legend Bhupen Hazarika was immersed in the Teesta at Tribeni confluence of the Teesta and the Rangeet, 18km from Kalimpong town on Childrens Day, hours after an urn containing the mortal remains of the singer reached the mountainous region of the Gorkha Territorial Administration from Guwahati. मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 19 नोभेम्बर। 11 दिसम्बरमा हुने नगरपालिका चुनाउमा कालेबुङमा रहेको 23 वटा नगरपालिका समष्टिमा मोर्चाविरूद्ध कुनै पनि दल अथवा निर्दलीय प्रार्थीहरू खडा नभएपछि चुनाउ अघि नै मोर्चा उम्मेदवारहरूको निर्विरोध जीत सुनिश्चित बन्यो। निर्विरोध मोर्चाका उम्मेदवारहरूलाई महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले नगरपालिका परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र वितरण गरे। 22 नम्बर वार्डका उम्मेदवार एलबी परियार आज अनुपस्थित रहेपनि रहल अन्यहरूले चुनाउ हुनअघि नै नगर परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र लिए। कालेबुङ नगरपालिकामा मोर्चासँग कसैले पनि प्रतिद्विन्दिता नगर्ने भएपछि मोर्चाले नगरपालिका वोर्ड गठन गर्ने निश्चित रहेकोले परिषदको टिकट थापेपछि मोर्चाले आज नै विजय उत्सव पालन गर्यो।
मोर्चा उम्मेदवारहरूले आज महकुमा अधिकारीको हातबाट नगर परिषदको प्रमाण पत्र लिएपछि मोर्चा समर्थक अनि नगर पार्षदहरूले खुशियालीस्वरूप नगरमा जुलूस निकाल्यो भने डम्बरचोकमा एक सभा पनि गर्यो। मोर्चा महकुमा समिति अध्यक्ष सरिता राईको सभापतित्वमा सम्पन्न सभालाई सम्बोधन गर्दै कालेबुङका विधायक डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले कालेबुङ नगरको सर्वाङ्गिन विकासको निम्ति अहिलेको नगर पार्षदहरूमा धेरै जिम्मेवारी रहेको बताए। तिनले भने, हामीले नगर पार्षदहरूलाई धेरै जिम्मेवारी सुम्पिएका छौं। अब उनीहरूले धेरभन्दा धेर समय जनताको सेवामा खर्च गर्नुपर्छ। कालेबुङ नगरमा धेरै समस्या रहेको छ। पानीको समस्या छ, डम्पिङको समस्या छ। एलबी परियारजस्ता दक्ष व्यक्तित्व यसपल्ट नगरपालिामा छन्। नगरको सर्वाङ्गिन विकासको निम्ति पार्षदहरूले सही रूपमा कार्य गरेर देखाउनुपर्छ।
नगर भनेको घरको सिटिङ रूम रहेकोले त्यसको स्याहार सुसार गर्न जरुरी रहेको बताउँदै नगरलाई हेरेर नै नगरमा कस्ता मानिसहरू बस्छन् भन्ने बाहिरकाहरूले अडकल लगाउने बताए। सरकारलाई मोर्चाले राम्रोसँग चिनिसकेकोले सानोभन्दा सानो कुरा माग्नपरे पनि बाझ्न नपर्ने स्थिति आउने नगर पार्षदहरूलाई तिनले बताए। पर्यकटहरूले अबको दुइतीन वर्षभित्रमा कालेबुङको अनुहार परिवर्तन भएको देख्ने पनि तिनले प्रतिवद्धता जाहेर गरे। अहिले कालेबुङमा बाटो, पानी, बस्ने व्यवस्था अनि टुरिस्ट स्पोटहरूले धेर नभएकोले पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा वृद्धि हुननसकेको बताउँदै पर्यटकहरूलाई यी सुविधाहरू प्रदान गर्न अहिले मोर्चा लागिपरेको तिनले बताए। अर्कोतिर, मोर्चा महकुमा समितिका सचिव शुभ प्रधानले अग्रजहरूले गरेको भूललाई सच्चयाएर पार्षदहरूले कार्य गर्नुपर्ने सभामा बताए। मोर्चा स्टडी फोरमका सदस्य एवं मोर्चा कालेबुङ नगरपालिका चुनाउ समितिका अध्यक्ष आरबी भूजेलले जनताको सहयोग, विपक्षीदलहरूको मौन समर्थन अनि आन्दोलन अवधी मोर्चाले घर दैलोमा गएर लिएको समर्थनकै कारण नगरपालिका चुनाउमा मोर्चाको निर्विरोध जीत हुनसकेको बताए। आगामी चुनाउहरूमा पनि मोर्चाले नै निर्विरोध जीत हासिल गर्ने विश्वास प्रकट गरे।
जिना हत्याकाण्डको प्रतिवादमा मौन जुलूस
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज,कालेबुङ, 19 नोभेम्बर। पेदोङको तोपखानाकी जिना प्रधानको निर्मम हत्याकाण्डको विरोधमा अहिले चारैतिरबाट प्रतिवाद भइरहेको छ। हत्याकाण्डमा संलग्न आरोपीलाई यथाशीघ्र पक्राउ गरिनुपर्ने मागमा आज कालेबुङको एक अराजनैतिक संस्था एकता परिवार पनि सडकमा ओर्लियो। एकता परिवारले हत्याकाण्को विरोधमा आज नगरमा मौन जुलूस निकाल्यो। स्थानीय डम्बरचोक परिसरबाट शुरू भएको जुलूसले नगर परिक्रमा गर्दै महकुमा अधिकारी कार्यलयमा पुगी एलएन शेर्पालाई समाजमा चेलीहरू असुरक्षित रहेको बताउँदै आरोपीलाई यथाशीघ्र पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा एक ज्ञापन पनि चडायो। महकुमा अधिकारीलाई ज्ञापन बुझाएपछि प्रतिनिधिहरूले जुलूसमा सहभागी बनेकाहरूलाई सम्बोधन पनि गरे। जुलूसमा एकता परिवारका सभापति विनय घिसिङ, सचिव छिरिङ डेङ्गा भोटिया, सदस्य विजय सुन्दास, दार्जीलिङ डाइसेस क्याथलिक एसोसिएसनका बेनेडिक गुरूङ, दामसाङ क्याथोलिक एसोसिएसनका राजेन थापा आदिको विशेष उपस्थिति थियो।

Madhuparna Das, IE.Kolkata Nov 20, 2011: The demand for the separate state of Gorkhaland has once again gathered the steam after the Chief Minister of Uttar Pradesh, Mayawati, brought the proposal for UP’s partition in four smaller states in the state legislature.
After Mayawati proposed to divide UP into Awadh Pradesh, Poorvanchal, Bundelkhand and Paschim Pradesh, the hill parties and civil society groups of Darjeeling have again started raising their voice for Gorkhaland demand.
Significantly, the GJM which recently signed the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) treaty with the state and the Central government has also started taking part in the movement and senior leadership of the party insists that if UP can be divided into four states, why Gorkhland should not be carved out from West Bengal.
“We are closely watching the developments in Uttar Pradesh. We support the cause of the UP government and we will meet our Central committee members shortly to discuss how we can initiate talks with the state government for separate statehood,” said Roshan Giri, GJM general secretary.
Meanwhile, Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, a national-level NGO of the Indian Gorkhas, which is fighting for the cause of Gorkhaland, has welcomed the Mayawati government’s move and urged other states to renew their demand for creation of smaller states. The BGP urges that an initiative be taken at the earliest to address demands for Gorkhaland and Telengana as well.
“We welcome the UP Cabinet decision and now other states should also follow the UP example for creating smaller states,” said Rev Dr Enos Das Pradhan, working president, BGP.
“We hope the UP Cabinet move will initiate the national debate on reorganisation of India. Particularly about Gorkhaland, the Parisangh makes it amply clear that the present agreement on GTA does not reflect the aspirations of the Gorkhas living in Darjeeling, Dooars and other parts of the country. The agreement between the West Bengal government and the GJM should not be held up as an excuse to deny the genuine demand of the Indian Gorkhas for a separate state of Gorkhaland,” said Munshi Tamang, general secretary of BGP.
GJM candidates victorious in civic election -victory rally in Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong
KalimNews, Kalimpong, 19 November: In the municipality election of Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong municipalities Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) candidates won without any contest. The Municipal election held after 6 years only in Mirik the polls slated for the December 11 will decide the fate of five for the nine wards where more than one candidates have filed nomination.
In Mirik 8 independent candidates had filed nominations for six wards. Of the 8 Nima Singh Tamang from Ward 6, Sunil Bomzan from Ward 7 and Saraswati Tamang from Ward 3 withdrew to declare the GJM candidates of these wards victorious.
But Vijay Tamang of Ward 6, Roshan Tamang of Ward 7, Krishna Sarki of Ward 8, Bijay Tamang of ward 9 and Pemba Tshering Tamang of Ward 2 refused to withdraw and decided to contest the poll.The first three belong to GJM and were expelled by the party.
For all the wards of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong along with 4 wards of Mirik single candidates filed nomination as such these candidates were declared victorious.
The GJM candidates had filed nomination for the entire 32 seats in Darjeeling, 23 seats in Kalimpong, 20 seats in Kurseong and 9 seats in Mirik.The uncontested candidates were handed over the certificates by the respective election officers.
After the notification of election after December 13 the formation of Municipal boards in the 4 Hill Municipalities will be formed.
GJM brought victory rallies in all the three hill towns of Kalimpong, Kurseong and Darjeeling.
National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 2011 to 11 years old handicapped by both the hands Bikram Bhattarai
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, NOVEMBER 19: Despite of being handicapped by both the hands 11 years old Bikram Bhattarai’s exceptional performance in all round activities has earned him the National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement 2011.
A student of class II in Indira Memorial Academy at Sama-Lingdum busty of Ranka, Bikram received the award from the Union Minister of State (Independent Charge), Women and Child Development Krishna Tirath during the childrens’ day celebration at Vigywan Bhawan, New Delhi on November 14.
The award comprises of a certificate, trophy and a cash award of Rs 10,000. Born on 18th November 2002 to Narapati and Januka Bhattarai Bikram is a brilliant student who has not allowed his physical disability to be a hinder in his quest for excellence.He was born without hands, but has taught himself to use his feet for all the purposes including the writing, eating, and even painting. He also performs better than many of his class mates. He is a very talented artist and draws and paints efficiently using the feet. He also plays football and has a keen interest in the sports.
“I am happy that my son’s talent has been appreciated, what can be more painful for the parents to see their child suffer without hands” said the proud father NP Bhattarai talking with Media today.He has also thanked all those who motivated Bikram in leading a normal child life despite of his physical deformities.
Small feet, big steps: Children honoured on their day
IANS, New Delhi: Becoming an artist may not be an unusual dream for a 9-year-old, but for Bikram Bhattarai from Sikkim, it's an extraordinary achievement. One of the winners of the National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement, Bikram is a painter, a good student and a football player with a difference -- he was born without hands.
Asked how he felt about winning the award, he gives a naughty smile. Good, he says shyly.
He used to see his elder sister do things with her hands, he picked it up and started doing it with his feet, says Bikram's mother Jhumpa.
He saw her writing, using pen and pencils with her hands, and he picked it up, she says.
Bikram's elder sister Anjali is 12 years old. Their father N.P. Bhattarai is the sarpanch of Samalingdum village in Sikkim.
The boy now paints, writes and eats using his feet.
Asked what his hobbies are, the boy, shy of the strangers surrounding him, looks at his parents, who translate his answer.
Playing..., comes the reply from his mother.
We are proud of him, he never thought he lacked something, and he does not, says the father.
Bikram is among the 27 children who were felicitated with National Child Award for Exceptional Achievement here on the occasion of Children's Day.
Another young talent is five-year-old Akshita, who won the award as an artist and blogger.
Perhaps one of the youngest bloggers of the country, Akshita's blog is called Pakhi ki Duniya, a place where her pictures, photos and thoughts are updated, with the help of her parents.
She used to make drawings since she was very young. Earlier, we used to throw them away. But then we realised her perception was different, says Akanksha, Akshita's mother.
Her imagination is different, she will draw a fish in the sky, and interpret things differently. So we started updating her drawings, photos and other things on her blog, says her father Krishna Kumar Yadav, who is a director in the Postal Department.
He adds that her blog has views from more than 70 countries, and over 400 people are following the little girl's Facebook page.
Adding to the list of extraordinary children are Haris Imtiaz Khan, a 13-year-old who holds the record for being world's youngest live portrait artist; 15-year-old Mohit, who has to his credit more than 200 awards in art and painting and Shubha Tatiya, 11, who has been awarded for her talent in skating.
AAGSU ashes of music legend Bhupen Hazarika was immersed in the Teesta
The urn was taken to GTA region by the influential Gorkha students and youths organization called the All Assam Gorkha Students Union (AAGSU) which was supported by Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh,Assam State Comitee and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. Some 100-odd people gathered to pay their last respects to a man whose love for the Gorkhas was evident by the “vadgawley” Gorkha topi with crossed khukuris pinned to it that the balladeer always worn since 1965 after it was given to him possibly by two of his close Gorkha friends namely literature Hari Prasad Gorkha Rai of Kohima and Hari Bhakta Kotuwal of Digboi. Thousands paid their tribute while being carried to Teesta.
The Gorkhas find mention in several of his songs.Cries of “Bhupen Hazarika Amar Rahos” broke the afternoon quiet as the urn was put on a raft and taken to the middle of the river. “The essence of Bhupenda was his humanism. He does not belong only to Assam but to the entire world. His songs do not talk about his community alone but of others as well. We felt it was only fitting to immerse his ashes in the Teesta as a way of paying our respects since rivers figure so prominently in his songs,” said Keshab Sharma, the General Secretary of AAGSU who headed the team with holy ash to GTA. The other day the part of cheetavasma of Maha Manab was taken to Tiger Hills and Mount Kachenjunga and preserved in the hill top.
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