विलुप्त सालक उद्दार

प्रवीण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 3 जून। दक्षिण सिक्किमको दूर्गम गाउँ कामलीङमा जंगली च्याउ खाँदा एकै परिवारको चार सदस्यको मृत्यु भएको छ भने अन्य चारजना अस्पतालमा मृत्युसित जुधी रहेका छन्। घटनाअनुसार गत 28 मईको अपरान्हको भोजनमा आब्राहम राईको परिवारले जंगलबाट सधैं झै खोजेर ल्याएको च्याउसित खाना खाएका थिए। च्याउ विषाक्त भएकोले सबैजना विमार भएपछि गाउँलेहरूले मंगलबारे अस्पताल पुऱ्याएर उपचारको निम्ति भर्ती गरेका थिए। त्यहाँ उपचार संभाव नहुँदा नाम्ची जिल्ला अपस्ताल ल्याइएको थियो जहाँ अब्राहम राईकी 7 वर्षिय छोरी सरिता राईको 29 मई आइतबारको दिन अस्पतालमै मृत्यु भयो ।
यसरीनै उपचारकै क्रममा पिता अब्राहम (52) को गत 1 जुनको दिन मृत्यु भयो। मृत्युको क्रम रोकिएन अझ विशेष उपचारको निम्ति सेन्ट्ररल रेफरल हस्पिटल (मणिपाल) रहेका अन्य विरामीहरूलाई ल्याइएको थियो जहाँ घरका आमा सारा राई (31) अनि कान्छो छोरो बुद्धिमान राई (10) को हिजो 2 जुनको दिन मृत्यु भयो। यसरी पटक-पटक गरेर एकै परिवारको चार सदस्य मरिसकेका छन्।
अहिले अब्राहमको दुइ छोरो नितान्त टुहुरो बनेको छ भने जेठो छोरो राजेन्द्र राई (14) पनि मणिपाल अस्पतालमा उपचाराधिनछ। अब्राहमका परिवार बाहेक उनकै घरमा दिँउसो स्कूल छुट्टी भएर आएका छोरोका साथी मन कुमार राई (10) अनि नवीन थापा (12) ले पनि च्याउसित भात खाएका थिए। उनीहरू पनि अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन छन्। यसैगरि उक्त दिन भोजन गर्ने गाउँकै एकजना वृद्धा पनि थिइन उनको उपचार नाम्ची अस्पतालमा चलिरहेको मृतक अब्राहमकी साली कविता राईले जानकारी दिइऩ्। अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन रहेका नानीहरूमा नवीन थापाको अवस्था गम्भीर रहेको छ भने उनलाई संघन चिकित्सा कक्ष (आइसीयू)-मा उपचार गराइऩ्दैछ।
विरामी मनकुमारका पिता राज कुमार राईले बताएअनुसार आब्राहमको परिवारमा तीन छोरा एक छोरी थियो जस मध्ये माइलो छोरोले च्याउ नखाएकोले उनी स्वास्थ्य छन्। अहिले अब्राहमको जेठो छोरो पनि मणिपालमा मृत्युसित सिंगौरी खेलिरहेको छ भने परिवारको सबै ठूला सदस्यहरूको मृत्य भएपछि उनीहरू नितान्त टुहुरो भएका छन्। यद्यपी गाउँले अनि अब्राहमकी साली कविता राईले उनीहरूलाई देखरेख गरिरहेका छन्। राजु कुमार राईले बताए अनुसार अब्राहमको परिवार कुतमा बसेर खेती किसान गरेरै जिवीकोपार्जन गर्ने भएकोले उनीहरूको आर्थिक अवस्था कमजोर छ जसले गर्दा अब यी नानीहरूको भविष्यबारे सबैलाई चिन्ता भइरहेको छ। अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन रहेका दुइजनाको भने स्वस्थ्यमा सुधार भइरहेको छ भने नाम्चीमा उपचाराधिन बोजुको पनि अवस्थामा सुधार भइरहेको राजकुमारले बताएका छन्।
पानी सङ्कट- 1 करोड़को काम खै?यसरीनै उपचारकै क्रममा पिता अब्राहम (52) को गत 1 जुनको दिन मृत्यु भयो। मृत्युको क्रम रोकिएन अझ विशेष उपचारको निम्ति सेन्ट्ररल रेफरल हस्पिटल (मणिपाल) रहेका अन्य विरामीहरूलाई ल्याइएको थियो जहाँ घरका आमा सारा राई (31) अनि कान्छो छोरो बुद्धिमान राई (10) को हिजो 2 जुनको दिन मृत्यु भयो। यसरी पटक-पटक गरेर एकै परिवारको चार सदस्य मरिसकेका छन्।
अहिले अब्राहमको दुइ छोरो नितान्त टुहुरो बनेको छ भने जेठो छोरो राजेन्द्र राई (14) पनि मणिपाल अस्पतालमा उपचाराधिनछ। अब्राहमका परिवार बाहेक उनकै घरमा दिँउसो स्कूल छुट्टी भएर आएका छोरोका साथी मन कुमार राई (10) अनि नवीन थापा (12) ले पनि च्याउसित भात खाएका थिए। उनीहरू पनि अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन छन्। यसैगरि उक्त दिन भोजन गर्ने गाउँकै एकजना वृद्धा पनि थिइन उनको उपचार नाम्ची अस्पतालमा चलिरहेको मृतक अब्राहमकी साली कविता राईले जानकारी दिइऩ्। अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन रहेका नानीहरूमा नवीन थापाको अवस्था गम्भीर रहेको छ भने उनलाई संघन चिकित्सा कक्ष (आइसीयू)-मा उपचार गराइऩ्दैछ।
विरामी मनकुमारका पिता राज कुमार राईले बताएअनुसार आब्राहमको परिवारमा तीन छोरा एक छोरी थियो जस मध्ये माइलो छोरोले च्याउ नखाएकोले उनी स्वास्थ्य छन्। अहिले अब्राहमको जेठो छोरो पनि मणिपालमा मृत्युसित सिंगौरी खेलिरहेको छ भने परिवारको सबै ठूला सदस्यहरूको मृत्य भएपछि उनीहरू नितान्त टुहुरो भएका छन्। यद्यपी गाउँले अनि अब्राहमकी साली कविता राईले उनीहरूलाई देखरेख गरिरहेका छन्। राजु कुमार राईले बताए अनुसार अब्राहमको परिवार कुतमा बसेर खेती किसान गरेरै जिवीकोपार्जन गर्ने भएकोले उनीहरूको आर्थिक अवस्था कमजोर छ जसले गर्दा अब यी नानीहरूको भविष्यबारे सबैलाई चिन्ता भइरहेको छ। अहिले मणिपालमा उपचाराधिन रहेका दुइजनाको भने स्वस्थ्यमा सुधार भइरहेको छ भने नाम्चीमा उपचाराधिन बोजुको पनि अवस्थामा सुधार भइरहेको राजकुमारले बताएका छन्।
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 3 जून।पानी नै पानी भएको पहाड़ पानी कै सङ्कटले छट्पट्टिनु विश्वकै निम्ति तेस्रो आश्चर्य हुनसक्छ तर विभागीय अधिकारी र ठेकेदारलाई पानीको संकट भुसुनो जत्रो पनि होइन।
सरकारले योजना दिन्छ, राशि अनुमोदन हुन्छ तर कुनै काम भने हुँदैन, यस्तो घटना कहीँ घट्न भने केवल दार्जीलिङ जिल्लामा घट्छ। पानीको उद्गम स्थल नै दार्जीलिङ हो, तर पश्चिम बङ्गालभरिमा नै पानी सबैभन्दा मुख्य समस्या बनेको जिल्ला नै पनि दार्जीलिङ रहेको छ। पानीलाई नै लिएर राजनैतिक शक्तिको उदय-अस्त हुने दार्जीलिङको कुनै पनि यस्तो महकुमा छैन, जहॉं पिउने पानीको हाहाकार नहोस्।
कालेबुङमा पानीको संकटले जनतालाई साह्रै सताएकोले सरकारले पानी व्यवस्थित गर्न योजना त बनायो, योजनालाई कार्यान्वयन गर्न राशि पनि अनुमोदन गर्यो। यसको निम्ति ठेकेदारलाई काम पनि दियो तर चारवर्ष वित्यो न त ट्याङ्की बनियो न त नालाहरू नै व्यवस्थितरूपले विछ्याइयो, जनसरोकारको मुद्दा उठाउने कालेबुङ माकपाका एकमात्र सक्रिय नेता तारा सुन्दासले आज कालेबुङ महकुमालाई यही गुनासो राखे।
सुन्दास अनुसार, कारमाइकल ग्राउण्डमा नगरपालिका अधिनस्थ 1 लाख ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउनको निम्ति 21 लाख 91 हजार रुपियॉंको योजना, उच्चकन्या पाठशाला नजिक 15,000 ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्कीको निम्ति 7 लाख 52 हजार, हाटबजारको निम्ति 10,000 ग्लायनल पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउन 3 लाख 90 हजार, अनि लालगल्लीको निम्ति 15,000 ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउन 4 लाख 53 हजार लगायत धेरै ठॉंउ नाला विछ्याउन मोठ 1 करोड़को योजना बनाइएको छ। जसको काम गर्न ठेकेदारलाई 2008 मा नै काम सुम्पिएको छ। तर अहिले एउटा ट्याङ्कीमात्र 90 प्रतिशत बनिएको अनि अन्य भने कामै भइरहेको छैन। सुन्दासले महकुमा अधिकारीलाई सोधे, यो के यहॉंका नागिरकहरूमाथि हेल्चेक्राईँ होइन?
पैसा छ, योजना छ, तर काम कहॉं भइरहेको छ? कालेबुङ नगरमा पानीको सङ्कट जुन छ, त्यसको दायी विभाग होइन र? नयॉं आएका महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले सुन्दासबाट वृतान्त कुरा सुनेपछि तुरुन्तै खोजखबर गर्ने र समस्या समाधान गर्न शीघ्र नै पहल गर्ने प्रतिश्रुति दिए। सुन्दासले पानीको योजना शुरू भएपनि काम नभएपछि आरटीआई मार्फत कामको सम्पूर्ण विवरण मागेपछि नै महकुमा अधिकारीलाई शीघ्र पहलको निम्ति अपिल गर्दै ज्ञापन दिएका हुन्। सुन्दासले भने, सरकारको पानीको समस्या समाधान गर्न त्यहॉं 50 करोड़को योजना बुझाइएको छ। सिलगड़ीको गजलडोबामा 176 करोड़को वाटर ट्रिटमेन्ट प्लान बनाइएको छ, तर कालेबुङमा भने सबै समस्या समाधान गर्न किन कुनै योजना बनाइएको छैन? शीघ्र नै कालेबुङको पानी सङ्कटलाई समाधान गर्न आधिकारिक पहल शुरू हुनुपर्छ।
सरकारले योजना दिन्छ, राशि अनुमोदन हुन्छ तर कुनै काम भने हुँदैन, यस्तो घटना कहीँ घट्न भने केवल दार्जीलिङ जिल्लामा घट्छ। पानीको उद्गम स्थल नै दार्जीलिङ हो, तर पश्चिम बङ्गालभरिमा नै पानी सबैभन्दा मुख्य समस्या बनेको जिल्ला नै पनि दार्जीलिङ रहेको छ। पानीलाई नै लिएर राजनैतिक शक्तिको उदय-अस्त हुने दार्जीलिङको कुनै पनि यस्तो महकुमा छैन, जहॉं पिउने पानीको हाहाकार नहोस्।
कालेबुङमा पानीको संकटले जनतालाई साह्रै सताएकोले सरकारले पानी व्यवस्थित गर्न योजना त बनायो, योजनालाई कार्यान्वयन गर्न राशि पनि अनुमोदन गर्यो। यसको निम्ति ठेकेदारलाई काम पनि दियो तर चारवर्ष वित्यो न त ट्याङ्की बनियो न त नालाहरू नै व्यवस्थितरूपले विछ्याइयो, जनसरोकारको मुद्दा उठाउने कालेबुङ माकपाका एकमात्र सक्रिय नेता तारा सुन्दासले आज कालेबुङ महकुमालाई यही गुनासो राखे।
सुन्दास अनुसार, कारमाइकल ग्राउण्डमा नगरपालिका अधिनस्थ 1 लाख ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउनको निम्ति 21 लाख 91 हजार रुपियॉंको योजना, उच्चकन्या पाठशाला नजिक 15,000 ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्कीको निम्ति 7 लाख 52 हजार, हाटबजारको निम्ति 10,000 ग्लायनल पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउन 3 लाख 90 हजार, अनि लालगल्लीको निम्ति 15,000 ग्यालन पानी अँट्ने ट्याङ्की बनाउन 4 लाख 53 हजार लगायत धेरै ठॉंउ नाला विछ्याउन मोठ 1 करोड़को योजना बनाइएको छ। जसको काम गर्न ठेकेदारलाई 2008 मा नै काम सुम्पिएको छ। तर अहिले एउटा ट्याङ्कीमात्र 90 प्रतिशत बनिएको अनि अन्य भने कामै भइरहेको छैन। सुन्दासले महकुमा अधिकारीलाई सोधे, यो के यहॉंका नागिरकहरूमाथि हेल्चेक्राईँ होइन?
पैसा छ, योजना छ, तर काम कहॉं भइरहेको छ? कालेबुङ नगरमा पानीको सङ्कट जुन छ, त्यसको दायी विभाग होइन र? नयॉं आएका महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले सुन्दासबाट वृतान्त कुरा सुनेपछि तुरुन्तै खोजखबर गर्ने र समस्या समाधान गर्न शीघ्र नै पहल गर्ने प्रतिश्रुति दिए। सुन्दासले पानीको योजना शुरू भएपनि काम नभएपछि आरटीआई मार्फत कामको सम्पूर्ण विवरण मागेपछि नै महकुमा अधिकारीलाई शीघ्र पहलको निम्ति अपिल गर्दै ज्ञापन दिएका हुन्। सुन्दासले भने, सरकारको पानीको समस्या समाधान गर्न त्यहॉं 50 करोड़को योजना बुझाइएको छ। सिलगड़ीको गजलडोबामा 176 करोड़को वाटर ट्रिटमेन्ट प्लान बनाइएको छ, तर कालेबुङमा भने सबै समस्या समाधान गर्न किन कुनै योजना बनाइएको छैन? शीघ्र नै कालेबुङको पानी सङ्कटलाई समाधान गर्न आधिकारिक पहल शुरू हुनुपर्छ।
Green tea helps fight autoimmune disease
Green tea helps fight autoimmune disease
ANI: Researchers at the Linus Pauling Institute at Oregon State University have discovered that one of the beneficial compounds found in green tea has a powerful ability to fight autoimmune disease.
They found that the compound increases the number of ‘regulatory T cells’ that play a key role in immune function.
This may be one of the underlying mechanisms for the health benefits of green tea, which has attracted wide interest for its ability to help control inflammation, improve immune function and prevent cancer.
Though pharmaceutical drugs are available that perform similar roles and have been the subject of much research, they have problems with toxicity. A natural food product might provide a long-term, sustainable way to accomplish this same goal without toxicity, said the researchers.
“This appears to be a natural, plant-derived compound that can affect the number of regulatory T cells, and in the process improve immune function,” said Emily Ho, an LPI principal investigator and associate professor in the OSU department of nutrition and exercise sciences.
“When fully understood, this could provide an easy and safe way to help control autoimmune problems and address various diseases,” she said.
In this study, OSU scientists did experiments with a compound in green tea, a polyphenol called EGCG, which is believed to be responsible for much of its health benefits and has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer characteristics.
They found it could cause a higher production of regulatory T cells. Its effects were not as potent as some of those produced by prescription drugs, but it also had few concerns about long-term use or toxicity.
“EGCG may have health benefits through an epigenetic mechanism, meaning we aren’t changing the underlying DNA codes, but just influencing what gets expressed, what cells get turned on,” Ho said. “And we may be able to do this with a simple, whole-food approach.”
The findings have been published in Immunology Letters.
Chamling hopes solution from Mamta
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Temi (South Sikkim), June 3: Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today expressed his high hopes that the long pending problems of Darjeeling people will be solved under the new leadership of West Bengal led by Mamta Banarjee.
“I will tell this much that the problems of Darjeeling people are very old and I am very optimistic that they will be solved under the leadership of Mamta Banerjee. She is meeting with leaders from Darjeeling and this is correct step”, said Chamling in an interaction with media at Temi tea garden, 70 kms away from Gangtok.
Responding to a question on Gorkhaland issue, the Chief Minister reminded that Sikkim Legislative Assembly had earlier this year passed a resolution in favour of the separate Statehood demand of the Darjeeling people.
“The demand of Darjeeling people is a separate State and we had passed a resolution. Until and unless the problems of Darjeeling people are solved, there will be no solution on NH 31A issue. Hence the resolution is the interest of Darjeeling and Sikkim people”.
The 96 kms NH 31A is the lifeline of the landlocked State of Sikkim, 54 kms of which falls along the Kalimpong subdivision of West Bengal and vulnerable to blockades during any political disturbance in the Darjeeling hills.“Now what is to be done is that the West Bengal government and Mamta Banarjee must take a decision. We aspire for peace and progress in Darjeeling hills. The people of Darjeeling should get justice. This is want I want as an Indian citizen”, said Chamling.
While extending his good wishes to the Trinamool Congress leader, Chamling said that his Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) government will talk with her on ensuring undisrupted traffic on NH 31A.
“We will talk with her on better coordination about NH 31A, the lifeline of Sikkim. We will work together not only on NH 31A but both Sikkim and West Bengal governments can do much work together in many areas like tourism, hydro power and law”, said the Chief Minister.
They found that the compound increases the number of ‘regulatory T cells’ that play a key role in immune function.
This may be one of the underlying mechanisms for the health benefits of green tea, which has attracted wide interest for its ability to help control inflammation, improve immune function and prevent cancer.
Though pharmaceutical drugs are available that perform similar roles and have been the subject of much research, they have problems with toxicity. A natural food product might provide a long-term, sustainable way to accomplish this same goal without toxicity, said the researchers.
“This appears to be a natural, plant-derived compound that can affect the number of regulatory T cells, and in the process improve immune function,” said Emily Ho, an LPI principal investigator and associate professor in the OSU department of nutrition and exercise sciences.
“When fully understood, this could provide an easy and safe way to help control autoimmune problems and address various diseases,” she said.
In this study, OSU scientists did experiments with a compound in green tea, a polyphenol called EGCG, which is believed to be responsible for much of its health benefits and has both anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer characteristics.
They found it could cause a higher production of regulatory T cells. Its effects were not as potent as some of those produced by prescription drugs, but it also had few concerns about long-term use or toxicity.
“EGCG may have health benefits through an epigenetic mechanism, meaning we aren’t changing the underlying DNA codes, but just influencing what gets expressed, what cells get turned on,” Ho said. “And we may be able to do this with a simple, whole-food approach.”
The findings have been published in Immunology Letters.
Chamling hopes solution from Mamta
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Temi (South Sikkim), June 3: Sikkim Chief Minister Pawan Chamling today expressed his high hopes that the long pending problems of Darjeeling people will be solved under the new leadership of West Bengal led by Mamta Banarjee.
“I will tell this much that the problems of Darjeeling people are very old and I am very optimistic that they will be solved under the leadership of Mamta Banerjee. She is meeting with leaders from Darjeeling and this is correct step”, said Chamling in an interaction with media at Temi tea garden, 70 kms away from Gangtok.
Responding to a question on Gorkhaland issue, the Chief Minister reminded that Sikkim Legislative Assembly had earlier this year passed a resolution in favour of the separate Statehood demand of the Darjeeling people.
“The demand of Darjeeling people is a separate State and we had passed a resolution. Until and unless the problems of Darjeeling people are solved, there will be no solution on NH 31A issue. Hence the resolution is the interest of Darjeeling and Sikkim people”.
The 96 kms NH 31A is the lifeline of the landlocked State of Sikkim, 54 kms of which falls along the Kalimpong subdivision of West Bengal and vulnerable to blockades during any political disturbance in the Darjeeling hills.“Now what is to be done is that the West Bengal government and Mamta Banarjee must take a decision. We aspire for peace and progress in Darjeeling hills. The people of Darjeeling should get justice. This is want I want as an Indian citizen”, said Chamling.
While extending his good wishes to the Trinamool Congress leader, Chamling said that his Sikkim Democratic Front (SDF) government will talk with her on ensuring undisrupted traffic on NH 31A.
“We will talk with her on better coordination about NH 31A, the lifeline of Sikkim. We will work together not only on NH 31A but both Sikkim and West Bengal governments can do much work together in many areas like tourism, hydro power and law”, said the Chief Minister.
दिलकुमारीको पनि आशा ममतामा
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 3 जून। भागोप राष्ट्रिय अध्यक्ष दिलकुमारी भण्डारीले पनि ममतामा धेरै आशा राखेकी छन्। तिनी एक कार्यक्रमलाई मुख्य आतिथ्य दिन कालेबुङ आएकी थिइन्। कालेबुङका संवादमाध्यमसित कुराकानी गर्दै तिनले भनिन्, अघिल्लो सरकारजस्तो व्यवहार नयॉं सरकारको छैन। शुरूदेखि नै बङ्गालकी मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले पहाड़प्रति नम्र व्यवहार गरिरहेकी छन्। यसकारण तिनले भारतभरिका गोर्खाहरूले उठाएको मुद्दा तथा छुट्टै राज्यको दाबीप्रति पनि इमान्दार व्यवहार गर्ने आशा राखिएको छ। गोर्खाहरूको जुन समस्या छ, त्यसको समाधानको निम्ति तिनको संवेदनशील कार्यपहल होस्। जबसम्म गोर्खाहरूको बासभुमि हुँदैन तबसम्म, यो समस्याको समाधान हुनेछैन। तिनले आन्दोलनकारीहरूले परिस्थितिबस मुद्दालाई कस्तोरूप दिने हो, त्यो उनीहरूकै जिम्मेवारी र कार्यनीति हुने बताउँदै भनिन्, गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति सम्पूर्ण गोर्खाहरूको मत जानुपर्नेथियो, गयो।
मोर्चाले पाएको जनमत गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति नै हो। विधानसभा चुनाउबाट बहुमतले नै गोर्खाल्याण्डको पक्षलाई समर्थन गरेका हुन्। यसकारण जनमुद्दाको सुनवाईको निम्ति दलीय कार्यनीति इमान्दार हुनुपर्छ। भागोपले सामुहिक नेतृत्वको पहल चुनाउ अघि गरिरहेको थियो, केही राजनैतिक दलहरूसित बैठक गरेपछि भोगापको पहल अहिलेलाई थन्किएको छ। यस सम्बन्धमा भण्डारीले भनिन्, हाम्रो पहल सबैलाई छुट्टैराज्य वा बासभुमिको निम्ति एकजुट गर्नुथियो। दलहरूमा रहेको अन्तरबिरोध र वैमनस्यतालाई हटाएर मैत्रिक सम्बन्ध स्थापित गर्नु थियो, जो अझ पनि छँदैछ। अझ पनि भागोपले सबैलाई एक भएर ठूलो र सामुहिक आवाजमा बोल्नुको निम्ति आह्वान गर्छ। तिनले दलीय एकताको पहल गरेपनि दलहरूसित आफ्नै नीति र कार्यपद्धति हुनेगरेकोले मुद्दालाई हेर्ने दृष्टिकोण पनि आ-आफ्नै रहेको अनि यसको समाधानको सूत्र पनि सबैसित आ-आफ्नै भएको भागोपले बुझेको बताइन्।
यता तिनले भागोप आँफै अराजनैतिक सङ्गठन भएकोले छुट्टैराज्यको मुद्दालाई मात्र समातेर राजनैतिकरूपले उठान गर्न नमिल्ने स्पष्ट पारिन्। भागोपसित धेरै मुद्दा रहेकोले केवल एउटा मुद्दाको पछि लागिरहन पनि नसकिने बताइन्। 23 वटा राज्यमा भागोप छ, त्यहॉंत्यहॉंका मूल समस्यालाई पनि भागोपले उठान गर्नुपर्छ-तिनले भनिन्। यद्धपि कसैले पनि गरिरहेको आन्दोलन अनि उठाइरहेको मुद्दामा भागोपको कहिल्यै हस्तक्षेप नरहने पनि तिनले स्पष्ट पारिन्।
तिनले भनिन्, कसैको क्रिटिसाइज गर्ने ग्रुपमा भागोप छैन। क्रिटिसाइज गर्नेहरूले गरिरहेका छन्, गणतन्त्रमा कुरा राख्ने अधिकार सबैमा छ। हामी यही चहान्छौं कि सबै गोर्खाको एउटा मूल मुद्दा हो भने सबै दलको पनि एउटै मुलमुद्दा होस् र सामुहिकरूपले यसको उठान गरोस्। यता तिनलाई मोर्चाले पहिले विकास अनि त्यसपछि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मन्त्र अलाप्नुपरेको बाध्यता र परिस्थितिको सम्बन्धमा तिनले भागोपले कुनै पनि टिप्पणी राख्न उचित नहुने बताइन्। तिनले भनिन्, पहिले कुरा बुझिइनुपर्यो। वास्तविकतालाई अघि राखेर नै बोल्न सकिने हो। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा पारदर्शी भए सबैको चित्त बुझ्न सक्ला। सॉंचो कुरा अघि आउनुपर्छ। नआइ केही बोल्न मिल्दैन।
Brew to battle boars - farmers take to tea cultivation
A “small tea garden” at Plungdung, 40km from Darjeeling. Picture by Suman Tamang |
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, June 3: Farmers in the hills have started cultivating tea in parts of their land to compensate for losses from the destruction of other crops by wild boar.
Darjeeling Organic Ekta Society, a small tea growers’ association, today enlisted about 300 farmers who had turned to tea cultivation — their land holdings spread over approximately 500 acres.
“At times all vegetable produce is destroyed by wild boars. Many farmers in the hills have realised that the best way out is to cultivate tea which cannot be uprooted by the wild boars,” said Sonam Tshering Yolmo, a farmer and secretary of the society.
Wild boars are known to dig entire farmlands with their snouts while searching for tubers. A raid by a herd of such boars usually destroys the entire crop in a given area.
The farmers have formed tea self-help groups in Pokhriabong, Rangbhang, Seyook, Milling, Lamahatta, Pulungdung and Raniban. The SHGs are members of the Ekta Society.
“This does not mean that our farmers have left out cultivating leafy vegetables like carrot and cauliflower and cash crops like ginger and cardamom. Tea cultivation is confined to about 40 per cent of their total land,” said Yolmo.
The farmers sell the tea leaves, which have been certified by an appropriate authority as “organic”, to a tea garden in Darjeeling.
“Our green leaves fetch a price of Rs 45 per kg,” said Yolmo. He cultivates tea on 59 decimals (0.59 acre) of land. The produce is 150 kg of green tea leaves annually.
The Ekta Society in collaboration with the Indian Institute of Plantation Management, Bangalore, today held a workshop for these farmers to teach them ways to strengthen their business model.
“We are basically trying to teach them to add value to their product, to maintain quality and solve issues that may crop up in any SHG,” said Tanmoy Chatterjee, lecturer, IIPM, Bangalore.
According to Chatterjee, an SHG at Pabari in Jalpaiguri district is ready to set up its own tea manufacturing unit by next year. “The work has already started. We are also exploring the possibilities of replicating such a model in other places,” said Chatterjee.
“In the hills, 52 farmers are registered with the state government as small tea growers while 38 more have received a no-objection certificate (on their business) from the land and land reforms department. We are confident all the farmers will receive the NOC soon,” said Yolmo.
Farmers enlisted with the Ekta Society have not got their NOCs yet. “All these farmers had started growing tea from the time of their ancestors but had not taken care of the bushes or established their business properly. Now when they are seriously pursuing tea cultivation, the government’s directive means that they cannot expand their business,” said Yolmo.
Only a registration as a small grower ensures aid from the Tea Board and loans too.
GJM should cooperate with WB Govt. over demand for a separate Gorkhaland: Chidambaram
ANI, New Delhi , Thu, 02 Jun 2011: Union Home Minister P. Chidambaram on Thursday said the separatist Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) should cooperate with the West Bengal Government over their demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland.
A GJM delegation met Chidambaram here today and discussed the issue of a separate state of Gorkhaland.
After the meeting, Chidambaram said if the separatists and West Bengal Government are unable to find a common ground, then the Government of India would arrange a tripartite meeting.
"They are meeting chief minister of West Bengal (Mamata Banerjee) on the 6th of June, so I told them please meet the chief minister, try to be cooperative, try to find a common ground and then the government of India will arrange tripartite meeting, but I told them that they should first meet the Government of West Bengaland try to find as much common ground as possible," said Chidambaram.
Meanwhile, GJM President Bimal Gurung said they are waiting for the secretary level talks with the West Bengal government on June 6.
"We discussed all our issues with him (Chidambaram). They said they will look into the matter and I hope that the secretary-level talk with the West Bengal Government on 6th June will be a successful one and we are waiting for it," he said.
Gurung further said that they have not begun to exert pressure on the Mamata Banerjee Government in West Bengal, as it is still new.
"We also wanted that there should be a change in West Bengal and it happened. So, in the coming days we will draw a strategy and hold talks with the chief minister about our issue. We will go forward to explain our points. But we are not pressurising the government as it is a new government and it needs time," he added.
A renewed demand for a separate Gorkhaland region, which would include Darjeeling and some contiguous areas of Jalpaiguri District, has created fresh turmoil over the past few months.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal estimated to be around a million has been demanding a separate state.
Teacher unification and pension relief A GJM delegation met Chidambaram here today and discussed the issue of a separate state of Gorkhaland.
After the meeting, Chidambaram said if the separatists and West Bengal Government are unable to find a common ground, then the Government of India would arrange a tripartite meeting.
"They are meeting chief minister of West Bengal (Mamata Banerjee) on the 6th of June, so I told them please meet the chief minister, try to be cooperative, try to find a common ground and then the government of India will arrange tripartite meeting, but I told them that they should first meet the Government of West Bengaland try to find as much common ground as possible," said Chidambaram.
Meanwhile, GJM President Bimal Gurung said they are waiting for the secretary level talks with the West Bengal government on June 6.
"We discussed all our issues with him (Chidambaram). They said they will look into the matter and I hope that the secretary-level talk with the West Bengal Government on 6th June will be a successful one and we are waiting for it," he said.
Gurung further said that they have not begun to exert pressure on the Mamata Banerjee Government in West Bengal, as it is still new.
"We also wanted that there should be a change in West Bengal and it happened. So, in the coming days we will draw a strategy and hold talks with the chief minister about our issue. We will go forward to explain our points. But we are not pressurising the government as it is a new government and it needs time," he added.
A renewed demand for a separate Gorkhaland region, which would include Darjeeling and some contiguous areas of Jalpaiguri District, has created fresh turmoil over the past few months.
The Gorkha population in West Bengal estimated to be around a million has been demanding a separate state.
TT, Calcutta, June 3: Mamata Banerjee today held out the promise of salary benefits and pension relief to the powerful schoolteachers’ lobby, going some way towards wooing a group that had been a pillar of support for the Left in Bengal.
The chief minister announced that all teachers in Bengal’s state-aided schools would be brought under the single umbrella of the school education department, a move that will benefit up to 1.68 lakh teachers and teaching degree holders.
She also declared that retired schoolteachers would now be paid a “provisional pension” till a final settlement was reached on their dues. This is expected to end the long wait for pension now forced on retired teachers, prompting many to move court for redress
“The modalities for implementing this are being worked out. We will soon announce when it will become effective,” a school education department official said.
A cautious Mamata herself set a three-year deadline for implementation of the entire package, which includes jobs for 70,000 unemployed Primary Teacher Training Institute (PTTI) graduates whose degrees are under a cloud because the training schools did not meet central norms.
To court the teachers’ lobby, Mamata had announced almost immediately after taking over as chief minister that their salaries would be paid on the first of every month, instead of by the middle of the month as was being done. Currently, 3.1 lakh full-fledged teachers of state-aided primary and secondary schools are under the education department. The remaining 1.68 lakh to be brought in its purview include para-teachers, teachers working in Sishu Siksha Kendras (SSKs) and Madhyamik Siksha Kendras (MSKs) in the rural areas, and the PTTI degree holders. The para-teachers were recruited to state-aided primary schools under the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan. Teachers of the SSKs and MSKs function under the panchayat department, which runs a parallel school education system.
As for the PTTI degree holders, Mamata has assured them jobs and absorption under the education department if they complete a bridge course as suggested by the Centre. Teachers who are not under the education department now get lower pay and fewer perks. Full-fledged teachers of state-aided primary schools now receive a minimum monthly salary of Rs 11,000 while those in secondary schools are paid at least Rs 18,000. These teachers also get provident fund benefits and pension.
“There are many departments for schoolteachers. Para-teachers, primary teachers, secondary teachers, teachers working in SSKs and MSKs.... This has created a lot of confusion,” Mamata said. “We have decided to bring all these teachers under the school education department so that they are under one umbrella. PTTI teachers who are eligible and have passed the bridge course will be absorbed in phases.” She added a note of caution: “This cannot be done in a day. It could require six months to one year.... Within three years the matter will be settled.”
On pension, she said: “Teachers have to wait for years to get their pension. Many die before their dues are released....” The general secretary of the CPM-dominated All Bengal Primary Teachers’ Association, Samar Chakraborty, today “welcomed” Mamata’s announcement but wondered whether the government would be able to implement it. “This is a pro-teacher move and we welcome it,” he said. “But the big question is whether the new government can implement it.
It will be an enormous task to manage such a large number of teachers, and would require a lot of money.” Dinesh Chandra Banik, a retired school headmaster, said: “The initiative is welcome. Several thousand teachers will benefit if the decisions are really implemented.” By stating that teachers of the SSKs and MSKs would be brought under the school education department, Mamata has also signalled the end for the previous government’s move to empower the panchayat department to set up a parallel education board.
The West Bengal Panchayat Board Education Bill had been passed in the Assembly last December and now awaits the governor’s assent. “It will now have to be officially revoked,” an official said. Even one of the outgoing Left education ministers agreed that the scrapping of the panchayat board would be a good move. “It was basically done to regularise the services of the SSK and MSK teachers,” he said.
The chief minister announced that all teachers in Bengal’s state-aided schools would be brought under the single umbrella of the school education department, a move that will benefit up to 1.68 lakh teachers and teaching degree holders.
She also declared that retired schoolteachers would now be paid a “provisional pension” till a final settlement was reached on their dues. This is expected to end the long wait for pension now forced on retired teachers, prompting many to move court for redress
“The modalities for implementing this are being worked out. We will soon announce when it will become effective,” a school education department official said.
A cautious Mamata herself set a three-year deadline for implementation of the entire package, which includes jobs for 70,000 unemployed Primary Teacher Training Institute (PTTI) graduates whose degrees are under a cloud because the training schools did not meet central norms.
To court the teachers’ lobby, Mamata had announced almost immediately after taking over as chief minister that their salaries would be paid on the first of every month, instead of by the middle of the month as was being done. Currently, 3.1 lakh full-fledged teachers of state-aided primary and secondary schools are under the education department. The remaining 1.68 lakh to be brought in its purview include para-teachers, teachers working in Sishu Siksha Kendras (SSKs) and Madhyamik Siksha Kendras (MSKs) in the rural areas, and the PTTI degree holders. The para-teachers were recruited to state-aided primary schools under the Sarva Siksha Abhiyan. Teachers of the SSKs and MSKs function under the panchayat department, which runs a parallel school education system.
As for the PTTI degree holders, Mamata has assured them jobs and absorption under the education department if they complete a bridge course as suggested by the Centre. Teachers who are not under the education department now get lower pay and fewer perks. Full-fledged teachers of state-aided primary schools now receive a minimum monthly salary of Rs 11,000 while those in secondary schools are paid at least Rs 18,000. These teachers also get provident fund benefits and pension.
“There are many departments for schoolteachers. Para-teachers, primary teachers, secondary teachers, teachers working in SSKs and MSKs.... This has created a lot of confusion,” Mamata said. “We have decided to bring all these teachers under the school education department so that they are under one umbrella. PTTI teachers who are eligible and have passed the bridge course will be absorbed in phases.” She added a note of caution: “This cannot be done in a day. It could require six months to one year.... Within three years the matter will be settled.”
On pension, she said: “Teachers have to wait for years to get their pension. Many die before their dues are released....” The general secretary of the CPM-dominated All Bengal Primary Teachers’ Association, Samar Chakraborty, today “welcomed” Mamata’s announcement but wondered whether the government would be able to implement it. “This is a pro-teacher move and we welcome it,” he said. “But the big question is whether the new government can implement it.
It will be an enormous task to manage such a large number of teachers, and would require a lot of money.” Dinesh Chandra Banik, a retired school headmaster, said: “The initiative is welcome. Several thousand teachers will benefit if the decisions are really implemented.” By stating that teachers of the SSKs and MSKs would be brought under the school education department, Mamata has also signalled the end for the previous government’s move to empower the panchayat department to set up a parallel education board.
The West Bengal Panchayat Board Education Bill had been passed in the Assembly last December and now awaits the governor’s assent. “It will now have to be officially revoked,” an official said. Even one of the outgoing Left education ministers agreed that the scrapping of the panchayat board would be a good move. “It was basically done to regularise the services of the SSK and MSK teachers,” he said.
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