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Friday, February 18, 2011

Bandh lifted temporarily till 22nd February... March stopped at 5 points... End-strike plea to Buddha ... Clean chit to Karmapa pleases Denzong Association of Sikkim ...

KalimNews: GJM lifted indefinite bundh for 4 days from 19th to 22nd Feb. According to GJM source Centre and State government is to clear its stand on the subject of Gorkha dominated areas of Duars by 22 Feb. It is also stated that bundh will continue if Govt's stand goes against the interest of GJM. 
Speaking to KalimNews Dr HB Chhetri told that representatives of Center, State and GJM had a brief meeting in Delhi today at about 2.30 pm. Morcha representative Roshan Giri, Dr RB Bhujel and Lalit Pariyar demanded that Gorkha dominated area is to be verified by a joint verification committee very soon as proposed earlier. In the meeting State representative Home secretary G.D.Gautama told Morcha representative that the state after consulting the Chief Minister will inform about its stand regarding joint verification team for distinguishing Gorkha dominated areas, on or before 22nd February. On this condition the bandh is lifted by GJM, Chhetri added. 
Meanwhile, ABAVP has so far not received any permission for appointment with the Chief Minister Buddhadev Bhattacharya at Mal Bazar. Application for appointment is already submitted but till now no response is made to us said ABAVP State Committee Secretary Raj kumar Toppo. Chief Minister Bhattacharya will address the public at 3pm in National Club Ground Malbazar near BDO Office. He will also distribute cycles to girl students reading from  Classes IX to XII. Official sources revealed that 3872 cycles will be distributed to the girl students of the subdivision.
Condition of three hunger strike participants is deteriorating in Bagrakote. Five women GJM supporters of Dooars are on fast unto death demanding CBI enquiry of Shibsu firing and withdrawal of 144 CrPC from Dooars. All five have denied to take any medical help. While SDO Mal has said that if needed they might be forcefully admitted to hospital.
Cartoon pasted at Bagrakote 
5 Gorkha Janmukti Nari Morcha members on Fast-unto Death at Bagrakote from 14th February 
Day 5 before the withdrawal  of indefinite strike

National Highway 31C is badly affected by Bandh called by GJM.

मोर्चाको अनिश्चितकालीन बन्द 22 सम्म स्थगितमनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,18 फरवरी।सिब्सुकाण्डको विरोधमा मोर्चाले डाकेको अनिश्चितकालीन बन्दलाई 19 देखि 22 फरवरीसम्मको निम्ति स्थगित गरेको छ। मोर्चा सहसचिव विनय तामङले जनाए अनुसार आज दिल्लीमा राज्यका सचिवहरूलाई केन्द्रिय गृह मन्त्री पी.चिदम्बरमले बैठकको निम्ति बोलाएका थिए। यसै बैठकमा मोर्चा महासचिव रोशन गिरी, स्टडी फोरमका एलबी परियार अनि राम भुजेलको पनि उपस्थिति थियो। यसै बैठकद्वारा मोर्चाले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको निम्ति दाबी गरेको तराई -डुवर्सको भूभागलाई गोर्खाल्याण्डको मानचित्रभित्र लगाउन केन्द्र र राज्यले सहमति जनाएको छ।
यसको निम्ति एउटा जॉंचटोली गठन गर्ने भनिएको थियो, जो अहिलेसम्म गठन गरिएको थिएन। विनय तामङले प्राधिकरणमा तराई-डुवर्सको अन्तरभुक्तिको निम्ति बनाइने भनेको जॉंचटोलीमाथि मोर्चालाई लिखितरूपले 22 फरवरीसम्ममा रिपोर्ट पठाउने भएकोले नै बन्द स्थगित गरिएको जनाएका छन्‌। राज्यका सचिवहरूसित चिदम्बरमले के कस्ता कुराकानी गरे यसबारे केही जानकारी नपाए पनि दिल्ली पुगेका मोर्चा टोलीलाई गृहमन्त्री पी.चिदम्बरमले 22 फरवरीसम्ममा तराई-डुवर्सलाई गोर्खाल्याण्डको मानचित्रमा समावेश गर्न लिखित निर्णय दिने भएकोले नै बन्द स्थगित गरिएको थाहा लागेको छ।
रोशन गिरीसित जान्न चहॉंदा तिनले चिदम्बरमसित सिब्सुकाण्डमाथि पूर्ण रिपोर्ट राखेको जनाए। तिनले भने, हामीले प्रस्तावित गोर्खाल्याण्डको मानचित्रमा तराई डुवर्स समावेश हुनुपर्ने माग राख्यौं। पक्राउ परेका विधायक विल्सन चम्प्रमारीको रिहाई, सिब्सुकाण्डमाथि सीबीआई जॉंच हुनुपर्ने अनि बङ्गाल सरकारले अर्धसैनिक र सुरक्षाबल लगाएर पहाड़मा सृजना गरिरहेको आतङ्‌कमाथि पनि केन्द्रिय हस्तक्षेपको कुरा गरेका छौं। पाइएको जानकारी अनुसार मोर्चा टोलीले गरेको सबै दाबीको जवाब केन्द्रले 22 फरवरीको दिन दिनेछ।यसैको निम्ति वातावरण बनाउन मोर्चाले चारदिनको निम्ति बन्द स्थगित गरेको छ।
सबै दलले सह्रायो भागोपलाई जब मुद्दा एक तब दलहरू एक प्राधिकरणको कुरा आउनुहुँदैन-क्रामाकपा
केवल गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति दलीय एकताको कुरा गर्न सकिन्छ-लीग
आ-आफ्नै झण्डामा मुद्दाको निम्ति काम गर्नुपर्छ-हिल कंग्रेस
25 फरवरीदेखि सबैदलहरूसित भेटिनेछ-भागोप
छैटौं अनुसूची, सेटअपहरूको कुरा आउनु हुँदैन-गोरानिमो
मुद्दा एकै भएन भने दलीय सहमति बन्दैन-गोरामुसो-सी

मनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,18 फरवरी। दलहरू भिन्नभिन्न भएपनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा एउटै छ। तर एउटै मुद्दाको निम्ति पहाड़मा अहिलेसम्म दलीय एकता देखापरेन। दार्जीलिङ जिल्लामा मात्र सबैले गोर्खाल्याण्डकै निम्ति राजनैतिक कार्यक्रमहरू गरिरहेका छन्‌, दिल्लीमा भने सबैको कार्यपदक्षेप एकल नै रहेको छ। केन्द्रले अहिले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चासित मात्र मोर्चाको दाबीमाथि कुराकानी गरिरहेको छ तर मोर्चा अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणमा आएर गोर्खाल्याण्ड पुग्ने सिँड़ी निर्माणको निम्ति आन्दोलित रहेपछि मोर्चासित दलहरूको मतभिन्नता बढ़ेर गयो। अहिले एउटै मुद्दालाई लिएर राजनीति गर्नेहरू दुश्मन झैं रहेका छन्‌। अब राजनैतिक दुरी बनाएर एक्लाएक्लै काम गरिरहेका दलहरूबीच भागोपले सेतुको कार्य गर्ने भएको छ। भागोप अध्यक्षा दिलकुमारी भण्डारीले बिहीबार मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङसित भेटघाट गर्दै दलीय एकताको निम्ति भागोपले परिस्थिति निर्माण गर्ने कुरा अवगत गराएको जनाइन्‌।
तिनले भनिन्‌, मूल मुद्दा एउटै हो, तर एकै मुद्दामाथि काम गर्ने दलहरूबीच भने मित्रता छैन। छुट्टै राज्यको दाबीको निम्ति दलीय एकता अनिवार्य रहेकोले भागोपले दलीय मित्रता स्थापित गर्न र सामुहिकरूपले छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति काम गर्न परिवेश निर्माणको काम गरिरहेको छ। यता विमल गुरूङले पनि भागोपको पहललाई सराहनीय मान्दै कुनै स्वार्थ नबोकी सबै मुद्दाको निम्ति एकठाउँमा आउनुपर्ने कुरामा सहमति दिए। भागोपले 25 फरवरीदेखि पहाड़का जम्मैदलहरूसित भेटघाट गर्ने कार्यक्रम बनाइसकेको छ। जनता पनि सबै दलहरू एकैठाउँमा आएर सामुहिकरूपले आन्दोलन गरेको चहान्छन्‌, जसलाई वास्तविकतामा परिणत गर्न भागोपले उल्लेखनीय पहल शुरू गर्ने भएको छ।
यता भागोपको यसप्रकारको कदमलाई अन्यदलहरूले कस्तो दृष्टिकोणले हेरिरहेको छ त? भन्ने प्रश्न उठेको छ। उठेको यसै सार्वजनिक जिज्ञासालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै अन्यदलहरूको मत जान्न चहॉंदा सबैले भागोपको पहललाई स्वागतयोग्य जनाएका छन्‌। क्रामाकपा अध्यक्ष आरबी राईसित यसबारे प्रश्न गर्दा तिनले भने, भागोपको कदम सराहनीय छ। उचितसमयमा ठीक काम भागोपद्वारा भइरहेको छ। तिनले अझ भने,यसैपनि भागोपले अलग राज्यको कुरालाई केन्द्रिय शक्तिकोरूपमा अघि लगिरहेकै छ। यो मुद्दालाई सर्वभारतीय सवाल बनाउन भागोपले काम गरिरहेकै छ। भागोपले नै यो काम गर्नुपर्नेथियो, गर्‍यो। हाम्रो सहमत छ। भागोपको पहलमाथि क्रामाकपाको सहमत हुँदाहुँदै पनि तिनले भागोपको पहल एउटैमात्र मुद्दामा केन्द्रित हुनुपर्ने जनाए। तिनले भने, सबै दलको मुद्दा छुट्टैराज्य बाहेक अरु हुनुहुँदैन। अहिलेसम्मको दलीय विवाद भनेकै प्राधिकरण हो। प्राधिकरणलाई प्रमुख मानियो भने कुनै पनि दलको सहमति हुनेछैन।
समग्र भारतीय गोर्खाहरूको चिह्नारी र सुरक्षाको सवालमा सामुहिक आन्दोलनको विकल्प गोर्खाल्याण्डबाहेक अरूथोक हुनुहुँदैन। भागोपले प्रक्रिया शुरू गर्‍यो, जो दलीय एकीकरण र मुद्दादाबीको शक्ति निर्माणमा अत्यन्तै अनिवार्य पहल हो। सबैदलहरूबीच कुराकानी हुनुपर्छ। दलहरूमा मतभिन्नता हुनैसक्छ, सबैकुरा कुराकानीबाट नै मिल्छ।
भागोपले छुट्टैराज्यको मुद्दालाई अघि लैजान दलीयमित्रताको निम्ति पहल गर्छ भने हाम्रो स्वागत छ। यता गोर्खालीगका कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष दावा शेर्पाले पनि भने,भागोपको पहल सराहनीय छ। छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति हो भने सबैदलहरूबीच सहमतिपूर्ण कार्यक्रमहरूको खॉंचो छ। भागोपले गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति एक हुनुपर्ने कुरा गरिरहेको छ, जो नितान्तै स्वागतयोग्य छ। तर उता विमल गुरूङ र डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले मोर्चा प्राधिकरणमा नै अल्झिएर बसेको बारम्बार स्पष्ट पार्दै आइरहेका छन्‌। प्राधिकरणको निम्ति हो भने लीग सहमत हुँदैन। गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति हो भने कुरा गर्न सकिन्छ। तिनले भने, जसको विरोध गर्दा मदन तामङको हत्या गर्‍यो, त्यसमुद्दाको निम्ति लीगको सहमति हुँदैन तर छुट्टाराज्यको निम्ति हो भने ठीक छ। गोर्खाल्याण्डबाहेक अरूकुरा आउनु हुँदैन।
यता गोरानिमोका दावा पाखरिनले भने, सबैको मुद्दा गोर्खाल्याण्ड हो, यसको निम्ति एक हुनुपर्छ। तर छैटौं अनुसूची, सेटअप तथा यस्ता सहमुद्दाहरू आयो भने दलहरू एक हुनसक्दैनन्‌। दलहरू एक हुनु नसकेको कारण दलहरूबीच नै स्वार्थ भएर हो। गोर्खाल्याण्डलाई छोड़ेर अरुकुरातिर लागेर हो। तरै पनि भागोपले जुन पहल गर्दैछ त्यो सराहनीय छ। जनताले चाहेको कुरा भागोपले गर्दैछ। हिल कंग्रेसका केबी छेत्रीले सोमबार दिल्लीमा कंग्रेसका वरिष्ट नेताहरूलाई अनि गृहमन्त्रीलाई भेट गरेर वर्तमान परिस्थितिमाथि कुराकानी गर्ने बताउँदै भने, सबैले आ-आफ्नो झण्डामा बसेर एउटै मुद्दाको निम्ति सामुहिकरूपले काम गर्न सकिन्छ।
दिल्लीबाट फर्किएर आएपछि यसबारे दलको सभा बस्नेछ अनि के गर्नुपर्ने हो निर्णय गर्नेछ। गोरामुमो-सीका कर्णल डीके प्रधानले पनि भागोपको पहललाई सराहनीय मान्दै गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति सबैदललाई एक गराएर सबैसित रहेको अनुभव, ज्ञान र संसाधनहरूको प्रयोग गरेर दिल्लीमा काम गरिनुपर्छ। सबैभन्दा मूल कुरा हो मुद्दा। सबैले केवल गोर्खाल्याण्डलाई मूलमुद्दा बनाउनुपर्‍यो। बीचमा अरूथोक आयो भने दलीय सहमति बन्दैन। भागोपले यी नै कुराहरू बुझेर नै पहल गरिरहेको लागेको छ। समयसाक्षेप पहल भएको छ। जनताले पनि सामुहिकरूपले आन्दोलन गरेको चहान्छ।
दार्जीलिङ, तराई डुवर्स गोर्का-आदिवासी वेलफेयर सोसाइटीका प्रवीण गुरूङले भने, पहल राम्रो छ तर मदन तामङको हत्या गर्ने दलको नेताको नेतृत्वमा बसेर सबैले काम गर्न सक्ला के त? सेटअप छोड़ेर मोर्चा अरू दलसित एक हुन सक्छ के त? मोर्चाले मुद्दा फेरिरहन्छ, मुद्दा फेरेरै मोर्चाले सबैलाई धोका त दिँदैन? सबै स्पष्ट हुनुपर्छ। भागोपको पहल राम्रो छ। यसरी सबैले एकभएर काम गर्न त सकिने तर मुद्दा एउटामात्र हुनुपर्ने जनाएर अहिलेसम्म दलहरू एक हुननसकेको कारण छुट्टैराज्यको नाममा अन्य मुद्दाको वकालत गराइ नै रहेको स्पष्ट भएको छ। यस हिसाबले हेर्नु हो भने मोर्चाले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको मुद्दालाई तिलाञ्जली दिइनुपर्ने छ। मोर्चाले भने अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा मात्र गरे कुनै पनि दलहरूबीच सहमति नबन्ने स्पष्ट छ। यस्तो कठिन परिस्थितिमा भागोपले दलीय समिकरण कसरी मिलाउने हो अनि भागोपको पहलबाट कसले मुन्टो फर्काएर स्वार्थपरक व्यवहार देखाउने हो त्यो जनताले हेर्ने मौका पाउने पनि स्पष्ट छ।
Clean chit to Karmapa pleases Denzong Association of Sikkim
KalimNews: Denzong Welfare Association has appreciated the Central Government for having issued a clean chit to His Holiness the 17th Gyalwa Karmapa Orgyen Trinley Dore in the recent controversy that erupted due to the insensitivities of some people with vested interest who were out to malign the image of his Holiness who holds an esteemed  reverence in the minds of the Sikkimese people.
The clean chit issued to spiritual guru who is held in high esteem by not only all Buddhists around the world but people of all faiths globally has made it clear that truth always prevails in the end, says a press report issued by the Association. Denzong Welfare Association has expressed its immense gratefulness for the personal intervention of senior leaders of the Union Government including the Hon’ble Prime Minister Dr. Man Mohan Singh and Chairman of the UPA, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi for the prompt action taken to clear the name of His Holiness the 17th Karmapa.
The Association has also expressed its gratefulness to the State Government headed by Dr.Pawan Chamling for having extended his support to the concerns of the Sikkimese people and personally also put in his commendations to the Union Government on the hurt felt by the people of Sikkim on the false allegations.
The clean chit has come as a big relief for the sentiments of the people of Sikkim who have been deeply hurt by the allegations leveled against His Holiness.It had also thanked the people of Sikkim who came out in large numbers voluntarily for peaceful candle light vigils and rallies to support His Holiness.
It has also made an appeal to the Union Government to allow his Holiness to visit Sikkim and take his rightful seat at the Dharma Chakra centre at Rumtek.
Relief with eye on turf panel - Morcha announces four-day bandh relaxation after Delhi meet
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, Feb. 18: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has announced a four-day strike relaxation starting tomorrow, purportedly to wait for the Bengal government to give its opinion on the formation of a joint verification committee (JVC) to oversee the territory issue.
Harka Bahadur Chhetri, spokesperson for the Morcha, said: “We have decided to provide a four-day relaxation from February 19 as the state home secretary today conveyed to the Centre that the government would give its opinion on the joint verification committee on territory by February 22.” The Morcha strike had started from February 9, a day after the police firing in Sibchu killed three party supporters.
A three-member Morcha team led by party general secretary Roshan Giri today met B. Bhamathi, the additional secretary (Centre-state relations) in the Union home ministry, and Bengal home secretary G.D. Gautama in New Delhi.
“We raised the issue of territory and demanded that Gorkhaland must be formed with the Gorkha-dominated areas of the Terai and the Dooars. The issue of forming a JVC also cropped up. The Bengal home secretary maintained that he would have to refer it (JVC) to the chief minister and the opinion on its formation would be conveyed to the Centre by February 22,” said Chhetri.
“If the response is not in our favour, we might resume our strike. A final call on the agitation will be taken on February 22,” he added.
Going by the indication, the Morcha might not be averse to accepting the interim set-up for two years if the state agrees to form a JVC.
But many believe it would be difficult for the state government to agree to a JVC just before the elections.
“Although forming a JVC would not mean that parts of the Dooars and the Terai will be transferred, the CPM would be on the back foot. The Opposition would use it as a poll plank, telling the people the CPM was bowing to Morcha pressure. It would also be difficult to convince the Adivasi community,” said an observer.
For the Morcha, the state’s move to buy time to decide on the JVC has provided it with a window to announce the bandh relaxation. “Even though the general public has supported the Morcha’s strike, stocks had started running low and the board examination is also scheduled from Monday. The state’s decision has given the party the right opportunity to announce a relaxation,” said the observer.
March stopped at 5 points
TT, Alipurduar, Feb. 18: More than 500 Gorkha Janmukti Morcha supporters were stopped at five points across the Dooars today while barely 50-100 metres into their march to Kumani to meet party chief Bimal Gurung.
The Morcha president has announced a rally at Kumani, where he has been camping for almost a month now, with the Dooars marchers on February 27.
Tension was palpable at Jaigaon, Birpara, Kalchini, Madarihat and Dalsinghpara where supporters of the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad, which is opposed to the Morcha, began gathering in small groups behind the police barricades keeping a watch on the marchers.
The Morcha marchers were arrested at all the five places from 5pm onwards, six hours after they brought out their processions.
The subdivisional officer of Alipurduar, Amalkanti Ghosh, said the Morcha supporters had been asked to vacate the roads on which they were squatting after being stopped.
“They refused to clear off even after we reminded them that prohibitory orders were in force. We then arrested them for violating Section 144. They will be released from the respective police stations on personal bonds,” the SDO said.
Shops in the vicinity of the blockade points downed shutters at the sight of the marchers and the police. Schools gave over early. Traffic was thin. But train movement on the Siliguri Junction-Alipurduar route was normal.
Rajesh Barla, a central committee member and the president of the Parishad’s Kalchni committee, was seen standing with his supporters behind the police barricade at Kalchini.
“We have withdrawn our indefinite strike from the Dooars but we are keeping a close watch on the development. If the Morcha rally is allowed, our supporters will stop them. Our people are there in all the other places, including Hashimara. Let us see what happens,” Rajesh said.
The Morcha convener of the eastern Dooars committee, Ashoke Lama, said the police should not have stopped them. “We have decided to carry on with our padayatra tomorrow. More of our supporters are expected to join us,” Lama said.
{KalimNews: Morcha supporters were stopped at Old Hasimara of Kalchini, Dalsingpara, Madarihat, Birpara and Mangalbari of Jaigaon just after they started their march.}
Darjeeling bandh relaxed for four days
TH, KOLKATA: As the indefinite bandh called by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) entered its 10th day in the Darjeeling Hills on Friday, the outfit announced a four-day relaxation of the bandh from Saturday.However, the ‘padayatra' programme of its supporters in the Dooars in the plains of north Bengal will continue.
“The decision to relax the bandh in the hills till February 22 follows an assurance from the Home Ministry that it will inform the GJM leadership by then about its views on the demand for the setting up of a joint verification committee before the coming Assembly polls in the State to determine the Gorkha-dominated pockets in the Terai and the Dooars regions,” Benoy Tamang, GJM additional general secretary, told The Hindu over telephone.
The GJM has been demanding a declaration from the Centre on the inclusion of the Gorkha-dominated pockets in the Dooars and Terai areas within the jurisdiction of any “interim” administrative arrangement that might be considered for the Darjeeling Hills as a step towards the creation of a separate State, which, it describes as “the ultimate solution” to the ongoing political impasse.
“The ‘padayatra' programme by our supporters from Sankosh through the Dooars to Kumani will continue,” Mr. Tamang added.
GJM supporters plan to congregate at Kumani near the border separating the Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri districts on February 27, where they will be addressed by GJM president Bimal Gurung.
However, the Jalpaiguri district administration is not allowing processions to Kumani fearing that it could result in an ethnic confrontation.
End-strike plea to Buddha
AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Siliguri, Feb. 18: CPM leaders in the Darjeeling hills today said they would ask Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee to ensure that the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha strike ended at the earliest, keeping in mind the interest of the common people as well as the party.
The leaders, who are likely to meet the chief minister during his two-day visit to north Bengal from tomorrow, said it was crucial for the strike to end to save the common man from starving.
“People in the hills are living in pitiable conditions but do not have the courage to speak out. We will appeal to the chief minister to intervene so that the Morcha calls off the strike,” said K.B. Wattar, a Darjeeling district committee member of the CPM.
“Thousands of such people are sitting idle and do not have a paise to buy food…The state government must provide food grain as relief,” he said.
Sources said the hill leaders would also ask the chief minister who oversees the Darjeeling unit of the party as representative of the state CPM secretariat, to intervene for the party’s political interests.
“Knowing that it is tough to turn the results in our favour in these constituencies, we had been trying to consolidate whatever support we have left in the hills,” a source said.
But since the strike began, the CPM claimed, its supporters could hardly move around, even for micro-level meetings. “The residual support of Citu in tea belts and cinchona plantations is disintegrating because of the bandh. The chief minister should work towards withdrawal of the strike.”
NBU for centralised BEd entry - Admission overhaul to beat high college fees
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 18: North Bengal University will introduce a centralised admission system for its BEd course from the 2011-12 session, vice-chancellor Arunabha Basumajumdar said today.
The system is expected to tackle the high admission fees charged by some private colleges in violation of the National Council of Teachers Education (NCTE) norms.
“So far, colleges conducted their own admissions and the varsity conducted inspections once a year to see if NCTE norms were being followed.
“But we got several complaints of candidates being charged exorbitant fees by some colleges. There were also complaints of other norms of the NCTE being violated. In view of these problems, the undergraduate council had mooted a proposal for centralised admission that was approved by the executive council. We will implement the system from 2011-2012,” Basumajumdar said.
The university has set up a six-member cell to monitor the admission of candidates to the eight BEd colleges in Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar. While four are private colleges, the rest are government-sponsored.
“BEd is an essential degree for those applying for the post of teachers through the School Service Commission. Taking advantage of the situation, some private colleges are charging exorbitant fees. In some cases, students had been charged even Rs 1.5 lakh which is triple the fees stipulated by the varsity,” said Nupur Das, the convener of the cell.
Forms will be available from February 24 to March 11. Candidates will have to purchase only one form from any of the eight colleges or download it from Filled-in forms, in which applicants have to make their college preferences known, and necessary documents will have to be submitted to the university through registered post by March 21.
“The cell members will scrutinise the forms and come up with the merit list of students,” Basudeb Basu, the chairperson of the cell said.
The vice-chancellor also said he has invited the principals of 13 hill colleges to an undergraduate council meeting on Monday to discuss the problems the students there are facing because of the ongoing strike.

Telangana issue could generate heat in Parliament
IE, Agencies, New Deli:The issue of a separate Telangana could generate heat in the Budget session of Parliament beginning on Monday as the government has no plans to table a bill to carve out a new state.
"A bill on Telangana is not included in the list of bills to be introduced in the budget session," Parliamentary Affairs Minister Pawan Kumar Bansal told reporters.
He, however, hastened to add that the list of bills was always "tentative" and Home Ministry could come up with a proposal.
During his recent interaction with editors of television channels, Prime Minister Manmohan Singh was ambivalent on the issue.
He had said the government was trying to arrive at a consensus on the "complicated" statehood issue through consultations with political parties, which should be allowed to be pursued to its "logical conclusion".
Andhra Pradesh Legislature had descended into chaos yesterday when TRS and TDP MLAs hailing from Telangana region virtually manhandled Governor E S L Narasimhan. The bedlam also saw the mike and the lectern being uprooted and chairs on the podium pulled down.
Reports from Hyderabad had it that Congress Legislators and MPs from Telangana have decided to put pressure on the Union government to make a statement reiterating its commitment to implement its December 9, 2009 announcement regarding statehood to the region.

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