भागोप र बन्दीमुक्ति कमिटीले भेट्यो विमल गुरूङलाई - भागोपले सामुहिक आन्दोलनको परिवेश बनाउनेछ-मोक्तान चम्प्रमारीलाई राजनैतिक बन्दीको दर्जा दिइनुपर्छ-कमिटी
मनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,17 फरवरी।आज कुमानीमा नै भागोप अनि बन्दीमुक्ति कमिटीले मोर्चा प्रतिनिधिहरूसित भेटघाट गरे। भागोपले पहाड़का राजनैतिकदलहरूबीच बढेर गइरहेको राजनैतिक दुरी मुद्दाको निम्ति हानिकारक रहेको अनि अहिले परिस्थिति दलीय एकताको रहेको अनुभव गरेकोले आज मोर्चा प्रतिनिधिहरूसित अन्तरङ कुराकानी गर्न भागोपका प्रतिनिधिहरू कुमानी पुगेको भागोपको पक्षबाट आर.मोक्तानले जनाएका छन्।
भागोपका राष्ट्रिय कार्यकारी अध्यक्षा दिलकुमारी भण्डारी लगायत अन्य प्रतिनिधिहरू एनोसदास प्रधान, प्रभाकर देवान, डीएसपी सीके प्रधान, पीबी प्रधान, दिनेश पौड्याल, कमल छेत्री, ज्ञान सुतार, डीके छेत्री आर.मोक्तान लगायतको एक टोली कुमानी पुगी विमल गुरूङसलित गलभग एकघण्टा बैठक गरे। आर.मोक्तानले जानकारी दिए अनुसार बैठकमा दलीय मतभिन्नता अनि यसले उठाएका सवालहरूमाथि चर्चा गरियो। सबै दलहरूसित एउटै मुद्दा रहेकोले दलीय एकताको अनिवार्यता प्राथमिक रहेकोबारे बैठकमा चर्चा गरियो। तिनले भने, बैठक सौहार्दपूर्ण रहेको थियो। भागोपको सोंच छ कि सबै दल एउटै ठाउँमा आएर मुद्दादाबीलाई सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्छ। यसै विषयमा कुराकानी भयो।
विमल गुरूङले अघिबाट नै मोर्चाले सामुहिकरूपले कार्य गरेको बताउँदै बीचमा दुरी बढ़ेर गएको बताए पनि भागोपले दलीय एकता र मुद्दाको निम्ति सामुहिकताको परिवेश बनाउँछ भने मोर्चाको पक्षबाट स्वीकार्य हुने जनाएर काम गर्ने वातावरणको निर्माण हुने देखापरेको छ। भागोपले सबैदलहरूसित पनि यसरी नै भेट्नेछ। हिलोछेपाइ, द्वन्द्व, रिस्, इबी सबै भुलेर दलीय एकता र सहमतिमा नै मुद्दालाई सामुहिक सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्ने कुरालाई सबैले बुझ्नेछन् भन्ने आशा गरिएको छ। भागोपद्वारा सिब्सुकाण्ड दुःखदायी रहेको जनाइएको बताउँदै यसघटनाबारे भागोपले दुःख प्रकट गरेको पनि तिनले जनाए।
यता पश्चिम बङ्गाल बन्दीमुक्ति कमिटीका प्रतिनिधीहरूले पनि मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङसित भेटघाट गरे। कमिटीका राज्य सचिव छोटेन दासले जनाए अनुसार टोली सिब्सुकाण्डको जायजा लिन अनि वास्तविकता बुझ्न कुमानी पुगेको थियो। टोलीमा राज्य सचिव मण्डली सदस्य भानु सरकार, दार्जीलिङ जिल्ला अध्यक्ष प्रो. अजित राय, सचिव तमस मजुमदार, सहसचिव रतन दे, प्रलान चन्द, छिब्छोमोहन रोय, जलपाइगुड़ी जिल्ला सचिव परितोष दास अनि अध्यक्ष सुब्रतो चक्रवर्ती रहेका थिए।
छोटेन दासले भने, हामी सिब्सुकाण्डको वास्तविकता बुझ्न गएका थियौं। यस घटनालाई लिएर मोर्चापक्षबाट जतिपनि वयान आइरहेको छ त्यो सत्य रहेको देखापयो। बङ्गालको प्रशासनले गोली ठोकेर घिस्याउँदै लगेको घटनास्थल पुगेर देख्यौं। यसरी सोझै गोली ठोक्नु बङ्गाल प्रशासनको दोष हो।तिनले कमिटीको पक्षबाट यसघटनाको उच्च ज्युडिसेरी जॉंच हुनुपर्ने, मृतकहरूलाई राम्रो क्षतिपूर्ति दिनुपर्ने, घायलहरूलाई सरकारले नै जॉंच गर्नुपर्ने माग गरेको पनि जनाएका छन्। तिनले भने, विमल गुरूङसित कुराकानी भयो। प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरूसित पनि कुराकानी भयो। घटनास्थल पुग्यौं। पुलिसी अत्याचारको सीमा नाघेको देखिएको छ। कमिटी यसघटनाको कठोर आवाजमा भर्त्सना जनाउँदछ।
आज आफूहरू जलपाईगुढ़ी जेल पुगेर विधायक विल्सन चम्प्रमारीसित पनि टोलीले भेटघाट गरेको दासले जनाएका छन्। तिनले भने, चम्प्रमारी कुनै आतङ्कवादी र हत्यारा होइनन, तर तिनलाई अन्यान्य मुद्दा लगाएर जेल हाल्ने कार्य भएको छ। तिनी राजनैतिज्ञ हुन्, यसकारण तिनलाई राजनैतिक बन्दीको दर्जा दिइनुपर्छ। तिनलाई अन्य अनावश्यक आरोपहरू पनि थोप्ने काम भएकोछ, जसको कमिटीले घोर विरोध गर्दछ।
भागोपका राष्ट्रिय कार्यकारी अध्यक्षा दिलकुमारी भण्डारी लगायत अन्य प्रतिनिधिहरू एनोसदास प्रधान, प्रभाकर देवान, डीएसपी सीके प्रधान, पीबी प्रधान, दिनेश पौड्याल, कमल छेत्री, ज्ञान सुतार, डीके छेत्री आर.मोक्तान लगायतको एक टोली कुमानी पुगी विमल गुरूङसलित गलभग एकघण्टा बैठक गरे। आर.मोक्तानले जानकारी दिए अनुसार बैठकमा दलीय मतभिन्नता अनि यसले उठाएका सवालहरूमाथि चर्चा गरियो। सबै दलहरूसित एउटै मुद्दा रहेकोले दलीय एकताको अनिवार्यता प्राथमिक रहेकोबारे बैठकमा चर्चा गरियो। तिनले भने, बैठक सौहार्दपूर्ण रहेको थियो। भागोपको सोंच छ कि सबै दल एउटै ठाउँमा आएर मुद्दादाबीलाई सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्छ। यसै विषयमा कुराकानी भयो।
विमल गुरूङले अघिबाट नै मोर्चाले सामुहिकरूपले कार्य गरेको बताउँदै बीचमा दुरी बढ़ेर गएको बताए पनि भागोपले दलीय एकता र मुद्दाको निम्ति सामुहिकताको परिवेश बनाउँछ भने मोर्चाको पक्षबाट स्वीकार्य हुने जनाएर काम गर्ने वातावरणको निर्माण हुने देखापरेको छ। भागोपले सबैदलहरूसित पनि यसरी नै भेट्नेछ। हिलोछेपाइ, द्वन्द्व, रिस्, इबी सबै भुलेर दलीय एकता र सहमतिमा नै मुद्दालाई सामुहिक सम्बोधन गर्नुपर्ने कुरालाई सबैले बुझ्नेछन् भन्ने आशा गरिएको छ। भागोपद्वारा सिब्सुकाण्ड दुःखदायी रहेको जनाइएको बताउँदै यसघटनाबारे भागोपले दुःख प्रकट गरेको पनि तिनले जनाए।
यता पश्चिम बङ्गाल बन्दीमुक्ति कमिटीका प्रतिनिधीहरूले पनि मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङसित भेटघाट गरे। कमिटीका राज्य सचिव छोटेन दासले जनाए अनुसार टोली सिब्सुकाण्डको जायजा लिन अनि वास्तविकता बुझ्न कुमानी पुगेको थियो। टोलीमा राज्य सचिव मण्डली सदस्य भानु सरकार, दार्जीलिङ जिल्ला अध्यक्ष प्रो. अजित राय, सचिव तमस मजुमदार, सहसचिव रतन दे, प्रलान चन्द, छिब्छोमोहन रोय, जलपाइगुड़ी जिल्ला सचिव परितोष दास अनि अध्यक्ष सुब्रतो चक्रवर्ती रहेका थिए।
छोटेन दासले भने, हामी सिब्सुकाण्डको वास्तविकता बुझ्न गएका थियौं। यस घटनालाई लिएर मोर्चापक्षबाट जतिपनि वयान आइरहेको छ त्यो सत्य रहेको देखापयो। बङ्गालको प्रशासनले गोली ठोकेर घिस्याउँदै लगेको घटनास्थल पुगेर देख्यौं। यसरी सोझै गोली ठोक्नु बङ्गाल प्रशासनको दोष हो।तिनले कमिटीको पक्षबाट यसघटनाको उच्च ज्युडिसेरी जॉंच हुनुपर्ने, मृतकहरूलाई राम्रो क्षतिपूर्ति दिनुपर्ने, घायलहरूलाई सरकारले नै जॉंच गर्नुपर्ने माग गरेको पनि जनाएका छन्। तिनले भने, विमल गुरूङसित कुराकानी भयो। प्रत्यक्षदर्शीहरूसित पनि कुराकानी भयो। घटनास्थल पुग्यौं। पुलिसी अत्याचारको सीमा नाघेको देखिएको छ। कमिटी यसघटनाको कठोर आवाजमा भर्त्सना जनाउँदछ।
आज आफूहरू जलपाईगुढ़ी जेल पुगेर विधायक विल्सन चम्प्रमारीसित पनि टोलीले भेटघाट गरेको दासले जनाएका छन्। तिनले भने, चम्प्रमारी कुनै आतङ्कवादी र हत्यारा होइनन, तर तिनलाई अन्यान्य मुद्दा लगाएर जेल हाल्ने कार्य भएको छ। तिनी राजनैतिज्ञ हुन्, यसकारण तिनलाई राजनैतिक बन्दीको दर्जा दिइनुपर्छ। तिनलाई अन्य अनावश्यक आरोपहरू पनि थोप्ने काम भएकोछ, जसको कमिटीले घोर विरोध गर्दछ।
KalimNews: ABAVP has withdrawn indefinite strike called in Jalpaiguri Dooars area from 6 pm of 17th Febuary. It has stated that ABAVP is satisfied with the steps taken by the district administration for stopping the GJM marchers as such it is withdrawing the bandh.
GJM supporters on Long March to Khumani from Dooars were stopped by Jalpaiguri police near Hatipota of Alipurduar under Samuktala Thana. The team was supposed to be joined by marchers from Jaigaon and other areas and proceed towards Khumani. Later they stayed at Hatipota but they dispersed after the police ordered them to disperse. According to reports received Morcha supporters of started early in the morning from Sunkosh Chowpathy of Eastern Dooars taking pocket route via Kumargram TE, New Lands, TE and headed towards Mainabari. They were taking the route aiming to reach Jaigaon via Jayanti , Rajabhatkhwa and Kalchini. But GJM spporters had to change the route as the message of blocking the route by thousands of armed ABAVP supporters near Mainabari raeched the marchers.
GJM marchers then took the route of Rydak river and crossed Kaljani Busty and headed through Hatipota forest where they were stopped by the police near Hatipota Tea Estate. After the police blockade the GJM marchers stayed on the route till afternoon and later returned and now camping in Kaljani Busty.
Suraj Biswakarma Central Committe member said that we are determined to continue our march and we will do it at any cost.
Dr Harka bdr Chhetri speaking to KalimNews said that earlier in a joint peace meeting held on 8th February after the Shibshu incident, Jalpaiguri Police SP had told us that they are not stopping any GJM supporters of Dooars to organise party activities but GJM supporters of hill cannot be allowed to march towards Dooars. Hinting on the same line we had organised this march. But police is clamping 144 section and other laws only to the Gorkhas and it is not being obeyed by other communities, it clearly indicates that we are different to other communities of West Bengal as such we need to be separated from Bengal.
Election Commission has stressed the Darjeeling district administration to increase the security measures and security arrangements.
Dooars bandh off but unrest still looms - Gurung outfit sticks to march plan
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GJM Marchers at Hatipota |
GJM marchers then took the route of Rydak river and crossed Kaljani Busty and headed through Hatipota forest where they were stopped by the police near Hatipota Tea Estate. After the police blockade the GJM marchers stayed on the route till afternoon and later returned and now camping in Kaljani Busty.
Suraj Biswakarma Central Committe member said that we are determined to continue our march and we will do it at any cost.
Dr Harka bdr Chhetri speaking to KalimNews said that earlier in a joint peace meeting held on 8th February after the Shibshu incident, Jalpaiguri Police SP had told us that they are not stopping any GJM supporters of Dooars to organise party activities but GJM supporters of hill cannot be allowed to march towards Dooars. Hinting on the same line we had organised this march. But police is clamping 144 section and other laws only to the Gorkhas and it is not being obeyed by other communities, it clearly indicates that we are different to other communities of West Bengal as such we need to be separated from Bengal.
Election Commission has stressed the Darjeeling district administration to increase the security measures and security arrangements.
Dooars bandh off but unrest still looms - Gurung outfit sticks to march plan
A lone truck plies on NH31C at Nimati More on Thursday. The Parishad had not posted any picketers in the area, 26km from Alipurduar town, during the bandh. Picture by Anirban Choudhury. |
TT, Feb. 17: The Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad called off its indefinite bandh from 6pm today but uncertainty looms over the Dooars where the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has declared that it will go ahead with its padayatra to Kumani.
The Morcha plans to take out processions from across the Dooars to Kumani, where party president Bimal Gurung has been camping from January 19.
Although the Morcha desisted from taking out marches today, a group of 50 men and women, who claimed they were coming from the Sankosh area on the Assam border and had marched 25km, were stopped by police at Kunjali Busty in Samuktala and not allowed to go further.
In the Dooars, most tea gardens were shut and traffic thin because of the Parishad bandh. The railways diverted long-distance trains on the Siliguri Junction-Alipurduar route through Falakata-Belacopa-New Cooch Behar-Alipurduar. Up and Down Kanchankanya Express, Mahananda Express and Intercity Express were diverted.
In the afternoon, Parishad leaders declared they were withdrawing the bandh from 6pm. “We are satisfied with the role of the police and our bandh was a success, so we are withdrawing it. We have also taken into account the coming Madhyamik examinations. But any attempt by the Morcha to take out padayatras and create tension in the Dooars will be resisted by us instantly,” said John Barla, the president of the Parishad’s Terai-Dooars committee.
The leaders of the Progressive Tea Workers’ Union, a labour union affiliated to the Parishad, said the strike in the tea gardens in the Dooars was total. “The workers of the gardens, most of them Adivasis, do not want to be included in the Morcha’s proposed state. They want the Sixth Schedule and the distribution of land rights,” said union president Sukra Munda.
The Morcha, however, is stuck to its stand on the padayatra and is determined to go ahead with it from tomorrow. “Our padayatra will continue. It is a pre-arranged programme. Our marchers in Jaigaon and Kalchni will join the other padayatris at Hashimara tomorrow,” said Morcha assistant secretary Binay Tamang, who is also camping at Kumani.
Tamang repeated the Morcha stand that the Parishad was acting on behalf of the CPM to stall their peaceful movement. “The chief minister will be in Malbazar on Saturday and there will be no Section 144 for the CPM then,” said Tamang.
The subdivisional police officer of Alipurduar, David Lepcha, said the marchers had been asked to disperse at Hatipota. Contrary to Morcha claims that the marchers had covered 25km before they were sent back, Lepcha said: “If they had come through forests we don’t know. We saw them assembling near Hatipota, in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, and told them to disperse as Section 144 was in force.”
The Parishad state president, Birsa Tirkey, today faxed a request to the chief minister’s office in Writers’ Buildings, requesting an audience with him during his visit to Malbazar on February 19.
“Our president has requested the chief minister for a meeting to discuss our demand for autonomy under the Sixth Schedule for the Terai and the Dooars, and other issues. If the chief minister refuses to meet us, we will launch a movement.”
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee will visit Malbazar on Saturday to distribute bicycles to girls between nine and 12 years living in tea gardens.
CBI gets time
Calcutta High Court today granted the CBI four months to come to a logical conclusion in the Madan Tamang murder case and about Nickole Tamang’s escape from CID custody. Nickole is one of the main accused in the ABGL leader’s murder.
A division bench of the high court comprising Chief Justice J.N. Patel and Justice A.K. Roy, granted the time after CBI counsel Himanghshu De told the judges that the central agency was facing hardship because of the ongoing turmoil in the Darjeeling hills. “To come to a logical conclusion the CBI needs at least four month’s time,” the counsel prayed.
The bench had asked the CBI on January 21 to inform the court about the progress of the investigation while hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Pema Tamang, Nickole’s wife, after his disappearance.
On behalf of the deputy inspector-general of the CBI (crime), De today submitted a report in sealed cover to the court.
Increase security in Hills: EC
SNS, KOLKATA, 17 FEB: In the run-up to the ensuing Assembly poll, the Election Commission has stressed on the immediate beefing up of security arrangements in the troubled Darjeeling Hills and the Dooars.
The “advice” was passed on by the deputy election commissioner in-charge of West Bengal, Mr Vinod Zutshi, during a video conference with the district and the state administration this afternoon, according to an EC source. Mr Zutshi held the video conference with the district magistrates and superintendents of police of nine districts from 4 p.m. today. State chief electoral officer Mr Sunil Kumar Gupta and senior police officials also took part in the conference from the CEO's office in the city. The nine districts covered today were Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, North and South Dinajpur, Malda, Murshidabad, Nadia, Burdwan and Birbhum. The scheduled conference with Cooch Behar could not be held because of link failure.
During the nearly three-hour conference, Mr Zutshi discussed at length the poll preparedness level of the districts and also inquired about the deployment plan for the 100 companies of Central police force that are scheduled to arrive in the state on 20 February.
Varsity reveals relief for hill forms
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 17: North Bengal University today said 13 colleges in the hills had already been granted an extension for filling up registration forms for Part I, Part II and Part III examinations, the circulars of which were sent to the colleges last month.
According to varsity officials, the date for filling up of forms has been extended from February 15 to 21 for colleges in the plains.
For hill institutions, extensions have been granted till February 26 for honours courses of all three years and pass course of Part III. The forms for pass course of Part II and Part III will have to be filled up between February 15 and 28.
Varsity officials said the decision had been taken long ago considering the grievances conveyed by the Gorkha Janmukti Vidyarthi Morcha (GJVM) — the student wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — and some of the college authorities in September last year. They had informed the varsity about the inconveniences faced by the hill students because of the three-month winter vacation when the colleges were shut.
“We had been approached by the GJVM and the colleges in September last year with a list of demands that included extension of time to fill up registration forms in view of the long winter break when most students are out of station …. Accordingly, the separate schedules for hill and plains colleges were drawn up and circulated,” a varsity official said.
He said the final schedule was circulated to the hill colleges last month. “Under the schedule, forms for honours of all three years and pass course of Part III will have to be filled up within February 15 and 26 and that of pass course of Part I and Part II should be filled up by February 28. We don’t know what is preventing the college authorities from filling up the forms,” the official added.
The student wing of the Morcha had yesterday blamed the hill colleges for not taking enough initiative to get the forms filled up despite bandh relaxation for exam-related activities. The college authorities, had in turn, pointed out the inconveniences that outstation candidates would face on arriving during an agitation.
Morcha or not, hill polls will be held: Deb
The Morcha plans to take out processions from across the Dooars to Kumani, where party president Bimal Gurung has been camping from January 19.
Although the Morcha desisted from taking out marches today, a group of 50 men and women, who claimed they were coming from the Sankosh area on the Assam border and had marched 25km, were stopped by police at Kunjali Busty in Samuktala and not allowed to go further.
In the Dooars, most tea gardens were shut and traffic thin because of the Parishad bandh. The railways diverted long-distance trains on the Siliguri Junction-Alipurduar route through Falakata-Belacopa-New Cooch Behar-Alipurduar. Up and Down Kanchankanya Express, Mahananda Express and Intercity Express were diverted.
In the afternoon, Parishad leaders declared they were withdrawing the bandh from 6pm. “We are satisfied with the role of the police and our bandh was a success, so we are withdrawing it. We have also taken into account the coming Madhyamik examinations. But any attempt by the Morcha to take out padayatras and create tension in the Dooars will be resisted by us instantly,” said John Barla, the president of the Parishad’s Terai-Dooars committee.
The leaders of the Progressive Tea Workers’ Union, a labour union affiliated to the Parishad, said the strike in the tea gardens in the Dooars was total. “The workers of the gardens, most of them Adivasis, do not want to be included in the Morcha’s proposed state. They want the Sixth Schedule and the distribution of land rights,” said union president Sukra Munda.
The Morcha, however, is stuck to its stand on the padayatra and is determined to go ahead with it from tomorrow. “Our padayatra will continue. It is a pre-arranged programme. Our marchers in Jaigaon and Kalchni will join the other padayatris at Hashimara tomorrow,” said Morcha assistant secretary Binay Tamang, who is also camping at Kumani.
Tamang repeated the Morcha stand that the Parishad was acting on behalf of the CPM to stall their peaceful movement. “The chief minister will be in Malbazar on Saturday and there will be no Section 144 for the CPM then,” said Tamang.
The subdivisional police officer of Alipurduar, David Lepcha, said the marchers had been asked to disperse at Hatipota. Contrary to Morcha claims that the marchers had covered 25km before they were sent back, Lepcha said: “If they had come through forests we don’t know. We saw them assembling near Hatipota, in the Buxa Tiger Reserve, and told them to disperse as Section 144 was in force.”
The Parishad state president, Birsa Tirkey, today faxed a request to the chief minister’s office in Writers’ Buildings, requesting an audience with him during his visit to Malbazar on February 19.
“Our president has requested the chief minister for a meeting to discuss our demand for autonomy under the Sixth Schedule for the Terai and the Dooars, and other issues. If the chief minister refuses to meet us, we will launch a movement.”
Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee will visit Malbazar on Saturday to distribute bicycles to girls between nine and 12 years living in tea gardens.
CBI gets time
Calcutta High Court today granted the CBI four months to come to a logical conclusion in the Madan Tamang murder case and about Nickole Tamang’s escape from CID custody. Nickole is one of the main accused in the ABGL leader’s murder.
A division bench of the high court comprising Chief Justice J.N. Patel and Justice A.K. Roy, granted the time after CBI counsel Himanghshu De told the judges that the central agency was facing hardship because of the ongoing turmoil in the Darjeeling hills. “To come to a logical conclusion the CBI needs at least four month’s time,” the counsel prayed.
The bench had asked the CBI on January 21 to inform the court about the progress of the investigation while hearing a habeas corpus petition filed by Pema Tamang, Nickole’s wife, after his disappearance.
On behalf of the deputy inspector-general of the CBI (crime), De today submitted a report in sealed cover to the court.
Increase security in Hills: EC
SNS, KOLKATA, 17 FEB: In the run-up to the ensuing Assembly poll, the Election Commission has stressed on the immediate beefing up of security arrangements in the troubled Darjeeling Hills and the Dooars.
The “advice” was passed on by the deputy election commissioner in-charge of West Bengal, Mr Vinod Zutshi, during a video conference with the district and the state administration this afternoon, according to an EC source. Mr Zutshi held the video conference with the district magistrates and superintendents of police of nine districts from 4 p.m. today. State chief electoral officer Mr Sunil Kumar Gupta and senior police officials also took part in the conference from the CEO's office in the city. The nine districts covered today were Darjeeling, Jalpaiguri, North and South Dinajpur, Malda, Murshidabad, Nadia, Burdwan and Birbhum. The scheduled conference with Cooch Behar could not be held because of link failure.
During the nearly three-hour conference, Mr Zutshi discussed at length the poll preparedness level of the districts and also inquired about the deployment plan for the 100 companies of Central police force that are scheduled to arrive in the state on 20 February.
Varsity reveals relief for hill forms
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 17: North Bengal University today said 13 colleges in the hills had already been granted an extension for filling up registration forms for Part I, Part II and Part III examinations, the circulars of which were sent to the colleges last month.
According to varsity officials, the date for filling up of forms has been extended from February 15 to 21 for colleges in the plains.
For hill institutions, extensions have been granted till February 26 for honours courses of all three years and pass course of Part III. The forms for pass course of Part II and Part III will have to be filled up between February 15 and 28.
Varsity officials said the decision had been taken long ago considering the grievances conveyed by the Gorkha Janmukti Vidyarthi Morcha (GJVM) — the student wing of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — and some of the college authorities in September last year. They had informed the varsity about the inconveniences faced by the hill students because of the three-month winter vacation when the colleges were shut.
“We had been approached by the GJVM and the colleges in September last year with a list of demands that included extension of time to fill up registration forms in view of the long winter break when most students are out of station …. Accordingly, the separate schedules for hill and plains colleges were drawn up and circulated,” a varsity official said.
He said the final schedule was circulated to the hill colleges last month. “Under the schedule, forms for honours of all three years and pass course of Part III will have to be filled up within February 15 and 26 and that of pass course of Part I and Part II should be filled up by February 28. We don’t know what is preventing the college authorities from filling up the forms,” the official added.
The student wing of the Morcha had yesterday blamed the hill colleges for not taking enough initiative to get the forms filled up despite bandh relaxation for exam-related activities. The college authorities, had in turn, pointed out the inconveniences that outstation candidates would face on arriving during an agitation.
Morcha or not, hill polls will be held: Deb
Gautam Deb at the media conference in Siliguri on Thursday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 17: Housing minister Gautam Deb today said the state government would go ahead with the panchayat and civic polls in the hills immediately after the Assembly elections even if the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha expressed disinterest or announced non-participation.
The local polls are needed to form the proposed interim authority, he said.
The minister, who has visited Siliguri twice in 20 days, said the Morcha chief was “riding a tiger” and wanted his supporters to die so that he “gained mileage” from it. He was referring to the Sibchu incident in which three Morcha supporters died in police firing.
“There is a difference between what Bimal Gurung had told us and what he is saying here in the hills. While talking to us, the Morcha had specifically said it did not need a separate state but only an authority with more powers than the DGHC.
“Accordingly, the proposal to form an authority with increased powers, and which would have one or two villages as additional areas, was mooted. But when he came to know that the governments were keen to hold elections to form the authority and not nominate the members who would run it, he resorted to this violent movement,” Deb said at a media conference here this morning.
“We want to make it clear that under no circumstances a separate state would be formed. The state government is very clear on this issue and will hold elections to the civic bodies and panchayats to form the authority in the hills after the Assembly polls. If Bimal Gurung does not want to participate in that election, he better sit at home.”
Describing the Morcha demand for statehood “childish”, the minister blamed Gurung for the February 8 firing at Sibchu.
“The onus lies with Bimal Gurung as he had provoked his supporters to organise attacks on policemen. One can’t expect the policemen to keep their guns at home when they are attacked. Gurung, who is riding a tiger now and has reached the point of no return, wanted his supporters to die to gain some mileage. He has understood that whenever he dismounts from the tiger, he will face retaliation from the people. Thus, he is continuing with this spate of violence and instigating people,” Deb said.
The CPM state secretariat member also claimed that the Morcha movement would start fizzling out after the Assembly election. “The situation will change in two phases: the first change would be noticed after the MLA polls, followed by another change after the elections in the hills (panchayat and municipality level). There will be repercussions but even then, the situation will change fast,” he said.
About elections in the hills, on which the CPM had expressed apprehensions, Deb said: “Around 100 companies of CPMF (central paramilitary force) would be available for the state during polls. The entire arrangement has to be done by the EC and we can only assist them with logistics. We feel the commission has taken the issue (of Darjeeling) seriously and will take appropriate steps to conduct free and fair polls in the hills.”
Deb denied the allegation that chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was taking a “soft and lenient stance” on the Morcha. “It would be wrong to make such assessment as the chief minister has been apprised of the Morcha’s movements and activities. When a police complaint has been filed against the top leaders of a party with serious charges, it is natural that steps will be taken in due course.”
Tamang case: CBI seeks 4 months to complete probe
Kanchan Chakraborty, IE, Kolkata, Feb 18 2011: The CBI today filed a status report before the Calcutta High Court regarding its progress in investigation of Nicole Tamang missing case, one of the prime accused in the Madan Tamang murder case in Darjeeling.
Nicole after his arrest, had escaped from the custody of a CID officer while he was reportedly being interrogated in Siliguri.
The CBI status report mentioned in detail how Nicole Tamang had escaped from the agency’s custody at Pintail village at Siliguri on August 22, 2010 morning. The status report sought four months’ time to complete the probe on grounds of the recent law and order situation in Darjeeling. The Division Bench of the Chief Justice J N Patel and Justice Ashim Kumar Roy allowed the CBI plea.
Nicole Tamang was taken to Pintail village, a resort in Siliguri, on August 21 morning by the CID team. According to the status report, A S Pahari, CID inspector and investigating officer (IO) in the Madan Tamang case, had interrogated Nicole till 4 in the morning. They were staying in a room located on the first floor at bunglow no 31.
At 6.30 am, Arabindo Kumbhakar, a CID constable, entered the room and tea was served to Pahari and Nicole. At 6.40 am, Nicole wanted to go for latrine and Kumbhakar took him to a toilet located in south-east corner of the floor, At that time, Nicole was without handcuffs and Kumbhakar stood in front of the door. At the same time, Pahari also went to a latrine attached to the north side room of the first floor. After five minutes, Kumbhakar noticed that Nicole had escaped from the toilet and he shouted.
The status report said there was big hole in the rear wall of the bungalow no 30 adjacent to bungalow 31. According to a source in the CBI, they are convinced Nicole had escaped through this hole in bungalow no 30. Nicole had worked as a sub-contractor during construction of the Pintail village, said the source, and was familiar with the resort.
The status report said Nicole had confessed before the CID inspector his complicity in the murder of Madan Tamang who was killed on May 21. Nicole also disclosed the names of other co-accused in the crime, stated the status report.
The CBI claimed to have examined 28 persons including officials of the CID and police of the Pradhan Nagar police station and collected 19 documents.
Advocate Himangsu De, public prosecutor of the CBI, apprised the Division Bench that the investigation has been delayed due to attacks on agency personnel in the hills.
Buses for cop job test
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 17: Darjeeling police will run a bus service to ferry candidates who have applied for the post of constable to the exam centre in Dabgram tomorrow.
Buses will be available at Kurseong, Kalimpong and Darjeeling towns to carry the candidates to the exam centre. The same vehicles will take them back to the hills after the exams, Darjeeling police chief D.P. Singh said. He said several youths from the hills had applied for the job but could not reach the exam venue today because of the strike in the region. A few candidates who had managed to reach were so weak from the long walk that physical tests could not be conducted.
Jumbo kills 1
TT, Jaigaon: Md Sahid, 41, a resident of Dhupjhora, on the fringes of Gorumara National Park, was killed by an elephant on Thursday. Nagrakata police said he cycling to his village when the animal attacked him. He was trampled to death.
The local polls are needed to form the proposed interim authority, he said.
The minister, who has visited Siliguri twice in 20 days, said the Morcha chief was “riding a tiger” and wanted his supporters to die so that he “gained mileage” from it. He was referring to the Sibchu incident in which three Morcha supporters died in police firing.
“There is a difference between what Bimal Gurung had told us and what he is saying here in the hills. While talking to us, the Morcha had specifically said it did not need a separate state but only an authority with more powers than the DGHC.
“Accordingly, the proposal to form an authority with increased powers, and which would have one or two villages as additional areas, was mooted. But when he came to know that the governments were keen to hold elections to form the authority and not nominate the members who would run it, he resorted to this violent movement,” Deb said at a media conference here this morning.
“We want to make it clear that under no circumstances a separate state would be formed. The state government is very clear on this issue and will hold elections to the civic bodies and panchayats to form the authority in the hills after the Assembly polls. If Bimal Gurung does not want to participate in that election, he better sit at home.”
Describing the Morcha demand for statehood “childish”, the minister blamed Gurung for the February 8 firing at Sibchu.
“The onus lies with Bimal Gurung as he had provoked his supporters to organise attacks on policemen. One can’t expect the policemen to keep their guns at home when they are attacked. Gurung, who is riding a tiger now and has reached the point of no return, wanted his supporters to die to gain some mileage. He has understood that whenever he dismounts from the tiger, he will face retaliation from the people. Thus, he is continuing with this spate of violence and instigating people,” Deb said.
The CPM state secretariat member also claimed that the Morcha movement would start fizzling out after the Assembly election. “The situation will change in two phases: the first change would be noticed after the MLA polls, followed by another change after the elections in the hills (panchayat and municipality level). There will be repercussions but even then, the situation will change fast,” he said.
About elections in the hills, on which the CPM had expressed apprehensions, Deb said: “Around 100 companies of CPMF (central paramilitary force) would be available for the state during polls. The entire arrangement has to be done by the EC and we can only assist them with logistics. We feel the commission has taken the issue (of Darjeeling) seriously and will take appropriate steps to conduct free and fair polls in the hills.”
Deb denied the allegation that chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee was taking a “soft and lenient stance” on the Morcha. “It would be wrong to make such assessment as the chief minister has been apprised of the Morcha’s movements and activities. When a police complaint has been filed against the top leaders of a party with serious charges, it is natural that steps will be taken in due course.”
Tamang case: CBI seeks 4 months to complete probe
Kanchan Chakraborty, IE, Kolkata, Feb 18 2011: The CBI today filed a status report before the Calcutta High Court regarding its progress in investigation of Nicole Tamang missing case, one of the prime accused in the Madan Tamang murder case in Darjeeling.
Nicole after his arrest, had escaped from the custody of a CID officer while he was reportedly being interrogated in Siliguri.
The CBI status report mentioned in detail how Nicole Tamang had escaped from the agency’s custody at Pintail village at Siliguri on August 22, 2010 morning. The status report sought four months’ time to complete the probe on grounds of the recent law and order situation in Darjeeling. The Division Bench of the Chief Justice J N Patel and Justice Ashim Kumar Roy allowed the CBI plea.
Nicole Tamang was taken to Pintail village, a resort in Siliguri, on August 21 morning by the CID team. According to the status report, A S Pahari, CID inspector and investigating officer (IO) in the Madan Tamang case, had interrogated Nicole till 4 in the morning. They were staying in a room located on the first floor at bunglow no 31.
At 6.30 am, Arabindo Kumbhakar, a CID constable, entered the room and tea was served to Pahari and Nicole. At 6.40 am, Nicole wanted to go for latrine and Kumbhakar took him to a toilet located in south-east corner of the floor, At that time, Nicole was without handcuffs and Kumbhakar stood in front of the door. At the same time, Pahari also went to a latrine attached to the north side room of the first floor. After five minutes, Kumbhakar noticed that Nicole had escaped from the toilet and he shouted.
The status report said there was big hole in the rear wall of the bungalow no 30 adjacent to bungalow 31. According to a source in the CBI, they are convinced Nicole had escaped through this hole in bungalow no 30. Nicole had worked as a sub-contractor during construction of the Pintail village, said the source, and was familiar with the resort.
The status report said Nicole had confessed before the CID inspector his complicity in the murder of Madan Tamang who was killed on May 21. Nicole also disclosed the names of other co-accused in the crime, stated the status report.
The CBI claimed to have examined 28 persons including officials of the CID and police of the Pradhan Nagar police station and collected 19 documents.
Advocate Himangsu De, public prosecutor of the CBI, apprised the Division Bench that the investigation has been delayed due to attacks on agency personnel in the hills.
Buses for cop job test
TT, Siliguri, Feb. 17: Darjeeling police will run a bus service to ferry candidates who have applied for the post of constable to the exam centre in Dabgram tomorrow.
Buses will be available at Kurseong, Kalimpong and Darjeeling towns to carry the candidates to the exam centre. The same vehicles will take them back to the hills after the exams, Darjeeling police chief D.P. Singh said. He said several youths from the hills had applied for the job but could not reach the exam venue today because of the strike in the region. A few candidates who had managed to reach were so weak from the long walk that physical tests could not be conducted.
Jumbo kills 1
TT, Jaigaon: Md Sahid, 41, a resident of Dhupjhora, on the fringes of Gorumara National Park, was killed by an elephant on Thursday. Nagrakata police said he cycling to his village when the animal attacked him. He was trampled to death.
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