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Hunger strike in Shibshu, Dooars |
KalimNews: Tension gripped the entire hill when a news spread about the lathi charge by the police at Sibshu. GJNM staged demonstration in all the police stations and traffic was halted for about three hours in all the areas of three hill subdivisions and NH 55, NH 31 C near Bagrakote and NH31A during the afternoon. Later at about 5 pm the blockade was withdrawn. Four GJM supporters were arrested from Rangpo for disrupting the traffic movement in NH 31 A.
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Traffic halt in Kalimpong |
There was a commotion when police lathicharged to disperse the crowd of GJM supporters without any warning or firing tear gas shells. Atleast 8 people suffered minor injuries while one is seriously injured and rushed to SD Hospital Kalimpong. The group of GJM supporters had entered Sibshu area from Khumani through a bye lane. Jalpaiguri police has stopped plying of all vehicles through the Khunia more to Jaldhaka via Sibshu. All the vehicles of this route are taking the Matelli Khumani route to reach Jholung, Todey and Gairibas, Rongo.
On the second day of the relay hunger strike in Kalimpong seven members of Janmukti Asthayi Karmachari Sangathan participated. Meanwhile in the morning GJNM the women's wing of GJM gheraoed residence of Dawa Pakhrin former GNLF councillor and present President of Gorkhaland Rajya Nirman Morcha for speaking against the GJM stand about Gorkhaland. Pakhrin had ridiculed the recent switching over of demand of GJM from GRA to separate statehood. In the afternoon GJNM supporters stopped movement of all two and four wheelers and protested against the police atrocities in Dooars and demanded safe passage to the Long March Padyatra of Bimal Gurung GJM President from Khumani to Jaigaon.
PTI, Jalpaiguri (WB), Jan 30 : Three activists of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha were injured today when police used canes to disperse a procession in Dooars area for violating prohibitory orders imposed under 144 CrPC, officials said.
The GJM procession in Shpchu block led by senior leaders like Binoy Tamang and R B Bhujel entered the area from Darjeeling violating the prohibitory orders forcing police to use lathis injuring three Morcha workers, they said.
In protest against the lathicharge, GJM blocked roads in different areas of Darjeeling district. The Darjeeling police station was also gheraoed, they added.
Barricade breach foiled- Morcha accuses police of baton charge, administration denies allegation
PTI, Jalpaiguri (WB), Jan 30 : Three activists of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha were injured today when police used canes to disperse a procession in Dooars area for violating prohibitory orders imposed under 144 CrPC, officials said.
The GJM procession in Shpchu block led by senior leaders like Binoy Tamang and R B Bhujel entered the area from Darjeeling violating the prohibitory orders forcing police to use lathis injuring three Morcha workers, they said.
In protest against the lathicharge, GJM blocked roads in different areas of Darjeeling district. The Darjeeling police station was also gheraoed, they added.
Barricade breach foiled- Morcha accuses police of baton charge, administration denies allegation
Morcha supporters demonstrate in front of Darjeeling police station on Sunday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
TT, Jan. 30: Another attempt by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha supporters to move from Kumani to Sibchu in Jalpaiguri was thwarted today by police with the agitators claiming that they were baton-charged, a contention that was denied by the administration.
The Morcha supporters led by party president Bimal Gurung, who has been camping in Kumani in Kalimpong subdivision since January 19, have so far made two unsuccessful attempts to breach the police barricade on the Dooars border.
The first attempt was made on January 25, on the day the Morcha leadership met Union home minister, P. Chidambaram in Delhi.
Matters were peaceful at Kumani today where around 10.30am Morcha supporters led by Gurung observed the death anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi.
Then around 300 Morcha supporters, including those from the Nari Morcha, suddenly headed towards the police barricade at Sibchu, 5km from Kumani.
A number of Nari Morcha supporters also sat on a relay hunger strike at a community hall in Sibchu, protesting the administration’s refusal to allow their party president to lead a padayatra through the Dooars to Jaigaon for Gorkhaland.
At 2pm, police officers, in the presence of divisional commissioner A.K. Singh, requested the Morcha supporters to disperse from the spot as just beyond the barricade Section 144 was in place.
“The demonstrators refused to budge. As they still continued to demonstrate, we ordered the policemen to chase and disperse them from the area. It was done to maintain law and order and there was no lathi-charge,” said Sukhen Baraik, a deputy magistrate posted at Sibchu.
The Morcha leadership has condemned the lathi-charge on their supporters. “Five of our supporters have been injured in the lathi-charge. One of them, Prakash Rai, has fractured his ankle and has been admitted to the subdivisional hospital in Kalimpong. Among the others who have suffered injuries is 67-year-old Kaila Rai,” said Binay Tamang, Morcha assistant secretary, over the phone from Kumani.
Tamang said the administration has “detained” them at Kumani for nearly 13 days. “The administration is treating us like terrorists and have been citing the imposition of prohibitory orders but Asok Bhattacharya held meetings in Malbazar a couple of days back,” he said.
From 4.30pm, the Morcha set up road blockades across the hills for two hours and demonstrated in front of police stations to protest the alleged lathicharge.
Jalpaiguri police chief Anand Kumar denied that the Morcha supporters were lathi-charged. “Our men just chased them away from Sibchu as they were repeatedly trying to violate the prohibitory orders. There was no lathi-charge,” Kumar said.
Inspector general of police (north Bengal) Ranvir Kumar said cases have been started against Morcha activists who blocked NH31A today.
“Subsequently, a case could be framed against Bimal Gurung if investigations reveal that he had called for the blockade,” Kumar said. The national highway is Sikkim’s only road link with the rest of the country.
सिब्सुमा लाठीचार्जःविरोधमा राजमार्ग अवरूद्धमनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,30 जनवरी।मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङको डुवर्स प्रवेशलाई रोक लगाउन प्रशासनले लगाएको व्यारिकेट र 144 धारालाई कुनै पर्वाह नगरी नगरकट्टा खण्डको सिब्सुमा धेरै शंख्यामा पुगेका मोर्चा समर्थकहरूमाथि आज पुलिसले लाठी चार्ज गर्यो। सिब्सुमा मोर्चाको 11 सदस्यीय टोली अनशनमा बसेको छ, जहॉं कुमानीबाट भारी संख्यामा मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरू पुगेका थिए। 144 धारा लागू भइरहेको अवस्थामा यसरी मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरूको भीड़ पुगेर नारीबाजी गर्दा तैनाथ पुलिस बलले उनीहरूलाई त्यहीँ रोक्यो। पुलिसले त्यही समय कुनै सूचना बिना अनि टियर ग्यास समेत नफ्यॉंकी अचानक लाठी चार्ज गर्न शुरू भयो। जसको कारण वातावरण तनाउपूर्ण भयो। पुलिसले एकैचोटी लाठी चार्ज गरेको कारण मानिसहरूमा भागरेभाग मच्चियो। यसबीच लाठीचार्जमा मोर्चाका केही कार्यकर्ताहरू घाइतेसमेत बनेका छन् भने एकको खुट्टामा निक्कै गम्भीर चोट परेको जानकारी पाइएको छ। मोर्चा अध्यक्ष भने उता कुमानीमा नै बसेका छन् भने कुमानीको व्यारिकेट अघि मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरूको धर्ना र जुलूस जारी रहेको छ। सिब्सुमा भएको यो घटना एकै क्षणमा आगो जस्तो फैलियो। कालेबुङमा लाठीचार्ज गरेर मोर्चा कार्यकताहरूलाई घाइते बनाएको खबर आइपुग्ने वित्तिकै नारी कार्यकर्ताहरू थानामा पुगेर धर्ना र जुलूसबाजी शुरू गरे। टिस्टा शाखा मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताहरूले भने राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग लगभग चार घण्टा ठप्प पारे। राजमार्ग ठप्प पारे पनि डुुवर्स र सिलगढ़ी जाने मार्ग भने खुल्लै राखिएको थियो। बाघपुलदेखि उभो मात्र पथावरोध गरिएकोले केवल पहाड़का यात्रीहरू मात्र असुविधामा परेको देखियो भने यो पथावरोधले तराई र डुवर्सलाई भने कुनै फरक परेको देखिएन।
सन्दर्भ-प्राधिकरण: मोर्चालाई अझ पनि विपक्षले गरेको छैन विश्वास
मनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,30 जनवरी। गोजमुमोले सेटअप खारेज गरेपनि विपक्षले भने पटक्क विश्वास नै गरेको छैन। विश्वास नगर्नुको कारण मोर्चाले घरिघरि मुद्दा फेर्ने र जनतालाई घरि गोर्खाल्याण्ड, घरि प्राधिकरण, घरि गोर्खा-आदिवासी प्रदेशको कुरा गरेको नै प्रमुख रहेको विपक्षका नेताहरूले जनाएका छन्। प्राधिकरण खारेज गरेपछि सामुहिक नेतृत्वको कुरा उठिरहेको थियो तर मोर्चाले प्राधिकरण नै खारेज गरेकोले अनि दश फरवरीसम्ममा हस्ताक्षर गर्ने समय रहेकोले कुनै दलले पनि मोर्चाको यो अड़ानलाई विश्वास नगरेकैले सामुहिक नेतृत्वको परिस्थिति बनिन नसकेको पनि विपक्षद्वारा थाहा लागेको छ।
प्राधिकरण खारेज प्रकरण अनि सामुहिक नेतृत्वको औचित्य सम्बन्धी कालेबुङका विभिन्न दलका प्रतिनिधिहरूसँग सम्पर्क गर्दा प्राय सबैले मोर्चाको घरिघरिको भाका फेराईको कारण नै मोर्चालाई विश्वास गर्न नसकिरहेको जनाएका छन्। यस सम्बन्धमा क्रामाकपा उपाध्यक्ष जेबी राईसँग जान्न चॉंहदा तिनले भने-यो 38-39 महिनाको आन्दोलनमा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको विकल्प हुँदैन भन्दाभन्दै पनि दागोपापको नाममा कतिचोटि वार्ता गरे, अहिले प्राधिकरण खारेज गरेर फेरि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्दैछ। बाघ सॉंच्चीनै आएको हो भने त्यो स्वागतयोग्य छ यदि होइन भने हामी अहिलेनै गोजमुमोको यो अड़ानलाई विश्वास गरिहाल्ने पक्षमा छैनौं।
जुन किसिमको परिस्थितिभित्र गोजमुमो प्रवक्ता डा. हर्कवहादुर छेत्रीले यदि कुनै व्यक्तिले एकैपल्टमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याउँछु भन्छ भने त्यो मानिस धुर्त बाहेक केही पनि होइन भनेर गोजमुमोले गरेको आन्दोलनमा एकैचोटी गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याउँदैन भन्ने संकेत त यहॉं दिइहाल्यो र गोर्खाल्याण्ड अघाड़ीपट्टि केही ल्याउँदैछ भन्ने कुरामा हामी शंका गरिरहेका छौं र योमाथि हामी विश्वास गर्न चॉंही सक्तैनौं।
अर्कोतिर गोर्खालिग नेता प्रताप खातीले पनि मोर्चाको कुरा फेर्ने बानीको कारण प्राधिकरण फिर्ता गरेको कुरालाई विश्वास गर्न नसकेको बताएका छन्। उनले भने-हामीले जसरी अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको खेस्रा जलायौं, त्यसरीनै उनीहरूले पनि जलाउन् अनि आधिकारिक रूपमा लेखेर, जनताअघि कसम खाएर, अबदेखि हामी गोर्खाल्याण्डबाहेक केही थाप्दैनौ भनेर भनुन् तब मात्र हामी पत्याउँछौं। अहिले गोजमुमो दुई फ्याक भएर दिशाहीन भयो। दिल्ली जानेहरू अनि आफ्नो मात्र फाइदा हेर्नेहरू सेटअपपट्टि छ भने यता बस्ने जनताहरू जो दिलोज्यानले माटोप्रति समर्पित छन् उनीहरू गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्दैछन्। तिनले मोर्चाका नेताहरूको नाम मदन तामाङ हत्याकाण्डसित जोड़िएकोले उनीहरूमा लागेको दाग मेटिए मात्र सामुहिक नेतृत्वको कुरा मोर्चासित गर्न सकिने जनाएका छन्। यता माकपा नेता तारा सुन्दाससँग जान्न चॉंहदा उनले भने, आन्दोलन गर्ने अधिकार सबैलाई छ, त्यसमा कसले के गर्दैछ भन्ने कुनै प्रकारको आलोचना गर्ने मेरो अधिकार छैन।
अहिलेको परिस्थितिमा भारतवर्षको सम्पूर्ण राजनीतिलाई बुझेर काम गर्न आवश्यक छ। राजनीति भनेको मनले गर्दैन, दिमागले गर्छ यदि मन दुखीहाले बौह्रिएर उठ्न चॉंही मिल्दैन। प्राधिकरण हुनु नहुनु राज्यको दोष नरहेको जनाउँदै केन्द्रले नै अहिलेको परिस्थिति निम्त्याएको सुन्दासले जनाएका छन्। अर्कोतिर हिल कांग्रेसका दिलिप प्रधानसँग जान्न चॉंहदा उनले भने, मोर्चाले पहिले बुझ्नुपर्ने थियो। अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणभन्दा युटी नै राम्रो थियो, यदि उनीहरूले पहिलेनै अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको साटो युटीको माग गरेको भए पहिलेको झै समर्थन आज पनि मोर्चालाई मिल्नेथियो। उनीहरूले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको साटो युटीको माग किन गरेनन् यो हामी जान्दैनौं। तर मोर्चाले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा गर्नको साटो युटीको कुरा गरेको उचित रहेको जनाउँदै कांग्रेस युटीकै पक्षमा रहेको जनाएका छन्।
दावा पाखरिनको घर घेराउ: यो घटनाले मेरो मनोबल बढ्यो-पाखरिन
मनोज बोगटि, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 30 जनवरी। गोजमुमो केन्द्रिय सिमितिको आन्तरिक बैठकपछि गोजमुमोले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरण खारेज गरिदिएको छ भने यता कालेबुङमा केही विपक्षी दलका नेताहरूले भने अन्तरिम प्राधिकरण यदि सॉंच्चै खारेज गरेको हो भने आधिकारिक रूपमा केन्द्रलाई लेखेर दिनुपर्ने कुरा दोहोर्याइरहेका छन्।
यसै सन्दर्भमा गत 28 जनवरिको दिन नवगठित पार्टी गोरानिमोका अध्यक्ष दावा पाख्रिनले पनि आफ्नो निजी वासस्थानमा एक पत्रकार सम्मेलनको आयोजना गर्दै वर्तमान आन्दोलन विषयमा आफ्नो वक्तव्य दिएका थिए। उनले घरिघरि मोर्चा विरूद्ध दिएको वक्तव्यको घोर विरोध गर्दै आज कालेबुङका नारी कार्यकर्ताहरूले उनको घर घेराउ घरे। लगभग 400 जति नारी कार्यकर्ताहरू भेला भई यहॉंको हिलटपस्थित निजी वासस्थानमा गई उनीहरूले विभिन्न नारावाजीको साथ धेरै बेरसम्म घेराउ गरे। ननिता गौतम, लतिका सिन्हा, तारा लोहार लेप्चा, कल्पना तामाङ आदिको अगुवाईमा गएका नारी कार्यकर्ताहरूले पाख्रिनले पत्र-पत्रिकातिर यस किसिमको वक्तव्य दिएर आन्दोलन विथोल्ने कार्य गरिरहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्।
अहिले मोर्चाले शान्तिप्रिय ढङ्गमा आन्दोलन गरिरहेको बेला यस्तो किसिमको वक्तव्य दिएर जनतालाई भ्रममा पारिरहेको आरोप लगाउँदै आगामी दिनमा फेरि यसरी जनतालाई भ्रममा पार्ने कोशिश गर्नु नहुने चेतावनी दिएका छन्। केही बेरसम्मको घेराउपश्चात नारी मोर्चा प्रतिनिधिहरूले स्थानिय नारी कार्यकर्ताहरूसँग एक बैठक पनि गरे।
उनको घरमा घेराउ गरिएको विषयमा गोरानिमो अध्यक्षसँग सम्पर्क गर्दा उनले भने, आजको यो घटना लज्जास्पद हो। गणतन्त्रमा बोल्ने अधिकार सबैलाई छ। उनीहरू यसरी आएर घेराउ गर्नु भनेको मेरो परिवारसमेतलाई यातना दिनु हो। आज एक हूल नारी कार्यकर्ताहरू आएर के कारणले मेरो घर घेराउ गरे मलाई थाहा छैन। म गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्ने मान्छे हुँ। मैले न्याशनल पेन्थर पार्टी र तेलेङ्गना राष्ट्रिय समितिसँग मिलेर गोर्खाल्याण्डको पक्षमा जन्तर मन्तमा धरना दिएँ। भारतका शीर्ष नेतृत्वहरूसँग गोर्खाल्याण्डको पक्षमा कुरा गरें। गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्दा यसरी घराउ गर्नु कहॉंसम्मको न्यायसङ्गत कुरा हो?
उक्त घेराउबारे मलाई गोजमुमोको प्रवक्ता भएको नाताले डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले जवाब दिनुपर्छ। उनले भने, सायद मैले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा गर्दा उनीहरू रिसाएका होलान्। मेलै सत्य बोल्न पाउनुपर्छ। यसरी आएर मेरो घर घेराउ गर्दा मलाई नोक्सान केही भएन बरू मलाई थप यस घटनाले उर्जा प्रदान गरेको छ। हाम्रो आपसी द्वेशको कारणले नै केन्द्रमा नकरात्मक प्रभाव पर्ने अनि यस्तै प्रकारको घटना दोहोरिरहे लक्ष्य कहिले पनि प्राप्त गर्न नसकिने उनले बताएका छन्।
United Sikkim on I-League doorstep
TT, Gangtok, Jan. 30: The United Sikkim Football Club, whose chief patron is Bhaichung Bhutia, is set to be the second team in the state after Denzong Boys to take part in the second division of the I-League.
The management of the club has expressed confidence that the team will be included in this season scheduled to commence in the first week of March.
An application by the United Sikkim for inclusion in the I-League second division has been scrutinised and the clubs selected for this season will be announced by the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) in February.
“One of the most important criteria to play in the I-League is the availability of long-term sponsor, and the United Sikkim has fulfilled it. So, I am confident that we will certainly get the nod from the AFC,” said Bhaichung.
The AFC norms stipulate that a team should have a sponsor for at least five years to qualify for the I-League.
During a brief interaction with the media here yesterday, the Indian captain said he had always dreamed about the United Sikkim becoming one of the best professional soccer outfits in the country.
“Oversees sponsors have expressed interest in financing the United Sikkim.I am aiming to take the United Sikkim to the I-League first division in three years and to make the club the best in India in five years. Once we qualify for the I-League, at least five-six members of the national squad will be ready to play for us,” said Bhaichung.
He added that Stanley Rozario, the former assistant coach of the national football team, had already been signed as a coach of the United Sikkim.
The chief patron along with key associates of the United Sikkim scouted a few locations in and around Gangtok yesterday to set up football grounds and a hostel for the club. He also met a bunch of local players being groomed by the club for future challenges.
Bhaichung said Rennedy Singh, the vice-captain of the national team, was likely to play for the United Sikkim in the second division this year along with him.
“Since there is not much time left for the second division I-League to start, I find it difficult to find top players for my club. But talks are on with members of other first and second division teams and foreigners to play for the team,” said Bhaichung.
The team, which was earlier known as the United Sikkim Sporting Club, has already started preparations for the second division matches.
Six local players of the club today left Gangtok for Calcutta where they will be training with other team members. The six are Tenzin Tshepel Bhutia, Pawan Chhetri, Sagar Rai, Bhupendra Khewa, Issac Dok Lepcha and Mayal Dok Lepcha.Bhaichung, who is nursing an injury, said he would be ready to play for his club by May.
Complaint against posters
TT, Siliguri, Jan. 30: The Trinamul Congress today filed a police complaint against six CPM leaders, accusing them of maligning the party by linking it to Maoists through posters and banners.
The complaint was filed by Gautam Deb, the president of Trinamul’s Darjeeling district committee, against CPM Siliguri zonal secretary Mukul Sengupta and five other local leaders.
“The Trinamul Congress is a registered political organisation in the country. But unfortunately, the CPM leaders here are trying to malign the image of the party by tagging our name with Maoist outfits, which are banned by the Union government,” Deb told journalists here today.
He said the banners and posters were planted at Burdwan Road, Siliguri Court More and Punjabipara area, where the CPM appealed to the people to unite against Trinamul and Maoists and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.
“The hoardings also say Trinamul chief Mamata Banerjee offers support whenever violence breaks out — from Lalgarh to Darjeeling,” said Deb.
In the complaint, Deb asked the police to take action against the CPM leaders under Sections 500 (punishment for defamation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 120B (punishment of criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.
Sengupta said: “We are not worried about such allegations as they (Trinamul leaders) often use phrases like khuni mukhhyamantri and harmad bahini against the chief minister and the CPM. They should first change their political culture before pointing finger at us.”
Complaint against posters
TT, Siliguri, Jan. 30: The Trinamul Congress today filed a police complaint against six CPM leaders, accusing them of maligning the party by linking it to Maoists through posters and banners.
The complaint was filed by Gautam Deb, the president of Trinamul’s Darjeeling district committee, against CPM Siliguri zonal secretary Mukul Sengupta and five other local leaders.
“The Trinamul Congress is a registered political organisation in the country. But unfortunately, the CPM leaders here are trying to malign the image of the party by tagging our name with Maoist outfits, which are banned by the Union government,” Deb told journalists here today.
He said the banners and posters were planted at Burdwan Road, Siliguri Court More and Punjabipara area, where the CPM appealed to the people to unite against Trinamul and Maoists and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.
“The hoardings also say Trinamul chief Mamata Banerjee offers support whenever violence breaks out — from Lalgarh to Darjeeling,” said Deb.
In the complaint, Deb asked the police to take action against the CPM leaders under Sections 500 (punishment for defamation), 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of peace) and 120B (punishment of criminal conspiracy) of the IPC.
Sengupta said: “We are not worried about such allegations as they (Trinamul leaders) often use phrases like khuni mukhhyamantri and harmad bahini against the chief minister and the CPM. They should first change their political culture before pointing finger at us.”
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