News in Brief
KalimNews: Kamtapur Progressive Party has threatened of armed agitation if their demand of formation of a separate statehood is not considered. Tom Adhikari ex KLO militant and presently a member of KPP negotiation with the government. Atul Roy President of KPP said in the meeting held at Baghajatin Park of Siliguri that not an inch of land of Dooars will be allowed to include in the proposed GTA. KPP does not need any economic package but needs a separate state for the conservation of their language, culture, said Roy. He further said that economic blockade will be started from March.
Pran Mangar (26) a resident of Dal bahadur Busty of Dalsingpara was trampled to death by a Tusker .
Gorkha runners qualified
KalimNews: Updated on 17 January: Roshni Rai with a team of Gorkha marathon runners highlighted the identity crisis facing by the Indian Gorkhas by running the Mumbai marathon.
The objective of their run was highlighted by almost all of the news papers , online news and television channels. People around the globe could see the live telecast of Star Plus and others. The run organised by Concern India Foundation was participated by 37 thousand runners in different categories and could raise 112.16 crore to support 131 NGOs.Roshni Rai an amateur national and international marathon runner could complete the 41.195 km full marathon in 4 hr 5 mins and was qualified for the comrades marathon run every year in South Africa, it is the 89 km ultimate human race of the world. 16 Gorkha runners ran the 21km half marathon as their previous experience was not approved by the run conducting body. All of the 16 completed the run within the 5 hr duration and qualified for the marathon and received medals. Of the 16 Prabal Chhetri of Kalimpong came 11 th position by completing the run in 1 hr 17 min 42 sec while Ramesh Tamang was declared 16th and Namper Lepcha of Darjeeling 34th and Kamal 74th amongst the 13,900 half marathon runners.
मुम्बई म्याराथनमा झुम्यो मुम्बई - २३ नेपाली भाषी सहभागी
बीरेन्द्र पौडेल, मुम्बई , माघ २। एशियाकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो दौड प्रतिस्पर्धा मुम्बई म्याराथन २०१२ आइतबार मुम्बईमा भव्य रुपमा सम्पन्न भएको छ ।
झण्डै ३९ हजार धावक सहभागी रहेको उक्त म्याराथनको उपाधी पुरुषतर्फ केन्याका लाबान मोइबेन र महिलातर्फ इथोपियाकी नेटसानेट अवियोले चुमेका छन् । स्टान्डर चार्टड मुम्बई म्याराथनको उपाधि विजेता मोइबे र अवियो दुवैले ३६ हजार अमेरिकी डलर पाएका छन् ।
मुम्बईको छत्रपति शिवजी टर्मिनल बाहिरबाट आइतबार बिहान ५ बजेर ४० मिनटमा शुरु भएको उक्त म्याराथन मरिनलाईन्स, गिरगाउ चौपाटी, हाजिअली, बाबुलनाथ मन्दिर हुँदै बान्द्रा वर्ली सि लिंक भएर बान्द्राबाट पुनः मुम्बईको सिएसटी नजिकैको आजाद मैदानमा पुगेर टुंगिएको थियो । यसैगरी बान्द्राको एमएमआडी मैदानबाट शुरुभएको २१ किमि हाफ म्याराथुन आजाद मैदानमा गएर टुंगिएको थियो । सधै सवारी साधानहरुको चापले जाम हुने मुम्बईको सडक आइतबार भने ३९ हजार धावकहरुले भरिएको थियो । धावकहरुको लागि बाटोमा विभिन्न ठाउँमा म्यूजिकल शो, हेल्थ स्टल, पानी, एम्बुलेन्स, सुरक्षा आदिको व्यवस्था आदि गरिएको थियो । बिहानै देखि मुम्बई म्याराथनको मज्जा हेर्न लाखौंको सख्यामा सर्वसाधारणहरु म्याराथनको बाटो पर्ने सडक आसपास र आजाद मैदान पुगेका थिए । मुम्बई म्याराथनमा विश्वभरीबाटै खेलाडी, व्यवसायी, नेता, कलाकार र सर्वसाधारणले सहभागी जनाएका थिए ।
२३ नेपालीभाषीहरु पनि सहभागी
यसैबीच मुम्बई म्याराथनमा पहिलो पटक २३ नेपालीभाषीले सहभागिता जनाएका छन् । 'हामी बहादुर, साहसी र इमान्दार गोर्खाली हौं' भनि लेखिएका टिर्सटहरु लगाएर उनीहरु म्याराथनमा भाग लिएका थिए । सहभागी मध्ये रोशनी राई ४२ किमिको फुल म्याराथनमा सहभागी भएकी थिइन भने अन्य २२ जना २१ किमिको हाफ म्याराथनमा सहभागी जनाएका थिए ।
रोशनी राईले आइतबार ४२ किमि ४ घण्टा ५ मिनटमा पुरा गरेकी थिइन । भने हाफ म्याराथनमा सहभागी नेपाली भाषी प्रवल क्षेत्रीले २१ किमि १ घण्टा १७ मिनट ४२ सेकेण्डमा पुरा गरेका थिए । मुम्बई म्याराथनमा सहभागी हुन १५ जना पेदुङ, कालिङपोङ, खर्साङ र दार्जिलिङबाट आएका थिए भने अन्य नेपालीले मुम्बईबाटै सहभागिता जनाएका थिए । उनीहरुलाई हौसला दिन अन्य दर्जनौ नेपालीहरुपनि म्याराथन शुरु भएको मैदानमा पुगेका थिए ।
म्याराथनमा रोशनी राईको नेतृत्वमा प्रबल क्षेत्री, कमल थापा, मेनुका राई, रमेश तामाङ, सञ्जय क्षेत्री, अमृत राई, सौरभ ब्यानर्जी, ग्रेस राई, नामपर लेप्चा, माला शेर्पा, प्रेमिका राई, एन्थोनी राई, नृपराज रनपहेली, अशिम तामाङ, विवेक बहल, मुम्बईका रितेश राई, पुनम लामा, सिबी क्षेत्री, योगेशमणि प्रधान, ध्रुव प्रधान लगायतले म्याराथनमा भाग लिएका थिए । म्याराथनमा सहभागी सबैलाई म्याराथनको मेडल प्रदान गरिएको छ ।
Rs 50 lakh for new bridge survey - Two roads for north
AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Siliguri, Jan. 16: The Centre has sanctioned Rs 50 lakh to prepare a detailed project report on the construction of a new bridge over the Teesta at Sevoke Bazaar as an alternative to the Coronation Bridge.
Heavy traffic has been banned on the Coronation Bridge that connects the Dooars and the Northeast with the rest of the country since a crack was discovered on its archway last month.
The communication network in north Bengal will get another boost with the state government today announcing two roads linking Nepal and Bhutan with Bangladesh through north Bengal.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb said Rs 50 lakh had been sanctioned by the Union ministry of surface transport and roadways as two principal bridges over the Teesta connecting the Northeast could not bear the entire traffic.
“We have mainly two roads that link the Northeast, Bhutan and two north Bengal districts (Jalpaiguri and Cooch Behar) to the rest of India. While Coronation Bridge forms a part of NH31, Teesta bridge is along NH31D in Jalpaiguri. With the Coronation Bridge at Sevoke developing a crack, only light and medium vehicles are allowed to pass through it. The result is that heavy vehicles have to depend on the Teesta bridge to travel to and from the Dooars,” said the minister.
He said although the Teesta Barrage at Gajoldoba was also being used by vehicles to cross the river, it could not be construed as a principal bridge.
“The bridge over the barrage is not wide and strong enough to bear a lot of vehicles. Besides, there are no proper roads to the barrage.”
The Teesta bridge, too, is incapable of handling the entire traffic as it has only two lanes.
“NH31D is in a pitiable condition and traffic snarls are quite common on the route. The Teesta bridge has just two lanes and it cannot bear the entire load. Even if we can ignore the road condition and passengers’ inconvenience, construction of an alternative bridge on a war footing is required in the interest of national security,” said the minister.
Deb had submitted a report on the state of the roads and the bridges to the chief minister on January 4. The minister said Rs 50 lakh had been sanctioned after the chief minister had taken up the matter with the Union government.
“The money will be used to carry out a survey and prepare a detailed project report on the construction of a new bridge at Sevoke Bazaar,” he said.
Sevoke Bazaar is 20km from Siliguri and 7km downhill from the Coronation Bridge.
Deb also said the state government would build two four-lane roads to link the neighbouring countries through north Bengal.
One road will originate from Panitanki (Nepal border), located around 35km from Siliguri, and end at Fulbari along the border with Bangladesh. Bagdogra and North Bengal Medical College and Hospital will fall along the route. Fulbari is 10km from here.
The second road has been proposed to start at Jaigaon (on the Bhutan border), 175 km from here, and end at Changrabandha, located along the boundary with Bangladesh. Changrabandha is about 80km from Siliguri.
Anti-GTA bandh near total in Siliguri
KalimNews: Kamtapur Progressive Party has threatened of armed agitation if their demand of formation of a separate statehood is not considered. Tom Adhikari ex KLO militant and presently a member of KPP negotiation with the government. Atul Roy President of KPP said in the meeting held at Baghajatin Park of Siliguri that not an inch of land of Dooars will be allowed to include in the proposed GTA. KPP does not need any economic package but needs a separate state for the conservation of their language, culture, said Roy. He further said that economic blockade will be started from March.
Pran Mangar (26) a resident of Dal bahadur Busty of Dalsingpara was trampled to death by a Tusker .
Gorkha runners qualified
KalimNews: Updated on 17 January: Roshni Rai with a team of Gorkha marathon runners highlighted the identity crisis facing by the Indian Gorkhas by running the Mumbai marathon.
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Photo :Birendra Paudel , e Kantipur |
मुम्बई म्याराथनमा झुम्यो मुम्बई - २३ नेपाली भाषी सहभागी
बीरेन्द्र पौडेल, मुम्बई , माघ २। एशियाकै सबैभन्दा ठूलो दौड प्रतिस्पर्धा मुम्बई म्याराथन २०१२ आइतबार मुम्बईमा भव्य रुपमा सम्पन्न भएको छ ।
झण्डै ३९ हजार धावक सहभागी रहेको उक्त म्याराथनको उपाधी पुरुषतर्फ केन्याका लाबान मोइबेन र महिलातर्फ इथोपियाकी नेटसानेट अवियोले चुमेका छन् । स्टान्डर चार्टड मुम्बई म्याराथनको उपाधि विजेता मोइबे र अवियो दुवैले ३६ हजार अमेरिकी डलर पाएका छन् ।
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Photo: Prashant Acharya |
२३ नेपालीभाषीहरु पनि सहभागी
यसैबीच मुम्बई म्याराथनमा पहिलो पटक २३ नेपालीभाषीले सहभागिता जनाएका छन् । 'हामी बहादुर, साहसी र इमान्दार गोर्खाली हौं' भनि लेखिएका टिर्सटहरु लगाएर उनीहरु म्याराथनमा भाग लिएका थिए । सहभागी मध्ये रोशनी राई ४२ किमिको फुल म्याराथनमा सहभागी भएकी थिइन भने अन्य २२ जना २१ किमिको हाफ म्याराथनमा सहभागी जनाएका थिए ।
रोशनी राईले आइतबार ४२ किमि ४ घण्टा ५ मिनटमा पुरा गरेकी थिइन । भने हाफ म्याराथनमा सहभागी नेपाली भाषी प्रवल क्षेत्रीले २१ किमि १ घण्टा १७ मिनट ४२ सेकेण्डमा पुरा गरेका थिए । मुम्बई म्याराथनमा सहभागी हुन १५ जना पेदुङ, कालिङपोङ, खर्साङ र दार्जिलिङबाट आएका थिए भने अन्य नेपालीले मुम्बईबाटै सहभागिता जनाएका थिए । उनीहरुलाई हौसला दिन अन्य दर्जनौ नेपालीहरुपनि म्याराथन शुरु भएको मैदानमा पुगेका थिए ।
म्याराथनमा रोशनी राईको नेतृत्वमा प्रबल क्षेत्री, कमल थापा, मेनुका राई, रमेश तामाङ, सञ्जय क्षेत्री, अमृत राई, सौरभ ब्यानर्जी, ग्रेस राई, नामपर लेप्चा, माला शेर्पा, प्रेमिका राई, एन्थोनी राई, नृपराज रनपहेली, अशिम तामाङ, विवेक बहल, मुम्बईका रितेश राई, पुनम लामा, सिबी क्षेत्री, योगेशमणि प्रधान, ध्रुव प्रधान लगायतले म्याराथनमा भाग लिएका थिए । म्याराथनमा सहभागी सबैलाई म्याराथनको मेडल प्रदान गरिएको छ ।
Rs 50 lakh for new bridge survey - Two roads for north
AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Siliguri, Jan. 16: The Centre has sanctioned Rs 50 lakh to prepare a detailed project report on the construction of a new bridge over the Teesta at Sevoke Bazaar as an alternative to the Coronation Bridge.

The communication network in north Bengal will get another boost with the state government today announcing two roads linking Nepal and Bhutan with Bangladesh through north Bengal.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb said Rs 50 lakh had been sanctioned by the Union ministry of surface transport and roadways as two principal bridges over the Teesta connecting the Northeast could not bear the entire traffic.

He said although the Teesta Barrage at Gajoldoba was also being used by vehicles to cross the river, it could not be construed as a principal bridge.
“The bridge over the barrage is not wide and strong enough to bear a lot of vehicles. Besides, there are no proper roads to the barrage.”
The Teesta bridge, too, is incapable of handling the entire traffic as it has only two lanes.
“NH31D is in a pitiable condition and traffic snarls are quite common on the route. The Teesta bridge has just two lanes and it cannot bear the entire load. Even if we can ignore the road condition and passengers’ inconvenience, construction of an alternative bridge on a war footing is required in the interest of national security,” said the minister.
Deb had submitted a report on the state of the roads and the bridges to the chief minister on January 4. The minister said Rs 50 lakh had been sanctioned after the chief minister had taken up the matter with the Union government.
“The money will be used to carry out a survey and prepare a detailed project report on the construction of a new bridge at Sevoke Bazaar,” he said.
Sevoke Bazaar is 20km from Siliguri and 7km downhill from the Coronation Bridge.
Deb also said the state government would build two four-lane roads to link the neighbouring countries through north Bengal.
One road will originate from Panitanki (Nepal border), located around 35km from Siliguri, and end at Fulbari along the border with Bangladesh. Bagdogra and North Bengal Medical College and Hospital will fall along the route. Fulbari is 10km from here.
The second road has been proposed to start at Jaigaon (on the Bhutan border), 175 km from here, and end at Changrabandha, located along the boundary with Bangladesh. Changrabandha is about 80km from Siliguri.
Anti-GTA bandh near total in Siliguri
SNS, SILIGURI, 16 JAN: The 24-hour Bangla bandh called by the Bangla O Bangla Bhasa Banchao Committee (BOBBBC) evoked near total response in Siliguri sub-division. The BOBBBC called the bandh to protest against the Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA).
Principal thoroughfares wore a deserted look as traffic was mostly off the roads. Bandh supporters blocked Up Kamrup Express near Tinbatti More in the morning. Private buses and most of the autos were off from the roads. Few government buses, rickshaws and private vehicles were seen plying on the streets. Police arrested three bandh supporters, including the BOBBBC president, Dr Mukunda Majumder. Mr Majumder said before being arrested that the bandh was total and people had rejected the GTA agreement.
“The people have participated in the shutdown across north Bengal as they are convinced that the GTA would prove to be the stepping stone to the division of Bengal for the second time. We would continue fighting against the conspiracy hatched by the Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM) in connivance with the pliant state government till the GTA is scrapped,” he said.
The bandh has, however, passed off peacefully with no untoward incident having been reported from anywhere in north Bengal.
The inspector-in-charge, Siliguri police station, Mr Pinaki Majumdar, said police have arrested three bandh supporters from Siliguri town. According to GRP officials, they had dispersed the bandh supporters when they were trying to block the Kamrup Express.
Kirati Khambu Rai of Darjeeling area demands scheduled tribe status
Kirati Khambu Rai of Darjeeling area demands scheduled tribe status
KalimNews, Kalimpong: Since a long time Kirati Khambu Rais of Darjeeling area has been demanding inclusion of Rai (Khambu) the status of Scheduled Tribe. In support of the demand Rais brought out a rally at Kalimpong town and submitted a memorandum to the local SDO.
Observance of the New year day of the Kirati Yalambar Calender was started with worshipping by Rai shaman called Bijua in accordance to the traditional Rai culture. Afterwards the gathered crowd of Rais turned into a rally shouting slogans which later submitted a memorandum to LN Sherpa the SDO.
Speaking to the media Arun Prakash Rai, General Secretary of Sub Divisional Committee of the Kirati Khambu Rai Sanskritik Sansthan said "today is the 1st day of the year Yalambar calender and from this day we have started an agitation demanding the inclusion of Rais in the Scheduled tribe category".
Rai said "Rais are tribals by birth and nature and why the Government is delaying in granting it the status of ST". He further said that we have submitted all requisite papers and documents and the concerned department has made inspections on various occasions, still the matter is pending for a long time. He further said " this rally was organised by the Kalimpong I branch and now the people are losing their patience to wait and tolerate furthermore and in due course of time we will organise the rally in District level.
जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनद्वारा अनिश्चितकालीन बन्द स्थगित
लिंगसे ग्राम पंचायत घटनाकाण्ड : माकपा र गोरामुमो-सीले ग-यो आलोचना
डी के वाइबा, कालिमन्यूज, 16जनवरी। लिंगसे ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयमा भुईँचालो पिडीतहरुलाई आएको पैसाले उब्जेको विवादबारे माकपा अनि गोरामुमो-सीले आलोचना गरेको छ। ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयमा गाउँलेहरु र पंचायत कर्मीहरुमाझ भएको झडपमा एकजना पंचायत् सहकर्मी अनि चारजना गाउँलेहरु घाईते बनेका थिए। उक्त घट्नाबारे जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनले कालेबुंग महकुमाको तीनवटा खण्ड बिकाश कार्यालय लगायत 42 वटा ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयहरुमा अनिश्चितकालीन बन्द डाकेको थियो। सोहि बिषयमा आज माकपा नेता तारा सुन्दास अनि गोरामोमो-सी का नेता डी के प्रधानले महकुमा अधिकारी एल एन शेर्पालाई भेट गरेर कार्यालय बन्द खोलाउँन पहल गर्नुपर्ने माग गरे।
महकुमा अधिकारीलाई भेट गरे पछि पत्रकारहरुसित कुराकानी गर्दै दुवै नेताहरुले जकसको आलोचना गरे। उनीहरुले ग्राम पंचायतमा भएको झडप सम्बन्धमा खण्डबिकाश कार्यालय अनि ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयहरु बन्द गरेको कारण जनसाधरणलाई ब्यापक असुबिधा सृजना भईरहेको बताउँदै कार्यालय बन्द गर्दैमा समस्या समाधान नहुने बताए। गोरामुमो-सीका नेता डी के प्रधानले कार्यालय बन्द गर्न अघि दोषिहरु पक्राउ गर्ने मागमा प्रशासनलाई अल्टिमेटम दिन पर्थ्यो भन्दै यसो नगरी बन्द गर्नु अनुचित रहेको बताए। तिनले घटनाको निन्दा गर्दै यसको सही जाँच हुनपर्ने माग गर्दै दोषिहरुलाई पक्राउ गर्नु पर्ने माग गरे। तर दोषिहरु पक्राउको मागमा कार्यालयहरु बन्द गर्नु गलत रहेको तिनले दाबी गरे। यता माकपा नेता तरा सुन्दासले घटनाको बिरोधमा कार्यालय बन्द गर्दा दोषिहरुले सजाय नपाएर जनसाधारणलाई नै उल्टो संकट सृजना भएको दाबी गरे। तिनले जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनको आलोचना गर्दै घटनाको बिरोधमा कार्यलहरु बन्द गर्नु भन्दा कर्मचारीहरुको समस्याहरु उठान गर्नु पर्ने सुझाव दिए। सुन्दासले बिगत केहि महिना अघि उत्तर बंग परिवहन निगमका कर्मचारीहरुले डी ए नपाउँदा कर्मचारी संगठनले केहि कार्य नगरेको आरोप लगाउँदै यसरी कार्यालयहरु बन्द गर्नु भन्दा पहिले संगठनले कर्मचारीहरुको समस्या समाधान गर्न पहल गर्नु आवश्यक रहेको जनाए।
तिनले घटना काण्डमा लिप्त दोषिको पक्राउ हुन पर्ने माग गर्दै दोषि पक्राउकै मागमा कार्यालय बन्द गरेर जनसाधारणलाई नै असुबिधा हुने काम गर्नचाहिँ अनुचित रहेको दाबी गरे।
यता जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनले भोलिदेखि कालेबुंग महकुमा क्षेत्रको खण्डबिकाश कार्यालय अनि 42 वटा ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालय बन्द भोलिदेखि स्थगित राखेको बताए। बिशेष पुलिस प्रशासनले दोषिहरु बिरुद्ध वारण्ट जारी गरेर पक्राउ गर्ने पहल शुरु गरेको कारण उक्त बन्दलाई आगामी 31 जनवरी सम्म स्थगित गरेको जकसका अध्यक्ष खडकबिक्रम सुब्बाले पत्रकारहरुलाई बताए। तिनले दोषिहरु चाँडो पक्राउ गर्नु पर्ने माग गर्दै यदि पक्राउ नगरे पुन बन्द शुरु गर्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन।
Tribal leader wants Dooars in GTA
TNN | Jan 17, 2012,GOKE (DARJEELING): Ousted Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parshad (ABAVP) leader John Barla on Monday threatened to start an agitation in the plains to pressure the government to include Terai and Dooars in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA).
Barla, who was invited by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) leadership to attend the Agro-Horti Fair in Goke, 14 km from Darjeeling town, said the delay in formation of GTA and in the high-power committee's survey to decide on the regions to be included in it proved that it was all eyewash. "Adivasis are with mebecause they know I am right. We will start an agitation in Dooars and Terai from February to demand the early formation of GTA and the inclusion of new areas in it," claimed Barla.
Barla, a former president of the Terai-Dooars regional unit of the ABAVP, was expelled from the tribal body last December. The ABAVP's central committee leaders had apparently found Barla and some others guilty of disobeying the tribal body's constitution when he decided to join hands with the GJM for GTA and also proposed a Gorkhaland Adivasi Territorial Administration (GATA).
The GJM, too, is reportedly not happy with the progress made by the survey committee. "We will wait till March and after that, think afresh. This unnecessary delay cannot be tolerated," said a party source.
The GJM central committee leadership is expected to make an announcement in Darjeeling on Tuesday to reflect its displeasure over the delay of the formation of GTA.
Barla said he would start an awareness campaign from February to educate the people of Dooars and Terai about the benefits of GTA. "We have already started work at the grassroots level in the Terai and Dooars to educate people about the GTA and the GATA and their benefits. I am positive that people will understand and accept it," he added.
Rubbishing the government's explanation of the delay in completing the survey by citing shortage of manpower, Barla claimed: "This survey is simply eyewash. The government did not expect the tribal community to support the inclusion of their territories in the GTA. It has taken the government by surprise."
The former tribal leader does not believe that working together with GJM would create divisions in the ABAVP's ranks, but feels that it would benefit the Adivasis instead. "It is there for everyone to see. What did we achieve in the four years of fighting with the GJM? Development in Terai and Dooars is zero. But working together will definitely benefit both the Adivasis and the Gorkhas," Barla claimed. He cited the example of the victory of the GJM-ABAVP combine in the recent student elections in Dooars.
Amid all this, the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parshad leadership is apparently planning to bring back into the party fold its former Terai-Dooars unit secretary Rajesh Lakra, who had stepped out in 2010 to float his own organization. But Barla does not see it is as a crisis for himself. "I am working for the people and will continue to do so. There will always be obstacles before those who want to do good work, but I am positive people will support me," he said.
Under Lakra's leadership the ABAVP had given stiff resistance to GJM's movement in the plains until he decided to part ways in 2010. However, after taking over the regional leadership responsibilities, Barla had been moderate in his approach to GJM's movement.
Snatch slur on Trinamul
TT, Siliguri, Jan. 16: Five SFI supporters of a college here have alleged that Trinamul Congress Chhatra Parishad had snatched away their identity cards and fee slips, which prevented them from collecting nomination forms for the student council election.
All five students of Surya Sen College have filed FIRs against Debojit Saha, a first-year student and a Trinamul student wing member who had allegedly snatched their I-cards.
Today was the last date for the collection of nomination forms.
Debojit had allegedly grabbed three I-cards on Saturday and two this morning from the students who were standing in queue to collect the forms.
“On Saturday, when three of our supporters were standing in a queue to enter the college, Debojit suddenly came, snatched their ID cards and fee slips, and ran away. Although a police picket has been set up on the campus since the election notification was issued on January 6, they made little effort to catch him,” said Subham Rakshit, a third-year student and an SFI supporter.
“We filed an FIR against Debojit at the New Jalpaiguri police outpost on Saturday and today again we filed a complaint,” Rakshit said.
Trinamul has denied the charges. “The SFI has no supporters here. They are not being able to find candidates to contest the polls. Today, a first-year student filed a complaint with the teacher-in-charge accusing the SFI of forcing her to collect nomination form. All allegations against Debojit are false,” said Nirnay Roy, the Darjeeling district president of the Trinamul student wing.
The student union elections will be held on February 4.
The SFI allegation comes 10 days after a clash between the CPM student outfit and Trinamul at the institution.
Campus clashes over union elections have been reported across the state in recent times.
On January 5, the principal of Raiganj University College was beaten up by suspected Trinamul supporters. Two days later, the principal of a Nadia college was assaulted allegedly by SFI activists.
“This is a Trinamul strategy to intimidate our supporters and prevent them from filing nominations. Trinamul has realised that it will not win and so it is trying to create confusion in the college,” Rakshit said.
The college has an SFI-led union for the past 10 years.
Acting principal Subrata Debnath said: “I have received complaints from the SFI and Trinamul. I will discuss the issues with the election committee tomorrow.”
Sources said the ID cards and fee slips have not been recovered yet.
BJP posers on CM’s absence
BIJOY GURUNG, TT, Gangtok, Jan. 16: The BJP has wanted to know from the Sikkim government the whereabouts of chief minister Pawan Chamling who has been out of the state for around three weeks.
Chamling is the representative of the people of Sikkim who have a right to know where he is now, said state BJP president Padam Chettri at a news conference here today.
“Chamling is the chief minister of a state and he cannot just disappear. There are a lot of rumours doing the rounds on his absence and he cannot act in this irresponsible manner,” said Chettri.
The state BJP president today wrote to chief secretary Karma Gyatso, demanding that the government come clean on Chamling’s whereabouts. “If Chamling is sick, his health bulletin may be issued along with the composition of the party (the team accompanying him) and the total expenditure incurred. If he is on official duty, the people of Sikkim would like to know the public duty performed by him,” he wrote.
Chettri told reporters: “Even if the chief minister returns in a few days, he should inform the people where he had been and the kind of work he had done during his tour.”
Usually in a small state like Sikkim, the chief minister’s absence even for a few days is noticeable and the government generally issues statements before his tours. This time, there were no announcements.
The state’s sole MP, P.D. Rai, said the BJP’s queries were “preposterous”.
The chief minister is in New Delhi, meeting central leaders including the Prime Minister and the finance minister on behalf of the Sikkimese, said Rai, who is also the spokesperson for the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front in the state. All 32 MLAs in the Assembly belongs to the SDF.
“The chief minister is not sick and is in good health. He has the right to take rest as anyone else. This is not the way to do politics,” said Rai.
A release from the information and public relations department today said Chamling was in New Delhi pursuing “pressing concerns of the state government with the Union government”. The chief minister met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this morning to discuss the relief and rehabilitation work in the state after the September 18 earthquake, it said.
The Prime Minister has also reiterated his commitment to the Rs 1,000-crore relief package announced for Sikkim, the news release said.
किराती खम्बु राईलाई जनजातीको मान्यता दिनुपर्ने माग
डी० के० वाइबा, कालिमन्यूज, कालेबुंग, 16 जनवरी | "राईहरु जनजाती हुन् त्यसर्थ भारत सरकारले राईहरुलाई भारतको संविधान अन्तर्गत जनजातीको मान्यता दिनपर्छ " - भन्दै किराती खम्बु राई, सांस्कृतिक संस्थानले आज शहरमा जुलुस निकालेर जोडदार नाराबाजी गर्यो | किराती खम्बु राई जातिको नयाँ वर्ष यलम्बर् सम्वतको अवसरमा संस्थानले शहरमा जुलुस निकाल्नुको साथै महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पालाई जनजातीको माग गर्दै ज्ञापन पत्र समेत सुम्पियो |
किराती खम्बु राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थान खण्ड एकको आयोजनामा आज यहाँको मेला ग्राउण्डमा नयाँ वर्ष पालन गरियो | राई जातीको परम्परा अनुसार बिजुवाहरुले पुजा गरेपछि नयाँ वर्षको पर्व मनाइयो | पूजा अर्चना समापन भएपछि उक्त कार्यक्रममा आएका सयौ राई समुदायका मानिसहरुले शहरमा जुलुस निकाले | मेला ग्राउण्डबाट शुरु भएको उक्त जुलुस यहाँको थाना डांडा, मेन रोड, डम्बर चौक हुँदै दश माइल फाटकबाट शहर परिक्रमा गरेर महकुमा कार्यलयमा पुगेर समापन भयो | सयौको संख्यामा भेला भएका राई समुदायका मानिसहरुले शहरमा जनजातीको माग गर्दै हातमा विभिन्न प्ला कार्डहरु बोकेर नाराबाजी गरे |
यसै अवसरमा किराती खम्बु राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थानका अध्यक्ष अरुण राई, सचिव अरुण प्रकाश राई, उपाध्यक्ष मेघराज राई रहेको प्रतिनिधि टोलीले महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पालाई ज्ञापन पत्र चडाए | यता ज्ञापन पत्र सुम्पेपछि पत्रकारहरुसित कुराकानी गर्दै संस्थानका सचिव अरुण प्रकाश राईले राईहरु जनजाती रहेको दाबी गरे | राई जातीलाई संवैधानिक अधिकार जनजातीको दर्जा यथा सिग्रह प्रदान गर्नुपर्ने माग गर्दै सरकारले जनजातिको मान्यता नदिएसम्म आन्दोलन जारी राख्ने तिनले बताए | नयाँ वर्षको अवसरमा आज पहिलो चरणको आन्दोलन शुरु गरेको अनि यस प्रथम चरणको आन्दोलन केवल शाखाहरुले मात्र गरेको बताउँदै यस कुरालाई सरकारले नभुझे सम्पूर्ण किराती खम्बु राईहरु सडकमा ओर्लिने तिनले चेतवानी दिएका छन् ।
यसै अवसरमा किराती खम्बु राई सांस्कृतिक संस्थानका अध्यक्ष अरुण राई, सचिव अरुण प्रकाश राई, उपाध्यक्ष मेघराज राई रहेको प्रतिनिधि टोलीले महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पालाई ज्ञापन पत्र चडाए | यता ज्ञापन पत्र सुम्पेपछि पत्रकारहरुसित कुराकानी गर्दै संस्थानका सचिव अरुण प्रकाश राईले राईहरु जनजाती रहेको दाबी गरे | राई जातीलाई संवैधानिक अधिकार जनजातीको दर्जा यथा सिग्रह प्रदान गर्नुपर्ने माग गर्दै सरकारले जनजातिको मान्यता नदिएसम्म आन्दोलन जारी राख्ने तिनले बताए | नयाँ वर्षको अवसरमा आज पहिलो चरणको आन्दोलन शुरु गरेको अनि यस प्रथम चरणको आन्दोलन केवल शाखाहरुले मात्र गरेको बताउँदै यस कुरालाई सरकारले नभुझे सम्पूर्ण किराती खम्बु राईहरु सडकमा ओर्लिने तिनले चेतवानी दिएका छन् ।
लिंगसे ग्राम पंचायत घटनाकाण्ड : माकपा र गोरामुमो-सीले ग-यो आलोचना
डी के वाइबा, कालिमन्यूज, 16जनवरी। लिंगसे ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयमा भुईँचालो पिडीतहरुलाई आएको पैसाले उब्जेको विवादबारे माकपा अनि गोरामुमो-सीले आलोचना गरेको छ। ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयमा गाउँलेहरु र पंचायत कर्मीहरुमाझ भएको झडपमा एकजना पंचायत् सहकर्मी अनि चारजना गाउँलेहरु घाईते बनेका थिए। उक्त घट्नाबारे जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनले कालेबुंग महकुमाको तीनवटा खण्ड बिकाश कार्यालय लगायत 42 वटा ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयहरुमा अनिश्चितकालीन बन्द डाकेको थियो। सोहि बिषयमा आज माकपा नेता तारा सुन्दास अनि गोरामोमो-सी का नेता डी के प्रधानले महकुमा अधिकारी एल एन शेर्पालाई भेट गरेर कार्यालय बन्द खोलाउँन पहल गर्नुपर्ने माग गरे।
महकुमा अधिकारीलाई भेट गरे पछि पत्रकारहरुसित कुराकानी गर्दै दुवै नेताहरुले जकसको आलोचना गरे। उनीहरुले ग्राम पंचायतमा भएको झडप सम्बन्धमा खण्डबिकाश कार्यालय अनि ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालयहरु बन्द गरेको कारण जनसाधरणलाई ब्यापक असुबिधा सृजना भईरहेको बताउँदै कार्यालय बन्द गर्दैमा समस्या समाधान नहुने बताए। गोरामुमो-सीका नेता डी के प्रधानले कार्यालय बन्द गर्न अघि दोषिहरु पक्राउ गर्ने मागमा प्रशासनलाई अल्टिमेटम दिन पर्थ्यो भन्दै यसो नगरी बन्द गर्नु अनुचित रहेको बताए। तिनले घटनाको निन्दा गर्दै यसको सही जाँच हुनपर्ने माग गर्दै दोषिहरुलाई पक्राउ गर्नु पर्ने माग गरे। तर दोषिहरु पक्राउको मागमा कार्यालयहरु बन्द गर्नु गलत रहेको तिनले दाबी गरे। यता माकपा नेता तरा सुन्दासले घटनाको बिरोधमा कार्यालय बन्द गर्दा दोषिहरुले सजाय नपाएर जनसाधारणलाई नै उल्टो संकट सृजना भएको दाबी गरे। तिनले जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनको आलोचना गर्दै घटनाको बिरोधमा कार्यलहरु बन्द गर्नु भन्दा कर्मचारीहरुको समस्याहरु उठान गर्नु पर्ने सुझाव दिए। सुन्दासले बिगत केहि महिना अघि उत्तर बंग परिवहन निगमका कर्मचारीहरुले डी ए नपाउँदा कर्मचारी संगठनले केहि कार्य नगरेको आरोप लगाउँदै यसरी कार्यालयहरु बन्द गर्नु भन्दा पहिले संगठनले कर्मचारीहरुको समस्या समाधान गर्न पहल गर्नु आवश्यक रहेको जनाए।
तिनले घटना काण्डमा लिप्त दोषिको पक्राउ हुन पर्ने माग गर्दै दोषि पक्राउकै मागमा कार्यालय बन्द गरेर जनसाधारणलाई नै असुबिधा हुने काम गर्नचाहिँ अनुचित रहेको दाबी गरे।
यता जनमुक्ति कर्मचारी संगठनले भोलिदेखि कालेबुंग महकुमा क्षेत्रको खण्डबिकाश कार्यालय अनि 42 वटा ग्राम पंचायत कार्यालय बन्द भोलिदेखि स्थगित राखेको बताए। बिशेष पुलिस प्रशासनले दोषिहरु बिरुद्ध वारण्ट जारी गरेर पक्राउ गर्ने पहल शुरु गरेको कारण उक्त बन्दलाई आगामी 31 जनवरी सम्म स्थगित गरेको जकसका अध्यक्ष खडकबिक्रम सुब्बाले पत्रकारहरुलाई बताए। तिनले दोषिहरु चाँडो पक्राउ गर्नु पर्ने माग गर्दै यदि पक्राउ नगरे पुन बन्द शुरु गर्ने चेतावनी दिएका छन।
Tribal leader wants Dooars in GTA
TNN | Jan 17, 2012,GOKE (DARJEELING): Ousted Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parshad (ABAVP) leader John Barla on Monday threatened to start an agitation in the plains to pressure the government to include Terai and Dooars in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA).
Barla, who was invited by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) leadership to attend the Agro-Horti Fair in Goke, 14 km from Darjeeling town, said the delay in formation of GTA and in the high-power committee's survey to decide on the regions to be included in it proved that it was all eyewash. "Adivasis are with mebecause they know I am right. We will start an agitation in Dooars and Terai from February to demand the early formation of GTA and the inclusion of new areas in it," claimed Barla.
Barla, a former president of the Terai-Dooars regional unit of the ABAVP, was expelled from the tribal body last December. The ABAVP's central committee leaders had apparently found Barla and some others guilty of disobeying the tribal body's constitution when he decided to join hands with the GJM for GTA and also proposed a Gorkhaland Adivasi Territorial Administration (GATA).
The GJM, too, is reportedly not happy with the progress made by the survey committee. "We will wait till March and after that, think afresh. This unnecessary delay cannot be tolerated," said a party source.
The GJM central committee leadership is expected to make an announcement in Darjeeling on Tuesday to reflect its displeasure over the delay of the formation of GTA.
Barla said he would start an awareness campaign from February to educate the people of Dooars and Terai about the benefits of GTA. "We have already started work at the grassroots level in the Terai and Dooars to educate people about the GTA and the GATA and their benefits. I am positive that people will understand and accept it," he added.
Rubbishing the government's explanation of the delay in completing the survey by citing shortage of manpower, Barla claimed: "This survey is simply eyewash. The government did not expect the tribal community to support the inclusion of their territories in the GTA. It has taken the government by surprise."
The former tribal leader does not believe that working together with GJM would create divisions in the ABAVP's ranks, but feels that it would benefit the Adivasis instead. "It is there for everyone to see. What did we achieve in the four years of fighting with the GJM? Development in Terai and Dooars is zero. But working together will definitely benefit both the Adivasis and the Gorkhas," Barla claimed. He cited the example of the victory of the GJM-ABAVP combine in the recent student elections in Dooars.
Amid all this, the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parshad leadership is apparently planning to bring back into the party fold its former Terai-Dooars unit secretary Rajesh Lakra, who had stepped out in 2010 to float his own organization. But Barla does not see it is as a crisis for himself. "I am working for the people and will continue to do so. There will always be obstacles before those who want to do good work, but I am positive people will support me," he said.
Under Lakra's leadership the ABAVP had given stiff resistance to GJM's movement in the plains until he decided to part ways in 2010. However, after taking over the regional leadership responsibilities, Barla had been moderate in his approach to GJM's movement.
Snatch slur on Trinamul
Police personnel deployed in front of Surya Sen College on Monday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
All five students of Surya Sen College have filed FIRs against Debojit Saha, a first-year student and a Trinamul student wing member who had allegedly snatched their I-cards.
Today was the last date for the collection of nomination forms.
Debojit had allegedly grabbed three I-cards on Saturday and two this morning from the students who were standing in queue to collect the forms.
“On Saturday, when three of our supporters were standing in a queue to enter the college, Debojit suddenly came, snatched their ID cards and fee slips, and ran away. Although a police picket has been set up on the campus since the election notification was issued on January 6, they made little effort to catch him,” said Subham Rakshit, a third-year student and an SFI supporter.
“We filed an FIR against Debojit at the New Jalpaiguri police outpost on Saturday and today again we filed a complaint,” Rakshit said.
Trinamul has denied the charges. “The SFI has no supporters here. They are not being able to find candidates to contest the polls. Today, a first-year student filed a complaint with the teacher-in-charge accusing the SFI of forcing her to collect nomination form. All allegations against Debojit are false,” said Nirnay Roy, the Darjeeling district president of the Trinamul student wing.
The student union elections will be held on February 4.
The SFI allegation comes 10 days after a clash between the CPM student outfit and Trinamul at the institution.
Campus clashes over union elections have been reported across the state in recent times.
On January 5, the principal of Raiganj University College was beaten up by suspected Trinamul supporters. Two days later, the principal of a Nadia college was assaulted allegedly by SFI activists.
“This is a Trinamul strategy to intimidate our supporters and prevent them from filing nominations. Trinamul has realised that it will not win and so it is trying to create confusion in the college,” Rakshit said.
The college has an SFI-led union for the past 10 years.
Acting principal Subrata Debnath said: “I have received complaints from the SFI and Trinamul. I will discuss the issues with the election committee tomorrow.”
Sources said the ID cards and fee slips have not been recovered yet.
BJP posers on CM’s absence
BIJOY GURUNG, TT, Gangtok, Jan. 16: The BJP has wanted to know from the Sikkim government the whereabouts of chief minister Pawan Chamling who has been out of the state for around three weeks.
Chamling: Any news? |
“Chamling is the chief minister of a state and he cannot just disappear. There are a lot of rumours doing the rounds on his absence and he cannot act in this irresponsible manner,” said Chettri.
The state BJP president today wrote to chief secretary Karma Gyatso, demanding that the government come clean on Chamling’s whereabouts. “If Chamling is sick, his health bulletin may be issued along with the composition of the party (the team accompanying him) and the total expenditure incurred. If he is on official duty, the people of Sikkim would like to know the public duty performed by him,” he wrote.
Chettri told reporters: “Even if the chief minister returns in a few days, he should inform the people where he had been and the kind of work he had done during his tour.”
Usually in a small state like Sikkim, the chief minister’s absence even for a few days is noticeable and the government generally issues statements before his tours. This time, there were no announcements.
The state’s sole MP, P.D. Rai, said the BJP’s queries were “preposterous”.
The chief minister is in New Delhi, meeting central leaders including the Prime Minister and the finance minister on behalf of the Sikkimese, said Rai, who is also the spokesperson for the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front in the state. All 32 MLAs in the Assembly belongs to the SDF.
“The chief minister is not sick and is in good health. He has the right to take rest as anyone else. This is not the way to do politics,” said Rai.
A release from the information and public relations department today said Chamling was in New Delhi pursuing “pressing concerns of the state government with the Union government”. The chief minister met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh this morning to discuss the relief and rehabilitation work in the state after the September 18 earthquake, it said.
The Prime Minister has also reiterated his commitment to the Rs 1,000-crore relief package announced for Sikkim, the news release said.
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