Subba charges framed
TT, Guwahati, Jan. 3: A local court today framed charges against former Congress MP from Assam, Mani Kumar Subba, for allegedly raping a woman in 2010, thus setting the stage for the trial.
Additional district and sessions judge (fast track court-3) Jiban Kumar Pramanik today framed charges against Subba under Section 376 IPC, which deals with rape.
Subba pleaded not guilty after the charge was read out to him. Senior counsel Sailendra Das appeared on behalf of Subba in court.
Based on a complaint lodged by the victim, a case (number 253/2010) was registered against Subba at Chandmari police station on July 13, 2010.
In the FIR, the victim alleged that Subba had raped her when she visited his house at Silpukhuri here that day. She claimed that Subba had called her to his house on the pretext of discussing some urgent matter and had raped her.
The court has fixed February 8 as the date for the next hearing of the case.
Subba is at present out on bail in this case.
Rs 155 crore for faultless water flow - 30-odd tanks in the pipeline for Darjeeling
Rs 155 crore for faultless water flow - 30-odd tanks in the pipeline for Darjeeling
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Darjeeling, Jan. 3: The Centre has sanctioned a whopping Rs 155 crore to streamline the water distribution in Darjeeling, a move which will solve any glitch that might develop in the 60-year-old supply system even after the completion of the Balasun project.
The Rs 155 crore project envisages the laying of new pipes across the town and the construction of at least 35 tanks to ensure uninterrupted supply of water.
The Balasun project is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of January
“I have been told that funds to the tune of Rs155 crore have been released for the Darjeeling municipality. Once we get the funds, it will take one-and-a-half years to streamline the water distribution system as around 35 reservoirs have to be built across the town,” Amar Singh Rai, the chairperson of the Darjeeling municipality, told The Telegraph.
Tamal Das, the subdivisional officer of Darjeeling and a former administrator of the municipality, said he had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Central and state governments for the project in November 2011.
“I, as the administrator of the Darjeeling municipality, had signed an MOU with officials of the state government and the Centre to streamline the water distribution in the town. Around 80 per cent of the funds will come through the Jawarhalal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, while the rest of the project cost has to be borne by the state government and the Darjeeling municipality,” said Das.
The state urban development agency, which is under the state municipal affairs department, has been made the nodal agency of the project.
The civic chief said water from the Balasun would be pumped into two reservoirs at Tiger Hill from January end.
“The project is in its final stage. There was some opposition from people to the laying of pipes along the Jorebunglow stretch. However, the problem has been solved after I held a meeting with the residents last week. Water would be pumped from the Balasun river tentatively by the end of January,” said Rai.
The residents of Darjeeling have placed much hope on the Balasun project as the town is gripped by water scarcity. At the moment, Darjeeling requires about 15-18 lakh gallons of water everyday but the municipality is in a position to supply only 7-8 lakh gallons.
Under the Rs 55.86 crore scheme, water is expected to be pumped from the Balasun river, about 30km from Darjeeling. Pipes are being laid over a distance of 12km in two phases (with two pumping houses) and a lake is being constructed at Tiger Hill for distribution of water under the scheme.
Darjeeling is expected to receive around 2 million gallons of water from the project daily.
Sceptics had in the past said unless the distribution system in Darjeeling was streamlined, the Balasun project could not be utilised to the maximum.
“The distribution system has to be streamlined for proper supply. But officials of the water works department have told me that once the Balasun project starts functioning, we will be in a position to supply water regularly,” said Rai.
There are complaints from residents that many influential people are tapping water from the main supply lines illegally, causing erratic supply.
At the moment water is distributed from two reservoirs, one of which is at St Paul’s area and the other at Rockville area.
Residents collect water in cans in Darjeeling on Tuesday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
The Balasun project is scheduled to be commissioned by the end of January
“I have been told that funds to the tune of Rs155 crore have been released for the Darjeeling municipality. Once we get the funds, it will take one-and-a-half years to streamline the water distribution system as around 35 reservoirs have to be built across the town,” Amar Singh Rai, the chairperson of the Darjeeling municipality, told The Telegraph.
Tamal Das, the subdivisional officer of Darjeeling and a former administrator of the municipality, said he had signed a memorandum of understanding with the Central and state governments for the project in November 2011.
“I, as the administrator of the Darjeeling municipality, had signed an MOU with officials of the state government and the Centre to streamline the water distribution in the town. Around 80 per cent of the funds will come through the Jawarhalal Nehru Urban Renewal Mission, while the rest of the project cost has to be borne by the state government and the Darjeeling municipality,” said Das.
The state urban development agency, which is under the state municipal affairs department, has been made the nodal agency of the project.
The civic chief said water from the Balasun would be pumped into two reservoirs at Tiger Hill from January end.
“The project is in its final stage. There was some opposition from people to the laying of pipes along the Jorebunglow stretch. However, the problem has been solved after I held a meeting with the residents last week. Water would be pumped from the Balasun river tentatively by the end of January,” said Rai.
The residents of Darjeeling have placed much hope on the Balasun project as the town is gripped by water scarcity. At the moment, Darjeeling requires about 15-18 lakh gallons of water everyday but the municipality is in a position to supply only 7-8 lakh gallons.
Under the Rs 55.86 crore scheme, water is expected to be pumped from the Balasun river, about 30km from Darjeeling. Pipes are being laid over a distance of 12km in two phases (with two pumping houses) and a lake is being constructed at Tiger Hill for distribution of water under the scheme.
Darjeeling is expected to receive around 2 million gallons of water from the project daily.
Sceptics had in the past said unless the distribution system in Darjeeling was streamlined, the Balasun project could not be utilised to the maximum.
“The distribution system has to be streamlined for proper supply. But officials of the water works department have told me that once the Balasun project starts functioning, we will be in a position to supply water regularly,” said Rai.
There are complaints from residents that many influential people are tapping water from the main supply lines illegally, causing erratic supply.
At the moment water is distributed from two reservoirs, one of which is at St Paul’s area and the other at Rockville area.
ट्राफिक सचेतना कार्यक्रममा दौडिए चालकहरु
डी० के० वाइबा, कालिमन्यूज, कालेबुंग| बढ्दो सडक दुर्घटना निर्मूल पार्न ट्राफिक पुलिसको आयोजनामा गत १ जनवरी देखि सप्ताहदिन व्यापी ट्राफिक सचेतना कार्यक्रम सम्पन्न भइरहेको छ | यस अवसरमा आज कालेबुंगका चालकहरु माझ दौड प्रतियोगिता सम्पन्न भयो |कार्यक्रमको शुरुवात पश्चिम बङ्गाल ट्राफिक आइ० जी० जगमोहन सिंहले हरियो झण्डा हल्लाएर उद्घाटन गरे |

यस अवसरमा पत्रकारहरुसित बात गर्दै जगमोहन सिंहले बढ्दो सडक दुर्घटना रोकथाम गर्न ट्राफिक सप्ताह पालन गरेको जानकारी गराए | तिनले ट्राफिक नियम बारे सम्पूर्ण चालकहरु लगायत जनसाधारण सचेत बन्नुपर्ने आह्वान गर्दै सचेत नभएकै कारण धेर दुरघट्ना हुने गरेको बताए | बिशेष चालक
हरुले वाहन कुदाउँदा मोबाइल फोन प्रयोग गर्न नहुने अनि प्रत्येक दिन गाडीको कागज पत्र ठीक राख्नु पर्ने तिनले बताए | यसका साथै जनसाधारणले पनि ट्राफिक नियम प्रति जागरुक हुनपर्ने बताउँदै सडक पार गर्दा सतर्कता अपनाउन पर्ने जनाए | मानिसहरु सडक दुर्घटना हुँदा चालकवर्गलाई सोझै दोष दिने गरे तापनि यसमा जनसाधारणवर्गको पनि उत्तिकै भूलहरू हुने गरेको थप बताए | सडक पार गर्दा प्रत्येक दिन ट्राफिक सिग्नल अनि जेब्रा क्रस हेर्नु पर्ने तिनले आह्वान गर्दै यदी नियम पालन गरे सडक दुर्घटना कम हुने कुरा तिनले थप आशा व्यक्त गरे | यस अवसरमा तिनले सडक जामको समस्याहरु ट्राफिक नियम पालन नगर्दा नै धेर हुने गरेको बताए | उक्त कार्यक्रममा महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पा , थाना प्रभारी प्रसाद प्रधान, अतिरिक्त पुलिस निरीक्षक सोंगमित लेप्चा आदिको बिशेष उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
निर्देशक,कलाकार तुलसी घिमिरे दर्पण सम्मान २०११ ले सम्मानित
डी० के० वाइबा, कालिमन्यूज,कालेबुंग | नेपाली चलचित्र जगतका निर्देशक एवम कलाकार तुलसी घिमिरेलाई आज दर्पण सम्मान २०११ ले सम्मानित गरियो | यहाँको रामकृष्ण रंगमन्चमा आयोजित कालेबुंग दर्पणको आठौ वर्ष गाँठको अवसरमा घिमिरेलाई उक्त पुरस्कारले सम्मानित गरियो|

सोही कार्यक्रममा रोगीहरुको निस्वार्थ सेवा पुराउदै आइरहेकी सिस्टर प्रवाह शान्ति भोटियालाई पनि संवर्धना जनाईयो | कार्यक्रममा मुख्य अतिथिका रुपमा उपस्थित रहेका महकुमा अधिकारी एल० एन० शेर्पाको बाहुलीबाट ढाका टोपी उडाई, दोसल्ला लगाई सम्मान जनाईयो भने स्मृति चिन्ह र प्रसस्ती पत्र प्रदान गरेर दर्पण सम्मान २०११ ले सम्मानित गरियो |कार्यक्रमका बिशिष्ट अतिथि शिक्षाविद पी० आर० प्रधानले सिस्टर प्रवाह शान्ति भोटियालाई दोसल्ला ओडाएर संवर्धना जनाए | यस अवसरमा कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै निर्देशक एवम कलाकार तुलसी घिमिरेले यस सम्मान पाउँदा अत्यन्तै हर्षित बनेको बताए | तिनले नेपाली चलचित्रको क्षेत्रमा नेपालमा धेरै कार्य गरेतापनि आफ्नै ठाउँमा केही गर्न नसकेकोमा दुख व्यक्त गरे |
विगतका दिनमा कलेबुंगमा नेपाली चलचित्र निर्माणको निम्ति एउटा स्टुडियो निर्माण गर्ने पहल गरेको बताउँदै तत्कालिन दागोपाप अधिकारीबाट एनओसी पाउन नसक्दा उक्त कार्य अधुरो रहेको बताए | यधपि अहिले पनि यहाँका स्थानीय कलाकारहरुलाई प्रोत्साहान र प्रतिभा निखार्न केही कार्य गर्ने सलाह दिरहेको बताए | तिनले विगत दिनमा दुरदर्शन कलकताबाट नेपाली कार्यक्रम प्रशारणको निम्ति २ घण्टा समय दिएको बताउँदै तर हालमा उक्त समय घटाएकोमा खेद प्रकट गर्दै यो अधिकार खोसिएको हो भने | यस्ता अधिकार खोसिदिएर यहाँका कलाकारहरुले आफ्नो प्रतिभा प्रदर्शन गर्न नपाइरहेको बताउँदै उक्त कार्यप्रति एक हुनपर्ने आह्वान गरे | तिनले स्थानीय कलाकारहरुलाई दोसल्ला दिंदै यहाँबाट राम्रो चलचित्र निर्माण गर्न सके नेपालबाट प्रदर्शन गर्न सक्ने जानकारी गराए | सोही अवसरमा उक्त सम्मानले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी बढेको बताउँदै कालेबुंग लगायत दार्जीलिंग पहाड कै निम्ति राम्रो कार्य गर्ने योजना रहेको घिमिरेले बताए | उक्त कार्यक्रममा अजय अगरवालले स्वागत भाषण राखे भने लोक सांस्कृतिक विभागका कलाकारहरुले सांस्कृतिक नृत्य प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए |
विगतका दिनमा कलेबुंगमा नेपाली चलचित्र निर्माणको निम्ति एउटा स्टुडियो निर्माण गर्ने पहल गरेको बताउँदै तत्कालिन दागोपाप अधिकारीबाट एनओसी पाउन नसक्दा उक्त कार्य अधुरो रहेको बताए | यधपि अहिले पनि यहाँका स्थानीय कलाकारहरुलाई प्रोत्साहान र प्रतिभा निखार्न केही कार्य गर्ने सलाह दिरहेको बताए | तिनले विगत दिनमा दुरदर्शन कलकताबाट नेपाली कार्यक्रम प्रशारणको निम्ति २ घण्टा समय दिएको बताउँदै तर हालमा उक्त समय घटाएकोमा खेद प्रकट गर्दै यो अधिकार खोसिएको हो भने | यस्ता अधिकार खोसिदिएर यहाँका कलाकारहरुले आफ्नो प्रतिभा प्रदर्शन गर्न नपाइरहेको बताउँदै उक्त कार्यप्रति एक हुनपर्ने आह्वान गरे | तिनले स्थानीय कलाकारहरुलाई दोसल्ला दिंदै यहाँबाट राम्रो चलचित्र निर्माण गर्न सके नेपालबाट प्रदर्शन गर्न सक्ने जानकारी गराए | सोही अवसरमा उक्त सम्मानले आफ्नो जिम्मेवारी बढेको बताउँदै कालेबुंग लगायत दार्जीलिंग पहाड कै निम्ति राम्रो कार्य गर्ने योजना रहेको घिमिरेले बताए | उक्त कार्यक्रममा अजय अगरवालले स्वागत भाषण राखे भने लोक सांस्कृतिक विभागका कलाकारहरुले सांस्कृतिक नृत्य प्रस्तुत गरेका थिए |
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