जीटीए, स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड, परिभ्रमण, आश्वासनः समस्या जस्ताको त्यस्तै
सभामा भेला भएका साहित्यकारहरू. फोटो कलिम्न्युज |
कालेबुङको मुख्य समस्या भनेको नै पिउने पानीको रहेको छ। तर पानीको समस्या समाधान गर्छु भन्ने कुनै मन्त्री कालेबुङ आएनन्। अर्को समस्या छ डम्पिङ ग्राउण्डको। डम्पिङ बनाउन यति राशि अनुमोदन गरेका छौं भन्ने मन्त्री आएनन्। आश्वासन दिन पल्केका मन्त्रीहरू आधिकारिक भ्रमणमा आउँदा त आश्वासन दिन्छन् नै पारिवारिक भ्र्रमणमा आउँदा पनि आश्वासन दिन भुल्दैनन्। हिजो नगरपालिकाले डाकेको डम्पिङ समस्यामाथिको बैठकलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै महकुमा अधिकारीले डम्पिङ बनाउने पैसा नरहेकोले नगरवासीले हुनसम्मको समस्या भोग्न परिरहेको मात्र होइन टिस्टामा मैला फ्याक्नुपर्ने अपराधिक कार्य गर्नु परेको लाचारी पनि देखाइरहेका थिए। न त महकुमा अधिकारी न त विधायक कुनै पनि यति बलियो शक्ति उनीहरू हुन सकेका छैनन् कि कालेबुङको मूल समस्या समाधानको निम्ति मन्त्री महोदयहरूलाई कालेबुङ ल्याउन सकियोस्।
कुनै यस्तो गतिलो पार्टी छैन जसले कुनै पनि गतिलो योजना मूल समस्या समाधानको निम्ति राज्य सरकारबाट अनुमोदन गराउन सकोस्। आज घुम्न आएका राज्यपालसम्मले शीघ्र नै भुइँचालो पीडितहरूको समस्या समाधान हुने आश्वासन दिन छोडेनन्। भुइँचालो आएदेखि तिनी दुइपल्ट भयो पहाड चडेका। भुइँचालो पीडितहरू अझ पनि शिविरमा नै छन् अनि उत्तिकै अवस्थामा छन्, कही पनि कुनै पनि परिवर्तन छैन। अघि आएर पनि त्यही आश्वासन तिनले दिएका थिए आज पनि त्यही दोहोर्याए। मुख्यमन्त्रीदेखि अन्य मन्त्री अनि आज राज्यपालसमेतले आखिर पहाडप्रति कति इमान्दार सोंच राखेका छन् भन्ने कुरा को उत्तर पहाडको जैसेथे-अवस्थाले दिइरहेको छ। यता सबैले दागोपापलाई अन्देखा गरिरहेका छन्।
दागोपापमा आउने राशि आइरहेको छ, छैन। त्यसको प्रयोग भइरहेको छ छैन भन्नेबारे कसैले सोधेका छैनन्। अबको छ महिनापछि मोर्चाको हातमा जीटीए आउने छ, त्यसबेला राज्य सरकारका मन्त्रीहरुले गरेको आश्वासनको कुन अवस्था हुने हो पत्तो छैन। जबसम्म प्रशासनिक शक्ति पहाडलाई पनि केही अंश जीटीएमार्फत हस्तान्तरण हुँदैन तबसम्म राज्यका मन्त्रीहरूलाई आश्वासन दिनु पर्ने जुन वाध्यता छ यसले पहाडका जनतालाई फाइदा कम नोक्सान धेर हुने छॉंटकॉंट देखिएको छ। यता मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दार्जीलिङको तीन जिल्लालाई लिएर बनाइने स्वीट्जरल्याण्ड यता डिफेक्टो स्टेटको स्टाटस भएको जीटीए, तर पहाडको समस्या भने जहीँको तहीँ।
यता मन्त्रीहरूको अनेकौं विकासको आश्वासन अर्कोतिर विधायकहरूले बनाएको करोडौंको योजना, तर पहाडको अवस्था भने जस्ताको त्यस्तै। कालेबुङ नगरका नागरिकहरूले पिउने पानीको समस्या त्यसरी नै भोग्नु पर्ने अहिले नै छर्लङ्ग छ। त्यसरी नै मैलाको दुर्गन्ध सहनुपर्ने पनि स्पष्ट छ। किन भने स्थायीरुपले पिउने पानीको समस्या समाधान गर्न कसैसित पनि कुनै पनि योजना छैन जसरी डम्पिङको निम्ति छैन। कालेबुङको सरकारी अस्पताल जस्ताको त्यस्तै देखिने स्पष्ट छ अनि कालेबुङका बाटोहरू पनि उस्तै रहनेछन्। किन भने सबै समस्याहरूको स्थायी समाधान भयो भने न त दलहरूसित राजनीति गर्ने कुनै मुद्दा रहनेछ न त अधिकारीहरूलाई काम टाल्ने झञ्जट नै रहनेछ।
अहिलेसम्म जो जो पनि मन्त्रीहरू आए सबैले नगर केन्द्रित विकासको कुरा गरे। सबैले ग्रामीण समस्यालाई भने अन्देखा गरे। सबैभन्दा ठूलो अन्देखा त गोरामुमो र गोजमुमो दुवै नै सरकारसित मिलेर ग्राम पञ्चायतलाई गरिदिएको छ, जसको कारण ग्रामीणस्तरमा कुनै पनि विकासका पहलहरू हुन सकेको छैन। राजनैतिक दलले पनि शहर केन्द्रित राजनीति नै ग्रामीण क्षेत्रलाई प्रयोग गर्दै गरिरहेको छ। यसैकारण उनीहरूलाई नगरपालिकाको चुनाउ गराउन हतार छ। पहाडको राजनैतिक दल, राज्य अनि केन्द्र समेत लागेर पहाडमा जुन कुटनीति चलाइरहेको छ, यसले भविष्यको दिनमा ठूलै विरोधी परिस्थितिको तयारी गरिरहेको पर्यवेक्षकहरूले अनुमान लगाएका छन्।
बसिबियॉंलोको शतकीय प्रकरणको सिक्किममा पनि भव्य तयारी शुरु- बौद्धिक चिन्तनको फॉंटिलो चौतारी सिक्किमबाटै शुरु भएको होः सीके श्रेष्ठ
गान्तोक, 23 अटोबर: आगामी 5 र 6 नोभेम्बरमा कालेबुङमा आयोजन हुन गइरहेको ‘बसिबियॉंलो’-को शतकीय प्रकरणमा सिक्किमबाट साहिय, संगीत र कला विधाका प्रतिभाहरूले अंशग्रहण गर्ने भएका छन्।
सिक्किमका सुप्रसिद्ध वास्तुकार तथा कलाकार किरण रसाइलीको संयोजकवमा र शताब्दी पुरुष तथा वरिष्ठ पत्रकार सीडी राईको अध्यक्षतामा आइतवार प्रेस क्लब अफ् सिक्किमको कार्यालयमा बसेको महत्त्वपूर्ण बैठकले यो निर्णय लिएको छ। कालेबुङमा आयोजन भइरहेको उत कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित भइदिन र सिक्किमको पक्षबाट आफ्नो प्रस्तुती दिन नाट्यभुषण सीके श्रेष्ठ र साहित्यकार शमशेर अलिले आग्रह गरेका छन्। प्रेस क्लबमा बसेको बैठकमा उपस्थित साहित्यकार तथा कलाकारहरूलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै नाट्यभुषण श्रेष्ठले अस्सीको दशकको उत्तरार्द्धमा गान्तोकमा ‘बसिबियॉंलो’ कार्यक्रम शुरू भएको जानकारी गराए।
श्रेष्ठले भने,बसिबियॉंलोलाई हामीले वैचारिक उन्मुतताको बौद्धिक चौतारीको रुपमा स्थापित गरेका थियौं। मानिसहरूले यस चौतारीमा आएर आफ्नो विचारहरू स्वतन्त्र राख्नसकेका थिए। यसैको बीउ हामीले कालेबुङमा सार्यौं र आज यसको शतकीय प्रकरण पालन गरिरहेका छौं। यसको श्रेय गान्तोकलाई जॉंदछ। हामी गान्तोकप्रति अनुगृहित छौं,कारण यसको शुरू गान्तोकबाटै भएको हो। उनले यस कार्यक्रमलाई पुन: गान्तोकमा शुरू गरेर लैजाने र नयॉं पिंढीलाई यसमा प्रोसाहित गर्ने आग्रह पनि गरे।
शतकीय प्रकरणका मूल संयोजक शमशेर अलिले कालेबुङको टाउनहलमा आयोजन हुने कार्यक्रमबारे जानकारी गराए। उनले यस कार्यक्रममा सिक्किमबाट धेरैको सहभागिता र सहयोग हुनसने आशा व्यक्त् गरे। शताब्दी पुरुष सीडी राईले गान्तोकबाट शुरू भएको ‘बसिबियॉंलो’-कार्यक्रमको कालेबुङमा भव्य शतकीय प्रकरण आयोजन गरिएकोमा आयोजकपक्षको सराहना गरे। आज बसेको बैठकले शतकीय प्रकरणको दोस्रो दिन 6 नोभेम्बरमा बसिबियॉंलोको गान्तोक च्याप्टरको पक्षबाट लगभग एक घण्टाको साहित्यिक तथा सांगीतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गर्ने निर्णय लिएको छ। बैठकमा रुद्र पौड्याल, राज के. श्रेष्ठ, चुनिलाल घिमिरे, प्रवीण राई जुमेली, माला राणा पात्रो, हरिश मोक्तान अल्लरे, भीम राउत, चक्रपाणि भट्टराई, स्वामी स्वदेशानन्द, जोसेफ लेचा, प्रवीण खालिङ, पूर्ण योञ्जन, दीपा राई, हेमन्त गिरी, रुपेश शर्मा, अमर बानियॉं ‘लोहोरो’, अम्बर लाछिकाठी, सौराज राई, टीकाप्रसाद शिवकोटी, शिव दर्नाल आदिको उपस्थिति थियो। सिक्किममा जन्मिएर कालेबुङमा हुर्किएको बसिबियॉंलोले अहिले शतकीय प्रकरणमा पुगिसकेको छ।
यसलाई उन्मुक्त वैचारिक अभियान भएको हुनाले नेपालीभाषी नागरिकहरूको कही पनि बसोबासो भएको स्थानमा यस प्रकारको कार्यक्रम शुरु गरेर महिनामा एकपल्ट भए पनि वैचारिक मन्थन गर्ने पहल गर्नु नितान्त जरूरी देखिएको छ। कालेबुङमा हुने शतकीय प्रकरणको निम्ति सिक्किमबाट पनि गरिमामय सहभागिता हुने निर्णय गर्दै यसको निम्ति सिक्किमले आफ्नो विशेषता र राज्यको विषयमा विशेष कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गर्ने छ। जसको निम्ति आजैदेखि तयारी शुरु गरिएको छ। बैठकमा गत 18 सेटेम्बरको दिन गएको भुइँचालोमा ज्यान गुमाउने तथा हिजो मात्र बिजनबारीमा झोलुङे पुल भकिन्दा मारिएका आफन्तहरूको आमाको शान्तिको निम्ति दुइ मिनट मौनधारण गर्दै प्रार्थना तथा घाइतेहरुको शीघ्र स्वस्थ्य लाभको कामना गरियो।
बसिबियॉंलोको शतकीय प्रकरणको सिक्किममा पनि भव्य तयारी शुरु- बौद्धिक चिन्तनको फॉंटिलो चौतारी सिक्किमबाटै शुरु भएको होः सीके श्रेष्ठ
गान्तोक, 23 अटोबर: आगामी 5 र 6 नोभेम्बरमा कालेबुङमा आयोजन हुन गइरहेको ‘बसिबियॉंलो’-को शतकीय प्रकरणमा सिक्किमबाट साहिय, संगीत र कला विधाका प्रतिभाहरूले अंशग्रहण गर्ने भएका छन्।
सिक्किमका सुप्रसिद्ध वास्तुकार तथा कलाकार किरण रसाइलीको संयोजकवमा र शताब्दी पुरुष तथा वरिष्ठ पत्रकार सीडी राईको अध्यक्षतामा आइतवार प्रेस क्लब अफ् सिक्किमको कार्यालयमा बसेको महत्त्वपूर्ण बैठकले यो निर्णय लिएको छ। कालेबुङमा आयोजन भइरहेको उत कार्यक्रममा उपस्थित भइदिन र सिक्किमको पक्षबाट आफ्नो प्रस्तुती दिन नाट्यभुषण सीके श्रेष्ठ र साहित्यकार शमशेर अलिले आग्रह गरेका छन्। प्रेस क्लबमा बसेको बैठकमा उपस्थित साहित्यकार तथा कलाकारहरूलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै नाट्यभुषण श्रेष्ठले अस्सीको दशकको उत्तरार्द्धमा गान्तोकमा ‘बसिबियॉंलो’ कार्यक्रम शुरू भएको जानकारी गराए।
श्रेष्ठले भने,बसिबियॉंलोलाई हामीले वैचारिक उन्मुतताको बौद्धिक चौतारीको रुपमा स्थापित गरेका थियौं। मानिसहरूले यस चौतारीमा आएर आफ्नो विचारहरू स्वतन्त्र राख्नसकेका थिए। यसैको बीउ हामीले कालेबुङमा सार्यौं र आज यसको शतकीय प्रकरण पालन गरिरहेका छौं। यसको श्रेय गान्तोकलाई जॉंदछ। हामी गान्तोकप्रति अनुगृहित छौं,कारण यसको शुरू गान्तोकबाटै भएको हो। उनले यस कार्यक्रमलाई पुन: गान्तोकमा शुरू गरेर लैजाने र नयॉं पिंढीलाई यसमा प्रोसाहित गर्ने आग्रह पनि गरे।
शतकीय प्रकरणका मूल संयोजक शमशेर अलिले कालेबुङको टाउनहलमा आयोजन हुने कार्यक्रमबारे जानकारी गराए। उनले यस कार्यक्रममा सिक्किमबाट धेरैको सहभागिता र सहयोग हुनसने आशा व्यक्त् गरे। शताब्दी पुरुष सीडी राईले गान्तोकबाट शुरू भएको ‘बसिबियॉंलो’-कार्यक्रमको कालेबुङमा भव्य शतकीय प्रकरण आयोजन गरिएकोमा आयोजकपक्षको सराहना गरे। आज बसेको बैठकले शतकीय प्रकरणको दोस्रो दिन 6 नोभेम्बरमा बसिबियॉंलोको गान्तोक च्याप्टरको पक्षबाट लगभग एक घण्टाको साहित्यिक तथा सांगीतिक कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गर्ने निर्णय लिएको छ। बैठकमा रुद्र पौड्याल, राज के. श्रेष्ठ, चुनिलाल घिमिरे, प्रवीण राई जुमेली, माला राणा पात्रो, हरिश मोक्तान अल्लरे, भीम राउत, चक्रपाणि भट्टराई, स्वामी स्वदेशानन्द, जोसेफ लेचा, प्रवीण खालिङ, पूर्ण योञ्जन, दीपा राई, हेमन्त गिरी, रुपेश शर्मा, अमर बानियॉं ‘लोहोरो’, अम्बर लाछिकाठी, सौराज राई, टीकाप्रसाद शिवकोटी, शिव दर्नाल आदिको उपस्थिति थियो। सिक्किममा जन्मिएर कालेबुङमा हुर्किएको बसिबियॉंलोले अहिले शतकीय प्रकरणमा पुगिसकेको छ।
यसलाई उन्मुक्त वैचारिक अभियान भएको हुनाले नेपालीभाषी नागरिकहरूको कही पनि बसोबासो भएको स्थानमा यस प्रकारको कार्यक्रम शुरु गरेर महिनामा एकपल्ट भए पनि वैचारिक मन्थन गर्ने पहल गर्नु नितान्त जरूरी देखिएको छ। कालेबुङमा हुने शतकीय प्रकरणको निम्ति सिक्किमबाट पनि गरिमामय सहभागिता हुने निर्णय गर्दै यसको निम्ति सिक्किमले आफ्नो विशेषता र राज्यको विषयमा विशेष कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत गर्ने छ। जसको निम्ति आजैदेखि तयारी शुरु गरिएको छ। बैठकमा गत 18 सेटेम्बरको दिन गएको भुइँचालोमा ज्यान गुमाउने तथा हिजो मात्र बिजनबारीमा झोलुङे पुल भकिन्दा मारिएका आफन्तहरूको आमाको शान्तिको निम्ति दुइ मिनट मौनधारण गर्दै प्रार्थना तथा घाइतेहरुको शीघ्र स्वस्थ्य लाभको कामना गरियो।
Earthquake Relief from Delhi
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, 23rd October: The Chief Minister of Sikkim Pawan Chamling and the Chief Minister of Delhi Smt. Sheila Dixit flagged off two truck loads of relief materials consisting of blankets and sleeping bags numbering 4800 from Delhi, today. The relief material is donated by Thakur Dwar Trust of Delhi.
The Chief Minister also met with the Union Minister for DONER Shri Paban Singh Ghatowar, today. During the meeting the Chief Minister discussed the concept of North East Region being considered and declared as an eco friendly zone. Further more, the Chief Minister also put forward the concept of declaring whole of North East as an Organic Belt. Beside this, the Chief Minister also emphasised the urgent need to have an alternative highway from Gangtok to Siliguri. The Minister DONER Shri Handique on his part agreed to the request of the Chief Minister and assured to put the request of the Chief Minister on the priority list of the projects.
KalimNews, 23rd October: The Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling expressed his deep sorrow and anguish over the loss of lives due to the collapse of a bridge at Darjeeling, West Bengal, yesterday. In his condolence message on behalf of the people of Sikkim to the bereaved families of the deceased, the Chief Minister requested them to be calm to face this tragic incident and have faith in God. The Chief Minister has also wished speedy recovery to those who have sustained injury during the accident.
बिजनबारीको घटना जिल्लाभरि दोहोरिन सक्छ्
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज,कालेबुङ, 23 अक्टोबर। बिजनबारीमा जुन घटना भयो त्यसले पहाडलाई नै स्तब्ध बनायो। गीत सुन्न गएकाहरू दुर्घटनामा परे। धेरैको ज्यान गयो, धेरै घाइते बने।
भुइँचालोको त्रासदी मेटिँदा नमेटिँदै बिजनबारीको घटनाले पहाडलाई नै शोकाकूल बनायो। पुलमा धेर मानिसहरू हिँडेकोले भार थाम्न नसकेर पुललाई बॉंधेको लट्ठा चुँडिएको बताइएको छ। पहाडमा यस्ता खाले पुलहरू धेरै छन् जसको न त सरकारी मरम्मति नै हुने गरेको छ न त संरक्षण नै। जब दुर्घटना हुन्छ तब सरकारको मात्र होइन क्षेत्रबासीको पनि आँखा खोल्छ। बिजनबारीको पुल चुट्टिनु दुर्घटना थियो तर भर्खर गएको भुइँचालोले चर्काएको जमीन, बिल्डिङ अनि राजमार्गहरू कुन बेला तहस नहस हुने हो केही भन्न सकिन्न। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले यसबारे राज्य सरकारलाई मात्र होइन केन्द्र सरकारलाई पनि विस्तृत रिपोर्ट बुझाइसकेको छ तर राहत राशिहरूको अनुमोदन त परैजाओस् घोषणा समेत भएको छैन। भुइँचालो गएको 35 दिन पुग्यो तर दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाभरि नै चर्किएका जोखिम क्षेत्रहरूमा भू-सर्वेक्षण भएको छैन। कुनै दिन ती क्षेत्रहरूमा व्यापक पैह्रो जाने अनि धेरै ज्यानमालको क्षति हुनसक्ने सम्भावना त त्रासदी अझ पनि रहेर बसेको छ। कालेबुङको भालूखोपलाई नै उदाहरणको निम्ति लिँदा हुन्छ। माथ्थिलोतिर शीरमा छ चर्किएको लोप्रोसी डॉंडा। तल्तिर छ दुइवटा गाउँ चाम्रा गोदाम र लमिनी गाउँ। जहॉंका मानिसहरू भुइँचालो आएदेखि चम्पामाया प्राथमिक पाठशालामा शिविर हालेर बसेका छन्। भुइँचालोले उनीहरूको घरलाई त उति प्रभाव पारेन तर जनजीवनलाई नै अस्तव्यस्त भने पारिदिएको छ।
उनीहरू शिविरमा बस्नुको कारण नै लोप्रोसी डॉंडा हो, जो भुइँचालोले व्यापक चर्काइदिएको छ। घर जाऊँ त लोप्रोसी डॉंडा कतिबेला पैह्रोमा रुपान्तर हुन्छ कुनै भरोसा छैन। जानीजानी मृत्युको मुखमा कोही पनि पर्न चहॉंदैनन्। जुन दिनदेखि दुइ गाउँका मानिसहरू शिविरमा छन् त्यही दिनदेखि महकुमा प्रशासनलाई क्षेत्रको भू-सर्वेक्षण गरिदिने अनुरोध गरिरहेका छन् तर विभाग भने कानमा तेल हालेर बसेको छ। गाउँलेहरू अनुसार भू-सर्वेक्षण गरिदिए उनीहरू घर फर्किन सक्छन्। नत्र कतिबेला पैह्रो जाने हो भन्ने भय उनीहरूमा रहिरहन्छ नै। पीडितहरूले सरकारलाई भू-सर्वेक्षण गराइदेउ भनेर 35 दिन अघिदेखि अपील गर्दा पनि कानमा तेल हालेर बस्नु भनेको के हो? यसको एउटा सोझो अर्थ अघि आउँछ गाउँलेहरू घरघर जाउन् अनि लेप्रोसी डॉंडामा पैह्रा जाओस् अनि गाउँलेहरू पुरियोस्।
विभागले यस्तो नसोंचेको हुनु हो भने क्षेत्रमा भू-सर्वेक्षण हुन्थ्यो अनि पीडितहरू रिपोर्टको आधारमा कि त घरमा फर्किन्थे कि त पीडितहरूलाई अन्यत्र पुनर्वास गराउन विभागीय पहल हुन कर लाग्थ्योे। त्यसैकारण राज्यपाल आउँदा पीडितहरूले मौका छोपिहाले। राज्यपाललाई दुःख बिसाएपछि राज्यपालले जिल्लापाल अनि महकुमा अधिकारीलाई क्षेत्रमा भू-सर्वेक्षण गर्ने निर्देश त दिए तर त्यो निर्देशलाई पालन गर्न कति समय लगाउने हो पत्तो छैन।
विभागीय असंवेदनशीलता अनि हेल्चेक्राइँको कारण फेरि कुनै न कुनै दिन बिजनबारीमा झैं व्यापक ज्यानमालको क्षति हुने घटना हुन सक्दैन भन्न सकिन्न। कालेबुङको भालूखोप एउटा उदाहरण मात्र हो। राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग पनि व्यापकरुपले चर्किएको छ। 2007 को सेप्टेम्बर महिनामा जिल्लाभरि पैह्रो गएको थियो। त्यसबेला जिल्लाभरि नै पैह्रो जान नसकेका ठाउँहरू चर्किएको थियो। चर्किएका ठाउँहरूको खोज अनि यसबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति अहिलेसम्म पनि सरकारी कुनै पहल भएन। सेभ द हिल्सले त्यसबेला कुनै पनि समय पहाडको अस्तित्व पैह्रोको कारण नष्ट हुनसक्ने सम्भावना व्यक्त गरेको थियो। सेभ द हिल्सले यसबारे एउटा शोध रिपोर्ट पनि सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो भने सरकारका निकायमा पनि रिपोर्ट राखेको थियो। तर अहिलेसम्म नै सरकारले दार्जीलिङ जिल्लालाई न त पैह्रो असुरक्षित क्षेत्रको दर्जा दिएको छ न त यसको निम्ति छुट्टै कुनै योजना नै बनाएको छ। अहिलेसम्म सरकारले राहत केन्द्र कार्यालय नै पहाडमा खोलेको छ न त यसको निम्ति छुट्टै निकाय नै स्थापित गरेको छ। अहिले भुइँचालोले गाउँ-गाउँ नै चर्किएर गएको छ।
शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँ नै चर्किएको छ। छेउमा नै रहेको आपते अझसम्म पनि उदाहरणकोरुपमा रहेको छ। आपतेको पैह्रोले गाउँनै लगेकोले आपते नाम बसेको थियो, जहॉं अहिले पनि पैह्रो जाने गरेको छ। शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँ पनि उसरी नै चर्किएको छ। त्यहॉंका गाउँलेहरू अनि पञ्चायत कर्मीहरूले गाउँलाई नै अन्यत्र सारे मात्र गाउँलेहरू जोखिमबाट टाडा रहनसक्ने अघिबाट नै बारम्बार बताइसकेका हुन्। तर उनीहरूको कुरा सुन्ने कसले? के निकाय भने घटना भएपछि दुइटुक्रा पोलिथिन बॉंड्नको निम्ति मात्र हो? जिल्लाभरि नै भालूखोप, शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँजस्ता अनेकौं गाउँहरू छन्, जहॉं कुनै पनि विभागले न त भू-सर्वेक्षण नै गरेको छ न त गाउँ र गाउँलेहरूको चिन्ता नै। यसकारण कुनै पनि समय बिजनबारीमा झैं ठूलो दुर्घटना हुने सम्भावना व्यापक छ। चिन्ता न त सरकारलाई छ, न त पार्टीलाई अनि न त बुद्धिजीवीहरूलाई।
जीटीएपछि पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा हुँदैछ वृद्धि टुरिस्ट फेस्टिबल गर्ने होर्याकको योजना
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 23 अक्टोबर। होटल एण्ड रेस्टुरेन्ट एसोसिएसन अफ कालेबुङले 20 दिसम्बरदेखि पॉंच जनवरीसम्म कालेबुङमा पनि टुरिस्ट फेस्टिवल आयोजना गर्ने मन बनाएको छ। अहिले नै मिति पक्कापक्कि नभएपनि प्रायः दिसम्बरकै अन्तदेखि नै टुरिस्ट फेस्टिबलको आयोजना गरिने होर्याकका अध्यक्ष सञ्जय कुमार प्रधानले बताए। मोर्चाले शुरू गरेको गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलकाल अवधी पहाडमा तहस नहस बनेको मुख्य आयस्रोत पर्यटन फेरि विस्तारै मौलाउँदै आइरहेको छ। बङ्गाल सरकारले पहाडलाई सँधैं वङ्गालकै अशं बनाएर राख्नुको कारणहरूमध्ये पनि एक पहाडको पर्यटन नै हो।
पर्यटनबाट धेरै राजस्व संग्रह हुने भएकोले दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई बङ्गालले कुनै पनि हालतमा छुट्टिन दिँदैन। एकापट्टि छुट्टिन पनि नदिने अनि अर्कोपट्टि पर्यटकहरू दार्जीलिङ पहाड आउँदा लोभिने बङ्गालले पहाडको पर्यटनको विकासमा भने आजसम्म उत्ति चासो देखाएको छैन। दार्जीलिङ जस्तो जे छ प्राकृतिकरुले नै छ। पहाडमा जब जब आन्दोलन हुन्छ वा कुनै आपतकालीन सङ्कट आइपर्छ बङ्गाललाई सबैभन्दा धेर पर्यकटहरूको चिन्ता हुन्छ। पहाडबासीको चिन्ता भन्दा धेर पर्यटकहरू कतै दार्जीलिङ आउँदैनन् कि भन्ने डर हुन्छ। तीन वर्षभन्दा अधिक समयसम्म लथालिङ भएको पहाडमा जीटीएको सम्झौतापछि भने फेरि स्थितिहरू सामान्य बन्दैछ अनि देश-विदेशका पर्यटकहरू पनि त्रासमुक्त भएर दार्जीलिङ पहाड चड्दैछन्।
सरकारले पहाडको पर्यटन विकासको निम्ति उति चासो नदेखाएपनि पहाडको प्राकृतिक दृश्यहरूको अवलोकन गर्नकै निम्ति मात्र भएपनि देशी विदेशी पर्यटकहरू दार्जीलिङ पहाड आउँछन्। यसघरी कालेबुङमा पनि पर्यटकहरू बिगत वर्षहरूको तुलनामामा धेरै नै आउन थालेका छन्।
कालेबुङमा अहिलेघरि पर्यटकहरुको आगमनमा भइरहेको वृद्धि सन्तोषजनक रहेको बताउँछन् होर्याकका अध्यक्ष सञ्जय कुमार प्रधान। तिनीअनुसार नोभेम्बर अनि दिसम्बरमा कालेबुङमा पर्यटकहरूको आगमानमा धेरै नै वृद्धि हुने सम्भावना छ। नोभेम्बर-दिसम्बरको निम्ति प्रायः होटलहरूको बुकिङ भइसकेको छ। लाभा, रेशप अनि कफेरतिर पनि पर्यटकहरूको आगामनमा दिनोदिन वृद्धि भइरहेको छ। पहाडको राजनैतिक स्थिति सामान्य बए पनि भर्खर आएको भउइँचालोले पर्यटन व्यवसायलाई केही हद नोक्सान पुर्याएको थाहा लागेको छ।
त्यसबेला धैरे बुकिङहरू रद्द भए पनि एक महिनाभित्र फेरि बुकिङको शिलशिला शुरू भएको छ। आफ्नै लागतमा निर्माण गरिएका केही पर्यटकीय स्थलहरूमा बसेर अनि हरियाली पहाडको मनोरम दृश्यहरू हेरेर नै पर्यटकहरू फर्कन्छन्। यदि सरकारले कुनै ठूलो लागतमा पर्यटन विकासको निम्ति दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई ध्यान दिए पर्यटन नै पहाडबासीको निम्ति मुख्य आयस्रोत बन्नसक्छ। दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा जे जति पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू रहेको छ त्यसलाई अझ सुन्दर बनाउन हो भने राजस्व संग्रह गर्न मात्र होइन त्यसको सुन्दरीकरणमा पनि सरकारले ध्यान दिन आवश्यक रहेको छ। कालेबुङमा पनि सुन्दर प्राकृतिक पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू धेरै रहेको छ। जसलाई ध्यान दिएर नयॉं टुरिस्ट स्पटहरूको निर्माण हुनसके कालेबुङमा घुम्न आउने पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा धेरै वृद्धि हुनसक्ने ठान्छन् मानिसहरू।
कालेबुङ आएका पर्यट्कहरूको घुम्ने ठाउँ भनेको नै मुख्य रूपमा डेलो, दुर्विन, रेशप, लाभा कफेर, जलढका, तोदेताङ्ता. विन्दु तथा अन्यहरू ठाउँहरू हुन्। यसबाहेक आफ्नै लागतमा बनाइएका अन्य पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू रहेका छन् जहॉं गएर पर्यटकहरू मन भुलाउने गर्छन्। पर्यटकहरूको निम्ति आवश्यकीय सुविधाहरू उपलब्ध नभएपनि दार्जीलिङ पहाडप्रतिको प्राकृतिक वरदानको कारण मात्र हो विश्वमा नै दार्जीलिङ पहाड एक पर्यटकीय स्थलमा रूपमा चिनिन्छ। यदि दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई बङ्गालले आफ्नो मकुट मानेर राख्ने मात्र होइन मकुटलाई स्याहार सुसार पनि गरे मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दार्जीलिङ पहाडको निम्ति सॉंचेको स्वीटजरल्याण्ड सपना पूरा हुँदैन भन्न सकिन्न।
CM in hills but skips spot
KINSUK BASU, TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 23: Mamata Banerjee today tried to apply the healing touch as she toured the hills and plains for seven hours but made it clear that she would not visit Bijanbari, the tragedy site as it would add to the confusion. From the moment she landed in Siliguri, she tried to ensure that the administration did its best to carry out rescue operation and provided medical attention. “I don’t have time to talk. I have a lot of things to do,” said the chief minister while leaving the Bagdogra airport. The first stop was North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, where 16 people had been admitted after yesterday’s tragedy. With rail minister Dinesh Trivedi and junior health minister Sudip Bandopadhaya in tow, she visited all the three wards. After checking out the condition of the patients, she asked the doctors and nurses to ensure that the accident victims got the best medical attention. “You have done a great job. Please keep it up and ensure that they get proper care,” she said before rushing out. Mamata was aware that her visit had drawn the crowd to the medical college and so she did not spend much time there, hurrying back to the SUV to head for her next stop, Darjeeling district hospital. By then she had already announced a compensation of Rs 2 lakh for the next of kin of the dead, Rs 50,000 for critically injured and Rs 25,000 for people with minor injuries. During the three-and-a-half-hour drive through the hills, she was glued to her cellphone instructing officials and asking for updates. But the mass leader in Mamata did not miss the huge assembly near Mirik, where the convoy stopped for a few minutes and she chatted with the women waiting for a glimpse of her. “I have ensured since my arrival that the post-mortems of the dead are done as early as possible and the bodies are sent back home. I have thanked everyone, including my friends from the army and the DGHC,” said Mamata after reaching Darjeeling. Walking at her usual brisk pace, she entered the hospital in Darjeeling and visited female surgery, eye and paediatric wards, where most of the 110 injured persons were undergoing treatment. “Don’t worry please, you will get well soon,” Mamata told Kanta Subba, 42, lying on Bed 174 in the female ward before turning around to talk to Pooja Chettri in a bed next to her. “What’s wrong with you? We are all with you. Don't worry please. See I am here,” Mamata told the 16-year-old as Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leader Roshan Giri and the doctors looked on. A senior state government official, who was part of the convoy, said Mamata visited the hills today to show the people that she was by their side in the hour of crisis. When she stepped out of the hospital, it was clear that her message had trickled down to the people of Darjeeling. A huge crowd had gathered outside and she waved at them amid chants of “Didi”, “Didi”. When some people asked her whether she would be visiting Bijanbari, she said she did not want to go there to “add to the confusion”. Mamata will leave for Calcutta tomorrow morning. “I have tried ensuring that the entire administration is in full swing with members from the disaster management group working in tandem with the fire, health, police and the district administration,” Mamata said in the evening.
Too many on a rickety bridge
Toll in Bijanbari reaches 32
VIVEK CHHETRI,TT, Bijanbari, Oct. 23: Residents blamed themselves today for the loss of 32 lives, including that of three siblings under 12, in the collapse of a footbridge over the Little Rangit river in Darjeeling that was fit to hold 15-20 pedestrians but was packed with at least 150 last evening.
Maitree Chakraborty, the block divisional officer of Bijanbari, about 40km from Darjeeling town, said: “We had posted police personnel for crowd management. Things were fine during the day but in the evening, it seems that the crowd was unmanageable, leading to this accident.”
Two fairs — one a village fair and the other a cultural show organised by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — at two ends of the 150ft walkway that connected Bijanbari with Chungthung Tar were the reason for the heavy traffic.
Residents, who regretted that they had not been careful and recalled how a vigilant villager had ensured no one died when an earlier bamboo bridge at the spot was swept away by the river in 1968, said some youths even rode bikes on the bridge meant only for pedestrians.
A hushed crowd gathered at the banks of the Little Rangit today, where only mangled steel cables and wooden planks remain.
Bijanbari town shut down as residents went from house to house with khadas (traditional Tibetan scarf) and flowers to offer condolences to families of the dead. Many had lost more than one member.
Manoj Ghimire, 33, a driver from Chayanpuri, lost his nine-year-old daughter Niruta and two-year-old twins Nisha and Nishant.
Most of the deaths resulted from internal haemorrhage as people hit rocks when they fell into the river. The Chungthung Tar end, where the cable came off the hook with which it had been pinned to the ground, cuts down sharply into the river that has large jutting rocks.
Sanjay Pradhan, a Bijanbari resident, said: “I think if the bridge had collapsed from the Bijanbari end, most of the people would have fallen on the slopes and not plunged straight into the river.”
The large crowd ensured that rescue work started immediately.
“We carried on with the rescue work till 2.30am today and resumed at 9am. It was a joint operation by the army, police, fire brigade, civil defence, forest personnel and the locals…. The search and rescue operation was called off at noon,” said Tamal Das, the subdivisional officer of Darjeeling.
The rescue team went downstream for more than a kilometre to search for bodies.
Morcha president Bimal Gurung, along with all the members of the party’s central committee, visited the homes of the victims.
In Darjeeling town, the Morcha put up posters asking people not to burst crackers on Diwali as a mark of respect for the dead.
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee visited Siliguri and Darjeeling and the state government has announced a Rs 2 lakh compensation for families of the dead and Rs 50,000 for the injured.
North Bengal development affairs minister Gautam Deb, forest minister Hiten Barman, and minister of state for consumer affairs Sunil Tirkey visited the accident spot.
Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh has decided to sanction Rs 50 lakh to construct a better bridge but the residents are only too aware they need to be more careful themselves.
Too many relatives, says hospital Rush hinders health aid after collapse
RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Darjeeling, Oct. 23: More than 100 victims of the Bijanbari bridge collapse had been brought to the Darjeeling district hospital since last night but the authorities complained that the unhindered entry of visitors was hampering the service.
Relatives of those who have been admitted, too, conceded that the chaos was because of the rush and not for any apparent mismanagement by the hospital staff who have been handling the emergency since yesterday.
Volunteers have been also lending their hand in distributing food and carrying patients to the wards. But the vast majority of the crowd consisted of family members, relatives and friends of the victims, who stood in groups on corridors and the staircase.
Although there was visible police bandobast, they seemed unable to control the mad rush of visitors.
The hospital authorities were forced to put up posters at the entrance, requesting people to allow unhindered movement to the staff to enable them to do their job.
Around noon today, the police posted guards at the entrance to the first floor of the five-storied building as well, allowing entry to only those with “genuine” reasons.
“Why are so many unwanted people being allowed? Our movement is being obstructed at every step,” said Raju Karki from Phul Bazar, standing outside the ward where his nephew had been admitted with a wounded back. But Karki was accompanied by at least three persons.
Another relative of an injured youth was frantically trying to negotiate through the crowd to meet a doctor.
Binod Thapa, 23, who had a home-made sling around his neck that was supporting his left hand which hurt him, said he was trying to go out of the hospital and get his X-rays done elsewhere because of the rush.
“The problem is, we don’t know which part of Binod’s body needs to be X-rayed. He has injuries on his hand, neck and back. For the hand, we had made a sling for him at home. Please guide us to the doctor,” Binod’s relative requested this reporter at the entrance to the third floor of the hospital.
One of the injured at the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital. Picture by Kundan Yolmo
In a ward on the same floor with 20-odd women patients, more than twice the number of visitors had gathered around the beds.
One of the victim-patients was 15-year-old Yumita Yogi with multiple injuries. Her father Charan Yogi, who was standing on the foot of the bed, said she was among the five members of his family who had fallen off the bridge.
“My niece Jharna Tamang died after the fall. They were all bang in the middle of the bridge at the time of the collapse. Others have suffered injuries,” he said.
District magistrate Saumitra Mohan said 110 persons had been injured. Of them, 102 were admitted to the district hospital and the rest to Bijanbari hospital. “From among the 102, Darjeeling hospital referred 21 patients to North Bengal medical College and Hospital. Six persons were released,” said Mohan who has been monitoring the rescue operation from a room in the Darjeeling hospital. A help desk has also been set up.
When The Telegraph met Mohan around 1pm, he said the rescue operation had been officially stopped. He said a composite team made up of the army, fire brigade, forest and others had carried out the operation with the help of the local people. “The death toll is 32 now,” he said.
Governor M.K. Narayanan visited the district hospital in the afternoon. “It is an unfortunate incident. The district administration is doing its best to deal with the situation,” he said before leaving.
Escape by a whisker
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Bijanbari, Oct. 23: It was a matter of few steps that separated life from death.
Santosh Chhetri had milked his cow much earlier than usual yesterday before leaving for Chungthung Tar with wife Chandrakumari and their six-year-old daughter Anusha.
The family from Lungchowk, 6km from here, had gone to see a cultural programme.
“The crowd was huge and my wife thoroughly enjoyed the show. But after sometime, we started crossing the bridge as I thought my daughter would enjoy the village fair more. I was also eager to go to the fair,” said 45-year-old Chhetri.
The fair was being held at Bijanbari, on the other end of the bridge.
The Chhetris had barely walked four steps after crossing the bridge on the Little Rangit when they heard a loud thud followed by screams and cries.
Chhetri recounted that he fell to the ground as the steel cables of the suspension bridge vibrated. “I can’t recollect if my wife and child were also thrown to the ground. My mind was completely blank and even now, I cannot remember how I met them later,” Chhetri said.
The three met after “quite sometime” and Santosh sent his wife and daughter home while he stayed back to help rescue people.
“The lights went off immediately. People were screaming and crying all around and I tried my best to help,” said Chhetri who came to the banks of the Little Rangit this morning.
“I am not feeling well even today. I have this strange feeling going through my body,” said the farmer.
Mohammed Afsar Alam, who was at a nearby shop at the time of the tragedy, recounted what he had seen.
“I was in my shop when I suddenly heard the bridge give away. My immediate thoughts were about the seven members of my family, my three daughters, wife Saijadi Khatoon, two nieces and my brother Samir Ansari. I tried to contact my brother but could not get through. But soon he called me up to say they were all fine,” said the tailor.
Relieved after the call, Alam rushed to help rescue the affected people.
“I and my friends pulled out six bodies from the river. Everyone present there pitched in to help. Even private car were used to ferry people to the hospital,” said Alam.
Dhan Raj Rai was also among the fortunate ones.
“I think I had walked on the bridge for about 20seconds when it collapsed. I am lucky to have survived. Had I walked a bit faster and taken a few more steps I would probably have fallen straight into the river,” said the 20-year-old.
Loved ones lost in minutes on bridge
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Bijanbari, Oct. 23: The Little Rangit river was the muse for writer Sovit. Yesterday, he was swept away by the same river that was the source of inspiration for many of his works.
Mother Sabitri Rai had crossed the path of the 46-year-old Sovit, who was on his way to attend the cultural festival at Chungthung Tar, only to realise a few minutes later that she would not meet him again.
Sovit was a teacher of Vidyasagar Primary School in Bijanbari. A lyricist, playwright and a writer, he had decided to go to the cultural show to meet his friends, Uday and Manila Sotang, husband-wife performers.
“I saw him going to the cultural fest as I was returning. I did not speak to him and he, too, probably only had a glimpse of me. Moments later, I realised that such a tragedy had taken place,” said Sabitri at her Chayanpuri residence.
People who had gathered at Sovit’s funeral said the writer was reserved.
“He did not like going out much. He only went out for specific works. He was the president of the Aruna Lama Salik Nirman Samity and also a founding member of Bijanbari Kala Sangh,” said his friend Arun Rai.
Sovit is survived by his wife Ramala, son Ashwin, 19, and daughter Richa, 17.
Just a few hundred feet down Sovit’s house, Manoj Ghimire, a 33-year-old driver, can’t just fathom how he will survive the rest of his life without the dear ones. Manoj lost his nine-year-old daughter Niruta and two-year-old twins Nisha and Nishant in the tragedy.
“I had gone to attend the cultural show during the day and I did not know that my wife Devimaya and my three children had planned to go in the evening. They had all gone together but only my wife returned….to this empty house,” said Manoj.
The father looked dazed, unable to bring himself to talk to his visitors.
He merely went inside his house to show this correspondent a photograph of his daughter Niruta before quickly putting it in his shirt pocket to return to the room where the bodies had been kept.
A stone’s throw away, hundreds had gathered at Gurungs’s house.
“Nine-year-old Tsheng Gurung has died and his brother is admitted to the Darjeeling hospital with a fractured leg. The mother, Bandana Gurung, is in a serious condition and has been referred to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, while the father Raju Tamang who is in the army and is currently posted in Kashmir is still on his way,” said a neighbour of the Gurung family.
The irony associated with the Little Rangit doesn’t end with Sovit. A school called the Little Rangit English School also lost three of its students.
“Jharna Tamang, Sushma Subba and Niruta Ghimere died in Little Rangit river,” said Yuvraj Chhetri, a teacher of the school.
The people of Bijanbari hope that such ironies are never played again
Chamling pleads for home institute to tackle calamities
TT, Gangtok, Oct 23: Chief minister Pawan Chamling has requested the Union government to set up a state institute of disaster management in Sikkim to manage earthquakes and other natural calamities.
Chamling made the appeal in his address at the National Development Council meeting in New Delhi yesterday
“The National Disaster Management Authority’s post-earthquake reconnaissance team has identified several initiatives that will help Sikkim effectively manage such disasters in future. We have requested the NDMA to set up a State Institute of Disaster Management in Sikkim. I also take this opportunity to request the Prime Minister once again for setting up a SIDM with all technical, administrative and financial support from the Government of India and other agencies,” Chamling said.
Sikkim had been hit by an earthquake registered 6.9 on the Richter scale on September 18, resulting in the death of 60 people and widespread damage to property.
The chief minister also called for the establishment of a permanent disaster relief plan of action for the state with difficult terrain. He said representatives of the army, Border Roads Organisation, National Disaster Response Force and central technical agencies could become part of the plan that would be chaired by a senior state government official.
Chamling said Sikkim would give priority to building quake-proof houses and become a “model state in terms of earthquake forecast and effective disaster management...”.
Sikkim sought from the Centre a “rebuilding package” for the state to revive the local economy, regenerate livelihood for the people, provide health support to those injured in the earthquake and to restore transport, power and water supply networks
Chamling said connectivity was the most challenging issue for the landlocked state and urged the Centre to consider the alternative route of Siliguri-via-Chalsa to Gangtok at the earliest. Sikkim is connected with the rest of the country through only NH31A which is prone to disturbances, both natural and man-made, like bandhs and agitation.
“The Border Roads Organisation is in the process of improving and widening the national highway, however, there is still more to be done. At times like now when natural calamities befall us, the need for an alternative highway linking Sikkim to the rest of the country is even more acutely felt. We cannot remain dependent on the one and only link; our lifeline i.e. NH31. The other alternative route to Siliguri via Chalsa in West Bengal has to be taken up at the earliest,” said Chamling.
He also called for the rail project connecting Rangpo in East Sikkim to Sevoke in Siliguri in North Bengal to be “given top priority”.
Death toll 32, bridge collapsed under weight of crowd

Over 116 persons were injured in the tragedy that occurred on Saturday evening. They have been admitted to different hospitals and nursing homes in the district.
The bridge collapsed under the weight of the hundreds who had gathered on it on the concluding day of a five-day cultural festival organised by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM). GJM president Bimal Gurung and other senior leaders were present on the occasion.
Army personnel and the State's forest department assisted in the search and rescue operations that continued till the early hours of Sunday. They were resumed for a final check later in the day. None is reported missing, Superintendent of Police Anand Kumar told The Hindu over telephone from Darjeeling.
Sniffer dogs and additional forces, which included a disaster management team from here, were used in the search operations on Sunday.
The State government has announced a financial assistance of Rs. 2 lakh to the next of kin of those who died. A compensation of Rs. 50,000 will be given to those seriously injured and Rs. 25,000 to those with minor injuries. The State will bear the medical expenses of the victims.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee visited those admitted in the North Bengal Medical College near Siliguri as well as the Darjeeling district hospital in the hill town. She was accompanied by Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi and Union Minister of State for Health Sudip Bandopadhyay, among others.
Mamata's assurance
Ms. Banerjee described the incident as “extremely unfortunate” and expressed her condolences to the families of the victims. She assured them all help from her government.
West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan, who has been in Darjeeling for the past few days, expressed his “deep shock” over the “tragic incident.” A statement issued by the Governor's Secretariat at the Raj Bhavan here said Mr. Narayanan was “satisfied that the administration is taking all possible steps to provide assistance.”
Minister for North Bengal Development Gautam Deb told journalists that he would file a report on the incident in two days.
GJM criticism
The GJM president visited the site on Sunday morning accompanied by his party colleagues, who were critical of the authorities' failure to ensure the upkeep of the bridge over the past few years.
“The bridge was last reconstructed in 1970 and since then, there has hardly been any maintenance. It has weakened over time,” GJM general secretary Roshan Giri told The Hindu over telephone.
Mr. Pradhan said the bridge, about 250 feet long and nearly 70 feet above the Little Rangeet River, was a vital link to the Chungthung tea garden and the Marybong and Linga tea gardens further away. Several pedestrians used the bridge everyday.
Built in 1955
The bridge was first built in 1955. But it suffered huge damage in landslips in 1968, and was rebuilt in 1970. Since then, for several years, no one did anything, said Harka Bahadur Chettri, senior GJM leader and Kalimpong MLA.
Mr. Deb said there were more than 100 such wooden hanging bridges in Darjeeling and Siliguri. He gave an assurance that the government would check their condition and also take measures to replace them with concrete structures.
बिजनबारीको घटना जिल्लाभरि दोहोरिन सक्छ्
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज,कालेबुङ, 23 अक्टोबर। बिजनबारीमा जुन घटना भयो त्यसले पहाडलाई नै स्तब्ध बनायो। गीत सुन्न गएकाहरू दुर्घटनामा परे। धेरैको ज्यान गयो, धेरै घाइते बने।
भुइँचालोको त्रासदी मेटिँदा नमेटिँदै बिजनबारीको घटनाले पहाडलाई नै शोकाकूल बनायो। पुलमा धेर मानिसहरू हिँडेकोले भार थाम्न नसकेर पुललाई बॉंधेको लट्ठा चुँडिएको बताइएको छ। पहाडमा यस्ता खाले पुलहरू धेरै छन् जसको न त सरकारी मरम्मति नै हुने गरेको छ न त संरक्षण नै। जब दुर्घटना हुन्छ तब सरकारको मात्र होइन क्षेत्रबासीको पनि आँखा खोल्छ। बिजनबारीको पुल चुट्टिनु दुर्घटना थियो तर भर्खर गएको भुइँचालोले चर्काएको जमीन, बिल्डिङ अनि राजमार्गहरू कुन बेला तहस नहस हुने हो केही भन्न सकिन्न। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले यसबारे राज्य सरकारलाई मात्र होइन केन्द्र सरकारलाई पनि विस्तृत रिपोर्ट बुझाइसकेको छ तर राहत राशिहरूको अनुमोदन त परैजाओस् घोषणा समेत भएको छैन। भुइँचालो गएको 35 दिन पुग्यो तर दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाभरि नै चर्किएका जोखिम क्षेत्रहरूमा भू-सर्वेक्षण भएको छैन। कुनै दिन ती क्षेत्रहरूमा व्यापक पैह्रो जाने अनि धेरै ज्यानमालको क्षति हुनसक्ने सम्भावना त त्रासदी अझ पनि रहेर बसेको छ। कालेबुङको भालूखोपलाई नै उदाहरणको निम्ति लिँदा हुन्छ। माथ्थिलोतिर शीरमा छ चर्किएको लोप्रोसी डॉंडा। तल्तिर छ दुइवटा गाउँ चाम्रा गोदाम र लमिनी गाउँ। जहॉंका मानिसहरू भुइँचालो आएदेखि चम्पामाया प्राथमिक पाठशालामा शिविर हालेर बसेका छन्। भुइँचालोले उनीहरूको घरलाई त उति प्रभाव पारेन तर जनजीवनलाई नै अस्तव्यस्त भने पारिदिएको छ।
उनीहरू शिविरमा बस्नुको कारण नै लोप्रोसी डॉंडा हो, जो भुइँचालोले व्यापक चर्काइदिएको छ। घर जाऊँ त लोप्रोसी डॉंडा कतिबेला पैह्रोमा रुपान्तर हुन्छ कुनै भरोसा छैन। जानीजानी मृत्युको मुखमा कोही पनि पर्न चहॉंदैनन्। जुन दिनदेखि दुइ गाउँका मानिसहरू शिविरमा छन् त्यही दिनदेखि महकुमा प्रशासनलाई क्षेत्रको भू-सर्वेक्षण गरिदिने अनुरोध गरिरहेका छन् तर विभाग भने कानमा तेल हालेर बसेको छ। गाउँलेहरू अनुसार भू-सर्वेक्षण गरिदिए उनीहरू घर फर्किन सक्छन्। नत्र कतिबेला पैह्रो जाने हो भन्ने भय उनीहरूमा रहिरहन्छ नै। पीडितहरूले सरकारलाई भू-सर्वेक्षण गराइदेउ भनेर 35 दिन अघिदेखि अपील गर्दा पनि कानमा तेल हालेर बस्नु भनेको के हो? यसको एउटा सोझो अर्थ अघि आउँछ गाउँलेहरू घरघर जाउन् अनि लेप्रोसी डॉंडामा पैह्रा जाओस् अनि गाउँलेहरू पुरियोस्।
विभागले यस्तो नसोंचेको हुनु हो भने क्षेत्रमा भू-सर्वेक्षण हुन्थ्यो अनि पीडितहरू रिपोर्टको आधारमा कि त घरमा फर्किन्थे कि त पीडितहरूलाई अन्यत्र पुनर्वास गराउन विभागीय पहल हुन कर लाग्थ्योे। त्यसैकारण राज्यपाल आउँदा पीडितहरूले मौका छोपिहाले। राज्यपाललाई दुःख बिसाएपछि राज्यपालले जिल्लापाल अनि महकुमा अधिकारीलाई क्षेत्रमा भू-सर्वेक्षण गर्ने निर्देश त दिए तर त्यो निर्देशलाई पालन गर्न कति समय लगाउने हो पत्तो छैन।
विभागीय असंवेदनशीलता अनि हेल्चेक्राइँको कारण फेरि कुनै न कुनै दिन बिजनबारीमा झैं व्यापक ज्यानमालको क्षति हुने घटना हुन सक्दैन भन्न सकिन्न। कालेबुङको भालूखोप एउटा उदाहरण मात्र हो। राष्ट्रिय राजमार्ग पनि व्यापकरुपले चर्किएको छ। 2007 को सेप्टेम्बर महिनामा जिल्लाभरि पैह्रो गएको थियो। त्यसबेला जिल्लाभरि नै पैह्रो जान नसकेका ठाउँहरू चर्किएको थियो। चर्किएका ठाउँहरूको खोज अनि यसबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति अहिलेसम्म पनि सरकारी कुनै पहल भएन। सेभ द हिल्सले त्यसबेला कुनै पनि समय पहाडको अस्तित्व पैह्रोको कारण नष्ट हुनसक्ने सम्भावना व्यक्त गरेको थियो। सेभ द हिल्सले यसबारे एउटा शोध रिपोर्ट पनि सार्वजनिक गरेको थियो भने सरकारका निकायमा पनि रिपोर्ट राखेको थियो। तर अहिलेसम्म नै सरकारले दार्जीलिङ जिल्लालाई न त पैह्रो असुरक्षित क्षेत्रको दर्जा दिएको छ न त यसको निम्ति छुट्टै कुनै योजना नै बनाएको छ। अहिलेसम्म सरकारले राहत केन्द्र कार्यालय नै पहाडमा खोलेको छ न त यसको निम्ति छुट्टै निकाय नै स्थापित गरेको छ। अहिले भुइँचालोले गाउँ-गाउँ नै चर्किएर गएको छ।
शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँ नै चर्किएको छ। छेउमा नै रहेको आपते अझसम्म पनि उदाहरणकोरुपमा रहेको छ। आपतेको पैह्रोले गाउँनै लगेकोले आपते नाम बसेको थियो, जहॉं अहिले पनि पैह्रो जाने गरेको छ। शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँ पनि उसरी नै चर्किएको छ। त्यहॉंका गाउँलेहरू अनि पञ्चायत कर्मीहरूले गाउँलाई नै अन्यत्र सारे मात्र गाउँलेहरू जोखिमबाट टाडा रहनसक्ने अघिबाट नै बारम्बार बताइसकेका हुन्। तर उनीहरूको कुरा सुन्ने कसले? के निकाय भने घटना भएपछि दुइटुक्रा पोलिथिन बॉंड्नको निम्ति मात्र हो? जिल्लाभरि नै भालूखोप, शंखे र मन्दिर गाउँजस्ता अनेकौं गाउँहरू छन्, जहॉं कुनै पनि विभागले न त भू-सर्वेक्षण नै गरेको छ न त गाउँ र गाउँलेहरूको चिन्ता नै। यसकारण कुनै पनि समय बिजनबारीमा झैं ठूलो दुर्घटना हुने सम्भावना व्यापक छ। चिन्ता न त सरकारलाई छ, न त पार्टीलाई अनि न त बुद्धिजीवीहरूलाई।
जीटीएपछि पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा हुँदैछ वृद्धि टुरिस्ट फेस्टिबल गर्ने होर्याकको योजना
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 23 अक्टोबर। होटल एण्ड रेस्टुरेन्ट एसोसिएसन अफ कालेबुङले 20 दिसम्बरदेखि पॉंच जनवरीसम्म कालेबुङमा पनि टुरिस्ट फेस्टिवल आयोजना गर्ने मन बनाएको छ। अहिले नै मिति पक्कापक्कि नभएपनि प्रायः दिसम्बरकै अन्तदेखि नै टुरिस्ट फेस्टिबलको आयोजना गरिने होर्याकका अध्यक्ष सञ्जय कुमार प्रधानले बताए। मोर्चाले शुरू गरेको गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलकाल अवधी पहाडमा तहस नहस बनेको मुख्य आयस्रोत पर्यटन फेरि विस्तारै मौलाउँदै आइरहेको छ। बङ्गाल सरकारले पहाडलाई सँधैं वङ्गालकै अशं बनाएर राख्नुको कारणहरूमध्ये पनि एक पहाडको पर्यटन नै हो।
पर्यटनबाट धेरै राजस्व संग्रह हुने भएकोले दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई बङ्गालले कुनै पनि हालतमा छुट्टिन दिँदैन। एकापट्टि छुट्टिन पनि नदिने अनि अर्कोपट्टि पर्यटकहरू दार्जीलिङ पहाड आउँदा लोभिने बङ्गालले पहाडको पर्यटनको विकासमा भने आजसम्म उत्ति चासो देखाएको छैन। दार्जीलिङ जस्तो जे छ प्राकृतिकरुले नै छ। पहाडमा जब जब आन्दोलन हुन्छ वा कुनै आपतकालीन सङ्कट आइपर्छ बङ्गाललाई सबैभन्दा धेर पर्यकटहरूको चिन्ता हुन्छ। पहाडबासीको चिन्ता भन्दा धेर पर्यटकहरू कतै दार्जीलिङ आउँदैनन् कि भन्ने डर हुन्छ। तीन वर्षभन्दा अधिक समयसम्म लथालिङ भएको पहाडमा जीटीएको सम्झौतापछि भने फेरि स्थितिहरू सामान्य बन्दैछ अनि देश-विदेशका पर्यटकहरू पनि त्रासमुक्त भएर दार्जीलिङ पहाड चड्दैछन्।
सरकारले पहाडको पर्यटन विकासको निम्ति उति चासो नदेखाएपनि पहाडको प्राकृतिक दृश्यहरूको अवलोकन गर्नकै निम्ति मात्र भएपनि देशी विदेशी पर्यटकहरू दार्जीलिङ पहाड आउँछन्। यसघरी कालेबुङमा पनि पर्यटकहरू बिगत वर्षहरूको तुलनामामा धेरै नै आउन थालेका छन्।
कालेबुङमा अहिलेघरि पर्यटकहरुको आगमनमा भइरहेको वृद्धि सन्तोषजनक रहेको बताउँछन् होर्याकका अध्यक्ष सञ्जय कुमार प्रधान। तिनीअनुसार नोभेम्बर अनि दिसम्बरमा कालेबुङमा पर्यटकहरूको आगमानमा धेरै नै वृद्धि हुने सम्भावना छ। नोभेम्बर-दिसम्बरको निम्ति प्रायः होटलहरूको बुकिङ भइसकेको छ। लाभा, रेशप अनि कफेरतिर पनि पर्यटकहरूको आगामनमा दिनोदिन वृद्धि भइरहेको छ। पहाडको राजनैतिक स्थिति सामान्य बए पनि भर्खर आएको भउइँचालोले पर्यटन व्यवसायलाई केही हद नोक्सान पुर्याएको थाहा लागेको छ।
त्यसबेला धैरे बुकिङहरू रद्द भए पनि एक महिनाभित्र फेरि बुकिङको शिलशिला शुरू भएको छ। आफ्नै लागतमा निर्माण गरिएका केही पर्यटकीय स्थलहरूमा बसेर अनि हरियाली पहाडको मनोरम दृश्यहरू हेरेर नै पर्यटकहरू फर्कन्छन्। यदि सरकारले कुनै ठूलो लागतमा पर्यटन विकासको निम्ति दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई ध्यान दिए पर्यटन नै पहाडबासीको निम्ति मुख्य आयस्रोत बन्नसक्छ। दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा जे जति पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू रहेको छ त्यसलाई अझ सुन्दर बनाउन हो भने राजस्व संग्रह गर्न मात्र होइन त्यसको सुन्दरीकरणमा पनि सरकारले ध्यान दिन आवश्यक रहेको छ। कालेबुङमा पनि सुन्दर प्राकृतिक पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू धेरै रहेको छ। जसलाई ध्यान दिएर नयॉं टुरिस्ट स्पटहरूको निर्माण हुनसके कालेबुङमा घुम्न आउने पर्यटकहरूको आगमनमा धेरै वृद्धि हुनसक्ने ठान्छन् मानिसहरू।
कालेबुङ आएका पर्यट्कहरूको घुम्ने ठाउँ भनेको नै मुख्य रूपमा डेलो, दुर्विन, रेशप, लाभा कफेर, जलढका, तोदेताङ्ता. विन्दु तथा अन्यहरू ठाउँहरू हुन्। यसबाहेक आफ्नै लागतमा बनाइएका अन्य पर्यटकीय स्थलहरू रहेका छन् जहॉं गएर पर्यटकहरू मन भुलाउने गर्छन्। पर्यटकहरूको निम्ति आवश्यकीय सुविधाहरू उपलब्ध नभएपनि दार्जीलिङ पहाडप्रतिको प्राकृतिक वरदानको कारण मात्र हो विश्वमा नै दार्जीलिङ पहाड एक पर्यटकीय स्थलमा रूपमा चिनिन्छ। यदि दार्जीलिङ पहाडलाई बङ्गालले आफ्नो मकुट मानेर राख्ने मात्र होइन मकुटलाई स्याहार सुसार पनि गरे मुख्यमन्त्री ममता व्यानर्जीले दार्जीलिङ पहाडको निम्ति सॉंचेको स्वीटजरल्याण्ड सपना पूरा हुँदैन भन्न सकिन्न।
CM in hills but skips spot
Too many on a rickety bridge
Toll in Bijanbari reaches 32
Maitree Chakraborty, the block divisional officer of Bijanbari, about 40km from Darjeeling town, said: “We had posted police personnel for crowd management. Things were fine during the day but in the evening, it seems that the crowd was unmanageable, leading to this accident.”
Two fairs — one a village fair and the other a cultural show organised by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — at two ends of the 150ft walkway that connected Bijanbari with Chungthung Tar were the reason for the heavy traffic.
Residents, who regretted that they had not been careful and recalled how a vigilant villager had ensured no one died when an earlier bamboo bridge at the spot was swept away by the river in 1968, said some youths even rode bikes on the bridge meant only for pedestrians.
A hushed crowd gathered at the banks of the Little Rangit today, where only mangled steel cables and wooden planks remain.
Bijanbari town shut down as residents went from house to house with khadas (traditional Tibetan scarf) and flowers to offer condolences to families of the dead. Many had lost more than one member.
Manoj Ghimire, 33, a driver from Chayanpuri, lost his nine-year-old daughter Niruta and two-year-old twins Nisha and Nishant.
Most of the deaths resulted from internal haemorrhage as people hit rocks when they fell into the river. The Chungthung Tar end, where the cable came off the hook with which it had been pinned to the ground, cuts down sharply into the river that has large jutting rocks.
Sanjay Pradhan, a Bijanbari resident, said: “I think if the bridge had collapsed from the Bijanbari end, most of the people would have fallen on the slopes and not plunged straight into the river.”
The large crowd ensured that rescue work started immediately.
“We carried on with the rescue work till 2.30am today and resumed at 9am. It was a joint operation by the army, police, fire brigade, civil defence, forest personnel and the locals…. The search and rescue operation was called off at noon,” said Tamal Das, the subdivisional officer of Darjeeling.
The rescue team went downstream for more than a kilometre to search for bodies.
Morcha president Bimal Gurung, along with all the members of the party’s central committee, visited the homes of the victims.
In Darjeeling town, the Morcha put up posters asking people not to burst crackers on Diwali as a mark of respect for the dead.
Chief minister Mamata Banerjee visited Siliguri and Darjeeling and the state government has announced a Rs 2 lakh compensation for families of the dead and Rs 50,000 for the injured.
North Bengal development affairs minister Gautam Deb, forest minister Hiten Barman, and minister of state for consumer affairs Sunil Tirkey visited the accident spot.
Darjeeling MP Jaswant Singh has decided to sanction Rs 50 lakh to construct a better bridge but the residents are only too aware they need to be more careful themselves.
Too many relatives, says hospital Rush hinders health aid after collapse
The crowd on the Darjeeling district hospital premises on Sunday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
Relatives of those who have been admitted, too, conceded that the chaos was because of the rush and not for any apparent mismanagement by the hospital staff who have been handling the emergency since yesterday.
Volunteers have been also lending their hand in distributing food and carrying patients to the wards. But the vast majority of the crowd consisted of family members, relatives and friends of the victims, who stood in groups on corridors and the staircase.
Although there was visible police bandobast, they seemed unable to control the mad rush of visitors.
The hospital authorities were forced to put up posters at the entrance, requesting people to allow unhindered movement to the staff to enable them to do their job.
Around noon today, the police posted guards at the entrance to the first floor of the five-storied building as well, allowing entry to only those with “genuine” reasons.
“Why are so many unwanted people being allowed? Our movement is being obstructed at every step,” said Raju Karki from Phul Bazar, standing outside the ward where his nephew had been admitted with a wounded back. But Karki was accompanied by at least three persons.
Another relative of an injured youth was frantically trying to negotiate through the crowd to meet a doctor.
Binod Thapa, 23, who had a home-made sling around his neck that was supporting his left hand which hurt him, said he was trying to go out of the hospital and get his X-rays done elsewhere because of the rush.
“The problem is, we don’t know which part of Binod’s body needs to be X-rayed. He has injuries on his hand, neck and back. For the hand, we had made a sling for him at home. Please guide us to the doctor,” Binod’s relative requested this reporter at the entrance to the third floor of the hospital.
One of the injured at the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital. Picture by Kundan Yolmo
In a ward on the same floor with 20-odd women patients, more than twice the number of visitors had gathered around the beds.
One of the victim-patients was 15-year-old Yumita Yogi with multiple injuries. Her father Charan Yogi, who was standing on the foot of the bed, said she was among the five members of his family who had fallen off the bridge.
“My niece Jharna Tamang died after the fall. They were all bang in the middle of the bridge at the time of the collapse. Others have suffered injuries,” he said.
District magistrate Saumitra Mohan said 110 persons had been injured. Of them, 102 were admitted to the district hospital and the rest to Bijanbari hospital. “From among the 102, Darjeeling hospital referred 21 patients to North Bengal medical College and Hospital. Six persons were released,” said Mohan who has been monitoring the rescue operation from a room in the Darjeeling hospital. A help desk has also been set up.
When The Telegraph met Mohan around 1pm, he said the rescue operation had been officially stopped. He said a composite team made up of the army, fire brigade, forest and others had carried out the operation with the help of the local people. “The death toll is 32 now,” he said.
Governor M.K. Narayanan visited the district hospital in the afternoon. “It is an unfortunate incident. The district administration is doing its best to deal with the situation,” he said before leaving.
Escape by a whisker

Santosh Chhetri had milked his cow much earlier than usual yesterday before leaving for Chungthung Tar with wife Chandrakumari and their six-year-old daughter Anusha.
The family from Lungchowk, 6km from here, had gone to see a cultural programme.
“The crowd was huge and my wife thoroughly enjoyed the show. But after sometime, we started crossing the bridge as I thought my daughter would enjoy the village fair more. I was also eager to go to the fair,” said 45-year-old Chhetri.
The fair was being held at Bijanbari, on the other end of the bridge.
The Chhetris had barely walked four steps after crossing the bridge on the Little Rangit when they heard a loud thud followed by screams and cries.
Chhetri recounted that he fell to the ground as the steel cables of the suspension bridge vibrated. “I can’t recollect if my wife and child were also thrown to the ground. My mind was completely blank and even now, I cannot remember how I met them later,” Chhetri said.
The three met after “quite sometime” and Santosh sent his wife and daughter home while he stayed back to help rescue people.
“The lights went off immediately. People were screaming and crying all around and I tried my best to help,” said Chhetri who came to the banks of the Little Rangit this morning.
“I am not feeling well even today. I have this strange feeling going through my body,” said the farmer.
Mohammed Afsar Alam, who was at a nearby shop at the time of the tragedy, recounted what he had seen.
“I was in my shop when I suddenly heard the bridge give away. My immediate thoughts were about the seven members of my family, my three daughters, wife Saijadi Khatoon, two nieces and my brother Samir Ansari. I tried to contact my brother but could not get through. But soon he called me up to say they were all fine,” said the tailor.
Relieved after the call, Alam rushed to help rescue the affected people.
“I and my friends pulled out six bodies from the river. Everyone present there pitched in to help. Even private car were used to ferry people to the hospital,” said Alam.
Dhan Raj Rai was also among the fortunate ones.
“I think I had walked on the bridge for about 20seconds when it collapsed. I am lucky to have survived. Had I walked a bit faster and taken a few more steps I would probably have fallen straight into the river,” said the 20-year-old.
Loved ones lost in minutes on bridge
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Bijanbari, Oct. 23: The Little Rangit river was the muse for writer Sovit. Yesterday, he was swept away by the same river that was the source of inspiration for many of his works.
Mother Sabitri Rai had crossed the path of the 46-year-old Sovit, who was on his way to attend the cultural festival at Chungthung Tar, only to realise a few minutes later that she would not meet him again.
Sovit was a teacher of Vidyasagar Primary School in Bijanbari. A lyricist, playwright and a writer, he had decided to go to the cultural show to meet his friends, Uday and Manila Sotang, husband-wife performers.
“I saw him going to the cultural fest as I was returning. I did not speak to him and he, too, probably only had a glimpse of me. Moments later, I realised that such a tragedy had taken place,” said Sabitri at her Chayanpuri residence.
People who had gathered at Sovit’s funeral said the writer was reserved.
“He did not like going out much. He only went out for specific works. He was the president of the Aruna Lama Salik Nirman Samity and also a founding member of Bijanbari Kala Sangh,” said his friend Arun Rai.
Sovit is survived by his wife Ramala, son Ashwin, 19, and daughter Richa, 17.
Just a few hundred feet down Sovit’s house, Manoj Ghimire, a 33-year-old driver, can’t just fathom how he will survive the rest of his life without the dear ones. Manoj lost his nine-year-old daughter Niruta and two-year-old twins Nisha and Nishant in the tragedy.
“I had gone to attend the cultural show during the day and I did not know that my wife Devimaya and my three children had planned to go in the evening. They had all gone together but only my wife returned….to this empty house,” said Manoj.
The father looked dazed, unable to bring himself to talk to his visitors.
He merely went inside his house to show this correspondent a photograph of his daughter Niruta before quickly putting it in his shirt pocket to return to the room where the bodies had been kept.
A stone’s throw away, hundreds had gathered at Gurungs’s house.
“Nine-year-old Tsheng Gurung has died and his brother is admitted to the Darjeeling hospital with a fractured leg. The mother, Bandana Gurung, is in a serious condition and has been referred to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital, while the father Raju Tamang who is in the army and is currently posted in Kashmir is still on his way,” said a neighbour of the Gurung family.
The irony associated with the Little Rangit doesn’t end with Sovit. A school called the Little Rangit English School also lost three of its students.
“Jharna Tamang, Sushma Subba and Niruta Ghimere died in Little Rangit river,” said Yuvraj Chhetri, a teacher of the school.
The people of Bijanbari hope that such ironies are never played again
Chamling pleads for home institute to tackle calamities
TT, Gangtok, Oct 23: Chief minister Pawan Chamling has requested the Union government to set up a state institute of disaster management in Sikkim to manage earthquakes and other natural calamities.
Chamling made the appeal in his address at the National Development Council meeting in New Delhi yesterday
“The National Disaster Management Authority’s post-earthquake reconnaissance team has identified several initiatives that will help Sikkim effectively manage such disasters in future. We have requested the NDMA to set up a State Institute of Disaster Management in Sikkim. I also take this opportunity to request the Prime Minister once again for setting up a SIDM with all technical, administrative and financial support from the Government of India and other agencies,” Chamling said.
Sikkim had been hit by an earthquake registered 6.9 on the Richter scale on September 18, resulting in the death of 60 people and widespread damage to property.
The chief minister also called for the establishment of a permanent disaster relief plan of action for the state with difficult terrain. He said representatives of the army, Border Roads Organisation, National Disaster Response Force and central technical agencies could become part of the plan that would be chaired by a senior state government official.
Chamling said Sikkim would give priority to building quake-proof houses and become a “model state in terms of earthquake forecast and effective disaster management...”.
Sikkim sought from the Centre a “rebuilding package” for the state to revive the local economy, regenerate livelihood for the people, provide health support to those injured in the earthquake and to restore transport, power and water supply networks
Chamling said connectivity was the most challenging issue for the landlocked state and urged the Centre to consider the alternative route of Siliguri-via-Chalsa to Gangtok at the earliest. Sikkim is connected with the rest of the country through only NH31A which is prone to disturbances, both natural and man-made, like bandhs and agitation.
“The Border Roads Organisation is in the process of improving and widening the national highway, however, there is still more to be done. At times like now when natural calamities befall us, the need for an alternative highway linking Sikkim to the rest of the country is even more acutely felt. We cannot remain dependent on the one and only link; our lifeline i.e. NH31. The other alternative route to Siliguri via Chalsa in West Bengal has to be taken up at the earliest,” said Chamling.
He also called for the rail project connecting Rangpo in East Sikkim to Sevoke in Siliguri in North Bengal to be “given top priority”.
Death toll 32, bridge collapsed under weight of crowd
Villagers and rescuers gather at the site of the bridge that collapsed in Bijanbari village in West Bengal’s Darjeeling district on Sunday.ANANYA DUTTA, TH, The death toll in the collapse of a wooden footbridge in Bijanbari area of Darjeeling district rose to 32 on Sunday even as rescue operations came to a close. The victims include 19 women and three children.Over 116 persons were injured in the tragedy that occurred on Saturday evening. They have been admitted to different hospitals and nursing homes in the district.
The bridge collapsed under the weight of the hundreds who had gathered on it on the concluding day of a five-day cultural festival organised by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM). GJM president Bimal Gurung and other senior leaders were present on the occasion.
Army personnel and the State's forest department assisted in the search and rescue operations that continued till the early hours of Sunday. They were resumed for a final check later in the day. None is reported missing, Superintendent of Police Anand Kumar told The Hindu over telephone from Darjeeling.
Sniffer dogs and additional forces, which included a disaster management team from here, were used in the search operations on Sunday.
The State government has announced a financial assistance of Rs. 2 lakh to the next of kin of those who died. A compensation of Rs. 50,000 will be given to those seriously injured and Rs. 25,000 to those with minor injuries. The State will bear the medical expenses of the victims.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee visited those admitted in the North Bengal Medical College near Siliguri as well as the Darjeeling district hospital in the hill town. She was accompanied by Railway Minister Dinesh Trivedi and Union Minister of State for Health Sudip Bandopadhyay, among others.
Mamata's assurance
Ms. Banerjee described the incident as “extremely unfortunate” and expressed her condolences to the families of the victims. She assured them all help from her government.
West Bengal Governor M.K. Narayanan, who has been in Darjeeling for the past few days, expressed his “deep shock” over the “tragic incident.” A statement issued by the Governor's Secretariat at the Raj Bhavan here said Mr. Narayanan was “satisfied that the administration is taking all possible steps to provide assistance.”
Minister for North Bengal Development Gautam Deb told journalists that he would file a report on the incident in two days.
GJM criticism
The GJM president visited the site on Sunday morning accompanied by his party colleagues, who were critical of the authorities' failure to ensure the upkeep of the bridge over the past few years.
“The bridge was last reconstructed in 1970 and since then, there has hardly been any maintenance. It has weakened over time,” GJM general secretary Roshan Giri told The Hindu over telephone.
Mr. Pradhan said the bridge, about 250 feet long and nearly 70 feet above the Little Rangeet River, was a vital link to the Chungthung tea garden and the Marybong and Linga tea gardens further away. Several pedestrians used the bridge everyday.
Built in 1955
The bridge was first built in 1955. But it suffered huge damage in landslips in 1968, and was rebuilt in 1970. Since then, for several years, no one did anything, said Harka Bahadur Chettri, senior GJM leader and Kalimpong MLA.
Mr. Deb said there were more than 100 such wooden hanging bridges in Darjeeling and Siliguri. He gave an assurance that the government would check their condition and also take measures to replace them with concrete structures.
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