स्वतन्त्रता दिवस कप आरम्भ -मुख्य अतिथि भाइचुङ भोटियालाई सम्बर्द्धना
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 5 अगस्त।
कालेबुङ स्पोट्र्स एसोसिएशनको आयोजनामा आजदेखि यहॉंको मेलाटारमा स्वतन्त्रता दिवस कप 2011 आरम्भ भयो। कार्यक्रममा मुख्य अतिथिको रूपमा भारतीय फुटबल दलका कप्तान भाइचुङ भोटिया आज कालेबुङ आइपुगेका थिए। सोही अवसरमा आयोजक पक्षबाट सभापति उर्गेन लामाले भोटियालाई तिनको फुटबलप्रतिको योगदानलाई कदर गर्दै प्रशस्ती पत्र सहित सम्मान जनाए। भारतीय दलका कप्तान भाइचुङ भोटियाले पत्रकारहरूसँगको कुराकानीमा आफू नौ महीनादेखि अस्वस्थ रहेको अनि स्वास्थ्य ठीक भएपछि पुनः भारतीय टीममा फर्कने बताउँदै पहाड़का खेलाड़ीहरूलाई उत्साह प्रदान गर्न उनी कार्यक्रममा उपस्थिति दिन आएको बताए। तिनले आफ्नोमा योग्यता भए ठूल्ठूला क्लब अनि देशकै निम्ति पनि पहाड़का खेलाड़ीहरू पुग्न सक्ने बताउँदै आफ्नो योग्यताको आफूले सही कदर गरेर परिश्रम गर्नुपर्ने जनाए। आज भएको पहिलो खेल 11 जीआर लखनऊ बनाम यूनाइटेड पाखिममाझ भीड़न्त भएको थियो। जसमा शून्यको विरूद्ध सात गोल गरी 11 जीआरले एकतर्फी जीत हासिल गर्यो। यसरी नै भोलि हुने खेल सलुवा बनाम 4-1 जीआर सत्र माइलमाझ सम्पन्न हुनेछ।
21औं पी.आर. प्रधान मेरिट अवार्ड अनि अन्तर विद्यालय हाजिरी जवाब प्रतियोगिता 2011
यसरी नै चौधवटा दलहरूले अंशग्रहण गरेको 15औं अन्तर विद्यालय हाजिरी जवाब प्रतियोगितामा सबै विद्यालयहरूलाई उछिनेर विजयी दल बन्यो सप्तश्री ज्ञानपीठ अनि उपबिजेता बन्यो सन्त जोसेफ कन्भेन्ट। यी दुवै दलहरूलाई विद्यालयले स्मृति चिह्नसहित पारितोषिक प्रदान गर्यो। आज तीनदिने कार्यक्रमको अन्तिम दिनमा मुख्य अतिथिको रूपमा सिक्किमका मुख्य सचिव उगेन भोटिया रहेका थिए। महकुमा अधिकारी एल.एन. शेर्पाको सभापतित्वमा सम्पन्न भएको कार्यक्रममा क्षेत्रभरिका विभिन्न विद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरू, शिक्षक-शिक्षिकागण लगायत अन्य विशिष्ट व्यक्तिहरूको उपस्थिति रहेको थियो। मुख्य अतिथिको बाहुलीबाट विद्यालयको झण्डोत्तलन गरेपछि शुरू भएको कार्यक्रममा विद्यालयकै सिनियर मास्टर जे.एस. राईद्वारा सर्वप्रथम बाइबल पठन अनि प्रार्थना भएको थियो।
Headlines, KalimNews:
Railway Minister trivedi informed the delegation that center for railway information system will soon be started along with the closed Railway Press.
GJM delegation also insisted that the closed Railway booking centres be opened with seat reservation quota for the hill area.
Saptashree Gyanpeeth won inter school quiz contest at Kalimpong.
Finally, Bengal gets bailout package
ENS,Aug 07 2011, Kolkata:The Central government on Saturday sanctioned an economic bailout package for West Bengal amounting to Rs 21,614 crore that comprised a grant-in aid of Rs 9,240 crore and the balance being project-specific allocations.The sanction came after days of hectic parleys between Union Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee, state Finance Minister Amit Mitra and other senior officials.
Apparently, the package has been sanctioned after the Bengal government agreed to present a budget with internal resource mobilization and also a fiscal discipline road-map. Mamata Banerjee had earlier planned to present a vote-on-account for the rest of the fiscal year with no new tax proposals.
Commenting on the Centre’s gesture, Chief minister Mamata Banerjee said it was not an “economic package”. “The state has got its rightful dues and we do not want to beg. But we are thankful to the Centre for giving us Rs 9,240 crore,” said Banerjee.
Banerjee, while announcing the package, said, “We are not at all satisfied with the amount, but it will help us to resume and run several developmental projects in the state for next four to five months. After that, we have to again start talking to the Centre. But in the mean time, we will try to be self-sufficient and earn our own revenue. With this package, we can at least say that something is better than nothing.”
Mamata further said: “We cannot use this fund to pay salaries to our employees. Of the Rs 9,240 crores, Rs 8750 crore is for the development of 13 backward districts in the state while, Rs 94 crore are allocated for the Left Wing Extremism affected districts. For agricultural development, Rs 300 crore have been allocated and Rs 100 crore have been allocated for green-energy projects.”
Moreover, the Central government has increased the borrowing limit for the state. The state can now borrow an additional Rs 2706 crore. Presently, the borrowing limit for the state is Rs 17,828 crore.
Besides, it can borrow Rs 3068 crore as Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) loan.
“In two months, we have repaid a loan of Rs 3800 crore and so we are entitled to borrow Rs 3432 crore now,” Banerjee said.
When asked about the new taxes, Banerjee said, “Amit Mitra has started working on the budget. He will be a better person to comment on the taxes.”
Mamata kick-starts Tagore's 150th year celebrations
TH, Kolkata, August 6, 2011: West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee rolled off Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore's 150th birth anniversary celebrations from the State Secretariat on Saturday, by paying floral tributes, joining in a chorus of Tagore songs and announcing the setting up of a Centre for Research on the poet.
She has already announced that the official programme to mark the celebrations would commence from his death anniversary which falls on August 8, this year. She explained earlier that this was being done since her government was not in power in May, the month in which the Nobel Laureate was born.
Remembering Tagore
She said that she was marking the occasion in the Secretariat on Saturday, as it would be closed on Monday since the government has declared it a holiday to enable people to remember the poet.
Ms. Banerjee said that week-long celebrations would be held — starting with processions being taken out from several points in the city on Monday. She herself would join one of them. The processions would converge near ‘Shahid Minar' (The Martyrs' Column) in central Kolkata.
While all government schools have been told to participate in the programme, it remains to be seen if rains will play spoilsport. The city came under a heavy spell of monsoon rains which left many parts submerged on Saturday.
The long week-end (three days for two consecutive weeks) is also enticing many people to take unseasonal breaks that came to them unexpectedly and as a boon. Every getaway close by is booked, according to tourism industry sources.
GJM delegation meet PM in Delhi
Amitava Banerjee, HT, Darjeeling, August 05, 2011: A four member Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) delegation met the Prime Minister, union home minister and finance minister separately in Delhi on Friday. Led by GJM president Bimal Gurung the delegation comprised of General Secretary Roshan Giri along with Central Committee members Jyoti Rai and Diwakar Gurung.
The meetings mainly revolved around the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA- an autonomous administrative mechanism for the Darjeeling Hills.)
"We requested the Prime Minister along with the Union Finance and Home Minister for an extension of the special benefits enjoyed by the North East States to the GTA. The seven north east States enjoy tax holidays, subsidies and special grants. All these benefits should be extended to the GTA" stated Rai.
The GJM delegation put forward the demand for a Central University and an IIT institute for the GTA area. "A Central University has been a long standing demand in the Darjeeling Hills. Both the Central University and the IIT is a Central Subject, hence we put forward our request" stated Rai.
The GJM has appealed for the delegation of power to the GTA for the management of Reserve Forests. Though the List of subjects to be transferred to the GTA includes management of Forests, it has excluded Reserve Forests.
"Many important roads will pass through Reserve Forests (with no alternatives available.) Likewise water pipelines also pass through Reserve Forests. Reserve forests are the important catchment area for important water projects. To facilitate development work Reserve Forests have to come under the GTA. In case of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) the management of Reserve Forests lie with the BTC, likewise it should also be given to the GTA" remarked Rai.
The GJM delegation also requested that the GTA be made the authority for handing out "Gorkha Certificates." Gorkha Certificate is a proof of identity (for a Gorkha) required for availing physical exemption in armed and paramilitary forces and for joining the Gorkha Brigade of the Indian Army.
"Till date there is no agency or person assigned to issue this certificate and persons requiring Gorkha Certificates have been filing affidavits. The GTA should be given the power to issue Gorkha certificates" suggested Rai.
"The Prime Minister along with the other Ministers were very positive to our demands. They have assured us that they would look into our demands and do the necessary. All the three meetings have been very fruitful" added Giri.
GJM team meets PC with forest demand
Deep Gazmer, TNN, Aug 6, 2011:NEW DELHI/ DARJEELING: A Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) delegation met home minister P Chidambaram in Delhi on Friday and took up the key issue of transfer of the reserve forests under the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) areas to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) when it comes into existence.
The four-member delegation was led by GJM president Bimal Gurung. "We spoke to Chidambaram about the necessity of delegating power to the GTA to administrate the reserve forest that is presently under the DGHC. Otherwise, we may have to face problems with development work in the Hills," said Jyoti Rai, the GJM assistant secretary, over phone from Delhi on Friday evening.
The GJM has demanded that at least 1,115 sqkm of the reserve forest under the DGHC be transferred to the GTA. "It covers 38% of the geographical area of the Darjeeling hills," said Rai. The GJM's contention is that the reserve forest could be a hindrance to development work in rural areas. "We may have to build new roads and carry out some development work through the reserve forest," argued the GJM leader.
The GJM leader maintained that the Union home minister had cited the case of reserve forest being transferred to the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) and suggested that the same could be implemented in the GTA. Along with the transfer of the Tauzi department and inclusion of Terai and Dooars in the GTA, transfer of the reserve forest has been a key demand put forward by the GJM to the central and state governments.
The party leaders also asked the him to provide the GTA with the authority to issue Gorkha certificates that is at present under the district administration, said Rai. At present, the SDO issues the certificate, which is required during recruitment in the Army.
Another important issue raised by the GJM was providing tax benefits to GTA that is under the provision of the North East Council (NEC). "We asked the home minister to provide GTA with the facilities given of the NEC in the form of tax waivers and benefits," said Rai.
Next, the GJM delegation met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to persuade the latter to establish a central university and an IIT or an IIM in the Hills. "We have requested him to declare the projects from Delhi," said Rai.
Besides, it can borrow Rs 3068 crore as Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) loan.
“In two months, we have repaid a loan of Rs 3800 crore and so we are entitled to borrow Rs 3432 crore now,” Banerjee said.
When asked about the new taxes, Banerjee said, “Amit Mitra has started working on the budget. He will be a better person to comment on the taxes.”
Mamata kick-starts Tagore's 150th year celebrations
She has already announced that the official programme to mark the celebrations would commence from his death anniversary which falls on August 8, this year. She explained earlier that this was being done since her government was not in power in May, the month in which the Nobel Laureate was born.
Remembering Tagore
She said that she was marking the occasion in the Secretariat on Saturday, as it would be closed on Monday since the government has declared it a holiday to enable people to remember the poet.
Ms. Banerjee said that week-long celebrations would be held — starting with processions being taken out from several points in the city on Monday. She herself would join one of them. The processions would converge near ‘Shahid Minar' (The Martyrs' Column) in central Kolkata.
While all government schools have been told to participate in the programme, it remains to be seen if rains will play spoilsport. The city came under a heavy spell of monsoon rains which left many parts submerged on Saturday.
The long week-end (three days for two consecutive weeks) is also enticing many people to take unseasonal breaks that came to them unexpectedly and as a boon. Every getaway close by is booked, according to tourism industry sources.
GJM delegation meet PM in Delhi
Amitava Banerjee, HT, Darjeeling, August 05, 2011: A four member Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) delegation met the Prime Minister, union home minister and finance minister separately in Delhi on Friday. Led by GJM president Bimal Gurung the delegation comprised of General Secretary Roshan Giri along with Central Committee members Jyoti Rai and Diwakar Gurung.
The meetings mainly revolved around the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA- an autonomous administrative mechanism for the Darjeeling Hills.)
"We requested the Prime Minister along with the Union Finance and Home Minister for an extension of the special benefits enjoyed by the North East States to the GTA. The seven north east States enjoy tax holidays, subsidies and special grants. All these benefits should be extended to the GTA" stated Rai.
The GJM delegation put forward the demand for a Central University and an IIT institute for the GTA area. "A Central University has been a long standing demand in the Darjeeling Hills. Both the Central University and the IIT is a Central Subject, hence we put forward our request" stated Rai.
The GJM has appealed for the delegation of power to the GTA for the management of Reserve Forests. Though the List of subjects to be transferred to the GTA includes management of Forests, it has excluded Reserve Forests.
"Many important roads will pass through Reserve Forests (with no alternatives available.) Likewise water pipelines also pass through Reserve Forests. Reserve forests are the important catchment area for important water projects. To facilitate development work Reserve Forests have to come under the GTA. In case of Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) the management of Reserve Forests lie with the BTC, likewise it should also be given to the GTA" remarked Rai.
The GJM delegation also requested that the GTA be made the authority for handing out "Gorkha Certificates." Gorkha Certificate is a proof of identity (for a Gorkha) required for availing physical exemption in armed and paramilitary forces and for joining the Gorkha Brigade of the Indian Army.
"Till date there is no agency or person assigned to issue this certificate and persons requiring Gorkha Certificates have been filing affidavits. The GTA should be given the power to issue Gorkha certificates" suggested Rai.
"The Prime Minister along with the other Ministers were very positive to our demands. They have assured us that they would look into our demands and do the necessary. All the three meetings have been very fruitful" added Giri.
GJM team meets PC with forest demand
Deep Gazmer, TNN, Aug 6, 2011:NEW DELHI/ DARJEELING: A Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) delegation met home minister P Chidambaram in Delhi on Friday and took up the key issue of transfer of the reserve forests under the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) areas to the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) when it comes into existence.
The four-member delegation was led by GJM president Bimal Gurung. "We spoke to Chidambaram about the necessity of delegating power to the GTA to administrate the reserve forest that is presently under the DGHC. Otherwise, we may have to face problems with development work in the Hills," said Jyoti Rai, the GJM assistant secretary, over phone from Delhi on Friday evening.
The GJM has demanded that at least 1,115 sqkm of the reserve forest under the DGHC be transferred to the GTA. "It covers 38% of the geographical area of the Darjeeling hills," said Rai. The GJM's contention is that the reserve forest could be a hindrance to development work in rural areas. "We may have to build new roads and carry out some development work through the reserve forest," argued the GJM leader.
The GJM leader maintained that the Union home minister had cited the case of reserve forest being transferred to the Bodoland Territorial Council (BTC) and suggested that the same could be implemented in the GTA. Along with the transfer of the Tauzi department and inclusion of Terai and Dooars in the GTA, transfer of the reserve forest has been a key demand put forward by the GJM to the central and state governments.
The party leaders also asked the him to provide the GTA with the authority to issue Gorkha certificates that is at present under the district administration, said Rai. At present, the SDO issues the certificate, which is required during recruitment in the Army.
Another important issue raised by the GJM was providing tax benefits to GTA that is under the provision of the North East Council (NEC). "We asked the home minister to provide GTA with the facilities given of the NEC in the form of tax waivers and benefits," said Rai.
Next, the GJM delegation met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh to persuade the latter to establish a central university and an IIT or an IIM in the Hills. "We have requested him to declare the projects from Delhi," said Rai.
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