Ally pain: Cong seeks ‘local’ pill
TT, Siliguri, Aug. 13: Pranab Mukherjee today said the Congress high command had asked the state unit to “resolve disputes” with the Trinamul Congress at the local level through discussions.
“I have asked state Congress leaders to settle the disputes through discussions at the local level,” the Union finance minister said on the sidelines of a programme at Himanchal Bihar, on the outskirts of Siliguri, to inaugurate a housing complex for the income-tax department.
Mukherjee refused to say whether he would take up with chief minister Mamata Banerjee the issue of clashes between their parties.
State Congress chief Pradip Bhattacharya, who had written to Mamata last month requesting her to take steps to stop the clashes, today said: “Congress and Trinamul supporters clashed 61 times in June. Trinamul activists have taken over several Congress offices and attacked our supporters. In at least 25 cases, local leaders of both parties met after the skirmishes to cool tempers.”
Mukherjee hoped Mamata would deal “properly and quickly” with the impasse in the Dooars and the Terai over the demand for higher wages for tea workers. He ruled out declaring north Bengal a tax-free zone.
खहरेसित हार्यो भस्मे
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,13 अगस्त।
मोठ तीसवटा घर भएको 3 माइलको भस्मे गाउँको सम्बन्ध शहरसित हिजोदेखि विच्छेद भएको छ। अनवरत परेको झरीले शहर र भस्मेलाई जोडेर राखेको पुल नै भत्किएपछि यस्तो स्थिति उत्पन्न भएको हो। 75 प्रतिशत ग्रामीण क्षेत्र भएको भारत देशको योजना नीतिले यस्तै ग्रामीण क्षेत्रलाई सम्बोधन गर्न नसक्नु अहिले राष्ट्रिय विडम्बना बनेको छ। अझ पनि देशको मूल स्रोतबाट ग्रामीण क्षेत्र किनारीकृत नै बनेका छन्। यसै त सरकारले ग्रामीण क्षेत्रको विकासको निम्ति सैकड़ौ योजनाहरू तयार पारेको छ तर त्यस्ता योजनाहरू ग्रामीण क्षेत्र पुग्दैन भन्ने प्रमाण पनि वर्षौंदेखि पुलको समस्या भोग्दै आइरहेको भस्मले दिएको छ। अझ पनि सरकारी नीतिमा उपनिवेशवाद हावी रहेको यी नै कारणहरूले पुष्टि गर्ने गरेको छ। राजधानी वा शहर मुखी कार्यालय स्थापना अनि अधिकारीहरूको नियुक्तिले पनि यसै कुरालाई प्रमाणित गरिरहेको छ कि देशको नीति ग्रामीण समस्या निदानको निम्ति तयार पारिएको होइन।
भस्मेले शहरमा रहेका यस्ता धेरै निकायलाई गुनासो गरिसकेको छ, यस्ता धेरै सम्बन्धित कार्यालयमा पुगी पुल बनाइदेउ भनेर गुहार लगाइसकेको छ तर अहिलेसम्म कसैले पनि सुनिदिएन। यद्धपि यो बस्तीको सबैभन्दा ठूलो समस्या भनेको नै पुल रहेको छ, जो छैन भने उनीहरूको जीवन नै चल्दैन। पारि शहर अनि वारि गाउँ, बीचमा यो पुल छ तर पोस्योर जस्तो ठाड़ो खोलाले वर्खामा जहिले पनि पुल बगाइदिन्छ। यसकारण बर्खा लाग्यो कि यो बस्तीको सातो नै जाने गर्छ। पोस्योर खोला जस्तो खहरेले कुन दिन आतङ्क मच्चाउँछ अनि भस्मेवासीलाई हुनसम्मको दुःख दिन्छ कसैलाई थाहा छैन। भस्मेका पीडित लक्ष्मण राईले भने, बस्तीमा धेरै दुःख छ। हामी सबै बीपीएल परिवार हौं।
हिजो रातीको झरीले त्यो पनि बगाइदिएपछि भस्मेको सम्बन्ध नै बजारदेखि विच्छेद भएको छ। राईले भने, यही पुल भएर तीस घरका नानीहरू शहर पढ्न जान्छन्। यही पुलबाट हामी दानापानी ओसार्छौं। बिरामीलाई तार्छौं। भस्मेको जीवन रेखा जस्तो रहेको यो पुल बगाइदिएकोले उनीहरू चिन्चित छन्। पुल निर्माता सुनिल प्रधान पनि घटनास्थलमा पुगेका थिए। तिनले भस्मेको दुःखलाई आत्मसात गर्दै सक्दो कोशिश गरिदिने बताएका छन्। वरिपरि भीर छ, जहॉंबाट विकल्प बाटो बनाइन पनि सकिँदैन। जतैबाट बाटो बनाए पनि पोस्योर खोला नै बीचमा आउने गर्छ। जहिँबाट पनि पुल बनाउनै पर्ने हुन्छ। लक्ष्मण राईले भने, यहॉं स्थायी पुल निर्माण गरिदिए हाम्रो कल्याण हुनेछ। तिनले जबसम्म पुल बनिँदैन तबसम्म कसरी र कुनबाटो राशिन पानी ल्याउनु केही बुझ्न नसकिरहेको बताए। तिनले भने, यी केटाकेटीहरू अब स्कूल पो जान पाउने हुन् कि होइनन्।
सुरक्षाबीच दोस्रो सेमिफाइन सम्पन्न - खेलाडी पिट्ने रेफरीहरूला ई पुलिस प्रशासनले कार्वाही गर्ने
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,13 अगस्त। फुटबलले नै कमाएको कालेबुङको नाम फुटबलले नै बदनाम गर्यो। हिजो स्वाधिनता कपको पहिलो सेमिफाइनलमा झारखण्ड रेलवेका खेलाडीहरूलाई रेफरीहरूले पिटेपछि आज सबैको मुखमा कालेबुङले कमाएको नाम रेफरीहरूले बदनाम गरेको चर्चा थियो। कालेबुङ स्पोट्र्स एसोसिएसनले रेफरीहरू विरूद्ध थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको छ। थाना सूत्रले दोषी रेफरी र लाइन्स म्यानहरूलाई कार्वाही गर्ने भएको बताएको छ। पुलिस सूत्रले नै दोषीहरू फरार रहेको पनि बताएको छ। हिजोको घटना कालेबुङको फुटबल इतिहासमा मात्र होइन विश्वकै फुटबल इतिहासमा पहिलो रहेको सबैले बताएका छन्। कालेबुङलाई फुटबल क्षेत्रमा नाम कमाउन शताब्दी लागेको थियो तर कमाएको नामलाई बद्नाम गर्न एक घण्टा पनि लागेन। कालेबुङको मुटु मानिने मेलाटार, जो पहिले खेल मैदान थिएन, त्यसबेला मेलाटारबाट देशका शीर्ष नेताहरू जवहारलाल नेहरू अनि इन्दिरा गान्धीले उभिएर भाषण गरेका थिए। यो त्यही मेलाटार हो जहॉं फुटबल सिकेर हिस्से वासी जस्ता चर्चित खेलाडीले एशियन गेम्समा खेलेका थिए। पुराना दिनहरूमा दिल्लीको सुब्रतो कप खेल्ने रनबहादुर बस्नेत, गोपाल परियार, सन्तोष प्रधान, डोगेल लेप्चा जस्ता खेलाडीहरूले फुटबल खेल्ने मन्त्र यही मेलटारबाट टिपेका थिए। त्यहीँ हिजो कालेबुङका रेफरीहरूले पहुना खेलाडीहरूलाई पिटिरहेका थिए। कालेबुङले कालेबुङका चर्चित खेलाडीहरूलाई नै देखाएर राष्ट्रिय खेलाडीहरूलाई कालेबुङ जस्तो सानो महकुमामा खेल्न बोलाउँथे। कालेबुङका खेलाडीहरूले देशलाई देखाएको खेल कौशलको कारण नै उनीहरू पनि कालेबुङ आउँथे। कालेबुङ आउन उनीहरूले गर्व गर्थे। कालेबुङमा फुटबलको क्रेज थियो, दर्शकहरूको भीड लाग्थ्यो। कालेबुङ स्पोट्र्स एसोसिएसन पुरानो संस्था रहेकोले वर्षेनी धेरै खेलहरूको आयोजना गर्ने गरेको छ। यसैक्रममा यसपल्ट पनि स्वाधिनता दिवसको अवसर पारेर यो स्वाधिनता कप खेलाइरहेको थियो। निर्णायककोरूपमा रहेका रेफरीहरू खेल सकिएपछि पहलवान होलान् भनेर कसैले पनि सोंचेका थिएनन्। हिजोको झड़प देख्ने एक दर्शकले आज बताए, खेलमा जे पनि हुन सक्छ, त्यसलाई नियन्त्रण गर्नु निर्णायकको धर्म हो। खेलअवधी भरि मात्र उनीहरूको क्षमता हुन्छ, तर खेलभित्रको कुरालाई लिएर खेल सकिएपछि उठाउँदै खेलाडीहरूलाई पिट्नुले कालेबुङलाई नै बद्नाम गर्नेे काम गरेको छ। यस्ता रेफरीहरूको सर्टिफिकेट खारेज हुन पर्छ अनि उनीहरूलाई कार्वाही हुनपर्छ। आज दर्शकहरू फुटबल होइन लडाईँ हेर्न जानुपर्छ भन्दै खिल्ली उडाइरहेको पनि देखियो। हिजोको घटनाले बाहिरका खेलाडीहरूलाई असुरक्षित पारेको धेरैले अनुभव गरिरहेको थियो। यसै कुरालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै आज गोर्खा जनमुक्ति युवामोर्चाका प्रतिनिधिहरू खेलाडीको सुरक्षाको निम्ति डटेका थिए भने पुलिस प्रशासनको दलबल पनि मैदान उत्रिएका थिए।
AAGSU condemns attack on AJYCP leaders
PRAAGSU, KalimNews, Guwahati (13th July 2011): The All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union (AAGSU) condemns the attack on the leaders of the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuva Chhatra Parishad (AJYCP) suspected to be carried out by hardliner militant outfit. ‘We vehemently condemn the attack on AJYCP leaders and members at
Panbari, Bokakhat at the Golaghat-Karbianglong NH 37 early morning today. It is learnt that Mr. Ranjit Changmai, Vice President AJYCP and Abidur Rahman Advisor of Sivsagar Dist. Unit along with six members of AJYCP have been seriously injured. AAGSU wishes quick recovery and safe of the youth leaders. This message have been extended to AJYCP Gen Secretary Mr. Monoj Baruah that the AAGSU have extended full support to the ‘BLACK DAY’ to be observed on Sunday.’, said Nanda Kirati Dewan, Information and Publicity Secretary AAGSU said in a press release in Guwahati.
Security has been a big threat to all common man in the NH 37 since a long time now. It is high time that administration should step up security of common man in all respects and such attacks should not repeat at any cost. Incident as such is standing example of security lapses that too ahead of Independence Day, we condemn it.
Pranab rules out giving tax concession to N Bengal
SNS, SILIGURI, 13 AUG: The Union finance minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, categorically ruled out any possibility of providing tax concession to north Bengal. “There is no proposal to declare the region a tax-free zone,” he said, adding providing such concession to a particular state would raise ruckus in other states.
“We provided such preferential treatment to some states like Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. But other states raised cavil. So we have to be circumspect on the matter,” Mr Mukherjee said.
He, however, added that the Special Economic Zone in any state was entitled to tax exemption for ten years.
He was in Siliguri today to inaugurate a housing complex for the employees of the Siliguri branch of the Income-Tax department in Himachal Bihar.
Appreciating Miss Mamata Banerjee's endeavour to develop north Bengal, the Union finance minister (see file photo) said that the Centre was with her.
“The chief minister is ambitious. We appreciate that. We hope that the volume of regional trade with Bangladesh and Nepal would grow in the coming days, “he said.
He, however, evaded the subject of tea unrest going on in the plantation in the region, saying that the new government was looking into it. “A problem exists, but it would be resolved soon,” he stated.
Tea workers threaten prolonged agitation
ENS, Kolkata"Despite West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s warning against indulging in strikes and bandhs, the tea plantation workers of North Bengal have threatened a prolonged phase of agitation if their demands for a wage hike were not met by August 16.
A majority of over 250,000 plantation workers in Dooars and Terai region will go for a strike on August 17 and 18 in more than 200 tea gardens if the minimum wage for plantation workers is not raised to a minimum of Rs 90. At present it is pegged at Rs 67.
If there is no positive response form the government and management, the plantation workers under the banner of Tea Workers’ Coordination Committee, an umbrella organisation largely controlled by the Adivasi Vikas Parishad, would resort to a general strike from August 22 to August 24. If it still fails to elicit any response, the organisation has threatened to go for an indefinite bandh of the Dooars and Terai from August 27 onwards.
The workers in tea gardens of Darjeeling hills were able to complete their wage revision settlement, prior to the state Assembly polls, having raised the wages from Rs 67 to Rs 90, and even Rs 93 in some cases. During the several rounds of discussions attended by the managements, the government and the Adivasi Vikas Parishad and other unions of plantation workers, the managements were not ready to raise the wages beyond Rs 75.
The plantation workers have meanwhile stopped despatch of finished tea from the tea gardens to auction centers.
Sushanta in SSKM on day of bullet haul
TT, Calcutta/Midnapore, Aug. 13: Former CPM minister Sushanta Ghosh, in CID custody in a multiple-murder case, was admitted to Calcutta’s SSKM Hospital late tonight after he complained of chest pain and general discomfort.
Ghosh, who has hypertension, was brought to the hospital from CID headquarters Bhawani Bhawan around 10.30pm and underwent an ECG and some other tests. Hospital sources said he was admitted around midnight for further tests and observation.
CID sources said the MLA had been on medication for high blood pressure and that two doctors had checked on him today. Ghosh was questioned for six hours in phases during the day, the sources added.
Earlier in the day, the police had claimed to have seized 13 bullets during simultaneous raids on three residences owned by Ghosh and said he might be put through a lie detector.
The triple CID raid, which began at 2.15, covered a flat Ghosh owns at a government housing complex off AJC Bose Road in Calcutta, and his two houses in Benachapra and Chandrakona Road in West Midnapore.
Officers said the bullets were found at Ghosh’s ancestral home in Benachapra, a village in Garbeta where five skeletons were dug out last month near a swamp. Ghosh was arrested on Friday in connection with the murder of seven Trinamul supporters in September 2002 and has been remanded in police custody for seven days.
CID deputy inspector-general (operations) K. Jayaraman said sleuths had seized incriminating documents too from the Benachapra house. “Apart from the live cartridges, we have recovered other articles which will be produced in court as key evidence against Ghosh,” he said.
According to CID director-general V.V. Thambi, Ghosh today told his interrogators that on the day of the killings, he was not at Benachapra but was in Calcutta arranging for his ailing father’s treatment.
“We will prove this is a false statement. He is trying to mislead officers. If he continues to do so, we may ask him to go through a polygraph test,” Thambi said.
Findings of lie-detection tests, though, are not admissible in court and can only be used as an aid to investigation.
A team of 10 sleuths entered the Benachapra house in the presence of Ghosh’s cousin Nimai. They searched the house and cowshed for three hours, even sifting through the piles of straw in the courtyard, an officer said.
“We found some photographs, one of which shows Ghosh’s brother Prasanta (an accused in the case and a fugitive) wearing a belt with a pouch for a loaded magazine. A gun holster, two wireless sets and a pen fitted with a spy camera too were seized.”
Another team of nine arrived at the Chandrakona Road house, where Ghosh was staying before his arrest. “We searched the house and interrogated Ghosh’s wife Karuna. She has provided us with some leads,” an officer said.
As for the Calcutta apartment, “we did not enter it today because Ghosh is yet to provide us with the keys”, Jayaraman said. “We sealed the lock, and will enter and search the apartment shortly.”
Former CPM minister's house raided, live cartridges seized
TNN | Aug 14, 2011, KOLKATA: Charges against former minister and CPI(M) strongman Sushanta Ghosh firmed up after the CID team recovered live cartridges of automatic gun and its magazine from his ancestral house at Benachapra village in West Midnapore on Saturday.
Investigating officers returned to Bhawani Bhavan in Kolkata in the evening and interrogated Ghosh about the bullets and his alleged presence at the spot while the bodies were being buried in a place close to his house in September 2002. The officers said the former minister denied the charges. They said polygraph test would be conducted on Ghosh if he didn't cooperate with the investigators.
On Friday, the officers had claimed that an inter-state arms smuggling racket was active with involvement of influential leaders like Ghosh. On Saturday, two CID teams comprising 12 officers raided Ghosh's ancestral houses at Benachapra and at Chandrakona. Another team raided his Kolkata flat at DL Khan Road and sealed it in the afternoon.
The CID team searched the house and claimed that they found 16 rounds live cartridge, a magazine of a pistol and some documents important for the case.
Sources said Ghosh mentioned names of some senior CPM leaders of West Midnapore and told they might have some clue about the arms smuggling racket. "His statement is incoherent, full of discrepancy," said a senior CID officer.
Guwahati a haven for militants - Manipur-based outfits invest extorted money
TT, Guwahati, Aug. 13: Manipur-based militant groups are trying to use Guwahati as a safe haven to invest money extorted from their home state and elsewhere in the region.
This came to light today after three militants belonging to the Manipur-based militant group, Kangleipak Communist Party (Noyon), including its “finance secretary” Athoubam Sunil Langamba, were arrested by a joint team of the police, 128 battalion of CRPF and army intelligence.
Based on intelligence inputs, the joint team of security forces launched an operation last evening and first apprehended a commander of KCP (N), Joychandra alias Ingsosa alias Dilip, from the city’s Bhetapara area, police said.
Based on Joychandra’s revelations, the team raided a house near Bihutoli at Rajgarh Road and arrested Langamba alias Lenin, 30, and his associate Yumnam Udai Singh, 34. Three computer sets, four mobile phones with nine SIM cards, two pendrives, a driving licence and cash worth Rs 45,000 were seized.
Police sources said investigation so far had revealed that the militant group was trying to set up base in the city and invest their extorted money.
“Preliminary investigation suggests that the group members are not only using Guwahati for shelter but are also trying to invest money in business activities here. We are trying to study the documents stored in the computers seized from them, find out the quantum of money and what sectors or business activities they were investing in,” a police source said.
The police here had earlier arrested leaders and cadres of Manipur-based rebel groups like the UNLF, KCP, PLA and Prepak from Guwahati.
Formed in 1980, the KCP is a banned organisation that demands freedom from Indian rule and formation of an egalitarian society for Kangleipak (Manipur) through an armed struggle.
The police said the outfit maintains close relations with the Paresh Barua-led group of Ulfa and had jointly issued boycott calls to Independence Day celebrations.
Dispur has sounded a statewide alert following last week’s security advisory from the Union home ministry, putting Assam, along with Manipur and Jammu and Kashmir, on the list of states vulnerable to pre and post-Independence Day terror attacks.
Chief secretary N.K. Das has been monitoring the situation with senior officials of the home and police departments and the railways to thwart any possible militant attack. Night running of trains have been suspended since yesterday.
सुरक्षाबीच दोस्रो सेमिफाइन सम्पन्न - खेलाडी पिट्ने रेफरीहरूला
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,13 अगस्त। फुटबलले नै कमाएको कालेबुङको नाम फुटबलले नै बदनाम गर्यो। हिजो स्वाधिनता कपको पहिलो सेमिफाइनलमा झारखण्ड रेलवेका खेलाडीहरूलाई रेफरीहरूले पिटेपछि आज सबैको मुखमा कालेबुङले कमाएको नाम रेफरीहरूले बदनाम गरेको चर्चा थियो। कालेबुङ स्पोट्र्स एसोसिएसनले रेफरीहरू विरूद्ध थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको छ। थाना सूत्रले दोषी रेफरी र लाइन्स म्यानहरूलाई कार्वाही गर्ने भएको बताएको छ। पुलिस सूत्रले नै दोषीहरू फरार रहेको पनि बताएको छ। हिजोको घटना कालेबुङको फुटबल इतिहासमा मात्र होइन विश्वकै फुटबल इतिहासमा पहिलो रहेको सबैले बताएका छन्। कालेबुङलाई फुटबल क्षेत्रमा नाम कमाउन शताब्दी लागेको थियो तर कमाएको नामलाई बद्नाम गर्न एक घण्टा पनि लागेन। कालेबुङको मुटु मानिने मेलाटार, जो पहिले खेल मैदान थिएन, त्यसबेला मेलाटारबाट देशका शीर्ष नेताहरू जवहारलाल नेहरू अनि इन्दिरा गान्धीले उभिएर भाषण गरेका थिए। यो त्यही मेलाटार हो जहॉं फुटबल सिकेर हिस्से वासी जस्ता चर्चित खेलाडीले एशियन गेम्समा खेलेका थिए। पुराना दिनहरूमा दिल्लीको सुब्रतो कप खेल्ने रनबहादुर बस्नेत, गोपाल परियार, सन्तोष प्रधान, डोगेल लेप्चा जस्ता खेलाडीहरूले फुटबल खेल्ने मन्त्र यही मेलटारबाट टिपेका थिए। त्यहीँ हिजो कालेबुङका रेफरीहरूले पहुना खेलाडीहरूलाई पिटिरहेका थिए। कालेबुङले कालेबुङका चर्चित खेलाडीहरूलाई नै देखाएर राष्ट्रिय खेलाडीहरूलाई कालेबुङ जस्तो सानो महकुमामा खेल्न बोलाउँथे। कालेबुङका खेलाडीहरूले देशलाई देखाएको खेल कौशलको कारण नै उनीहरू पनि कालेबुङ आउँथे। कालेबुङ आउन उनीहरूले गर्व गर्थे। कालेबुङमा फुटबलको क्रेज थियो, दर्शकहरूको भीड लाग्थ्यो। कालेबुङ स्पोट्र्स एसोसिएसन पुरानो संस्था रहेकोले वर्षेनी धेरै खेलहरूको आयोजना गर्ने गरेको छ। यसैक्रममा यसपल्ट पनि स्वाधिनता दिवसको अवसर पारेर यो स्वाधिनता कप खेलाइरहेको थियो। निर्णायककोरूपमा रहेका रेफरीहरू खेल सकिएपछि पहलवान होलान् भनेर कसैले पनि सोंचेका थिएनन्। हिजोको झड़प देख्ने एक दर्शकले आज बताए, खेलमा जे पनि हुन सक्छ, त्यसलाई नियन्त्रण गर्नु निर्णायकको धर्म हो। खेलअवधी भरि मात्र उनीहरूको क्षमता हुन्छ, तर खेलभित्रको कुरालाई लिएर खेल सकिएपछि उठाउँदै खेलाडीहरूलाई पिट्नुले कालेबुङलाई नै बद्नाम गर्नेे काम गरेको छ। यस्ता रेफरीहरूको सर्टिफिकेट खारेज हुन पर्छ अनि उनीहरूलाई कार्वाही हुनपर्छ। आज दर्शकहरू फुटबल होइन लडाईँ हेर्न जानुपर्छ भन्दै खिल्ली उडाइरहेको पनि देखियो। हिजोको घटनाले बाहिरका खेलाडीहरूलाई असुरक्षित पारेको धेरैले अनुभव गरिरहेको थियो। यसै कुरालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै आज गोर्खा जनमुक्ति युवामोर्चाका प्रतिनिधिहरू खेलाडीको सुरक्षाको निम्ति डटेका थिए भने पुलिस प्रशासनको दलबल पनि मैदान उत्रिएका थिए।
AAGSU condemns attack on AJYCP leaders
PRAAGSU, KalimNews, Guwahati (13th July 2011): The All Assam Gorkha Students’ Union (AAGSU) condemns the attack on the leaders of the Asom Jatiyatabadi Yuva Chhatra Parishad (AJYCP) suspected to be carried out by hardliner militant outfit. ‘We vehemently condemn the attack on AJYCP leaders and members at
Panbari, Bokakhat at the Golaghat-Karbianglong NH 37 early morning today. It is learnt that Mr. Ranjit Changmai, Vice President AJYCP and Abidur Rahman Advisor of Sivsagar Dist. Unit along with six members of AJYCP have been seriously injured. AAGSU wishes quick recovery and safe of the youth leaders. This message have been extended to AJYCP Gen Secretary Mr. Monoj Baruah that the AAGSU have extended full support to the ‘BLACK DAY’ to be observed on Sunday.’, said Nanda Kirati Dewan, Information and Publicity Secretary AAGSU said in a press release in Guwahati.
Security has been a big threat to all common man in the NH 37 since a long time now. It is high time that administration should step up security of common man in all respects and such attacks should not repeat at any cost. Incident as such is standing example of security lapses that too ahead of Independence Day, we condemn it.
Pranab rules out giving tax concession to N Bengal
SNS, SILIGURI, 13 AUG: The Union finance minister, Mr Pranab Mukherjee, categorically ruled out any possibility of providing tax concession to north Bengal. “There is no proposal to declare the region a tax-free zone,” he said, adding providing such concession to a particular state would raise ruckus in other states.
“We provided such preferential treatment to some states like Himachal Pradesh and Uttarakhand. But other states raised cavil. So we have to be circumspect on the matter,” Mr Mukherjee said.
He, however, added that the Special Economic Zone in any state was entitled to tax exemption for ten years.
He was in Siliguri today to inaugurate a housing complex for the employees of the Siliguri branch of the Income-Tax department in Himachal Bihar.
Appreciating Miss Mamata Banerjee's endeavour to develop north Bengal, the Union finance minister (see file photo) said that the Centre was with her.
“The chief minister is ambitious. We appreciate that. We hope that the volume of regional trade with Bangladesh and Nepal would grow in the coming days, “he said.
He, however, evaded the subject of tea unrest going on in the plantation in the region, saying that the new government was looking into it. “A problem exists, but it would be resolved soon,” he stated.
Tea workers threaten prolonged agitation
ENS, Kolkata"Despite West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee’s warning against indulging in strikes and bandhs, the tea plantation workers of North Bengal have threatened a prolonged phase of agitation if their demands for a wage hike were not met by August 16.
A majority of over 250,000 plantation workers in Dooars and Terai region will go for a strike on August 17 and 18 in more than 200 tea gardens if the minimum wage for plantation workers is not raised to a minimum of Rs 90. At present it is pegged at Rs 67.
If there is no positive response form the government and management, the plantation workers under the banner of Tea Workers’ Coordination Committee, an umbrella organisation largely controlled by the Adivasi Vikas Parishad, would resort to a general strike from August 22 to August 24. If it still fails to elicit any response, the organisation has threatened to go for an indefinite bandh of the Dooars and Terai from August 27 onwards.
The workers in tea gardens of Darjeeling hills were able to complete their wage revision settlement, prior to the state Assembly polls, having raised the wages from Rs 67 to Rs 90, and even Rs 93 in some cases. During the several rounds of discussions attended by the managements, the government and the Adivasi Vikas Parishad and other unions of plantation workers, the managements were not ready to raise the wages beyond Rs 75.
The plantation workers have meanwhile stopped despatch of finished tea from the tea gardens to auction centers.
Sushanta in SSKM on day of bullet haul
(Top) CID officials during the raid at Ghosh’s Benachapra home on Saturday; (Below) Ghosh being wheeled into SSKM on Saturday night. (Samir Mondal and Sanat Kumar Sinha) |
Ghosh, who has hypertension, was brought to the hospital from CID headquarters Bhawani Bhawan around 10.30pm and underwent an ECG and some other tests. Hospital sources said he was admitted around midnight for further tests and observation.
CID sources said the MLA had been on medication for high blood pressure and that two doctors had checked on him today. Ghosh was questioned for six hours in phases during the day, the sources added.
Earlier in the day, the police had claimed to have seized 13 bullets during simultaneous raids on three residences owned by Ghosh and said he might be put through a lie detector.
The triple CID raid, which began at 2.15, covered a flat Ghosh owns at a government housing complex off AJC Bose Road in Calcutta, and his two houses in Benachapra and Chandrakona Road in West Midnapore.
Officers said the bullets were found at Ghosh’s ancestral home in Benachapra, a village in Garbeta where five skeletons were dug out last month near a swamp. Ghosh was arrested on Friday in connection with the murder of seven Trinamul supporters in September 2002 and has been remanded in police custody for seven days.
CID deputy inspector-general (operations) K. Jayaraman said sleuths had seized incriminating documents too from the Benachapra house. “Apart from the live cartridges, we have recovered other articles which will be produced in court as key evidence against Ghosh,” he said.
According to CID director-general V.V. Thambi, Ghosh today told his interrogators that on the day of the killings, he was not at Benachapra but was in Calcutta arranging for his ailing father’s treatment.
“We will prove this is a false statement. He is trying to mislead officers. If he continues to do so, we may ask him to go through a polygraph test,” Thambi said.
Findings of lie-detection tests, though, are not admissible in court and can only be used as an aid to investigation.
A team of 10 sleuths entered the Benachapra house in the presence of Ghosh’s cousin Nimai. They searched the house and cowshed for three hours, even sifting through the piles of straw in the courtyard, an officer said.
“We found some photographs, one of which shows Ghosh’s brother Prasanta (an accused in the case and a fugitive) wearing a belt with a pouch for a loaded magazine. A gun holster, two wireless sets and a pen fitted with a spy camera too were seized.”
Another team of nine arrived at the Chandrakona Road house, where Ghosh was staying before his arrest. “We searched the house and interrogated Ghosh’s wife Karuna. She has provided us with some leads,” an officer said.
As for the Calcutta apartment, “we did not enter it today because Ghosh is yet to provide us with the keys”, Jayaraman said. “We sealed the lock, and will enter and search the apartment shortly.”
Former CPM minister's house raided, live cartridges seized
TNN | Aug 14, 2011, KOLKATA: Charges against former minister and CPI(M) strongman Sushanta Ghosh firmed up after the CID team recovered live cartridges of automatic gun and its magazine from his ancestral house at Benachapra village in West Midnapore on Saturday.
Investigating officers returned to Bhawani Bhavan in Kolkata in the evening and interrogated Ghosh about the bullets and his alleged presence at the spot while the bodies were being buried in a place close to his house in September 2002. The officers said the former minister denied the charges. They said polygraph test would be conducted on Ghosh if he didn't cooperate with the investigators.
On Friday, the officers had claimed that an inter-state arms smuggling racket was active with involvement of influential leaders like Ghosh. On Saturday, two CID teams comprising 12 officers raided Ghosh's ancestral houses at Benachapra and at Chandrakona. Another team raided his Kolkata flat at DL Khan Road and sealed it in the afternoon.
The CID team searched the house and claimed that they found 16 rounds live cartridge, a magazine of a pistol and some documents important for the case.
Sources said Ghosh mentioned names of some senior CPM leaders of West Midnapore and told they might have some clue about the arms smuggling racket. "His statement is incoherent, full of discrepancy," said a senior CID officer.
Guwahati a haven for militants - Manipur-based outfits invest extorted money
TT, Guwahati, Aug. 13: Manipur-based militant groups are trying to use Guwahati as a safe haven to invest money extorted from their home state and elsewhere in the region.
This came to light today after three militants belonging to the Manipur-based militant group, Kangleipak Communist Party (Noyon), including its “finance secretary” Athoubam Sunil Langamba, were arrested by a joint team of the police, 128 battalion of CRPF and army intelligence.
Based on intelligence inputs, the joint team of security forces launched an operation last evening and first apprehended a commander of KCP (N), Joychandra alias Ingsosa alias Dilip, from the city’s Bhetapara area, police said.
Based on Joychandra’s revelations, the team raided a house near Bihutoli at Rajgarh Road and arrested Langamba alias Lenin, 30, and his associate Yumnam Udai Singh, 34. Three computer sets, four mobile phones with nine SIM cards, two pendrives, a driving licence and cash worth Rs 45,000 were seized.
Police sources said investigation so far had revealed that the militant group was trying to set up base in the city and invest their extorted money.
“Preliminary investigation suggests that the group members are not only using Guwahati for shelter but are also trying to invest money in business activities here. We are trying to study the documents stored in the computers seized from them, find out the quantum of money and what sectors or business activities they were investing in,” a police source said.
The police here had earlier arrested leaders and cadres of Manipur-based rebel groups like the UNLF, KCP, PLA and Prepak from Guwahati.
Formed in 1980, the KCP is a banned organisation that demands freedom from Indian rule and formation of an egalitarian society for Kangleipak (Manipur) through an armed struggle.
The police said the outfit maintains close relations with the Paresh Barua-led group of Ulfa and had jointly issued boycott calls to Independence Day celebrations.
Dispur has sounded a statewide alert following last week’s security advisory from the Union home ministry, putting Assam, along with Manipur and Jammu and Kashmir, on the list of states vulnerable to pre and post-Independence Day terror attacks.
Chief secretary N.K. Das has been monitoring the situation with senior officials of the home and police departments and the railways to thwart any possible militant attack. Night running of trains have been suspended since yesterday.
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