Mamata Four on woo-hills mission - Hiten, Sunil, Bratya and Gautam trek to Sukhiapokhri
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Sukhiapokhri, June 20: Four Bengal ministers came calling on Darjeeling on a single day with a host of promises, unheard of during the Left Front regime when even the chief minister cancelled a trip to the hills fearing hostility.
All three hill MLAs from the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha shared the dais with the ministers in the Mamata Banerjee-led government as they reeled off their new projects for the hills .
Forest minister Hiten Barman and minister for consumer affairs Sunil Chandra Tirkey were the first to reach Sukhiapokhri today to attend the closing ceremony of Aranya Saptha or the forest week. Soon after planting saplings at Balason near Sukhia bazar, Barman said: “The Darjeeling ropeway will be made functional by October end. We have already asked McKinsey (a consultancy firm) to provide the required fitness certificate. “We will also upgrade the Darjeeling zoo and the forest, tourism and environment departments will have to work together for the betterment of the hills.”
The popular 2-km long Darjeeling-Rangit Valley ropeway services was suspended on October 19, 2003, after three gondolas slipped off the conveyer wheel and plunged 50 feet down into the tea bushes of Patabung garden in Tukvar.
Four tourists were killed and 11 injured in the accident.
The ropeway belongs to the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation of which Barman is the chairman. Since then, the ropeway has been repaired but a final clearance for renewing operation has not yet come through.
Later during the day, Gautam Deb, the minister in charge of the development for north Bengal, arrived at Sukhiapokhri along with higher education minister Bratya Basu. More promises were made.
Trinamul Congress sources in Calcutta denied that Mamata had given any “special instruction” to the ministers to visit the small town 20km from Darjeeling. Rather, Barman had announced earlier this month that the forest week celebration would be a “special affair” in Darjeeling. “The others who were free went on his request to make the occasion special,” the source said.
The three hill MLAs, Trilok Dewan from Darjeeling, Rohit Sharma from Kurseong and Kalimpong’s Harka Bahadur Chhetri shared the dais with the Bengal ministers. “Dr Chhetri wants two colleges to be set up at Pedong and Gorubathan. The government has started mapping the details of the higher education in Bengal in terms of infrastructure and the staff and student strength and the report will be completed within six months. We will definitely focus on the hills,” said Basu, referring to the Kalimpong MLA. He added that his department would be looking at introducing hill specific subjects in the region’s curriculum.
Asked about a separate university for the hills, Basu said: “Provided we get the finance department’s clearance we will set up 300 colleges and 11 universities within the next five years. The hill demand could also be considered. We have already submitted a proposal for setting up either an IIT or an IIM in Darjeeling and the Centre is looking at including these proposals in the 12th Five Year Plan.” Educational institutes in the hills, which often lose out on classes because of the long winter vacation, had been demanding a separate university with a different academic calendar.
Deb said Mamata Banerjee would visit the hills later this month and more development announcements would follow.
In the past, the Left Front ministers hardly visited Darjeeling. The lone representative of the cabinet in the region was former municipal affairs minister Asok Bhattacharya. The CPM cancelled its party meeting in Darjeeling in 2007 fearing a hostile reception for then chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee.
Meanwhile the proposed tripartite agreement on the Interim setup will probably take place on 26th June. The talk will start from 25th June and finally on 26th the historic agreement will be signed by the center, state and GJM. Secretary of Home Ministry and the state will be present in the meeting and will sign the accord.
GJM rejects offer for ministerial berth
KalimNews: A report stated that GJM had virtually rejected the offer for a ministerial berth made by Mamata Banerjee. The probable ministry was of hill development.Meanwhile the proposed tripartite agreement on the Interim setup will probably take place on 26th June. The talk will start from 25th June and finally on 26th the historic agreement will be signed by the center, state and GJM. Secretary of Home Ministry and the state will be present in the meeting and will sign the accord.
Landslide in NH 31A near 27 Mile and at Birrik Danra disrupted the highway traffic
Photos of landslide and removal of mudslide at Birrik Danra in NH31A (Photos: A.K.Rai)
व्यवस्थाको मियादबारे अब कुरा हुनेछ-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 20 जून। कालेबुङको एक च्यानलमा नै मोर्चा विधायक डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले सुवास घिसिङले यस्तो अवस्था निर्माण गरेको छ कि अहिलेसुवास घिसिङले गोर्खाल्याण्ड त के नगरपालिका चलाउने क्षमता पनि गोर्खाहरूमा छैन भनेका थिए भने आज फेरि अर्को एक च्यानलसित कुराकानी गर्दै आफूले भनेको कुराको आशयलाई मिडियाले बङ्ग्याएर प्रचार गरेको सोझो आरोप लगाएका छन्। तिनले गोर्खाहरूले गोर्खाल्याण्ड चलाउन नसक्ने कुरा भन्दै नभनेको कुरा पनि सजिलै भने। मोर्चाको दिल्ली र डुवर्स शाखाहरूले जुन विरोध गरिरहेका छन् त्यसमाथि पनि टिप्पणी गर्दै भनेका छन्, यदि विरोध गर्नेहरू मोर्चाको हो भने, मोर्चाको केन्द्रिय समिति छ, त्यहॉं सोध्नुपर्छ। नसोधी यदि विरोध गर्दैछ भने उनीहरू मोर्चाको होइन। मोर्चालाई कसरी, कहॉंबाट बद्नाम गर्न सकिन्छ भनेर मौका हेर्नेहरू हुन्।
तिनले जसले दार्जीलिङ बाहिर जसले पनि विरोध गरिरहेका छन्, उनीहरूले कुरै नबुझी विरोध गरिरहेको बताउँदै भने, अनुशासनबाहिर रहेर टिप्पणी गर्नेहरूलाई अध्यक्षले अनुशासनात्मक कार्वाही गरिसकेका छन्। दिल्लीको गोजमुमो आन्दोलन हुँदा जन्तरमन्तरमा धर्ना दिने मात्र हो, उनीहरूलाई आन्दोलन कहॉं पुग्यो थाहा छैन। तिनले 16 जूनको दिन राज्यपालको सम्भाषणको जवाबमा राज्यपालले हुन गइरहेको व्यवस्थालाई टेन्टेटिभ सोल्यूसन भनेकोले आफूले जोरदार स्वागत गरेको जनाउँदै तिनले भने, मैले भनेको छु, यो फाइनल होइन। फाइनल त जब गोर्खाहरूको चिन्हारी बन्छ, तब हुन्छ। यसलाई विधानसभामा सबैले करतल ध्वनीले स्वागत जनाएका छन्।
अर्कोतिर डुवर्सबाट भइरहेको विरोधमाथि पनि तिनले टिप्पणी राख्दै जसले विरोध गरिरहेका छन्, तिनी आन्दोलन हुँदा नरहेको अनि फरवरीमा मात्र मोर्चामा आएको बताउँदै भने, विरोध गर्न अघि कुरा बुझ्नुपर्छ। केन्द्रिय कमिटीलाई सोध्नुपर्छ। यसरी विरोध हुनुमा मिडियाले पनि भूमिका खेलेको छ। मैले भनेका कुराहरूलाई कॉंटछॉंट गरेर देखाइयो। कानून, प्रशासन केही पनि नबुझ्नेहरूले मात्र टिप्पणी गरेको तिनले ठोकुवा पनि गरे। च्यानललाई तिनले बारम्बार नै बताए, मोर्चाले जुन व्यवस्था थाप्छ, त्यो नै अन्तिम होइन। अहिलेसम्म जुन जुन कुरामा कुरा मिलेको थिएन, त्यसमाथि सहमति भएको बताउँदै भने, घिसिङले दागोपापमा आन्दोलन ड्रप गरे अनि छैटौं अनुसूचीले फुल एण्ड फाइनल।
मोर्चाको सम्झौताको शुरूमा नै लेखिनेछ, यो सम्झौताले आन्दोलनलाई कुनै बाधा गर्ने छैन। यो संवैधानिक व्यवस्था होइन। संवैधानिक भनेको फुल एण्ड फाइनल हो। मोर्चा गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति प्रतिबद्ध छ, यसकारण संवैधानिक व्यवस्था नथापेको हो। तिनले यो व्यवस्थाको मियादबारे कुरा नभएको अनि अब त्यसबारे कुरा हुने जनाए। तिनले भने, यो व्यवस्था समयबद्ध हुनेछ। सीमाना पहिले तय हुन्छ। अहिले दुवैपक्षबाट खेस्रा बनाउने काम हुँदैछ। हिजो केन्द्रिय समितिले यसै विषयमा चर्चा गर्यो। हामीले जुन खेस्रा बनाएका छौं, त्यो तर्कसंगत हुनेछ। यदि सरकारले बनाएको खेस्रा दागोपाप जस्तै हामीलाई भुलाउने छ भने थाप्दैनौं। केस्राहरू हेर्ने काम हुन्छ, यदि जनताले चाहेको कुरा भएन भने थाप्दैनौं।
हामीसित जनमत छँदैछ, त्यसैलाई प्रयोग गरेर आन्दोलन गर्नेछौं। अर्कोतिर बङ्गालले मोर्चाको कुनै विधायकलाई मन्त्रीमण्डलमा सामेल गर्नेबारे गरेको अफरबारे तिनले भने, यस सम्बन्धमा अध्यक्षले नै निर्णय गर्नेछन्। लिने हो होइन, अध्यक्षले जे भन्छन् त्यही हुनेछ। आविपको सन्दर्भमा तिनले भने, आविप सम्पूर्ण आदिवासीहरूको होइन, सानो समुहको झुण्ड मात्र हो। विरसा तिर्कीलाई अशोक भट्टाचार्यले चलाइरहेका छन्। आविपले विरोध गरेपनि आविप अथोरिटी होइन। सीमाङ्कनबारे केन्द्र र राज्यले तय गर्छ। आदिवासीहरू अध्यक्षकोमा आइरहेका छन्, हामी पनि सीमानामा पस्न चहान्छौं भनिरहेका छन्। आविपले भनेर केही हुँदैन।
Pawan hans resumed
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 20 June:After a gap of almost 50 days and since the demise of Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister in a Pawan Hans chopper crash, Pawan Hans finally resumes service in Gangtok from yesterday. On Monday first commercial flight takes off for Bagdogra at 11.45 from Burtuk Helipad.
The Director General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) had recently conducted a through audit check before giving the clearance, The Sikkim tourism Development Cropration (STDC). Which operates the services in Sikkim, has also obtained clearance from civil aviation ministry to resume the services, said Tejpal Pradhan, operational manager of STDC.
Now the tourists have more options to enjoy the aerial view of Gangtok. Pawan Hans Gangtok will be providing the tourists with one joy ride in a day and three shuttle services to Bagdogra. However STDC, it is informed will decide how many hours the pilots need to fly. To prevent the pilots the fatigue caused by continuous flying, theu\y are as pr STDC instructions are allowed to fly for limited hours only as it enhances efficiency. Manager operations Pradhan said that the helipad is now 100% ewuipped for andy untoward fire incidents with the availability of carbon dioxide of 45 kg BCF 30 kg and backup water tank of 1000 liters.
It may be added here has started pawan hans facility for the past 13 years for the tourists and people traveling to Siliguri, Bagdogra.
प्रोफेसनल शिकारी पक्राउ -रगत जॉंचमा पठाइयो
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,20 जून। शिकार गरेर पेटपालो गर्ने अथवा शिकार गरेर गाउँमा मासु बेच्ने एक प्रोफेसनल शिकारीलाई बनविभागले पक्राउ गरेको छ। धेरै दिनदेखि गरेको शंकाको आधारमा पक्रापरेका शिकारी नेउरा रेञ्ज अन्तर्गत पर्ने सामसिङ फारीका गोरखबहादुर छेत्री हुन्। 60 वर्षीय बताइएको छेत्रीसित पक्राउ परेकोबेला मासु बोक्ने झोला र रगत लागेको प्लास्टिक भेटिएको थियो।
बीट अफिसर सुजाता गुरूङ अनुसार नेउरा रेञ्जमा जङ्गली पशुहरूको शिकार गर्ने गुट निक्कै सक्रिय छ। हिजो मात्र जङ्गलमा दुइवटा बन्दुक भेटिएको थियो। बन्दुक भेटिएपछि शंका रहेकाहरूको विरूद्धमा जलढका थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता पनि गरिएको छ। मुख्य गरी मृग मारेर गोरख धन्धा चलाइरहेका गोरखबहादुर छेत्रीलाई पनि धेरै दिनदेखि शंका गरिएको थियो। अघिल्लो दिन मात्र तिनले मृग मारेर बेचेको शंका गरिएको छ। रेञ्ज अफिसर सहदेव एस. गिरीले भने, जुन रगत लागेको प्लास्टिक छेत्रीबाट बरामद् भएको छ, त्यो रगत मृगको हो कि होइन भनेर बुझ्न वाइल्ड लाइफ इन्स्टिट्यूट हरिद्वारमा जॉंच्न पठाइएको छ। छेत्री आफैले पनि मृगको रगत रहेको कुरा स्वीकार गरिसकेका छन्। तिनलाई वाइल्ड लाइफ प्रोटेक्ट एक्ट अनुसार मुद्दा लगाइएको छ। आज तिनलाई कोर्टमा पनि उभ्याइयो। तिनलाई एसएपीको सहयोगमा पक्राउ गरिएको पनि तिनले जनाएका छन्।
36-yr-old shot dead
TT, Darjeeling, June 20: A 36-year-old resident of Old Kutchery Road was shot dead near his house around 10.15pm yesterday.
The deceased, Navin Gurung, is the son-in-law of former GNLF municipality vice-chairperson Manikala Lama. A senior police officer said: “We do not think that the murder was politically motivated. Gurung was earlier with the GNLF but had later switched over to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. He was not politically active at the moment.”
The police said five men had followed Gurung while he was on his way to his house on Old Kutchery Road from Patlabas, 5km from here. When Gurung was near his house, the men called out his name and shot him. They suspect a .9mm revolver was used to kill Gurung. A compliant has been lodged with the Darjeeling police station.
CID undertakes Sibchu probe
PTI: After Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee persuaded the GJM leaders for CID inquiry in Sibchu firing, the department today undertook the investigation. In February, three GJM supporters were killed near Sibchu in Jalpaiguri district after the the police opened fire at the agitators.
TH, KOLKATA: The West Bengal Government has instructed the State Criminal Investigation Department to probe the police firing at Sipchu in the Dooars region of North Bengal on February 8 in which three supporters of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) were killed.
In its reaction to the move, the GJM leadership that has been seeking an investigation by the Criminal Bureau of Investigation into the firing said that what it sought is “justice”.
“We should get justice,” GJM general secretary Roshan Giri told The Hindu over telephone from Darjeeling on Monday.
According to the local authorities, the police had to resort to firing on being attacked by GJM supporters who had assembled at Sipchu with the intent of marching into the Dooars region in Jalpaiguri district violating prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC which were in force in some areas there.
The firing had led to GJM supporters going on the rampage, attacking State-run forest bungalows and State vehicles in the Darjeeling hills the following day. The GJM had also called for an indefinite bandh which was withdrawn later that month.
Earlier this month a delegation of GJM leaders led by its president Bimal Gurung had met Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and reiterated its demand for a CBI probe into the firing which it described as unprovoked.
“We have been demanding a CBI investigation into the incident but the Chief Minister had told us to have faith in the CID,” Mr Giri recalled.
Road death
TT, Balurghat: One person was killed and three were injured when the car they were travelling in rammed into a stationary bus near Raghunathpur around 8.30pm on Monday. Police said the deceased had been identified as Ujjal Siddhanta, 26, a resident of Chakbhrigu. The injured have been admitted to the Balurghat district hospital.
Tea talks
TT, Siliguri: The joint labour commissioner of Siliguri will hold a meeting with the representatives of 36 trade unions that constitute the Coordination Committee of the Tea Plantation Workers, the Defence Committee for Plantation Workers’ Rights and the representatives of the Adivasi Vikas Parishad-backed Progressive Tea Workers’ Union in Siliguri on Tuesday. Issues like wage revision for the workers of the Dooars and the Terai gardens would be discussed at the meeting.
Clash injuries
TT, Cooch Behar: Two persons were injured when two groups of Trinamul Congress supporters fought over the sharing of party posts in the Dinhata subdivision on Sunday night. The injured persons have been admitted to the Dinhata subdivisional hospital. Six persons have been arrested in this connection, police said.
Political prisoners
TT, Calcutta, June 20: A government committee has recommended that 84 political prisoners be granted bail.
The committee was set up by the Mamata Banerjee government to review the status of political prisoners.
Undertrials who are behind bars can apply for the status of political prisoners so that the review committee looks into their cases, a member said.
This includes those arrested under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, he added.
“Around 267 applications submitted for grant of political-prisoner status are pending,” Justice (retd) Moloy Sengupta, chairperson of the committee, said.
Idol in India then, double-bill hero in Nepal now - Darjeeling boy who won talent race is set for twin movie releases in neighbouring country this week
IMRAN AHMED SIDDIQUI, TT, New Delhi, June 20: In the unlikely event of Mamata Banerjee and Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee hitting movie halls in Nepal this week, they will find a common factor in not one but two love stories unfolding on the screens.
The lead actor in both movies will be Prashant Tamang, whose tour of duty in uniform once took him to the homes of the current and former chief ministers of Bengal.
That was before the Calcutta police constable became Indian Idol 3 in 2007 and embarked on a movie-worthy journey that has taken him to the dream merchants of the Himalayan nation.
With lead roles in two romantic movies — Angaalo Yo Maya Ko and Kina Maya Ma — that are due for release on June 24 across Nepal, Prashant is unlikely to be able to find time to slip back into his uniform in a hurry, though he misses the force.
“Although I would love to keep my association with Calcutta police for ever, my life has taken a completely different turn,” Prashant, who’s busy promoting his films, told The Telegraph over the phone.
Angaalo Yo Maya Ko translates as “the embrace of love” and Kina Maya Ma as “why in love”. “Both are romantic films based on love stories and I play the lead characters. I would love both to become blockbusters,” said Prashant, an ethnic Nepali Indian from Tungsung village in Darjeeling.
The 28-year-old is looking ahead to “producing a film” on his stint as a constable. “This will be my way of paying tribute to the force,” he said, recalling the days he spent on duty outside the homes of Mamata, now chief minister, and the man she unseated, Bhattacharjee.
“I used to carry a transistor with me during night duty outside Raj Bhavan. I used to listen to songs and then practise and my colleagues used to make fun of me. But later they started respecting my love for music and encouraged me. That was how I practised before I was inducted into the police band,” Prashant said.
If the talent show launched the young man, it also sowed the seeds of a new party that now controls the Darjeeling hills.
In 2007, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha was born after its president Bimal Gurung cashed in on the strong anti-Subash Ghisingh sentiment that swept through the hills during the campaign to help Prashant win the contest.
The GNLF chief had refused to publicly back Prashant even as the entire Gorkha community in Bengal and across the country put its collective might behind the singer.
Life for the Shah Rukh Khan fan took a dramatic turn after he won the contest in September 2007 and bagged a Rs 1-crore music contract with Sony.
He became a celebrity in Nepal and started performing at live shows overseas, especially in West Asia, before joining the Nepali film industry in 2009. His debut film Gorkha Paltan, in which he played the lead character, was a hit last year in Nepal.
But it hasn’t always been easy for the singer, who got his job with Calcutta police in 2002 after his father Madan Tamang, a constable with the traffic department, died.
Prashant hasn’t forgotten those days. “My job as a constable with Calcutta police means a lot to me. It’s a very emotional thing as I got the job because of my father’s death. And what I am today is because of the support from my department and that’s why I don’t want to quit,” Prashant said.
For now, however, Prashant is on special leave. “I have been on special leave since 2007, which means no work and no pay. The salary is not important. I hope the department will support me as it has done in the past,” he said.
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 20 जून। कालेबुङको एक च्यानलमा नै मोर्चा विधायक डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले सुवास घिसिङले यस्तो अवस्था निर्माण गरेको छ कि अहिलेसुवास घिसिङले गोर्खाल्याण्ड त के नगरपालिका चलाउने क्षमता पनि गोर्खाहरूमा छैन भनेका थिए भने आज फेरि अर्को एक च्यानलसित कुराकानी गर्दै आफूले भनेको कुराको आशयलाई मिडियाले बङ्ग्याएर प्रचार गरेको सोझो आरोप लगाएका छन्। तिनले गोर्खाहरूले गोर्खाल्याण्ड चलाउन नसक्ने कुरा भन्दै नभनेको कुरा पनि सजिलै भने। मोर्चाको दिल्ली र डुवर्स शाखाहरूले जुन विरोध गरिरहेका छन् त्यसमाथि पनि टिप्पणी गर्दै भनेका छन्, यदि विरोध गर्नेहरू मोर्चाको हो भने, मोर्चाको केन्द्रिय समिति छ, त्यहॉं सोध्नुपर्छ। नसोधी यदि विरोध गर्दैछ भने उनीहरू मोर्चाको होइन। मोर्चालाई कसरी, कहॉंबाट बद्नाम गर्न सकिन्छ भनेर मौका हेर्नेहरू हुन्।
तिनले जसले दार्जीलिङ बाहिर जसले पनि विरोध गरिरहेका छन्, उनीहरूले कुरै नबुझी विरोध गरिरहेको बताउँदै भने, अनुशासनबाहिर रहेर टिप्पणी गर्नेहरूलाई अध्यक्षले अनुशासनात्मक कार्वाही गरिसकेका छन्। दिल्लीको गोजमुमो आन्दोलन हुँदा जन्तरमन्तरमा धर्ना दिने मात्र हो, उनीहरूलाई आन्दोलन कहॉं पुग्यो थाहा छैन। तिनले 16 जूनको दिन राज्यपालको सम्भाषणको जवाबमा राज्यपालले हुन गइरहेको व्यवस्थालाई टेन्टेटिभ सोल्यूसन भनेकोले आफूले जोरदार स्वागत गरेको जनाउँदै तिनले भने, मैले भनेको छु, यो फाइनल होइन। फाइनल त जब गोर्खाहरूको चिन्हारी बन्छ, तब हुन्छ। यसलाई विधानसभामा सबैले करतल ध्वनीले स्वागत जनाएका छन्।
अर्कोतिर डुवर्सबाट भइरहेको विरोधमाथि पनि तिनले टिप्पणी राख्दै जसले विरोध गरिरहेका छन्, तिनी आन्दोलन हुँदा नरहेको अनि फरवरीमा मात्र मोर्चामा आएको बताउँदै भने, विरोध गर्न अघि कुरा बुझ्नुपर्छ। केन्द्रिय कमिटीलाई सोध्नुपर्छ। यसरी विरोध हुनुमा मिडियाले पनि भूमिका खेलेको छ। मैले भनेका कुराहरूलाई कॉंटछॉंट गरेर देखाइयो। कानून, प्रशासन केही पनि नबुझ्नेहरूले मात्र टिप्पणी गरेको तिनले ठोकुवा पनि गरे। च्यानललाई तिनले बारम्बार नै बताए, मोर्चाले जुन व्यवस्था थाप्छ, त्यो नै अन्तिम होइन। अहिलेसम्म जुन जुन कुरामा कुरा मिलेको थिएन, त्यसमाथि सहमति भएको बताउँदै भने, घिसिङले दागोपापमा आन्दोलन ड्रप गरे अनि छैटौं अनुसूचीले फुल एण्ड फाइनल।
मोर्चाको सम्झौताको शुरूमा नै लेखिनेछ, यो सम्झौताले आन्दोलनलाई कुनै बाधा गर्ने छैन। यो संवैधानिक व्यवस्था होइन। संवैधानिक भनेको फुल एण्ड फाइनल हो। मोर्चा गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति प्रतिबद्ध छ, यसकारण संवैधानिक व्यवस्था नथापेको हो। तिनले यो व्यवस्थाको मियादबारे कुरा नभएको अनि अब त्यसबारे कुरा हुने जनाए। तिनले भने, यो व्यवस्था समयबद्ध हुनेछ। सीमाना पहिले तय हुन्छ। अहिले दुवैपक्षबाट खेस्रा बनाउने काम हुँदैछ। हिजो केन्द्रिय समितिले यसै विषयमा चर्चा गर्यो। हामीले जुन खेस्रा बनाएका छौं, त्यो तर्कसंगत हुनेछ। यदि सरकारले बनाएको खेस्रा दागोपाप जस्तै हामीलाई भुलाउने छ भने थाप्दैनौं। केस्राहरू हेर्ने काम हुन्छ, यदि जनताले चाहेको कुरा भएन भने थाप्दैनौं।
हामीसित जनमत छँदैछ, त्यसैलाई प्रयोग गरेर आन्दोलन गर्नेछौं। अर्कोतिर बङ्गालले मोर्चाको कुनै विधायकलाई मन्त्रीमण्डलमा सामेल गर्नेबारे गरेको अफरबारे तिनले भने, यस सम्बन्धमा अध्यक्षले नै निर्णय गर्नेछन्। लिने हो होइन, अध्यक्षले जे भन्छन् त्यही हुनेछ। आविपको सन्दर्भमा तिनले भने, आविप सम्पूर्ण आदिवासीहरूको होइन, सानो समुहको झुण्ड मात्र हो। विरसा तिर्कीलाई अशोक भट्टाचार्यले चलाइरहेका छन्। आविपले विरोध गरेपनि आविप अथोरिटी होइन। सीमाङ्कनबारे केन्द्र र राज्यले तय गर्छ। आदिवासीहरू अध्यक्षकोमा आइरहेका छन्, हामी पनि सीमानामा पस्न चहान्छौं भनिरहेका छन्। आविपले भनेर केही हुँदैन।
Pawan hans resumed
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok, 20 June:After a gap of almost 50 days and since the demise of Arunachal Pradesh Chief Minister in a Pawan Hans chopper crash, Pawan Hans finally resumes service in Gangtok from yesterday. On Monday first commercial flight takes off for Bagdogra at 11.45 from Burtuk Helipad.

Now the tourists have more options to enjoy the aerial view of Gangtok. Pawan Hans Gangtok will be providing the tourists with one joy ride in a day and three shuttle services to Bagdogra. However STDC, it is informed will decide how many hours the pilots need to fly. To prevent the pilots the fatigue caused by continuous flying, theu\y are as pr STDC instructions are allowed to fly for limited hours only as it enhances efficiency. Manager operations Pradhan said that the helipad is now 100% ewuipped for andy untoward fire incidents with the availability of carbon dioxide of 45 kg BCF 30 kg and backup water tank of 1000 liters.
It may be added here has started pawan hans facility for the past 13 years for the tourists and people traveling to Siliguri, Bagdogra.
प्रोफेसनल शिकारी पक्राउ -रगत जॉंचमा पठाइयो
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,20 जून। शिकार गरेर पेटपालो गर्ने अथवा शिकार गरेर गाउँमा मासु बेच्ने एक प्रोफेसनल शिकारीलाई बनविभागले पक्राउ गरेको छ। धेरै दिनदेखि गरेको शंकाको आधारमा पक्रापरेका शिकारी नेउरा रेञ्ज अन्तर्गत पर्ने सामसिङ फारीका गोरखबहादुर छेत्री हुन्। 60 वर्षीय बताइएको छेत्रीसित पक्राउ परेकोबेला मासु बोक्ने झोला र रगत लागेको प्लास्टिक भेटिएको थियो।
बीट अफिसर सुजाता गुरूङ अनुसार नेउरा रेञ्जमा जङ्गली पशुहरूको शिकार गर्ने गुट निक्कै सक्रिय छ। हिजो मात्र जङ्गलमा दुइवटा बन्दुक भेटिएको थियो। बन्दुक भेटिएपछि शंका रहेकाहरूको विरूद्धमा जलढका थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता पनि गरिएको छ। मुख्य गरी मृग मारेर गोरख धन्धा चलाइरहेका गोरखबहादुर छेत्रीलाई पनि धेरै दिनदेखि शंका गरिएको थियो। अघिल्लो दिन मात्र तिनले मृग मारेर बेचेको शंका गरिएको छ। रेञ्ज अफिसर सहदेव एस. गिरीले भने, जुन रगत लागेको प्लास्टिक छेत्रीबाट बरामद् भएको छ, त्यो रगत मृगको हो कि होइन भनेर बुझ्न वाइल्ड लाइफ इन्स्टिट्यूट हरिद्वारमा जॉंच्न पठाइएको छ। छेत्री आफैले पनि मृगको रगत रहेको कुरा स्वीकार गरिसकेका छन्। तिनलाई वाइल्ड लाइफ प्रोटेक्ट एक्ट अनुसार मुद्दा लगाइएको छ। आज तिनलाई कोर्टमा पनि उभ्याइयो। तिनलाई एसएपीको सहयोगमा पक्राउ गरिएको पनि तिनले जनाएका छन्।
36-yr-old shot dead
TT, Darjeeling, June 20: A 36-year-old resident of Old Kutchery Road was shot dead near his house around 10.15pm yesterday.
The deceased, Navin Gurung, is the son-in-law of former GNLF municipality vice-chairperson Manikala Lama. A senior police officer said: “We do not think that the murder was politically motivated. Gurung was earlier with the GNLF but had later switched over to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha. He was not politically active at the moment.”
The police said five men had followed Gurung while he was on his way to his house on Old Kutchery Road from Patlabas, 5km from here. When Gurung was near his house, the men called out his name and shot him. They suspect a .9mm revolver was used to kill Gurung. A compliant has been lodged with the Darjeeling police station.
CID undertakes Sibchu probe
PTI: After Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee persuaded the GJM leaders for CID inquiry in Sibchu firing, the department today undertook the investigation. In February, three GJM supporters were killed near Sibchu in Jalpaiguri district after the the police opened fire at the agitators.
TH, KOLKATA: The West Bengal Government has instructed the State Criminal Investigation Department to probe the police firing at Sipchu in the Dooars region of North Bengal on February 8 in which three supporters of the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) were killed.
In its reaction to the move, the GJM leadership that has been seeking an investigation by the Criminal Bureau of Investigation into the firing said that what it sought is “justice”.
“We should get justice,” GJM general secretary Roshan Giri told The Hindu over telephone from Darjeeling on Monday.
According to the local authorities, the police had to resort to firing on being attacked by GJM supporters who had assembled at Sipchu with the intent of marching into the Dooars region in Jalpaiguri district violating prohibitory orders under Section 144 CrPC which were in force in some areas there.
The firing had led to GJM supporters going on the rampage, attacking State-run forest bungalows and State vehicles in the Darjeeling hills the following day. The GJM had also called for an indefinite bandh which was withdrawn later that month.
Earlier this month a delegation of GJM leaders led by its president Bimal Gurung had met Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee and reiterated its demand for a CBI probe into the firing which it described as unprovoked.
“We have been demanding a CBI investigation into the incident but the Chief Minister had told us to have faith in the CID,” Mr Giri recalled.
Road death
TT, Balurghat: One person was killed and three were injured when the car they were travelling in rammed into a stationary bus near Raghunathpur around 8.30pm on Monday. Police said the deceased had been identified as Ujjal Siddhanta, 26, a resident of Chakbhrigu. The injured have been admitted to the Balurghat district hospital.
Tea talks
TT, Siliguri: The joint labour commissioner of Siliguri will hold a meeting with the representatives of 36 trade unions that constitute the Coordination Committee of the Tea Plantation Workers, the Defence Committee for Plantation Workers’ Rights and the representatives of the Adivasi Vikas Parishad-backed Progressive Tea Workers’ Union in Siliguri on Tuesday. Issues like wage revision for the workers of the Dooars and the Terai gardens would be discussed at the meeting.
Clash injuries
TT, Cooch Behar: Two persons were injured when two groups of Trinamul Congress supporters fought over the sharing of party posts in the Dinhata subdivision on Sunday night. The injured persons have been admitted to the Dinhata subdivisional hospital. Six persons have been arrested in this connection, police said.
Political prisoners
TT, Calcutta, June 20: A government committee has recommended that 84 political prisoners be granted bail.
The committee was set up by the Mamata Banerjee government to review the status of political prisoners.
Undertrials who are behind bars can apply for the status of political prisoners so that the review committee looks into their cases, a member said.
This includes those arrested under the Unlawful Activities Prevention Act, he added.
“Around 267 applications submitted for grant of political-prisoner status are pending,” Justice (retd) Moloy Sengupta, chairperson of the committee, said.
Idol in India then, double-bill hero in Nepal now - Darjeeling boy who won talent race is set for twin movie releases in neighbouring country this week
IMRAN AHMED SIDDIQUI, TT, New Delhi, June 20: In the unlikely event of Mamata Banerjee and Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee hitting movie halls in Nepal this week, they will find a common factor in not one but two love stories unfolding on the screens.
The lead actor in both movies will be Prashant Tamang, whose tour of duty in uniform once took him to the homes of the current and former chief ministers of Bengal.
That was before the Calcutta police constable became Indian Idol 3 in 2007 and embarked on a movie-worthy journey that has taken him to the dream merchants of the Himalayan nation.
With lead roles in two romantic movies — Angaalo Yo Maya Ko and Kina Maya Ma — that are due for release on June 24 across Nepal, Prashant is unlikely to be able to find time to slip back into his uniform in a hurry, though he misses the force.
“Although I would love to keep my association with Calcutta police for ever, my life has taken a completely different turn,” Prashant, who’s busy promoting his films, told The Telegraph over the phone.
Angaalo Yo Maya Ko translates as “the embrace of love” and Kina Maya Ma as “why in love”. “Both are romantic films based on love stories and I play the lead characters. I would love both to become blockbusters,” said Prashant, an ethnic Nepali Indian from Tungsung village in Darjeeling.
The 28-year-old is looking ahead to “producing a film” on his stint as a constable. “This will be my way of paying tribute to the force,” he said, recalling the days he spent on duty outside the homes of Mamata, now chief minister, and the man she unseated, Bhattacharjee.
“I used to carry a transistor with me during night duty outside Raj Bhavan. I used to listen to songs and then practise and my colleagues used to make fun of me. But later they started respecting my love for music and encouraged me. That was how I practised before I was inducted into the police band,” Prashant said.
If the talent show launched the young man, it also sowed the seeds of a new party that now controls the Darjeeling hills.
In 2007, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha was born after its president Bimal Gurung cashed in on the strong anti-Subash Ghisingh sentiment that swept through the hills during the campaign to help Prashant win the contest.
The GNLF chief had refused to publicly back Prashant even as the entire Gorkha community in Bengal and across the country put its collective might behind the singer.
Life for the Shah Rukh Khan fan took a dramatic turn after he won the contest in September 2007 and bagged a Rs 1-crore music contract with Sony.
He became a celebrity in Nepal and started performing at live shows overseas, especially in West Asia, before joining the Nepali film industry in 2009. His debut film Gorkha Paltan, in which he played the lead character, was a hit last year in Nepal.
But it hasn’t always been easy for the singer, who got his job with Calcutta police in 2002 after his father Madan Tamang, a constable with the traffic department, died.
Prashant hasn’t forgotten those days. “My job as a constable with Calcutta police means a lot to me. It’s a very emotional thing as I got the job because of my father’s death. And what I am today is because of the support from my department and that’s why I don’t want to quit,” Prashant said.
For now, however, Prashant is on special leave. “I have been on special leave since 2007, which means no work and no pay. The salary is not important. I hope the department will support me as it has done in the past,” he said.
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