आर्थिक सम्पन्नलाई चिन्हारीको संकट नरहेको विधायकको दाबी
यो व्यवस्थामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्द पनि हालेका छौं-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,11 जून।गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाका प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री अनुसार जो जो सम्पन्न छन् उनीहरूलाई देशमा चिह्नारीको संकट हुँदैन। तिनी कालेबुङको एक नीजि च्यानलसित कुराकानी गरिरहेका थिए। तिनले भने, जुन व्यवस्थाको निम्ति सम्झौता हुने भएको छ, यो कहॉंनेर नराम्रो छ? खोलमात्र छैन, यहॉं सबथोक छ। यसमा हामीले गोर्खाल्याण्ड शब्द पनि हालेका छौं। हामीलाई लाग्छ, पॉंचवर्ष काम गरेर हामी गोर्खाल्याण्ड चलाउन सक्छौं भन्ने सन्देश दिन सक्नेछौं।
सम्झौतामा बाटो राखिएको छ, यसमा जुन व्यवस्था छ, यसले आन्दोलनलाई बाधा गर्दैन भनेर लेख्नेछौं, प्रस्तावमा त लेखिसकेका छौं। यसमा यति धेरै कुरा छन्, कि जनताले चाहेको सबै कुरा यसले पुरा गर्नेछ। अहिले चिन्हारीको कुरा उठिरहेको छ, वास्तवमा आर्थिक सम्पन्नलाई चिह्नारीको संकट पर्दैन। तिनले मोर्चाले जुन व्यवस्था ल्याइरहेको छ, यसमा जनता खुशी रहेको किटान मात्र गरेनन्, यसलाई नै धोका मानेर कुनै पनि शक्ति समेत अघि आउन नसक्ने बताउँदै भने, हामी यति काम गर्नेछौं, सबै सम्पन्न हुनेछन्, तब फेरि पनि आन्दोलन गर्नुपर्ने आवश्यकता नै पर्दैन। अर्कोतिर जनताको आकांक्षा पुरा भएन भने जनता सड़कमा उत्रने कुरालाई स्वीकार्दै तर यसपल्ट भने यस्तो हुने नसक्ने आत्मविश्वास तिनले प्रकट गरे। सीमाङ्कनको रिपोर्ट बुझाइञ्जेलको निम्ति यो व्यवस्थालाई अस्थायीरूपले विधायक अनि राज्य सरकारका दुइ प्रतिनिधिहहरूले चलाउने अनि 6 महिनापछि भने यसैलाई स्थायी गरिने तिनले एकातिर स्पष्ट पारे भने अर्कोतिर तिनले व्यवस्था स्थायी होइन, विभागहरू मात्र स्थायी रहने दोधारे कुरा पनि गरे।
तिनले भने, 24 वटा विभाग छ,स्टेटले रुल गर्ने जुन पावर छ, त्यही यहॉं छ, नाम मात्र राज्य छैन। तर 80 प्रतिशत गोर्खाल्याण्ड नै हो, 20 प्रतिशत मात्र बङ्गाल हो।
तिनले यही व्यवस्था ल्याउने हो भने किन गोर्खाल्याण्ड भनेको हो त मोर्चाले?भन्ने प्रश्नको उत्तरमा भने, पानीको निम्ति भनेको भए, जनता मोर्चामा आउने थिएन, नोकरीको लागि भनेको भए पनि कसैले सहयोग गर्ने थिएन, बिजुलीको निम्ति भनेको भए आउँथेनन्, यसकारण गोर्खाल्याण्ड नै त भन्नुपर्यो। तर अहिले मोर्चालाई कतिले जनतालाई मिसलिड गर्यो भन्दैछन्, म उनीहरूलाई भन्छु, क्षमता छ भने जाउ जनतामा, सम्झाउ र लिड गर। जनता त यो व्यवस्थामा खुशी छन्, किन भने उनीहरूलाई यसबारेमा मोर्चाले बुझाउँदै आएको हो। तिनले अझ भने, अब पनि आन्दोलन भयो भने सबै आउन सक्दैनन्, यसै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको कुरा लङ प्रोसेसको कुरा हो, हामी सानो छौं, कति प्रेसर गर्न सक्छौ र? अहिले गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनै पर्छ भन्नेहरू देख्दा माया लाग्छ, उनीहरूलाई थाहै छैन कि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति के, कसरी काम गर्नुपर्छ।
तिनले यही व्यवस्था ल्याउने हो भने किन गोर्खाल्याण्ड भनेको हो त मोर्चाले?भन्ने प्रश्नको उत्तरमा भने, पानीको निम्ति भनेको भए, जनता मोर्चामा आउने थिएन, नोकरीको लागि भनेको भए पनि कसैले सहयोग गर्ने थिएन, बिजुलीको निम्ति भनेको भए आउँथेनन्, यसकारण गोर्खाल्याण्ड नै त भन्नुपर्यो। तर अहिले मोर्चालाई कतिले जनतालाई मिसलिड गर्यो भन्दैछन्, म उनीहरूलाई भन्छु, क्षमता छ भने जाउ जनतामा, सम्झाउ र लिड गर। जनता त यो व्यवस्थामा खुशी छन्, किन भने उनीहरूलाई यसबारेमा मोर्चाले बुझाउँदै आएको हो। तिनले अझ भने, अब पनि आन्दोलन भयो भने सबै आउन सक्दैनन्, यसै पनि छुट्टैराज्यको कुरा लङ प्रोसेसको कुरा हो, हामी सानो छौं, कति प्रेसर गर्न सक्छौ र? अहिले गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनै पर्छ भन्नेहरू देख्दा माया लाग्छ, उनीहरूलाई थाहै छैन कि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति के, कसरी काम गर्नुपर्छ।
हामी यत्रो समर्थन पाएर पनि शासन चलाउनेहरूको सामु तोरी गेंडा जत्रो छौं। तिनले मोर्चाले पनि कल्पनै नगरेको कुरा पाइएको पनि दोहोर्याए। डा.छेत्रीले स्पष्ट पारेका छन् कि अहिलेसम्म जुन वार्ता भयो यसैको निम्ति भयो। यी डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री तिनै हुन् जसले वार्तामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड बाहेक कुनै कुरा नभएको दाबी गर्थे। तिनी अहिले भन्छन्, बेकारीहरूले काम पायो,पढ्नेले राम्रो कलेज पायो, बाटो,पानी,बिजुली पुर्जापट्टा पायो, त्यो बाहेक अरू के खोज्नु, गोर्खाल्याण्ड भनेकै त यही हो।
पैसा नै चिन्हारी?
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,11 जून। गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको माग केवल दार्जीलिङको जनताको निम्ति मात्र मागिएको थियो त? यो प्रश्न अहिले उठिरहेको छ। असम, देहरादुन,कलकता, दिल्ली मात्र होइन देशका सबैभागबाट गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति यसकारण सहयोग गरिएको थिएन कि दार्जीलिङका जनतालाई दुख छ र उनीहरूलाई धेरै पैसा र विकास योजना देओस्, यसकारण सहयोग गरेको थियो कि भारतभरिका गोर्खाहरूको मूल थलो वा राज्य छ भनेर देखाउने ठॉंउ होस्। गोर्खाहरू जहॉं जहॉं पनि छन्, सम्पन्न छन्। अहिलेको जमानामा दार्जीलिङमा मात्र अधिकांश यस्ता गोर्खाहरू छन्, जो सम्पन्न छैनन्।
पैसा नै चिन्हारी?
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,11 जून। गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको माग केवल दार्जीलिङको जनताको निम्ति मात्र मागिएको थियो त? यो प्रश्न अहिले उठिरहेको छ। असम, देहरादुन,कलकता, दिल्ली मात्र होइन देशका सबैभागबाट गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति यसकारण सहयोग गरिएको थिएन कि दार्जीलिङका जनतालाई दुख छ र उनीहरूलाई धेरै पैसा र विकास योजना देओस्, यसकारण सहयोग गरेको थियो कि भारतभरिका गोर्खाहरूको मूल थलो वा राज्य छ भनेर देखाउने ठॉंउ होस्। गोर्खाहरू जहॉं जहॉं पनि छन्, सम्पन्न छन्। अहिलेको जमानामा दार्जीलिङमा मात्र अधिकांश यस्ता गोर्खाहरू छन्, जो सम्पन्न छैनन्।
उनीहरू सम्पन्न नभएको कारण गोर्खाहरू अल्छे भएर होइन तर गोर्खा नेताहरू नै बिक्रि भएकोले उनीहरूलाई शोषकले गरीब बनाएका हुन्। न त कुनै विकासशील योजना कार्यान्वयन गर्यो न त कुनै रोजगारमुखी उध्योग नै बसालियो। पढ्यो, बस्यो। सुबास घिसिङले भनेकै छन्, पहाड़मा राम्रो शिक्षास्तर भयो भने आफ्नो आशन खोस्छ। यसकारण जे छ ठीकै छ। तर गोर्खाहरू केवल दार्जीलिङमा मात्र छैनन्। गोर्खाहरू सङ्घर्षशील भएकोले देशमा मात्र होइन विदेशभरि सम्पन्नरूपले काम गरिरहेका छन्। यस्ता प्रतिशत पनि राम्रै छ, जसले तल्लो दर्जाका कामहरू गरिरहेका छन् अनि उनीहरू गरीबी रेखामुनी छन्। दार्जीलिङमा सबै गरीब पनि छैनन्, धेर जस्तो नै सम्पन्न छन्। तरै पनि उनीहरूले किन देशमा गोर्खाहरूको चिह्नारी सुरक्षित गर्न छुट्टै राज्य भनिरहेका छन्?
अहिले यही कुरामा अन्तरक्रिया हुनुपर्ने अवस्था देखापरेको छ। किन भने मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले मात्र होइन धेरैले नै सम्पन्न भए, राम्रो काम गरे चिन्हारी बन्ने कुरा गरिरहेका छन्। उनीहरूले के सही भनिरहेका छन्? यहीं बहसको आवश्यकता देखापरेका छ।
अहिले यही कुरामा अन्तरक्रिया हुनुपर्ने अवस्था देखापरेको छ। किन भने मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले मात्र होइन धेरैले नै सम्पन्न भए, राम्रो काम गरे चिन्हारी बन्ने कुरा गरिरहेका छन्। उनीहरूले के सही भनिरहेका छन्? यहीं बहसको आवश्यकता देखापरेका छ।
यसैक्रममा कालेबुङमा निक्कै मानिएका शिक्षाविद् पी.आर.प्रधानले पनि आज संवाद माध्यमलाई भने, चिन्हारी भनेको राम्रो काम गरेपछि बनिहाल्छ नी, मोर्चाले जे कुरा ल्याएको छ, त्यो धेरै राम्रो छ। यसैलाई राम्रोसित चलाएर देखाउनुपर्छ। तिनले यससम्बन्धमा प्रतिक्रिया गर्नेहरू समेतलाई भने, प्रतिक्रिया गर्नेहरूको मानसिकता नै प्रतिक्रिया गर्ने हुन्छ। यता सी.के.श्रेष्ठले पनि भने, चिन्हारी भनेको देशको शासन प्रणालीभित्र गोर्खाहरूको भागिदारी हुनु भनेको हो। त्यो त्यतिबेला हुन्छ जतिबेला राज्य हुन्छ। राज्य भएपछि देशको शाषण प्रणालीभित्र भागिदारी हुन्छ। देशको नीति निर्माणमा गोर्खाहरूको सहभागिता हुन्छ। अहिलेसम्म यो सहभागितामा गोर्खाहरूलाई सामेल गरिएको छैन। किन भने गोर्खाहरूलाई देशको मूलस्रोतबाट बाहिर राखिएको छ।
अहिले छुट्टैराज्य के को निम्ति मागिएको हो भन्ने कुरा नै स्पष्ट नभएकोले स्वार्थ र फाइदा मात्र हेर्ने काम भइरहेको भए पनि समयले यस्ताहरूलाई इतिहासमा कालो पोतेर राख्ने पनि तिनले बताए। यता मोर्चाले पैसा नै चिन्हारी भन्ने किसिमको प्रचार प्रसार पनि गरिरहेको छ। के हो त चिन्हारीको सवाल? कति जना भन्छन सम्पन्न भए चिन्हारी बनिन्छ। खुकुरी उचालेर बनेको बीर गोर्खाली नै चिन्हारी हो त? किन प्रशान्त तामङलाई दरवान भन्दा गोर्खाहरूलाई मन दुख्छ? किन गोर्खाहरू पनि केही हुन् भनेर देशलाई देखाउन प्रशान्त तामङलाई भोट हाल्न सबै निस्कन्छन्? किन भारतका गोर्खाहरूलाई तिमी त नेपालको हो भनेर आक्षेप आउँछ? किन गोर्खाहरूलाई विदेशी भनिन्छ अनि किन त्यसको विरोध हुन्छ? यी जम्मै प्रश्नहरूलाई अघि राखेर जनबहसको खॉंचो अहिले देखापरेको छ।
Tarundeep Rai gets NEC awardPrabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, June 10: Ace archer from Sikkim, Tarundeep Rai will be among those nineteen sports persons from the Northeastern region to be presented with a cash award from the North Eastern Council (NEC) during its 60th plenary meet on June 16 at New Delhi.
The meet will be chaired by DoNER minister and NEC chairman BK Handique, a press release informs.
Rai will be receiving the NEC Chairman’s sports award for excellence for winning a bronze during the Delhi Commonwealth Games 2010 and a silver medal during the Asian Games 2010. The award is given to medalists from the Northeast in recognition of their achievements and also for encouraging promising athletes from the region.
SFI dissolved into TCP
KalimNews:SFI unit of Siliguri College changed their affiliation to Trinmul Congress and joined Trinmul Chhatra Parishad. Siliguri College Union is believed to be the largest union amongst the North Begal colleges. The ruling Students union of the college now goes to TCP which may impact other colleges too. CPM leader arrested, pistol, magazines seized
TNN , Jun 12, 2011, JALPAIGURI: Jalpaiguri police on Saturday arrested a CPM leader from Milan Palli under Ambari police outpost after they found a 9mm pistol and two magazines from his possession.
Ranjit Mondol is a member of Rajganj zonal committee and his wife, Prabhabati is the Pradhan of CPM run Mantadari Gram Panchayat. Locals claimed that Mondol was a terror in the area and often used to threaten people with dire consequences whoever tried to raise his voice against him.
"We had several times informed police about his atrocities, but no step was taken. We are thankful to the cops that at last they paid heed to our appeal and raided his house. We believe that there are many more weapons in his possession," a local said.
On Saturday evening a police team accompanied by paramilitary jawans reached Milan Palli under the leadership of Jalpaiguri Additional SP, Santosh Pandey, and recovered the pistol and the cartridges from Mondol's pond. The weapon was found from the pond. Another person, Sudhanshu Bikram, who is said to be a close aide of Mondol has also been detained.
GJM’s territory demand worries Bhutan
Nirmalya Banerjee,TOI, June 11, KOLKATA: Bhutan is watching with some concern the negotiations with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) on additional territories in the Dooars for inclusion in the proposed hill council. For, the hill council may now extend to the gateways to Bhutan.
By the usual definition the Dooars comprises the foothills of the Himalayas, extending from Teesta river in the west to Sankosh river in the east, in-cluded in the Jalpaiguri district. The areas demanded by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha in Dooars are understood to be spread over Kalchini, Madarihat-Birpara, Dhupguri-Banarhat, Nagrakata, Meteli and Mal blocks.
In this area, only the Mal and the Meteli blocks have Darjeeling district on the north. From Jiti river in Nagrakata block eastwards, the northern bor-der of this belt merges with the hills of Bhutan. By contrast, the Terai area extending from Mechi river in the west to Teesta in the east, which is also demanded by GJM, is contiguous to the hills of Darjeeling.
Dooars came to be known as such because the British had found 18 “doors” or entry points to Bhutan, from Nagrakata in the west to Udalguri in Assam in the east, along valleys of rivers flowing down from Bhutan, say Bhutan government sources. If the area becomes part of Gorkha hill council, the Bhutan government would have to deal with the council on many daily issues instead of the West Bengal government like at present.
Besides, the Nepali population in the belt is likely to increase. This would increase the possibility of illegal immigration into Bhutan, the border be-ing porous. Influence of Nepal Maoists in the Indo-Bhutan border area could also increase. Taking advantage of the population composition of the area, Maoists from Nepal could extend their presence to south Bhutan between 2000 and 2005.
According to the sources, people from Nepal started arriving in Bhutan in 1950 in search of employment. They were engaged in felling trees and sawing timber. The Border Roads Organization, too, brought in labourers from Nepal to work in road projects in Bhutan. Many of them settled down in Bhutan.
At one point, people of Nepalese origin comprised about 25 per cent of the population of Bhutan, the sources say, but in 1989-90, following a “struggle for establishment of democracy and human rights in Bhutan,” many of them had to leave. After 1990, the share of Nepalese-origin peo-ple in the total of Bhutan has come down to 15 per cent. Many people who had to leave Bhutan settled down in the adjoining Dooars area of Jalpaig-uri district, adding to the Nepali population in these areas.
This has led to anomalies like Kalchini block having a Nepali concentra-tion though geographically it is quite far from the Darjeeling hills. Gorkha Janmukti Morcha candidate Wilson Chapramari won in the Kalchini assembly seat.
Jaigaon, which is the main entry point to Thimpu via Phuentsholling, has a large Nepali concentration. In the other three assembly constituencies adjoining Bhutan border, however, Nagrakata, Madarihat and Kumargram, candi-dates of RSP and Congress won.
Bhutan has a large border with Assam also, from Sankosh river in the west to Udalguri in the east. This belt is Bodo-dominated and now is a part of the Bodoland Territorial Areas District.
“Between the Bodos and the eth-nic Bhutanese there is no tension as both the communities are original settlers in their land,” says a Bhutanese source.
Jainty forest bungalow gutted in midnight blaze
TNN, Jun 12, 2011, JALPAIGURI: The Jainty forest bungalow situated in the Buxa Tiger Reserve was completely gutted in the wee hours of Saturday. The old wooden structure situated on the bank of Jayanti river and surrounded by lush green forest and the blue Bhutan hills had been built during the British era. Preliminary investigation suggests that an electrical short-circuit might have been the reason.
"We rushed to the Jayanti Range office situated 275 km away when we saw the fire. The Alipurduar fire station situated 30 km from the site was informed. But the wooden structure was gutted by the time the two fire tenders arrived," said Biresh Sikdar, a local resident.
There were only two caretakers, who are absconding, in the bungalow at the time of incident. Smelling a foul play, locals and a section of foresters stated that money exceeding the required amount was extracted from the forest department for a renovation work in 2007. Now, with the political change in the state, those involved wanted to erase the documents that could have revealed the forgery, they alleged.
Seconding this thought, forest minister Hiten Burman, who visited the spot, said, "There was no tourist in the bungalow. So how did it catch fire due to short circuit? This needs to be probed properly. Our department has also started a separate inquiry."
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, June 11: The Sikkim Lok Sabha member and general secretary of North East MP’s Forum (NEMPF), PD Rai expressed his optimism that Centre will not retract its retrospective effect clause while levying service tax on the nascent tourism sector of the Northeastern region including Sikkim.
“We are hoping that the Union government in its wisdom will not take retrospective effect on service tax from the tourism sector of Northeastern region”, said the MP in an informal interaction with media persons today here at Gangtok.
Rai said that the Centre should give a relaxation of at least 2-3 years and train the tourism entrepreneurs on service tax system. “People are not willing to pay service tax but what they are want is time. Let them get used to service tax system. The entire Northeastern region will be affected. We will continue to fight on behalf of our tourism stakeholders”, he said.
The NEMPF general secretary informed that the forum has already discussed the issue. The Chief Minister has already written to the Finance Ministry backing the suggestions of tour operators and other service providers, he said.
The NEMPF has already communicated in writing with the Prime Minister, Dr Manmohan Singh, on the service tax issue. In their joint letter written on May 25 to the Prime Minister, NEMPF president Mukut Mithi and general secretary Birendra Prasad Baishya has urged the Union government not to tax the nascent tourism industry of the Northeastern region with service tax.
“A nascent industry is being taken advantage of. Young people are finding jobs in travel agencies, in transportation and in running hotels and guesthouses. This is not the time to tax them with service tax. Many of them do not even know how to keep books of accounts. Hence, there is a need to give a window about five years to prepare the young people”, said the NEMPF office bearers while highlighting the steady growth of tourism in the region.
“The interesting thing about this industry is that a lot of young people have been able to find gainful employment in a variety of opportunities. They are the ones who are taking to any form of violence but making tourism a livelihood option. Tourism can thrive in a peaceful environment and hence, young people understand this”, said the NEMPF. It also brought the attention of the Prime Minister towards the palpable anger amongst young tourism stakeholders on the introduction of service tax.
The forum has also pointed out the irrationality behind the retrospective effect on service tax.
“It is well understood that the tax is to be paid by the customers. However bookings have been made years in advance. It is therefore only justified that there is a deferment of this tax. Furthermore, because of this tax there is increased cost of visiting the NER which is anyway difficult to reach. There is a real fear of falling sale which is frustrating”.
“Hence, it is being seen as Misery Tax II”, said the NEMPF.
Misery would be an understatement to measure outraged feelings running high among tourism entrepreneurs of Sikkim who have, over the years, guided the State to a tourism boom.
Now the service tax and especially its retrospective effect could lead to a tourism bust in Sikkim, they said. They are particularly angry over the retrospective year being fixed as 2006 with the service tax pegged at 10.3 percent of turnover.
“The tour operators have been asked to pay service tax from 2006. We had no such system in Sikkim before and never collected service tax from our clients. Since we have not charged service tax, paying retrospective is out of question as the amount will run into lakhs of rupees. Certain tour operators of Sikkim are being singled out”, said one tour operator.
The tour operators here have already taken up the issue with DoNER minister BK Handique last September.
Another reason why tour operators in Sikkim and their counterparts in Northeastern region are seething with anger is the contrast on how the Centre is going about tackling the employment issue in the region. At one hand, the Centre is giving subsides in crores of rupees to industries for setting up their factories in the Northeast region and on the other hand, charging taxes to local entrepreneurs indirectly, they said.
NE boys in UTV
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, June 11: Evening rains are sure a spoilsport these days but here is a real headbanging reason to stay indoors on Sunday night. Northeastern region’s top rock act, Girish N The Chronicles (GNTC) will be on air tomorrow evening at UTV Bindass channel at 9 pm. Five original songs of the band will be telecasted during the show, informed band PR Shyam Pradhan.
Don’t miss our boys performing in a popular youth channel.
The songs to be telecasted by UTV Bindass channel have been picked from those songs of an upcoming full-fledged album of the GNTC. The present line up of the band, currently on tour, is like this-Yogesh Pradhan (bass guitar), Girish Pradhan (lead vocalist, guitars), Suraj Karki (lead guitar) and Nagen Mangrati (drums).
Just hope that GNTC outshouts the rain.
8 injured in taxi accident
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, GANGTOK, June 11: Eight people including the driver sustained injuries in various degrees after their taxi apparently suffered brake fail and slammed into a row of parked vehicles along the NH 31A at 5th Mile, Tadong today morning.
According to the victims, the taxi (SK04-8218) had lost control of its brake near Tadong police outpost while proceeding towards Adampool at around 5:30 am. The taxi was taking ten labourers from Lall Bazaar for a construction work at Adampool.
The driver, Feroz Ali shouted about brake failure and he tried to steer the vehicle into a vacant area but only managed to crash into a row of parked vehicles, said the injured labourers who were discharged after primary treatment at Central Referral Hospital.
Four vehicles including two taxis were damaged in the incident.
One labourer, Madan Chettri is said to have sustained serious injuries and he is still under medical treatment.
Police have taken statements from the victims and the case is under investigation.
महकुमा अधिकारीबाट पत्रकारहरूले खाए गाली
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज कालेबुङ, 11 जून। कालेबुङको नगरपालिकाले टिस्टामा नगरको मैला फ्यॉंकेको समाचार सम्प्रेषण गर्ने पत्रकारहरूलाई नगरपालिका अधिकारीले आज आक्रमक भाषामा हपारे। कालेबुङ नगरपालिकाले चारवर्षदेखि डम्पिङ बनाउन नसकेपछि मैला फ्यॉंक्ने ठाउँ कतै पाएन। अन्तमा गएर अहिलेसम्म टिस्टा नदीमा नगरको जम्मै मैला ट्रकमा लादेर फ्यॉंकीरहेको छ। भर्खर नै नगरपालिकाले नै नगर सफा गर्दै पर्यावरण दिवस मनायो तर त्यही नगरपलिकाले भने नगरभरिको मैला उठाएर टिस्टा नदीमा फ्यॉंकेपछि नगरपालिकाले पर्यावरणको कुरा गरेको हॉंस उठ्दो देखापरेको थियो। नगरपालिकाले टिस्टामा मैला फ्यॉंकेको खबर कालेबुङका पत्रकारहरूले बढ़ो प्राथमिकताको साथमा सम्प्रेषण गर्यो, किन भने नदीमा मैला फ्यॉंक्न कानूनीरूपले पनि ठीक होइन।
चारचार वर्षसम्म पनि डम्पिङ बनाउन नसक्नुको कार्य असफलताको दण्ड नदीलाई दिनु जस्तो मुर्ख काम अरू केही पनि होइन। अहिले जसले पनि किन टिस्टामा फ्यॉंकेर गलत काम गरेको भनेर नगरपालिकालाई सोध्यो भने, जवाब हुन्छ, कहॉं फ्यॉंक्नु त? तिमी देखाउन फ्यॉंक्ने ठाउँ। टिस्टा जो पर्यटन स्थलकोरूपमा पनि प्रख्यात त छँदैछ धार्मिकरूपले पनि यस नदीलाई पवित्र मानिन्छ। यस्तो नदीमा मैला फ्यॉंकनु राम्रो कुरा हुन नसक्ने भएपछि पत्रकारहरूले समाचार सम्प्रेषण त गरे, तर आज भने समाचार प्रकाशित गरेकोमा गाली भेटे।
कालेबुङ महकुमा अधिकारी चहान्छन् किन नगरपालिकाको कुनै पनि गलत कामबारे पत्रकारहरूले नलेखुन्, कुनै लोकल च्यानलहरूले नदेखाउन्। जुन गलत पक्षलाई उदाङ्गो पार्ने काम नै पत्रकारहहरूको दायित्व हुन्छ नगरपालिका अधिकारी चहान्छन्, पत्रकारहरू त्यही दायित्वबाट पर बसुन्। आज सोझै आक्षेप लगाउँदै महकुमा अधिकारीले टिस्टामा नगरको मैला फ्यॉंकेको समाचार छापेर अनि च्यानलहरूमा देखाएर के फाइदा भयो भन्ने प्रश्न पत्रकारहरूलाई तेर्साए। यति मात्र होइन तिनले अब नगरको मैला, जङ्गलतिर कही पनि नफ्यॉंकेर नगरमा नै एकहप्तासम्म राख्ने धम्की पनि दिए।
तिनले पत्रकारहरूलाई नै मैला फ्यॉंक्ने ठॉंउ देखाउनुपर्ने समेत बताए। तिनको काम पत्रकारहरूले गर्ने हो भने किन महकुमा अधिकारीको काम के? तिनले प्राथमिकता दिन नहुने समाचारलाई पत्रकारहरूले प्राथमिकता दिएको आरोप पनि लगाए। पत्रकारहरूले तिनलाई यस सम्बन्धमा क्रामाकपा अनि टिस्टावासीले दिएको ज्ञापनको आधारमा समाचार सम्प्रेषण गरेको स्पष्टिकरण दिए पनि तिनले उल्टै पत्रकारहरूलाई प्रश्न तेर्साउँदै भने, यो समाचार छापेर तिमीहरूले के पायौ? कहॉं सुनाम कमायौ? पत्रकारहरूलाई समस्याबारे अनि डम्पिङमा ढिल्याइ भइरहेको थाहा पाएको भए पनि किन यसलाई महत्व दिएको भन्ने प्रश्न पनि गरे। मुख्य गरी आज महकुमा अधिकारीले ट्राफिक समस्याबारे राजनैतिक दल, अराजनैतिक सङ्घसंस्था, पुलिस, चालक महासङ्घ तथा अन्यलाई ट्राफिक समस्यालाई लिएर बैठकमा बोलाएको थियो। पत्रकारहरू त्यसैको समाचार सङ्ग्रह गर्न गएका थिए। तिनले बैठक सम्बन्धमा टिप्पणी दिन त मानेन् नै उल्टो पत्रकारहरूलाई नै यसप्रकार गाली गरेका हुन्।
Visit of CM on day 14
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok,11 June: The fourteenth day of the Chief Ministers village to village tour started from sardung JHS under Maneybong Dentam Constituency. The programme started with the submission of demands to the Chief Minister by the panchayats on behalf of the people.The Chief Minister referring to the demands of the people said the demands of the peopleshall be sanctioned on the
basis of the need of the people but not on the interest of the individuals.
The Chief Minister sanctioned the Gurung Gumpa and a Mandir at Sardong and ethenic home stay at Sardung. Talking to the students at various places he urged them to be good citizens. Citing the example of Hitler, Osama bin Laden and Ravana the Chief Minister said that they were successful personality but they were not good people. But at the same time people like Mahatma Gandhi, Abraham Linchon were good people who changed the history of the world for better, he said.
The Chief Minister also talked about the Chief Ministers Meritorious Scholarship programme and other programmes of the state government in education sector and asked the students to study hard to take optimum benefit from the programmes of the government. The students have a big role to play in reconstructing the society for better for which they have to be very serious in their studies, he said.
The Chief Minister said that he was very much touched while interacting with the students of Pelling Senior Secondary School yesterday. The students are the future of the society who have to be given justice, the Chief Minister added. The Chief Minister was referring to the condition of the infrastructure of the school.
Reiterating his yesterdays declaration that a degree college shall be started at Gyalshing from this academic session, the Chief Minister asked the media persons to be very serious in reporting the facts and figures. The Chief Minister was referring to a news item reported in a local vernacular daily which had reported that College in Gyalshing shall be started from next year. In fact the Chief Minister had stated that College will be started at Gyalshing from this academic
In most of the places the Chief Minister went inside the shed meant for the public and had one to one interaction with the public. Meeting the public he asked them about their personal problems as well and assured them of every possible help from
the government. The Chief Minister seemed visibly pleased when the public openly interacted with him and even shared lighter moments with the old people and gave them patient hearing.
At a public function at Sarkitar under Gitang Karmatar GPU the Chief Minister was thanked by an ASHA worker for providing salary to them. The Chief Minister declared to construct a statue of Ban Jhakri at the Jhakri Dhunga on Maneybong Dentam Constituency. The Chief Minister said that the natural beauty of Uttarey, Jhakri Dhunga and adjoining areas has the potentiality of a hot ecotourism destination and the government will study on a proposal to explore the tourism potentiality of this area for the economic upliftment of the people.
During the day long tour the Chief Minister intreracted with the people of Maneybong Dentam Constituency at various places.
St Teressa won Hockey tourn
The tournament was organized by Darjeeling Hockey Association with a financial support of Darjeeling Police Department under the active initiative of Darjeeling Superintendent of Police, D P Singh. Seven Schools of Darjeeling participated in the tournament.(source: www.darjeelingtimes.com)
The Mamata story: Tea diplomacy, recce and a goof up
Banerjee, who holds the health portfolio, created a stir by suddenly descending there Tuesday, especially as her visit followed a series of surprise checks at leading city hospitals during which she had pulled up doctors and staff, and expressed dismay at the poor infrastructure.
The superintendent of a leading hospital was also placed under suspension for not cooperating with the chief minister who has laid top priority on improving services in state-run health facilities.
However, Banerjee shook off her image of a strict disciplinarian and employed a different tactic to win over the employees. The chief minister was all smiles as she told them: “You know, I like those very much who work. And please remember, that when I sit in my chair, I am just one of you. Everybody is the same to me, irrespective of political affiliation.”
Only a day earlier, it was anything but a pleasant surprise for the new chief minister, who was greeted by mostly empty chairs a little before noon at the New Secretariat building that houses several key ministries like power and public health engineering.
It was almost noon, and many of the employees present had immersed themselves in newspapers or idle chatter. Some top officials were also yet to arrive when the chief minister paid the sudden visit as part of her endeavour to improve the work culture in West Bengal where the state administration has been regarded by locals as an embodiment of sloth for a long time.
“All of you please work sincerely,” Banerjee told the power department employees before rounding up her 10-minute hurricane trip. She also holds the power portfolio.
She has, however, refused to come down hard on the employees. “The situation cannot be improved in a day. Things will not fall into place if I yell at them. We have to get work out of them through love and affection”.
Less than a month after coming to power, Banerjee’s government took a big step towards restoring peace in the Darjeeling Hills by finalising a pact with the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha for creation of a new hill council with wider powers. The GJM has been fighting for three years for a separate state of Gorkhaland to be carved out of parts of north Bengal.
While news of the agreement triggered jubilation among the common people of the hills, Banerjee drew flak from various parties for the proposal to set up a committee to reconsider the GJM’s demand of including the Terai (plains) and Dooars (foothills of the Himalayas) region within the territory of the autonomous council.
But the issue that really showed the government in poor light was its decision to promulgate an ordinance to return 400 acres of land taken from farmers of Singur against their will for the Tata Motors Nano plant by the erstwhile Left Front government.
While Banerjee announced the decision on the ordinance at the state secretariat Thursday, she made a 180 degree volte face a day later after constitutional experts, lawyers and opposition parties said almost in a chorus that an ordinance could not be brought when the assembly was in session.
Standing at exactly the same spot in the secretariat Friday, Banerjee had to eat her words and say her government would not enforce the ordinance but instead bring a bill in the assembly session early this week to return the land to the farmers.
“I am not that conversant with the assembly proceedings here. I have mainly worked in parliament. So I know the parliamentary procedures well,” she said, in an effort to hide her embarrassment.
The tea diplomacy, recce and goof ups apart, Banerjee took time off to spend a quality hour with 12 top rankers in the state secondary examination. She chatted with them like an elder sister (didi as she is affectionately called), and presented each of them a laptop, a copy of Rabindranath Tagore’s Geetanjali, a bouquet and a scarf.
(Sirshendu Panth can be contacted at s.panth@ians.in)
राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिमा संदर्भविहीन् बन्दै गइरहेको गोर्खा जातिको निम्ति काँग्रेस पार्टी सिवाय अन्य कुनै विकल्प छैन – सी.के.श्रेष्ठ
( गत विधान-सभा चुनाउको मुखैमा नेशनल गोर्खा फोरम फर काँग्रेस नामक विचार- मञ्चको स्थापनाले गोर्खा जातीय राजनीतिमा एउटा नयाँ समीकरणको सूत्रपात भएको अनुभव सबैले गरेका थिए । नेशनल गोर्खा फोरमले आसाम अनि बंगालको चुनाउमा सक्रिय रुपमा भाग लिएर गोर्खा समुदायका मतदाताहरुलाई काँग्रेस पार्टीलाई समर्थन गर्ने खुला रुपले आह्वान पनि गरेको थियो ।
प्रस्तुत छ यस फोरमको औचित्य अनि कार्यप्रणाली विषयमा फोरमका राष्ट्रिय संयोजक सी. के. श्रेष्ठसित हालैमा लिइएको अन्तर्वार्ता...) अन्तर्वार्ताकार – प्रवीण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज |
*** गोर्खा जातिले काँग्रेसलाई नै समर्थन गर्नुपर्छ भन्ने सोच अचानक कहाँबाट आयो ?
## भारत जस्तो विशाल प्रजातान्त्रिक राष्ट्रमा गोर्खा जातिसरह अल्पसंख्यक जमातले आफ्नो राजनैतिक सुरक्षा अनि सुदृढ भविष्यको निम्ति राष्ट्रिय मूलधाराको कुनै राजनैतिक दललाई अँगाल्नै पर्छ भन्ने सोच अचानक सोचिएको होइन । स्वतन्त्रता प्राप्तिपछिको छ दशकभन्दा बढी अवधिभित्र गरिएका टुंगोबिनाका संघर्षहरु, राजनैतिक युद्धभूमिमा कुनै सिद्धान्तको ढाल- तलवारबिनै उभ्याइएर सबैको तारो बन्नपरेका प्रसंगहरु, भारतका विभिन्न प्रान्तहरुमा अनिवार्य राजनैतिक सुरक्षाको अभावमा टुहुरोसरह बनाइएका पीडाहरुको तीता अनुभवहरुले नै यो सोचलाई कार्यरुप दिन हामीलाई बाध्य गराएको हो ।
*** अन्य राष्ट्रिय दलहरु पनि छन नि... काँग्रेस नै किन...?
## राष्ट्रिय मूलधाराको राजनैतिक दलको छनौटको कुरो गर्दा गोर्खा जातिको निम्ति काँग्रेस पार्टी सहज राजनैतिक दल( Natural Political Party ) हो । कुनै व्यक्तिगत कारण वा अन्य क्षेत्रीय बाध्यता नभएको खण्डमा गोर्खाको पहिलो छनौट काँग्रेस पार्टी नै हो । गोर्खाहरुको जातीय संस्कार अनि बहुधर्मीय सोचसित मेल खाने राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक दल हो काँग्रेस । भारतको स्वतंत्रता संग्रामकालदेखि नै गोर्खा जातिले राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गाँधी अनि नेताजी सुभाषचन्द्र बोसलाई पछ्याएर हजारौंको संख्यामा देशको निम्ति चढेको इतिहास आजसम्म आलै छ । त्यतिमात्र नभएर गोर्खा जातिले संसद सदस्य, मन्त्री अनि विधानसभा अध्यक्षको पदसम्म पुगेर सेवा गर्ने धेरभन्दा धेर मौका काँग्रेस पार्टीबाटै पाएको छ। जीवनकालभरि नै काँग्रेस पार्टीको सेवामा आफूलाई समर्पण गरेका ' पहाडे गांधी ' शहीद दलबहादुर गिरी ,'गांधीकी चेली ' सावित्री देवी अनि असमका प्रथम काँग्रेस अध्यक्ष छबिलाल उपाध्याय यही गोर्खा – काँग्रेस सम्बन्धका महत्वपूर्ण कडीहरु हुन् । यसरी भारतमा गोर्खाहरुको इतिहास काँग्रेस इतिहासकै एक अभिन्न अंग बनेको छ । त्यसैले गोर्खाले राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा पार्टी छान्दा काँग्रेस छाडेर परतिर जानै पर्दैन ।
*** एउटै पार्टीलाई समातेर बस्नुभन्दा जातीय आधारको राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक पार्टी गठन गरेर सबैसित सहयोग लिनु अझ असल होइन र ?
## जातीय आधारको राजनैतिक दल त्यही जातिको संख्याबहुल क्षेत्रमा मात्र सम्भव छ अनि यस्ता क्षेत्रीय दलहरुलाई केन्द्रको कुनै न कुनै राष्ट्रिय दलसित टाँसिएर बस्नैपर्ने बाध्यता हुन्छै हुन्छ । दक्षिणका द्रमुक अनि पश्चिमका शिवसेना पार्टीहरु, उत्तरमा जम्मु-कश्मिरी अनि पूर्वतिरका आसामे, मणिपुरे, बोडो, गोर्खा अनि सिक्किमे पार्टीहरुले आ-आफ्नै जाति भएका संख्याबहुल सीमित क्षेत्रहरुमा मात्र कार्य सम्पादन गर्न सक्दछन् ।
ती पार्टीहरु आफ्नो क्षेत्रदेखि बाहिर निस्केपछि संदर्भविहीनमात्र नभएर अस्तित्वविहीन पनि बन्दछन् । जातीय आधारमा कुनै पनि राष्ट्रिय दललाई समर्थन गर्न सम्भव छ तर भारत जस्तो विशाल बहुजातीय देशमा जातीय आधारमा राष्ट्रिय पार्टी खोल्ने विचार सरासर अव्यावहारिक ठहर्दछ । फेरि जातीय आधारमै खोलिएका स्थानीय दलहरु पनि अन्ततोगत्वा गएर कुनै न कुनै राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक पार्टीको शरणमा जानैपर्ने वाध्यतादेखि कोही पनि अनभिज्ञ छैनौं ।
फेरि नागाले नागाल्याण्डभित्र अनि मिजोले मिजोरमभित्र राजनीति गर्दा शायद केही हदसम्म सही नै होला तर भारतमा गोर्खा जातिको अवस्थान त्यस्तो छैन । पुग न पुग एक करोड पचास लाख गोर्खाहरु भारतभरि एक-दुइ क्षेत्रमा बहुसंख्यक, केही क्षेत्रहरुमा अल्पसंख्यक अनि धेरै क्षेत्रहरुमा अति-अल्पसंख्यक भएर छरिएर बसेका छन् । यस्तो अवस्थामा व्यावहारिक राजनीतिको दृष्टिकोणले हेर्दा गोर्खा जातिले आफ्नो राजनैतिक सुरक्षाको निम्ति पनि राष्ट्रिय स्तरको पार्टीसितै उभिनुमा नै बुद्धिमत्ता देखिन्छ । गोर्खाबहुल क्षेत्रहरुमा पनि गोर्खा नामधारी इमान्दार पार्टीहरु स्थानीय समस्याहरु समाधान गर्नमा केही हदसम्म सफल भए पनि भारतभरिका गोर्खाहरुको हित, राष्ट्रिय चिन्हारी अनि राष्ट्रिय जनाकांक्षाका प्रश्नहरुमा राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक दलको भर नपरी हुँदै हुँदैन । गोर्खा जातीय राजनीति गर्नेहरुले यो धरातलीय यथार्थलाई आत्मसात गर्नैपर्छ ।
*** भोलि गएर केन्द्रमा अकाँग्रेसी सरकार आएको खण्डमा यो अवधारणाले काम गर्ला के ? केन्द्रमा जुन पार्टी आउँछ त्यसैलाई नै समर्थन गर्नु नै असल होइन र ?
### यही “ जता घाम उतै सलाम “ नीति अप्नाउने क्षेत्रीय दलहरु आज राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक मण्डीमा कौडीको भाउमा पनि नबिक्ने भइरहेछन् । कुनै एउटा राष्ट्रिय दलप्रति समर्पित र प्रतिवद्ध नभएका यस्ता “ तिहुन- चखुवा “ दलहरु आफ्नो विश्वसनीयता मात्र होइन इज्जतसम्म पनि गुमाएर राजनैतिक वेश्यावृत्तिको घिनलाग्दो उदाहरण भएर बाँचिरहेका छन् । यस्तै दलहरु नै भारतीय गणतन्त्रका दुर्बलताका मूल कारण बन्नपुगेका छन् । अनि अर्को कुरो, आजको राष्ट्रिय राजनैतिक परिवेश र विपक्षको अवस्था हेर्दा केन्द्रमा अब आउने धेरै कालसम्म काँग्रेस पार्टीकै नेतृत्वको सरकार बस्ने तथ्य पनि सर्वविदितै छ । अर्थात् राष्ट्रिय स्तरका गोर्खा जातीय समस्याहरुको निम्ति काँग्रेसकै शरणमा नपरी नहुने अवस्था त छँदैछ तर भोलिको दिनमा केन्द्रमा काँग्रेसको सरकार नआएको खण्डमा पनि काँग्रेस समर्थकहरुले सुर्ताउने काम छैन कारण काँग्रेस भनेको यो देशसितै स्थापित भएको पार्टी हो,सत्तामा आएन भन्दैमा दफ्तरै ताला लगाएर घरमा बस्ने पार्टी होइन ।
भनौं नै भने काँग्रेस त विपक्षमै बस्दा पनि सत्तारुढ दलहरुमाथि हावी नै भएर बसेको इतिहास छ । बाघ त मरेकै भए पनि लाख रुपियाँको हुन्छ । त्यसैले काँग्रेसलाई समर्थन दिएका हौं ।
*** गोर्खाहरुको जनाकांक्षा बोकेको बहुचर्चित माग गोर्खाल्याण्डप्रति फोरमको अवधारणा कस्तो छ ?
### गोर्खाल्याण्ड भारतका पुग न पुग एक करोड पचास लाख गोर्खाहरुको राष्ट्रिय पहिचानको माग हो । फोरमको ठोस विचार छ- यो राष्ट्रिय स्तरको माग हो अनि यसको पहल पनि राष्ट्रिय स्तरमै हुनुपर्छ । कारण समस्याको उठान जुन स्तरमा गरिन्छ त्यसको समाधान पनि त्यही स्तरकै पाइन्छ । आजसम्म गरिएका आन्दोलनहरुमा दार्जीलिंगले बंगाल राज्यमा भोग्नुपरेका वञ्चना र अवहेलनाका कुराहरु, अस्थायी कर्मचारी र बेरोजगारीका समस्याहरु, शिक्षा-पर्यटन-बाटो-पानी-बुनियादी सुख-सुविधा, आर्थिक उन्नयन अनि स्वशासनमा क्षमतावृद्धिका सवालहरुले नै धेर प्रमुखता पाइरहेका छन् । यी सबै दार्जीलिंगे राजनीतिका आवश्यकीय अनि सांदर्भिक तर नितान्त क्षेत्रीय विषयहरु हुन् । यी सबै विषयहरुको समाधान संसदको बाहिरै राज्यिक स्तरमै हुनसक्छ । गोर्खाल्याण्डको माग संसदको भित्र उठाइनुपर्ने राष्ट्रिय तहको माग हो । यसरी क्षेत्रीय स्तरमै मागको उठान भइरहे समाधान पनि गोर्खा काउन्सिल, छैंटौं अनुसूची, सेटअप अनि प्राधिकरणहरुदेखि माथि जाँदैन ।
नयाँ राज्य गठन भनेको संसदको विषय हो त्यसैले यो मुद्दाको उठान स्थानीय समस्याहरुको आधारमा होइन तर मुद्दालाई राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा उठाएर संसदले मान्यता र महत्त्व दिने विषयहरुको आधारमा उठाइनु पर्छ ।
*** तर सय वर्ष नाघिसक्दा पनि यो मागले स्वीकृति नपाउनुको पछि के कारण हुनसक्छ ? जबकि यो भन्दा थोरै संघर्ष गरेर पनि अरुहरुले राज्य पाइसके......
### आन्दोलनको मियाद मागपूर्त्तिको कसौटी होइन । यति वर्षसम्म मागेपछि राज्य पाइन्छ भनेर संविधानमा कहीं पनि उल्लेख गरिएको छैन । अरुले एकै वर्षमा पास गरे, हामीलाई यतिका वर्षहरुसम्ममा पनि किन पास गरिदिंदैनौ भने जस्तै हो यो कुरो । पास नगरिदिएकोमा रिसाउनु भन्दा फेल किन हुंदैछौंमा घोत्लिनु बेशी आवश्यक छ । मागको अवधारणा सुस्पष्ट नभएसम्म माग्नेहरु त दिग्भ्रमित हुन्छन् नै दिनेहरुलाई पनि दिग्भ्रमित बनाउँछन् । भन्नै हो भने भारतमा गोर्खा राज्यको माग एक अद्वितीय माग हो । अरुहरुको राज्य गठनको माग र गोर्खाहरुको राज्य मागमा आकाश-पातालको फरक छ । यस मागका कारक तत्वहरु, ऐतिहासिकता अनि राजनैतिक चरित्र अरु राज्य मागहरुभन्दा सर्वथा बेग्लै छ । माग माग्ने अनि माग दिने दुवैले यी कुराहरु स्पष्टसित बुझ्नु अनि बुझाउनु अति आवश्यक छ ।
*** काँग्रेसका शीर्ष नेता प्रणव मुखर्जीले नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मागको विरोध गरिरहेका छन् भने काँग्रेस पार्टीले कसरी समर्थन देला ?
### पहिलो कुरो त प्रणव मुखर्जी नै काँग्रेस पार्टी होइन अनि दोस्रो कुरो मुखर्जी बाबु यस विषयमा निर्णय दिनसक्ने ‘ अथोरिटी‘ पनि होइनन् । हामी बुझ्छौं यो विरोध उनले काँग्रेसी नेताको नाताले होइन तर एक बंगाली भद्रलोक भएर गरेका हुन् । गोर्खाल्याण्डको फसेला केवल अनि केवल यो देशको संसदले मात्र गर्नसक्छ अनि काँग्रेस मात्र होइन तर केन्द्रका सबै पार्टीहरुको संसदमा समर्थन जुटाउनु चाहिँ मुद्दाको दम अनि सठीक पहल र पैरवीमाथि नै निर्भर गर्दछ । अब आउने दिनहरुमा निकै कालसम्म काँग्रेसकै सरकार केन्द्रमा रहनेछ भन्ने कुरोलाई ध्यानमा राखेर, राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थन आधार तयार गर्न हो भने सर्वप्रथम काँग्रेसकै समर्थन प्राप्त गर्नु नै आजको अनिवार्यता हो ।
क्षेत्रीय स्तरमा सक्रिय गोर्खा जातीय राजनैतिक दलहरुले पनि यस सत्यलाई अंगालेर आफ्नो रणकौशल तयार गरेमा धेरै प्रभावपूर्ण अनि लाभदायक हुने थियो ।
*** नेशनल गोर्खा फोरम फर काँग्रेसको आजको प्राथमिकता के हो ?
### भारतव्यापी स्तरमा 84 प्रतिशत गोर्खा मतदाताहरुले काँग्रेसलाई भोट दिंदैआएको तथ्यलाई आधार मानेर गोर्खा फोरमले यस विपुल समर्थनलाई संगठित तौरमा घोषित गरेर गोर्खा जाति र काँग्रेस पार्टीको सम्बन्ध मजबूत बनाउने राष्ट्रव्यापी अभियान चलाउनेछ छ । यसपटकको असम अनि बंगालको चुनाउमा प्रत्यक्ष रुपमा भाग लिएर गोर्खा मतदाताहरु भएका समष्टिहरुमा काँग्रेसी अनि काँग्रेस समर्थित उम्मेद्वारहरुलाई फोरमले समर्थन दिएको थियो । त्यही कार्यक्रमलाई भारतका अन्य राज्यका अब आउने चुनाउहरुमा पनि सम्पादन गर्ने सिद्धान्त फोरमद्वारा ग्रहण गरिएको छ ।
*** असम, सिक्किम अनि दार्जीलिंग-डुवर्स क्षेत्रमा गोर्खा फोरमले आफ्नो संगठन विस्तार गर्न भविष्यमा के-कस्ता कदमहरु उठाउला ?
### गोर्खा फोरम गोर्खा जातीय आधारको राजनैतिक शक्तिलाई राष्ट्रिय राजनीतिको मूलस्रोतसित जोड्ने एक अवधारणा (concept) मात्र हो । मूल संगठन त हाम्रो कांग्रेस नै हो । त्यसैले असम, सिक्किम अनि दार्जीलिंग-डुवर्स क्षेत्र मात्र होइन तर भारतभरि नै काँग्रेस संगठनलाई दह्रिलो-भरिलो बनाउने हर प्रयासमा गोर्खा फोरमको सक्रिय भूमिका रहनेछ । यति चाहिँ पक्कै हो असम, दार्जीलिंग-डुवर्स अनि सिक्किम क्षेत्रहरुमा गोर्खा आबादी धेरै भएकोले त्यहाँका काँग्रेस संगठनहरुलाई शक्तिशाली बनाउने प्रक्रियामा भने गोर्खा फोरमको विशेष प्रयास रहनेछ ।
PART - 1
Sudha Sidhaarth Tamang, Darjeeling Times: Most pseudo intellectuals and ill-informed writers, with limited vision and lack of proper data, dwell with bias and self-projected belief, that the Gorkhas of Darjeeling are immigrants from Nepal. In their wild set of concocted perception, the British brought the Gorkhas over to Darjeeling as potential labour force, to set up the Tea Industry. As Darjeeling’s development proceeded, the Gorkha labour force was utilized to implement the construction of roads and buildings. With the passing of time, these migrant workers had settled in the newfound heaven. It all sounds so much like a fairy tale. In fact, Prof. Basu has even gone to the extent of passing flimsy comments, such as “Except for the few who were in Darjeeling before 1950, almost all of them are Nepalese citizens that are foreigners”. Without evaluating the ground reality, Basu seems to suffer from the syndrome of rose tinted romanticism.
PART - 1
Sudha Sidhaarth Tamang, Darjeeling Times: Most pseudo intellectuals and ill-informed writers, with limited vision and lack of proper data, dwell with bias and self-projected belief, that the Gorkhas of Darjeeling are immigrants from Nepal. In their wild set of concocted perception, the British brought the Gorkhas over to Darjeeling as potential labour force, to set up the Tea Industry. As Darjeeling’s development proceeded, the Gorkha labour force was utilized to implement the construction of roads and buildings. With the passing of time, these migrant workers had settled in the newfound heaven. It all sounds so much like a fairy tale. In fact, Prof. Basu has even gone to the extent of passing flimsy comments, such as “Except for the few who were in Darjeeling before 1950, almost all of them are Nepalese citizens that are foreigners”. Without evaluating the ground reality, Basu seems to suffer from the syndrome of rose tinted romanticism.
As against the controversial claim put forward by Basu and some of his like-minded cohorts, the long-standing ambiguity is in urgent need of clarification. To do so, we need to first investigate the labour contract system that had prevailed then. During that period, the practice of owning slaves was abolished. In the form of replacement, the indentured labour system was in vogue. As a Professor of International trade, Basu ought to be on the know, that the indentured labour system, as recorded, had first evolved in Europe. In the years that followed, the indenture labour system was adopted in the USA, the Caribbean, Africa, Australia and the pacific. In its endeavor to arrest the vast resources, the British East India Company, by the early 1840’s had fully exploited the enormous potential of manpower within India-to form the constant source, for the supply of such labour force.
So much as to exploit maximum yield, these indentured laborers were shipped off to the chain of British colonies, like Mauritius, Africa and the Caribbean’s. Between 1845-1917, Trinidad alone had attracted more than 1, 40,000/- indentured laborers, to bolster it’s workforce in the all too lucrative sugar cane industry.
“Between 1845 and 1917, 1, 40,000 Indians contracted to work the plantations of the Island of Trinidad. Mauritius can be called the country of coolitude as the “Great Experiment” leading to the wide spread recourse to indentured labour started there”. “Indentured servant” from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
So much as to exploit maximum yield, these indentured laborers were shipped off to the chain of British colonies, like Mauritius, Africa and the Caribbean’s. Between 1845-1917, Trinidad alone had attracted more than 1, 40,000/- indentured laborers, to bolster it’s workforce in the all too lucrative sugar cane industry.
“Between 1845 and 1917, 1, 40,000 Indians contracted to work the plantations of the Island of Trinidad. Mauritius can be called the country of coolitude as the “Great Experiment” leading to the wide spread recourse to indentured labour started there”. “Indentured servant” from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
On the contrary, by adopting the most unscholarly approach to rely on the rickety claim, the Professor of International Trade has failed to perceive, that Nepal was not a British Colony. Under the circumstances, the East India Company was not at liberty to exploit the Nepalese labour resources, at its beck and call. In terms of treaty, Nepal had signed a commercial treaty with the East India Company, as far back as 1792. Nonetheless, as relations soured, the same was abrogated, even before the Anglo-Gorkha war of 1814-1816. The much articulated, “Anglo-Nepalese Friendship Treaty of 1850”, had provided opportunity to the Nepalese for recruitment in the British Army. The same, however, cannot be interpreted into a commercial treaty. Apparently, in 1856, when the Tea Industry was set up at Alubari-Phulbari, Pandam in Darjeeling, there are no records to suggest that a separate Anglo-Nepalese commercial treaty was signed. Nor has anywhere been mentioned about the engagement of Nepalese migrant laborers, to help start the Tea industry in Darjeeling. “The staple industry of Darjeeling is the cultivation and manufacture of tea, conducted almost entirely by means of English capital and under the European supervision. Its introduction into Darjeeling is due to Captain James, who persuaded Government to obtain seed from China, WHICH HE DISTRIBTED AMONG RESIDENTS OF THE DISTRIC TO EXPERIMENT WITH. The experiments were successful, and in 1856 the first tea gardens were opened at Alubari, Pandam and Stienthal”.
The expression, “which he distributed among residents of the district to experiment with” broadly suggests that the cultivation of tea was encouraged by distribution of seeds to the local residents who were by trade agriculturists. Echoing similar view H. H. Risley in “The Gazette of Sikkim” further supplements “of late years as the hills have been stripped of their timber by the European tea-planter and pushy Nepalese agriculturist”. - - - -- while quoting from the annals of Indian Administration (1862) “In Darjeeling the first trial of tea plant was made in 1841 with a few seeds grown in Kumaon from China stock”. L. S. S. O’MALLEY in his “Bengal District Gazettes Darjeeling” shares a correlative view. “Government endeavored to supplement the effort of those pioneers of the industry by distributing several maunds of tea seed among the native cultivators”.
By all accounts, immigrants can never be accorded with phrases like “residents of the district”, “hills have been stripped of their timber by the - - - - - pushy Nepalese agriculturist” and above all “the native cultivators”.
Yet, the all-ailing confusion over the genuine credential of Darjeeling’s Gorkha community, has emanated from the establishment of a religious institute over the Observatory Hill. A clarification, supported by historical data was long over due.
As per the record, during the reign of the Vth Chogyal Namgyal Phuntsong (1733-1780), the office of the Sikkimese Prime Minister was held by the legendry Chendoz Karwang. At about the corresponding period the “Pemionche monastery” in the West Sikkim, under Khenpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji, had extended its branch at Rishihat in Darjeeling. Since, time and again the learned Lama’s conduct needed to be certified by the office of the Prime Minister, he had preferred to stay in Darjeeling.
“ - - - - - - the Pemionchi monastery had founded another monastery at Rishihat near Darjeeling, as a summer residence, and the Khanpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji used to go and live there. And owing to Karwang’s necessity for clearing his conduct and obtaining pardon he also used to live in Darjeeling”. HISTORY OF SIKKIM
In the consecutive period, yet another development of utmost significance had taken place in Darjeeling. A reincarnated Lama by the name of ‘Chuzan Tulku’, who enjoyed an excellent rapport with Khenpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji, had built a monastery atop the Observatory Hill.
“Just above the church at present was occupied by a monastery used to be called Wangdu Dorjeeling Gumpa meaning the (Triumph Diamond land monastery). It was from this that Darjeeling came to be called so”. HISTORY OF SIKKIM
Similarly, Austin Waddell, one of the distinguished authority on Tibetan Buddhism thus comments, “Dorjeeling” “the precious stone” or ecclesiastical sceptre, emblematic of the thunder bolt of Sakra (Indra or Jupiter) a place. The monastery from which Darjeeling takes it’s name, and the ruins of which are still visible on observatory hill, was a branch of the Dorjeling, usually curtained into Do-ling monastery in native Sikkim”.
When we broach the subject as that of the monastery, atop the Observatory Hill, to a great extent- the construction of the monument had a lasting impact over the Lepcha devotees of Buddhist faith. Given the reality of event, the community of Lepcha Buddhists, could well have been encouraged by Prime Minister Chendoz Karwang, to extend their hands in building the monastery. Once the project was accomplished -these Lepchas, had stayed put around the monastery. In order to promote the welfare of the monastery, dedication of such followers in good numbers were an essential prerequisite. The Lepchas inhabited around the monastery provided such needs. Similarly, in view of the fact, that the monastery belonged to the Ning-Ma-Pa Sect (the old Red Hat School) of Tibetan Buddhism, it was not mandatory, for the monks belonging to the said sect, to adhere to the strict code of celibacy. In other words, even the monks were entitled to have family. Given the fact of the matter, in the prevailing arrangement, the monks and their family could possibly have joined the community of lay people, to live around the monastery. With the said community of Buddhist followers binded together by unshakable faith, the practice to venerate the Gods continued. In-fact the practice prolonged, even after the monastery was destroyed by the invading Gorkhas, under Johar Sing Thapa, in 1788.
Therefore, the established belief that gained ground was; when the British first entered Darjeeling, it was almost entirely under forest. The Lepchas, who had numbered around one hundred, were the first people to be encountered, sounds paradoxical. Under the circumstances, without proper survey or verification, they drew the erroneous conclusion that the Lepchas alone were the indigenous tribes of Darjeeling.
While drawing the all-ambiguous one-sided opinion, the British, had underestimated the Gorkha existence and drew a hasty conclusion. To put it strait; following the rule of the Kirats and the kingdom of Sikkim, even Nepal had ruled the region for a period of well over twenty-eight years. During that period Nepal’s ‘Kutchury’ or administrative complex, as reported in ‘THE HISTORY OF SIKKIM’ was at ‘Nagri’ in Darjeeling. Therefore, in all possibility, it was from ‘Nagri’, that they monitored the native settlements, encouraged the indigenous farmers and cultivators, and at the same time collected revenues. In other words, in and around Darjeeling, there was every possibility of Gorkha settlements in patches. Since, the pattern of life style was nomadic and semi-nomadic existence; they could well have practiced the primitive agriculture method of slash and burn system. Under the practice, after flocking into the greener pasture for some years, they could well have returned to the old habitat. Had the British, engaged some anthropologists, historians or for that matter even sociologists, the findings could have been more rationale. Surely, they could well have discovered Gorkha settlements consisting of few hundred heads or even that of thousand heads. Following such elaborative assessment, the British authority would have been qualified to pass a valid statement over the indigenous tribes of Darjeeling. But to the British, Darjeeling most mattered as a place of strategic importance; thereafter, as a place of commercial interest, to boost up trade with Tibet, for a prospective venture that the East India Company had been looking forward to, for well over a century.
However, when the question of the monastery is taken into account and correlated, apart from the Bhutia and Lepcha devotees, even the people of Nepali community had continued to flock the observatory hill.“THE IMPERIAL GAZETTE OF INDAI” VOL XI COONDAPOOR TO EDWARDESABAD 1908
The expression, “which he distributed among residents of the district to experiment with” broadly suggests that the cultivation of tea was encouraged by distribution of seeds to the local residents who were by trade agriculturists. Echoing similar view H. H. Risley in “The Gazette of Sikkim” further supplements “of late years as the hills have been stripped of their timber by the European tea-planter and pushy Nepalese agriculturist”. - - - -- while quoting from the annals of Indian Administration (1862) “In Darjeeling the first trial of tea plant was made in 1841 with a few seeds grown in Kumaon from China stock”. L. S. S. O’MALLEY in his “Bengal District Gazettes Darjeeling” shares a correlative view. “Government endeavored to supplement the effort of those pioneers of the industry by distributing several maunds of tea seed among the native cultivators”.
By all accounts, immigrants can never be accorded with phrases like “residents of the district”, “hills have been stripped of their timber by the - - - - - pushy Nepalese agriculturist” and above all “the native cultivators”.
Yet, the all-ailing confusion over the genuine credential of Darjeeling’s Gorkha community, has emanated from the establishment of a religious institute over the Observatory Hill. A clarification, supported by historical data was long over due.
As per the record, during the reign of the Vth Chogyal Namgyal Phuntsong (1733-1780), the office of the Sikkimese Prime Minister was held by the legendry Chendoz Karwang. At about the corresponding period the “Pemionche monastery” in the West Sikkim, under Khenpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji, had extended its branch at Rishihat in Darjeeling. Since, time and again the learned Lama’s conduct needed to be certified by the office of the Prime Minister, he had preferred to stay in Darjeeling.
“ - - - - - - the Pemionchi monastery had founded another monastery at Rishihat near Darjeeling, as a summer residence, and the Khanpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji used to go and live there. And owing to Karwang’s necessity for clearing his conduct and obtaining pardon he also used to live in Darjeeling”. HISTORY OF SIKKIM
In the consecutive period, yet another development of utmost significance had taken place in Darjeeling. A reincarnated Lama by the name of ‘Chuzan Tulku’, who enjoyed an excellent rapport with Khenpo Tinley Rolpai Dorji, had built a monastery atop the Observatory Hill.
“Just above the church at present was occupied by a monastery used to be called Wangdu Dorjeeling Gumpa meaning the (Triumph Diamond land monastery). It was from this that Darjeeling came to be called so”. HISTORY OF SIKKIM
Similarly, Austin Waddell, one of the distinguished authority on Tibetan Buddhism thus comments, “Dorjeeling” “the precious stone” or ecclesiastical sceptre, emblematic of the thunder bolt of Sakra (Indra or Jupiter) a place. The monastery from which Darjeeling takes it’s name, and the ruins of which are still visible on observatory hill, was a branch of the Dorjeling, usually curtained into Do-ling monastery in native Sikkim”.
When we broach the subject as that of the monastery, atop the Observatory Hill, to a great extent- the construction of the monument had a lasting impact over the Lepcha devotees of Buddhist faith. Given the reality of event, the community of Lepcha Buddhists, could well have been encouraged by Prime Minister Chendoz Karwang, to extend their hands in building the monastery. Once the project was accomplished -these Lepchas, had stayed put around the monastery. In order to promote the welfare of the monastery, dedication of such followers in good numbers were an essential prerequisite. The Lepchas inhabited around the monastery provided such needs. Similarly, in view of the fact, that the monastery belonged to the Ning-Ma-Pa Sect (the old Red Hat School) of Tibetan Buddhism, it was not mandatory, for the monks belonging to the said sect, to adhere to the strict code of celibacy. In other words, even the monks were entitled to have family. Given the fact of the matter, in the prevailing arrangement, the monks and their family could possibly have joined the community of lay people, to live around the monastery. With the said community of Buddhist followers binded together by unshakable faith, the practice to venerate the Gods continued. In-fact the practice prolonged, even after the monastery was destroyed by the invading Gorkhas, under Johar Sing Thapa, in 1788.
Therefore, the established belief that gained ground was; when the British first entered Darjeeling, it was almost entirely under forest. The Lepchas, who had numbered around one hundred, were the first people to be encountered, sounds paradoxical. Under the circumstances, without proper survey or verification, they drew the erroneous conclusion that the Lepchas alone were the indigenous tribes of Darjeeling.
While drawing the all-ambiguous one-sided opinion, the British, had underestimated the Gorkha existence and drew a hasty conclusion. To put it strait; following the rule of the Kirats and the kingdom of Sikkim, even Nepal had ruled the region for a period of well over twenty-eight years. During that period Nepal’s ‘Kutchury’ or administrative complex, as reported in ‘THE HISTORY OF SIKKIM’ was at ‘Nagri’ in Darjeeling. Therefore, in all possibility, it was from ‘Nagri’, that they monitored the native settlements, encouraged the indigenous farmers and cultivators, and at the same time collected revenues. In other words, in and around Darjeeling, there was every possibility of Gorkha settlements in patches. Since, the pattern of life style was nomadic and semi-nomadic existence; they could well have practiced the primitive agriculture method of slash and burn system. Under the practice, after flocking into the greener pasture for some years, they could well have returned to the old habitat. Had the British, engaged some anthropologists, historians or for that matter even sociologists, the findings could have been more rationale. Surely, they could well have discovered Gorkha settlements consisting of few hundred heads or even that of thousand heads. Following such elaborative assessment, the British authority would have been qualified to pass a valid statement over the indigenous tribes of Darjeeling. But to the British, Darjeeling most mattered as a place of strategic importance; thereafter, as a place of commercial interest, to boost up trade with Tibet, for a prospective venture that the East India Company had been looking forward to, for well over a century.
“The Nepalese used to say that they went up here to worship Dorje Gompa, i.e. the thunderbolt monastery. Some years after that I saw some Nepalese sacrificing goats, fowls and pigeons. The practice being against the Buddhist religion, Raja Paljor (‘) with some Darjeeling Buddhists moved the matter to the Deputy Commissioner (Mr. Earle?) who stopped the practice of sacrificing and a chowkidar named Pinto was employed to look after this”. A MAN OF THE FRONTIER” Nicholas and Deki Rhodes For the innocent animals and animal activists, it was the most timely relief. The ghastly practice of animal sacrifice was forthwith put to an end. Nonetheless, we cannot overlook the fact that animal sacrifice is a part of the Kirati cult. The Kirats as animists in general would propitiate the Gods through animal sacrifice. Therefore, to draw the logical conclusion, even before the construction of the Monastery, the place ‘Observatory Hill’ was venerated as a spiritual center, as the abode of Gods and Goddesses; where both the Kirats, prior to the integration with the Gorkhas in 1774 and the indigenous Lepchas, through their respective Shamans made animal sacrifice to appease the Gods. As a matter of fact: even to this day, every year the Shaman priests make it a point to pay their homage to the ‘Lord Mahakal’, at the ‘Observatory Hill’, on the auspicious occasion of ‘Guru Purnima’ during the month of August. (source: www.darjeelingtimes.com, 19 May 2011)
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