राज्यको सवालमा अबोध जनतासित धोका?
मोर्चाको असली अनुहार
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,9जून। "जे भए पनि यो जनताले चाहेको राज्य त होइन, यो त मोर मनि र मोर पावर मात्र हो, पत्रकारहरूले तिनलाई यसरी प्रश्न गर्दा तिनी भन्दैथिए, के भो त, यसले सबैको आकांक्षा पुरा गर्छ भने, विकास हुन्छ भने, धेरै राम्रा कुरा आउँछ भने तथा राज्यले दिनुपर्ने सुविधा यसैले दिन्छ भने, नराम्रो के भो?
गोर्खाल्याण्ड पटक्कै हुन सक्दैन। टाउको ठोक्काउँदा पनि हुँदैन। भन्नु सजिलो छ गर्नु साह्रो छ। आन्दोलन नै नगर्नेहरूले टिप्पणी गरिरहेका छन्। सक्छ भने जनता छँदैछ, लू प्रतिधित्व गरोस् न। सुवास घिसिङले हामीलाई यस्तो बनाएर राख्यो कि नगरपालिका समेत चलाउने क्षमता हामीमा छैन। गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरै छोड़ौं। हामीसित न त मानव संसाधनहरू पर्याप्त छ। त्यसकारण क्षमताको विकास गर्दै जानुपर्छ। हामीले जे मागेका छौं, त्यसमा के कमी छ? मोर्चा प्रवक्ता-विधायक तथा सम्भावित व्यवस्थाका एक सम्भावित अधिकारी डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले पत्रकारहरूलाई यसै भन्दै थिए। तिनी भन्न चहान्थे, यही गोर्खाल्याण्ड हो। छुट्टैराज्यमा हुनुपर्ने सबै त छन्, बस् होम डिपार्टमेन्ट मात्र छैन।
एउटा कुरा छैत्रीले स्पष्ट पारे कि अहिले नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनैसक्दैन। यो मोर्चाको राजनैतिक बाध्यता हो। तर किन हुन सक्दैन त्यसको उत्तर भने तिनीसित पनि छैन। यदि तिनीसित यसको उत्तर छ भने त्यो उत्तर तिनको दलीय परिस्थितिबाट निर्माण गरिएको हुने स्पष्ट छ। डा. छेत्रीले गोर्खाल्याण्ड अहिले नै हुन नसक्ने भएकोले यो व्यवस्थालाई अहिलेको आवश्यकताको निम्ति ग्रहण गरिएको झन स्पष्ट पारे। तिनले भने अनुसार गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनसक्ने परिस्थिति नै छैन। मोर्चाले यस्तो परिस्थितिमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको निम्ति आन्दोलन मात्र गरिरहन सक्दैन। पहाड़ आर्थिकरूपले कमजोर बन्दै गइरहेको छ। आर्थिक बहाली र जनजीवनलाई सहुलियतहरू प्रदान गर्दै सुस्तरूपले आन्दोलन गर्ने विचारमा नै मोर्चाले शीर्षक विनाको व्यवस्था राज्यलाई मागेको तिनको भनाइले स्पष्ट पारिरहेको थियो। तिनले भने, चिह्नारीको कुरा गर्छ, तर लुङसेलमा खानी पानी छैन।
जुन समस्या सुबास घिसिङले उत्पन्न गरिदिएका छन्, पहिले त्यसको समाधान हुनुपर्छ। अब जनताले नारा जुलूस, बन्द, धर्नाहरू देख्ने छैनन्। देख्ने छन् त कामै काम। तिनी आउनेवाला व्यवस्थाकै कुरा गरिरहेका थिए। जे भए पनि यो जनताले चाहेको राज्य त होइन, यो त मोर मनि र मोर पावर मात्र हो, पत्रकारहरूले तिनलाई यसरी प्रश्न गर्दा तिनी भन्दैथिए, के भो त, यसले सबैको आकांक्षा पुरा गर्छ भने, विकास हुन्छ भने, धेरै राम्रा कुरा आउँछ भने तथा राज्यले दिनुपर्ने सुविधा यसैले दिन्छ भने, नमराम्रो के भो? तिनी बन्न चहान्थे, छुट्टै राज्य भने विकास बाहेक केही होइन। विकास कै निम्ति गोर्खाल्याण्ड भनिएको हो। विकास नगरेकोकारण नै बङ्गालबाट छुट्टिन्छौं भनिएको हो। यसकारण बङ्गालको अधिनमा नरहने, आफ्नो निम्ति आफै निर्णय गर्न सक्ने क्षमताशील व्यवस्था ल्याइएको हो। तिनको कुरा अनुसार बङ्गालबाट अलग्गै छुट्टिएको कुनै पनि अर्को राज्य सम्भव नै छैन।
गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोमा के फरक छ?
सम्भव नै नभएको कुरा माग्नु भन्दा पहाड़को तीन महकुमा अनि तराई डुवर्सका केही गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रलाई मनग्गे पुग्ने कुरा नै ल्याइनु ठीक पर्ला भन्ने ज्ञान मोर्चामा आएकोले नै अहिले शीर्षक बिनाको स्थायी समाधानको निम्ति कसरत गरिरहेको पनि स्पष्ट हुन्छ। तिनले भने, यो व्यवस्था त दागोपाप, छैटौं अनुसूची भन्दा कता हो कता ठूलो हो। गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्दा एक स्टेप मुनीको मात्र हो। तिनी यस्तो तरिकाले बोलिरहेका थिए कि मोर्चाले ल्याइरहेको व्यवस्था नै हो गोर्खाल्याण्ड। राज्य नभएर के भो, क्षमता त छ। अथवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको नाममा सोझै ठगिरहेको छ। अथवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य गठन गर्न सक्दैन, यसकारण यो व्यवस्था सुवास घिसिङले दागोपाप चौतारी ल्याएको जस्तो घड़ेरी हो। फरक यति हो कि घिसिङले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई ड्रप गरेका थिए मोर्चाले ठीक विपरित यस व्यवस्थाले आन्दोलनलाई कुनै बाधा हाल्ने छैन लेखेको छ।
गोरामुमोले हिंसात्मक आन्दोलन गर्यो अनि गोजमुमोले अहिंसक। तर मान्छे बराबर मर्यो। यति हो सीआरपीले 12 लाई गोली ठोकेन। तर नेताहरूको हत्या त्यसरी नै भयो जसरी दागोपापको कारण घिसिङको पालामा भएको थियो। जसले विरोध गर्छ, उ बॉंच्दैन। पहाड़को राजनैतिक इतिहास यस्तो छ। बलियोले कमजोरलाई हेप्ने राजनैतिक चलखेलको कारण नै जनताको छुट्टै राज्यको सपनाले आत्म हत्या गरिरहेको छ। गोजमुमोले गोरामुमोले जे जे गलत काम गर्यो, त्यो त्योमा सुधार गरिरहेको छ। अहिले दुवैको स्वर एकै छ-अहिले नै राज्य हुँदैन, अरू नै व्यवस्था थापौं। आन्दोलन छुट्टै राज्यको गरेर व्यवस्था जनाताको आकांक्षाविरोधी र नेताको सपना जस्तो हुन्छ भने के फरक छ गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोमा?अहिले यो चर्को प्रश्न उठेको छ।
मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी प्रमाणित?
अहिले मोर्चाले जुन व्यवस्थाको प्रारूपको वकालत गरिरहेको छ, त्यो गोर्खालीग नेता मदन तामङले अघिबाट नै बताइसकेको थियो। वास्तवमा मोर्चा मदन तामङले लगाएको त्यही आरोपदेखि नैतिकरूपले मूलमुद्दाबाट हटिसकेको प्रमाणित हुँदै आइरहेको छ। मदन तामङले भनेका थिए, मोर्चाले दागोपापलाई बढ़ाएर ल्याइरहेको छ। मोर्चाका नेताहरूलाई छुट्टैराज्य बनाउन होइन चौकीमा कहिले बस्न सकिन्छ भन्ने हतारो छ। तिनले यो त्यतिबेला भनेका थिए जति बेला मोर्चाले केही राम्रो कुरा आउँछ भनिरहेको थियो। त्यो राम्रो कुराको प्रचार गर्दै विमल गुरूङ 28 न.समष्टी पुगेका थिए। तिनले यहीँबाट एक आत्तिएको बयान दिए, दागोपाप होइन, राम्रो व्यवस्थाको निम्ति गुप्ति रिपोर्ट बुझाएका छौं। विमलले अचानक भनेको यो वयानपछि नै मोर्चा सबैको आलोचनाको शिकार बन्दै गयो। सबैले मोर्चा बिकिसकेको प्रमाणित गर्दै अहिलेसम्म आइपुगेको छ। अहिले मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भएको देखिएको छ। किन भने तिनले भनेका थिए, मर्छु तर गोर्खाल्यण्ड मुनीको कुरा स्वीकार गर्ने छुइन।
म जिउँदै हुँदा कसैले पनि कुनै पनि व्यवस्था ल्याउने साहस गर्ने छैन। अहिले तिनको मृत्युपछि जुन व्यवस्थाको वकालती भइरहेको छ, त्यसैको विरोध गर्दागर्दै तिनको हत्या भएको हो। हत्या कसले गर्यो, किन गर्यो? त्यसको रिपोर्ट अघि कहिल्यै आउने छैन, सायद यो राजनैतिक वाध्यता हुनसक्छ। मोठरूपमा दिइएको बचन मोर्चाले पुरा गरेन। यसैलाई स्थायी व्यवस्था मानिएको अनि राज्यको भन्दा केवल एकै स्टेप मुनिको व्यवस्था मात्र मानिएकोले छुट्टैराज्य हुने नसक्ने त स्पष्ट भइसकेको छ। मोर्चाले यो व्यवस्थापछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भने पनि डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले यसो भनेका छन्, गोर्खाल्याण्ड पटक्कै हुँदैन। चलाउनै सक्दैन। निधार ठोके पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन। मोर्चा त जनतामा स्पष्ट यसरी भइसकेको छ, यदि पहाड़मा कुनै पनि राजनैतिक दल छ भने के उ अहिले स्पष्ट भइरहेको छ त?
मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भयो-खाती
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 9 जून। मदन तामङले गरेको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भएको दाबी गरिएको छ। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले जुन नाम विनाको व्यवस्था थाप्ने कुरा गरिरहेको छ, त्यो मोर्चाका केही नेताहरूको बॉंच्ने उपाय मात्र रहेको अखिल भारतीय गोर्खालिगले बताएको छ। आज पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै लीगको केन्द्रिय समिति सदस्य प्रताप खातीले भने, मदन तामङले गरेको भविष्यवाणी अहिले आएर मोर्चाले पुरा गरिदियो। तिनले भनेका थिए, मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको घोड़ामा चड़ेर दागोपापको चौकी ताकिरहेको छ। जनताले कुनै चौतारी र घड़ेरीको निम्ति आन्दोलन गरेको होइन। डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले यसैलाई स्थायी समाधान बताइसकेको छ। शुरूमा नै मदन तामङले मोर्चा र यसका नेताहरूको नियत थाहा पाइसकेका थिए। यसैकारण नै त मर्छु तर गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा कुनै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको व्यवस्थासित साट्न दिन्न भनेका थिए। तिनले यही गोर्खाल्याण्डमुनीको व्यवस्थासित गोर्खाल्याण्ड साट्ने कुराको विरोध गरेका थिए। तिनी छट्टु राजनीति गरेर घिसिङको चौकीमा बस्न चहानेहरूको निम्ति बाधक थिए। त्यसैकारण तिनको हत्या गरियो। खातीले स्पष्ट भाषामा भने, गोर्खाल्याण्डको घोड़ामा चड़ेर छैटौं अनुसूचीभन्दा मुनीको व्यवस्था मोर्चालाई त्यसै थाप्न परेको होइन। मदन तामङको हत्यामा मोर्चाको नाम जोड़िएको छ। यस दलको शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाम हत्याराको सूचीमा छ। त्यसैबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति जे दिए पनि थाप्छु भन्ने अवस्थामा पुगेको हो। उनीहरूले यो सोंच्नु हुँदैन कि कुनै पनि व्यवस्था थापेर बॉंच्न सकिन्छ। हत्याराहरू अवश्य नै पक्रा पर्नेछन्। तिनले जनतालाई धोका भएको बताउँदै जनतालाई मोर्चाले आफ्नो खास अनुहार देखाइसकेको अनि अब पनि मोर्चा र यसभित्रका महत्वाकांक्षी नेताहरूलाई चिन्दैन भने जनताबाट महाभूल हुने पनि बताएका छन्।
मोर्चाको असली अनुहार
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,9जून। "जे भए पनि यो जनताले चाहेको राज्य त होइन, यो त मोर मनि र मोर पावर मात्र हो, पत्रकारहरूले तिनलाई यसरी प्रश्न गर्दा तिनी भन्दैथिए, के भो त, यसले सबैको आकांक्षा पुरा गर्छ भने, विकास हुन्छ भने, धेरै राम्रा कुरा आउँछ भने तथा राज्यले दिनुपर्ने सुविधा यसैले दिन्छ भने, नराम्रो के भो?
गोर्खाल्याण्ड पटक्कै हुन सक्दैन। टाउको ठोक्काउँदा पनि हुँदैन। भन्नु सजिलो छ गर्नु साह्रो छ। आन्दोलन नै नगर्नेहरूले टिप्पणी गरिरहेका छन्। सक्छ भने जनता छँदैछ, लू प्रतिधित्व गरोस् न। सुवास घिसिङले हामीलाई यस्तो बनाएर राख्यो कि नगरपालिका समेत चलाउने क्षमता हामीमा छैन। गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरै छोड़ौं। हामीसित न त मानव संसाधनहरू पर्याप्त छ। त्यसकारण क्षमताको विकास गर्दै जानुपर्छ। हामीले जे मागेका छौं, त्यसमा के कमी छ? मोर्चा प्रवक्ता-विधायक तथा सम्भावित व्यवस्थाका एक सम्भावित अधिकारी डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले पत्रकारहरूलाई यसै भन्दै थिए। तिनी भन्न चहान्थे, यही गोर्खाल्याण्ड हो। छुट्टैराज्यमा हुनुपर्ने सबै त छन्, बस् होम डिपार्टमेन्ट मात्र छैन।
एउटा कुरा छैत्रीले स्पष्ट पारे कि अहिले नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनैसक्दैन। यो मोर्चाको राजनैतिक बाध्यता हो। तर किन हुन सक्दैन त्यसको उत्तर भने तिनीसित पनि छैन। यदि तिनीसित यसको उत्तर छ भने त्यो उत्तर तिनको दलीय परिस्थितिबाट निर्माण गरिएको हुने स्पष्ट छ। डा. छेत्रीले गोर्खाल्याण्ड अहिले नै हुन नसक्ने भएकोले यो व्यवस्थालाई अहिलेको आवश्यकताको निम्ति ग्रहण गरिएको झन स्पष्ट पारे। तिनले भने अनुसार गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुनसक्ने परिस्थिति नै छैन। मोर्चाले यस्तो परिस्थितिमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको निम्ति आन्दोलन मात्र गरिरहन सक्दैन। पहाड़ आर्थिकरूपले कमजोर बन्दै गइरहेको छ। आर्थिक बहाली र जनजीवनलाई सहुलियतहरू प्रदान गर्दै सुस्तरूपले आन्दोलन गर्ने विचारमा नै मोर्चाले शीर्षक विनाको व्यवस्था राज्यलाई मागेको तिनको भनाइले स्पष्ट पारिरहेको थियो। तिनले भने, चिह्नारीको कुरा गर्छ, तर लुङसेलमा खानी पानी छैन।
जुन समस्या सुबास घिसिङले उत्पन्न गरिदिएका छन्, पहिले त्यसको समाधान हुनुपर्छ। अब जनताले नारा जुलूस, बन्द, धर्नाहरू देख्ने छैनन्। देख्ने छन् त कामै काम। तिनी आउनेवाला व्यवस्थाकै कुरा गरिरहेका थिए। जे भए पनि यो जनताले चाहेको राज्य त होइन, यो त मोर मनि र मोर पावर मात्र हो, पत्रकारहरूले तिनलाई यसरी प्रश्न गर्दा तिनी भन्दैथिए, के भो त, यसले सबैको आकांक्षा पुरा गर्छ भने, विकास हुन्छ भने, धेरै राम्रा कुरा आउँछ भने तथा राज्यले दिनुपर्ने सुविधा यसैले दिन्छ भने, नमराम्रो के भो? तिनी बन्न चहान्थे, छुट्टै राज्य भने विकास बाहेक केही होइन। विकास कै निम्ति गोर्खाल्याण्ड भनिएको हो। विकास नगरेकोकारण नै बङ्गालबाट छुट्टिन्छौं भनिएको हो। यसकारण बङ्गालको अधिनमा नरहने, आफ्नो निम्ति आफै निर्णय गर्न सक्ने क्षमताशील व्यवस्था ल्याइएको हो। तिनको कुरा अनुसार बङ्गालबाट अलग्गै छुट्टिएको कुनै पनि अर्को राज्य सम्भव नै छैन।
गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोमा के फरक छ?
सम्भव नै नभएको कुरा माग्नु भन्दा पहाड़को तीन महकुमा अनि तराई डुवर्सका केही गोर्खा बाहुल क्षेत्रलाई मनग्गे पुग्ने कुरा नै ल्याइनु ठीक पर्ला भन्ने ज्ञान मोर्चामा आएकोले नै अहिले शीर्षक बिनाको स्थायी समाधानको निम्ति कसरत गरिरहेको पनि स्पष्ट हुन्छ। तिनले भने, यो व्यवस्था त दागोपाप, छैटौं अनुसूची भन्दा कता हो कता ठूलो हो। गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्दा एक स्टेप मुनीको मात्र हो। तिनी यस्तो तरिकाले बोलिरहेका थिए कि मोर्चाले ल्याइरहेको व्यवस्था नै हो गोर्खाल्याण्ड। राज्य नभएर के भो, क्षमता त छ। अथवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको नाममा सोझै ठगिरहेको छ। अथवा मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य गठन गर्न सक्दैन, यसकारण यो व्यवस्था सुवास घिसिङले दागोपाप चौतारी ल्याएको जस्तो घड़ेरी हो। फरक यति हो कि घिसिङले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई ड्रप गरेका थिए मोर्चाले ठीक विपरित यस व्यवस्थाले आन्दोलनलाई कुनै बाधा हाल्ने छैन लेखेको छ।
गोरामुमोले हिंसात्मक आन्दोलन गर्यो अनि गोजमुमोले अहिंसक। तर मान्छे बराबर मर्यो। यति हो सीआरपीले 12 लाई गोली ठोकेन। तर नेताहरूको हत्या त्यसरी नै भयो जसरी दागोपापको कारण घिसिङको पालामा भएको थियो। जसले विरोध गर्छ, उ बॉंच्दैन। पहाड़को राजनैतिक इतिहास यस्तो छ। बलियोले कमजोरलाई हेप्ने राजनैतिक चलखेलको कारण नै जनताको छुट्टै राज्यको सपनाले आत्म हत्या गरिरहेको छ। गोजमुमोले गोरामुमोले जे जे गलत काम गर्यो, त्यो त्योमा सुधार गरिरहेको छ। अहिले दुवैको स्वर एकै छ-अहिले नै राज्य हुँदैन, अरू नै व्यवस्था थापौं। आन्दोलन छुट्टै राज्यको गरेर व्यवस्था जनाताको आकांक्षाविरोधी र नेताको सपना जस्तो हुन्छ भने के फरक छ गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोमा?अहिले यो चर्को प्रश्न उठेको छ।
मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी प्रमाणित?
अहिले मोर्चाले जुन व्यवस्थाको प्रारूपको वकालत गरिरहेको छ, त्यो गोर्खालीग नेता मदन तामङले अघिबाट नै बताइसकेको थियो। वास्तवमा मोर्चा मदन तामङले लगाएको त्यही आरोपदेखि नैतिकरूपले मूलमुद्दाबाट हटिसकेको प्रमाणित हुँदै आइरहेको छ। मदन तामङले भनेका थिए, मोर्चाले दागोपापलाई बढ़ाएर ल्याइरहेको छ। मोर्चाका नेताहरूलाई छुट्टैराज्य बनाउन होइन चौकीमा कहिले बस्न सकिन्छ भन्ने हतारो छ। तिनले यो त्यतिबेला भनेका थिए जति बेला मोर्चाले केही राम्रो कुरा आउँछ भनिरहेको थियो। त्यो राम्रो कुराको प्रचार गर्दै विमल गुरूङ 28 न.समष्टी पुगेका थिए। तिनले यहीँबाट एक आत्तिएको बयान दिए, दागोपाप होइन, राम्रो व्यवस्थाको निम्ति गुप्ति रिपोर्ट बुझाएका छौं। विमलले अचानक भनेको यो वयानपछि नै मोर्चा सबैको आलोचनाको शिकार बन्दै गयो। सबैले मोर्चा बिकिसकेको प्रमाणित गर्दै अहिलेसम्म आइपुगेको छ। अहिले मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भएको देखिएको छ। किन भने तिनले भनेका थिए, मर्छु तर गोर्खाल्यण्ड मुनीको कुरा स्वीकार गर्ने छुइन।
म जिउँदै हुँदा कसैले पनि कुनै पनि व्यवस्था ल्याउने साहस गर्ने छैन। अहिले तिनको मृत्युपछि जुन व्यवस्थाको वकालती भइरहेको छ, त्यसैको विरोध गर्दागर्दै तिनको हत्या भएको हो। हत्या कसले गर्यो, किन गर्यो? त्यसको रिपोर्ट अघि कहिल्यै आउने छैन, सायद यो राजनैतिक वाध्यता हुनसक्छ। मोठरूपमा दिइएको बचन मोर्चाले पुरा गरेन। यसैलाई स्थायी व्यवस्था मानिएको अनि राज्यको भन्दा केवल एकै स्टेप मुनिको व्यवस्था मात्र मानिएकोले छुट्टैराज्य हुने नसक्ने त स्पष्ट भइसकेको छ। मोर्चाले यो व्यवस्थापछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भने पनि डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले यसो भनेका छन्, गोर्खाल्याण्ड पटक्कै हुँदैन। चलाउनै सक्दैन। निधार ठोके पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन। मोर्चा त जनतामा स्पष्ट यसरी भइसकेको छ, यदि पहाड़मा कुनै पनि राजनैतिक दल छ भने के उ अहिले स्पष्ट भइरहेको छ त?
मदन तामङको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भयो-खाती
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 9 जून। मदन तामङले गरेको भविष्यवाणी पुरा भएको दाबी गरिएको छ। गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले जुन नाम विनाको व्यवस्था थाप्ने कुरा गरिरहेको छ, त्यो मोर्चाका केही नेताहरूको बॉंच्ने उपाय मात्र रहेको अखिल भारतीय गोर्खालिगले बताएको छ। आज पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै लीगको केन्द्रिय समिति सदस्य प्रताप खातीले भने, मदन तामङले गरेको भविष्यवाणी अहिले आएर मोर्चाले पुरा गरिदियो। तिनले भनेका थिए, मोर्चाले गोर्खाल्याण्डको घोड़ामा चड़ेर दागोपापको चौकी ताकिरहेको छ। जनताले कुनै चौतारी र घड़ेरीको निम्ति आन्दोलन गरेको होइन। डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले यसैलाई स्थायी समाधान बताइसकेको छ। शुरूमा नै मदन तामङले मोर्चा र यसका नेताहरूको नियत थाहा पाइसकेका थिए। यसैकारण नै त मर्छु तर गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा कुनै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको व्यवस्थासित साट्न दिन्न भनेका थिए। तिनले यही गोर्खाल्याण्डमुनीको व्यवस्थासित गोर्खाल्याण्ड साट्ने कुराको विरोध गरेका थिए। तिनी छट्टु राजनीति गरेर घिसिङको चौकीमा बस्न चहानेहरूको निम्ति बाधक थिए। त्यसैकारण तिनको हत्या गरियो। खातीले स्पष्ट भाषामा भने, गोर्खाल्याण्डको घोड़ामा चड़ेर छैटौं अनुसूचीभन्दा मुनीको व्यवस्था मोर्चालाई त्यसै थाप्न परेको होइन। मदन तामङको हत्यामा मोर्चाको नाम जोड़िएको छ। यस दलको शीर्ष नेताहरूको नाम हत्याराको सूचीमा छ। त्यसैबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति जे दिए पनि थाप्छु भन्ने अवस्थामा पुगेको हो। उनीहरूले यो सोंच्नु हुँदैन कि कुनै पनि व्यवस्था थापेर बॉंच्न सकिन्छ। हत्याराहरू अवश्य नै पक्रा पर्नेछन्। तिनले जनतालाई धोका भएको बताउँदै जनतालाई मोर्चाले आफ्नो खास अनुहार देखाइसकेको अनि अब पनि मोर्चा र यसभित्रका महत्वाकांक्षी नेताहरूलाई चिन्दैन भने जनताबाट महाभूल हुने पनि बताएका छन्।
नगर सुन्दरीकरणको पहल शुरू, हटाइयो फुटपाते पसल
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 9 जून। कालेबुङ नगरपालिका प्रसासन नगर सुन्दर बनाउनमा जुटेको छ। कालेबुङ नगरलाई सुन्दर बनाउने कि आफ्नो फाइदाको व्यापार गर्ने? अहिले ठीक यही प्रश्न उभिएको थियो कालेबुङ नगरका फुटपाते पसलेहरू अघि। यता पसल उठाए हातमुख जोर्ने साधन नै गुम्ने परिस्थिति अनि अर्कोतिर नागरिकको हैसियतमा नगर सुन्दर गर्नुपर्ने दायित्व पनि । जसले दायित्व बुझे उनीहरूले दिएको मीतिभित्र नै पसल हटाए भने जसले बुझेनन् उनीहरूले राखेको पसल नगर प्रशासनले आज उठाइदियो। उनीहरूलाई नगर प्रशासनले हिजो पसल हटाउने अन्तिम मियाद तोकिदिएको थियो। हिजो हाटको दिन नगरेर आज बेहाटको दिन नगर प्रशासनको पक्षमा महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले कालेबुङ थानाका अधिकारी, कालेबुङ संरक्षण समिति, हाटबजार व्यापारी सङ्गठन तथा अन्य सङ्गठनका कार्यकर्ताहरूको सहयोगमा फुटपातमा थापिएका पसलहरू हटाए।
महकुमा प्रशासक एलएन शेर्पाले भने, यी फुटपातहरू पसल राख्नको निम्ति बनाइएको होइन। हिँड्नको निम्ति बनाइएको हो। तर यसको गलत प्रयोग गरेर यहॉं पसलहरू राखिएकोले भीड वृद्धि भइरहेको थियो। यसको कारण धेरै दुर्घटनाहरूको सम्भावना बढेर गइरहेको थियो।
नगर सुन्दरीकरण गर्नु हो भने यी पसलहरूलाई हटाइनु अनिवार्य थियो। यसप्रकारको पहललाई कुनै पनि पसलेले नकरात्मक लिनु हुँदैन। तिनले उनीहरूको पसल उठाइदिए पनि उनीहरूलाई हाटबजारमा स्थान दिने व्यवस्था मिलाइरहेको पनि तिनले जनाए। हाटबजार व्यापारी सङ्गठनका सचिव रबी प्रधानले भने, उनीहरू पनि व्यवसायी नै हुन्, यसकारण उनीहरूलाई सकिने ठाउँमा स्थान दिने व्यवस्था मिलाइरहेका छौं। नगरमा जहॉंजहॉं पनि फुटपातहरू थिए, सबैमा नै पसल फिजाइएको थियो। जसको कारण फुटपातबाट झरेर सड़कबाट नै हिँड्नपर्ने स्थिति उत्पन्न भइरहेको थियो। महकुमा अधिकारी शेर्पाले यो पहलपछि विस्तारै नगरको मैला व्यवस्थापन, ड्रग्सखोरहरू निर्मूलन, अवैद्ध बिल्डिङ निर्माणमा रोक लगाउने अनि ट्राफिक व्यवस्थापनमाथि पनि पहल गर्ने बताएका छन्।
मैला कहॉं फ्यॉंक्नु त?-महकुमा अधिकारी
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 9 जून। नगरको मैला टिस्टा नदीमा फ्यॉंक्न बाहेक अरू कुनै उपाय नभएको नगरपालिका प्रसासनले स्पष्ट पारेको छ। अहिले कालेबुङ नगरपालिकाले नगरभरिको मैला टिस्टा नदीमा फ्यॉंकिरहेको छ। जब भालूखोपमा डम्पिङ गर्न नगर प्रशासनमाथि क्षेत्रवासीले प्रतिबन्ध लगायो, त्यस यता नगरपालिकाको विचल्नी छ। यस्तो ठाउँ नगरपालिका क्षेत्रभरि कतै पनि पाएको छैन, जहॉं मैला फ्यॉंक्न सकियोस्। भालूखोपमा मैला फ्यॉंक्न बन्द गरिदिएपछि टिस्टा नदीमा मैला फ्यॉंक्नु नगरपालिकाको गैरसरकारी काम रहेको आरोप लगाइएको छ।
अहिले यो आरोप क्रामाकपाले गम्भीररूपले लगाइरहेको छ। क्रामाकपाको भनाइ छ, टिस्टामा नगरको मैला फ्यॉंक्नु गैरकानूनी हो। जिम्मेवार प्रशासनले गैरकानूनी काम गर्नु, नगरवासीको निम्ति राम्रो सन्देश होइन। बाध्य पर्यो भन्दैमा नदीलाई प्रदूषण गर्नु राम्रो मानसिकता होइन। यस्तो मानसिक बोक्नेले पर्यावरणको कुरा गर्नु नाटक मात्र हो। यसकारण शीघ्र नै मैला व्यवस्थापन गरिनुपर्छ।
अचम्म लाग्दो कुरा के छ भने यस अघिका नगरअध्यक्ष अनि महकुमा प्रशासकले पश्चिम बङ्गालको पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले 2 करोड़ 29 लाख दिएको कुरा गरेका थिए। जसलाई यसपालाका महकुमा अधिकारी अनि नगरपालिकाका अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पाले सोझै नकार्दै विभिन्न योजनाहरूबाट राशि कटौती गर्दै वैकल्पिक डम्पिङ निर्माण कार्य भइरहेको जनाएका छन्। शेर्पा अनुसार नगरपालिकासित टिस्टामा मैला फ्यॉंक्न बाहेक अर्को कुनै उपाय छैन। कतै पनि मैला फ्यॉंक्ने ठाउँ नै छैन। तिनले भने, जसले पनि टिस्टामा मैला नफ्यॉंक भन्छन्, उसले नै हामीलाई ठाउँ सुझाओस्, हामी त्यहीं मैला फ्यॉंक्नेछौं। डम्पिङ दिसम्बरसम्म बनिनेछ। त्यसअघिसम्म हाम्रो उपाय छैन। मैला टिस्टा नदीमा नै फ्यॉंकिने छ।
Students clash for admission form sale
KalimNews: One Chhatra Parishad memeber died during a clash between Chhatra Parishad and Trinmul Chhatra Parishad student members in Alipurduar College. Rajdip Biswas died in Alipurduar SD Hospital while other 4 injured are admitted f or injuries.
In Siliguri College 3 SFI members were injured during a clash with CP and TCP members. Members of the student unions allege that the other unions are involved in selling admission forms at a higher price than the actual price.
Students clash for admission form sale
In Siliguri College 3 SFI members were injured during a clash with CP and TCP members. Members of the student unions allege that the other unions are involved in selling admission forms at a higher price than the actual price.
Publish Darjeeling agreement, demands Left Front
IANS, Thursday, June 09, 2011, Kolkata, June 9 (IANS) West Bengal’s Left Front Thursday demanded that the agreement between the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) and the state government be made public, as the Gorkha party’s version indicated a division of the state in the near future.
“How can I comment on the agreement? I know nothing about the contents of the agreement but what I felt from the versions of the GJM leaders that there is an indication of division of Bengal. We demand that agreement should be made public,” Left Front chairman Biman Bose said at a media conference here.
West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata Banerjee Tuesday claimed that the issue of a separate Gorkhaland has been resolved and an agreement signed. The GJM, which is spearheading the agitation in the northern hills, however said it has not gone back on its demand and called the pact the “foundation of a separate state”.
The demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland covering parts of northern Bengal gained momentum during the 1980s under the leadership of Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) supremo Subash Ghising.
But the reins of the movement were later taken over by the Bimal Gurung-led GJM which forced Ghising out of the hills.
“There was no solution to this problem in 21years and now it has been solved in 21 days. The GJM leaders afters returning to hills have said that this agreement is the foundation structure. Then how can I welcome it?” said Bose, asked to react on the Darjeeling agreement between the new government and the GJM.
Bose also announced that a workshop will be conducted for the 61 Left Front legislators in order to educate them about how to play the role of the opposition.
“We will conduct a workshop of 61 Left Front MLAs in order to educate them how to play the role of the opposition as most of the MLAs are new and many of them are inexperienced in playing the role of the opposition,” he said.
Parishad for referendum
TT, Siliguri, June 9: The Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad said today it was ready to face a referendum to know the opinion of the people with regard to the demand for the inclusion of “Gorkha-dominated” areas in the plains in the new administrative arrangement for the Darjeeling hills
The Parishad had stated yesterday that it would oppose any kind of survey by the joint verification committee being formed by the state government to examine the feasibility of including Gorkha-dominated areas in the plains in the hill set-up.
“If the state government is keen on transferring areas in the Dooars and the Terai to the proposed set up to please the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, it should take the opinion not only from the tribal community or Nepali-speaking residents of the region, but from the entire population of the areas also. We are ready to face any such referendum at any time in this regard,” Birsa Tirkey, the Parishad’s state committee president, told The Telegraph over phone from Calcutta.
The tribal leader had labelled the Morcha’s territory demand “irrational,” and submitted a memorandum to the chief minister’s office and other departments, including the backward classes welfare department, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and state minister Sunil Tirkey yesterday to protest the formation of the committee.
According to the Parishad leader, a state committee meeting will be convened in the Dooars to chalk out its next plan of action.
“I am in touch with our leaders in the Dooars and the Terai and by next week, we will hold our state committee meeting in the Dooars. We will chalk out our next plan of action at that meeting,” said Tirkey.
He added that a decision would be taken at the meeting whether the Parishad should demand a referendum in the plains.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb said he would not comment on the issue without the leave of the chief minister.
“When a process has just been set in motion to resolve the hill issue, everybody should be patient and have a positive outlook. As the issue is being looked after directly by the chief minister, I should not comment on or intervene in the matter. But if I receive any instruction in this regard to hold a dialogue with the Parishad leaders, I will definitely do so,” Deb said.
The tribal outfit had said yesterday that it would resist any attempt to transfer the areas in the plains to the hill set-up.
State govt to bear salary increase burden - Rs 3000-6000 hike in casual employees’ pay
VIVEK CHHETRI,TT, Darjeeling, June 9: DGHC casual employees have been given job security till they attain the age of 60, along with enhancement of salaries.
But they will be not treated on a par with regular government employees in terms of other benefits like house rent allowance and pension, according to the agreement reached between the state government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha on June 7.
The agreement says the casual employees will be allowed to continue in their jobs till they reach 60 and those who have completed 10 years of regular service with a minimum attendance of 240 days a year will be included in pay band (PB).
The finance department issued an order on April 23, 2010, introducing the pay band for employees across the state. “An employee will get a certain amount depending on his grade and position under the pay band every month, apart from the basic salary, under the pay band,” said a government official involved in finance-related work.
According to the June 7 deal, the minimum pay band in which a Group D DGHC worker will be included is PB I. This means that a Group D worker, who has completed ten years of service at the DGHC and draws Rs 3,500 a month, will receive a minimum salary of not less that Rs 6,600. Similarly, a rough estimate shows that Group C and B casual workers are expected to receive anything between Rs 8,000 and Rs 12,300 per month depending on the position and the grade.
At the moment, Group C and B employees of the DGHC receive Rs 4,000 and 6,000 respectively.
There are also provisions for an increment of 5 per cent in the PB every three year and on retirement at the age of 60, all employees will get a consolidated amount of Rs 1 lakh each. They will, however, not be entitled to pensions after retirement or other facilities like house rent allowances as enjoyed by other government employees during the service period.
“The agreement is largely guided by the finance department (audit branch) order dated April 23, 2010. They will be eligible to work till the age of 60 and will not have to renew their contracts or jobs,” said DGHC administrator Anil Verma. The pay band has been in force for casual workers in the rest of Bengal since June 1, 2010. The same had, however, not been applied to the DGHC workers.
However, going by the deal inked between the Morcha and the government, Mamata Banerjee has made some concession for the DGHC staff.
The April 2010 order states that only those who have completed 10 years of service as and on April 1, 2010, will be brought under the purview of the new arrangement. However, for the DGHC workers, no such deadline has been fixed and they will be automatically brought under the PB system as and when they complete 10 years of service.
Also, the DGHC employees who have not completed 10 years of service will get an enhancement in salary. “According to the agreement, there will be a 75 per cent hike in the salary and the lowest amount fixed will not be less than Rs 5,000 per month. It has also been agreed that the state government will bear the additional financial burden brought about by this hike,” said Roshan Giri, the general secretary of the Morcha, who has signed in the minutes of the meeting.
Machendra Subba, the president of the Janmukti Asthai Karmachari Sangatan expressed happiness. “There is job security and an enhancement in salaries for us now. This is a step in the right direction even though our demand is for direct absorption into the government service.”
It is being estimated that of the 6,000-odd employees of the DGHC, about 2,500-3,000 are likely to be included in the PB system.
The Parishad had stated yesterday that it would oppose any kind of survey by the joint verification committee being formed by the state government to examine the feasibility of including Gorkha-dominated areas in the plains in the hill set-up.
“If the state government is keen on transferring areas in the Dooars and the Terai to the proposed set up to please the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, it should take the opinion not only from the tribal community or Nepali-speaking residents of the region, but from the entire population of the areas also. We are ready to face any such referendum at any time in this regard,” Birsa Tirkey, the Parishad’s state committee president, told The Telegraph over phone from Calcutta.
The tribal leader had labelled the Morcha’s territory demand “irrational,” and submitted a memorandum to the chief minister’s office and other departments, including the backward classes welfare department, National Commission for Scheduled Tribes and state minister Sunil Tirkey yesterday to protest the formation of the committee.
According to the Parishad leader, a state committee meeting will be convened in the Dooars to chalk out its next plan of action.
“I am in touch with our leaders in the Dooars and the Terai and by next week, we will hold our state committee meeting in the Dooars. We will chalk out our next plan of action at that meeting,” said Tirkey.
He added that a decision would be taken at the meeting whether the Parishad should demand a referendum in the plains.
North Bengal development minister Gautam Deb said he would not comment on the issue without the leave of the chief minister.
“When a process has just been set in motion to resolve the hill issue, everybody should be patient and have a positive outlook. As the issue is being looked after directly by the chief minister, I should not comment on or intervene in the matter. But if I receive any instruction in this regard to hold a dialogue with the Parishad leaders, I will definitely do so,” Deb said.
The tribal outfit had said yesterday that it would resist any attempt to transfer the areas in the plains to the hill set-up.
State govt to bear salary increase burden - Rs 3000-6000 hike in casual employees’ pay
VIVEK CHHETRI,TT, Darjeeling, June 9: DGHC casual employees have been given job security till they attain the age of 60, along with enhancement of salaries.
But they will be not treated on a par with regular government employees in terms of other benefits like house rent allowance and pension, according to the agreement reached between the state government and the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha on June 7.
The agreement says the casual employees will be allowed to continue in their jobs till they reach 60 and those who have completed 10 years of regular service with a minimum attendance of 240 days a year will be included in pay band (PB).
The finance department issued an order on April 23, 2010, introducing the pay band for employees across the state. “An employee will get a certain amount depending on his grade and position under the pay band every month, apart from the basic salary, under the pay band,” said a government official involved in finance-related work.
According to the June 7 deal, the minimum pay band in which a Group D DGHC worker will be included is PB I. This means that a Group D worker, who has completed ten years of service at the DGHC and draws Rs 3,500 a month, will receive a minimum salary of not less that Rs 6,600. Similarly, a rough estimate shows that Group C and B casual workers are expected to receive anything between Rs 8,000 and Rs 12,300 per month depending on the position and the grade.
At the moment, Group C and B employees of the DGHC receive Rs 4,000 and 6,000 respectively.
There are also provisions for an increment of 5 per cent in the PB every three year and on retirement at the age of 60, all employees will get a consolidated amount of Rs 1 lakh each. They will, however, not be entitled to pensions after retirement or other facilities like house rent allowances as enjoyed by other government employees during the service period.
“The agreement is largely guided by the finance department (audit branch) order dated April 23, 2010. They will be eligible to work till the age of 60 and will not have to renew their contracts or jobs,” said DGHC administrator Anil Verma. The pay band has been in force for casual workers in the rest of Bengal since June 1, 2010. The same had, however, not been applied to the DGHC workers.
However, going by the deal inked between the Morcha and the government, Mamata Banerjee has made some concession for the DGHC staff.
The April 2010 order states that only those who have completed 10 years of service as and on April 1, 2010, will be brought under the purview of the new arrangement. However, for the DGHC workers, no such deadline has been fixed and they will be automatically brought under the PB system as and when they complete 10 years of service.
Also, the DGHC employees who have not completed 10 years of service will get an enhancement in salary. “According to the agreement, there will be a 75 per cent hike in the salary and the lowest amount fixed will not be less than Rs 5,000 per month. It has also been agreed that the state government will bear the additional financial burden brought about by this hike,” said Roshan Giri, the general secretary of the Morcha, who has signed in the minutes of the meeting.
Machendra Subba, the president of the Janmukti Asthai Karmachari Sangatan expressed happiness. “There is job security and an enhancement in salaries for us now. This is a step in the right direction even though our demand is for direct absorption into the government service.”
It is being estimated that of the 6,000-odd employees of the DGHC, about 2,500-3,000 are likely to be included in the PB system.
Chamling's visit on day 12
Prabin Khaling, Gyalshing, 9th June: The Chief Minister started his village to village tour for West Sikkim from Yangtam village at the upper ridge of Reli Chu, under Tashiding-Yuksom constituency which is one of the remotest village of West District. On his way back to Tashiding the Chief Minister stopped at Labdang. On the 12th day the Chief Minister interacted with the public of Mangnam, Mangder, Karji, Narkhola,Dhupidara and adjoining areas.
Interacting with the public at two stops the Chief Minister said that it is the faith of the people in our service that the public have voted us to power to serve them for four consecutive terms. He also asked the officers and the ministers accompanying him to note down the demands which have been placed by the public and take actions accordingly. It is for these people we have come, he said.
Further he said that the pace of development have been doubled in this seventeen years of governance compared to the previous governments starting from the kingship to the previous government. The Chief Minister also sanctioned the most awaited demand of road connectivity from Pokhari dara, West Sikkim to Ralong, South Sikkim. Further, he directed the concern department to identify the problematic spots of the surrounding roads and place a comprehensive report to the government.
The District Administration was directed to prepare a list of beneficiaries under land bank scheme, acquire the land and put up the proposal including financial requirements to the Land Revenue Department immediately. During the interaction with the public the Chief Minister also sanctioned various schemes like VLW centre at Upper Karji, PHSC at Karji, ICDS centre at Mangder, development of view point at Rangdong falls to mention a few.
The Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling and Tika Maya Chamling have condoled the death of legendary painter M.F. Hussian. In his condolence message the Chief Minister has said that the passing of Shri Hussian has created a vacume in the field of creativity and the field of art will be poorer by his demise.
Adivasi protest on Dooars formula
Pinak Priya Bhattacharya, TNN , Jun 9, 2011, JALPAIGURI: There have been a meeting of minds between chief minister and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders, but if the GJM demand for additional areas in the Dooars and Terai in the new hill council is to be successfully addressed then Mamata Banerjee has before her the difficult task of building a bridge of trust and prudence between Nepalis and Adivasis.
A four-member delegation of Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parshad (ABAVP), led by president Birsa Tirkey, submitted a memorandum to the CM in Kolkata on Wednesday and conveyed to her their stand on the issue. "There are 315 mouzas in the Dooars and 250 mouzas in the Terai which are included under the Integrated Tribal Development Project and without the concurrence of the National Commission for Schedule Tribes, these areas cannot be touched. Besides, all the areas which are said to be Nepali-oriented are parts of the assembly constituencies and Parliamentary seats reserved for ST. How can one ignore these facts" asked Tez Kumar Toppo, secretary of ABAVP's Bengal chapter.
The GJM has demanded inclusion of the Nepali-inhabited pockets of the Dooars and Terai under the new hill authority. Mamata, too, has asked an expert committee to check if the Nepali-dominated pockets can be a part of the arrangement.
But this announcement has already triggered discontent among the non-Nepali population living in the plains. They are ready to accept any solution if it is confined only to the Hills, but have expressed their determination to oppose if the government tries to include parts of the Dooars and the Terai.
Nepali pockets in these areas are surrounded by non-Nepali population (mostly tribals) and without their consent if any decision is taken, it might boomerang on the government. "We have always said that we have no problem if the matter is kept within the Hills. But we shall never allow the Dooars and Terai to be a part of the arrangement. We simply do not understand what is the justification behind checking out whether parts of the region can be included," said Toppo.
CPM leader Manik Sanyal feels that an addition of areas for the hill arrangement might trigger an adverse reaction in the plains. "Whatever arrangement is made, the area should not be increased. Otherwise it might give birth to disharmony.
However, let the committee submit its report on the issue. Only then the picture will be clear," he said.
Congress strongly feels that the interest of the tribals must be protected at any cost. "We have full faith in the state's CM and believe that she will consider every side before taking any decision," said Mohon Bose, president of Jalpaiguri Congress committee.
The tea industry and other business bodies too are keeping a close watch of the situation. "We pray for a healthy solution to the problem so that the industry is not affected," said a tea official.
GJM opponents doubt truce talk
TNN , Jun 9, 2011, KOLKATA: While both chief minister Mamata Banerjee and leaders of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) are happy at finally reaching a solution to the Darjeeling problem, the other political parties were caught fuming. They called the "understanding" between the state government and the GJM a sham and betrayal. So while the GJM is trying to arouse public sentiment in favour of the agreement that it has reached, these political parties feel that this is just a lull before the storm.
Bharati Tamang, who is now the president of the Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League (ABGL) after the murder of her husband Madan Tamang on May 21, 2010, felt that since the GJM has won the assembly polls with people's mandate, the latter should now squarely ask questions. Tamang was killed just below the Planters' Club in full public view, allegedly by GJM supporters. Madan was a moderate leader of the Gorkhaland movement and was opposed to all excesses.
"Why are you asking me these questions? It is the GJM that has won with people's mandate. They have made promises to win the election. Now it is for them to live up to promises," Bharati said sarcastically. She added that the ABGL would never compromise on its demand for Gorkhaland. "However, more than anything else, peace should return to the Hills soon. The people of Darjeeling cannot live a life full of political uncertainties," she added.
The Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) had, under Subhas Ghisingh's leadership, negotiated the Darjeeling accord in the 80s for formation of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) -- an arrangement to run the Hills on its own, though under the umbrella of the state government. One found GNLF workers smirking, even as Ghisingh is presently cooling his heels at Jalpaiguri. "Tuesday's truce clearly proves that there is no other solution to the problem than what we had worked out in the 80s. We are yet to see the new agreement between the GJM and the state government. Once we do so, we will be in a better position to condemn the stand of the GJM," said GNLF's Palden Lama.
The GNLF had entered into a tripartite agreement with the state government and the Centre on December 6, 2005. "Unfortunately, the CPM led state government did not honour that pact. We are sure that the present agreement is based on the pact that we had drawn up," Dorjee said.
The GNLF accused the GJM of hoodwinking the people of Darjeeling on the issue of Gorkhaland. "That was their only slogan for the election. People trusted them and voted the GJM only because they thought that the party would help eke out Gorkhaland for them. Now, the GJM is singing a different tune. A board will be formed to look into the burning issue of the hills. If the chairman of this board is from the government side, naturally you have played into the hands of the government!" an angry Dorjee said.
The CPRM also sounded upset and said that the mandate has been misused by the GJM in signing an agreement that was not borne out by the Constitution. "The people of Darjeeling should now rise and demand Gorkhaland instead of meekly accepting what the GJM doles out for them," said Tara Rai general secretary of CPRM. He added that because it could not identify with the political issues at play before the elections, the CPRM stayed away from the polls this time.
Monsoon worry for hill roads
RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Kurseong, June 9: Residents of Kurseong and Darjeeling are worried about the bad condition of the two main roads, connecting the places to Siliguri, that are likely to worsen during the monsoon.
Of the two stretches, NH55 also called the Tenzing Norgay Marg, has been shut since June after a landslide near Paglajhora damaged a stretch on the highway.
Although vehicles are plying Rohini Road, the stretch looks nothing more than a dirt track. A few days of heavy showers can make the road unusable even for light vehicles.
If both these stetches are shut during the rains, the only other Siliguri-Kurseong-Darjeeling road link will be the Pankhabari Road. However, since the route is narrow and steep at several places only small vehicles can ply the route.
Heavy vehicles like trucks carrying essential commodities to Kurseong and Darjeeling will then have to take the circuitous Siliguri-Kalijhora-Mungpoo road.
The detour takes around two hours more. Normally the journey to Kurseong and Darjeeling can be completed in around three hours.
Local residents blame the heavily loaded trucks for turning Rohini Road into a potholed dirt track.
“The up-bound trucks are supposed to take the Mungpoo Road but they do not do so. Most of them drive up to the hills in the night,” said S. Pradhan, the secretary of the Janmukti Chalak Mahasangh, Kurseong, a unit of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.He said they would meet Morcha president Bimal Gurung and apprise him of the condition of the roads. “We have already requested the three MLAs from the hills to raise the matter in the next session of the state Assembly,” Pradhan said.
However, since the monsoon has already arrived, it is unlikely that major repair works on the Rohini Road would be taken up now.
The highway (NH55) is in no better shape because the landslide prone area near Paglajhora, which is also a sinking zone, will again get affected once the rains start.
Although the PWD (NH division-9), which maintains the road, said the 475-metre stretch on the road that was breached after the mudslide has been reconstructed, driving through it is unsafe as huge boulders keep falling on the road from the hill side.
“The road is not safe for driving. We are, however, confident that breaches on the road will not occur again,” said Nirmal Mandal, the executive engineer of PWD (NH Division-9).
Residents of the area are, however, worried about the condition of the highway which they think will worsen once it starts raining. They are also apprehensive that the prices of commodities would rise since the vehicles have to take a detour to reach the destinations.
“What were the people responsible for maintaining the roads doing during the dry season? They should have repaired the road before the onset of the monsoon. They should actually compensate for the additional expense that we will have to incur due to the rise in the prices of essential commodities once both the roads are closed,” said Robin Thapa, a resident of Dow Hill.
Anthrax suspicion in tusker death
Alipurduar, June 9: Foresters suspect that the elephant that was found dead in the Madarihat range yesterday had been suffering from anthrax as the carcass showed three symptoms of the disease.
Fearing the spread of the disease to humans, the foresters had earlier decided against conducting an autopsy on the carcass, but were instructed later to do the post-mortem and collect samples for tests.
“Fluid was oozing from every orifice on the body. Blood did not clot and rigor mortis hasn’t set in even 12 hours after the death. As all these are the symptoms of anthrax, we fear that the elephant had died from this particular disease. Another thing is that any animal suffering from the disease feels pain and separates itself from the herd,” said Om Prakash, the divisional forest officer of wildlife III.
The adult tusker was found dead in a yam field at Haripur, 63km from Alipurduar, yesterday morning. Nature lovers had alleged that the animal had died from either electric shock or poisoning. The body was taken to Dhumchi forest yesterday for post-mortem.
The DFO said in the morning that as the symptoms of anthrax were visible on the tusker carcass, the foresters would not conduct autopsy and the body would be buried later in the day. He said fluid samples had been collected from the body and were sent to Jalpaiguri for test.
“The body was examined by veterinary officer A.K. Singh, who noticed the symptoms of anthrax and informed me. I asked him not to conduct the autopsy as it will endanger his life. The tusks were cut off and they are in our custody now,” said Om Prakash.
Around 40 guards were surrounding the carcass today to prevent elephants from reaching close-by. A herd of at least 60 elephants was roaming in Dhumchi compartment IV where the carcass was kept on a high land. The foresters opened fire in the air last night so that the herd did not come near the carcass.
Om Prakash said in the afternoon that he had been instructed to conduct the post-mortem and send blood samples to a laboratory in Belgachia to determine the cause of the death.
A vet said herbivores generally suffered from anthrax and it could spread to humans if they came in contact with the affected animal’s flesh, bones, hide and hair. The disease is caused by bacterium bacillus anthracis that can survive in soil and in affected animals for years.
Casinos to lure tourists to Sikkim - Hill state gets its second gambling station
TT, Gangtok, June 9: For those who want to try their luck in gambling while on a holiday have a good news. A five star hotel here has set up a casino, the second in the hill state, to attract visitors.
The new gambling destination became operational last evening at the Mayfair resort in Ranipool, 10km from here.
“Casino Mahjong is the first land-based live five star casino with a full-fledged licence in the country,” said Trio Ventures Private Limited’s co-managing director Ugen Ladakhi.
The Mayfair group that got the licence for the facility from the Sikkim government on June 1 has authorised the company to run the facility.
The casinos in Goa are mostly off-shore and those in the hotels are electronic. The gambling station here will be operated manually where the dealings would be done by the attendants.
The Mayfair group had paid Rs 5 crore to the state for the five year licence and Rs 3 crore was spent to set up the facility.
Sikkim got its first gambling destination in 2009 when a casino was opened at the Hotel Royal Plaza in Gangtok.
The casino has a provisional licence for five years.
Currently the casino at the Mayfair resort, which was given a five star tag by the ministry of tourism, has eight slot machines, four roulettes and 10 card tables spread over 5000sq feet.
There are 60 attendants and six pit bosses to look after the gambling station.
“We are having a soft launch of the casino now and the grand opening is on June 24 in which guests from all over India are coming. There is already a buzz about our casino given the kind of playing options and facilities we are providing,” said Ladakhi.
He added that 10 more slot machines would be added to the facility by August.
Those who plan to visit the casino can try their luck at blackjack, baccarat, poker, marriage, flush and roulettes.
“All the dealers at the casino are from Sikkim whom we have trained for a period of one and half years. Out of the 160 staff members only the top management is from outside who have decades of experience in handling casinos,” said the co-managing director.
The hotel authorities feel that the casino will be able to attract more visitors to the state.
“Earlier, there were only few good hotels in Gangtok but today there are hundreds of hotels as Sikkim is witnessing a tourism boom. With the addition of casinos, Sikkim now offers more for high-end tourists who want to see the mountains and also entertain themselves in a casino. We are targeting people from the cities and those who go to Nepal just for gambling,” said Ladakhi.
The hotel authorities are of the opinion that the gambling stations would help create an all year round tourism season for the hill state.
“Once the airport at Pakyong in East Sikkim is ready in the next couple of years high- end tourism will take off in Sikkim and people will be flying in here to enjoy both nature and casinos. Sikkim will be the most sought after destination with its natural beauty, peace and entertainment avenues like casinos,” Ladakhi said.
The casino at Ranipool will be open from 4pm to 6am every day. There are plans to keep the facility open for 24 hours from August.
Interacting with the public at two stops the Chief Minister said that it is the faith of the people in our service that the public have voted us to power to serve them for four consecutive terms. He also asked the officers and the ministers accompanying him to note down the demands which have been placed by the public and take actions accordingly. It is for these people we have come, he said.
Further he said that the pace of development have been doubled in this seventeen years of governance compared to the previous governments starting from the kingship to the previous government. The Chief Minister also sanctioned the most awaited demand of road connectivity from Pokhari dara, West Sikkim to Ralong, South Sikkim. Further, he directed the concern department to identify the problematic spots of the surrounding roads and place a comprehensive report to the government.
The District Administration was directed to prepare a list of beneficiaries under land bank scheme, acquire the land and put up the proposal including financial requirements to the Land Revenue Department immediately. During the interaction with the public the Chief Minister also sanctioned various schemes like VLW centre at Upper Karji, PHSC at Karji, ICDS centre at Mangder, development of view point at Rangdong falls to mention a few.
The Chief Minister of Sikkim Shri Pawan Chamling and Tika Maya Chamling have condoled the death of legendary painter M.F. Hussian. In his condolence message the Chief Minister has said that the passing of Shri Hussian has created a vacume in the field of creativity and the field of art will be poorer by his demise.
Adivasi protest on Dooars formula
Pinak Priya Bhattacharya, TNN , Jun 9, 2011, JALPAIGURI: There have been a meeting of minds between chief minister and Gorkha Janmukti Morcha leaders, but if the GJM demand for additional areas in the Dooars and Terai in the new hill council is to be successfully addressed then Mamata Banerjee has before her the difficult task of building a bridge of trust and prudence between Nepalis and Adivasis.
A four-member delegation of Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parshad (ABAVP), led by president Birsa Tirkey, submitted a memorandum to the CM in Kolkata on Wednesday and conveyed to her their stand on the issue. "There are 315 mouzas in the Dooars and 250 mouzas in the Terai which are included under the Integrated Tribal Development Project and without the concurrence of the National Commission for Schedule Tribes, these areas cannot be touched. Besides, all the areas which are said to be Nepali-oriented are parts of the assembly constituencies and Parliamentary seats reserved for ST. How can one ignore these facts" asked Tez Kumar Toppo, secretary of ABAVP's Bengal chapter.
The GJM has demanded inclusion of the Nepali-inhabited pockets of the Dooars and Terai under the new hill authority. Mamata, too, has asked an expert committee to check if the Nepali-dominated pockets can be a part of the arrangement.
But this announcement has already triggered discontent among the non-Nepali population living in the plains. They are ready to accept any solution if it is confined only to the Hills, but have expressed their determination to oppose if the government tries to include parts of the Dooars and the Terai.
Nepali pockets in these areas are surrounded by non-Nepali population (mostly tribals) and without their consent if any decision is taken, it might boomerang on the government. "We have always said that we have no problem if the matter is kept within the Hills. But we shall never allow the Dooars and Terai to be a part of the arrangement. We simply do not understand what is the justification behind checking out whether parts of the region can be included," said Toppo.
CPM leader Manik Sanyal feels that an addition of areas for the hill arrangement might trigger an adverse reaction in the plains. "Whatever arrangement is made, the area should not be increased. Otherwise it might give birth to disharmony.
However, let the committee submit its report on the issue. Only then the picture will be clear," he said.
Congress strongly feels that the interest of the tribals must be protected at any cost. "We have full faith in the state's CM and believe that she will consider every side before taking any decision," said Mohon Bose, president of Jalpaiguri Congress committee.
The tea industry and other business bodies too are keeping a close watch of the situation. "We pray for a healthy solution to the problem so that the industry is not affected," said a tea official.
GJM opponents doubt truce talk
TNN , Jun 9, 2011, KOLKATA: While both chief minister Mamata Banerjee and leaders of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) are happy at finally reaching a solution to the Darjeeling problem, the other political parties were caught fuming. They called the "understanding" between the state government and the GJM a sham and betrayal. So while the GJM is trying to arouse public sentiment in favour of the agreement that it has reached, these political parties feel that this is just a lull before the storm.
Bharati Tamang, who is now the president of the Akhil Bharatiya Gorkha League (ABGL) after the murder of her husband Madan Tamang on May 21, 2010, felt that since the GJM has won the assembly polls with people's mandate, the latter should now squarely ask questions. Tamang was killed just below the Planters' Club in full public view, allegedly by GJM supporters. Madan was a moderate leader of the Gorkhaland movement and was opposed to all excesses.
"Why are you asking me these questions? It is the GJM that has won with people's mandate. They have made promises to win the election. Now it is for them to live up to promises," Bharati said sarcastically. She added that the ABGL would never compromise on its demand for Gorkhaland. "However, more than anything else, peace should return to the Hills soon. The people of Darjeeling cannot live a life full of political uncertainties," she added.
The Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) had, under Subhas Ghisingh's leadership, negotiated the Darjeeling accord in the 80s for formation of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council (DGHC) -- an arrangement to run the Hills on its own, though under the umbrella of the state government. One found GNLF workers smirking, even as Ghisingh is presently cooling his heels at Jalpaiguri. "Tuesday's truce clearly proves that there is no other solution to the problem than what we had worked out in the 80s. We are yet to see the new agreement between the GJM and the state government. Once we do so, we will be in a better position to condemn the stand of the GJM," said GNLF's Palden Lama.
The GNLF had entered into a tripartite agreement with the state government and the Centre on December 6, 2005. "Unfortunately, the CPM led state government did not honour that pact. We are sure that the present agreement is based on the pact that we had drawn up," Dorjee said.
The GNLF accused the GJM of hoodwinking the people of Darjeeling on the issue of Gorkhaland. "That was their only slogan for the election. People trusted them and voted the GJM only because they thought that the party would help eke out Gorkhaland for them. Now, the GJM is singing a different tune. A board will be formed to look into the burning issue of the hills. If the chairman of this board is from the government side, naturally you have played into the hands of the government!" an angry Dorjee said.
The CPRM also sounded upset and said that the mandate has been misused by the GJM in signing an agreement that was not borne out by the Constitution. "The people of Darjeeling should now rise and demand Gorkhaland instead of meekly accepting what the GJM doles out for them," said Tara Rai general secretary of CPRM. He added that because it could not identify with the political issues at play before the elections, the CPRM stayed away from the polls this time.
Monsoon worry for hill roads
RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Kurseong, June 9: Residents of Kurseong and Darjeeling are worried about the bad condition of the two main roads, connecting the places to Siliguri, that are likely to worsen during the monsoon.
Of the two stretches, NH55 also called the Tenzing Norgay Marg, has been shut since June after a landslide near Paglajhora damaged a stretch on the highway.
Although vehicles are plying Rohini Road, the stretch looks nothing more than a dirt track. A few days of heavy showers can make the road unusable even for light vehicles.
If both these stetches are shut during the rains, the only other Siliguri-Kurseong-Darjeeling road link will be the Pankhabari Road. However, since the route is narrow and steep at several places only small vehicles can ply the route.
Heavy vehicles like trucks carrying essential commodities to Kurseong and Darjeeling will then have to take the circuitous Siliguri-Kalijhora-Mungpoo road.
The detour takes around two hours more. Normally the journey to Kurseong and Darjeeling can be completed in around three hours.
Local residents blame the heavily loaded trucks for turning Rohini Road into a potholed dirt track.
“The up-bound trucks are supposed to take the Mungpoo Road but they do not do so. Most of them drive up to the hills in the night,” said S. Pradhan, the secretary of the Janmukti Chalak Mahasangh, Kurseong, a unit of the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha.He said they would meet Morcha president Bimal Gurung and apprise him of the condition of the roads. “We have already requested the three MLAs from the hills to raise the matter in the next session of the state Assembly,” Pradhan said.
However, since the monsoon has already arrived, it is unlikely that major repair works on the Rohini Road would be taken up now.
The highway (NH55) is in no better shape because the landslide prone area near Paglajhora, which is also a sinking zone, will again get affected once the rains start.
Although the PWD (NH division-9), which maintains the road, said the 475-metre stretch on the road that was breached after the mudslide has been reconstructed, driving through it is unsafe as huge boulders keep falling on the road from the hill side.
“The road is not safe for driving. We are, however, confident that breaches on the road will not occur again,” said Nirmal Mandal, the executive engineer of PWD (NH Division-9).
Residents of the area are, however, worried about the condition of the highway which they think will worsen once it starts raining. They are also apprehensive that the prices of commodities would rise since the vehicles have to take a detour to reach the destinations.
“What were the people responsible for maintaining the roads doing during the dry season? They should have repaired the road before the onset of the monsoon. They should actually compensate for the additional expense that we will have to incur due to the rise in the prices of essential commodities once both the roads are closed,” said Robin Thapa, a resident of Dow Hill.
Anthrax suspicion in tusker death
Alipurduar, June 9: Foresters suspect that the elephant that was found dead in the Madarihat range yesterday had been suffering from anthrax as the carcass showed three symptoms of the disease.
Fearing the spread of the disease to humans, the foresters had earlier decided against conducting an autopsy on the carcass, but were instructed later to do the post-mortem and collect samples for tests.
“Fluid was oozing from every orifice on the body. Blood did not clot and rigor mortis hasn’t set in even 12 hours after the death. As all these are the symptoms of anthrax, we fear that the elephant had died from this particular disease. Another thing is that any animal suffering from the disease feels pain and separates itself from the herd,” said Om Prakash, the divisional forest officer of wildlife III.
The adult tusker was found dead in a yam field at Haripur, 63km from Alipurduar, yesterday morning. Nature lovers had alleged that the animal had died from either electric shock or poisoning. The body was taken to Dhumchi forest yesterday for post-mortem.
The DFO said in the morning that as the symptoms of anthrax were visible on the tusker carcass, the foresters would not conduct autopsy and the body would be buried later in the day. He said fluid samples had been collected from the body and were sent to Jalpaiguri for test.
“The body was examined by veterinary officer A.K. Singh, who noticed the symptoms of anthrax and informed me. I asked him not to conduct the autopsy as it will endanger his life. The tusks were cut off and they are in our custody now,” said Om Prakash.
Around 40 guards were surrounding the carcass today to prevent elephants from reaching close-by. A herd of at least 60 elephants was roaming in Dhumchi compartment IV where the carcass was kept on a high land. The foresters opened fire in the air last night so that the herd did not come near the carcass.
Om Prakash said in the afternoon that he had been instructed to conduct the post-mortem and send blood samples to a laboratory in Belgachia to determine the cause of the death.
A vet said herbivores generally suffered from anthrax and it could spread to humans if they came in contact with the affected animal’s flesh, bones, hide and hair. The disease is caused by bacterium bacillus anthracis that can survive in soil and in affected animals for years.
Casinos to lure tourists to Sikkim - Hill state gets its second gambling station
Clients at Casino Mahjong in Ranipool on Wednesday. Picture by Prabin Khaling |
The new gambling destination became operational last evening at the Mayfair resort in Ranipool, 10km from here.
“Casino Mahjong is the first land-based live five star casino with a full-fledged licence in the country,” said Trio Ventures Private Limited’s co-managing director Ugen Ladakhi.
The Mayfair group that got the licence for the facility from the Sikkim government on June 1 has authorised the company to run the facility.
The casinos in Goa are mostly off-shore and those in the hotels are electronic. The gambling station here will be operated manually where the dealings would be done by the attendants.
The Mayfair group had paid Rs 5 crore to the state for the five year licence and Rs 3 crore was spent to set up the facility.
Sikkim got its first gambling destination in 2009 when a casino was opened at the Hotel Royal Plaza in Gangtok.
The casino has a provisional licence for five years.
Currently the casino at the Mayfair resort, which was given a five star tag by the ministry of tourism, has eight slot machines, four roulettes and 10 card tables spread over 5000sq feet.
There are 60 attendants and six pit bosses to look after the gambling station.
“We are having a soft launch of the casino now and the grand opening is on June 24 in which guests from all over India are coming. There is already a buzz about our casino given the kind of playing options and facilities we are providing,” said Ladakhi.
He added that 10 more slot machines would be added to the facility by August.
Those who plan to visit the casino can try their luck at blackjack, baccarat, poker, marriage, flush and roulettes.
“All the dealers at the casino are from Sikkim whom we have trained for a period of one and half years. Out of the 160 staff members only the top management is from outside who have decades of experience in handling casinos,” said the co-managing director.
The hotel authorities feel that the casino will be able to attract more visitors to the state.
“Earlier, there were only few good hotels in Gangtok but today there are hundreds of hotels as Sikkim is witnessing a tourism boom. With the addition of casinos, Sikkim now offers more for high-end tourists who want to see the mountains and also entertain themselves in a casino. We are targeting people from the cities and those who go to Nepal just for gambling,” said Ladakhi.
The hotel authorities are of the opinion that the gambling stations would help create an all year round tourism season for the hill state.
“Once the airport at Pakyong in East Sikkim is ready in the next couple of years high- end tourism will take off in Sikkim and people will be flying in here to enjoy both nature and casinos. Sikkim will be the most sought after destination with its natural beauty, peace and entertainment avenues like casinos,” Ladakhi said.
The casino at Ranipool will be open from 4pm to 6am every day. There are plans to keep the facility open for 24 hours from August.
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