KalimNews: Report of first death of the season caused by landslide is received from Kurseong. According to sources, due to landslide in the St. Mary's Hill of Kurseong a house was swept away and the 4 members of a Muslim family were buried alive. The dead includes a month old child , the father and two daughters. The mother survived the fate at around 3.30 am when she had gone to the nearby toilet.
Landslide in 27 mile near Rambi blocked the NH 31A from the morning and vehicles are taking the alternative routes.
Landslide in 27 mile near Rambi blocked the NH 31A from the morning and vehicles are taking the alternative routes.
वन विभागलाई 10 करोड़ हानी - वनपर्यटनको जीर्णोद्वारको निम्ति जुट्यो विभाग
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,16 जून। गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति आन्दोलन भइरहेको बेला वामफ्रण्ट सरकारको पुलिसहरूले सिब्सुमा तीनजना अवोध गोर्खाहरूको निधारमा गोली ठोकेको कसैले बिर्सन सक्दैनन्। यस घटनापछि सबैभन्दा धेर हानी भोग्नुपरेको थियो भने दार्जीलिङस्थित वन विभागले। किन भने मोठ 10 करोड़ रुपियॉं बराबरको कार्यलय, वन पर्यटनको निम्ति स्थापित कटेजहरू आन्दलनकारीहरूले जलाइदिएको थियो। अहिले यसको भरपाईको निम्ति बारम्बार सम्बन्धित मन्त्रालयसित गुहार लगाइरहेको वन विभाग म्यानेजिङ डाइरेक्टरले आज बताएका छन्। तिनले जनाए अनुसार पहाड़का अधिकांश मानिसहरू वनबासीहरू छन्। उनीहरू बन पर्यटनको भरमा छन्। अहिले जलाएका ती पर्यटन केन्द्रहरू सरकारीरूपले स्थापित गरिदिए जीवन धान्ने मार्ग भेटिने सम्बन्धमा सम्बन्धित गाउँका नागरिकहरूले विभागमा गुहार लगाइरहेका छन्।
वन पर्यटनलाई बढोत्तरी गर्न वन विभागले होटलहरू पनि चलाइरहेको थियो भने धेरै ठाउँनै हटहरूको निर्माण पनि गरेको थियो। आन्दोलनकारीहरूले के कारणले हो सिब्सु काण्डको रिस् वन विभागसित फेर्यो। त्यसदिन चारैतिर नै वन विभागका कार्यालयहरू जलाउने काम भएको थियो। अहिले आएर जलाईएका ती भवनहरू बनाउन घुँडा धस्दा पनि नभइरहेको थाहा लागेको छ। कालेबुङ डीएम कार्यालय,लाभा टुरिष्ट रिसिभ सेन्टर, रेड पाण्डा कटेज, इको टुरिज्म कटेज, जलढक्का रेष्ट हाउस, सामसिङ रेष्ट हाउस्, चारवटा ट्रक, एउटा मोबाइल भ्यान, धरै रेञ्जका कार्यालयहरू, परेङटारका कटेजहरू पूर्णरूपले जलाइएको थियो, जसमा विभागलाई 10 करोड़को नोक्सानी भएको थियो।
डाइरेक्टर अनुसार अहिले जति पनि बॉंचेका कटेजहरू छन्, त्यसलाई मरम्मती गरेर अहिले विस्तारै पर्यटन व्यवसाय विस्तारण गर्ने कार्य भइरहेको छ। यसको निम्ति अहिले विभिन्न ठॉंउहरूमा सचेतना कार्यक्रमहरू भइरहेको अनि क्षेत्रका नागरिकहरूको सहयोगमा वन पर्यटनको जिर्णोद्वारको निम्ति आधिकारिक पहल भइरहेको पनि तिनले जनाएका छन्।
वाहन दुर्घटनामा एक पर्यटकको मृत्यु - 10 घाइते
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घाईते उज्जवल दास |
प्रवीण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक,16 जून। छाङ्गु-बाबामन्दीर घुम्न गएको पर्यटकको वाहन भारत चीन सीमा नाथुला नजीक सेरेथाङ हेलिप्याड परिसरमा दूर्घटनाग्रस्त हुँदा कलकत्ताको बारसात निवासी सुदिप्तो दास (32) को घटनास्थलमै मृत्यु भएको छ भने चालक समेत 10 जना घाइते भएका छन्। घाइतेहरू सबै कलकत्ता निवासी रहेका छन्। विहिबार दिउँसो लगभग 2 बजी छाङ्गु घुमेर बाबा मन्दिरतिर गइरहेको समय म्याक्स वाहन (एसके 04-7650) दूर्घटनाग्रस्त भएको पुलिस सूत्रले बताएको छ। दूर्घटनामा घाइते हुऩेहरूमा मन्जीत गोस्वामी (14), एके च्याटर्जी (57), श्रीमती दिप्ती च्य़ाटर्जी (54), श्रीमती आरती गोस्वामी (34), विश्वजीत गोस्वामी (48), क्यामेलिया गोस्वामी (08), करिम मल्लीक (24), उज्वल दास (29), विदान सिगदार (22) तथा चालक सतन कुमार दर्जी (20) रहेका छन्।
यी मध्ये प्रज्वल गोस्वामीको अवस्था चिन्ताजनक रहेको छ भने आरती गोस्वामी, क्यामेलिया गोस्वामी, विदान सिगदारलाई बाहिरी चोट केही लागेको छैन। उनीहरूलाई प्राथमिक उपचार पछि छुट्टि दिइएको छ। अर्कोतिर चालक सतन कुमार दर्जीको देब्रे हात भाँचिएको छ। यसैगरि अन्य घाइतेहरूलाई साधरण चोट लागेको बताइए पनि समाचार लेखुञ्जेल उपचार चलिरहेको थियो।
अर्कोतिर यात्रु आरती गोस्वामीले घटनाको विस्तृत विवरण दिए अनुसार छाङ्गु घुमेर बाबा मन्दिर तिर गइरहेको समय नाथुला तिर जाने गेट काटेपछि विपरित दिशाबाट आउने वाहनलाई साइट दिने क्रममा आफूहरू चडेको वाहन अचानक अनियन्त्रित भएर सडक किनारको बिजुलीको पोलमा ठोक्किन पुग्यो। उनले बताए अनुसार पोल भाँच्चिए पछि वाहन लगभग 10 फिट तल पुग्यो।
अर्कोतिर वाहन कुनै एक ट्रावल एजेन्सीको नभएर विभिन्न होटल अनि ट्रावल एजेन्सीबाट संकलन गरिएको यात्रुहरूको थियो। जसमा मृतक सुदिप्तो दास सहित चारजना हिजो मात्र दार्जीलिङ भ्रमण सकेर गान्तोक आइपुगेका थिए भने उनीहरू गान्तोकको स्नो भ्यु होटलमा बसेको घाइते करिम मल्लीकले बताए। उनले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार 17 जूनको दिन कलकत्ता फर्किने चाँजो मिलाएर छाङ्गु बाबा मन्दिर घुम्न हिँडेका थिए। अर्कोतिर गोस्वामी परिवार छुट्टी बिताउन गान्तोक आएका थिए भने भोलिदेखि पश्चिम सिक्किमको भ्रमणको निम्ति निस्कने सूरमा थिए। घटना पछि सबै टुर रद्द गरेर कलकत्ता फर्किने बताए|
यसैगरि व्यानर्जी परिवारबाट दुइ पति पत्नि आएका थिए भने दूर्घटनामा पत्नी केही गम्भीर घाइते भएका छन् भने पतिलाई केही साधरण चोट लागेको छ। घटनाबारे पुलिसले आफ्ने कार्वाही शुरु गरेको छ भने सेरेथाङ पुलिस थाना प्रभारि छिले छिरिङ भोटियाको नेतृत्वमा बचाउ कार्य गरेर एसटीएनएम अस्पतालमा उपचारको निम्ति ल्याइएको छ। घाइतेहरूको उपचार चलिरहेको छ। यस भन्दा अघि दूर्घटना हुनसाथै सेरेथाङ क्षेत्रमा रहेका भारतीय सेनाले प्राथमिक उपचार गराएर घाइते हरूलाई साँझ 6 बजीसम्म गान्तोक एसटीएनएम अस्पताल ल्याइपुऱ्याएको छ। घटनास्थलमा छांगु पोखरी संरक्षण समिति र स्थानीय मानिस,सिक्किम पुलिस, सेनाका जवानहरूले सहयोग गरेर उद्दार कार्य गरेको जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ। पर्यटकको वाहन दूर्घटनाको जानकारी पाउन साथै ट्रावल एजेन्ट एसोसिएशन (टास) का अध्यक्ष लुकेन्द्र रसाईली, महासचिव सोनाम नोर्गे लाचुङपा समेत प्रतिनिधिहरूले विभिन्न व्यवस्थापन मिलाउन अस्पतालमा उपस्थित थिए। यसैगरि पर्यटन विभागका प्रतिनिधिहरू पनि अस्पतालमा घाइतेहरूलाई रेखदेख गर्न आएका थिए।
तेलङ्गनाको आन्दोलन शूरूः गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन समाप्त?
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16जून। 30 जूनमा तेलङ्गना राज्य निर्माणमाथि केन्द्र सरकारले पक्कापक्की निणर्य गर्ने कुरामा सहमति भएको छ भने अहिलेदेखि नै श्री कृष्ण समितिले दिएका सबै विकल्पहरूलाई पन्छाएर तेलङ्गना क्षेत्रका नेता, सांसद, मन्त्री अनि विधायकहरू केन्द्रले 9 दिसम्बर 2009 मा गरेको आफ्नो घोषणालाई नै सम्मान गर्नुपर्ने कुरामा दवाब दिन दिल्ली पुगेका छन्। विधायक दामोदर रेड्डीले जबसम्म लक्ष्य प्राप्त हुँदैन तबसम्म कुनै विकल्पले आफूहरूलाई बिचलित नबनाउने बताएका छन्।
दिल्ली जॉंदाजॉंदै हवाई अड्डामा नै पत्रकारहरूले सोधेको प्रश्नको उत्तरमा सांसद जी. खुसेन्द्र रेड्डीले हिजो भने, पटकपटक दिल्ली जान तयार छौं, तर राज्य बाहेक कुनै विकल्पलाई स्वीकार गरिनेछैन। तिनले एक प्रश्नको उत्तरमा यसो पनि भनेका छन्, गोर्खाल्याण्डको विकल्प हुन सक्ला, तेलङ्गनाको छैन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनकारीहरू जस्तो राज्यको विकल्प हामी कहिल्यै देख्ने छैनौं। तेलङ्गनाका धेरै वेबसाइटहरूले यसकुरालाई उधृत गरेको छ। तेलङ्गनाका आन्दोलनकारीहरूको निम्ति अनेकौं विकल्पहरूको जाल फ्यॉंकेपनि उनीहरू मुद्दाप्रति इमान्दार देखिएको छ भने यता गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनकारीहरू भने जनता थाकेको अनि अब केही समय विसाउनुपर्ने बताउँदै फेरि अर्को चौतारी निर्माणमा जुटेका छन्।
सुवास घिसिङले डमरू बडेर बाघ हुन्छ भनेका थिए। बाउन्ने डमरूले जनभावनामाथि रजाईँ गरेपछि पहाड़मा दल परिवर्तनको परिस्थिति आइपुग्यो। अहिले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले पनि गोरामुमोले झैं अहिले नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन, यसकारण केही थाप्नुपर्छ भनिरहेको छ। तुलनात्मक हिसाबले थाप्नुपर्ने कुरा गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोको एउटै छ, छैन भने केवल संवैधानिक छैन। जुन कुराको विरोधमा र जुन कुराको आकांक्षामा आन्दोलन भयो, त्यहीं धोखा भएको मान्दै अहिले देशव्यापी विरोध चर्किएको छ। यद्धपि मोर्चाले परिषद् थाप्नु परेको बाध्यताबारे देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई सम्झाउने भएको छ। विश्लेषकहरूले के भनिरहेका छन् भने, सम्झाउनु एउटा कुरा हो यथार्थ अर्को कुरा। सम्झाइए पनि परिषद् छुट्टैराज्य होइन। हो भने गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनलाई केही समय विश्राम दिने र केवल क्षेत्रीय समाधान मात्र।
एउटा सानो क्षेत्रको समाधानको निम्ति जम्मै गोर्खाहरूको आन्दोलनलाई विश्राम दिनु, युक्ति सङ्गत होइन कि भन्ने कुरा सबैले बताइरहेका छन्। दार्जीलिङको निम्ति मोर्चाले परिषद् ल्याउने भएपछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्नेहरूमा न त कुनै विरोध देखार्यो न त कुनै समर्थन। दार्जीलिङका सङ्घ-सङ्गठन, जनता जनार्दनले कुनै प्रतिक्रिया नगरेपनि मोर्चाका दार्जीलिङ बाहिरका शाखाहरूले भने बारम्बार मोर्चामाथि असन्तुष्टी जाहेर गरिरहेको छ। यहॉंसम्म कि डुवर्सका नेतृत्वसमेतले मोर्चालाई विश्वास गर्न सकिरहेको छैन। मोर्चाको सङ्गठन नरहेको तर मोर्चाको आन्दोलनलाई छुट्टाराज्यको आन्दोलन मानेर समर्थन र सहयोग गर्ने देशभरिका गोर्खाहरू पनि मोर्चाको निर्णयदेखि खुशी छैन। देशव्यापी यो असन्तुष्टीलाई साम्य पार्न मोर्चाले कस्तो कार्यनीति आलम्वन गर्ने हो, निक्कै चाखको विषय बनेको छ। देशका गोर्खाहरूले दार्जीलिङका गोर्खाहरूको मौनतामाथि पनि शंका गर्न थालेको छ।
आखिरमा आफ्नो दुनो सोझियो भने दार्जीलिङका गोर्खाहरूलाई पुग्ने रहेछ भन्ने भावना दार्जीलिङ बाहिरका गोर्खाहरूमा उत्पन्न हुँदैन भन्न सकिन्न। मोर्चाले परिषद् थाप्नुको औचित्यबारे स्पष्टसित कुरा नराखेर जताभावी टिप्पणी दिने कार्य गरेकोले नै मोर्चा अफ्ठ्यारोमा परेको पनि विश्लेषकहरू बताउँछन्। उता तेलङ्गनाको निम्ति अन्तिम निर्णय 30 जुनमा हुनेछ। सरकारले आफ्नो मत दिएपछि तेलङ्गनाको आन्दोलन चर्किने बताइएको छ। यता पनि विकासको काम ममतालाई नै जिम्मा लगाएर देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूको सहमतिमा आन्दोलनलाई चर्काएर लैजानु नै कलङ्कदेखि बॉंच्नुको उपाय र सॉंचो आन्दोलन रहने विशलेषकहरू ठान्छन्। नत्र उता आन्दोलन चर्किँदा यता सेलाउन बेर लाग्ने छैन।
GJM may get ministerial berth
ENS, Kolkata"The West Bengal government may offer the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) a ministerial berth and if it accepts the proposal, it is expected to be a major step towards the resolution of the conflict in the Darjeeling hills.
Joining the ministry is said to be part of the proposed agreement between the GJM and the West Bengal government to resolve the issue.
A senior central committee member of the Morcha and a member of its study forum admitted that “a verbal request for a ministerial berth was made by the government during the bi-partite meeting at Writer’s Buildings last week but no official communication has been received till now”.
“The GJM might be offered the Hill Affairs Portfolio as a part of the MoU. But we are yet to finalise the draft of the agreement,” said the central committee member.
Forest haunts fight Sibchu arson taint
Rajeev Ravidas, TT, Kalimpong, June 16: The eco-tourism centres in Kalimpong forest division that had suffered damages from arson following the Sibchu firing in February have undergone temporary repairs and have hosted hundreds of visitors in the last one month.
The facilities at Lava, Samsing, Rangpo, Lolaygoan, Jaldhaka and Gorubathan were reopened on May 16 and since then the occupancy rate in these places has been over 90 per cent, said S. Gazmer, the divisional manager of the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation’s Kalimpong division.
“We managed to carry out temporary restoration work and reopen the eco-tourism sites with the co-operation of the local people who had also prevented the lodges and cottages at these centres from receiving extensive damages (during incidents of arson),” said Gazmer.
Gazmer said the people of the area had approached his office with the request to get the centres up and running at the earliest so that they could host tourists.
“People in these places have become very conscious and have realised the importance of having eco-tourism centres in their villages,” he said.
Officials said the corporation would need more funds to carry out permanent repairs in these facilities and other properties like the offices and staff quarters that were burnt down by a mob after the firing at Sibchu on February 8.
“We have carried out an estimate for the repair of the damaged and destroyed properties and have sent the same to our managing director in Calcutta. More than Rs 10 crore will be required to carry out the work,” said the divisional manager.
Kalimpong division is the largest forest division in north Bengal with a total area of 4,40,449 hectares.
Gazmer also said timber smuggling had increased in the area in the recent times.
He said the corporation was carrying out awareness drives since May 11 to stop the illegal transportation of timber. “So far we have seized timber worth Rs 8 lakh and impounded five vehicles. Five persons have also been arrested for smuggling during this period,” he said.
Gazmer added that the local people often buy illegal timber and the corporation was trying to sensitise them and asking them not to do so. “If people continue to buy illegal timber we will be bound to take action against them,” he said.
According to the divisional manager, the corporation should be allowed to reopen its centres in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong, which sold timber, to stop the buying of illegal wood.
“People say they were forced to buy illegal timber as they couldn’t procure woods legally from us,” he said.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had imposed a ban on the movement of timber from the hills as part of its non-cooperation movement.
However, the corporation is hoping that it will be allowed to resume the timber trade soon.
Ranbir’s Barfee caught in hill brawl
PRATIM D. GUPTA, TT, Calcutta, June 16: Darjeeling is back — for tourists, for Tollywood... but not for Bollywood.
Ranbir Kapoor’s date with Darjeeling — where dad Rishi Kapoor had played out his schoolboy crush on Simi Garewal in Mera Naam Joker four decades ago — is set to be cut short with the shooting schedule for Anurag Basu’s Barfee upset by “unmanageable crowds”.
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung stepped in today and promised security in the form of the Gorkhaland Personnel (GLP) for the shoot, but Team Barfee looked poised to fly out as soon as possible to the sanitised safety of the Mumbai studios. Barfee has left quite a bitter taste in the mouth of director Basu at the place where he had conceived and written the film, starring Ranbir and Priyanka Chopra.
So much so that now the sets of Mumbai or some other hill station may have to be disguised as Darjeeling.
The north Bengal schedule of Basu’s big Bollywood movie, which started yesterday, went haywire today thanks to “unruly crowds” and a war of words.
The Barfee team could hardly can a couple of shots through the day and kept shifting locations. But in vain.
“It’s been really difficult to shoot here,” Basu told The Telegraph. “I have shot almost everywhere in the country and abroad and while stars will always attract crowds, shooting is never disrupted in this fashion. We were dealing with more than just starstruck crowds here.”
The big push came around 8.30am today, at Chowrastha or the Mall, when a few students on their way to school were passing the shooting site. “The shoot was getting interrupted and my guys were stopping the kids as they were coming into the frame,” Basu said. “I shouted at my guys and allowed the students to go through but somebody thought I had shouted at the students.”
A section of the crowd came forward and demanded that Basu and his crew members apologise before they would be allowed to resume shooting.
The director feels it wasn’t just a “misunderstanding” as it was later dubbed. “Some people just wanted importance,” Basu said. “I really felt very humiliated. Now I don’t feel like shooting here and am thinking of doing this leg somewhere else. But I don’t know how I can get Darjeeling out of my head. This is where I wrote the film and even the first schedule we shot in Mumbai has references to Darjeeling.”
Barfee, earlier titled Silence, is about a deaf-and-mute man, played by Ranbir and the two women in his life, played by Priyanka and south Indian star Ileana D’Cruz. Only Ranbir and Ileana are part of the Darjeeling schedule.
All three stars are expected to be a part of the Calcutta schedule of Barfee, which has now been pushed back. “The way things are going, I don’t want to be hit by the monsoon in Calcutta,” said Basu. “So instead of coming in July-August, I now plan to come in end-September just before Durga Puja.”
According to sources, Basu’s team was busy making arrangements today to fly out of the hills.
“Since Ranbir’s dates are really precious, a Mumbai schedule has been quickly drawn up, which starts from the middle of next week,” a unit member revealed. “We are getting tickets out of Darjeeling for June 19 and so we may try and shoot for the next couple of days, under a security cover.”
Basu has no plans of sitting idle till he flies out of the Bengali’s favourite hill station. “I am not someone who can sit around in the hotel and so I will definitely go out and shoot,” Basu said. “We have flown in a hundred people. With them sitting idle, we are losing a lot of money every day.”
Even later in the day, when Ranbir was driven down to Chowrastha from his hotel, shooting couldn’t be resumed because there were just too many people.
“Ranbir must be happy that he has such a wide fan base in this part of the world but it’s not helping the shoot in any way,” Basu said.
Anjan Dutt, a veteran of Darjeeling having studied there and shot many films in and around the hills, blamed the turn of events on Team Barfee’s poor preparation.
“I have grown up seeing Bollywood teams come and shoot in Darjeeling,” Dutt said. “Raj Kapoor came for Mera Naam Joker, where we school kids were incorporated in a scene. Thereafter everyone from Shashi Kapoor to Dev Anand has come and shot there. In the recent past Shah Rukh Khan, easily the biggest star around, went and shot for Main Hoon Naa. I have shot there without a hitch so many times. And nobody has ever misbehaved. So I can’t really blame the people.”
Basu, today, had headed straight to the office of Bimal Gurung at Patlasbas with some local acquaintances. Binay Tamang, the assistant secretary of the Morcha who also reached Chowrasta on Gurung’s direction, said: “Such disruptions are bad for Darjeeling as Bollywood has once again started coming to the hill town after a long gap. We will provide GLP for crowd management throughout the shoot period and we also apologise to the director for the inconvenience.” He added that the rowdy elements would be “reprimanded by the party”.
Darjeeling superintendent of police D.P. Singh said he was ready to provide security as and when the unit needed it. Asked about the GLP’s crowd management plans, Singh said: If they (GLP) come in casuals and volunteer (to control the crowd), we have no problem. But if they come in their dress, then we will have to withdraw.” By “dress”, Singh was referring to the GLP uniforms that have “Gorkhaland Personnel” written on it.
All that may not be necessary if Barfee has to be made someplace else.(ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY VIVEK CHHETRI)
Six injured in bison rampage - Stray animals wreak havoc in villages
TT, Jalpaiguri, June 16: Six persons, including a forest guard and a 10-year-old boy, were injured when one of five bison that had strayed out of a forest went on the rampage in Dhupguri block this morning.
The animals had come out of the adjoining Diana forest and were spotted by villagers around 7.30am. After going on the rampage for more almost six hours, the bull was tranquillised by forest guards in the afternoon and released back in the forest.
Musumuddin Haq, an injured person, said the five animals had been first spotted by schoolchildren of Uttar Salbari.
“The villagers began chasing the animals and they were joined by a forest team around 9.30am. Two animals ran back to the forest around 10am and two others an hour later. But one bison remained in the village and kept on charging at people. I was grazing my cattle when the bison attacked me,” said the 65-year-old resident of Kalabari tea garden, around 55km from here.
Haq was one of the three persons admitted to the Jalpaiguri district hospital with injuries. Sujoy Oraon and Azizul Rehman, a 65-year-old resident of Uttar Salbari, were the two others undergoing treatment in the district hospital.
Narayan Das, 42, a forest guard, and two others were given first aid at the health centre in Banarhat.
The 10-year-old Sujoy was gored by the bison while he was on the way to his school.
Forest department sources said the staff members from the Diana range, Totopara beat and the Binnaguri wildlife squad had to retreat as the villagers were raining stones all around the rampaging bison. Around 3pm, a squad led by Jalpaiguri divisional forest officer Kalyan Das arrived with darting guns and managed to tranquillise the animal in the third attempt. The first two darts had missed the target.
“We took the tranquillised animal to the Totopara forest. When the animal regained consciousness, it walked into the jungle,” said Das.
The DFO said the five bison had been moving from the Reti forest to Gorumara via the Diana forest when they had strayed into the human habitat.
Tourist dead in car crash
TT, Gangtok, June 16: A tourist from Barasat, on the outskirts of Calcutta, was killed and nine were injured when the vehicle they were travelling in skidded off the road after hitting a pole near Baba Mandir in Sikkim this afternoon.
One of the injured persons said they had been returning to Gangtok after a trip from Nathu-la. When they reached Baba Mandir, 54km from here, the driver lost control of the car while trying to make way for a vehicle coming from the opposite direction and hit a post beside the road. The car rolled down a slope turning over six-seven times before coming to a stop. While two persons were administered first-aid at the STNM Hospital the rest were treated at an army clinic near the accident spot.
Body found
TT, Siliguri: Matigara police recovered the body of a 35-year-old man from the Balason river on Thursday morning. The police said Kailash Burman, a resident of Balason Colony, was attacked with sharp weapons possibly after a brawl in an illegal hooch den in the nearby area and then dumped into the river.
Clash injuries in Mal College
TT, Jaigaon: Five Chhatra Parishad supporters were injured in a clash with SFI members at the Malbazar College on Thursday. Chhatra Parishad supporters alleged that they were attacked by the SFI supporters after they protested the SFI members’ misbehaviour with the students who came for admissions. The Chhatra Parishad supporters later blocked NH31 at Malbazar for more than three hours to protest the incident. The blockade was lifted around 2pm after principal of the college and Malbazar police arrived at the spot.
NBMCH polls- SFI bags all seats
TT, Siliguri: The SFI won all 18 seats in the student union of the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital on Thursday. The SFI defeated Trinamul Congress-AIDSO alliance candidates in 15 seats in the elections held on Thursday. The student wing of the CPM won the remaining three seats uncontested.
Healthy marriage
RAJAN RAJ ACHARYA, The Himalayantimes.com, 16, 6,2011: A healthy marriage is made of two individual so there needs to be a balance. If you do not want your marriage to go wrong you should understand that contrary to popular belief, nothing goes right in marriage unless you are mentally prepared for life together. Marriage is neither dominance nor servitude but a partnership. So, the partners should learn to forget the egoistic “I” for the self-effacing ‘we’, in their relationship. Marital relationship deteriorates when egos are hurt.
Egos need to be cherished with appreciation rather than be crushed by constant fault-finding. Appreciation is a great mood-enhancer and a healer of emotional hurts. It is vitamin “A” for good marriage. When two heads come together with antagonism they will sometimes be at loggerheads, but romance has that magical ability to drive away unkind feelings from the mind. A few quiet moments together, a short walk in the moonlight, a soft touch, a lingering caress, a silent locking of the eyes, sweet nothings whispered into eager ears, do not take time but they make you forget hurts and keep hearts locked in love’s embrace. So, give this magic of love a chance to keep things straight.
Fighting is an inbuilt danger to marriage, but it need not be an evil that destroys it. I once heard a lawyer and his wife fighting so violently that they could be heard all over the place. Minutes later, they were walking arm in arm to their car. That’s how fighting should be: just a release for pent-up feelings and forgetting in a flash. Not dragging yesterday’s faults for omission and commission into today’s quarrel is important, for that would be nagging which really hurts and wounds. Marriage is commitment highly taxing and very demanding with no holiday allowed and no breaks permitted.
Such a trying relationship will not flourish on its own. Strange to say, so much time, attention and money are spent on the wedding, which is a one-day affair, while no thought is given to preparing the couple for marriage, which is an exacting life-long involvement.
With a little prior guidance and direction, a couple can be emotionally prepared and mentally conditioned to adjust and attuned to each other’s needs in living together, and when that is done, much that can go wrong in a marriage begins to go right.
यी मध्ये प्रज्वल गोस्वामीको अवस्था चिन्ताजनक रहेको छ भने आरती गोस्वामी, क्यामेलिया गोस्वामी, विदान सिगदारलाई बाहिरी चोट केही लागेको छैन। उनीहरूलाई प्राथमिक उपचार पछि छुट्टि दिइएको छ। अर्कोतिर चालक सतन कुमार दर्जीको देब्रे हात भाँचिएको छ। यसैगरि अन्य घाइतेहरूलाई साधरण चोट लागेको बताइए पनि समाचार लेखुञ्जेल उपचार चलिरहेको थियो।
अर्कोतिर यात्रु आरती गोस्वामीले घटनाको विस्तृत विवरण दिए अनुसार छाङ्गु घुमेर बाबा मन्दिर तिर गइरहेको समय नाथुला तिर जाने गेट काटेपछि विपरित दिशाबाट आउने वाहनलाई साइट दिने क्रममा आफूहरू चडेको वाहन अचानक अनियन्त्रित भएर सडक किनारको बिजुलीको पोलमा ठोक्किन पुग्यो। उनले बताए अनुसार पोल भाँच्चिए पछि वाहन लगभग 10 फिट तल पुग्यो।
अर्कोतिर वाहन कुनै एक ट्रावल एजेन्सीको नभएर विभिन्न होटल अनि ट्रावल एजेन्सीबाट संकलन गरिएको यात्रुहरूको थियो। जसमा मृतक सुदिप्तो दास सहित चारजना हिजो मात्र दार्जीलिङ भ्रमण सकेर गान्तोक आइपुगेका थिए भने उनीहरू गान्तोकको स्नो भ्यु होटलमा बसेको घाइते करिम मल्लीकले बताए। उनले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार 17 जूनको दिन कलकत्ता फर्किने चाँजो मिलाएर छाङ्गु बाबा मन्दिर घुम्न हिँडेका थिए। अर्कोतिर गोस्वामी परिवार छुट्टी बिताउन गान्तोक आएका थिए भने भोलिदेखि पश्चिम सिक्किमको भ्रमणको निम्ति निस्कने सूरमा थिए। घटना पछि सबै टुर रद्द गरेर कलकत्ता फर्किने बताए|
यसैगरि व्यानर्जी परिवारबाट दुइ पति पत्नि आएका थिए भने दूर्घटनामा पत्नी केही गम्भीर घाइते भएका छन् भने पतिलाई केही साधरण चोट लागेको छ। घटनाबारे पुलिसले आफ्ने कार्वाही शुरु गरेको छ भने सेरेथाङ पुलिस थाना प्रभारि छिले छिरिङ भोटियाको नेतृत्वमा बचाउ कार्य गरेर एसटीएनएम अस्पतालमा उपचारको निम्ति ल्याइएको छ। घाइतेहरूको उपचार चलिरहेको छ। यस भन्दा अघि दूर्घटना हुनसाथै सेरेथाङ क्षेत्रमा रहेका भारतीय सेनाले प्राथमिक उपचार गराएर घाइते हरूलाई साँझ 6 बजीसम्म गान्तोक एसटीएनएम अस्पताल ल्याइपुऱ्याएको छ। घटनास्थलमा छांगु पोखरी संरक्षण समिति र स्थानीय मानिस,सिक्किम पुलिस, सेनाका जवानहरूले सहयोग गरेर उद्दार कार्य गरेको जानकारी प्राप्त भएको छ। पर्यटकको वाहन दूर्घटनाको जानकारी पाउन साथै ट्रावल एजेन्ट एसोसिएशन (टास) का अध्यक्ष लुकेन्द्र रसाईली, महासचिव सोनाम नोर्गे लाचुङपा समेत प्रतिनिधिहरूले विभिन्न व्यवस्थापन मिलाउन अस्पतालमा उपस्थित थिए। यसैगरि पर्यटन विभागका प्रतिनिधिहरू पनि अस्पतालमा घाइतेहरूलाई रेखदेख गर्न आएका थिए।
तेलङ्गनाको आन्दोलन शूरूः गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन समाप्त?
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 16जून। 30 जूनमा तेलङ्गना राज्य निर्माणमाथि केन्द्र सरकारले पक्कापक्की निणर्य गर्ने कुरामा सहमति भएको छ भने अहिलेदेखि नै श्री कृष्ण समितिले दिएका सबै विकल्पहरूलाई पन्छाएर तेलङ्गना क्षेत्रका नेता, सांसद, मन्त्री अनि विधायकहरू केन्द्रले 9 दिसम्बर 2009 मा गरेको आफ्नो घोषणालाई नै सम्मान गर्नुपर्ने कुरामा दवाब दिन दिल्ली पुगेका छन्। विधायक दामोदर रेड्डीले जबसम्म लक्ष्य प्राप्त हुँदैन तबसम्म कुनै विकल्पले आफूहरूलाई बिचलित नबनाउने बताएका छन्।
दिल्ली जॉंदाजॉंदै हवाई अड्डामा नै पत्रकारहरूले सोधेको प्रश्नको उत्तरमा सांसद जी. खुसेन्द्र रेड्डीले हिजो भने, पटकपटक दिल्ली जान तयार छौं, तर राज्य बाहेक कुनै विकल्पलाई स्वीकार गरिनेछैन। तिनले एक प्रश्नको उत्तरमा यसो पनि भनेका छन्, गोर्खाल्याण्डको विकल्प हुन सक्ला, तेलङ्गनाको छैन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनकारीहरू जस्तो राज्यको विकल्प हामी कहिल्यै देख्ने छैनौं। तेलङ्गनाका धेरै वेबसाइटहरूले यसकुरालाई उधृत गरेको छ। तेलङ्गनाका आन्दोलनकारीहरूको निम्ति अनेकौं विकल्पहरूको जाल फ्यॉंकेपनि उनीहरू मुद्दाप्रति इमान्दार देखिएको छ भने यता गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनकारीहरू भने जनता थाकेको अनि अब केही समय विसाउनुपर्ने बताउँदै फेरि अर्को चौतारी निर्माणमा जुटेका छन्।
सुवास घिसिङले डमरू बडेर बाघ हुन्छ भनेका थिए। बाउन्ने डमरूले जनभावनामाथि रजाईँ गरेपछि पहाड़मा दल परिवर्तनको परिस्थिति आइपुग्यो। अहिले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाले पनि गोरामुमोले झैं अहिले नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन, यसकारण केही थाप्नुपर्छ भनिरहेको छ। तुलनात्मक हिसाबले थाप्नुपर्ने कुरा गोरामुमो र गोजमुमोको एउटै छ, छैन भने केवल संवैधानिक छैन। जुन कुराको विरोधमा र जुन कुराको आकांक्षामा आन्दोलन भयो, त्यहीं धोखा भएको मान्दै अहिले देशव्यापी विरोध चर्किएको छ। यद्धपि मोर्चाले परिषद् थाप्नु परेको बाध्यताबारे देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूलाई सम्झाउने भएको छ। विश्लेषकहरूले के भनिरहेका छन् भने, सम्झाउनु एउटा कुरा हो यथार्थ अर्को कुरा। सम्झाइए पनि परिषद् छुट्टैराज्य होइन। हो भने गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनलाई केही समय विश्राम दिने र केवल क्षेत्रीय समाधान मात्र।
एउटा सानो क्षेत्रको समाधानको निम्ति जम्मै गोर्खाहरूको आन्दोलनलाई विश्राम दिनु, युक्ति सङ्गत होइन कि भन्ने कुरा सबैले बताइरहेका छन्। दार्जीलिङको निम्ति मोर्चाले परिषद् ल्याउने भएपछि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्नेहरूमा न त कुनै विरोध देखार्यो न त कुनै समर्थन। दार्जीलिङका सङ्घ-सङ्गठन, जनता जनार्दनले कुनै प्रतिक्रिया नगरेपनि मोर्चाका दार्जीलिङ बाहिरका शाखाहरूले भने बारम्बार मोर्चामाथि असन्तुष्टी जाहेर गरिरहेको छ। यहॉंसम्म कि डुवर्सका नेतृत्वसमेतले मोर्चालाई विश्वास गर्न सकिरहेको छैन। मोर्चाको सङ्गठन नरहेको तर मोर्चाको आन्दोलनलाई छुट्टाराज्यको आन्दोलन मानेर समर्थन र सहयोग गर्ने देशभरिका गोर्खाहरू पनि मोर्चाको निर्णयदेखि खुशी छैन। देशव्यापी यो असन्तुष्टीलाई साम्य पार्न मोर्चाले कस्तो कार्यनीति आलम्वन गर्ने हो, निक्कै चाखको विषय बनेको छ। देशका गोर्खाहरूले दार्जीलिङका गोर्खाहरूको मौनतामाथि पनि शंका गर्न थालेको छ।
आखिरमा आफ्नो दुनो सोझियो भने दार्जीलिङका गोर्खाहरूलाई पुग्ने रहेछ भन्ने भावना दार्जीलिङ बाहिरका गोर्खाहरूमा उत्पन्न हुँदैन भन्न सकिन्न। मोर्चाले परिषद् थाप्नुको औचित्यबारे स्पष्टसित कुरा नराखेर जताभावी टिप्पणी दिने कार्य गरेकोले नै मोर्चा अफ्ठ्यारोमा परेको पनि विश्लेषकहरू बताउँछन्। उता तेलङ्गनाको निम्ति अन्तिम निर्णय 30 जुनमा हुनेछ। सरकारले आफ्नो मत दिएपछि तेलङ्गनाको आन्दोलन चर्किने बताइएको छ। यता पनि विकासको काम ममतालाई नै जिम्मा लगाएर देशभरिका गोर्खाहरूको सहमतिमा आन्दोलनलाई चर्काएर लैजानु नै कलङ्कदेखि बॉंच्नुको उपाय र सॉंचो आन्दोलन रहने विशलेषकहरू ठान्छन्। नत्र उता आन्दोलन चर्किँदा यता सेलाउन बेर लाग्ने छैन।
GJM may get ministerial berth
ENS, Kolkata"The West Bengal government may offer the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) a ministerial berth and if it accepts the proposal, it is expected to be a major step towards the resolution of the conflict in the Darjeeling hills.
Joining the ministry is said to be part of the proposed agreement between the GJM and the West Bengal government to resolve the issue.
A senior central committee member of the Morcha and a member of its study forum admitted that “a verbal request for a ministerial berth was made by the government during the bi-partite meeting at Writer’s Buildings last week but no official communication has been received till now”.
“The GJM might be offered the Hill Affairs Portfolio as a part of the MoU. But we are yet to finalise the draft of the agreement,” said the central committee member.
Forest haunts fight Sibchu arson taint
The bungalow of the divisional manager in Kalimpong that was torched after the Sibchu firing. Picture by Chinlop Fudong Lepcha |
The facilities at Lava, Samsing, Rangpo, Lolaygoan, Jaldhaka and Gorubathan were reopened on May 16 and since then the occupancy rate in these places has been over 90 per cent, said S. Gazmer, the divisional manager of the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation’s Kalimpong division.
“We managed to carry out temporary restoration work and reopen the eco-tourism sites with the co-operation of the local people who had also prevented the lodges and cottages at these centres from receiving extensive damages (during incidents of arson),” said Gazmer.
Gazmer said the people of the area had approached his office with the request to get the centres up and running at the earliest so that they could host tourists.
“People in these places have become very conscious and have realised the importance of having eco-tourism centres in their villages,” he said.
Officials said the corporation would need more funds to carry out permanent repairs in these facilities and other properties like the offices and staff quarters that were burnt down by a mob after the firing at Sibchu on February 8.
“We have carried out an estimate for the repair of the damaged and destroyed properties and have sent the same to our managing director in Calcutta. More than Rs 10 crore will be required to carry out the work,” said the divisional manager.
Kalimpong division is the largest forest division in north Bengal with a total area of 4,40,449 hectares.
Gazmer also said timber smuggling had increased in the area in the recent times.
He said the corporation was carrying out awareness drives since May 11 to stop the illegal transportation of timber. “So far we have seized timber worth Rs 8 lakh and impounded five vehicles. Five persons have also been arrested for smuggling during this period,” he said.
Gazmer added that the local people often buy illegal timber and the corporation was trying to sensitise them and asking them not to do so. “If people continue to buy illegal timber we will be bound to take action against them,” he said.
According to the divisional manager, the corporation should be allowed to reopen its centres in Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong, which sold timber, to stop the buying of illegal wood.
“People say they were forced to buy illegal timber as they couldn’t procure woods legally from us,” he said.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha had imposed a ban on the movement of timber from the hills as part of its non-cooperation movement.
However, the corporation is hoping that it will be allowed to resume the timber trade soon.
Ranbir’s Barfee caught in hill brawl
A policeman keeps guard as a crowd assembles to watch the shooting; and Ranbir Kapoor arrives at the Mall in Darjeeling. Pictures by Suman Tamang |
PRATIM D. GUPTA, TT, Calcutta, June 16: Darjeeling is back — for tourists, for Tollywood... but not for Bollywood.
Ranbir Kapoor’s date with Darjeeling — where dad Rishi Kapoor had played out his schoolboy crush on Simi Garewal in Mera Naam Joker four decades ago — is set to be cut short with the shooting schedule for Anurag Basu’s Barfee upset by “unmanageable crowds”.
Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung stepped in today and promised security in the form of the Gorkhaland Personnel (GLP) for the shoot, but Team Barfee looked poised to fly out as soon as possible to the sanitised safety of the Mumbai studios. Barfee has left quite a bitter taste in the mouth of director Basu at the place where he had conceived and written the film, starring Ranbir and Priyanka Chopra.
So much so that now the sets of Mumbai or some other hill station may have to be disguised as Darjeeling.
The Barfee team could hardly can a couple of shots through the day and kept shifting locations. But in vain.
“It’s been really difficult to shoot here,” Basu told The Telegraph. “I have shot almost everywhere in the country and abroad and while stars will always attract crowds, shooting is never disrupted in this fashion. We were dealing with more than just starstruck crowds here.”
The big push came around 8.30am today, at Chowrastha or the Mall, when a few students on their way to school were passing the shooting site. “The shoot was getting interrupted and my guys were stopping the kids as they were coming into the frame,” Basu said. “I shouted at my guys and allowed the students to go through but somebody thought I had shouted at the students.”
A section of the crowd came forward and demanded that Basu and his crew members apologise before they would be allowed to resume shooting.
The director feels it wasn’t just a “misunderstanding” as it was later dubbed. “Some people just wanted importance,” Basu said. “I really felt very humiliated. Now I don’t feel like shooting here and am thinking of doing this leg somewhere else. But I don’t know how I can get Darjeeling out of my head. This is where I wrote the film and even the first schedule we shot in Mumbai has references to Darjeeling.”
Barfee, earlier titled Silence, is about a deaf-and-mute man, played by Ranbir and the two women in his life, played by Priyanka and south Indian star Ileana D’Cruz. Only Ranbir and Ileana are part of the Darjeeling schedule.
All three stars are expected to be a part of the Calcutta schedule of Barfee, which has now been pushed back. “The way things are going, I don’t want to be hit by the monsoon in Calcutta,” said Basu. “So instead of coming in July-August, I now plan to come in end-September just before Durga Puja.”
According to sources, Basu’s team was busy making arrangements today to fly out of the hills.
“Since Ranbir’s dates are really precious, a Mumbai schedule has been quickly drawn up, which starts from the middle of next week,” a unit member revealed. “We are getting tickets out of Darjeeling for June 19 and so we may try and shoot for the next couple of days, under a security cover.”
Basu has no plans of sitting idle till he flies out of the Bengali’s favourite hill station. “I am not someone who can sit around in the hotel and so I will definitely go out and shoot,” Basu said. “We have flown in a hundred people. With them sitting idle, we are losing a lot of money every day.”
Even later in the day, when Ranbir was driven down to Chowrastha from his hotel, shooting couldn’t be resumed because there were just too many people.
“Ranbir must be happy that he has such a wide fan base in this part of the world but it’s not helping the shoot in any way,” Basu said.
Anjan Dutt, a veteran of Darjeeling having studied there and shot many films in and around the hills, blamed the turn of events on Team Barfee’s poor preparation.
“I have grown up seeing Bollywood teams come and shoot in Darjeeling,” Dutt said. “Raj Kapoor came for Mera Naam Joker, where we school kids were incorporated in a scene. Thereafter everyone from Shashi Kapoor to Dev Anand has come and shot there. In the recent past Shah Rukh Khan, easily the biggest star around, went and shot for Main Hoon Naa. I have shot there without a hitch so many times. And nobody has ever misbehaved. So I can’t really blame the people.”
Basu, today, had headed straight to the office of Bimal Gurung at Patlasbas with some local acquaintances. Binay Tamang, the assistant secretary of the Morcha who also reached Chowrasta on Gurung’s direction, said: “Such disruptions are bad for Darjeeling as Bollywood has once again started coming to the hill town after a long gap. We will provide GLP for crowd management throughout the shoot period and we also apologise to the director for the inconvenience.” He added that the rowdy elements would be “reprimanded by the party”.
Darjeeling superintendent of police D.P. Singh said he was ready to provide security as and when the unit needed it. Asked about the GLP’s crowd management plans, Singh said: If they (GLP) come in casuals and volunteer (to control the crowd), we have no problem. But if they come in their dress, then we will have to withdraw.” By “dress”, Singh was referring to the GLP uniforms that have “Gorkhaland Personnel” written on it.
All that may not be necessary if Barfee has to be made someplace else.(ADDITIONAL REPORTING BY VIVEK CHHETRI)
Six injured in bison rampage - Stray animals wreak havoc in villages
Musumuddin Haq and Azizul Rehman at the Jalpaiguri district hospital. Picture by Biplab Basak |
TT, Jalpaiguri, June 16: Six persons, including a forest guard and a 10-year-old boy, were injured when one of five bison that had strayed out of a forest went on the rampage in Dhupguri block this morning.
The animals had come out of the adjoining Diana forest and were spotted by villagers around 7.30am. After going on the rampage for more almost six hours, the bull was tranquillised by forest guards in the afternoon and released back in the forest.
Musumuddin Haq, an injured person, said the five animals had been first spotted by schoolchildren of Uttar Salbari.
“The villagers began chasing the animals and they were joined by a forest team around 9.30am. Two animals ran back to the forest around 10am and two others an hour later. But one bison remained in the village and kept on charging at people. I was grazing my cattle when the bison attacked me,” said the 65-year-old resident of Kalabari tea garden, around 55km from here.
Haq was one of the three persons admitted to the Jalpaiguri district hospital with injuries. Sujoy Oraon and Azizul Rehman, a 65-year-old resident of Uttar Salbari, were the two others undergoing treatment in the district hospital.
Narayan Das, 42, a forest guard, and two others were given first aid at the health centre in Banarhat.
The 10-year-old Sujoy was gored by the bison while he was on the way to his school.
Forest department sources said the staff members from the Diana range, Totopara beat and the Binnaguri wildlife squad had to retreat as the villagers were raining stones all around the rampaging bison. Around 3pm, a squad led by Jalpaiguri divisional forest officer Kalyan Das arrived with darting guns and managed to tranquillise the animal in the third attempt. The first two darts had missed the target.
“We took the tranquillised animal to the Totopara forest. When the animal regained consciousness, it walked into the jungle,” said Das.
The DFO said the five bison had been moving from the Reti forest to Gorumara via the Diana forest when they had strayed into the human habitat.
Tourist dead in car crash
TT, Gangtok, June 16: A tourist from Barasat, on the outskirts of Calcutta, was killed and nine were injured when the vehicle they were travelling in skidded off the road after hitting a pole near Baba Mandir in Sikkim this afternoon.
One of the injured persons said they had been returning to Gangtok after a trip from Nathu-la. When they reached Baba Mandir, 54km from here, the driver lost control of the car while trying to make way for a vehicle coming from the opposite direction and hit a post beside the road. The car rolled down a slope turning over six-seven times before coming to a stop. While two persons were administered first-aid at the STNM Hospital the rest were treated at an army clinic near the accident spot.
Body found
TT, Siliguri: Matigara police recovered the body of a 35-year-old man from the Balason river on Thursday morning. The police said Kailash Burman, a resident of Balason Colony, was attacked with sharp weapons possibly after a brawl in an illegal hooch den in the nearby area and then dumped into the river.
Clash injuries in Mal College
TT, Jaigaon: Five Chhatra Parishad supporters were injured in a clash with SFI members at the Malbazar College on Thursday. Chhatra Parishad supporters alleged that they were attacked by the SFI supporters after they protested the SFI members’ misbehaviour with the students who came for admissions. The Chhatra Parishad supporters later blocked NH31 at Malbazar for more than three hours to protest the incident. The blockade was lifted around 2pm after principal of the college and Malbazar police arrived at the spot.
NBMCH polls- SFI bags all seats
TT, Siliguri: The SFI won all 18 seats in the student union of the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital on Thursday. The SFI defeated Trinamul Congress-AIDSO alliance candidates in 15 seats in the elections held on Thursday. The student wing of the CPM won the remaining three seats uncontested.
Healthy marriage
RAJAN RAJ ACHARYA, The Himalayantimes.com, 16, 6,2011: A healthy marriage is made of two individual so there needs to be a balance. If you do not want your marriage to go wrong you should understand that contrary to popular belief, nothing goes right in marriage unless you are mentally prepared for life together. Marriage is neither dominance nor servitude but a partnership. So, the partners should learn to forget the egoistic “I” for the self-effacing ‘we’, in their relationship. Marital relationship deteriorates when egos are hurt.
Egos need to be cherished with appreciation rather than be crushed by constant fault-finding. Appreciation is a great mood-enhancer and a healer of emotional hurts. It is vitamin “A” for good marriage. When two heads come together with antagonism they will sometimes be at loggerheads, but romance has that magical ability to drive away unkind feelings from the mind. A few quiet moments together, a short walk in the moonlight, a soft touch, a lingering caress, a silent locking of the eyes, sweet nothings whispered into eager ears, do not take time but they make you forget hurts and keep hearts locked in love’s embrace. So, give this magic of love a chance to keep things straight.
Fighting is an inbuilt danger to marriage, but it need not be an evil that destroys it. I once heard a lawyer and his wife fighting so violently that they could be heard all over the place. Minutes later, they were walking arm in arm to their car. That’s how fighting should be: just a release for pent-up feelings and forgetting in a flash. Not dragging yesterday’s faults for omission and commission into today’s quarrel is important, for that would be nagging which really hurts and wounds. Marriage is commitment highly taxing and very demanding with no holiday allowed and no breaks permitted.
Such a trying relationship will not flourish on its own. Strange to say, so much time, attention and money are spent on the wedding, which is a one-day affair, while no thought is given to preparing the couple for marriage, which is an exacting life-long involvement.
With a little prior guidance and direction, a couple can be emotionally prepared and mentally conditioned to adjust and attuned to each other’s needs in living together, and when that is done, much that can go wrong in a marriage begins to go right.
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