KalimNews: GJM has postponed its victory celebration rally and called 24 hr strike in protest against the killing of Rabin Rai of Ringtang during a clash between supporters of GNLF and FJM in Raghubir Busty while GJM was celebrating its victory. In the incident of 15th May, Rabin 28 yr was seriuosly injured with deep nech cut injury and admitted in a private nursing home of Siliguri where he breathed his last today. During the incident other three GJM supporters were injured.
Morcha has demanded arrest of Kalyan Lama, Dawa Tamang, Anand Rai and Sanjeev Tamang. So far police has arrested the main accused Suren Rai and the others Sky Tamang, Bishal Rai and Roshan Tamang.
GJM has announced that all educational institutions, offices and shops will remain closed from 6 am of 19 May to 20 May 2011. However all vehicles will ply as usual.
In the Darjeeling hills just after the news of death of Rabin, shutters of shops were down in the afternoon of 18 May.
The central committee of GJM met this afternoon and it was decided to postpone the victory rally and call the bundh.
GJM has announced that all educational institutions, offices and shops will remain closed from 6 am of 19 May to 20 May 2011. However all vehicles will ply as usual.
In the Darjeeling hills just after the news of death of Rabin, shutters of shops were down in the afternoon of 18 May.
The central committee of GJM met this afternoon and it was decided to postpone the victory rally and call the bundh.
ICSE result published
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Yamini Agarwal |
Mukesh Sharma, Kalimpong: Mukta Mukhia Of St. Joseph's Convent topped The Kalimpong Subdivision with 94.2% in the I.C.S.E Boards Examination,Mukhia was followed by Salem Rai of St. Augustine's School with 93.6% and Karma Giri of St. Augustine School with 93.2% in the third position. In the I.S.C Boards Exam in the Arts Stream Pramati Guha of Dr.Graham Homes scoring 93.7% topped the list followed by Abhimanyu Ghalay of St. Augustine School in Science stream with 93.5% and Nima Lamu Sherpa of Dr.Graham Homes in Commerce stream with 88.75% topped the list in the Subdivision. Nine out of ten schools in I.C.S.E and three out of five in I.S.C schools of Kalimpong recorded a 100% percent pass percentage.
Naksha Stopped the school with 96.28 per cent. Aspiring to be an architect, she credits her parents and teachers for her success. “My dad was very encouraging and taught me not to get worked up during exams. I slogged through my study holidays,” she confided.
Deepa Jain came second with 95.28 per cent and Kruthika Manjunath third with 95.44 per cent.
Vinay B Biradar of New Cambridge High School with 92.7 per cent is the highest scorer of his school. “I was sure of scoring above 90 per cent marks but topping my school was a bonus,” he said. Vinay, who scored 100 in Computer Application says, “I did not employ any special technique to prepare for my exam, but being attentive in class paid off.” Medicine being his aim, PCMB stream will be his obvious choice in college.
Seventeen out of a class of 65 students of Presidency School, Nandini Layout, scored above 90 per cent marks and most others 60 per cent. Four students have secured centums in Computer Application and one student in Environmental Education. School Principal J Bhuvaneshwari said, “We are happy with the overall performance of our students.
The teachers and students have worked hard for it. The school’s average score is 83 per cent.” Mithun C is the topper of the school with 94 per cent. “Scoring above 90 per cent was my foregone conclusion but topping the school was not.” He is grateful for the constant support of his parents and teachers, which helped him focus on the exam. His ambition – to be a Mechanical Engineer.
के हो घिसिङको राजनीति ?
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 18मई। तीनवर्षपछि पहाड़ त पस्यो त्यो पनि पुरानै छैटौं अनुसूचीको मुद्दा लिएर, तरै पनि सुवास घिसिङलाई तिनका समर्थकहरूले माया गरे। तिनी पहाड़ चढ़ेकै कारण तिनको निम्ति लुकेर बसेका गोरामुमो समर्थकहरू छाती खोलेर बाहिर निस्किए। जब सुबास घिसिङले सत्ताच्युतपछि पहिलोपल्ट जनसभा गरे, तब आफूले कहिल्यै गोर्खाल्याण्ड नमागेको स्पष्ट पारे। गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई त्यहीँदेखि सुबास घिसिङले अन्योलमा राख्ने काम मात्र गरेनन् बँचे खुचेका गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई थप यन्त्रणा पनि उपहारमा दिए।
गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाको जन्म भएपछि सुबास घिसिङले कहिल्यै प्रतिक्रिया जनाएनन्। म पहाड़मा नै बसे मारकाट हुने भएकोले नै पहाड़बाट मधेश झरेको हुँ-सुवास घिसिङले मोर्चाले पहाड़बाट तिनलाई लखेटेपछि मधेशमा पुगेर यसो भनेका थिए। तिनी भन्थे, राज्य र केन्द्रमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य निर्माणको परिस्थिति छैन। जबसम्म यो परिस्थिति बनिँदैन तबसम्म चरणबद्ध दाबी तीब्र गरिनुपर्छ। दागोपाप थापे अनि ठीक 15 बर्षपछि तिनले छैटौं अनुसूचीको मुद्दा उठाए। चरणवद्द दाबी, तिनको यही थियो। तर छैटौं अनुसूचीको खेस्रा बाहिर आएपछि पढ़ेलेखेकाले त्यसको विरोध गरे। विपक्ष रहेका पहाड़का सबै दल विरोधमा उठे। केन्द्रको स्ट्याण्डिङ कमिटीलाई कुरा बुझ्न कर लाग्यो। त्यसपछि थन्कियो यो मुद्दा। राज्य केन्द्र अनि गोरामुमोबीच त्रिक्षीय सम्झौतामा हस्ताक्षर भइसकेको थियो, तरैपनि विरोधको कारण यसलाई बीलकोरूपमा पास गर्न सकिएन। छैटौं अनुसूचीको जुन खेस्रा थियो, त्यसमा नै घिसिङले धोका पाइसकेको थियो भन्ने हल्ला बुद्धिजीवीको शिविरमा खुब चलेको थियो। मोर्चा जन्मिएपछि त्यसको कुनै विरोध नगर्नु घिसिङले वाम सरकारबाट पाएको धोकाको उपज मान्नेहरू पनि धेरै छन्।
जब मोर्चाले पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई छोड़ेर अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा उठायो तब नै हराइसकेको गोरामुमो सल्बलाएको सबैलाई थाहा छ। गोरामुमोलाई विश्वास छ, यदि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्ने पार्टी आएन भने वैधानिक र क्षमताको हिसाबमा छैटौं अनुसूची नै उपयुक्त मुद्दा हो। तर गोजमुमोले प्राधिकरण छोड़ेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड कै कुरा गरेपछि गोरामुमोले विधानसभा चुनाउमा लाजमर्दो हारको सामना गर्नुपर्यो। राजनैतिक पर्यवेक्षकहरू के मान्छन् भने घिसिङ पहाड़ चढेकै दिन गोजमुमो अघि घुँड़ा टेकिसकेका थिए। यसै कारण मिरिकको जनसभाबाट तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड कहिल्यै नमागेको घोषणा गरेर गोरामुमोको हारलाई निश्चित बनायो। जबसम्म तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड कहिल्यै नमागेको कुरा गरेका थिएनन् तबसम्म तिनलाई तिनका धेरै समर्थकहरूले विश्वास गरेका थिए। तर तिनले आफैलाई हानी पुग्ने जुन राजनैतिक भाषामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड नमागेको कुरा गरे धेरै तिनका समर्थक निराश बने। आखिर घिसिङ के चहान्छन्? राजनैतिक शिविरमा यो प्रश्न मडारिरहेको छ। आखिर किन घिसिङले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चालाई हानी पुर्याउने कुनै पनि जोखिम उठाएनन्? जब गोरामुमो नराम्रो घतले हार्यो तिनले सुटुक्क फेरि दार्जीलिङ छोड़े। तिनी पहाड़मा रहँदा तिनका समर्थकहरू उत्तेजित हुने अनि यसको कारण अशान्ति हुने खबरदारी गोजमुमोले बारम्बार गर्दा गर्दै पनि सोनादा काण्ड भएपछि घिसिङको पहाड़वास अनिश्चित बनिसकेको थियो। कुनै ठूलो घटना हुनुभन्दा अघि नै तिनले पहाड़ छोड़ेकोले बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण निर्णय घिसिङले गरेको धेरैको भनाइ छ भने धेरै नै मोर्चाको खबरदारीको डर पनि घसिङ भाग्नुको कारण रहेको बताइरहेका छन्। तिनी यसप्रकारले सुटुक्क हिँडिदिएकाले तिनका समर्थकहरू भने फेरि विचल्नीमा पर्ने सम्भावना व्यापक छ। बल्लबल्ल घर आइपुगेका मोर्चा नेताहरू अनि तिनका समर्थकहरू फेरि अब खेदुवा लाग्न सक्ने संकेत सोनादा काण्डले दिएको छ। घिसिङले पहाड़ छोड़ेपनि तिनका समर्थकहरूको निम्ति सोनादामा अशान्ति रोपिराखेका समिक्षकहरूले ठानेका छन्। किन भने सोनादा काण्डमा घाइते रविन राईको आज मृत्यु भएको छ। जसको विरोधमा मोर्चाले 24 घण्टे बन्द पनि डाकेको छ। घिसिङले देखाएका राजनैतिक व्यवहारको स्रोत र कारक तत्वहरू के हुन्? किन घिसिङले खप्न नसक्ने राजनैतिक गोटी फ्यॉंकिरहेका छन्? किन तिनका घरिघरि राजनैतिक हार भइरहेको छ? के यसले अब घिसिङ पहाड़को निम्ति असक्षम र प्रौड राजनीतिज्ञ हुन् भन्ने सन्देश दिइरहेको छैन? आखिर के हो घिसिङको राजनीति?यति विध्न प्रश्नहरू अहिले खड़ा भइरहेको छ, जसको जवाब घिसिङ आफैले पनि दिन सक्दैनन्।
कालेबुङ अचानक बन्द घिसिङ दोषी-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 18 मई। सोनादामा गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूको प्रहारले घाइते बनेका रबिन राईको मृत्युको खबर कालेबुङ आइपुग्ने वित्तिकै दोषी गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई शीघ्र पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा मोर्चाले 19 मईको दिन 24 घण्टे बन्द डाकेपनि, आज सॉंझ नै कालेबुङ बन्द रह्यो। मोर्चाले बन्द भोलीको दिन डाकेको भएपनि रबिन राईको मृत्युको खबर आउने विक्किकै कालेबुङको दोकान पाट बन्द भयो।
मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले आज बन्द नडाकेको भए पनि स्वाभाविकरूपले पसलेहरूले नै बन्द गरेको बताउँदै दोषीहरूलाई शीघ्र नै पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा 24 घण्टा पहाड़ बन्द डाकेको बताए। तिनले 24 घण्टाभित्रमा पनि दोषीहरूलाई पक्राउ नगरे मोर्चाले त्यसउता अझ दह्रिलो कार्यक्रमहरूको घोषणा गर्ने बताएका छन्।
डा. छेत्रीले अहिलेको परिस्थिति निर्माणमा घिसिङको दोष रहेको आरोप लगाए। तिनले भने, घिसिङले किन अचानक राती नै पहाड़ छोड़े, यसको कारण छ। किन भने तिनले प्रशासन अनि अस्पतालपक्षबाट थाहा पाइसकेका थिए कि गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूको प्रहारले घाइते रविन राईको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ। हिंसा उपार्जन गरिराखेर तिनले पहाड़ छोड़ेका हुन्। छेत्रीले आरोप के पनि लगाएका छन् भने घिसिङले पहाड़ छोड़ेकै दिन रविन राईको मृत्यु भइसकेको थियो। स्थितिलाई सामान्य बनाउन अनि घिसिङलाई रातारात पहाड़बाट भगाउन नै रविन राईको मृत्यु भएको पुष्टि गरिएन।
घिसिङलाई पहाड़बाट रातारात भगाएपछि नै रबिन राईको मृत्यु भएको बताइएको हो। तिनले प्रशासनले पनि उचित पहल नगरेको अनि दोषीहरूलाई पक्राउ गर्नमा ढिलाइ गरिरहेको आरोप पनि तिनले लगाए। तिनी अनुसार प्रशासन लचिलो भएको कारण नै यसप्रकारका घटनाहरू भइरहेको छ। तिनले घटना हुनुमा घिसिङको पूर्ण दोष रहेको बताउँदै पहाड़मा पॉंच प्रतिशत मात्र रहेको दलले यसप्रकारको अत्याचार गर्दा पनि प्रशासन निष्कृय रहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्। यता बन्द नै नडाकी कालेबुङ अचानक नै बन्द भयो। खरसाङ बन्द रहेको खबर आउने वित्तिकै कालेबुङमा पनि चलेको हल्लाले पसलहरू बन्द भएको थियो। मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.छेत्रीले आज भने मोर्चाले बन्द नडाकेको स्पष्ट पारेका छन्।
Notably, Rabin Rai was one of the several persons belonging to the rival parties were injured during post-poll clashes at Sonada last Monday. The GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghising was forced to leave the Hills that night as a repercussion of the Sonada clash.
Sporadic incidents of reprisal attacks on the GNLF supporters have been reported from Kurseong and Sonada after the news of Rabin's death reached the Hills. Shops, educational institutions and the offices were closed in some parts of the Kurseong sub-division, particularly at Sonada. However, no untoward incident has been reported from any part of the Darjeeling sub-division.
The GJMM general secretary, Mr Roshan Giri said that the vehicles would be
allowed to ply normally during the strike. “However, market, shops, offices and educational institutions would remain closed,” he said. He also announced reprieve for the tea and the Cinchona plantations.
The body of Rabin Rai was handed over to his family members in Siliguri this evening. His body was sent to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital for post mortem.
A senior GJMM leader from Kuresong, Mr Anil Thapa said in Siliguri today that the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghising had instigated violence. “We would not allow him to step into the Hills again,” he said.
Mr Roshan Giri said that the party activists would take out black flag rallies throughout the Hills tomorrow as a mark of protest against the GNLF-instigated violence.
“We would decide the fresh date of the victory rally later,” he said. The GJMM demanded arrests of six more persons allegedly involved in the Sonada incident.
TOI, DARJEELING: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) will postpone its victory celebrations following the death of one of its supporters. Rabin Rai, 28, who was attacked on May 15, succumbed to injuries on Wednesday afternoon.
Rai and three others were attacked by Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) cadres when they were returning home from a victory celebration at Sonada in Darjeeling district. Rai was put on ventilator and was under treatment at a Siliguri hospital. So far, police have arrested four GNLF men in connection with the attack.
"We have decided to postpone our victory celebrations. On Thursday, we will close the entire Hills for a day as a mark of protest," said Darjeeling GJM secretary Roshan Giri. Supporters and the public have been asked to observe a black flag day on Thursday. "We appeal to people and supporters to participate in a black flag rally on Thursday. We also demand the arrest of six GNLF men involved in the attack," Giri said.
However, the GJM has kept tea gardens, Cinchona plantation and vehicular movement out of Thursday's bandh. "Tea gardens and the Cinchona plantation, along with vehicular movement, will remain open. Our party president has also appealed to people to refrain from violent activities," said Giri.
Houses of four GNLF supporters were ransacked by unknown miscreants at Sonada on Wednesday. However, there was no official confirmation on it. All business activities remained shut on Wednesday. But vehicles were allowed to ply normally.
के हो घिसिङको राजनीति ?
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 18मई। तीनवर्षपछि पहाड़ त पस्यो त्यो पनि पुरानै छैटौं अनुसूचीको मुद्दा लिएर, तरै पनि सुवास घिसिङलाई तिनका समर्थकहरूले माया गरे। तिनी पहाड़ चढ़ेकै कारण तिनको निम्ति लुकेर बसेका गोरामुमो समर्थकहरू छाती खोलेर बाहिर निस्किए। जब सुबास घिसिङले सत्ताच्युतपछि पहिलोपल्ट जनसभा गरे, तब आफूले कहिल्यै गोर्खाल्याण्ड नमागेको स्पष्ट पारे। गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई त्यहीँदेखि सुबास घिसिङले अन्योलमा राख्ने काम मात्र गरेनन् बँचे खुचेका गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई थप यन्त्रणा पनि उपहारमा दिए।
गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चाको जन्म भएपछि सुबास घिसिङले कहिल्यै प्रतिक्रिया जनाएनन्। म पहाड़मा नै बसे मारकाट हुने भएकोले नै पहाड़बाट मधेश झरेको हुँ-सुवास घिसिङले मोर्चाले पहाड़बाट तिनलाई लखेटेपछि मधेशमा पुगेर यसो भनेका थिए। तिनी भन्थे, राज्य र केन्द्रमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य निर्माणको परिस्थिति छैन। जबसम्म यो परिस्थिति बनिँदैन तबसम्म चरणबद्ध दाबी तीब्र गरिनुपर्छ। दागोपाप थापे अनि ठीक 15 बर्षपछि तिनले छैटौं अनुसूचीको मुद्दा उठाए। चरणवद्द दाबी, तिनको यही थियो। तर छैटौं अनुसूचीको खेस्रा बाहिर आएपछि पढ़ेलेखेकाले त्यसको विरोध गरे। विपक्ष रहेका पहाड़का सबै दल विरोधमा उठे। केन्द्रको स्ट्याण्डिङ कमिटीलाई कुरा बुझ्न कर लाग्यो। त्यसपछि थन्कियो यो मुद्दा। राज्य केन्द्र अनि गोरामुमोबीच त्रिक्षीय सम्झौतामा हस्ताक्षर भइसकेको थियो, तरैपनि विरोधको कारण यसलाई बीलकोरूपमा पास गर्न सकिएन। छैटौं अनुसूचीको जुन खेस्रा थियो, त्यसमा नै घिसिङले धोका पाइसकेको थियो भन्ने हल्ला बुद्धिजीवीको शिविरमा खुब चलेको थियो। मोर्चा जन्मिएपछि त्यसको कुनै विरोध नगर्नु घिसिङले वाम सरकारबाट पाएको धोकाको उपज मान्नेहरू पनि धेरै छन्।
जब मोर्चाले पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई छोड़ेर अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा उठायो तब नै हराइसकेको गोरामुमो सल्बलाएको सबैलाई थाहा छ। गोरामुमोलाई विश्वास छ, यदि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्ने पार्टी आएन भने वैधानिक र क्षमताको हिसाबमा छैटौं अनुसूची नै उपयुक्त मुद्दा हो। तर गोजमुमोले प्राधिकरण छोड़ेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड कै कुरा गरेपछि गोरामुमोले विधानसभा चुनाउमा लाजमर्दो हारको सामना गर्नुपर्यो। राजनैतिक पर्यवेक्षकहरू के मान्छन् भने घिसिङ पहाड़ चढेकै दिन गोजमुमो अघि घुँड़ा टेकिसकेका थिए। यसै कारण मिरिकको जनसभाबाट तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड कहिल्यै नमागेको घोषणा गरेर गोरामुमोको हारलाई निश्चित बनायो। जबसम्म तिनले गोर्खाल्याण्ड कहिल्यै नमागेको कुरा गरेका थिएनन् तबसम्म तिनलाई तिनका धेरै समर्थकहरूले विश्वास गरेका थिए। तर तिनले आफैलाई हानी पुग्ने जुन राजनैतिक भाषामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड नमागेको कुरा गरे धेरै तिनका समर्थक निराश बने। आखिर घिसिङ के चहान्छन्? राजनैतिक शिविरमा यो प्रश्न मडारिरहेको छ। आखिर किन घिसिङले गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चालाई हानी पुर्याउने कुनै पनि जोखिम उठाएनन्? जब गोरामुमो नराम्रो घतले हार्यो तिनले सुटुक्क फेरि दार्जीलिङ छोड़े। तिनी पहाड़मा रहँदा तिनका समर्थकहरू उत्तेजित हुने अनि यसको कारण अशान्ति हुने खबरदारी गोजमुमोले बारम्बार गर्दा गर्दै पनि सोनादा काण्ड भएपछि घिसिङको पहाड़वास अनिश्चित बनिसकेको थियो। कुनै ठूलो घटना हुनुभन्दा अघि नै तिनले पहाड़ छोड़ेकोले बुद्धिमत्तापूर्ण निर्णय घिसिङले गरेको धेरैको भनाइ छ भने धेरै नै मोर्चाको खबरदारीको डर पनि घसिङ भाग्नुको कारण रहेको बताइरहेका छन्। तिनी यसप्रकारले सुटुक्क हिँडिदिएकाले तिनका समर्थकहरू भने फेरि विचल्नीमा पर्ने सम्भावना व्यापक छ। बल्लबल्ल घर आइपुगेका मोर्चा नेताहरू अनि तिनका समर्थकहरू फेरि अब खेदुवा लाग्न सक्ने संकेत सोनादा काण्डले दिएको छ। घिसिङले पहाड़ छोड़ेपनि तिनका समर्थकहरूको निम्ति सोनादामा अशान्ति रोपिराखेका समिक्षकहरूले ठानेका छन्। किन भने सोनादा काण्डमा घाइते रविन राईको आज मृत्यु भएको छ। जसको विरोधमा मोर्चाले 24 घण्टे बन्द पनि डाकेको छ। घिसिङले देखाएका राजनैतिक व्यवहारको स्रोत र कारक तत्वहरू के हुन्? किन घिसिङले खप्न नसक्ने राजनैतिक गोटी फ्यॉंकिरहेका छन्? किन तिनका घरिघरि राजनैतिक हार भइरहेको छ? के यसले अब घिसिङ पहाड़को निम्ति असक्षम र प्रौड राजनीतिज्ञ हुन् भन्ने सन्देश दिइरहेको छैन? आखिर के हो घिसिङको राजनीति?यति विध्न प्रश्नहरू अहिले खड़ा भइरहेको छ, जसको जवाब घिसिङ आफैले पनि दिन सक्दैनन्।
कालेबुङ अचानक बन्द घिसिङ दोषी-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मनोज वोगटी, कालेबुङ, 18 मई। सोनादामा गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूको प्रहारले घाइते बनेका रबिन राईको मृत्युको खबर कालेबुङ आइपुग्ने वित्तिकै दोषी गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूलाई शीघ्र पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा मोर्चाले 19 मईको दिन 24 घण्टे बन्द डाकेपनि, आज सॉंझ नै कालेबुङ बन्द रह्यो। मोर्चाले बन्द भोलीको दिन डाकेको भएपनि रबिन राईको मृत्युको खबर आउने विक्किकै कालेबुङको दोकान पाट बन्द भयो।
मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले आज बन्द नडाकेको भए पनि स्वाभाविकरूपले पसलेहरूले नै बन्द गरेको बताउँदै दोषीहरूलाई शीघ्र नै पक्राउ गर्नुपर्ने मागमा 24 घण्टा पहाड़ बन्द डाकेको बताए। तिनले 24 घण्टाभित्रमा पनि दोषीहरूलाई पक्राउ नगरे मोर्चाले त्यसउता अझ दह्रिलो कार्यक्रमहरूको घोषणा गर्ने बताएका छन्।
डा. छेत्रीले अहिलेको परिस्थिति निर्माणमा घिसिङको दोष रहेको आरोप लगाए। तिनले भने, घिसिङले किन अचानक राती नै पहाड़ छोड़े, यसको कारण छ। किन भने तिनले प्रशासन अनि अस्पतालपक्षबाट थाहा पाइसकेका थिए कि गोरामुमो समर्थकहरूको प्रहारले घाइते रविन राईको मृत्यु भइसकेको छ। हिंसा उपार्जन गरिराखेर तिनले पहाड़ छोड़ेका हुन्। छेत्रीले आरोप के पनि लगाएका छन् भने घिसिङले पहाड़ छोड़ेकै दिन रविन राईको मृत्यु भइसकेको थियो। स्थितिलाई सामान्य बनाउन अनि घिसिङलाई रातारात पहाड़बाट भगाउन नै रविन राईको मृत्यु भएको पुष्टि गरिएन।
घिसिङलाई पहाड़बाट रातारात भगाएपछि नै रबिन राईको मृत्यु भएको बताइएको हो। तिनले प्रशासनले पनि उचित पहल नगरेको अनि दोषीहरूलाई पक्राउ गर्नमा ढिलाइ गरिरहेको आरोप पनि तिनले लगाए। तिनी अनुसार प्रशासन लचिलो भएको कारण नै यसप्रकारका घटनाहरू भइरहेको छ। तिनले घटना हुनुमा घिसिङको पूर्ण दोष रहेको बताउँदै पहाड़मा पॉंच प्रतिशत मात्र रहेको दलले यसप्रकारको अत्याचार गर्दा पनि प्रशासन निष्कृय रहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्। यता बन्द नै नडाकी कालेबुङ अचानक नै बन्द भयो। खरसाङ बन्द रहेको खबर आउने वित्तिकै कालेबुङमा पनि चलेको हल्लाले पसलहरू बन्द भएको थियो। मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा.छेत्रीले आज भने मोर्चाले बन्द नडाकेको स्पष्ट पारेका छन्।
Hill strike after Morcha death- Suspicion of GNLF hand in killing
The ambulance carrying Rabin Rai’s body comes out of the nursing home in Siliguri on Wednesday. (Kundan Yolmo) |
Vivek Chhetri & Avijit Sinha, TT, May 18: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has called a 24-hour general strike across the Darjeeling hills on Thursday to protest the death of one of its members who was beaten up by alleged GNLF supporters three days ago.
Transport and cinchona and tea plantations have been kept outside the purview of the bandh, the first in the tourist season this year.
As news of Rabin Rai’s death reached the hills, mobs targeted houses of local GNLF leaders. Two houses were set on fire at Dilaram, 35km from Darjeeling town.
Police said while one of the houses was completely burnt, the other was partially damaged. Five houses were ransacked in Sonada. Two houses were pelted with stones in Kurseong. A house each in Takdah, which is in Darjeeling subdivision, and Kalimpong were attacked too.
Darjeeling police chief D.P. Singh said: “The situation is under control but still very volatile. Though there are sufficient forces, it is tough to cover all areas because of the terrain.”
Rai, who died this afternoon, had been struck in the neck during a clash between the GNLF and Morcha supporters in Raghubir busty near Sonada, 20km from Darjeeling, on Sunday. Since then he had been on a ventilator at a nursing home in Siliguri. His body was brought to Sonada late tonight.
GNLF leader Subash Ghisingh left the hills hours after the Sunday clash in Sonada. The Morcha had said that Ghisingh’s provocative speeches prompted his supporters to “un-sheath their khukuris”.
Today, Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri said in Darjeeling: “Our supporter Rabin Rai has passed away. As a mark of respect, our victory celebrations scheduled for tomorrow across the hills have been cancelled. We have also called a 24-hour general strike across the hills.”
The party’s decision to keep transport out of the strike’s purview is likely to bring relief to the nearly 10,000 tourists who have flocked the hills for the summer. Winter tourism is yet to pick up in Darjeeling where the industry does brisk business from March till mid-June and then takes a monsoon break of more than three months.
Another peak season is from October-November.
Tomorrow’s victory rally, the Morcha said, will be replaced by a protest march across the hills from 11am with party supporters carrying black flags.
Today, too, the Morcha organised a two-hour chakka jam or transport strike at Sonada, demanding the arrest of all the culprits involved in the incident.
The police have so far arrested four GNLF supporters for Sunday’s violence.
SNS, DARJEELING, 18 MAY: The GJMM has convened a 24-hour strike across the Darjeeling Hills tomorrow as the party activist, Rabin Rai, (28) who had been stabbed during a GJMM-GNLF clash at Sonada on Monday, succumbed to his injuries today at a private health facility in Siliguri. The victory rally scheduled to be held tomorrow to celebrate the landslide GJMM victory in the just-concluded Assembly elections in the Hills has been deferred. However, the vehicular movement across the Hills has been exempted from the purview of tomorrow's bandh.Transport and cinchona and tea plantations have been kept outside the purview of the bandh, the first in the tourist season this year.
As news of Rabin Rai’s death reached the hills, mobs targeted houses of local GNLF leaders. Two houses were set on fire at Dilaram, 35km from Darjeeling town.
Police said while one of the houses was completely burnt, the other was partially damaged. Five houses were ransacked in Sonada. Two houses were pelted with stones in Kurseong. A house each in Takdah, which is in Darjeeling subdivision, and Kalimpong were attacked too.
Darjeeling police chief D.P. Singh said: “The situation is under control but still very volatile. Though there are sufficient forces, it is tough to cover all areas because of the terrain.”
Rai, who died this afternoon, had been struck in the neck during a clash between the GNLF and Morcha supporters in Raghubir busty near Sonada, 20km from Darjeeling, on Sunday. Since then he had been on a ventilator at a nursing home in Siliguri. His body was brought to Sonada late tonight.
GNLF leader Subash Ghisingh left the hills hours after the Sunday clash in Sonada. The Morcha had said that Ghisingh’s provocative speeches prompted his supporters to “un-sheath their khukuris”.
Today, Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri said in Darjeeling: “Our supporter Rabin Rai has passed away. As a mark of respect, our victory celebrations scheduled for tomorrow across the hills have been cancelled. We have also called a 24-hour general strike across the hills.”
The party’s decision to keep transport out of the strike’s purview is likely to bring relief to the nearly 10,000 tourists who have flocked the hills for the summer. Winter tourism is yet to pick up in Darjeeling where the industry does brisk business from March till mid-June and then takes a monsoon break of more than three months.
Another peak season is from October-November.
Tomorrow’s victory rally, the Morcha said, will be replaced by a protest march across the hills from 11am with party supporters carrying black flags.
Today, too, the Morcha organised a two-hour chakka jam or transport strike at Sonada, demanding the arrest of all the culprits involved in the incident.
The police have so far arrested four GNLF supporters for Sunday’s violence.
Notably, Rabin Rai was one of the several persons belonging to the rival parties were injured during post-poll clashes at Sonada last Monday. The GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghising was forced to leave the Hills that night as a repercussion of the Sonada clash.
Sporadic incidents of reprisal attacks on the GNLF supporters have been reported from Kurseong and Sonada after the news of Rabin's death reached the Hills. Shops, educational institutions and the offices were closed in some parts of the Kurseong sub-division, particularly at Sonada. However, no untoward incident has been reported from any part of the Darjeeling sub-division.
The GJMM general secretary, Mr Roshan Giri said that the vehicles would be
allowed to ply normally during the strike. “However, market, shops, offices and educational institutions would remain closed,” he said. He also announced reprieve for the tea and the Cinchona plantations.
The body of Rabin Rai was handed over to his family members in Siliguri this evening. His body was sent to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital for post mortem.
A senior GJMM leader from Kuresong, Mr Anil Thapa said in Siliguri today that the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghising had instigated violence. “We would not allow him to step into the Hills again,” he said.
Mr Roshan Giri said that the party activists would take out black flag rallies throughout the Hills tomorrow as a mark of protest against the GNLF-instigated violence.
“We would decide the fresh date of the victory rally later,” he said. The GJMM demanded arrests of six more persons allegedly involved in the Sonada incident.
TOI, DARJEELING: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) will postpone its victory celebrations following the death of one of its supporters. Rabin Rai, 28, who was attacked on May 15, succumbed to injuries on Wednesday afternoon.
Rai and three others were attacked by Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) cadres when they were returning home from a victory celebration at Sonada in Darjeeling district. Rai was put on ventilator and was under treatment at a Siliguri hospital. So far, police have arrested four GNLF men in connection with the attack.
"We have decided to postpone our victory celebrations. On Thursday, we will close the entire Hills for a day as a mark of protest," said Darjeeling GJM secretary Roshan Giri. Supporters and the public have been asked to observe a black flag day on Thursday. "We appeal to people and supporters to participate in a black flag rally on Thursday. We also demand the arrest of six GNLF men involved in the attack," Giri said.
However, the GJM has kept tea gardens, Cinchona plantation and vehicular movement out of Thursday's bandh. "Tea gardens and the Cinchona plantation, along with vehicular movement, will remain open. Our party president has also appealed to people to refrain from violent activities," said Giri.
Houses of four GNLF supporters were ransacked by unknown miscreants at Sonada on Wednesday. However, there was no official confirmation on it. All business activities remained shut on Wednesday. But vehicles were allowed to ply normally.
Online help for aspirants to Delhi University through
The admissions into the prestigious colleges of Delhi University, to which hundreds of students flock to every year, will begin soon. Delhi University offers both undergraduate and post graduate courses through its colleges and central institutions in a wide variety of subjects.
The admission process can be challenging to newcomers and fresh aspirants, especially those who have never studied in the metros. Almost all state student federations put up help kiosks to assist new students in the cumbersome process of identifying colleges, getting acquainted with cut-off marks, finding information about courses, scholarships, fees and hostel accommodation. Students of certain regions, especially Darjeeling-Dooars, have not been able to avail of such help. This year, the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh has made arrangements to help students from these areas, as well as any others from anywhere, who might need such help.
Through the website of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, students can have any doubt cleared.
Please direct all aspirants to access the website at and submit their queries and doubts through the feedback form. They must leave behind their phone numbers and email addresses for a response to their questions. These will be answered individually by a team headed by Prof Munish Tamang, who teaches in Delhi University. The answers will also be featured on the website for collective benefit.
Please also help spread this information to benefit all students who might want to sxtudy in the capital of the country in some of the best colleges of India.- Joel Rai
For more information contact Munish Tamang 09810613360,
Railway invite salve on hill ‘outcasts’Morcha MLA attends government show
Rohit Sharma (extreme left) at the railway function in Siliguri on Tuesday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
TT, Siliguri, May 18: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha has appreciated Mamata Banerjee’s gesture of inviting its party MLAs to a railway programme in Siliguri yesterday, saying this ended the Left government practice of considering them “outcasts”.
“So far, she has proved herself to be largely different from the Left leaders. We presume that her government, too, would be different from the CPM-led one which had always alienated us and treated us shabbily,” said Harka Bahadur Chhetri, the media secretary of the Morcha and the newly elected MLA from Kalimpong.
“In yesterday’s function, where the broad gauge line between Siliguri Junction and Aluabari Road was opened, our MLAs were invited. This was the first time that we were called to a government function, indicating the political will of Mamata Banerjee,” Rohit Sharma, the Kurseong MLA of the Morcha who attended the programme in Siliguri, said.
Chhetri, who had asserted that the Morcha would not sit in the Opposition and would be part of the ruling party benches in the Assembly, said his party was waiting to hear from Mamata.
“She has already announced that the hill problem would be solved within the first 100 days of her government taking over. We are banking on her as it seems she has a blueprint ready to resolve the issue,” Chhetri said. “All four of our MLAs (the three from the hills and the party backed Independent, Wilson Chompromari, from Kalchini) will attend the swearing-in at Raj Bhavan on Friday.”
“Apart from the congratulatory note by our president, no other correspondence has taken place with Mamata Banerjee so far. We had expressed unconditional support for her alliance, which naturally brought a number of seats in her favour. Now we are waiting to hear from her,” he said.
The Morcha leadership, which has so far indicated that it would co-operate with Mamata on the condition that she backs the demand for a separate state, said it was understood that she would require some time to take up the hill issue.
“It seems that her prime concern is the huge load of debt created by the Left Front government. As we had said, we would definitely let her settle down, give her time to sort out the immediate issues and then think of our demand,” the Kalimpong MLA said.
Chhetri blamed the Left government for dragging on the hill issue. “Like several other cases in the state, the Left Front government showed no sincerity or urge to resolve our issue. The representatives and ministers lacked decisiveness,” he said.
“Now it is different as Mamata Banerjee is known for her straight-forwardness. We hope she will keep her commitment.”
Asked about the distribution of ministries among the Congress and Trinamul in north Bengal, the Morcha suggested that the forest and tourism ministers should be selected from the region. “These are two important areas where north Bengal has a huge scope of contributing, specially in improving the economic condition of the region,” Chhetri said.
“Regarding other departments, even if the ministers are not from north Bengal, proper monitoring should be done to ensure that funds are allocated to the region. They should ensure that development in north is carried out on a par with the south.”
Bhaichung hunts for new faces- Bhaichung Bhutia’s team fails to qualify for I-League
Bhaichung Bhutia and Rennedy Singh |
TT, Gangtok, May 18: United Sikkim, which failed to qualify for the I-League this time, is looking for footballers from the 1st division clubs to join them and prepare for the next season in 2012.
Bhaichung Bhutia, co-owner of the club, is currently in Calcutta scouting for players and persuading footballers with the I-League teams to join the Sikkim squad, said senior manager of United Sikkim Arjun Rai.
The I-League season is about to end and players would be available after the event, an opportunity which United Sikkim did not have when it was selected for the second division I-League tournament in March.
With most footballers playing for the I-League clubs, the newly formed United Sikkim had to take the field with footballers from the second division clubs, players taken on loan from the East Bengal team, several local talents and four foreigners from lesser known teams.
Bhaichung, however, managed to bring in the national team’s vice-captain and close friend Rennedy Singh, and defender of the national team, N.S. Manjoo, to play for the club.
United Sikkim topped the qualifying round at Guwahati but came fifth in the final round in Shillong. The club played seven matches in the final round with four draws, two wins and a loss.
“Bhaichung and Rennedy Singh will remain with United Sikkim although they have received offers from big clubs to play in the I-League in the next season. Bhaichung is determined that United Sikkim will qualify in the I-League within three years and become one of the most successful clubs in the country and Asia,” said senior manager Rai.
According to him, now that the I-League is almost over, officials are talking to interested players so that they join United Sikkim.
“Apart from those whom we will retain from the previous squad we have released the other players. The signing process for new players is on to form a team of 30 and start training at the Paljor Stadium here from July second week. We will have a new stronger team for the next second division with which we want to qualify in the I-League,” said Rai.
H. Stanly Rozario will continue as the club’s chief coach, he said.
Bhaichung would be arriving in Gangtok on May 26 along with Rennedy to play for United Sikkim in an exhibition match during the inauguration programme of the artificial turf at Paljor Stadium.
The next event for the club is the Independence Day football tournament to be organised by the Sikkim Football Association (SFA) at Paljor Stadium in August. Two months later the Governor’s Gold Cup, a premier football event organised by the SFA, is scheduled to be held here.
“We will be playing in the Independence Day tournament and the Governor’s Gold Cup. We would also play in major tournaments if we are invited so that our players get enough match practice before the next second division in 2012. Last time we had to do with a hurriedly assembled team and our main players Bhaichung and Rennedy were injured. This time we have the luxury of selecting and signing good players from other clubs and almost a year to train and play as a team,” Rai said.
He added that the club performed well in the I-League tournament and will do better in the next season . “We not only topped the qualifying round at Guwahati but lost only once in the final round. We drew against Lajong FC and Sporting Club de Goa, the clubs which have been promoted to I-League this season,” Rai said.
Bhaichung Bhutia, co-owner of the club, is currently in Calcutta scouting for players and persuading footballers with the I-League teams to join the Sikkim squad, said senior manager of United Sikkim Arjun Rai.
The I-League season is about to end and players would be available after the event, an opportunity which United Sikkim did not have when it was selected for the second division I-League tournament in March.
With most footballers playing for the I-League clubs, the newly formed United Sikkim had to take the field with footballers from the second division clubs, players taken on loan from the East Bengal team, several local talents and four foreigners from lesser known teams.
Bhaichung, however, managed to bring in the national team’s vice-captain and close friend Rennedy Singh, and defender of the national team, N.S. Manjoo, to play for the club.
United Sikkim topped the qualifying round at Guwahati but came fifth in the final round in Shillong. The club played seven matches in the final round with four draws, two wins and a loss.
“Bhaichung and Rennedy Singh will remain with United Sikkim although they have received offers from big clubs to play in the I-League in the next season. Bhaichung is determined that United Sikkim will qualify in the I-League within three years and become one of the most successful clubs in the country and Asia,” said senior manager Rai.
According to him, now that the I-League is almost over, officials are talking to interested players so that they join United Sikkim.
“Apart from those whom we will retain from the previous squad we have released the other players. The signing process for new players is on to form a team of 30 and start training at the Paljor Stadium here from July second week. We will have a new stronger team for the next second division with which we want to qualify in the I-League,” said Rai.
H. Stanly Rozario will continue as the club’s chief coach, he said.
Bhaichung would be arriving in Gangtok on May 26 along with Rennedy to play for United Sikkim in an exhibition match during the inauguration programme of the artificial turf at Paljor Stadium.
The next event for the club is the Independence Day football tournament to be organised by the Sikkim Football Association (SFA) at Paljor Stadium in August. Two months later the Governor’s Gold Cup, a premier football event organised by the SFA, is scheduled to be held here.
“We will be playing in the Independence Day tournament and the Governor’s Gold Cup. We would also play in major tournaments if we are invited so that our players get enough match practice before the next second division in 2012. Last time we had to do with a hurriedly assembled team and our main players Bhaichung and Rennedy were injured. This time we have the luxury of selecting and signing good players from other clubs and almost a year to train and play as a team,” Rai said.
He added that the club performed well in the I-League tournament and will do better in the next season . “We not only topped the qualifying round at Guwahati but lost only once in the final round. We drew against Lajong FC and Sporting Club de Goa, the clubs which have been promoted to I-League this season,” Rai said.
Teachers lock up schools
A shut Reshap primary school in Darjeeling on Wednesday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, May 18: Primary schools across the hills with almost 1.18 lakh students were closed today and will continue to remain so for the next two days as part of the teachers’ agitation for the fulfilment of their 11-point charter of demands.
Other educational institutions, including private schools, are also likely to be affected in the coming days as the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha-affiliated Gorkha Primary Teachers’ Organisation is now demanding the transfer of P.T. Sherpa, secretary of the DGHC’s education department.
The demand for Sherpa’s transfer comes despite the council having started negotiations with the teachers for the fulfilment of their 11-point charter of demands.
The teachers’ agitation had started earlier this month with a three-day shutdown of education-related government offices in the hills from May 10
Benedict Gurung, the president of the GPTO, said: “We have closed the primary schools till May 20. We are hopeful that there will receive a positive response by then. If there is no response, we have lined up a series of agitation. It includes a 24-hour general strike in the hills on May 31 followed by an indefinite hunger strike by the teachers from June 1.”
Gurung admitted that the discussion of the demands on May 10 with DGHC administrator Anil Verma had been positive. “But now we demand that P.T. Sherpa be removed as we have realised that as long as he occupies the post nothing is going to move forward,” said Gurung.Fulfiling the demand on Sherpa’s transfer could be difficult for the administration.
Asked about his interaction with the primary school teachers, Verma said: “I have told them that fulfilment of the demands involves multiple agencies and could take time. As far as removal of my official is concerned, I have am not yet aware of the demand.”
With the transfer unlikely, the GPTO is likely to go ahead with its agitation, which would include closure of all primary and high schools and private institutions on May 23 and 24. This would be followed by the closure of all government offices and educational institutions, including colleges, on May 26.
The teachers will also hold a rally and public meeting on May 30 followed by a 24 hour-general strike on May 31.The 11-point charter of demands of the GPTO includes appointment of 4,000 primary school teachers across the hills.
Bhushan Thapa, general secretary of the GPTO, had earlier said: “By December 2012, 140 permanent teachers are scheduled to retire and if no fresh appointments are made, almost 70 of the 774 primary schools will have no permanent teachers at all. Currently, 13 schools are being run entirely by ad-hoc teachers.”
Other educational institutions, including private schools, are also likely to be affected in the coming days as the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha-affiliated Gorkha Primary Teachers’ Organisation is now demanding the transfer of P.T. Sherpa, secretary of the DGHC’s education department.
The demand for Sherpa’s transfer comes despite the council having started negotiations with the teachers for the fulfilment of their 11-point charter of demands.
The teachers’ agitation had started earlier this month with a three-day shutdown of education-related government offices in the hills from May 10
Benedict Gurung, the president of the GPTO, said: “We have closed the primary schools till May 20. We are hopeful that there will receive a positive response by then. If there is no response, we have lined up a series of agitation. It includes a 24-hour general strike in the hills on May 31 followed by an indefinite hunger strike by the teachers from June 1.”
Gurung admitted that the discussion of the demands on May 10 with DGHC administrator Anil Verma had been positive. “But now we demand that P.T. Sherpa be removed as we have realised that as long as he occupies the post nothing is going to move forward,” said Gurung.Fulfiling the demand on Sherpa’s transfer could be difficult for the administration.
Asked about his interaction with the primary school teachers, Verma said: “I have told them that fulfilment of the demands involves multiple agencies and could take time. As far as removal of my official is concerned, I have am not yet aware of the demand.”
With the transfer unlikely, the GPTO is likely to go ahead with its agitation, which would include closure of all primary and high schools and private institutions on May 23 and 24. This would be followed by the closure of all government offices and educational institutions, including colleges, on May 26.
The teachers will also hold a rally and public meeting on May 30 followed by a 24 hour-general strike on May 31.The 11-point charter of demands of the GPTO includes appointment of 4,000 primary school teachers across the hills.
Bhushan Thapa, general secretary of the GPTO, had earlier said: “By December 2012, 140 permanent teachers are scheduled to retire and if no fresh appointments are made, almost 70 of the 774 primary schools will have no permanent teachers at all. Currently, 13 schools are being run entirely by ad-hoc teachers.”
Traffic relief for tourists
TT: The party’s decision is likely to bring relief to the nearly 10,000 tourists who have flocked the hills for the summer. Winter tourism is yet to pick up in Darjeeling, where the industry does brisk business from March till mid-June and then takes a monsoon break of more than three months. Another peak season is October-November.
Tomorrow’s victory rally, the Morcha said, will be replaced with a protest march across the hills from 11am with party supporters carrying black flags.
Today, too, the Morcha organised a two-hour chakka jam or transport strike at Sonada, 20km from Darjeeling town, demanding the arrest of all the culprits involved in the incident.
The police have so far arrested four GNLF supporters for Sunday’s violence.
Shops in Kurseong and Sonada downed shutters today after Rai’s death.
Doctors at the Siliguri nursing home said that the blood vessels on the left side of his neck were severely damaged by a deep cut, caused probably by a “khukuri”.
“We tried to control the bleeding by operating on the wound on May 17 but failed. Later, because of profuse bleeding, he developed renal problems. We were planning a dialysis this evening but unfortunately, he expired at 1.30pm,” said W.H. Chhang, the director of the nursing home and a neurosurgeon.
Rai, a carpenter by profession, is survived by his wife and two minor daughters. “Sometimes, he would even work as a driver. On May 16, we were celebrating the poll victory of the Morcha candidates when a group of GNLF supporters, all drunk, attacked us. Rabin, a peace-loving man, tried to dissuade them and was hit on the neck with a khukuri,” said Rai’s cousin Birju, who lives in Raghubir busty.
Giri today appealed to all Morcha supporters to maintain peace in the region.
Soon after the clash on Sunday, the houses of at least five GNLF supporters were ransacked in Sonada.
Tomorrow’s victory rally, the Morcha said, will be replaced with a protest march across the hills from 11am with party supporters carrying black flags.
Today, too, the Morcha organised a two-hour chakka jam or transport strike at Sonada, 20km from Darjeeling town, demanding the arrest of all the culprits involved in the incident.
The police have so far arrested four GNLF supporters for Sunday’s violence.
Shops in Kurseong and Sonada downed shutters today after Rai’s death.
Doctors at the Siliguri nursing home said that the blood vessels on the left side of his neck were severely damaged by a deep cut, caused probably by a “khukuri”.
“We tried to control the bleeding by operating on the wound on May 17 but failed. Later, because of profuse bleeding, he developed renal problems. We were planning a dialysis this evening but unfortunately, he expired at 1.30pm,” said W.H. Chhang, the director of the nursing home and a neurosurgeon.
Rai, a carpenter by profession, is survived by his wife and two minor daughters. “Sometimes, he would even work as a driver. On May 16, we were celebrating the poll victory of the Morcha candidates when a group of GNLF supporters, all drunk, attacked us. Rabin, a peace-loving man, tried to dissuade them and was hit on the neck with a khukuri,” said Rai’s cousin Birju, who lives in Raghubir busty.
Giri today appealed to all Morcha supporters to maintain peace in the region.
Soon after the clash on Sunday, the houses of at least five GNLF supporters were ransacked in Sonada.
SMC talks to renew with 5 posts on mind
Caught in the winds of change |
TT, Siliguri, May 18: Trinamul Congress leaders in Darjeeling today said they would demand five posts including that of the chairperson and the deputy mayor when they renew talks with the Congress next week to form the combined board of the Siliguri Municipal Corporation.
Gautam Deb, the newly elected MLA from Dabgram-Fulbari seat and Darjeeling district Trinamul president, said his party wanted the combined board to be formed ahead of the budget session of the SMC in June.
“Once our party chief Mamata Banerjee and prospective ministers of her cabinet are sworn in at Raj Bhavan on next Friday, we would take up the SMC issue with the Congress and settle it through mutual talks,” Deb, who is in Calcutta now, said over the phone today. “We want the combined board to be formed before the budget, for the remaining months of the current fiscal, is placed in the SMC.”
The Congress has been running the SMC since October 2009 when along with ally Trinamul it ousted the Left after 15 years. But Trinamul walked out of the board when the Congress appointed the mayor and chairperson with the support of 17 Left councillors.
Currently, in the 47-ward SMC, the Congress has 15 and Trinamul 14 councillors. The post of the councillor of ward 31 has been lying vacant since Trinamul’s Chaitali Sensharma resigned. The post is expected to be filled up through a by-poll next month.
Deb said situation was different now. “We are running the Centre together and will run Bengal together from Friday onwards. Situations are congenial for both the parties now and we are positive of settling this issue soon,” he said.
Though Deb did not elaborate on the posts, senior leaders here said they would press for at least five portfolios. “We would be asking for five posts from the Congress, including that of the deputy mayor and chairman. Also, the present board will have to be dissolved and the new board, with the existing incumbent as mayor, will be formed with our support,” a senior leader said. The other three posts the Trinamul would demand are members, mayor-in-council for health, public works and drinking water.
Trinamul sources said Krishna Pal, the councillor of ward-24, would be portrayed as the candidate for deputy mayor’s post. Arindam Mitra is likely to be the candidate for the chairperson’s post.
The Congress said the sharing of posts would not be a problem anymore.
“Posts would no longer be a factor,” Darjeeling district Congress president and MLA of Matigara-Naxalbari seat Shankar Malakar said. “Once the cabinet is formed and the chief minister takes charge, we will sit with Trinamul leaders to form the board.”
Gautam Deb, the newly elected MLA from Dabgram-Fulbari seat and Darjeeling district Trinamul president, said his party wanted the combined board to be formed ahead of the budget session of the SMC in June.
“Once our party chief Mamata Banerjee and prospective ministers of her cabinet are sworn in at Raj Bhavan on next Friday, we would take up the SMC issue with the Congress and settle it through mutual talks,” Deb, who is in Calcutta now, said over the phone today. “We want the combined board to be formed before the budget, for the remaining months of the current fiscal, is placed in the SMC.”
The Congress has been running the SMC since October 2009 when along with ally Trinamul it ousted the Left after 15 years. But Trinamul walked out of the board when the Congress appointed the mayor and chairperson with the support of 17 Left councillors.
Currently, in the 47-ward SMC, the Congress has 15 and Trinamul 14 councillors. The post of the councillor of ward 31 has been lying vacant since Trinamul’s Chaitali Sensharma resigned. The post is expected to be filled up through a by-poll next month.
Deb said situation was different now. “We are running the Centre together and will run Bengal together from Friday onwards. Situations are congenial for both the parties now and we are positive of settling this issue soon,” he said.
Though Deb did not elaborate on the posts, senior leaders here said they would press for at least five portfolios. “We would be asking for five posts from the Congress, including that of the deputy mayor and chairman. Also, the present board will have to be dissolved and the new board, with the existing incumbent as mayor, will be formed with our support,” a senior leader said. The other three posts the Trinamul would demand are members, mayor-in-council for health, public works and drinking water.
Trinamul sources said Krishna Pal, the councillor of ward-24, would be portrayed as the candidate for deputy mayor’s post. Arindam Mitra is likely to be the candidate for the chairperson’s post.
The Congress said the sharing of posts would not be a problem anymore.
“Posts would no longer be a factor,” Darjeeling district Congress president and MLA of Matigara-Naxalbari seat Shankar Malakar said. “Once the cabinet is formed and the chief minister takes charge, we will sit with Trinamul leaders to form the board.”
3 killed, 1 hurt in mishaps
TT, Islampur, May 18: Three persons were killed and a child was injured in two accidents near Goalpokhor and Dalkhola today. The three were killed when the motorcycle they were riding was hit by a private bus near Chakulia at Barobilla this morning. Md Rafique, 40, Taridur Rehman, 50, and Md Rashid, 40, died on the spot. The bus has been seized but the driver managed to flee.
In the other accident, Niva Biswas, a Class-VII student of Dalkhola Girls’ High School, was injured when she was hit by a truck on NH34 at Dalkhola College More. Niva has been admitted to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital in Siliguri. After the accident, residents of the area set up a two-hour-long blockade at the College More. The blockade was lifted around 2pm after police arrested the driver and seized the truck.
In the other accident, Niva Biswas, a Class-VII student of Dalkhola Girls’ High School, was injured when she was hit by a truck on NH34 at Dalkhola College More. Niva has been admitted to the North Bengal Medical College and Hospital in Siliguri. After the accident, residents of the area set up a two-hour-long blockade at the College More. The blockade was lifted around 2pm after police arrested the driver and seized the truck.
Fake notes
TT, Malda: Jawans of the 151st batallion of the BSF posted at Kaliachak on the India-Bangladesh border recovered fake notes with a face value of Rs 7 lakh from Charianantapur village on Wednesday. The jawans found the notes inside an abandoned bag.
TT, Balurghat/Malda: Two persons died on Tuesday night after they were struck by lightning. Police said neighbours Anand Mullah, 26, and Ohidur Sarkar, 40, were residents of Ramchandrapur near Tapan in Balurghat. In another incident, Father Soren, 28, and Laxman Murmu, 24, both from Bamangola in Malda, died when they were struck by lightning while they were working in fields.
Body found
TT, Islampur: Karandighi police recovered the body of an unidentified man on Wednesday. The police said the body was lying along NH34 and they suspect that it had been dumped there by some people who had murdered the man elsewhere.
TT, Siliguri: Members of the Trinamul Congress demonstrated at the office of the PWD (roads) at Shaktigarh here on Wednesday protesting the irregular attendance of employees in the office.REACHING OUT
TT, opinion: Subash Ghisingh’s departure from Darjeeling captures all that is wrong with politics in the hills. For more than two decades, the ruling party or group in Darjeeling has left no space for any opponent. This has been ensured mostly through violence and coercion. Ironically, Mr Ghisingh himself started this brand of politics. But that does not make the diktat of the current leader, Bimal Gurung, any less unfair. The easy victories that the candidates of Mr Gurung’s party, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, scored over their rivals in the polls proves the GJM’s popularity. The election results also show that Mr Ghisingh’s party, the Gorkha National Liberation Front, does not enjoy the kind of popular support that the GJM does. It was thus not only unethical but also unnecessary for Mr Gurung to serve the quit notice on Mr Ghisingh. This demonstrates, once again, the collapse of the rule of law in Darjeeling during the Left regime in West Bengal. The argument that Mr Ghisingh’s presence in Darjeeling is a threat to its peace is not only untenable but also dangerous for democracy in the hills.
Filling up this vacuum in democratic politics in Darjeeling is no less important for Mamata Banerjee’s incoming government than finding a solution to the GJM’s demand for a special political status for the hills. Ms Banerjee has always opposed the creation of a separate state of Gorkhaland, but she may use the GJM’s friendly equations with her to find a political resolution to the decades-old issue. She can also involve New Delhi in the negotiations in more positive ways than Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee’s government did. But while the talks over a new political or administrative status for Darjeeling take time, some civic and economic issues in the hills need the new government’s attention. There has been no local administration of any kind in the hills since the expiry of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council’s term three years ago. The collapse of basic civic services and the unending political agitation have made the lives of the common people there difficult. Before she resumes talks over the GJM’s demand for an interim administration, Ms Banerjee can send out signals of a new approach by announcing an economic package for the improvement of Darjeeling’s civic services. It will create the right conditions for the talks and, more importantly, help restore the local people’s confidence in the Bengal government’s concern for their well-being.
Filling up this vacuum in democratic politics in Darjeeling is no less important for Mamata Banerjee’s incoming government than finding a solution to the GJM’s demand for a special political status for the hills. Ms Banerjee has always opposed the creation of a separate state of Gorkhaland, but she may use the GJM’s friendly equations with her to find a political resolution to the decades-old issue. She can also involve New Delhi in the negotiations in more positive ways than Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee’s government did. But while the talks over a new political or administrative status for Darjeeling take time, some civic and economic issues in the hills need the new government’s attention. There has been no local administration of any kind in the hills since the expiry of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council’s term three years ago. The collapse of basic civic services and the unending political agitation have made the lives of the common people there difficult. Before she resumes talks over the GJM’s demand for an interim administration, Ms Banerjee can send out signals of a new approach by announcing an economic package for the improvement of Darjeeling’s civic services. It will create the right conditions for the talks and, more importantly, help restore the local people’s confidence in the Bengal government’s concern for their well-being.
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