बाइक चोरहरूबाट होसियार - उजुरी गर्नेलाई नै हुल्ने
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 8 मई। कालेबुङमा फेरि बाइक चोरहरूको रगरगी बढ्न थालेको छ। अघिल्लोवर्ष धेरै प्रयत्नपछि कालेबुङ पलिसले बाइक चोरहरूको गिरोहलाई रम्बीबाट पक्राउ गरेको थियो। गिरोहले निक्कै ठूलो अन्तरजाल बुनेर ठाउँठाउँबाट बाइक चोरेर बिक्रि गर्ने कार्य गरिरहेको थियोे। गत केही वर्षमा लगभग 10 वटा बाइक चोरी भएको थियो। सुराक पाएपछि गिरोहका नाइकेलाई रम्बीबाट पक्राउ गरेपछि बाइक चोरी काण्ड भएको थिएन। तर दुइ महिनादेखि कालेबुङमा फेरि बाइक चोरहरूको रगरगी बढेको अनि दुइ हप्तामा दुइवटा बाइक चोरी भएको प्राथमिकी दर्ता भएको थानाका ओसी उदय तामङले जनाएका छन्।
>तिनले बाइकका मालिकहरूलाई सतर्क गराउँदै बाइकहरू सुरक्षित राखिनुपर्ने जनाएका छन्। तिनले फेरि नयॉं गिरोह बाइक चोर्नमा पल्केको बताउँदै बाइक चोरहरूबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति मालिकहरूले सुरक्षित ठाउँमा चोरी हुन नसक्नेगरी बाइक राख्नुपर्ने बताएका छन्। तिनले के पनि भनेका छन् भने थानाले बाइक मालिकहरूलाई अघिबाट नै सचेत गराइसकेपछि पनि बाइक लापारबाही राखेर चोरी भएको खण्डमा मालिक आफैलाई दण्ड दिइनेछ। अथवा उनीहरूको उजुरीलाई गम्भीररूपले मान्यता दिइने छैन। थानाबाट बाइक मालिकहरूले आफ्नै लापारबाहीबाट चोरी भए अनि थानामा उजुरी गर्न आए उल्टै उजुरी गर्नेलाई खोरमा हुल्ने समेतको सुझाव र चेतावनी दिइएको छ। आफ्नो थैलो बलियो राख्नु, कसैलाई चोरीको आरोप नलगाउनु भन्ने उक्तिलाई अघि राख्दै कालेबुङ थानाले प्रशासनिक दायित्वबाट हट्ने कार्य भने नगरेको, सबैलाई सचेत मात्र गराएको पनि बताइएको छ। कालेबुङ पुलिसले बाइक चोरहरू पक्रनको निम्ति गाउँ-नगर दुवैमा पेट्रोलिङ जारी राखेको छ। ओसी तामङले जनाए अनुसार चोरी अहिले ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा मात्र भइरहेको छ।
सन्दर्भःगोर्खाल्याण्ड - मोर्चाको मुखमा अर्कै लेखापढीमा अर्कै-आरबी
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 7 मई। क्रामाकपाको केन्द्रिय समितिले आइतबार कालेबुङमा चुनावी समीक्षा गर्यो। समीक्षाबारे प्रकाश पार्दै क्रामाकपा अध्यक्ष आरबी राईले भने, जुन चुनाउ भयो त्यसबाट सरकारहरूलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड पन्थीहरूको एकता देखाइनुपर्थ्यो, यसदिशामा क्रामाकपाको प्रयास अन्तसम्म नै भयो तर राज्य र केन्द्रको हातबाट बिक्रि भइसकेका शक्ति अनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड विरोधीहरूले दलीय सहमतिको परिवेश निर्माण गर्न दिएन। चुनाउमा जसले जिते पनि त्यो गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति होइन, गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको निम्ति हुनेछ। तिनले सोझै भने, गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्ने गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा चुनाउमा पनि प्राधिकरणकै निम्ति लड्यो।
केही दिनै नसक्ने माकपाले अटोनमी भन्यो। गोरामुमोले त छैटौं अनुसूची छोड़ेको छैन। कंग्रेस पनि पहाड़मा मात्र युटीको कुरा गर्दै चुनाउ लड्यो, स्पष्ट छ कोही पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति लडेनन्। जब कि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति सबै मिलेर लड़ेर सरकारलाई एकता देखाउनुपर्थ्यो। ठीक गोर्खाल्याण्डको विरूद्ध अन्य मुद्दाको निम्ति गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्ने शक्तिलाई विभाजित देखाइने कार्य भयो चुनाउ। यसै कुरा बुझेकोले क्रामाकपा चुनाउमा आएन। तीनले गोजमुमोले मुखले अर्कै र लेखापढीमा अर्कै कुरा गरिरहेको मात्र होइन अहिलेसम्म भइरहेको आन्दोलन र वार्ता समेत प्रायोजित रहेको बताउँदै भने, सरकारले वार्ता गर्न बोलाएको हो भने वार्ता गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति हुनेथ्यो। 11 वटा वार्ताको फलाफल भनेको अन्तरिम प्राधिकरण भयो। यत्रो वार्ता बसेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन भन्दै गोर्खाल्याण्ड छोड़ेर अन्य सवालमा नै मोर्चा केन्द्रित भइरहेकोले स्पष्ट छ, वार्ता र आन्दोलन दुवै केन्द्र र राज्य सरकारले फ्यॉंकेको जाल हो। जहॉं अहिले मोर्चा परिसकेको छ। यत्रो आन्दोलन गरेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन भनेर बुझ्नु अनि अन्य कुराको निम्ति आन्दोलन र चुनाउ लड्नु राजनैतिक इमान्दारिता होइन भन्दै तिनले अझ भने, क्रामाकपाले सरकारको जालबाट सबैलाई बँचाउन अथवा मुद्दालाई बँचाउनको निम्ति नै सर्वसम्मत उम्मेद्वारको कुरा गरेको थियो। किन भने चुनाउ लड्नै पर्छ भने गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति दलीय एकता र जनमत देखाउनको निम्ति लड्नुपर्थ्यो। अब जसले पनि जित्छ अनि पटेका पढ्काउँछ, त्यो गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति हुनेछैन। मोर्चाले तोपले झीङ्गा मार्न खोजेको मात्र होइन स्वेच्छाधारी प्रवृति देखाएकोले सरकारले जालमा पार्न सकेको हो भन्ने कुरा गर्दै तिनले भने, सरकार गोर्खाल्याण्ड चहॉंदैन, अन्य व्यवस्था नै चहान्छ। यो त सबैलाई थाहा छ। यसैकारण दलीय एकता र सर्वशक्तिको कुरा क्रामाकपाले गरेको हो। सबै एक भए सरकारको मनोस्थिति परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन्छ।
सबै दललाई एक हुन नदिइनु नै पहाड़मा कुनै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको व्यवस्था बहाली गर्ने सरकारहरूको जाल रहेको बताउँदै दलहरूले त्यो अवसर यसपल्टको चुनाउबाट सरकारहरूलाई प्रदान गरेको आरोप पनि लगाए। जुत्ता भएन भने लेश भए पनि ल्याइनुपर्छ भन्ने धारणा आन्दोलनकारीमा छ भने कहिल्यै गोर्खाल्याण्ड नहुने बताउँदै तिनले क्रामाकपाले यो कुरा सबै दललाई बुझाएर सहमतिपूर्ण कार्यक्रम र कार्यनीतिको परिस्थिति तयार पार्ने काम गर्नमा ध्यान दिने बताए। तिनले भने, यसैकारण अहिले क्रामाकपाले दिल्ली र कलकत्तामुखी कार्यक्रम गरिरहको छ। पहाड़का जनताले पनि राजनैतिक चलखेलहरूलाई बुझ्न थालेका छन्। जनमुद्दा जबसम्म एउटा पार्टीकोे पेवा मुद्दा बन्छ तबसम्म सरकारले वार्तामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड होइन अन्य सवालमा नै कुरा गर्छ। तर हामीलाई सहमतिपूर्ण कार्यक्रमको निम्ति सहमति बन्ने परिस्थिति निर्माण हुने आशा छ। गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति जनतालाई हतार छैन। विस्तारै तर पक्का काम गर्दै जानुपर्छ। जनताले चलखेल बुझेको कारण नै दिवालीको उपहार भनिएको प्राधिकरण हुन सकेन, जस्तो यस अघि छैटौं अनुसूची हुन सकेन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको कुरा क्रामाकपाले मान्दैन। तिनले 13 मई पछि अशान्ति नगर्नु नै बुद्धिमत्ताको कार्य हुने पनि बताएका छन्। आज पार्टी कार्यालयमा नै भएको समीक्षा कार्यक्रममा क्रामाकपा कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष एलएम लामा, उपाध्यक्ष जेबी राई,महासचिव तारामणि राई, सचिव गोविन्द छेत्री, सचिव नर्बु लामा,विन्द्या डुक्पा तथा अन्यको पनि उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
Headline News, KalimNews:
Parts of Sikkim hit by potable drinking water crisis.
Dr Jiwan Namdung to visit China.
GNLF continues ground work to revive ex servicemen (BSM), labour (HPWU), staff (DGHCKS) and teachers' union (PTO,HSTO) of GNLF in different parts of Hills.
Local residents of Relli Road disallowed unauthorised parking in the locality.
Mirik and its locality will be given a new look by reconstructing all the destroyed building and tourism spots. Anil Verma, Administrator of DGHC and MK Gandhi, DM of Darjeeling visited Mirik for the purpose. Most of the bungalows and tourist centres are either destroyed or in dilapidated conditions, these will be reconstructed to restore the lost glory of Mirik.
After the Shibsu firing of 8th February 2011several buildings of WBFDC and DGHC were burnt down causing a loss of more than 10 crores. These too will be reconstructed said Verma.
GNLF plans teacher, ex-armymen units
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, May 8: The GNLF has decided to form associations of teachers and ex-servicemen after the announcement of the Assembly election results in yet another attempt to challenge the supremacy of the predominant Gorkha Janmukti Morcha in the hills.
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 8 मई। कालेबुङमा फेरि बाइक चोरहरूको रगरगी बढ्न थालेको छ। अघिल्लोवर्ष धेरै प्रयत्नपछि कालेबुङ पलिसले बाइक चोरहरूको गिरोहलाई रम्बीबाट पक्राउ गरेको थियो। गिरोहले निक्कै ठूलो अन्तरजाल बुनेर ठाउँठाउँबाट बाइक चोरेर बिक्रि गर्ने कार्य गरिरहेको थियोे। गत केही वर्षमा लगभग 10 वटा बाइक चोरी भएको थियो। सुराक पाएपछि गिरोहका नाइकेलाई रम्बीबाट पक्राउ गरेपछि बाइक चोरी काण्ड भएको थिएन। तर दुइ महिनादेखि कालेबुङमा फेरि बाइक चोरहरूको रगरगी बढेको अनि दुइ हप्तामा दुइवटा बाइक चोरी भएको प्राथमिकी दर्ता भएको थानाका ओसी उदय तामङले जनाएका छन्।
>तिनले बाइकका मालिकहरूलाई सतर्क गराउँदै बाइकहरू सुरक्षित राखिनुपर्ने जनाएका छन्। तिनले फेरि नयॉं गिरोह बाइक चोर्नमा पल्केको बताउँदै बाइक चोरहरूबाट बॉंच्नको निम्ति मालिकहरूले सुरक्षित ठाउँमा चोरी हुन नसक्नेगरी बाइक राख्नुपर्ने बताएका छन्। तिनले के पनि भनेका छन् भने थानाले बाइक मालिकहरूलाई अघिबाट नै सचेत गराइसकेपछि पनि बाइक लापारबाही राखेर चोरी भएको खण्डमा मालिक आफैलाई दण्ड दिइनेछ। अथवा उनीहरूको उजुरीलाई गम्भीररूपले मान्यता दिइने छैन। थानाबाट बाइक मालिकहरूले आफ्नै लापारबाहीबाट चोरी भए अनि थानामा उजुरी गर्न आए उल्टै उजुरी गर्नेलाई खोरमा हुल्ने समेतको सुझाव र चेतावनी दिइएको छ। आफ्नो थैलो बलियो राख्नु, कसैलाई चोरीको आरोप नलगाउनु भन्ने उक्तिलाई अघि राख्दै कालेबुङ थानाले प्रशासनिक दायित्वबाट हट्ने कार्य भने नगरेको, सबैलाई सचेत मात्र गराएको पनि बताइएको छ। कालेबुङ पुलिसले बाइक चोरहरू पक्रनको निम्ति गाउँ-नगर दुवैमा पेट्रोलिङ जारी राखेको छ। ओसी तामङले जनाए अनुसार चोरी अहिले ग्रामीण क्षेत्रमा मात्र भइरहेको छ।

सन्दर्भःगोर्खाल्याण्ड - मोर्चाको मुखमा अर्कै लेखापढीमा अर्कै-आरबी
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 7 मई। क्रामाकपाको केन्द्रिय समितिले आइतबार कालेबुङमा चुनावी समीक्षा गर्यो। समीक्षाबारे प्रकाश पार्दै क्रामाकपा अध्यक्ष आरबी राईले भने, जुन चुनाउ भयो त्यसबाट सरकारहरूलाई गोर्खाल्याण्ड पन्थीहरूको एकता देखाइनुपर्थ्यो, यसदिशामा क्रामाकपाको प्रयास अन्तसम्म नै भयो तर राज्य र केन्द्रको हातबाट बिक्रि भइसकेका शक्ति अनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड विरोधीहरूले दलीय सहमतिको परिवेश निर्माण गर्न दिएन। चुनाउमा जसले जिते पनि त्यो गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति होइन, गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको निम्ति हुनेछ। तिनले सोझै भने, गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्ने गोर्खा जनमुक्ति मोर्चा चुनाउमा पनि प्राधिकरणकै निम्ति लड्यो।
केही दिनै नसक्ने माकपाले अटोनमी भन्यो। गोरामुमोले त छैटौं अनुसूची छोड़ेको छैन। कंग्रेस पनि पहाड़मा मात्र युटीको कुरा गर्दै चुनाउ लड्यो, स्पष्ट छ कोही पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति लडेनन्। जब कि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति सबै मिलेर लड़ेर सरकारलाई एकता देखाउनुपर्थ्यो। ठीक गोर्खाल्याण्डको विरूद्ध अन्य मुद्दाको निम्ति गोर्खाल्याण्ड माग्ने शक्तिलाई विभाजित देखाइने कार्य भयो चुनाउ। यसै कुरा बुझेकोले क्रामाकपा चुनाउमा आएन। तीनले गोजमुमोले मुखले अर्कै र लेखापढीमा अर्कै कुरा गरिरहेको मात्र होइन अहिलेसम्म भइरहेको आन्दोलन र वार्ता समेत प्रायोजित रहेको बताउँदै भने, सरकारले वार्ता गर्न बोलाएको हो भने वार्ता गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति हुनेथ्यो। 11 वटा वार्ताको फलाफल भनेको अन्तरिम प्राधिकरण भयो। यत्रो वार्ता बसेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन भन्दै गोर्खाल्याण्ड छोड़ेर अन्य सवालमा नै मोर्चा केन्द्रित भइरहेकोले स्पष्ट छ, वार्ता र आन्दोलन दुवै केन्द्र र राज्य सरकारले फ्यॉंकेको जाल हो। जहॉं अहिले मोर्चा परिसकेको छ। यत्रो आन्दोलन गरेर गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुँदैन भनेर बुझ्नु अनि अन्य कुराको निम्ति आन्दोलन र चुनाउ लड्नु राजनैतिक इमान्दारिता होइन भन्दै तिनले अझ भने, क्रामाकपाले सरकारको जालबाट सबैलाई बँचाउन अथवा मुद्दालाई बँचाउनको निम्ति नै सर्वसम्मत उम्मेद्वारको कुरा गरेको थियो। किन भने चुनाउ लड्नै पर्छ भने गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति दलीय एकता र जनमत देखाउनको निम्ति लड्नुपर्थ्यो। अब जसले पनि जित्छ अनि पटेका पढ्काउँछ, त्यो गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति हुनेछैन। मोर्चाले तोपले झीङ्गा मार्न खोजेको मात्र होइन स्वेच्छाधारी प्रवृति देखाएकोले सरकारले जालमा पार्न सकेको हो भन्ने कुरा गर्दै तिनले भने, सरकार गोर्खाल्याण्ड चहॉंदैन, अन्य व्यवस्था नै चहान्छ। यो त सबैलाई थाहा छ। यसैकारण दलीय एकता र सर्वशक्तिको कुरा क्रामाकपाले गरेको हो। सबै एक भए सरकारको मनोस्थिति परिवर्तन गर्न सकिन्छ।
सबै दललाई एक हुन नदिइनु नै पहाड़मा कुनै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको व्यवस्था बहाली गर्ने सरकारहरूको जाल रहेको बताउँदै दलहरूले त्यो अवसर यसपल्टको चुनाउबाट सरकारहरूलाई प्रदान गरेको आरोप पनि लगाए। जुत्ता भएन भने लेश भए पनि ल्याइनुपर्छ भन्ने धारणा आन्दोलनकारीमा छ भने कहिल्यै गोर्खाल्याण्ड नहुने बताउँदै तिनले क्रामाकपाले यो कुरा सबै दललाई बुझाएर सहमतिपूर्ण कार्यक्रम र कार्यनीतिको परिस्थिति तयार पार्ने काम गर्नमा ध्यान दिने बताए। तिनले भने, यसैकारण अहिले क्रामाकपाले दिल्ली र कलकत्तामुखी कार्यक्रम गरिरहको छ। पहाड़का जनताले पनि राजनैतिक चलखेलहरूलाई बुझ्न थालेका छन्। जनमुद्दा जबसम्म एउटा पार्टीकोे पेवा मुद्दा बन्छ तबसम्म सरकारले वार्तामा गोर्खाल्याण्ड होइन अन्य सवालमा नै कुरा गर्छ। तर हामीलाई सहमतिपूर्ण कार्यक्रमको निम्ति सहमति बन्ने परिस्थिति निर्माण हुने आशा छ। गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति जनतालाई हतार छैन। विस्तारै तर पक्का काम गर्दै जानुपर्छ। जनताले चलखेल बुझेको कारण नै दिवालीको उपहार भनिएको प्राधिकरण हुन सकेन, जस्तो यस अघि छैटौं अनुसूची हुन सकेन। गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुनीको कुनै पनि व्यवस्थाको कुरा क्रामाकपाले मान्दैन। तिनले 13 मई पछि अशान्ति नगर्नु नै बुद्धिमत्ताको कार्य हुने पनि बताएका छन्। आज पार्टी कार्यालयमा नै भएको समीक्षा कार्यक्रममा क्रामाकपा कार्यकारी अध्यक्ष एलएम लामा, उपाध्यक्ष जेबी राई,महासचिव तारामणि राई, सचिव गोविन्द छेत्री, सचिव नर्बु लामा,विन्द्या डुक्पा तथा अन्यको पनि उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
Headline News, KalimNews:
Parts of Sikkim hit by potable drinking water crisis.
Dr Jiwan Namdung to visit China.
GNLF continues ground work to revive ex servicemen (BSM), labour (HPWU), staff (DGHCKS) and teachers' union (PTO,HSTO) of GNLF in different parts of Hills.
Local residents of Relli Road disallowed unauthorised parking in the locality.
Photo: BNA |
After the Shibsu firing of 8th February 2011several buildings of WBFDC and DGHC were burnt down causing a loss of more than 10 crores. These too will be reconstructed said Verma.
GNLF plans teacher, ex-armymen units
GNLF supporters at a meeting in Milling tea garden, 19km from Darjeeling, on Sunday. Picture by Suman Tamang |
The move by Subash Ghisingh’s party is considered to be significant as till date, the anti-Morcha parties, including the ABGL and the CPRM, have not been able to form frontal organisations in the hills.
“We have already done the ground work and an association of teachers, both at primary and secondary levels, and that of ex-servicemen will be formed soon after the Assembly elections results are announced on May 13,” said a GNLF source.
The source said the teachers’ association would form committees in Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong. “As far as the ex-servicemen are concerned, around 60 of them have informally come together to form the association. Their association will largely draw up its members from the Barbotay area of Darjeeling (where the party has a support base) initially,” said source.
After lying low for more than three years, the GNLF has started consolidating its base by bringing back its supporters to various villages. The party has also appointed village chiefs, who are in turn forming village committees and village protection cells.
Ghisingh’s decision to appoint village chiefs and to form village committees is in tune with his demand that the Sixth Schedule status be granted to the hills as such chieftains are known to operate in the north-eastern states, where many areas are under the purview of the Sixth Schedule.
The decision of the GNLF to form the association of teachers and ex-servicemen, after reviving its labour union in 30-odd gardens, is an indication that the political situation in the hills is likely to remain volatile for some months after the announcement of the results.
“There is no doubt that the GNLF is trying to make a strong comeback and the Morcha, too, is unlikely to sit back quietly. In the given situation, there are apprehensions of skirmishes between the rival outfits in the coming months,” said an observer.
In fact, a section of the casual workers of the DGHC, who were earlier members of the Janmukti Asthai Karmachari Sangathan, had severed ties with the Morcha-affiliated union to form the DGHC Karmachari Sangathan.
Soon after this development, the Morcha has gone on an overdrive with a flurry of activities. The Gorkha Primary Teachers’ Organisation, which is affiliated to the Morcha, has announced a series of agitations this month to press for the fulfilment of its demands, including the appointment of 4,000 primary teachers across the hills.
D.P.Singh, the Darjeeling police superintendent, indicated that his department was keeping a close eye on the developments. “Six companies of paramilitary forces will be reaching the hills in the run up to the counting,” he said.
GNLF holds meeting to formulate future strategy
SNS,KURSEONG, 8 MAY: The GNLF Kurseong branch committee held a meeting today to formulate the party strategy post-poll results. The GNLF leaders would have to chalk out their role if the Assembly poll results go against them.
Meanwhile, addressing the meeting, the GNLF speakers mainly emphasised on the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and criticised the GJMM's activities. One of the speakers said: "We kept ourselves away from the political fray for three years to give the GJMM a chance so that the Gorkhaland dream materialises, but they were insincere towards the demand. For the time being we are demanding the Sixth Schedule, which will automatically pave the way for Gorkhaland. Everybody should be aware of the days ahead and the GNLF this time will not step down. Instead, if any member is threatened all of us should come together and protest." The GNLF Kurseong branch general secretary, Mr Robin Lama, said rumours such as a probable altercation between the GNLF and the GJMM after 13 May will spread unrest in the Hills once again are false. "The GNLF and our chief Mr Subash Ghisingh have always sided with peace and we will follow his example, but if anyone tries to threaten or provoke us then they will be treated in their own terms," he added.
He said: "Even if we lose in the election we will be actually winning it because our victory was sealed the day when Mr Ghisingh set foot on the Hills after three years. The election is just a show to prove the GJMM that we are not a spent force. On the day of the result we will ask our party members to gather in huge numbers at the counting booths. After 13 May, our chief will announce the future programmes of the party."
The GNLF representatives from different places of the Kurseong sub-division were present in the meeting.
The Hills enamoured a reluctant Tagore
Romit Bagchi, SNS, SILIGURI, 8 MAY: Rabindranath Tagore's love for the Darjeeling Hills is a mere myth, if his near ones are to be believed. To quote the poet's daughter-in-law, Pratima Devi, Tagore did not like the Hills. The quiet flow of meandering rivers, the wafting of cool breeze and the unbroken spread of the sky in the rural setting of Bengal fascinated him more than the mistiness of the Himalayas, she wrote. Yet, he has visited the Darjeeling Hills as many as eighteen times.
“He visited Darjeeling eight times between 1882 and 1933. He visited Mongpoo four times and Kalimpong, Kurseong and Tindharia twice each,” wrote Dr Ananda Gopal Ghosh, an eminent historian, in his just-published book on Tagore's association with the Darjeeling Hills and the Nepalese intelligentsia.
Tagore himself wrote to his niece, Indira Devi, in 1931: “An ascent to Darjeeling was forced on me this time. My mind is not inclined to soaring high. Accustomed to the plains, my mind gets choked in these snowy heights. I was resolved to keep staring at the meadows of Santiniketan. But the fatigue growing unbearable with the passing moments came in the way...” “The surrounding Hills, range after range, obstructed my vision,” he wrote to Indira Devi.
But, during the last phase of his life, he began truly identifying himself with the Himalayan ambience when he kept visiting an out-of-the-way hamlet, Mongpoo. He visited Mongpoo four times in the span of a few years.
“I am enamoured of solitude in a place like this. When the day smiles or when the surroundings get enwrapped in a penumbra of deepening mist, I feel the deep, eternal silence that oozes out from the fount of the creation,” he told Maitreyi Devi. It seems that the true enigma of the Himalayas got unveiled to him when he discovered, to quote Sri Aurobindo, "the unapproachable stillness of soul, intense, one-pointed, monumental, lone; motionless on the pedestal of prayer".
Tagore seemed to have identified himself fully with the transcendental essence of the Himalayas when he got disillusioned with the world around him. The World Wars that shattered his hopes of a global fraternity, apart from the strings of personal bereavements and the shocks of betrayal from his near ones, seemed to have hastened his long-hindered voyage from the ‘without’ into the ‘within'.
GNLF holds meeting to formulate future strategy
SNS,KURSEONG, 8 MAY: The GNLF Kurseong branch committee held a meeting today to formulate the party strategy post-poll results. The GNLF leaders would have to chalk out their role if the Assembly poll results go against them.
Meanwhile, addressing the meeting, the GNLF speakers mainly emphasised on the Sixth Schedule of the Constitution and criticised the GJMM's activities. One of the speakers said: "We kept ourselves away from the political fray for three years to give the GJMM a chance so that the Gorkhaland dream materialises, but they were insincere towards the demand. For the time being we are demanding the Sixth Schedule, which will automatically pave the way for Gorkhaland. Everybody should be aware of the days ahead and the GNLF this time will not step down. Instead, if any member is threatened all of us should come together and protest." The GNLF Kurseong branch general secretary, Mr Robin Lama, said rumours such as a probable altercation between the GNLF and the GJMM after 13 May will spread unrest in the Hills once again are false. "The GNLF and our chief Mr Subash Ghisingh have always sided with peace and we will follow his example, but if anyone tries to threaten or provoke us then they will be treated in their own terms," he added.
He said: "Even if we lose in the election we will be actually winning it because our victory was sealed the day when Mr Ghisingh set foot on the Hills after three years. The election is just a show to prove the GJMM that we are not a spent force. On the day of the result we will ask our party members to gather in huge numbers at the counting booths. After 13 May, our chief will announce the future programmes of the party."
The GNLF representatives from different places of the Kurseong sub-division were present in the meeting.
The Hills enamoured a reluctant Tagore
Romit Bagchi, SNS, SILIGURI, 8 MAY: Rabindranath Tagore's love for the Darjeeling Hills is a mere myth, if his near ones are to be believed. To quote the poet's daughter-in-law, Pratima Devi, Tagore did not like the Hills. The quiet flow of meandering rivers, the wafting of cool breeze and the unbroken spread of the sky in the rural setting of Bengal fascinated him more than the mistiness of the Himalayas, she wrote. Yet, he has visited the Darjeeling Hills as many as eighteen times.
“He visited Darjeeling eight times between 1882 and 1933. He visited Mongpoo four times and Kalimpong, Kurseong and Tindharia twice each,” wrote Dr Ananda Gopal Ghosh, an eminent historian, in his just-published book on Tagore's association with the Darjeeling Hills and the Nepalese intelligentsia.
Tagore himself wrote to his niece, Indira Devi, in 1931: “An ascent to Darjeeling was forced on me this time. My mind is not inclined to soaring high. Accustomed to the plains, my mind gets choked in these snowy heights. I was resolved to keep staring at the meadows of Santiniketan. But the fatigue growing unbearable with the passing moments came in the way...” “The surrounding Hills, range after range, obstructed my vision,” he wrote to Indira Devi.
But, during the last phase of his life, he began truly identifying himself with the Himalayan ambience when he kept visiting an out-of-the-way hamlet, Mongpoo. He visited Mongpoo four times in the span of a few years.
“I am enamoured of solitude in a place like this. When the day smiles or when the surroundings get enwrapped in a penumbra of deepening mist, I feel the deep, eternal silence that oozes out from the fount of the creation,” he told Maitreyi Devi. It seems that the true enigma of the Himalayas got unveiled to him when he discovered, to quote Sri Aurobindo, "the unapproachable stillness of soul, intense, one-pointed, monumental, lone; motionless on the pedestal of prayer".
Tagore seemed to have identified himself fully with the transcendental essence of the Himalayas when he got disillusioned with the world around him. The World Wars that shattered his hopes of a global fraternity, apart from the strings of personal bereavements and the shocks of betrayal from his near ones, seemed to have hastened his long-hindered voyage from the ‘without’ into the ‘within'.
TT, Malda, May 8: A woman was set on fire allegedly by her husband at a village in Old Malda this morning for giving birth to three girls.
The woman with nearly 80 per cent burn injuries is battling for life at the district hospital here.
Polly Sil, mother of three girls aged seven, five and two, used to be tortured by husband Bablu after their third child was born. Police said the 26-year-old woman had married Bablu, a barber, about nine years ago and the couple stayed at Sahapur Shivmandir, 4km from here.
“Bablu used to torture her mentally and physically. He used to ask Polly to get money from her father to feed the girls,” said Polly’s mother Lakshmibala Basu.
She added that Polly would often come over to her house in Mangalbari, 2km from Bablu’s house, to stay with her.
“It was on April 18 that Polly came to me with her daughters. She told me that she would not live for long. She said we would soon get to know that she had been killed by her husband,” said the mother.
Lakshmibala added that she often used to help Polly with money. “Today Bablu poured kerosene on her and tried to burn her alive. We were told around 10am that she was dead. We rushed to the hospital and saw her there with burns. She could barely speak.”
Sub-inspector of Old Malda police station Sushil Roy said Bablu was absconding. “I learnt from the local people that around 7am they heard Polly screaming and found her in flames inside a locked room. Her daughters had been taken away by Bablu to his mother’s house before he committed the crime,” he said.
Bablu’s mother, however, said Polly’s sari had caught fire from a lamp. “If he wanted to kill her, he could have done that long ago,” she said.
District police chief Bhuban Mondal, said: “Polly has said at the hospital that her husband tried to kill her. Her mother has filed a complaint against Bablu.”
Himadri Arhi, superintendent of the hospital, said: “She is battling for life with 80 per cent burns. She is in a very critical condition and it is difficult to say anything about her chances of survival.”
Petrol station looted
TT, Malda, May 8: A gang of around 10 men armed with improvised firearms and knives took away Rs 1 lakh from a petrol pump in Laskarpur near Chanchal last night.
The robbers stabbed an employee of the pump and assaulted another before fleeing with the cash on five motorcycles.
Owner of the petrol pump along the Malda-Chanchal state highway, Prabir Banerjee said the group had arrived at the pump around 8pm on two-wheelers. “The robbers first locked up my manager Ranjan Mondal and the night guard in a room. Then they held a gun to the head of cashier Bikash Thokdar and stabbed another staff named Arup Sarkar. They also beat up Bikash before fleeing with the cash.”
The injured persons have been admitted to the Chanchal Rural Hospital.
District police chief Bhuban Mondal said the gangmembers were probably from the area.
“We have already got some clues about them and raids are being conducted in the area. We have found out that after the robbery, the gang split into two groups. One group went towards Ratua and the other towards Kumarganj. The problem is that more than a thousand policemen are on poll duty in Purulia and the two Midnapores. Two deputy police superintendents and an additional police superintendent are also on election duty. So, there is a lack of policing,” he said.
In Dalit student suicides, the death of merit
Vidya Subrahmaniam, New Delhi: He killed himself in his college library, unable to bear the insults and taunts. The suicide note recovered from his coat pocket charged his Head of the Department (HOD) with deliberately failing him and threatening to fail him over and over. Seven months later, a three-member group of senior professors re-evaluated his answer sheet and found that he had in fact passed the test.
Medical student Jaspreet Singh, a Dalit by birth, wanted nothing more than to become a doctor.
Tragically, he fulfilled his ambition posthumously. A year later, his young sister, a student of Bachelor of Computer Application, also committed suicide, heartbroken at the injustice done to her brother.
Shocking details about the January 2008 suicide of the Chandigarh-based student have emerged following recent investigations by Insight Foundation, a Dalit-Adivasi student group that has compiled a list of 18 suicides by Dalit students studying in reputed institutions of higher education across India in the past four years.
The Foundation has also uploaded two documentaries onto YouTube, titled “The death of merit” — one on Jaspreet and the other on Bal Mukund, a Dalit student from Uttar Pradesh, who studied at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences and committed suicide in March 2010.
Jaspreet was in the final year at the Government Medical College in Chandigarh. He was an excellent student throughout, and had never failed in any subject until he reached the fifth and final year.
This is when his ordeal began. His HOD told him that he might have entered medical college using his Scheduled Caste certificate but he would not go out with a degree.
The professor failed him in Community Medicine, a crucial subject, and told him, according to the suicide note, that he will not let him pass.
Jaspreet had set his heart on a MD degree from the prestigious Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh. The threat cut short that dream.
Jaspreet's father, Charan Singh, told The Hindu: “I have no reason to live anymore. What more evidence do they want?”
Indeed, the evidence is clinching in this case. Jaspreet's suicide note; a certificate affirming Jaspreet's handwriting from the Directorate of Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Shimla; testimonies from Jaspreet's friends; and finally, the re-evaluation of the answer sheet by a three member body of doctors from PGI, Chandigarh. All three doctors, Rajesh Kumar, Amarjeet Singh and Arun Kumar Aggrawal, specialised in Community Medicine – the subject in which Jaspreet was failed. Yet till date, no action has been taken against the guilty HOD or the college.
In Bal Mukund's case, the AIIMS authorities seized on the fact that there was no suicide note. Their version was that Bal Mukund, who had attempted suicide once earlier, killed himself in depression.
But Bal Mukund's parents plaintively ask: “Who and what drove him to depression? He had repeatedly told us that he was harassed because of his caste. He was about to change his name. He also wanted to settle abroad to escape the humiliation of being born a Dalit.”
(http://www.hindu.com/2011/05/08/stories/2011050864741100.htm accessed on 8 May 2011.)
Nepal Seeks Legal Cover For Shawl
kathy marks, SNS,KATHMANDU, 8 MAY: It takes a particularly fluffy goat to survive a Himalayan winter, and the chyangra goat ~ the source of pashmina wool ~ is the fluffiest of all. Coveted for its lightness and warmth, the wool ~ used in scarves and shawls sold in boutiques from Paris to Manhattan ~ has brought much-needed income to the mountain kingdom of Nepal. But recently exports have slumped, thanks to competition from cheap imitations mass-produced mainly in China and India, Nepal’s much larger neighbours, from inferior wool or synthetic fibres. Now producers in Nepal, backed by the government, are fighting back, registering the trademark “Chyangra Pashmina” after the sub-species of goat. Pashmina garments made there will carry a special logo, and Nepalese producers will monitor markets around the world to protect their trademark. Spun from the short, soft hairs found beneath the goats’ long outer coat, pashmina wool has become popular ~ with celebrities as well as ordinary consumers ~ in the past couple of decades. A pure pashmina scarf can easily cost (pounds sterling) 100 or more. Nepal exported $103 million worth of the wool in 2000, but by last year that figure had dropped to just $18 million.
The reason, local producers believe, is the cheap Chinese and Indian-made scarves sold for a few dollars in tourist shops in Hong Kong, London and Bangkok. Rebecca Ordish, an Australian intellectual property lawyer based in Nepal, told Associated Press: “Pashmina has gone from being a luxury product associated with royalty to a cheap shawl or scarf.” She believes that pashmina wool has lost its expensive, rare aura, and that consumers now associate the name chiefly with low-quality imitations, “so they won’t be prepared to pay more for the expensive genuine product”.
The new trademark, intended to set those genuine products apart and ensure the content of the wool, has been registered in dozens of Western countries, according to Manoj Acharya, a senior official in Nepal’s Ministry for Commerce and Industries. The government also plans to set up a laboratory in Katmandu to provide scientific backing for the superiority of its goods. “Our hope is to separate Nepal’s products from others, so that consumers are not fooled,” Mr Acharya said. Mandu Bahadur Adhikari, the head of an umbrella body that groups Nepalese producers, said members would monitor wool markets to make sure others did not use the “Chyangra Pashmina” label. They would also check the labels of goods sold in shops in the West, and were planning a media campaign to alert importers and consumers to possible imitations.
the independent
In Dalit student suicides, the death of merit
Vidya Subrahmaniam, New Delhi: He killed himself in his college library, unable to bear the insults and taunts. The suicide note recovered from his coat pocket charged his Head of the Department (HOD) with deliberately failing him and threatening to fail him over and over. Seven months later, a three-member group of senior professors re-evaluated his answer sheet and found that he had in fact passed the test.
Medical student Jaspreet Singh, a Dalit by birth, wanted nothing more than to become a doctor.
Tragically, he fulfilled his ambition posthumously. A year later, his young sister, a student of Bachelor of Computer Application, also committed suicide, heartbroken at the injustice done to her brother.
Shocking details about the January 2008 suicide of the Chandigarh-based student have emerged following recent investigations by Insight Foundation, a Dalit-Adivasi student group that has compiled a list of 18 suicides by Dalit students studying in reputed institutions of higher education across India in the past four years.
The Foundation has also uploaded two documentaries onto YouTube, titled “The death of merit” — one on Jaspreet and the other on Bal Mukund, a Dalit student from Uttar Pradesh, who studied at the All-India Institute of Medical Sciences and committed suicide in March 2010.
Jaspreet was in the final year at the Government Medical College in Chandigarh. He was an excellent student throughout, and had never failed in any subject until he reached the fifth and final year.
This is when his ordeal began. His HOD told him that he might have entered medical college using his Scheduled Caste certificate but he would not go out with a degree.
The professor failed him in Community Medicine, a crucial subject, and told him, according to the suicide note, that he will not let him pass.
Jaspreet had set his heart on a MD degree from the prestigious Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research in Chandigarh. The threat cut short that dream.
Jaspreet's father, Charan Singh, told The Hindu: “I have no reason to live anymore. What more evidence do they want?”
Indeed, the evidence is clinching in this case. Jaspreet's suicide note; a certificate affirming Jaspreet's handwriting from the Directorate of Forensic Science, Ministry of Home Affairs, Shimla; testimonies from Jaspreet's friends; and finally, the re-evaluation of the answer sheet by a three member body of doctors from PGI, Chandigarh. All three doctors, Rajesh Kumar, Amarjeet Singh and Arun Kumar Aggrawal, specialised in Community Medicine – the subject in which Jaspreet was failed. Yet till date, no action has been taken against the guilty HOD or the college.
In Bal Mukund's case, the AIIMS authorities seized on the fact that there was no suicide note. Their version was that Bal Mukund, who had attempted suicide once earlier, killed himself in depression.
But Bal Mukund's parents plaintively ask: “Who and what drove him to depression? He had repeatedly told us that he was harassed because of his caste. He was about to change his name. He also wanted to settle abroad to escape the humiliation of being born a Dalit.”
(http://www.hindu.com/2011/05/08/stories/2011050864741100.htm accessed on 8 May 2011.)
Nepal Seeks Legal Cover For Shawl
kathy marks, SNS,KATHMANDU, 8 MAY: It takes a particularly fluffy goat to survive a Himalayan winter, and the chyangra goat ~ the source of pashmina wool ~ is the fluffiest of all. Coveted for its lightness and warmth, the wool ~ used in scarves and shawls sold in boutiques from Paris to Manhattan ~ has brought much-needed income to the mountain kingdom of Nepal. But recently exports have slumped, thanks to competition from cheap imitations mass-produced mainly in China and India, Nepal’s much larger neighbours, from inferior wool or synthetic fibres. Now producers in Nepal, backed by the government, are fighting back, registering the trademark “Chyangra Pashmina” after the sub-species of goat. Pashmina garments made there will carry a special logo, and Nepalese producers will monitor markets around the world to protect their trademark. Spun from the short, soft hairs found beneath the goats’ long outer coat, pashmina wool has become popular ~ with celebrities as well as ordinary consumers ~ in the past couple of decades. A pure pashmina scarf can easily cost (pounds sterling) 100 or more. Nepal exported $103 million worth of the wool in 2000, but by last year that figure had dropped to just $18 million.
The reason, local producers believe, is the cheap Chinese and Indian-made scarves sold for a few dollars in tourist shops in Hong Kong, London and Bangkok. Rebecca Ordish, an Australian intellectual property lawyer based in Nepal, told Associated Press: “Pashmina has gone from being a luxury product associated with royalty to a cheap shawl or scarf.” She believes that pashmina wool has lost its expensive, rare aura, and that consumers now associate the name chiefly with low-quality imitations, “so they won’t be prepared to pay more for the expensive genuine product”.
The new trademark, intended to set those genuine products apart and ensure the content of the wool, has been registered in dozens of Western countries, according to Manoj Acharya, a senior official in Nepal’s Ministry for Commerce and Industries. The government also plans to set up a laboratory in Katmandu to provide scientific backing for the superiority of its goods. “Our hope is to separate Nepal’s products from others, so that consumers are not fooled,” Mr Acharya said. Mandu Bahadur Adhikari, the head of an umbrella body that groups Nepalese producers, said members would monitor wool markets to make sure others did not use the “Chyangra Pashmina” label. They would also check the labels of goods sold in shops in the West, and were planning a media campaign to alert importers and consumers to possible imitations.
the independent
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