Controversy on the dumping grant alloted to Kalimpong
Journalists Pravin Khaling and Rupesh Sharma awarded
कहॉं गइरहेको छ नगरको मैला?
Controversy on the dumping grant alloted to Kalimpong
Journalists Pravin Khaling and Rupesh Sharma awarded
कहॉं गइरहेको छ नगरको मैला?
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 24 मई। 2007 सम्म कालेबुङ नगरको मैला फ्यॉंक्ने डम्पिङ ग्राउण्ड भालूखोपमा थियो। तर डम्पिङ कार्यले क्षेत्रबासीलाई नै जोखिममा पारेपछि कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठनले नगरपालिका प्रशासनसित लड्दै मैला फ्यॉंक्न बन्द गरिदियो। त्यसयता नगरपालिकासित नगरमा डम्पिङ ग्राउण्ड छैन। भालूखोपमा मैला फ्यॉंक्न बन्द गरिदिएपछि नगरपालिका, महकुमा प्रशासन अनि कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठनबीच एउटा त्रिपक्षीय सम्झौता पनि 2007 मानै भएको थियो। सम्झौता अनुसार सोही वर्षमा विकल्प डम्पिङ बनिनुपर्ने हो। चारवर्ष पुरा भइसकेको छ तर डम्पिङ तयार भइसकेको छैन।
भालूखोपमा डम्पिङ गर्न बन्द गरिइएको छ अनि यता वौकल्पिक डम्पिङ पनि बनिएको छैन। उसोभए कहॉं गइरहेको छ त नगरको मैला? प्रश्न खड़ा भएको छ। कतै टिस्टामा त नगरको मैला चारवर्षदेखि फ्यॉंकिएको छैन? चारैतिर सन्देह खड़ा भएको छ। आखिर किन ढिलाई भइरहेको छ त डम्पिङ बनिन? कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठनले चारवर्षपछि फेरि त्यही प्रस्न नगरपालिका अनि महकुमा प्रशासनलाई तेर्साएको छ। आज सङ्गठनका विष्णु छेत्रीले भने, सम्झौता अनुसार डम्पिङ बनिनुपर्ने हो, तर बनिएको छैन। सम्झौताको बेला जिल्लापालबाट डम्पिङ बनाउनको निम्ति पश्चिम बङ्गालको पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले 2 करोड़ 29 लाख रुपियॉं अनुमोदन गरिसकेको बताएको थियो। त्यसै अनुरूप सङ्गठनले डम्पिङ निर्माणमा तीब्र कार्यपदक्षेपको निम्ति दवाव दिइरहेको थियो। चारवर्ष भयो, डम्पिङ बनिएन। यसले नगरप्रशासन अनि महकुमा प्रशासनको कार्य शैलीमा नै दोष देखाइरहेको छ।
नगरको मैला व्यवस्थापन गर्ने दिशामा प्रशासनिक कार्यपदक्षेप संवेदनशील हुनुपर्छ। सङ्गठनले नगरवासीको हीतलाई ध्यानमा राखेर अनि भालूखोप निवासीलाई पैह्रो र विनाशको जोखिमबाट बचाउनको निम्ति भालूखोपमा डम्पिङ गर्न बन्द गरिदिएको हो। बन्द गरेर पनि सङ्गठन चुप लागेर बसेको छैन। प्रशासनलाई दवाब दिने काम भइरहेको छ। तिनले आज पनि महकुमा शासकलाई यसै सम्बन्धमा ज्ञापन पनि दिएको बताए। महकुमा शासक एलएन शेर्पाले पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डबाट राशि अनुमोदन भएको कुराबारे आफू अनभिज्ञ रहेको जनाएका छन्। तिनले विभिन्न फण्डहरूबाट डम्पिङ बनाउने राशि जोगाड़ गरिएको तर सरकारी कुनै पनि पक्षबाट डम्पिङ बनाउने राशि अनुमोदित नरहेको जनाए। तिनले यसैवर्षको अक्टोबरसम्म डम्पिङ बनिने पनि जनाएका छन्।
विष्णु छेत्री अनि महकुमा शासकको टिप्पणीले एउटा कुरालाई अघि ल्याएको छ, त्यो हो पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरेको भनिएको 2 करोड़ 29 लाख रुपियॉंको कुरा। 2007 मा भएको सम्झौताको खबर छापिएका समाचारहरूमा पनि 2 करोड़ 29 लाखको कुरा आएको छ। तर कालेबुङ महकुमामा नयॉं शासक आएपछि मात्र पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरिएको भनिएको राशि बारे अत्तोपत्तो नभएको कुरा अघि आएको छ। त्यसबेलाका प्रशासनपक्ष अनि नगरपालिकापक्षले कुरा गरेको पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरेको राशिको कुरा हावासिङगे कुरा थियो त? अहिले यो प्रश्न उठेको छ। अहिलेसम्म वैकल्पिक डम्पिङ नबनिनुमा राशिकै सन्दर्भ रहेको महकुमा शासकले जनाएका छन्। तिनी अनुसार डम्पिङको निम्ति बाटो सॉंघुरो छ, जहॉं नगरपालिकामा रहेका बाहनहरूलाई प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्न। बाटोलाई हेरेर काम गर्ने हो भने नयॉं छरितो वाहनहरू ल्याइनपर्छ। तर वाहन ल्याउनको निम्ति राशि छैन।
भालूखोपमा डम्पिङ गर्न बन्द गरिइएको छ अनि यता वौकल्पिक डम्पिङ पनि बनिएको छैन। उसोभए कहॉं गइरहेको छ त नगरको मैला? प्रश्न खड़ा भएको छ। कतै टिस्टामा त नगरको मैला चारवर्षदेखि फ्यॉंकिएको छैन? चारैतिर सन्देह खड़ा भएको छ। आखिर किन ढिलाई भइरहेको छ त डम्पिङ बनिन? कालेबुङ कृषक कल्याण सङ्गठनले चारवर्षपछि फेरि त्यही प्रस्न नगरपालिका अनि महकुमा प्रशासनलाई तेर्साएको छ। आज सङ्गठनका विष्णु छेत्रीले भने, सम्झौता अनुसार डम्पिङ बनिनुपर्ने हो, तर बनिएको छैन। सम्झौताको बेला जिल्लापालबाट डम्पिङ बनाउनको निम्ति पश्चिम बङ्गालको पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले 2 करोड़ 29 लाख रुपियॉं अनुमोदन गरिसकेको बताएको थियो। त्यसै अनुरूप सङ्गठनले डम्पिङ निर्माणमा तीब्र कार्यपदक्षेपको निम्ति दवाव दिइरहेको थियो। चारवर्ष भयो, डम्पिङ बनिएन। यसले नगरप्रशासन अनि महकुमा प्रशासनको कार्य शैलीमा नै दोष देखाइरहेको छ।
नगरको मैला व्यवस्थापन गर्ने दिशामा प्रशासनिक कार्यपदक्षेप संवेदनशील हुनुपर्छ। सङ्गठनले नगरवासीको हीतलाई ध्यानमा राखेर अनि भालूखोप निवासीलाई पैह्रो र विनाशको जोखिमबाट बचाउनको निम्ति भालूखोपमा डम्पिङ गर्न बन्द गरिदिएको हो। बन्द गरेर पनि सङ्गठन चुप लागेर बसेको छैन। प्रशासनलाई दवाब दिने काम भइरहेको छ। तिनले आज पनि महकुमा शासकलाई यसै सम्बन्धमा ज्ञापन पनि दिएको बताए। महकुमा शासक एलएन शेर्पाले पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डबाट राशि अनुमोदन भएको कुराबारे आफू अनभिज्ञ रहेको जनाएका छन्। तिनले विभिन्न फण्डहरूबाट डम्पिङ बनाउने राशि जोगाड़ गरिएको तर सरकारी कुनै पनि पक्षबाट डम्पिङ बनाउने राशि अनुमोदित नरहेको जनाए। तिनले यसैवर्षको अक्टोबरसम्म डम्पिङ बनिने पनि जनाएका छन्।
विष्णु छेत्री अनि महकुमा शासकको टिप्पणीले एउटा कुरालाई अघि ल्याएको छ, त्यो हो पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरेको भनिएको 2 करोड़ 29 लाख रुपियॉंको कुरा। 2007 मा भएको सम्झौताको खबर छापिएका समाचारहरूमा पनि 2 करोड़ 29 लाखको कुरा आएको छ। तर कालेबुङ महकुमामा नयॉं शासक आएपछि मात्र पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरिएको भनिएको राशि बारे अत्तोपत्तो नभएको कुरा अघि आएको छ। त्यसबेलाका प्रशासनपक्ष अनि नगरपालिकापक्षले कुरा गरेको पोल्युसन कन्ट्रोल बोर्डले अनुमोदन गरेको राशिको कुरा हावासिङगे कुरा थियो त? अहिले यो प्रश्न उठेको छ। अहिलेसम्म वैकल्पिक डम्पिङ नबनिनुमा राशिकै सन्दर्भ रहेको महकुमा शासकले जनाएका छन्। तिनी अनुसार डम्पिङको निम्ति बाटो सॉंघुरो छ, जहॉं नगरपालिकामा रहेका बाहनहरूलाई प्रयोग गर्न सकिन्न। बाटोलाई हेरेर काम गर्ने हो भने नयॉं छरितो वाहनहरू ल्याइनपर्छ। तर वाहन ल्याउनको निम्ति राशि छैन।
ताराले सोधे-खै नियुक्ति?
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 24 मई। दागोपापमा आएका सबै सहुलियतहरूको ठीकठीक प्रयोग हुनु हो अनि तृणमूलस्तरका नागरिकहरूले त्यसको उपभोग गर्न पाउनु हो भने दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाको विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा समस्या आइपर्ने थिएन भन्ने धारणा नागरिकहरूमा रहेको छ। नागरिकहरूको निम्ति कुनै पनि काम विभागले गर्न अघि राजनैतिक हस्तक्षेप हुने अनि दलहरूले सरकारी सहुलियतहरूलाई दलीय फाइदाकोरूपमा प्रयोग गर्ने संस्कारको कारण नागरिकहरूले उचितरूपले कुनै पनि योजना र सहुलियतको फाइदा उठाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। राजनैतिक हस्तक्षेप र सरकारी कार्यान्वयन शैलीमा आएको लचिलोपनको कारण यस्ता अनेकौं योजनाहरूबाट जिल्लाका नागरिकहरू बञ्चित बन्न परिरहेका छन्, यसको उठान गर्ने दह्रिलो संस्था जिल्लामा नै देखिन्न।
यता श्रमजीवीहरूको सङ्गठन भनिएको भारतीय मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका कार्यकर्ता तारा सुन्दासले कालेबुङमा यस्ता अनेकौं मुद्दाहरूमाथि आवाज उठाइरहेको भए पनि कुनै पनि मुद्दाले टुङ्गो पाइरहेको छैन। वामफ्रण्ट सरकार हुँदा पनि तिनले आफ्नै सरकारको विरूद्ध अनि नागरिकहरूको अधिकारको निम्ति यस्ता अनेकौं मुद्दाहरूको उठान गरेेका छन्, जो तृणमूलस्तरका नागरिकहरूको अधिकारको कुराहरू रहेका छन्। आज पनि तिनले राज्य र केन्द्रले अनुमोदन गरिसकेको तर र्कान्वयन भने नभएको आइसीडीएसको मुद्दामाथि आवाज उठाएका छन्। तिनी अनुसार कालेबुङ महकुमामा जम्मा 129 वटा आइसीडीएस केन्द्र स्थापित गर्ने सरकारी सङ्कल्प छ। केन्द्र स्थापित गरेर त्यहॉं कर्मचारीहरू नियुक्त हुनुपर्ने हो तर यसदिशामा कुनै उल्लेखनीय पहल हुन सकिरहेको छैन। सरकारी नीतिले बताएको निर्देशिका अनुसार यस दिशामा कुनै काम नभएको तिनको आरोप छ।
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 24 मई। दागोपापमा आएका सबै सहुलियतहरूको ठीकठीक प्रयोग हुनु हो अनि तृणमूलस्तरका नागरिकहरूले त्यसको उपभोग गर्न पाउनु हो भने दार्जीलिङ जिल्लाको विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा समस्या आइपर्ने थिएन भन्ने धारणा नागरिकहरूमा रहेको छ। नागरिकहरूको निम्ति कुनै पनि काम विभागले गर्न अघि राजनैतिक हस्तक्षेप हुने अनि दलहरूले सरकारी सहुलियतहरूलाई दलीय फाइदाकोरूपमा प्रयोग गर्ने संस्कारको कारण नागरिकहरूले उचितरूपले कुनै पनि योजना र सहुलियतको फाइदा उठाउन सकिरहेका छैनन्। राजनैतिक हस्तक्षेप र सरकारी कार्यान्वयन शैलीमा आएको लचिलोपनको कारण यस्ता अनेकौं योजनाहरूबाट जिल्लाका नागरिकहरू बञ्चित बन्न परिरहेका छन्, यसको उठान गर्ने दह्रिलो संस्था जिल्लामा नै देखिन्न।
यता श्रमजीवीहरूको सङ्गठन भनिएको भारतीय मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिष्ट पार्टीका कार्यकर्ता तारा सुन्दासले कालेबुङमा यस्ता अनेकौं मुद्दाहरूमाथि आवाज उठाइरहेको भए पनि कुनै पनि मुद्दाले टुङ्गो पाइरहेको छैन। वामफ्रण्ट सरकार हुँदा पनि तिनले आफ्नै सरकारको विरूद्ध अनि नागरिकहरूको अधिकारको निम्ति यस्ता अनेकौं मुद्दाहरूको उठान गरेेका छन्, जो तृणमूलस्तरका नागरिकहरूको अधिकारको कुराहरू रहेका छन्। आज पनि तिनले राज्य र केन्द्रले अनुमोदन गरिसकेको तर र्कान्वयन भने नभएको आइसीडीएसको मुद्दामाथि आवाज उठाएका छन्। तिनी अनुसार कालेबुङ महकुमामा जम्मा 129 वटा आइसीडीएस केन्द्र स्थापित गर्ने सरकारी सङ्कल्प छ। केन्द्र स्थापित गरेर त्यहॉं कर्मचारीहरू नियुक्त हुनुपर्ने हो तर यसदिशामा कुनै उल्लेखनीय पहल हुन सकिरहेको छैन। सरकारी नीतिले बताएको निर्देशिका अनुसार यस दिशामा कुनै काम नभएको तिनको आरोप छ।
केन्द्र स्थापना गर्न अनि त्यहॉं कर्मचारी नियुक्त गर्नको निम्ति सरकारीपक्षबाट अन्तर्वार्ता बोलाउन 10 अगस्त 2010लाई अन्तिम मिति राखेर फारम पनि भराइसकेको हो, तर कसैलाई पनि नियुक्त भने गरिएको छैन। सुन्दास अनुसार नियुक्त नहुनमा कुन शक्तिले बाधा दिइरहेको छ? किन नियुक्ती भइरहेको छैन? सरकारी सहुलियत र कर्माचारीहरूको वेतन राशि कहॉं प्रयोग हुँदैछ? तिनले यही प्रश्नहरू राख्दै महकुमा अधिकारी एलएन शेर्पालाई ज्ञापन पनि चढ़ाएका छन्। तिनको आरोप अनुसार फारम भर्न रुपियॉं लिइएको छ। रुपियॉं लिइलिइ फारम भराउने तर काम भने नदिने?-तिनले महकुमा प्रशासनलाई सोधेका छन्। तिनले आइसीडीएस मात्र होइन राज्य सरकारको नगरनिगम विभागले 2009 मा नै नगरपालिका क्षेत्रका विद्यालयहरूमा प्यारा शिक्षक नियुक्त गर्नुपर्ने निर्देश दिइसकेको भए पनि अहिलेसम्म कतै पनि नियुक्ति नभएको कुरा पनि उठान गरेका छन्।
सुपरभाइजर अनि शिक्षाविद् समेतको नियुक्ति हुनुपर्ने तर नगरिएको भन्दै तिनले नगरपालिका प्रशासनलाई पनि आपत्ति जनाएका छन्। आइसीडीएस अनि प्यारा शिक्षकहरूको नियुक्तिको पहल शीघ्र होस्, अनि यस दिशामा नागरिकहरू आफैले पनि आवाज उठाइदियोस्। यसो नभएको खणडमा विभागीय मनमानीले पश्रय पाउने छन्-तिनले भने।
GJM to raise state demand in assembly
Deep Gazmer, TNN , May 25, 2011, DARJEELING: Four Gorkha Janmukti Morcha MLAs will take oath on May 26 after which they hope to work for fulfilling their demand of Gorkhaland state.
Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chhetri stressed the need to have all the ground work done before resuming the talks.
"We will meet chief minister Mamata Banerjee and senior ministers," he said.
A GJM delegation led by Roshan Giri had met the chief minister on May 20 in Kolkata. Along with the four MLAs , Giri and three central committee leaders will leave for Kolkata on Wednesday.
After their victory, GJM MLAs had made it clear that they would raise the demand for Gorkhaland in the Assembly. Chhetri said: "People voted for us because of the Gorkhaland issue."
GJM had earlier settled for an interim council for the Hills. The party, however, changed track after three of its supporters were killed in police firing on February 8, 2011 at Shibchu in Jalpaiguri district.
Prior to the interim council arrangement, GJM had participated in 11 rounds of talks with the central and state governments to find an amicable solution to the issue.
"The chief minister has promised to solve the Hills problem within three months. We will see how trustworthy she is," said the MLA.
The chief minister has said several times that she is against any further division of the state.
Political observers view her promise to set up a mini-secretariat in north Bengal as a sign of her political will to solve problems of that region.
By the time, I came to know about her, it was almost midnight,” Ghosh said. The shopkeepers had also informed the Society for Participatory Action and Reflection (SPAR), an NGO that works in the field of anti-trafficking. The zonal coordinator of SPAR, Zakir Hossain, said the girl was wearing tattered clothes and refused to disclose her name. “She kept on saying ‘Unclemeine kuchh nahin kiya. Maine chori nahi ki. Udhar lerka log hain, main nahin jaungi, (Uncle I have not done anything, I have not stolen anything, there are boys out there, I will not go)’,” Hossain said. “She was sometimes talking in Hindi and sometimes in Nepali,” he said. The chairperson of the district CWC, Partha Indra, said doctors of the district hospital in Cooch Behar who examined her had said the girl was mentally unstable. “We have sent her with police escort to an Tapoban, a home in Jalpaiguri’s Kamakshyaguri. They have the capability to care for mentally unstable children,” said Indra. Biman Mondal, SPAR’s north Bengal chapter coordinator, said they had taken photographs of the girl so that they could circulate it for identification. “She needs special counselling so that we can find out her name and address.” Trinamul worker loses palm in night assault .
गीति एल्बम ‘ज्योति-को लोकार्पण सुपरभाइजर अनि शिक्षाविद् समेतको नियुक्ति हुनुपर्ने तर नगरिएको भन्दै तिनले नगरपालिका प्रशासनलाई पनि आपत्ति जनाएका छन्। आइसीडीएस अनि प्यारा शिक्षकहरूको नियुक्तिको पहल शीघ्र होस्, अनि यस दिशामा नागरिकहरू आफैले पनि आवाज उठाइदियोस्। यसो नभएको खणडमा विभागीय मनमानीले पश्रय पाउने छन्-तिनले भने।
GJM to raise state demand in assembly
Deep Gazmer, TNN , May 25, 2011, DARJEELING: Four Gorkha Janmukti Morcha MLAs will take oath on May 26 after which they hope to work for fulfilling their demand of Gorkhaland state.
Kalimpong MLA Harka Bahadur Chhetri stressed the need to have all the ground work done before resuming the talks.
"We will meet chief minister Mamata Banerjee and senior ministers," he said.
A GJM delegation led by Roshan Giri had met the chief minister on May 20 in Kolkata. Along with the four MLAs , Giri and three central committee leaders will leave for Kolkata on Wednesday.
After their victory, GJM MLAs had made it clear that they would raise the demand for Gorkhaland in the Assembly. Chhetri said: "People voted for us because of the Gorkhaland issue."
GJM had earlier settled for an interim council for the Hills. The party, however, changed track after three of its supporters were killed in police firing on February 8, 2011 at Shibchu in Jalpaiguri district.
Prior to the interim council arrangement, GJM had participated in 11 rounds of talks with the central and state governments to find an amicable solution to the issue.
"The chief minister has promised to solve the Hills problem within three months. We will see how trustworthy she is," said the MLA.
The chief minister has said several times that she is against any further division of the state.
Political observers view her promise to set up a mini-secretariat in north Bengal as a sign of her political will to solve problems of that region.
Girl rescued at midnight -- Teen spotted in market
TT, Cooch Behar, May 24: A Nepali girl in her early teens and apparently mentally unstable was rescued by local people and handed over to police after she was spotted roaming the deserted Dauaguri market around midnight.She was first seen by a group of shopkeepers when a “group of no-good boys was teasing her”. A woman who runs a grocery store adjoining her home in the market said the shopkeepers had come with the girl to her. “They asked me, to keep the girl with me for sometime till they informed police. She was so miserable. I took her inside my house,” she said. The inspector in charge of the Kotwali police station, Debashsis Ghosh, said the girl has not given her name or address. “She is in a state of shock and is not talking to us, she is scared as well. Today morning we had her examined by doctors and she will be sent to a home through the child welfare committee of the district,” Ghosh said. He added that she had been probably trafficked by a gang who dropped her for unknown reasons at the Dauaguri bazar area around 10pm. “Some local shopkeepers found a group of youths, up to no good, trying to tease her. They made her sit inside a shop and called the local panchayat functionary. By the time, I came to know about her, it was almost midnight,” Ghosh said. The shopkeepers had also informed the Society for Participatory Action and Reflection (SPAR), an NGO that works in the field of anti-trafficking. The zonal coordinator of SPAR, Zakir Hossain, said the girl was wearing tattered clothes and refused to disclose her name. “She kept on saying ‘Unclemeine kuchh nahin kiya. Maine chori nahi ki. Udhar lerka log hain, main nahin jaungi, (Uncle I have not done anything, I have not stolen anything, there are boys out there, I will not go)’,” Hossain said. “She was sometimes talking in Hindi and sometimes in Nepali,” he said. The chairperson of the district CWC, Partha Indra, said doctors of the district hospital in Cooch Behar who examined her had said the girl was mentally unstable. “We have sent her with police escort to an Tapoban, a home in Jalpaiguri’s Kamakshyaguri. They have the capability to care for mentally unstable children,” said Indra. Biman Mondal, SPAR’s north Bengal chapter coordinator, said they had taken photographs of the girl so that they could circulate it for identification. “She needs special counselling so that we can find out her name and address.” Trinamul worker loses palm in night assault .
Family blames CPM, cops money matters
TT, Malda, May 24: A Trinamul Congress worker had his left palm chopped off last night on a deserted Manikchak road by a gang of four who had called him out of the house to collect from them his dues. Biswajit Mondol at the Malda district hospital on Tuesday. Picture by Surajit Roy |
Biswajit Mondol’s family has alleged that the attack was carried out by CPM-backed goons who avenged Trinamul MLA Sabitri Mitra’s win in Manikchak. The CPM that had fielded Ratna Bhattacharya in the seat this time lost by 6,270 votes. Police, however, said the assault was a fallout of rivalry in the decoration business.
Doctors at the Malda district hospital where Biswajit Mondol was admitted late last night could not stitch his palm, which had to be amputated. Biswajit is an active Trinamul member and Mitra, the minister for women and social welfare, said he had played a “proactive role” in her campaigns preceding the Assembly polls. Nibha Mondol has told police that her brother Biswajit was a victim of the CPM’s spite. Biswajit, 28, used to rent out a generator set and he was lured out of the house to collect dues when he was attacked. She told the police that the local people of Jotpatta, a village 40km from here, had informed her about the attack and took her brother to the hospital around 9.30pm. The police said Biswajit had been called out of the house after 7.30pm by Mithun Mondal and Pranab Mondol. The two told Biswajit to meet them at Jotpatta More to collect the money they owed him for borrowing his generator set during the elections. Biswajit left home on his motorcycle but after travelling half a kilometre, he was flagged down midway by Mithun and Pranab and two others. They set upon him with sickles and his left palm was chopped off from the wrist. He was hit several times on the head and stabbed with sharp weapons. Nibha has filed an FIR with the Manikchak police station naming Pranab, Mithun, Sanjit Mondol and Dipu Mondol for carrying out the attack on her brother. She has also told the police that all the four are CPM-backed goons. The sister told the police that Biswajit was the younger of her two brothers and had married about eight years ago.
He has three sons, with the eldest seven years old and twins aged 10 months. Sanjit was arrested this afternoon from the Manikchak area. Manikchak’s MLA Mitra said over phone from Calcutta that she knew Biswajit quite well. “I know him well. He was very proactive in campaigning for me and that is why he was attacked by CPM goons. I have told the police to arrest his attackers as soon as possible. I will visit his house when I return to Malda. The CPM is trying to create terror in the area and are attacking our workers in order to regain lost ground, we will not tolerate this,” Mitra said. The Malda district secretary of the CPM, Jiban Moitra, said there was no political angle to the attack. “If the police investigate properly they will get to the truth. None of the attackers are connected to our party. Trinamul is trying to blame our party for political gain. The people will give a fitting reply to this,” Moitra said. The police too said there was no politics involved in the incident. Additional superintendent of police Kalyan Mukherjee said all those named in the FIR and Biswajit were into the decoration business and the incident was the fall out over differences between them. “They had some differences and that is why the incident took place. We have arrested one of the four persons named in the FIR,” he said.
प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज, नाम्ची, 24 मई: राई समुदायको महान् पर्व साकेवाको अवसरमा नाम्चीस्थित भाइचुङ स्टेडियममा आयोजित भव्य समारोहबीच मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङका बाहुलीबाट गीति एल्बम ‘ज्योति-को लोकार्पण गरियो। 6 वटा सुमधुर गीत समावेश रहेको यो एल्बममा युवा गायक वीरेन्द्र प्रधान, गायिकाद्वय देवकुमारी बस्नेत र रिजा प्रधानले स्वर दिएका छन्। गीति एल्बममा समावेश भएका गीतहरूमा वीरेन्द्र प्रधान, पुष्पन प्रधान र रूपेश रसाइलीले शब्द तथा संगीत दिएका छन्। खरसाङको क्रिसाइण्डो डिजिटल रेकर्रिङ स्टुडियोमा रेकर्ड गरिएको यो गीति एल्बममा समाविष्ट गीतहरूमा सिक्किममा भइरहेको चौतर्फी विकासलाई आधार बनाइएको छ।
स्वयं सहायता समुहका युवाहरुको निम्ति चालक प्रशिक्षण शुरु प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज, दरामदिन,24 मई। पश्चिम सिक्किमको दरामदिनस्थित पञ्चायत भवनमा मंगलबारदेखि सिक्किम ग्रामीण विकास प्राधिकरण (एसआरडीए) को प्रायोजनमा 20 जना युवाको निम्ति वाहन चालकको प्रशिक्षण शुरु गरिएको छ। पर्यटन व्यावसायमा चालकको भूमिका अति महवपूर्ण रहेको हुनाले शिक्षित बेरोजगार युवाहरूलाई यस पेशामा ल्याउने उद्देश्यले थालिएको यो चालक प्रशिक्षण आगामी 2 महिनासम्म चल्ने छ। प्रशिक्षणमा 10 जना पुरूष तथा 10 जना महिला प्रशिक्षणार्थ रहेका छन्। दरामदिन क्षेत्रका स्वयं सहायता समुहका प्रतिनिधिहरूले चयन गरेर तयार पारेका यी युवाहरूले सोरेङको दलोम मोटर ट्रेनिङ इन्सीट्युटद्वारा संचालित कक्षामा प्रशिक्षण लिने छन्।
आज प्रारम्भको कार्यक्रममा लोवर थाम्बोङ ग्राम पञ्चायत एकाइका पञ्चायत अध्यक्ष केबी थेगीम मुख्य अतिथिको रूपमा उपस्थित रहेका थिए। यसैगरि कार्यक्रममा एसआरडीएकी अतिरिक्त योजना अधिकारी (एपीओ) कारजोङ डिकी लोसपाको विशेष उपस्थिति रहेको थियो। कार्यक्रममा अध्यक्ष थेगिमले भने, यस प्रकारको प्रशिक्षण यो क्षेत्रमा निरन्तर हुनुपर्छ जसले गर्दा बेरोजगार युवाहरूलाई फाइदा हुनेछ। उनले भने, दरामदिन क्षेत्रमा पर्यटनको सम्भावना व्यापक रूपमा विकास भएर गइरहेको छ यस्तो अवस्थामा चालकहरूको नितान्त खॉंचो हुनाले यसमा स्थानीय युवाहरूबाटै आपूर्त हुन सकेको खण्डमा रोजगार र व्यावसायमा प्रसस्त योगदान हुने छ। उनले एसआरडीएलाई यो प्रकारको प्रशिक्षण निरन्तर राखिदिने अनुरोध गरे। अर्कोतिर सुश्री कारजोङले युवाहरूलाई यो अवसरको प्रशस्त फाइदा उठाउनु पर्ने आह्वान गरे। यसैगरि उनले पर्यटन व्यावसायसित सोझो सम्बन्धित रहेको यो पेशाबाट युवाहरूमा क्षमता विकास गरेर स्वनिर्भर बनाउने उद्देश्य राखिएको उनले बताइन्। यो कार्यक्रम स्वर्ण जयन्ती ग्राम स्वरोजगार योजना अन्तर्गत राखिएको पनि जानकारी दिइन्। अर्कोतिर एसआरडीएका प्रोजेट सुपरभाइजर दावत छिरिङ लेचाले कार्यक्रमको बारेमा जानकारी दिए। यसैगरि पञ्चायत सचिव लिला प्रधान, टीबी सुब्बा अनि चालक प्रशिक्षक विकास छेत्रीले पनि आफ्नो विचार पोखे। कार्यक्रममा स्वयं सहायता समुहहरूको निम्ति तय गरिएको हुनाले विभिन्न समुहका प्रतिनिधिहरू पनि उपस्थित थिए।
सीबीएसई परिक्षामा चेतन कोइराला सिक्किम टपर प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज,गान्तोक, 24 मई। सीबीएसईको बाह्रौं श्रेणीको परिक्षामा 93.83 अङ्क ल्याएर वालुवाटार एनएचपीसी केन्द्रिय विद्यालयका छात्र चेतन कोइराला सिक्किम टपर भएका छन्। 12 औं श्रेणीको सीबीएसई परिक्षा हिजो सोमबार राष्ट्रिय स्तरमा घोषणा भएको थियो। जसमा सिक्किमका सबै विद्यालयका विद्यार्थहरूलाई उच्छिनेर कोइरालाले यो इतिहास रचेका छन्। पू र्व सिक्किमको खाम्दोङ निवासी कोइरालाले राज्य टपर हुने गौरवमा अर्को रोचक तथ्य पनि अघि ल्याएका छन्। उनले 12औं श्रेणीको परिक्षामा केवल आफ्नो मेहनत र अभ्यासकै भरमा सिक्किमको पहिला स्थानमा उभिन सकेका छन्।
राज्यभरि प्रचलित ट्युसन मेनियालाई चुनौती दिँदै उनले दैनिक चार घण्टा अध्ययन गरेरै कुनै ट्युसन मास्टरको सहयोग विना शिक्षकहरूले सिकाएको भरमै यति राम्रो अङ्क ल्याउन सफल भएका छन्। उनले भने, अब उसो उच्च शिक्षाको निम्ति मैले एइइइको जॉंच दिइराखेको छु उतिर्ण भएर आर्किटेक गर्ने विचार छ। घरका कान्छो छोरो कोइरालाले यो भन्दा पहिले पनि दशौं श्रेणी र आठौं श्रेणिमा पनि उच्च अङ्क ल्याएर राज्यमा आफ्नो वर्चस्व स्थापित गरिसकेका छन्। यसैगरि उनले आफ्नो सफलताको श्रेय आफ्ना माता पिता र आफ्ना शिक्षकहरूलाई दिने तथा आफ्नो अध्ययनमा सहयोग गर्ने आफ्ना साथीहरूले गर्दा पनि यो अभूतपूर्व सफलता प्राप्त गरेको उनले बताए।
पत्रकार प्रवीण खालिङ र रुपेश शर्मा राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कारद्वारा अलङ्कृत कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 24 मई: सिक्किमका दुई होनहार युवा पत्रकार प्रवीण खालिङ र रुपेश शर्मा राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कारद्वारा सम्मानित भएका छन्। बुधवार यहॉंको स्यारीस्थित होटल रोयल प्लाजामा आयोजित एउटा विशेष समारोहमा पत्रकार खालिङलाई ‘मोस्ट प्रमिसिङ जर्नालिष्ट इन् सिक्किम 2010-11-द्वारा अलङ्कृत गरियो। यसरी नै पत्रकार रुपेश शर्मालाई ‘बेस्ट वर्किङ जर्नालिष्ट अफ् हिमाली बेला 2010-11- द्वारा अलङ्कृत गरियो।
पत्रकार खालिङले विगत एक दशकदेखि विभिन्न समाचारपत्रहरूसित आबद्ध रहेर सिक्किमेली पत्रकारिता क्षेत्रमा पुर्याएको योगदानको कदर गर्दै राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कारद्वारा सम्मानित गरिएको छ। उनी हाल ‘सुनाखरी समाचार, ‘अनुगामिनी र ‘प्रभात खबर समाचारपत्रमा संवाददाताको रुपमा कार्यरत् छन्। यसरी नै डेढ दशक लामो समयदेखि पत्रकारिता क्षेत्रमा योगदान दिंदै आइरहेका ‘हिमाली बेला-का सह-सम्पादक रुपेश शर्मालाई पनि सो पुरस्कारद्वारा सम्मानित गरिएको छ। पुरस्कार अलङ्करण समारोहका मुख्य अतिथि सिक्किम विधानसभाका अध्यक्ष केटी ग्याल्छेनको बाहुलीबाट पत्रकार खालिङलाई नगदराशि रु.5000, प्रशस्तिपत्र र स्मृति चिन्हद्वारा सम्मानित गरियो। यसरी नै पत्रकार रुपेश शर्मालाई समारोहका विशिष्ट अतिथि पूर्व मुख्यमन्त्री तथा राज्य समाज कल्याण बोर्डका अध्यक्ष बीबी गुरुङको बाहुलीबाट नगदराशि रु. 5000, स्मृतिचिन्ह र प्रशस्तिपत्रद्वारा सम्मानित गरियो। अलङ्करण समारोह समितिले ‘सिक्किम एसप्रेस-मा लामो समयदेखि विशिष्ट योगदान दिंदै आइरहेका
‘लेआउट डिजाइनर नवीन लिम्बूलाई अभिनन्दन जनायो।
मुख्य अतिथि ग्याल्छेनको बाहुलीबाट लिम्बूलाई अङ्गवस्त्र, प्रशस्ति-पत्र र स्मृतिचिन्हद्वारा सम्मानित गरियो। पुरस्कार ग्रहण गरेपछि पत्रकार खालिङले समारोहलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै पत्रकारिता समाजोपयोगी हुनुपर्ने मन्तव्य गरे। पत्रकार बलियो नभए प्रजातन्त्र बलियो नहुने मन्तव्य गर्दै खालिङले भने, सिक्किमका बुद्धिजीवी तटस्थ बस्नाले समाज सही दिशामा अघि बढ्न सदैन। उनले पुरस्कार चयन समितिप्रति आभार व्यक्त गरे। पत्रकार रुपेश शर्माले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा सिक्किममा खोजी पत्रकारिताको अभाव रहेको बताउँदै आफू यसरी पुरस्कृत हुँदा अघिल्ला दिनहरूमा थफ चुनौतीहरूको जिम्मेवारी आइलागेको मन्तव्य गरे। समारोहमा पद्मश्री सानु लामा, प्रेस लब अफ् सिक्किमका प्रमुख ससल्लाहकार सीडी राई, सूचना तथा जनसम्पर्क विभागका अव्वर सचिव श्याम प्रधान, प्रेस लब अफ् सिक्किमका अध्यक्ष पारसमणि दङ्गाल, वरिष्ठ पत्रकार सन्तोष निराश, अशोक च्याटर्जी, विजय बान्तवा, सुवास दीपक लगायत मीडिया कर्मीहरूको उपस्थिति थियो। स्मरण गराइन्छ, सिक्किमेली पत्रकारिताका पथप्रदर्शक पत्रकार स्व. राम पात्रोको स्मृतिमा सन् 2005 मा वरिष्ठ पत्रकार सीडी राईको अध्यक्षतामा राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कार समिति गठन गरिएको थियो। पत्रकार राम पात्रोले 1976 मा ‘सिक्किम एसप्रेस र 1977 मा हिमाली बेला शुरू गरेका हुन्। उनले सिक्किमेली पत्रकारितामा पुर्याएको अमूल्य योगदानको निम्ति उनकी धर्मपनी श्रीमती माला राणा पात्रो र छोरा अमित पात्रोले स्व. पात्रोको स्मृतिमा पुरस्कार अलङ्करण समिति गठन गरेर 2005 देखि प्रयेक वर्ष सिक्किमका लगनशील युवा पत्रकारहरूलाई सम्मान प्रदान गर्दै आइरहेको छ।
अभिव्यक्तीको स्वतन्त्रता लाइसेन्स होइन:ग्याल्छेन
प्रवीण, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 24 मई: सिक्किम विधानसभाका अध्यक्ष केटी ग्याल्छेनले संसदीय प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणालीमा स्वतन्त्र पत्रकारिता एक अभिन्न अङ्ग रहने मन्तव्य गर्दै कार्यपालिका सरह पत्रकारिताले देश र राज्यको विकासमा अहम् भूमिका खेल्नसने बताएका छन्।
राजधानीमा बुधवार आयोजित राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कार अलङ्करण समारोहमा मुख्य अतितिको आसनबाट बोल्दै ग्याल्छेनले पत्रकारिताको महत्त्व र जिम्मेवारीबारे प्रकाश पारे। उनले भने,प्रजातन्त्रमा सूचना सम्प्रेषण महत्त्वपूर्ण बन्दछ। पत्रकारितालाई चौथो स्तम्भ भनिएकाले प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणालीमा समाज,राज्य र राष्ट्रको विकासमा पत्रकारले ठूलो जिम्मेवारी लिएर काम गर्नुपर्दछ। अभिव्यक्तीको स्वतन्त्रता कुनै लाइसेन्स होइन, यसैले पत्रकारहरूले कुनै पनि समाचार सम्प्रेषण गर्दा गम्भीरता आाउन जरुरी छ। संविधानको धारा 19 ले दिएको अभिव्यतिको स्वतन्त्रतालाई पत्रकारले लाइसेन्स ठान्नु हुँदैन।
विशिष्ट अतिथि तथा राज्य समाज कल्याण बोर्डका अध्यक्ष बीबी गुरुङले सिक्किमको पत्रकारिता गाउँमुखी हुनुपर्ने बताउँदै खोजमूलक समाचारमा पत्रकारहरूले विशेष ध्यान दिनुपर्ने सुझाउ राखे। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार तथा राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कार समितिका अध्यक्ष सीडी राईले राज्य विधानसभामा विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीको सदस्य नभएकाले सिक्किमका पत्रकारहरूले विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीहरूलाई बचाएर राखेको मन्तव्य गरे। उनले विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीका नेताहरूले दिएको प्रेस वतव्यहरूलाई राम्ररी छानबीन गरेर मात्र समाचार-पत्रहरूले प्रकाशित गर्नुपर्ने सुझाउ राखे। उनले विपक्षी पार्टीले उठाएका मुद्दाहरूमा पत्रकारहरूले प्रश्न गर्नुपर्ने र ठोस जवाब माग्नुपर्ने कुरामाथि पनि बल दिए। राईले स्वर्गीय राम पात्रोले सिक्किमेली पत्रकारिताको क्षेत्रमा पुर्याएको योगदानको बारेमा पनि प्रकाश पारे।
राजधानीमा बुधवार आयोजित राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कार अलङ्करण समारोहमा मुख्य अतितिको आसनबाट बोल्दै ग्याल्छेनले पत्रकारिताको महत्त्व र जिम्मेवारीबारे प्रकाश पारे। उनले भने,प्रजातन्त्रमा सूचना सम्प्रेषण महत्त्वपूर्ण बन्दछ। पत्रकारितालाई चौथो स्तम्भ भनिएकाले प्रजातान्त्रिक प्रणालीमा समाज,राज्य र राष्ट्रको विकासमा पत्रकारले ठूलो जिम्मेवारी लिएर काम गर्नुपर्दछ। अभिव्यक्तीको स्वतन्त्रता कुनै लाइसेन्स होइन, यसैले पत्रकारहरूले कुनै पनि समाचार सम्प्रेषण गर्दा गम्भीरता आाउन जरुरी छ। संविधानको धारा 19 ले दिएको अभिव्यतिको स्वतन्त्रतालाई पत्रकारले लाइसेन्स ठान्नु हुँदैन।
विशिष्ट अतिथि तथा राज्य समाज कल्याण बोर्डका अध्यक्ष बीबी गुरुङले सिक्किमको पत्रकारिता गाउँमुखी हुनुपर्ने बताउँदै खोजमूलक समाचारमा पत्रकारहरूले विशेष ध्यान दिनुपर्ने सुझाउ राखे। वरिष्ठ पत्रकार तथा राम पात्रो स्मृति पुरस्कार समितिका अध्यक्ष सीडी राईले राज्य विधानसभामा विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीको सदस्य नभएकाले सिक्किमका पत्रकारहरूले विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीहरूलाई बचाएर राखेको मन्तव्य गरे। उनले विपक्षी राजनैतिक पार्टीका नेताहरूले दिएको प्रेस वतव्यहरूलाई राम्ररी छानबीन गरेर मात्र समाचार-पत्रहरूले प्रकाशित गर्नुपर्ने सुझाउ राखे। उनले विपक्षी पार्टीले उठाएका मुद्दाहरूमा पत्रकारहरूले प्रश्न गर्नुपर्ने र ठोस जवाब माग्नुपर्ने कुरामाथि पनि बल दिए। राईले स्वर्गीय राम पात्रोले सिक्किमेली पत्रकारिताको क्षेत्रमा पुर्याएको योगदानको बारेमा पनि प्रकाश पारे।
Route plan for hassle-free ride
Rajeev Ravidas, TT, Kalimpong, May 24: A committee made up of members of a senior citizens’ body and an NGO here submitted a proposal to the subdivisional officer of Kalimpong last week suggesting measures to streamline the traffic in town.
Vehicles parked along DS Gurung Road in Kalimpong. File picture |
Members of the Senior Citizens of Kalimpong and the Gorkha Dukhi Niwarak Sanmelan under the banner of Kalimpong Sangrakchhan Samiti submitted the list to L. N. Sherpa with a detailed plan to regulate traffic in town. “The SDO has agreed to study our suggestions and get back to us,” said B.K. Pradhan, a former assistant engineer of the Kalimpong municipality who heads the samiti. According to the proposal, buses entering the town through Lower Rishi Road should stop at and originate from the new terminus below Novelty Cinema.
Smaller passenger vehicles must also halt at the new bus stand but they can start from the Motor Stand. A vehicle that has to pick up passengers from Motor Stand should reach the place 30 minutes before its scheduled time of departure mentioned in the roster prepared by their respective motor syndicates. Currently passenger vehicles stop at the Motor Stand and are also parked there indefinitely making the place congested. The samiti has suggested that vehicles entering the town through the Lower Rishi Road should take the Thanadara and the Main Road to reach the Motor Stand through the stretch near the old Prem Store. Cars leaving Motor Stand should ply through the Ongden road-Upper Cart Road and meet the Lower Rishi Road either via the approach route to the Government High School, Justice Biswas Road or Atisha Road, the proposal says. Vehicles plying through D.S. Gurung Road should exit from the stretch near old Prem Store and the entry of trucks to the town should be barred between 7am and 5pm. The members have said the footpaths should be freed of encroachers to ensure free movement for pedestrians. SDO Sherpa said he would soon call a meeting of all stakeholders like the political parties, the associations of motor vehicle owners and drivers and the traffic police to discuss the samiti’s suggestions.
Hills are alive with a sound of melancholy
SNS, DARJEELING, 24 MAY: The Darjeeling Hills still draw tourists at the height of summer, but what raises concern is their dwindling number over the years, possibly because of the turbulence over the demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland. “We used to have a tourist inflow of five to six lakhs every year, but over the years it has declined severely. May-July is the peak season when people from hotter places of India come to the hills to escape from the scorching heat. However, the tourist influx during this peak season of the year is very less,” said Mr Suresh Periwal, the chairman of the North Bengal and Sikkim chapter of the Indian Association of Tour Operators. ''Darjeeling Hills has been reeling under a very difficult period. Chowrasta, the hub of Darjeeling town, used to be flooded with tourists at this time of the year, but it's quite less this time,” said a local, who owns a shop at Chowrasta.
The tourist flow to the hills has been showing a steady fall for the past couple of years. Some like Mr Biren Sharma, tourism marketing professional working for the past 10 years, are of the opinion that the hills should explore new avenues of promoting tourism.
“I think that people of the Hills must explore new ideas to promote Darjeeling in the international and domestic market. Tea alone cannot promote it, nor will taking tourists around Tiger Hill or tea estates be enough for the tourism industry here,” said Mr Sharma. A major section of the people in the Hills depend on the tourism industry. Apart from the toy train, other major tourist attractions here are tea gardens and the majestic view of Mt Kanchenjungha. The ropeway, located at North Point, Darjeeling, which used to be a major tourist attraction, has not been functioning since 2003. The ropeway, Darjeeling-Rangit Valley Passenger Cable Car, was built during the British era and is one of the oldest cable cars in India. It used to offer a magnificent view of tea gardens and the picturesque hills. Rafting in rivers of Darjeeling is yet to commence and trekking in the hills has not been promoted to the desired extent. “Darjeeling hills has to revive its tourism industry, the administration here needs to think seriously to promote it", said Mr Buku Lepcha, an owner of a local tour and travel agency. Some residents of the hills are of the view that the road leading to the hills is not in a good condition. “The uphill journey is tedious as the road is very bad, it is very difficult for old or ill people to travel uphill,” said Miss Rupa Rai, a local.
Hills are alive with a sound of melancholy
SNS, DARJEELING, 24 MAY: The Darjeeling Hills still draw tourists at the height of summer, but what raises concern is their dwindling number over the years, possibly because of the turbulence over the demand for a separate state of Gorkhaland. “We used to have a tourist inflow of five to six lakhs every year, but over the years it has declined severely. May-July is the peak season when people from hotter places of India come to the hills to escape from the scorching heat. However, the tourist influx during this peak season of the year is very less,” said Mr Suresh Periwal, the chairman of the North Bengal and Sikkim chapter of the Indian Association of Tour Operators. ''Darjeeling Hills has been reeling under a very difficult period. Chowrasta, the hub of Darjeeling town, used to be flooded with tourists at this time of the year, but it's quite less this time,” said a local, who owns a shop at Chowrasta.
The tourist flow to the hills has been showing a steady fall for the past couple of years. Some like Mr Biren Sharma, tourism marketing professional working for the past 10 years, are of the opinion that the hills should explore new avenues of promoting tourism.
“I think that people of the Hills must explore new ideas to promote Darjeeling in the international and domestic market. Tea alone cannot promote it, nor will taking tourists around Tiger Hill or tea estates be enough for the tourism industry here,” said Mr Sharma. A major section of the people in the Hills depend on the tourism industry. Apart from the toy train, other major tourist attractions here are tea gardens and the majestic view of Mt Kanchenjungha. The ropeway, located at North Point, Darjeeling, which used to be a major tourist attraction, has not been functioning since 2003. The ropeway, Darjeeling-Rangit Valley Passenger Cable Car, was built during the British era and is one of the oldest cable cars in India. It used to offer a magnificent view of tea gardens and the picturesque hills. Rafting in rivers of Darjeeling is yet to commence and trekking in the hills has not been promoted to the desired extent. “Darjeeling hills has to revive its tourism industry, the administration here needs to think seriously to promote it", said Mr Buku Lepcha, an owner of a local tour and travel agency. Some residents of the hills are of the view that the road leading to the hills is not in a good condition. “The uphill journey is tedious as the road is very bad, it is very difficult for old or ill people to travel uphill,” said Miss Rupa Rai, a local.
No Tenzing award for clubs this year
BIRESWAR BANERJEE, TT, Siliguri, May 24: The Tenzing Norgay Memorial Award that is given to clubs in north Bengal for their achievement in adventure sports will not be handed over this year since the body that distributes the prize has been dissolved. The Siliguri Jalpaiguri Development Authority (SJDA), like the boards of all development authorities across the state, was dissolved before the elections and no new board has been formed yet. According to the model code of conduct, all development bodies of the state government have to be dissolved before the Assembly elections. The award, given by the SJDA, was started in 2003 to mark the golden jubilee year of Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay’s feat. The climbers had scaled Everest for the first time in 1953. The prize comprising a trophy, a certificate and Rs 10,000 is given on Everest Day, celebrated on May 29 every year. “The award cannot be given this time as there is no existence of the SJDA board which was dissolved before the elections,” a senior official of the SJDA, said today.
He, however, added that Everest Day would be celebrated on May 29 as scheduled. Among the clubs who have been invited to the programme is the Siliguri-based Himalayan Nature and Adventure Foundation which received the award in 2003. Last year the award was jointly received by the Rovers and Mountaineers Club of Alipurduar and the Himalayan Mountaineers and Trekkers Association of Raiganj. “This time, we have not heard of any such initiative by the SJDA to select the prospective recipient(s) by seeking nominations through advertisement. Officials from the SJDA, however, have contacted us and have invited us to attend the Everest Day celebrations to be held in front of the statue of Tenzing Norgay here in Darjeeling More,” said Animesh Bose, the programme coordinator of the Himalayan Nature and Adventure Foundation. “We are awaiting the formation of the new board. Only then can the proposal to continue the award be passed. It is a temporary impasse because of the elections and change in government and we hope the same problem would not be there in the coming years,” said an SJDA official.
Asok trains guns at governor
TT, Siliguri, May 24: Former Bengal municipal affairs minister Asok Bhattacharya today said the previous Left Front government could not form 19 municipalities, including five in north Bengal, because of the “non-co-operation” of governor M.K. Narayanan. Atharokhai (Matigara), Falakata, Chanchal, Jaigaon and Mainaguri in north Bengal are among the 20 towns where the Left government had proposed to form the municipalities. “I had talked to the governor over telephone and met him many times at least four-five months before polls to ensure that he gave his assent to the proposal to form the municipalities,” Bhattacharya said here. “He, however, adopted a policy of non-co-operation and said he would send us files with his signature at an appropriate time. There were proposals for 20 municipalities, but we could get his assent for only Domkal in Murshidabad.”
Locks off garden with hurt manager
TT, Alipurduar, May 24: The Central Dooars Tea Estate is set to reopen tomorrow, almost a week after the owners suspended work in the garden following the assault on an assistant manager. The notice announcing the suspension of work was put up on the main gate of the garden factory on May 16 a few hours after Rakesh Kumar had been stabbed by a worker. The next day, Arpan Chamling, the secretary of the Kalchini area of Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union — affiliated to the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — met the workers who condemned the assault on the managerial staff member.
The workers also met the assistant labour commissioner in Alipurduar and requested him to restore normality in the garden, which is owned by McLeod Russel Limited that has enterprises in Assam too. Although the labour officer had called a tripartite meeting yesterday, it was cancelled as the management representatives were not available. The meeting was held today and the labour union submitted a memorandum to him on behalf of the workers, assuring the management and the government that such incidents would not be repeated in the future. Chamling said: “The incident was very unfortunate but we wanted to know why the others should suffer because of a single worker. We also demanded that the accused should be punished under law. We have submitted a memorandum containing the signatures of workers who have condemned the incident. We have also assured the management that such an incident will not happen in future. We are happy that the garden will open tomorrow.” Prabir Bhattacharjee, the secretary of the Dooars Branch of the Indian Tea Association, said the workers’ assurance had prompted the management to agree to open the garden in Kalchini tomorrow.
Assistant manager Kumar has been recuperating in a Calcutta nursing home since his admission there on May 16. He had been stabbed on the stomach and had to be airlifted from the garden to Calcutta. Kumar had caught Prabhu Ghale smoking inside the garden factory, a non-smoking zone. When the assistant manager told Ghale to go outside the factory for the smoke, he first refused and then abused him before walking out. But after a few minutes he walked into Kumar’s chamber with a dagger and attacked him. Dibyendu Nandi, another assistant manager, tried to stop Ghale with a chair but by then he had already stabbed Kumar. Nandi somehow overpowered him and Ghale was locked inside a jeep till police arrived.
Guide to map out Sikkim tour
TT, Gangtok, May 24: Finding updated travel books on Sikkim has always been a difficult proposition for prospective visitors to the mystic hilly state. But, a reading of Sikkim, Traveller’s Companion should dissipate one’s ambivalence while charting out the family summer trip to the premier tourist destination.
Released last week, the travelogue covers established and emerging tourist spots in Sikkim. The book has been authored by local journalist Yishey Doma and Gurgaon-based photo journalist Parvin Singh. “The 264-page travel book, which has tried to touch upon almost all tourist hotspots in Sikkim, has a cutting-edge design, crisp text and some brilliant photographs of the scenic beauty of Sikkim,” says writer Yishey Doma. Easy-to-read maps are the unique-selling-points (USP) of the book, which was the result of two years’ intense research and survey by the authors. “We surveyed the market and realised that the travel books on Sikkim were of poor standard and contained outdated figures and contact numbers and addresses. If a comparison is needed, our travel guide has more visuals and proper maps and trekking routes. The maps of entire Sikkim, each of four districts and Gangtok are the heart of the book,” said Singh, who is also the publisher of the travelogue. The foldable map of Sikkim with every tourist point marked out is 22 inches long and 18 inches wide.
The book, after an overview, is divided into three sections — Destinations, Experience Sikkim and Tourist Information. The first section narrates tourist spots in all the four districts, each opening with a map, while Experience Sikkim features pilgrimage sites, adventure tours with detailed trek maps, information on cuisine and the cultural heritage of the state. Tourist Information contains addresses of tourist offices, important numbers and train and flight schedules, besides offering a glimpse of travel agencies and accommodation options. “Like the state has much to offer to the world, we have tried to assemble varied aspects of Sikkim in a nutshell, from wildlife to food and from treks to skiing.
That is why it took us two years to complete the book. We had travelled to all parts of Sikkim to make sure that nothing is missed out. It is a complete capsule,” said Singh. He said the main target of the book was foreign tourists. “Monasteries dotting Sikkim attract a large number of foreigners. They have been prominently highlighted in the book. We have also included detailed trek maps and mentioned the best season to do trekking in Sikkim,” said Singh. The book has also boxes providing anecdotes about traditions and events in Sikkim like the popular Governor’s Gold Cup football tournament and mystic mantras inscribed on stone walls near monasteries. Priced at Rs 499, the travelogue is available in Sikkim and in all leading bookshops around the country, airports and even online. A total of 20,000 copies have been printed in the first impression.
“We have received orders from premier hotels in Sikkim and eateries frequented by tourists here have promised to promote the book,” said Singh. Although Singh has travelled widely, he has a special fondness for the north eastern states, including Sikkim. His major works include two coffee-table books — Sikkim, the Hidden Fruitful Valley (co-authored with Yishey Doma in 2008) and Golfing Destination. Doma is a poet and a journalist based in Gangtok. She has also written another book, Legends of the Lepchas.
Vulture death rate comes down
AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Siliguri, May 24: The death rate of vultures has come down to about 18 per cent in India in the past three years, the credit attributed to a campaign launched by the Bombay Natural History Society and a UK-based environmental group.
The decline in the vulture death rate is mainly because of the implementation of the ban on the use of drug diclofenac in cattle and a captive breeding programme. “Before diclofenac was banned in 2006, the death rate of vultures was 40 per cent. Once the BNHS and the UK-based Royal Society for the Protection of Birds launched a campaign to implement the ban strictly, the rate has come down to 18 percent,” said a BNHS source. “It was noticed that vultures consuming carcasses of cattle treated with diclofenac died of kidney failure,” Vibhu Prakash, the principal scientist (ornithology) and head of the vulture conservation programme of BNHS, told The Telegraph over phone from Pinjore in Haryana. “The new survey has shown that use of diclofenac among cattle has come down considerably but it is still present in six per cent of the carcasses.
We want this percentage to come down to 0.5, which can ensure that vulture population in India does not face near extinction.” Diclofenac is used for the treatment of inflammation and pain. The threat to vultures from the drug was noticed in a study conducted under the leadership of Vibhu Prakash in 2007. Data with the BNHS show that population of white-backed vultures in India had dropped by more than 40 per cent on an average every year from 2000 to 2007 and by 99.9 per cent from 1992 till 2007. The study also revealed that the number of long-billed vultures and slender-billed vultures has dwindled by about 97 per cent between 1993 and 2007. Woken by the decline in the birds’ numbers, the BNHS launched the campaign in 2007 by sensitising cattle farmers to the problems posed by diclofenac and setting up three captive breeding centres at Pinjore, Rajabhatkhawa in the Buxa Tiger Reserve and at Rani near Guwahati. According to the BNHS, the estimated number of white-backed vultures in India is around 11,000 now.
The population of long-billed vultures stands at 45,000, while only 1,000 slender-billed vultures can be found in the country. All the three species are listed as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature on its Red Data List. “We have 134 birds in Pinjore, 80 at Rajabhatkhawa and 42 in Rani now,” said Prakash. “Our plan is to wait until diclofenac is completely removed from the food chain of the birds and then release 100 pairs of each of the species from each centre. We will keep the offspring to continue the breeding.”
Timber haul
TT, Alipurduar: Foresters of Nilpara range seized a truck loaded with illegal timber from Jaigaon on Tuesday. The foresters said the vehicle was on its way to Bhutan with the timber worth around Rs 2 lakh. The driver and cleaner of the vehicle have managed to escape.
Power protest
TT, Alipurduar: Irate residents of Madarihat gheraoed the station manager of West Bengal State Electricity Distribution Company Limited’s local office for more than two hours on Tuesday to protest irregular power supply in the area. The official was released around 2.30pm when he assured the protesters that steps would be to ensure regular supply. The agitators have threatened to lock the office if power supply does not improve in a week.
Jumbo ire
TT, Jaigaon: Residents of Khairbari village organised a blockade on the Madarihat-Totopara road near Madarihat for more than five hours on Tuesday, protesting the alleged failure of the forest department to control the frequent elephant raids in the area. The protesters alleged that a herd of around 40 elephants had been raiding the village for the past one month and had damaged 25 huts and destroyed paddy. The blockade was lifted around 3pm after foresters from Madarihat steered away the herd, which was moving around the area, to the nearby Titi forests.
Farmer & son burnt alive in Murshidabad
The CPM worker’s house in Kapasdanga. Picture by Kaushik Pramanik |
TT, Behrampore, May 24: A CPM worker and his teenage son were burnt alive in a Murshidabad village hours after Mamata Banerjee claimed there had been no violence after the election results. Mamata had said at Writers’ Buildings yesterday: “There has been no violence in the state, nor has there been any political clashes. I am saying this after looking into the matter myself.” In Murshidabad’s Kapasdanga, alleged Congress supporters locked up Mahibul Sheikh and his son Asharul in their home and set it on fire. Police found the charred bodies of the 55-year-old farmer and his 18-year-old son late last night. Mahibul and his son had protested when some Congress supporters walking in a victory procession burst crackers in front of their home last night. The Congress had won the Rejinagar seat, a part of which is the village, in the Assembly elections.
The duo’s protests led to an altercation with the Congress supporters. But local Congress leaders stepped in to calm tempers. Around 10pm, a group of at least 40 alleged Congress activists assembled near Mahibul’s home and hurled bombs at it. Mahibul’s 75-year-old mother, his teenage daughter and his grandson received splinter injuries. They escaped to a neighbour’s home. But Mahibul and his son stayed back. “The mob then locked the home from outside, poured kerosene on the walls and set them on fire.
The mob did not allow any neighbour to go to Mahibul and his son’s rescue. They also burst bombs in front of the neighbours’ houses so that none dared to come out,” Nazrul Islam, a neighbour, said. Murshidabad police chief B.L. Meena said: “We have launched raids in and around the village and detained seven persons for interrogation.” District CPM secretary Nripen Chowdhury alleged that the Congress has “unleashed a reign of terror on CPM workers”. “We have called a 12-hour bandh tomorrow in Murshidabad,” Chowdhury said. Humayun Kabir, the local MLA, denied that Congress workers were involved in the incident. “Congress workers are not involved in the murder of the father and son. In 2009, Mahibul had led a group of men to murder Sahabul Sheikh. The incident could be an act of revenge by Sahabul’s friends and relatives,” Kabir said.
The duo’s protests led to an altercation with the Congress supporters. But local Congress leaders stepped in to calm tempers. Around 10pm, a group of at least 40 alleged Congress activists assembled near Mahibul’s home and hurled bombs at it. Mahibul’s 75-year-old mother, his teenage daughter and his grandson received splinter injuries. They escaped to a neighbour’s home. But Mahibul and his son stayed back. “The mob then locked the home from outside, poured kerosene on the walls and set them on fire.
The mob did not allow any neighbour to go to Mahibul and his son’s rescue. They also burst bombs in front of the neighbours’ houses so that none dared to come out,” Nazrul Islam, a neighbour, said. Murshidabad police chief B.L. Meena said: “We have launched raids in and around the village and detained seven persons for interrogation.” District CPM secretary Nripen Chowdhury alleged that the Congress has “unleashed a reign of terror on CPM workers”. “We have called a 12-hour bandh tomorrow in Murshidabad,” Chowdhury said. Humayun Kabir, the local MLA, denied that Congress workers were involved in the incident. “Congress workers are not involved in the murder of the father and son. In 2009, Mahibul had led a group of men to murder Sahabul Sheikh. The incident could be an act of revenge by Sahabul’s friends and relatives,” Kabir said.
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