हङकङ पुगेर इन्द्रबहादुर राईले भने- हामीले हाम्रो मौलिक कुरा लेख्नुपर्छ
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फोटो श्रोत : देश सुब्बा |
कार्यक्रमबारे जानकारी दिँदै उपन्यासकार-कवि देश सुब्बाले भने, हङकङमा नै यसप्रकारको स्वागत गराई नौलो हो। कार्यक्रमको उद्घाटन नै नयॉं ढङ्गले गरियो। प्रमुख अतिथि ढोकाबाट प्रवेश भएपछि नमस्कार गर्ने बालबालिका नवबुद्ध आमा समूहकाकार्यकर्ताहरू थिए। जतिबेला नेपाली भेषभूषामा ती बालबालिकाहरूले नमस्कार गरेर राईलाई स्वागत गरिरहेका थिए त्यसबेला गोपाल योञ्जनको राष्ट्रिय गीत बनेको छ पहराले यो छाती मेरो ... बोलको धुन बजिरहेको थियो।

महासंघले आफ्नो वार्षिक कार्यक्रममा नेपाली समाजलाई योगदान पुर्याउने नेपालीहरूलाई पुरस्कृत गर्दै आएको छ भने यस पटक नेपाली समाजलाई योगदान पुर्याउने विदेशी नागरिकहरूलाई पनि सम्मान स्वरूप प्रशंसा पत्र प्रदान गरिएको थियो। यसरी सम्मानित हुनेमा ब्रिटिश नागरिक जोहन वाललेप्टन, सिन्डी च्वन चाइनिज, कारीन निङलिन्चीन भारतीय र दीपक सुबेदी नेपाली रहेका छन्। जोहनले नेपालको बारेमा अंग्रेजी भाषामा पुस्तकहरू लेखेर विश्वमा नेपाली चिनाउने काम गरेका छन्। उसको प्रसिद्ध पुस्तक हिस्टरी अफ नेपाल हो। सिन्डीले चाइनीज विश्व विद्यालय हङकङबाट इथनीक माइनोरीटि मिडिया-मा विद्यावारिधि गर्दै छिन्, कारीनले इथनीक माइनोरीटि मा हङकङ विश्व विद्यालयबाट विद्यावारिधि गर्दै छिन् भने दीपक सुबेदीले त्रिभुवन विश्व विद्यालय नेपालको स्नातकोत्तरमा नेपाली साहित्यमा हङकङको योगदान विषयमा शोधपत्र तयार गरेका छन्। 11 जना कविहरूले भाग लिएको कविता गोष्ठीमा दीपा एवाइ राई प्रथम, प्रकाश रोदुङ राई दोस्रो र मोहन गुरुङ्ग तेस्रो भएका थिए। कविताको निर्णायकमा कविहरू टंक सम्बाहाम्फे, कमल पौडेल र पशन तमू रहेका थिए।
हङकङबाट उत्पादित विचारहरूमा भयवाद, समुच्च विचार, रेखा कविता र जनजाति साहित्य रहेको छ। देश सुब्बाले भयवाद र रेखा कविता र भूपेन्द्र चेमजोङले जनजाति साहित्य बारेमा कार्यपत्र पेश गरेका थिए । देश सुब्बाले बोल्ने क्रममा घोषणा गरेका थिए, महासंघले स्थापना कालदेखि विभिन्न कार्यक्रम गर्दै आएको छ। त्यस मध्येको यो सर्वश्रेष्ठ कार्यक्रम हो। टंक सम्बाहाम्फेले हङकङेली नेपाली साहित्य र दीपा एवाइ राईले समुच्च विचार-माथि तयार पारेको कार्यपत्र समयको अभावले प्रस्तुत हुननसकेको पनि सुब्बाले जनाएका छन्।
कार्यक्रमको अन्त्यमा प्रमुख अतिथि डा. इन्द्रबहादुर राईले नेपाली साहित्य, विश्व साहित्य, धर्म, सौन्दर्य शास्त्र, संरचनावाद, अस्तित्ववाद, भयवादबारे बोले। राईले भानुभक्तको रामायणमा उल्लेख भएको झोँक, मौलिक नेपाली झोँक हो र झोँक धेरै प्रकारको हुन्छ-भन्दा श्रोताहरूले हर्षले ताली बजाएका थिए। अन्त्यमा तिनले भने, हामीले हाम्रो मौलिक कुरा खोज्नुपर्छ र लेख्नुपर्छ। नेपाली महासंघ हङकङका अध्यक्ष प्रदीप थापाले हङकङ नेपाली महासंघको यस कार्यक्रममा महासंघका सदस्य संस्थाहरू गैर सदस्य संस्थाहरू, व्यापारीहरू, साहित्यकारहरू, पत्रकारहरू सबैको सहयोग, सकारात्मक भावना र सबैको नैतिक समर्थनले कार्यक्रम सफल भएको बताएका छन्।
घिसिङलाई गम्भीर लिनु राजनैतिक दिवालियापन हुनेछ-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
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फोटो: मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज |
मोर्चाले घिसिङका टिप्पणीहरूलाई कुनै गम्भीरतापूर्वक लिँदैन। यता घिसिङले केन्द्रमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड दिने सरकार नै नबनेको बताउँदै छैटौं अनुसूची नै अहिलेको निम्ति उपयुक्त व्यवस्था हुने बताएका थिए। डा.छेत्रीले छैटौं अनुसूची खारेज भइसकेको ठोकुवा गर्दै भने, सुवास घिसिङ ठूलो हुन् कि केन्द्रिय गृहसचिव? जब कि केन्द्रिय गृह सचिवले तेस्रो त्रिपक्षीय वार्ताको मिनटमा नै छैटौं अनुसूची खारेज भइसकेको उल्लेख गरेका छन्।
केन्द्रिय गृहसचिव भनेको भारत सरकारका प्रतिनिधि हुन् अनि घिसिङ भनेको जनताले लत्याइसकेका व्यक्ति। गोरामुमोले केवल राजनैतिक वर्चस्वको निम्ति मात्र छैटौं अनुसूचीको वकालती गरिरहेको छ। यता तृणमूल कंग्रेस अनि कंग्रेसलाई मोर्चाले तराईमा समर्थन गरेपनि दुवै दलका नेताहरू छुट्टैराज्यको पक्षमा रहेको सम्बन्धमा पनि तिनले भने, उनीहरू राजनैतिक कारणको निम्ति छुट्टैराज्यको निम्ति बोल्न सक्दैनन्। यो उनीहरूका राजनैतिक बाध्यता हुनसक्छ तर मोर्चालाई कुन दलले के भन्छ भन्ने कुरा महत्वपूर्ण छैन। संविधानले दिएको अधिकार माग्न सक्दैन भन्ने अधिकार उनीहरूलाई छैन।
अर्कोतिर छेत्रीले विधानसभा चुनाउको निम्ति लागू गरिएको चुनाउ आचार संहितालाई ध्यानमा राख्दै जीएलपी क्याम्पहरू उठाइएको बताए। तिनले बङ्गालको माकपा अनि माकपा सरकारसित पहाड़का दलहरू मिलेर मोर्चालाई चारैतिरबाट हानी पुर्याउने कार्य गरिरहेको मात्र होइन मोर्चा विरोधीहरूलाई बङ्गालको पुलिस प्रशासनले पश्रय दिइरहेको समेत आरोप लगाए। तिनले मोर्चाले गोरामुमो कार्यकर्ताहरूले हतियार बोकेर हिँड़ेको सम्बन्धमा मोर्चाले गरेको प्राथमिकीलाई कालेबुङ थानाले लुकाएको बताउँदै कालेबुङ थानाका ओसीले समेत मोर्चालाई धम्काएको आरोप पनि लगाए। तिनले भने, तिनलाई पनि हामी हेर्नेछौं। वैधानिकरूपले तिनको कुरा हामी निकाल्नेछौं।
National Panchayati Raj Day
KalimNews with input from PIB :Commemoration of the National Panchayati Raj Day on 24th April 2011 The Ministry of Panchayati Raj is organizing the National Panchayati Raj Divas on Sunday (April 24, 2011) to mark the passing of the Constitution (73rd Amendment) Act, 1992 that came into force with effect from 24th April, 1993 which institutionalized Panchayati Raj through the Village, Intermediate and District levels Panchayats. This registers a defining moment in the history of decentralization of political power to the grassroots level. The impact of the 73rd Amendment in rural India is very much visible as it has changed power equations irrevocably.
The function will witness the gracious address by the Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and NAC Chairperson Smt. Sonia Gandhi. On this occasion Annual PEAIS 2011 Awards to the best performing States under the Panchayat Empowerment & Accountability Incentive Scheme and the Rashtriya Gaurav Gram Sabha 2011 Awards to best Gram Sabhas and Gram Panchayats in the country (7 Nos), the e-Panchayat Awards 2011 and present the award to the winners of the nationwide Drawing and painting competition and Essay competitions held during the “Year of the Gram Sabha” ( 2nd October 2009-2nd October 2010) will also be given. A national conference by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj is also being organized on this occasion.
The theme of the National Panchayati Raj Divas this year would be the “Roadmap for the Panchayati Raj (2011-16) : An All India Perspective with focus on Gram Sabha”.Accordingly, the “Roadmap for Panchayats challenges and way forward” will be presented in detail among the experts, academicians, editors of major newspapers/journals and officials during the day-long deliberations a day before the National Panchayati Raj Diwas . This document charts future path of decentralization agenda for the Panchayat bodies in India for 2011-2016 that would set out strategies and action plan to accomplish the desired goal. It is expected that this roadmap will lead strengthening of Panchayati Raj Institutions; real devolution of power; proper functioning of Panchayats; and establishment of efficient and accountable Panchayats.
2011 Easter Sunday is an anamoly
STANLEY G PINTO, TNN, Apr 22, MANGALORE: Despite life expectancy being on the rise, very few who celebrated Easter Sunday of April 24 this year may be able to celebrate it on the same date in 2095, after a gap of 84 years.
But there is chance that many will be able to celebrate it on April 25, the last possible date Easter can fall on, as it happens in 27 years on 2038. Easter Sunday on April 25 last occurred in 1943.
(Ed: On easter sunday, christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. Easter season is the greatest feast in christian calendar. Easter Sunday comes at the end of 40 days of prayer, fasting, and almsgiving known as Lent. Christians believe that through spiritual struggle and self-denial they prepare themselves to die spiritually with Christ on Good Friday which was the day of his crucifixion, so that they can rise again with him in new life on easter sunday. Easter Sunday is a day of celebration of Christian's faith.
St .Paul once said that unless Christ rose from dead, our faith is in vain. Through his death, Christ saved mankind from bondage to sin,and he destroyed the thought that death has control on all of us; but it is his resurrection that gives us the promise of new life, both in this world and the next one.
Easter is a moveable feast, which means that it does not occur on the same date every year. It's the first sunday, after the First full moon, after the 21st March. Easter is celebrated in both religious and secular ways by many christian families throughout the world. Traditional customs include the Easter Vigil, lighting of the Paschal candles, chanting of the Easter Proclamation, and readings from the Old Testament, singing hymns, baptisms, confirmation and Holy Communion.
Father John Hardon says " On Easter Sunday, we commemorate the fact that Jesus Christ rose from the grave on the third day after His crucifixion and death on Calvary.
Of course. the resurrection of Christ is a mystery that we believe. But it is also and emphatically a historical fact that we know actually took place.
It is a historical fact that Jesus of Nazareth really lived, really died, was really buried, and really rose from the grave.
It is a provable fact that Jesus came back to life after being crucified, that His disciples were unwilling to accept the fact, but were given overwhelming evidence that Jesus had truly risen. It is a fact that Christ's resurrection was no mere subjective experience. It was no illusion or merely spiritual phenomenon. No, the risen Christ had a body, and flesh, and could be seen, heard and touched.")
Easter Sunday's celebration extends beyond the church and can be easily seen as a celebration and feasting. Eggs are the popular sign of Easter. Traditional Easter activities include decorating eggs, egg rolling races down a hill, easter egg hunts and receiving chocolate Easter eggs delivered by the Easter bunny. On easter sunday, many families celebrate with a Sunday roast which is actually a traditionally roasted lamb. Sweet foods such as Simnel cake and hot cross buns are also eaten during the Easter season.
Easter Sundays usually fall on 35 possible dates between March 22 and April 25, because the Church calendar follows the moon. According to the Gregorian calendar Easter falls on the first Sunday following the first full moon that occurs on or after the day of the vernal equinox. Ecclesiastically, thevernal equinox is fixed as March 21.
There are two equinoxes a year, one in March and one in September. Equinox means `equal night' and on the Equinoxes the day and night are of the same length. The March Equinox is also known as the Vernal Equinox.
Easter and the holidays that are related to it are moveable feasts, like the Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, Ascension Day and Pentecost as they do not fall on a fixed date in the Gregorian or Julian calendars.
Hence, for the first time in nearly hundred years Easter arrived at it earliest on Sunday, March 23 in 2008. The last time Easter Sunday fell on March 23 was in 1913. However, Easter can occur earlier than March 23. The earliest Easter ever recorded in the Gregorian calendar from 1753 onwards was on March 22, both in 1761 and 1818. The next time Easter occurs on March 23 will not be until 2160, and a March 22 Easter will not happen until the year 2285.
How is the date of Easter set? According to Fr Santosh Kamath at Fatima Retreat Centre, in 1582, Gregory XIII (Pope of the Roman Catholic Church) revised the calendar for use by people all across Christendom, resulting in a new set of dates for Easter. By the 1700s, most of
Western Europe adopted what came to be known as the Gregorian calendar.
Mountaineer Nawang Gombu passes away
HT , Darjeeling, April 24, 2011: Nawang Gombu, one of the last Tigers of the Snow, was part of a small group of Sherpa mountaineers, who scaled the Himalayas to bring fame and prestige to their community. Gombu was the youngest climbing Sherpa on the team that put his uncle Tenzing Norgay and Sir Edmund Hillary on the summit of Everest in 1953.
Other mountains that Gombu climbed and pioneered routes on in the 1950s and 1960s included Makalu, Sakang Peak, Saser Kangri, Nanda Devi, Cho Oyu, Koktang and Ratong.
Gombu was part of the first group of Sherpa mountaineers, who along with Tenzing Norgay, completed a guide course in Switzerland in 1954. They became the backbone of the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute, an idea pushed by the late prime minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. He retired from the school as the Director of Field Training after more than 40 years of service during which he taught thousands of Indians basic and advanced climbing skills.
For his climbing and teaching accomplishments, Gombu was award India's highest honours including the Padma Bhusan, Padma Shree, the Arjuna Award, the Indian Mountaineering Foundation Gold Medal and the Tenzing Norgay Lifetime Achievement Award. He also received international acclaim. He was honoured with Queen Elizabeth II Coronation medal. He also had the honour of putting a Katha, a traditional scarf around the neck of President John F. Kennedy in the White House.
Gombu died peacefully at his home today in Darjeeling surrounded by his family after a brief illness. Born in the year of the monkey, he was aged 79.
Born in southern Tibet near the famed Rongbuk monastery in Tibet, Gombu was the son of a former Tibetan monk Nawang Gyaltzen and former nun Lhamu Kipa. He remembered the place where he was born simply as Donak, which means “black rock” in Tibetan. It was a place his mother who tended yaks had been visiting.
He briefly attended the Rongbuk monastery as a student but then moved to the village of Khumjung Solu Khumbu near Mountain Everest in Nepal with his parents and sister Doma, where he spent his childhood.
Gombu then followed his uncle Tenzing Norgay to Darjeeling where most of the mountaineering expeditions to the Himalayas were mounted from. He became a high altitude porter before going on to become a climbing member in many subsequent expeditions.
In 1971, at the invitation of his old climbing friend Jim Whittaker, Gombu visited the United States of America to learn what were then the latest techniques in mountaineering, skills he later taught to his fellow instructors and trainees at the Himalayan Mountaineering Institute. He spent many happy summers with Whittaker and his twin brother Lou Whittaker who ran the Rainier Mountaineering Institute in Paradise, Washington.
Gombu's passions included collecting orchids, driftwood, religious icons and mementos from his trips around the world.
His greatest passion was his work as the president of Sherpa Buddhist Association situated in Toong Soon busty, a Darjeeling neighbourhood where he spent his early years and met his wife Sita Lhamu. He asked that any contributions made in his name be given to the Buddhist association that is renovating a temple and helps the needy financially.
Gombu is survived by his his wife Sita, his sister Doma, daughters, Rita Marwah, Yangdu Goba, Ongmu Gombu, Ang Doma, son Kursung Phinjo Gombu and nine grandchildren.
Gombu's funeral will be held in Darjeling on Thursday, April 28.
Spritual leader Sathya Sai Baba passes away
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