ABGL nominated Bharati Tamang from Darjeeling, Tribhuwan Rai from Kalimpong and S.K. Pradhan from Kurseong as party candidates for ensuing assembly elections.
C.K. Shrestha, Convenor, National Gorkha Forum for Congress leaves for Guwahati to campaign in favour of Congress party in ensuing elections.
Dr. H.B. Chhetri, spokesperson, Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, files nomination paper today as party candidates from Kalimpong constituency.
चर्चित ऐतिहासिक फिल्म सिक्किमको वर्ल्ड् प्रिमियर 4 अप्रेलमा हुने सिक्किमको इतिहास सबैले बुझ्ने मौका पाउऩः उगेन छोपेल
गान्तोक,28 मार्च। भारतीय फिल्म जगतका बहुचर्चित निर्देशक तथा फिल्म निर्माता सत्यजीत रेद्वारा सिक्किमको छोग्याल पाल्देन थेण्डुप नामग्यालको अनुरोधमा निर्माण गरकोको बहुचर्चित फिल्म (सिक्किम) निर्माणकालको झण्डै चार दशक पछि प्रथमपल्ट आधिकारीक रूपमा वर्ल्ड प्रिमियर सो हुने भएको छ।
यसको जानकारी आर्ट एण्ड कल्चर सिक्किमा मेनेजिङ ट्रस्टी उगेन छोपेल, ट्रष्टि कर्मा थाकर्पा अनि सचिव अतुल कौरले यहाँ आयोजित पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा दिएका छन्। एक समय सत्यजित रे को हराएको फिल्म भनेर विश्वभरि चर्चामा रहेको यो फिल्मको विगत 8 वर्षदेखि जीर्ण भइसकेको प्रिन्टलाई युएसएमा अकाडेमी अफ् मोशन पिक्चर्स आर्ट्स एण्ड साइन्स द्वारा कठोर तपस्या गरेर जीर्ण बनेको फिल्मलाई पुनरजिवित गर्ने क्रम चलिरहेको थियो।
गत वर्ष फिल्मको आधिकारी मालिकाना रहेको आर्ट एण्ड कल्चर सिक्किमलाई हस्तान्तरण गरेको थियो। पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै उगेन छोपेलले भने, आगमी 4 अप्रेलको दिन पहिलो पल्ट फिल्म सिक्किमको पहिलो आधिकारी औ कानुनी प्रिमियर सो हुने भएको छ। यसमा राज्यपाल बीपी सिंह मुख्य अतिथि रहने छन् भने सिक्किमपति छोग्यालको शासनकालमा काम गर्ने वरिष्ठ कर्मचारी , मन्त्री परिषदका सदस्य तथा विद्यार्थीहरूको गरीमामय उपस्थिति रहने छ।यसैगरि सिक्किमको राजपरिवारका अधिकांश सदस्यहरूलाई पनि यसअवसरमा निम्तो दिइएको छ। राजकुमार वाङ्चुक नामग्याल स्वयंले ट्रस्टलाई यो फिल्म जिम्मालाएर संरक्षणको आग्रह गरेपछि अहिलेको अवस्था ल्याउन ट्रस्टले धेरै संघर्ष गरेको छ।
अर्कोतिर आगामी 4 अप्रेल छोग्याल पाल्देन थेण्डुपको जन्म दिन पनि भएको हुनाले यो फिल्म त्यही दिन उनलाई सम्झना गर्दै बज्र सिनेमा हलमा 5.30 बजी देखि प्रदर्शन गरिनेछ। यसअवसरमा बलिवुडका चर्चित कलाकारहरूको पनि उपस्थिति रहनेछ। जसमा टिनु आनन्द, साहनाज आनन्द, फिल्मको सिनेमाटोग्राफर सुमेन्दु रे आदिको उपस्थिति रहनेछ। उनीहरू स्वंय यो फिल्मसित सम्बन्धित रहेका छन्।
अर्कोतिर यो फिल्मलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरमा अन्य विभिन्न फिल्म फेस्टिबल तिर पनि प्रदर्शन गरिऩे निधो गरिएको छ। उगेन छोपेलले भने, यो फिल्म विशेष गरेर विद्यार्थीहरूलाई देखाउने प्रयास गरेका छौं उनीहरूलाई सिक्किमको इतिहास र आफ्नोपनबारे जानकारी होस्। सिक्किमको इतिहासलाई बुझ्न सकोस्।
विधानसभामा - विपक्ष गए प्राधिकरण रोक्छ, मोर्चा गए प्राधिकरण ल्याउँछ-युजिआरएफ
डा.छेत्री छैटौं अनुसूचीको वकालत गर्दै खड़ा भएका गोरामुमो प्रार्थी प्रकाश दाहालसित भिड्ने छन्। कंग्रेसका शान्ति शर्मा, भाकपाका विक्रम छेत्री, लीगका त्रिभूवन राई अनि क्रामाकपाका सम्भावित उम्मेद्वार जे.बी.राई पनि युद्धको मैदानमा छन्। यता मोर्चा उम्मेद्वार डा.छेत्रीले कालेबुङको सञ्चार माध्यमद्वारा जनताले असली उम्मेद्वार चिन्नुपर्ने आह्वान गरे। दार्जीलिङ, तराई, डुवर्सका जनताको आवाजलाई विधानसभामा गुञ्जयमान गर्ने अवसर पाएको छु-तिनले भने। तिनले अझ भने, जनताको आकांक्षालाई दबाउनेहरू चुनाउ लड्न आए, उनीहरू विधानसभामा पुगे जनतालाई अन्याय हुनेथियो यसकारण गलत आवाजलाई रोक्न नै मोर्चा चुनाउमा उत्रेको हो। हामीले भोट वइकट गरेको भए हाम्रा विरोधीहरू विधानसभामा पुग्ने थिए। मोर्चाले दायित्वबोधीहरू नै विधानसभामा जानुपर्ने कुरालाई बोध गर्यो। अहिलेसम्म मोर्चाले जनमत विना नै जनताको मुद्दामा 11पल्ट वार्ता गर्यो, अब जनमतसित कुरा बढ़ाउन सजिलो हुनेछ। यसकारण जनताले कुरा बुझ्न अनिवार्य छ।
“While the BJP has decided to leave four seats – Darjeeling , Kalimpong, Kurseong and Kalchini – to the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha, the GJM will support the BJP in Matigara-Naxalbari, Kumarigram, Mal, Madarihaat and Dabgram-Phulbari Assembly segments,” BJP State president Rahul Sinha said here on Monday.
गान्तोक,28 मार्च। भारतीय फिल्म जगतका बहुचर्चित निर्देशक तथा फिल्म निर्माता सत्यजीत रेद्वारा सिक्किमको छोग्याल पाल्देन थेण्डुप नामग्यालको अनुरोधमा निर्माण गरकोको बहुचर्चित फिल्म (सिक्किम) निर्माणकालको झण्डै चार दशक पछि प्रथमपल्ट आधिकारीक रूपमा वर्ल्ड प्रिमियर सो हुने भएको छ।
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Ugyen Chopel, Karma Takapa and Atul Kaura at Press Meet |
गत वर्ष फिल्मको आधिकारी मालिकाना रहेको आर्ट एण्ड कल्चर सिक्किमलाई हस्तान्तरण गरेको थियो। पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै उगेन छोपेलले भने, आगमी 4 अप्रेलको दिन पहिलो पल्ट फिल्म सिक्किमको पहिलो आधिकारी औ कानुनी प्रिमियर सो हुने भएको छ। यसमा राज्यपाल बीपी सिंह मुख्य अतिथि रहने छन् भने सिक्किमपति छोग्यालको शासनकालमा काम गर्ने वरिष्ठ कर्मचारी , मन्त्री परिषदका सदस्य तथा विद्यार्थीहरूको गरीमामय उपस्थिति रहने छ।यसैगरि सिक्किमको राजपरिवारका अधिकांश सदस्यहरूलाई पनि यसअवसरमा निम्तो दिइएको छ। राजकुमार वाङ्चुक नामग्याल स्वयंले ट्रस्टलाई यो फिल्म जिम्मालाएर संरक्षणको आग्रह गरेपछि अहिलेको अवस्था ल्याउन ट्रस्टले धेरै संघर्ष गरेको छ।
अर्कोतिर आगामी 4 अप्रेल छोग्याल पाल्देन थेण्डुपको जन्म दिन पनि भएको हुनाले यो फिल्म त्यही दिन उनलाई सम्झना गर्दै बज्र सिनेमा हलमा 5.30 बजी देखि प्रदर्शन गरिनेछ। यसअवसरमा बलिवुडका चर्चित कलाकारहरूको पनि उपस्थिति रहनेछ। जसमा टिनु आनन्द, साहनाज आनन्द, फिल्मको सिनेमाटोग्राफर सुमेन्दु रे आदिको उपस्थिति रहनेछ। उनीहरू स्वंय यो फिल्मसित सम्बन्धित रहेका छन्।
अर्कोतिर यो फिल्मलाई अन्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरमा अन्य विभिन्न फिल्म फेस्टिबल तिर पनि प्रदर्शन गरिऩे निधो गरिएको छ। उगेन छोपेलले भने, यो फिल्म विशेष गरेर विद्यार्थीहरूलाई देखाउने प्रयास गरेका छौं उनीहरूलाई सिक्किमको इतिहास र आफ्नोपनबारे जानकारी होस्। सिक्किमको इतिहासलाई बुझ्न सकोस्।
विधानसभामा - विपक्ष गए प्राधिकरण रोक्छ, मोर्चा गए प्राधिकरण ल्याउँछ-युजिआरएफ
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 27 मार्च।यो स्पष्ट छ कि यसपालीको विधानसभा चुनाउमा विपक्षका उम्मेद्वारले जितेर विधानसभामा गए मोर्चाले प्राधिकरण ल्याउन पाउनेछैन, किन भने विपक्षका विधायकहरूले प्राधिकरण रोक्न प्रमुख काम गर्नेछन्। तर मोर्चाले जित्यो भने जितेको एक महिनामा नै प्राधिकरण ल्याउने छ-आज युजिआरएफ चिफ अजय दाहालले एकपत्रकार सम्मेलनलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै भने। तिनले मोर्चाको समुहिकताको प्रयासलाई मोर्चा कै स्वार्थीहरूले विफल पार्न षड़यन्त्र गरेको आरोप लगाउँदै भने, मोर्चाभित्र थुप्रै मोर्चा छ, त्यो मध्ये दुइटा हो एक प्राधिकरणपन्थी र गोर्खाल्याण्डपन्थी। प्राधिकरण पन्थी मोर्चाले नै हामीले चुनाउलाई माध्यम बनाएर एकतन्त्रि गोजमुमोमा सामुहिकतालाई स्थापित गर्ने भनेर गरेको प्रयासलाई षड़यन्त्र गर्दै विफल पार्यो।
तिनले मोर्चामा उम्मेद्वारहरूको छनौट नै प्राधिकरण खेमाले मोर्चाभित्रको गोर्खाल्याण्ड खेमालाई परास्त गरेको नमुना रहेको बताउँदै भने, मोर्चाले महिला उम्मेद्वार पनि दिएन अनि अनुसूचित जनजाति न त गोर्खाल्याण्डपन्थीलाई नै उम्मेद्वार बनायो, मोर्चाले उम्मेद्वार प्राधिकरणपन्थीलाई बनाएको छ। किन भने मोर्चाले गोप्यरूपमा प्राधिकरण थापिसकेको छ। मोर्चाले चुनाउ जितेको एकमहिनामा नै प्राधिकरण भित्राउने छ। तिनले युजीआरएफ चुनाउ नलड्ने तर विपक्षका गोर्खाल्याण्डपन्थी उम्मेद्वारलाई सहयोग गर्ने पनि बताए।
तिनले मोर्चाले नै चुनाउ जितेपनि मोर्चालाई प्राधिकरण थाप्न हरहालतमा नदिने बताउँदै भने, मोर्चाले प्राधिकरण ल्याउने कोशिश गरेको खण्डमा सबैपक्षबाट, सड़देखि जङ्गलसम्मबाट यसको विरोध हुनेछ। तिनले यसपल्टको चुनाउ युवावर्गको निम्ति वैचारिकरूपले सङ्गठित हुने अवसर रहेको बताए। तिनले युजीआरएफ चिफ दाहालले मोर्चाको विरोधमा नरहेको तर प्राधिकरणको विरोधमा रहेको स्पष्ट पनि पारेका छन्।
Leaders file nominations in hills, plains- ABGL names candidatesतिनले मोर्चामा उम्मेद्वारहरूको छनौट नै प्राधिकरण खेमाले मोर्चाभित्रको गोर्खाल्याण्ड खेमालाई परास्त गरेको नमुना रहेको बताउँदै भने, मोर्चाले महिला उम्मेद्वार पनि दिएन अनि अनुसूचित जनजाति न त गोर्खाल्याण्डपन्थीलाई नै उम्मेद्वार बनायो, मोर्चाले उम्मेद्वार प्राधिकरणपन्थीलाई बनाएको छ। किन भने मोर्चाले गोप्यरूपमा प्राधिकरण थापिसकेको छ। मोर्चाले चुनाउ जितेको एकमहिनामा नै प्राधिकरण भित्राउने छ। तिनले युजीआरएफ चुनाउ नलड्ने तर विपक्षका गोर्खाल्याण्डपन्थी उम्मेद्वारलाई सहयोग गर्ने पनि बताए।
तिनले मोर्चाले नै चुनाउ जितेपनि मोर्चालाई प्राधिकरण थाप्न हरहालतमा नदिने बताउँदै भने, मोर्चाले प्राधिकरण ल्याउने कोशिश गरेको खण्डमा सबैपक्षबाट, सड़देखि जङ्गलसम्मबाट यसको विरोध हुनेछ। तिनले यसपल्टको चुनाउ युवावर्गको निम्ति वैचारिकरूपले सङ्गठित हुने अवसर रहेको बताए। तिनले युजीआरएफ चिफ दाहालले मोर्चाको विरोधमा नरहेको तर प्राधिकरणको विरोधमा रहेको स्पष्ट पनि पारेका छन्।
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, March 28: The ABGL today declared its candidates for the three hill seats, but the party did not rule out the possibility of reaching on a consensus with the CPRM to fight the elections together.
A rally by the CPM before K.B. Wattar filed his nomination in Darjeeling; (right) Harka Bahadur Chhetri after filing his election papers in Kalimpong on Monday. Pictures by Suman Tamang and Chinlop Fudong Lepcha |
Bharati Tamang, the widow of former ABGL chief Madan Tamang, will be the candidate in Darjeeling, while Tribhuwan Rai and S.K. Pradhan will be fielded in Kalimpong and Kurseong respectively.
Rai and Pradhan are the presidents of the ABGL’s Kalimpong and Kurseong subdivisional committees.
Although the CPRM has already named its candidates for the three seats, the two parties were still holding negotiations to chalk out a strategy to fight the polls together. “There is still a strong possibility of both the parties fielding consensus candidates. Let us wait till April 4 (the last day to withdraw nominations),” said Dawa Sherpa, the working president of the ABGL.
The CPRM had earlier said it wanted to field Bharati Tamang in Darjeeling and had proposed the names of Chhatray Subba and Saran Dewan for the other two seats. Both are currently lodged in jail for their alleged role in an assassination bid on GNLF president Subash Ghisingh in 2001.
However, the CPRM decided not to press hard for the candidature of Chhatray and Dewan. The party will field L.M. Lama in Darjeeling, B.M. Rai in Kurseong and J.B. Rai in Kalimpong.
“There is still time for the consensus candidates. If a deal is clinched, there should be no problem in withdrawing them,” said R.B. Rai, the president of the CPRM.
The ABGL and the CPRM are already unanimous on the nomination of Bharati Tamang’s candidature. Both the parties hope she can cash in on the people’s sentiments over the murder of Madan Tamang.
“I will seek justice from the people. I want peace and democracy to be restored in the hills so that no other children are murdered the way my husband was,” said Bharati.
The woman admitted that she was a novice in politics. “I had to go through a lot of suffering. Even though I did not have a political background, I had to join the ABGL as the party too felt my husband’s vacuum,” said Bharati, who is now the president of the ABGL.
The ABGL will be fighting the elections on a number of issues, including Gorkhaland. “Our stand is clear on Gorkhaland. We do not need any stepping stone (reference to the Sixth Schedule and the interim set-up) to achieve our goal. Peace and restoration of democracy are also important at the moment,” said Sherpa.
The ABGL will also highlight frequent strikes in the hills in the campaign.
“Our statehood agitation must not be turned into a mockery. Strikes should be called as the last resort. Education, which plays a major role in the hill economy, has to be safeguarded and the embargo on the dispatch of tea will only hurt our people as garden owners will cut down the bonus rates. We also need to set up industries dealing with software as we have a huge pool of English speaking and computer savvy youths in the hills,” said Sherpa.
Meanwhile, the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha candidates filed their nominations in Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong and brought out huge rallies. K.B. Wattar of the CPM also filed his nomination in Darjeeling today.
All eyes on Bharati Tamang
Ambika Pradhan, SNS,DARJEELING/KURSEONG, 28 MARCH: Despite the proposal for a consensus candidate by the Communist party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM) from the three hill sub-divisions, the All India Gorkha League (AIGL) has unanimously decided to nominate Mrs Bharati Tamang, the president of All India Gorkha League (AIGL) from the constituency of Darjeeling.
They have also announced the nomination of Mr Tribhuwan Rai from Kalimpong and Mr SK Pradhan from Kurseong.
Though the AIGL has proposed the three candidates, the party is still looking forward to forge an alliance with the CPRM. “Our party had slight reservation towards the names of the consensus candidate proposed by the CPRM party. The process of consultation with the CPRM is still going on and if everything is agreed upon we may make certain adjustment,” stated Mr Dawa Sherpa, working president of AIGL.
The last date for withdrawal of candidature is April 4. The widow of slain leader Madan Tamang, Mrs Bharati Tamang (65) said that she will fight the election to fulfil the dreams of her late husband. “It is about to be a year since my husband was murdered in a broad daylight still I have got no justice, so now I am demanding justice from the common people. I have decided to contest this election to fulfil the dreams of my husband for Gorkhaland. Our efforts will also be on restoring peace, democracy and rule of law in the hills,” said Mrs Tamang.
The AIGL party is likely to file for nomination on 30 or 31 March.
The CPRM on the other hand will decide on the candidates for the three hill sub-division only after all the efforts to reconcile with AIGL is exhausted. Yesterday CPRM had decided to field Mrs Bhartai Tamang from Darjeeling, Mr Chattray Subba from Kalimpong and Mr Saran Dewan from Kurseong.
Meanwhile, the GJMM candidates for the three hill subdivision, Mr Trilok Dewan from Darjeeling, Mr Harkha Bahadur Chettri from Kalimpong and Dr Rohit Sharma from Kurseong, filed their nomination today.
The GJMM has also started campaigning extensively for their candidates across the hills and rallies were organised across in the hills today. Dressed in traditional nepali attire the GJMM supporters will carry out rallies in the three hill subdivision tomorrow and campaign for Mr Trilok Dewan, Dr Harkha Bahadur Chettri and Dr Rohit Sharma.
The GJMM has also decided to support Mr Manoj Tigga, a BJP candidate from Madarihat in Jalpaiguri.
“A meeting was held between Dr Biswa Priya Roy Chaudhury, BJP state secretary and Mr Bimal Gurung and it was decided that the BJP would support GJMM in the three hill sub-division whereas the GJMM will support the BJP candidate from Madarihat constituency as the Morcha has a cordial relation with them,” said Mr Roshan Giri, Morcha general secretary. Dr Biswa Priya Roy today stated that the BJP would support GJMM candidate in Kalchini as well.
In Nagrakata constituency, the Morcha would back the Progressive People Party (PPP) nominee. As for nominating candidates to the constituencies of Dhupguri, Dabgram-Fulbari, Mal and other constituencies, the GJMM would clear its stand within a few days. The GJMM has already nominated the present MLA Mr Wilson Champamari from Kalchini, who is behind bars in Jalpaiguri district jail.
The GJMM organised a huge rally in Kurseong town, amidst the cold weather and rain. In the rally, thousands of GJMM supporters from GJMM's different frontal organisations and from different places of Kurseong sub-division participated led by candidate Dr Rohit Sharma and other GJMM central committee members. During the rally, the GJMM supporters shouted slogans in favour of Gorkhaland and their candidate Dr Rohit Sharma.
They also shouted slogans against the sixth schedule status and the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghisingh and his followers. Today's rally was considered as a “show of strength” of the GJMM.
All eyes on Bharati Tamang
Ambika Pradhan, SNS,DARJEELING/KURSEONG, 28 MARCH: Despite the proposal for a consensus candidate by the Communist party of Revolutionary Marxist (CPRM) from the three hill sub-divisions, the All India Gorkha League (AIGL) has unanimously decided to nominate Mrs Bharati Tamang, the president of All India Gorkha League (AIGL) from the constituency of Darjeeling.
They have also announced the nomination of Mr Tribhuwan Rai from Kalimpong and Mr SK Pradhan from Kurseong.
Though the AIGL has proposed the three candidates, the party is still looking forward to forge an alliance with the CPRM. “Our party had slight reservation towards the names of the consensus candidate proposed by the CPRM party. The process of consultation with the CPRM is still going on and if everything is agreed upon we may make certain adjustment,” stated Mr Dawa Sherpa, working president of AIGL.
The last date for withdrawal of candidature is April 4. The widow of slain leader Madan Tamang, Mrs Bharati Tamang (65) said that she will fight the election to fulfil the dreams of her late husband. “It is about to be a year since my husband was murdered in a broad daylight still I have got no justice, so now I am demanding justice from the common people. I have decided to contest this election to fulfil the dreams of my husband for Gorkhaland. Our efforts will also be on restoring peace, democracy and rule of law in the hills,” said Mrs Tamang.
The AIGL party is likely to file for nomination on 30 or 31 March.
The CPRM on the other hand will decide on the candidates for the three hill sub-division only after all the efforts to reconcile with AIGL is exhausted. Yesterday CPRM had decided to field Mrs Bhartai Tamang from Darjeeling, Mr Chattray Subba from Kalimpong and Mr Saran Dewan from Kurseong.
Meanwhile, the GJMM candidates for the three hill subdivision, Mr Trilok Dewan from Darjeeling, Mr Harkha Bahadur Chettri from Kalimpong and Dr Rohit Sharma from Kurseong, filed their nomination today.
The GJMM has also started campaigning extensively for their candidates across the hills and rallies were organised across in the hills today. Dressed in traditional nepali attire the GJMM supporters will carry out rallies in the three hill subdivision tomorrow and campaign for Mr Trilok Dewan, Dr Harkha Bahadur Chettri and Dr Rohit Sharma.
The GJMM has also decided to support Mr Manoj Tigga, a BJP candidate from Madarihat in Jalpaiguri.
“A meeting was held between Dr Biswa Priya Roy Chaudhury, BJP state secretary and Mr Bimal Gurung and it was decided that the BJP would support GJMM in the three hill sub-division whereas the GJMM will support the BJP candidate from Madarihat constituency as the Morcha has a cordial relation with them,” said Mr Roshan Giri, Morcha general secretary. Dr Biswa Priya Roy today stated that the BJP would support GJMM candidate in Kalchini as well.
In Nagrakata constituency, the Morcha would back the Progressive People Party (PPP) nominee. As for nominating candidates to the constituencies of Dhupguri, Dabgram-Fulbari, Mal and other constituencies, the GJMM would clear its stand within a few days. The GJMM has already nominated the present MLA Mr Wilson Champamari from Kalchini, who is behind bars in Jalpaiguri district jail.
The GJMM organised a huge rally in Kurseong town, amidst the cold weather and rain. In the rally, thousands of GJMM supporters from GJMM's different frontal organisations and from different places of Kurseong sub-division participated led by candidate Dr Rohit Sharma and other GJMM central committee members. During the rally, the GJMM supporters shouted slogans in favour of Gorkhaland and their candidate Dr Rohit Sharma.
They also shouted slogans against the sixth schedule status and the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghisingh and his followers. Today's rally was considered as a “show of strength” of the GJMM.
छेत्रीले बुझाए नामाङ्कन - गोर्खाल्याण्ड पुग्ने सिँड़ी प्राधिकरण नै हो-डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्री
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 27 मार्च। डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले आफ्नो नामाङ्कन पत्र आज बुझाए। तिनीसित नै वैकल्पिक उम्मेद्वार डा.आर.बी भूजेलले पनि नामाङ्कन पत्र भरे। दार्जीलिङ अनि खरसाङमा गोरामुमो उम्मेद्वारहरूले हजारौंको संख्यामा समर्थकहरू उतार्दै नामाङ्कनपत्र भर्ने काम गरेको थियो भने मोर्चाका उम्मेद्वारहरूले पनि आज सयौंको संख्यामा समर्थकहरू लिएर जुलूसबाजी गर्दै महकुमा अधिकारीको कार्यालयमा पुगेर नामाङ्कनपत्र भरे। मोर्चाका कालेबुङ उम्मेद्वार डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले चुनाउ जित्ने मात्र होइन विपूल मतले जित्ने आशा प्रकट गरे।
मनोज बोगटी, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ, 27 मार्च। डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले आफ्नो नामाङ्कन पत्र आज बुझाए। तिनीसित नै वैकल्पिक उम्मेद्वार डा.आर.बी भूजेलले पनि नामाङ्कन पत्र भरे। दार्जीलिङ अनि खरसाङमा गोरामुमो उम्मेद्वारहरूले हजारौंको संख्यामा समर्थकहरू उतार्दै नामाङ्कनपत्र भर्ने काम गरेको थियो भने मोर्चाका उम्मेद्वारहरूले पनि आज सयौंको संख्यामा समर्थकहरू लिएर जुलूसबाजी गर्दै महकुमा अधिकारीको कार्यालयमा पुगेर नामाङ्कनपत्र भरे। मोर्चाका कालेबुङ उम्मेद्वार डा.हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीले चुनाउ जित्ने मात्र होइन विपूल मतले जित्ने आशा प्रकट गरे।

तिनले पत्रकारहरूले जसवन्त सिंहले लोकसभामा गर्न नसकेको काम विधानसभामा मोर्चाका तीन विधायकले कसरी गर्न सक्छन् भनेर सोधेको एक प्रश्नको उत्तरमा भने, गोर्खाल्याण्ड विधानसभामा पाइँदैन तर बङ्गाललाई मुद्दाबारे शिक्षित गराउन सक्छौं। गोर्खाल्याण्डको आवाज उठाउन सक्छौं। जसवन्त सिंहले गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति प्रशस्तै काम गरेका छन्, काम देख्दैन भने त्यो केवल राजनैतिक स्वार्थ मात्र हो। विधानसभालाई पहिले अनुभव गर्नपर्यो, त्यसपछि काम गर्न सकिन्छ सकिन्न भन्नेबारे टिप्पणी गर्न सकिन्छ। काम गर्न सकेनौं भने नाकमा यति खुन त छ कि हामी फर्किन सक्छौं। यसैपनि चुनाउलाई मोर्चाले केवल चुनाउ भनेर हेरेको छैन, आन्दोलनकोरूपमा हेरेको छ। गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति जनमत देखाउने यो एउटा आन्दोलन नै हो।
तिनलाई पत्रकारहरूले गोरामुमोले छैटौं अनुसूची लिएर आएको सम्बन्धमा प्रश्न गर्दा छेटौं अनुसूची अल्पसंख्यकले बहुसंख्यकमाथि शासन गर्ने चिज रहेको बताए। तिनले भने, जसलाई माइनोरिटीले रुल गरेको मनपर्छ, उसलाई छैटौं अनुसूची मनपर्छ। तिनले छैटौं अनुसूचीको तुलनामा मोर्चाको प्राधिकरण धेरै उत्तम रहेको बताउँदै भने, प्राधिकरणमा के कमी छ, आलोचकहरूलाई हामीले बारम्बार देखाइ मागेकै छौं। हामीले खोट निकाल राजनीति छोड्छौं समेत भनेका हौं।
अहिलेसम्म कसैले पनि खोट निकाल्न सकेनन्। वास्तवमा प्राधिकरण नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड पुग्ने सिँडी हो। छैटौं अनुसूची प्राधिकरणभन्दा ठूलो भएको भए किन प्राधिकरण दिन चाहेन अनि छैटौं अनुसूची दिन चाह्यो, जनताले यो कुरा बुझेको छैन र? तिनलाई छत्रे सुब्बाबारे प्रश्न गर्दा विल्सन चम्प्रमारीसित कसैको तुलना हुन नसक्ने बताउँदै विल्सन चम्प्रमारी शुद्द गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनकारी रहेको बताए।
Left to focus on alliance fiasco
Asok Bhattacharya (right) before filing his nomination in Siliguri on Monday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
TT, Siliguri, March 28:The Darjeeling unit of the Left Front has decided to focus on the discord between the Congress and the Trinamul Congress in the running of the Siliguri municipal corporation in the Assembly election campaign.“We will definitely highlight the failure of the Congress and Trinamul in running the board together even after forging an alliance and getting a favourable mandate,” said state urban development minister Asok Bhattacharya, who filed his nomination as the CPM candidate from Siliguri today.
The question the Left Front plans to raise before the electorate will be that if the Congress-Trinamul alliance could not run the civic body together, then how they would rule the state.
After contesting jointly in 2009, the Congress and Trinamul had split over the post of the mayor. Both the parties had staked claim to the post of the mayor. Eventually, the Congress formed the board with the support of the Left.
“It was evident during the mayoral elections that both the parties were craving for power and were least concerned about peoples’ aspirations,” said Jibesh Sarkar, a state committee member of the CPM. “If such is the craziness for the chair of a civic body, it can be well imagined what would happen if they are elected to rule the state. We will definitely mention this during our campaign.”
However, Trinamul’s district president Gautam Deb said the Left’s campaign would have no effect on the outcome of the polls here. “The issue is totally different,” he said.
“We could not support the Congress as it had taken the help of the Left to form the board. We can never have anything to do with the Left. So, we decided to sit in the opposition.”
The district Congress president, Shankar Malakar, also said the issue was an “old one” and had died a natural death.
“Trinamul is back with us and we have nothing to do with the Left,” said Malakar. “The people of Siliguri will not remember this at all.”
Meanwhile, the Election Commission has rejected fisheries minister Kironmoy Nanda’s plea to contest as a member of the Samajwadi Party from Raigunj and use its bicycle symbol as the organisation was not registered in the state.
“He has filed his nomination as a representative of the Samajwadi Party which is not a recognised party in the state. We have sent his nomination to the Election Commission as a candidate of an unrecognised registered party,” Raiganj SDO Aditi Dasgupta told journalists. “Although he has asked for the bicycle symbol, we cannot allot it to him right now.”
However, Nanda hoped that the Election Commission would ultimately grant him the bicycle symbol.
“As my party is not recognised in the state, I have obtained a letter from party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to use the bicycle symbol. I have appealed to the Election Commission to allot me this symbol. I hope I will be allowed to use my party’s symbol and will not contest as an Independent.”
BJP, GJM agree on seat-sharing
Ananya Dutta, TH,KOLKATA: The Bharatiya Janata Party and the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) have reached an agreement on seat-sharing for the upcoming Assembly elections in West Bengal.The question the Left Front plans to raise before the electorate will be that if the Congress-Trinamul alliance could not run the civic body together, then how they would rule the state.
After contesting jointly in 2009, the Congress and Trinamul had split over the post of the mayor. Both the parties had staked claim to the post of the mayor. Eventually, the Congress formed the board with the support of the Left.
“It was evident during the mayoral elections that both the parties were craving for power and were least concerned about peoples’ aspirations,” said Jibesh Sarkar, a state committee member of the CPM. “If such is the craziness for the chair of a civic body, it can be well imagined what would happen if they are elected to rule the state. We will definitely mention this during our campaign.”
However, Trinamul’s district president Gautam Deb said the Left’s campaign would have no effect on the outcome of the polls here. “The issue is totally different,” he said.
“We could not support the Congress as it had taken the help of the Left to form the board. We can never have anything to do with the Left. So, we decided to sit in the opposition.”
The district Congress president, Shankar Malakar, also said the issue was an “old one” and had died a natural death.
“Trinamul is back with us and we have nothing to do with the Left,” said Malakar. “The people of Siliguri will not remember this at all.”
Meanwhile, the Election Commission has rejected fisheries minister Kironmoy Nanda’s plea to contest as a member of the Samajwadi Party from Raigunj and use its bicycle symbol as the organisation was not registered in the state.
“He has filed his nomination as a representative of the Samajwadi Party which is not a recognised party in the state. We have sent his nomination to the Election Commission as a candidate of an unrecognised registered party,” Raiganj SDO Aditi Dasgupta told journalists. “Although he has asked for the bicycle symbol, we cannot allot it to him right now.”
However, Nanda hoped that the Election Commission would ultimately grant him the bicycle symbol.
“As my party is not recognised in the state, I have obtained a letter from party chief Mulayam Singh Yadav to use the bicycle symbol. I have appealed to the Election Commission to allot me this symbol. I hope I will be allowed to use my party’s symbol and will not contest as an Independent.”
BJP, GJM agree on seat-sharing
“While the BJP has decided to leave four seats – Darjeeling , Kalimpong, Kurseong and Kalchini – to the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha, the GJM will support the BJP in Matigara-Naxalbari, Kumarigram, Mal, Madarihaat and Dabgram-Phulbari Assembly segments,” BJP State president Rahul Sinha said here on Monday.
The two parties had joined forces during the 2009 Lok Sabha elections as well and senior BJP leader Jaswant Singh had contested and won from Darjeeling with the support of the GJM.
Elections to the six Assembly constituencies in Darjeeling district and the rest of north Bengal will be held in the first phase on April 18.
Mr. Sinha also said that his party was being supported by a few others groups in the Terai and Dooars region and the BJP will leave the Nagrakata seat in Coochbehar district to the Progressive People Party.
However, he admitted that the party failed to reach an agreement in West Bengal with alliance-partners in the National Democratic Alliance (NDA), the Jharkhand Mukti Morcha (JMM) and the Janata Dal (United).
The BJP had earlier declared that an alliance with the JMM had been formed. But Mr. Sinha said that the JMM has already distributed its election symbol in north Bengal, which ruled out the prospects of an alliance in the rest of the State.
On being asked about the JD(U), he said that they were slow on discussions over seat-sharing and the BJP wanted to release its list of candidates as quickly as possible. During the day, the BJP also announced its third list of candidates for 66 seats in West Bengal. So far the party has announced 280 candidates.
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