Morning Headlines: KalimNews
Tech info Service of SK group marketing with its Managing director Subhasis Sinha and Kalimpong branch franchisee Manoj Chhetri of Kalimpong branch, another SMS sending agency operating in Kalimpong has allegedly cheated its subscribers. 3000-4000 subscribers have invested on it. Its office is at Chimal Hotel located in Ringking road. Several lakh amount is thought to be duped by the company.
Tech info Service of SK group marketing with its Managing director Subhasis Sinha and Kalimpong branch franchisee Manoj Chhetri of Kalimpong branch, another SMS sending agency operating in Kalimpong has allegedly cheated its subscribers. 3000-4000 subscribers have invested on it. Its office is at Chimal Hotel located in Ringking road. Several lakh amount is thought to be duped by the company.
GJM will hold a rally on 15th March to protest against the Telepara incident of Banarhat Dooars in which a Sherpa lady was molested by ITBP jawans. Later the two jawans were suspended.
ABGL will disclose its candidates today.
GJM is likely to patch up with INC.
RSP is unhappy with LF on selection of candidates in Jalpaiguri.
GJMM not to contest, may ally with Congress
Romit Bagchi, SNS, SILIGURI, 14 MARCH: An adage has it that a man is born with his eyes closed and mouth open, and he spends his life trying to reverse that mistake of nature.
The ever verbose GJMM seems to have realised that sabre-rattling must give way to a clear-headed and objective assessment of its standing in the fast changing political trajectory of the Darjeeling Hills.
The party having slipped into a shell of low profile confabulation to evolve a well-balanced electoral strategy may confound the confusion among its rank and file which, alien to the reason's light, remains tethered to the gospel of frenzied restlessness.
But the cerebral elements within the outfit seems to be moving in a more mature groove, tempering the party's characteristic rabble- rousing proclivity with a rational approach, keeping in view its short and long-term interests.
The party seems to have decided not to contest the coming Assembly elections. It keeps thinking of lending outside support to the parties, which are capable of turning the shifting scenario to its long-term advantage.
If the indications emanating from the party's think tank are to be believed the GJMM has decided to rope in the Congress as its electoral ally for the upcoming elections.
The BJP has reasons to grumble over its Parliamentary ally's ‘tactical vacillation'. But if the possibility of an understanding involving the Congress and the GJMM matures into a reality the GJMM stands to gain on more counts than one.
Firstly, the party is not sure of the impregnability of its Hill redoubt. With the AIGL having decided to field its president, Mrs Bharati Tamang as its candidate for the Darjeeling constituency and with the GNLF patriarch, Mr Subash Ghising having thrown off his protracted dithering regarding his long awaited return to his home turf, the GJMM finds itself into an unenviable fix.
The GJMM might not find the electoral engagement a smooth- sailing despite the Sipchu episode and its ‘revivalist’ aftermath. In case the showing is not spectacular the Opposition might bay for its blood demanding involvement of all the parties operating in the Hills in the interim council negotiations.
The party seems to believe that the Congress being the ruling party at the Centre might come in handy post elections.
Though the Trinamul Congress cannot go for an overt understanding with the GJMM given the electoral compulsion-the Gorkhaland issue is most likely to turn into the second most emotive campaign issue after the land acquisition ferment -there might be a silent transfer of votes for mutual advantage in the constituencies spread over the Terai- Dooars region where the Nepali-speaking people are in a position to tip the balance in favour of the anti-Left Front contestants.
Another factor might be weighing with the GJMM strategists. With the Congress and the Trinamul Congress on its side, the CBI probe into Madan Tamang assassination might be conveniently subverted from its logical course.
A sadder, but wiser GJMM seems to have decided to pitch its electoral camps amidst the half- lit obscurity having realised that visibility is much clearer when the spot-light glare is off.
Security issues a concern for CPM in Darjeeling
SNS, SILIGURI, 14 MARCH: The CPI-M candidates in Darjeeling Hills looked concerned over security in course of electioneering in view of a “fear psychosis” deepened further by the assassination of the anti-GJMM vociferous leader, Madan Tamang.
The veteran CPI-M leader, Mr KB Watter, who would contest from the Darjeeling Assembly constituency, said that the Election Commission would have to ensure security for the electorate as well as for the CPI-M activists.
“We would appeal to the EC officials to extend the security cover even after the completion of the electoral process to ward off reprisal threat,” he said.
“The common people have been smarting under the reprisal- apprehension. The responsibility to motivate them to get involved in the electoral engagement rests with the Election Commission. Security only for the poll day is not enough for them,” Mr Watter said.
He asked the GJMM satraps to desist from muscle flexing against their detractors.
Batting for the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghisingh, the CPI-M Hill veteran said that the participation of the GNLF patriarch was a must as far as the restoration of the democratic ambience in the Hills was concerned. “His presence would bring about a balanced democratic atmosphere in the strife-struck Hills,” he opined.
Another CPI-M candidate nominated for the Kurseong Assembly seat, Ms Deepa Chettri, said that her party would prioritize peace during the electioneering.
“We have been striving for peace. I was threatened several times, but I stayed put. The situation is still far from being conducive for unimpeded campaigning. The shadow of terror keeps looming large. The Election Commission must ensure a level playing field so that dissent can find uninhibited expression,” she said. “I have decided to campaign door to door along with at least 50 CPI-M activists,” Ms Chettri said.
Both the candidates said that the campaigning should remain trained on burning issues like peace and development. This apart, we would remain focused on day-to-day problems like drinking water scarcity, traffic congestion, and wage related woes of the tea workers.
Trinamul spoiler for tribals
TT, Siliguri, March 14: The Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad today threatened that it would not forge an alliance with the Congress if Trinamul fielded candidates in the six seats that the tribal outfit had decided to contest from.
During the bypolls in 2009, the Morcha-backed independent Wilson Champromari won from Kalchini and Trinamul’s Khageswar Roy bagged Rajganj. Kalchini was originally a Congress belt, but a major chunk had joined Trinamul, who voted for Champromari. Similarly, it was alleged that the majority of Morcha supporters in Rajganj had voted for Trinamul.
SNS, 14 March :For over twenty years, he had been the undisputed king of the Hills. However, at present, he lives in a two-storey rented residence near AC College para in the plains of Jalpaiguri. Upstaged by his former aide Mr Bimal Gurung, GNLF chief Mr Subash Ghisingh, now 74, did not spell out whether his party is going to contest the ensuing Assembly poll in Darjeeling and who his possible allies will be. The firebrand Gorkha leader speaks candidly to The Statesman's Mohan Prasad. Excerpts:
Q: What are your thoughts on the upcoming Assembly election?
Mr Ghisingh: It is a state legislative election. Incidentally, the Sixth Schedule has provisions for elections too However, it being a democratic process, we will honour it.
Q: Will you put up candidates in the upcoming poll?
Mr Ghisingh: This is not an appropriate time to talk about it as we have not deliberated on candidates. We will keep the media updated on our decisions.
Q: In case you do, will you campaign in the Hills?
Mr Ghisingh: I will not campaign but I will speak once or twice since it is my responsibilty to speak for them (prospective candidates). I do not particularly like travelling in VIP vehicles but I will fulfill my duties.
Q: Will the GNLF ally with the CPRM and the AIGL for the election?
Mr Ghisingh: It is not possible as our respective agendas are different. However, we might think otherwise if their political ideas and agenda come at par with ours.
Q: In case you decide to field candidates, how many seats would you field them from?
Mr Ghisingh: If we do provide candidates, we will field them from the three Hills sub-divisions.
Q: What will your party's future strategy for the Hill's situation be?
Mr Ghisingh: I have done all the work that was asked of me and signed the Sixth Schedule Memorandum....
Q: What are your views on the demand for Gorkhaland?
Mr Ghisingh: What is Gorkhaland for? This is Gorkhaland. We are Gorkhaland. Can Gorkhaland be given by Kolkata or Delhi? No, since Gorkhaland is not theirs. If they (Delhi or Kolkata) do not give in to the demand we should not be going on the offensive and ask them why they did not comply. DGHC was good. Having said that, I felt that it would not have served our purpose and I said so 15 years ago. The Sixth Schedule can only guarentee our Constitutional rights.
Q: Some sections of Non-GJMM supporters say there is a dearth of good leaders in the Hills at presnt?
Mr Ghisingh: What kind of a leader are they seeking? The world as well as India are reeling from a crisis when it comes to effective leadership and the general public should be aware of it.
Q: Your thoughts on Madan Tamang's assasination?
Mr Ghisingh: Any incident has several perspectives to it. It depends on the individual to adopt a perspective, political or otherwise.
Q: Why are you staying here after leaving Darjeeling?
Mr Ghisingh (Smiling): I travel all over the world to enhance my knowledge. You can choose to help or harm people with your actions. I am saving people.
Q: At a meeting in Kurseong, Mr Bimal Gurung said that you and your party practise black magic and human sacrifice when it comes to politics. What are your thoughts?
Mr Ghisingh: Do I look like a black magician?
Q: Some sections say that you are hand in gloves with and Bimal Gurung. Is it true?
Mr Ghisingh: (laughs) He (Bimal Gurung) speaks on a particular line of thought and I the other. How is it possible?
प्रविण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 14 मार्च। राज्यका मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङले मानव संसाधन विकास विभागको कार्यमाथी असन्तुष्टि व्यक्त गर्दै विभागको अकर्मण्यतामाथि बर्सिए। यहाँको चिन्तन भवनमा सोमबार विधानसभा सचिवालयको कमनवेल्थ पार्लिमेन्ट्री एसोसिएशन (सीपीए) को सिक्किम शाखा शतवार्षिकीको कार्यक्रमलाई सम्बोधन गर्दै मुख्यमन्त्री चामलिङले मानव संसाधन विकास विभागले समयमा पाठ्य पुस्तक उपलब्ध गराउन नसकेकोमा विभागले विद्यार्थीहरूको भविष्यलाई ताकमा राखेर कार्य गर्न नहुने बताए। उनले विभागीय अधिकारीहरूले विद्यार्थीहरूको भविष्यसित खेलाँची गरेर समयमा पाठ्यपुस्तक र अभ्यास पुस्तिका प्रदान गर्न ढिलाई गर्नु नहुने बताउँदै कडा चेताउनी दिए। उनले भने, योपालीको खाता किताबको निम्ति पोहोर साल नै पैसा दिइएको छ तर अहिलेसम्म विद्यार्थीहरूको हातमा पुस्तक पुगेको छैन् यसरी शिक्षा जस्तो गम्भीर विषयमा सम्झौता गर्न सकिन्दैन्। विद्यार्थीहरूको भविष्य बिग्रिन्छ। यसै गरि मुख्यमन्त्री मेघावी विद्यार्थी छात्रवृत्तिमाथि पनि परिवारवाद र नातावादको गिद्धे दृष्टि परेकोमा उनले खेद प्रकट गरे। उनले यो योजना गरीब भन्दा गरीब नानीहरूले पनि उच्च स्तरीय शिक्षा पाउन सक्ने धेयले कार्य गरिएको हुनाले यसलाई आफन्त चेप्ने परम्परामा नहाल्ने सुझाउ दिए।
The 2 day Seminar on "Disasters
Save the Hills,, KalimNews:Perception and Mitigation" organized by the Dept of Geography, University of North Bengal in association with the Netaji Institute of Asian Studies (Kolkata) and Save The Hills took place on the 11 to 12 March 2011.
The highlight of the seminar was the field visit on 12 March 2011, to landslide affected areas towards Kalimpong. Some 80-90 students, resource persons of eminence and faculty members of various universities took part in the day long visit and were shown the subsidence areas at the 27th Mile NHPC stage III Low Dam and then the severe landslides and erosion caused by the jhora at Pashyor at 3rd Mile, Kalimpong.
I do hope and believe that prestigious institutions such as NBU will help us highlight the severity of the landslide problem in our area, said Prafulla Rao President of Save the hills on the completion of the seminar.
ABGL will disclose its candidates today.
GJM is likely to patch up with INC.
RSP is unhappy with LF on selection of candidates in Jalpaiguri.
GJMM not to contest, may ally with Congress
Romit Bagchi, SNS, SILIGURI, 14 MARCH: An adage has it that a man is born with his eyes closed and mouth open, and he spends his life trying to reverse that mistake of nature.
The ever verbose GJMM seems to have realised that sabre-rattling must give way to a clear-headed and objective assessment of its standing in the fast changing political trajectory of the Darjeeling Hills.
The party having slipped into a shell of low profile confabulation to evolve a well-balanced electoral strategy may confound the confusion among its rank and file which, alien to the reason's light, remains tethered to the gospel of frenzied restlessness.
But the cerebral elements within the outfit seems to be moving in a more mature groove, tempering the party's characteristic rabble- rousing proclivity with a rational approach, keeping in view its short and long-term interests.
The party seems to have decided not to contest the coming Assembly elections. It keeps thinking of lending outside support to the parties, which are capable of turning the shifting scenario to its long-term advantage.
If the indications emanating from the party's think tank are to be believed the GJMM has decided to rope in the Congress as its electoral ally for the upcoming elections.
The BJP has reasons to grumble over its Parliamentary ally's ‘tactical vacillation'. But if the possibility of an understanding involving the Congress and the GJMM matures into a reality the GJMM stands to gain on more counts than one.
Firstly, the party is not sure of the impregnability of its Hill redoubt. With the AIGL having decided to field its president, Mrs Bharati Tamang as its candidate for the Darjeeling constituency and with the GNLF patriarch, Mr Subash Ghising having thrown off his protracted dithering regarding his long awaited return to his home turf, the GJMM finds itself into an unenviable fix.
The GJMM might not find the electoral engagement a smooth- sailing despite the Sipchu episode and its ‘revivalist’ aftermath. In case the showing is not spectacular the Opposition might bay for its blood demanding involvement of all the parties operating in the Hills in the interim council negotiations.
The party seems to believe that the Congress being the ruling party at the Centre might come in handy post elections.
Though the Trinamul Congress cannot go for an overt understanding with the GJMM given the electoral compulsion-the Gorkhaland issue is most likely to turn into the second most emotive campaign issue after the land acquisition ferment -there might be a silent transfer of votes for mutual advantage in the constituencies spread over the Terai- Dooars region where the Nepali-speaking people are in a position to tip the balance in favour of the anti-Left Front contestants.
Another factor might be weighing with the GJMM strategists. With the Congress and the Trinamul Congress on its side, the CBI probe into Madan Tamang assassination might be conveniently subverted from its logical course.
A sadder, but wiser GJMM seems to have decided to pitch its electoral camps amidst the half- lit obscurity having realised that visibility is much clearer when the spot-light glare is off.
Security issues a concern for CPM in Darjeeling
SNS, SILIGURI, 14 MARCH: The CPI-M candidates in Darjeeling Hills looked concerned over security in course of electioneering in view of a “fear psychosis” deepened further by the assassination of the anti-GJMM vociferous leader, Madan Tamang.
The veteran CPI-M leader, Mr KB Watter, who would contest from the Darjeeling Assembly constituency, said that the Election Commission would have to ensure security for the electorate as well as for the CPI-M activists.
“We would appeal to the EC officials to extend the security cover even after the completion of the electoral process to ward off reprisal threat,” he said.
“The common people have been smarting under the reprisal- apprehension. The responsibility to motivate them to get involved in the electoral engagement rests with the Election Commission. Security only for the poll day is not enough for them,” Mr Watter said.
He asked the GJMM satraps to desist from muscle flexing against their detractors.
Batting for the GNLF chief, Mr Subash Ghisingh, the CPI-M Hill veteran said that the participation of the GNLF patriarch was a must as far as the restoration of the democratic ambience in the Hills was concerned. “His presence would bring about a balanced democratic atmosphere in the strife-struck Hills,” he opined.
Another CPI-M candidate nominated for the Kurseong Assembly seat, Ms Deepa Chettri, said that her party would prioritize peace during the electioneering.
“We have been striving for peace. I was threatened several times, but I stayed put. The situation is still far from being conducive for unimpeded campaigning. The shadow of terror keeps looming large. The Election Commission must ensure a level playing field so that dissent can find uninhibited expression,” she said. “I have decided to campaign door to door along with at least 50 CPI-M activists,” Ms Chettri said.
Both the candidates said that the campaigning should remain trained on burning issues like peace and development. This apart, we would remain focused on day-to-day problems like drinking water scarcity, traffic congestion, and wage related woes of the tea workers.
Trinamul spoiler for tribals
CPM supporters look on as other workers write on the wall of a house in Malda on Monday. According to the model code of conduct which came into force on March 1, one has to get permission from the owner of a house before using a wall for poll graphiti. Owner Badal Ghosh said he had given permission to the workers to write on the wall. Picture by Surajit Roy |
“We are into elections with the sole intention of sending our representatives to the Assembly whose only task would be to work for our socio-economic development. The Congress leadership had agreed to it and we in turn, assented to support them across the state during and after the polls,” said Tezkumar Toppo, the state general secretary of the Parishad.
“Now that the alliance is taking a final shape, we have come to know that Trinamul might field candidates in some of the six seats. If that happens, we will backtrack from the alliance and contest on our own. The Congress will have to ensure that Trinamul refrains from demanding these seats.”
Realising that the Parishad was a uniting platform for Adivasis, who could tilt the votebank in the Dooars and Terai, local Congress leaders had convinced Parishad representatives to meet the party high command in Delhi. After the meeting, the Parishad agreed to back the Congress in all the seats where there is considered tribal presence except for the six in the Dooars and Terai where it had wanted to contest from.
But the spoiler came when sources in Trinamul said the party might field candidates in Kumargram, Kalchini and Malbazar, all in the Dooars. While Joachim Buxla, former RSP MP who is now in Trinamul, might be pitted in Kumargram, there can be new faces in Kalchini and Malbazar.
The Parishad’s threat to withdraw support follows the allegation that Trinamul has a “tacit understanding” with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha — a charge that has been doing the rounds from 2009.
(From left) CPM candidates Dilip Singh, Chotton Kisku, Dipa Chettry, Asok Bhattacharya, KB Wattar and Jharen Roy in Siliguri on Monday. (Kundan Yolmo) |
“Our supporters, who form majority of the vote bank in these seats, have agreed to the decision to extend support to the Congress. But if Trinamul is allowed to contest, it would be tough to convince them because they believe that Trinamul has an understanding with Morcha,” said John Barla, the president of the Dooars-Terai regional unit of the Parishad.
“Furthermore, they will not support a candidate who is from a political party. Over decades we have backed many tribal candidates who contested as representatives of political parties. All of them have miserably failed to meet our aspirations. This time, the demand of every common tribal is to see their own people in the Assembly.”
Gautam Deb, chairman of the north Bengal core committee of Trinamul, refused comment. “Talks are in progress over adjustment of seats in Delhi and so, we would prefer not to comment,” he said.
Flower fest route to tourism
Bijoy Gurung, TT, Gangtok, March 14: Sikkim is in bloom, literally.
Flowering rhododendrons of many hues have transformed the Himalayan state into a flowerpot. And the government has come forward with a festival to cash in on the trees’ tourism potential.
The Sikkim Tourism Development Corporation is preparing to organise a 29-day-long concluding ceremony of the International Rhododendron Festival in the West district from March 25 to April 22.
The celebrations will be spread across upcoming destinations in West Sikkim as the organisers are planning to turn the festival into a platform to market these areas before national and international tourists.
The opening ceremony of the festival had been held in Singba rhododendron sanctuary in North Sikkim from April 25 to May 15 last year. Barsey rhododendron sanctuary in the West district, another protected area of the plant, will host the concluding ceremony.
“We have planned several tourism-related activities in all eight constituencies in West Sikkim for the closing ceremony. Food festival, wildlife safari, helicopter joy ride, paragliding, trekking, mountain biking, archery and culture shows are among them,” said Narendra Kumar Subba, the chairman of the Sikkim Tourism Development Corporation.
“March-April is the best season to view different types of rhododendrons in full bloom in Basrey rhododendron sanctuary. There are seven to eight species of rhododendrons in the sanctuary and during the season, flowers cover the paths like red carpets,” said Subba, who is also the field organiser.
Sikkim is the treasure trove of the rhododendron with 36 species found in the state. This is 72 per cent of the total variety in India.
The organisers said the ceremony would kick off at Hilley, the gateway to the the Barsey sanctuary, with food festival, yak and horse rides. Hilley, 150km from Gangtok, will host the event from March 25 to 27.
According to the schedule prepared by the celebration committee, food and drinks festival will be held at Darap, wildlife safari from Phuncheybong to Hee-khola, helicopter joy ride at Dodok near Soreng, paragliding from Chakung-Chumbung to Jorethang, trekking and mountain biking at Barsey and trekking at several places in the West district.
The closing ceremony on April 22 will be organised at Uttarey, another entry point of the Barsey sanctuary.
“All tourism stakeholders in West Sikkim have come forward to make the festival a success. Each tourism development committee and local stakeholders have been given the responsibility to conduct activities in their respective areas. This is a wonderful opportunity given to the people of West Sikkim by the government for tourism promotion,” said Subba.
The field organiser said promotional activities were going on in full swing. “We have already prepared and distributed brochures and started networking with tour operators. The people have shown a great interest in the festival. We feel tourism in the district will receive a boost through the festival. The impact may not be felt immediately but after two-three years, tourist inflow to the district will improve.”
Subba added that hotels in Pelling and other parts in the West district had offered 30 per cent discount during the festival. “We have also asked the tour operators to include villages in the district in tourism packages.”
Ghisingh candid on poll and politicsSNS, 14 March :For over twenty years, he had been the undisputed king of the Hills. However, at present, he lives in a two-storey rented residence near AC College para in the plains of Jalpaiguri. Upstaged by his former aide Mr Bimal Gurung, GNLF chief Mr Subash Ghisingh, now 74, did not spell out whether his party is going to contest the ensuing Assembly poll in Darjeeling and who his possible allies will be. The firebrand Gorkha leader speaks candidly to The Statesman's Mohan Prasad. Excerpts:
Q: What are your thoughts on the upcoming Assembly election?
Mr Ghisingh: It is a state legislative election. Incidentally, the Sixth Schedule has provisions for elections too However, it being a democratic process, we will honour it.
Q: Will you put up candidates in the upcoming poll?
Mr Ghisingh: This is not an appropriate time to talk about it as we have not deliberated on candidates. We will keep the media updated on our decisions.
Q: In case you do, will you campaign in the Hills?
Mr Ghisingh: I will not campaign but I will speak once or twice since it is my responsibilty to speak for them (prospective candidates). I do not particularly like travelling in VIP vehicles but I will fulfill my duties.
Q: Will the GNLF ally with the CPRM and the AIGL for the election?
Mr Ghisingh: It is not possible as our respective agendas are different. However, we might think otherwise if their political ideas and agenda come at par with ours.
Q: In case you decide to field candidates, how many seats would you field them from?
Mr Ghisingh: If we do provide candidates, we will field them from the three Hills sub-divisions.
Q: What will your party's future strategy for the Hill's situation be?
Mr Ghisingh: I have done all the work that was asked of me and signed the Sixth Schedule Memorandum....
Q: What are your views on the demand for Gorkhaland?
Mr Ghisingh: What is Gorkhaland for? This is Gorkhaland. We are Gorkhaland. Can Gorkhaland be given by Kolkata or Delhi? No, since Gorkhaland is not theirs. If they (Delhi or Kolkata) do not give in to the demand we should not be going on the offensive and ask them why they did not comply. DGHC was good. Having said that, I felt that it would not have served our purpose and I said so 15 years ago. The Sixth Schedule can only guarentee our Constitutional rights.
Q: Some sections of Non-GJMM supporters say there is a dearth of good leaders in the Hills at presnt?
Mr Ghisingh: What kind of a leader are they seeking? The world as well as India are reeling from a crisis when it comes to effective leadership and the general public should be aware of it.
Q: Your thoughts on Madan Tamang's assasination?
Mr Ghisingh: Any incident has several perspectives to it. It depends on the individual to adopt a perspective, political or otherwise.
Q: Why are you staying here after leaving Darjeeling?
Mr Ghisingh (Smiling): I travel all over the world to enhance my knowledge. You can choose to help or harm people with your actions. I am saving people.
Q: At a meeting in Kurseong, Mr Bimal Gurung said that you and your party practise black magic and human sacrifice when it comes to politics. What are your thoughts?
Mr Ghisingh: Do I look like a black magician?
Q: Some sections say that you are hand in gloves with and Bimal Gurung. Is it true?
Mr Ghisingh: (laughs) He (Bimal Gurung) speaks on a particular line of thought and I the other. How is it possible?
कमनवेल्थ एसोसिएशनको शतवार्षिकी पालन -
विभागले विद्यार्थीहरूको भविष्यसित खेलाँची गर्नु हुँदैनः मुख्यमन्त्री चामलिङ

अर्कोतिर कार्यक्रमको मुख्य शिर्षक महिला परिवर्तनको कारक हुन विषयमा आफ्नो सम्बोध राख्दै मुख्यमन्त्री चामलिङले भने, सृष्टिकालदेखि नै महिलाले पुरूषलाई असिमित योगदान दिएर आएको भए पनि अहिलेसम्म महिलाहरूको योगदानको मुल्याङ्कन हुन सकेको छैन्। उनले अझ भने, पुरूषले आफूलाई जन्म दिएकोमा समेत नारीको मुल्य़ाङ्कन गर्न सकेको छैन। उनले रा्ज्यमा एसडीएफ सरकार गठन पछि भने समाजिक न्यायको क्षेत्रमा व्यापक कार्य भएको बताए। उनले भने, नारी सशक्तिकरणमा सिक्किममा प्रसस्त कार्य भएको छ। अहिले सिक्किमे नारीहरूले पुरूष सरह समान हक र अधिकार लिएर बाँचिरहेका छन्, भारतमा सिक्किम महिला सशक्तिकरणको क्षेत्रमा नमुना राज्य बनेको छ, उनले ठोकुवा गरे।
उनले एसडीएफ सरकारको पालोमा महिलाहरूको हक अधिकार र समानताको निम्ति गरिएको प्रसस्त कार्यहरूको बेलिविस्तार लगाए। यसैगरि उनले राज्यको महिलाहरूले अन्य राज्यको तुलनामा स्वतन्त्र रूपले पुरूष सरह जीवन जीउऩ पाइरहेको बताए।
कार्यक्रममा विधानसभा अध्यक्ष केटी ग्याल्छेन, उपाध्यक्ष एम बी दहाल, उद्योग तथा वाणिज्य मन्त्री सुश्री निरू सेवाले पनि सम्बोधन गरे। कार्यक्रममा कमनवेल्थको वर्तमान समाजम भूमिका माथि आयोजित 12औं श्रेणीको अन्तर विद्यालय निबन्ध प्रतियोगिताको परिणाम घोषणा गर्दै मुख्यमन्त्रीको बाहुलीबाट पुरस्कार वितरण गरियो। जसमा तोकिएको नगत पुरस्कारमा मुख्यमन्त्रीले आफ्नो तर्फबाट 25, 15, 10 अनि सान्तवनालाई 5-5 हजार रूपियाँ अतिरिक्त पुरस्कार प्रदान गरे। प्रतियोगितामा पीएनजी कन्या पाठशालाकी छात्रा श्रुती खतिडा प्रथम, टीएनएचएसको छात्र दिपेन्द्र अधिकारी दोस्रो तथा देउराली कन्या पठशालाकी छात्रा कृतिका नागर तेस्रो भइऩ् भने दुइजनालाई सान्तवना पुरस्कार प्रदान गरियो।
25 मार्चदेखि 22 अप्रेलसम्म अन्तराष्ट्रिय गुराँस उत्सव
गुराँस उत्सवको समापनले पश्चिम सिक्किमको पर्यटनको ढोका खोल्नेछः सुब्बा
प्रविण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक,14 मार्च। पश्चिम सिक्किमको आठवटा विधानसभा समष्टिले उन्नतीस दिन लामो अन्तराष्ट्रिय गुराँस उत्सव 2010-11को समापना समारोहको निम्ति तयारी गरिरहेको छ। आगामी 25 मार्चदेखि शुरु भएर 22 अप्रेलसम्म चल्ने यो समापन समारोहले उदयीमान पर्यटकीय गन्तव्यलाई पूर्ण सहयोग पुग्ने देखिएको छ। यो समारोहको आयोजनले पश्चिम सिक्किम राष्ट्रिय अनि अन्तरराष्ट्रिय पर्यटन मार्केटमा प्रचारमा आउने देखिएको छ।
गत वर्ष उत्तर सिक्किमको सिङ्बा गुराँउ उद्यानबाट शुरु भएको अन्तरराष्ट्रिय गुराँस उत्सव 2010-11 गतवर्ष 25 अप्रेलदेखि 15 मईसम्म चलेको थियो। यसअवसरमा राज्य सरकारले प्राकृतिक संसाधन गुराँसको अन्तराष्ट्रिय मार्केटमा प्रदर्शन गर्न सफल भएको थियो। यसैगरि शुरूबाटै यो उत्सवको समापन पश्चिम सिक्किमको बर्से गुराँस उद्यानमा हुने सुनिश्चित गरिएको थियो। सिङ्बा अनि बर्से दुवै गुराँसको निम्ति संरक्षीत क्षेत्र हो।
भारतमा पाइऩने 72 प्रजातिको गुराँसमध्ये 36 प्रजातिको गुराँसको घर हो जसको महत्व अन्तराष्ट्रिय स्तरमै व्यापक रहेको छ।
समापन उत्सवको आयोजकपक्षका प्रतिनिधि नरेन्द्र कुमार सुब्बाले समारोहबारे जानकारी दिँदै भने, दरामदिन निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा पर्ने हिलेबाट समापन समारोह शुरु हुनेछ। उक्तस्थान गान्तोकबाट लगभग 150 किलोमिटरको दुरीमा रहेको छ। बर्से गुराँस उद्यानमा प्रर्ने यो क्षेत्र उद्यानको प्रवेश द्वार हो।
मार्च 25 तारिक उद्घाटन समारोह हिलेमा हुनेछ भने यहाँ 27 तारिकसम्म परम्परागत खाद्य उत्सव अऩि सास्कृतिक कार्यक्रमहरू हुने छ। यसैगरि यसको मुख्य आकर्षणको रूपमा चौरी अऩि घोडा सवारी रहने सुब्बाले जानकारी दिए। सिक्किम पर्यटन विकास निगमका अध्यक्ष सुब्बाले बताए अनुसार मार्च र अप्रेल महिना विभिन्न प्रजातिको गुराँस फुलेको हेर्ने महत्वपूर्ण मौसम हो। उनले बताए अऩुसार बर्से गुराँस उद्यानमा 7 देखि 8 प्रजातिका गुराँस पाइन्छ। जहाँ रातो गलैचा ओछ्याएको झै गोरेटो भरि गुराँसको फुल झरेर रमाईलो भएको हुन्छ।
सुब्बाले भने, हामी उत्सवको समापनको समयमा आठैवटा निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न क्रियाकलाप गर्न चहान्छौं, जसमा स्थानीय खाद्य उत्सव, वाइल्ड लाइफ सफारी, हेलिकप्टर जोय राइड. प्यारा ग्लाइडिङ, ट्रेकिङ, माउन्टेन बाइकिङ, आर्चेरी अनि सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमहरूको आयोजन गरिने छ।
आयोजक समितिद्वारा तयार पारिएको कार्यक्रम सूची अनुसार स्थानीय खाद्य अनि पेय उत्सव दरापमा हुनेछ, वाइल्ड लाईफ सफारी रिञ्चेनपोङको पञ्चेबुङ -हि खोलामा हुने छ भने, हेलिकप्टर राईड दोदक सोरेङमा, च्याखुङ-चुम्बुङदेखि जोरथाङ प्यारा ग्लाइडिङ, ट्रेकिङ अऩि माउण्टेन बाइकिङ बर्से अऩि पश्चिम सिक्किमको विभिन्न क्षेत्रमा ट्रेकिङको व्यवस्था हुनेछ। यसैगरि बर्सेको दोस्रो प्रवेशद्वार उत्तरेमा 22 अप्रेलको दिन समापन समारोह हुनेछ।
उनले अझ भने, पश्चिम सिक्किमको सबै पर्यटन व्यावसायी अनि पनधारीहरूले उत्सुक भएर यसको तयारीमा लागीपरेका छन् भने सरकारद्वारा आफ्नो क्षेत्रमा पर्यटकीय विकासको निम्ति महत्वपूर्ण अवसर प्रदान गरेको छ। उनले आफ्नो क्षेत्रको विकासको निम्ति कर्तव्यनिष्ठ भएर कार्य गर्ने आह्वान गरे।
उनले उत्सवको प्रचार प्रसारको निम्ति विभिन्न पर्यटकीय संस्थानहरूसित नेटवर्क मिलाएर कार्य गरिएको तथा विभिन्न जानकारीमूलक पर्चहरू छापेर वितरण गरिने कार्य भइरहेको बताए। उऩले यस उत्सवले अहिले केही पर्यटक आगमनमा सहयोग नगरे पनि निकट भविष्यमा यसको महत्वपूर्ण प्रभाव पश्चिम सिक्किमको पर्यटन व्यावसायमा पर्ने बताए। अर्कोतिर यो उत्सवको समयमा पेलिङ अनि अन्य क्षेत्रको होटेलहरूले 30 प्रतिशत छुट दरमा पर्यटकहरूको निम्ति व्यवस्था मिलाएको उनले बताए। यसैगरि पश्चिम सिक्किमको एउटा गाउँ पनि पर्यटन व्यावसायीहरूले अधिग्रहण गरेर त्यसालाई टुरिज्म प्याकेजको रूपमा प्रयोग गर्दै बिक्रि गर्ने लक्ष्य राखेको बताए।
सुनामीले मारिएका जापानीहरूलाई श्रद्धाञ्जलि
प्रविण खालिंग, कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक,14 मार्च। दक्षिण एशियाको विकसीत मुलुक जापानमा सुनामीले गरेको विनाशमा मारिएका मानव सन्तानको आत्माशान्तिको निम्ति श्री सत्य साई सेवा समिति रम्फूले मैन बत्ती जलाएर श्रद्धाञ्जलि कार्यक्रम आयोजन गऱ्यो। आइतबार रम्फू बजारमा सम्पन्न उक्त कार्यक्रममा स्थानीय नगर पञ्चायत सदस्य विकास कुमार प्रसाद लगायत वरिष्य नागरिक अनि महिला तथा भद्रगणको व्यपाक उपस्थिति रहेको थियो। यसैगरि विद्यार्थी तथा युवाहरूले पनि प्राकृतिक आपदामा मारिएका मानव सन्तानको नाममा श्रद्धाञ्जलि अर्पणका साथै आत्मको शान्तिको कामना गरे। यसैगरि मैनबत्ती बालेर शान्ति जुलुस पनि आयोजन गरियो। जसले रम्फू बजारमा प्रार्थना गर्दै परिभ्रमण गरेको थियो। गायत्री मन्त्रोच्चारण सहित प्रर्थनाहरू गरिएको थियो।
Seminar on "Disasters : Perception and Mitigation", North Bengal University, 11 to 12 March 2011The 2 day Seminar on "Disasters
Save the Hills,, KalimNews:Perception and Mitigation" organized by the Dept of Geography, University of North Bengal in association with the Netaji Institute of Asian Studies (Kolkata) and Save The Hills took place on the 11 to 12 March 2011.
The highlight of the seminar was the field visit on 12 March 2011, to landslide affected areas towards Kalimpong. Some 80-90 students, resource persons of eminence and faculty members of various universities took part in the day long visit and were shown the subsidence areas at the 27th Mile NHPC stage III Low Dam and then the severe landslides and erosion caused by the jhora at Pashyor at 3rd Mile, Kalimpong.
I do hope and believe that prestigious institutions such as NBU will help us highlight the severity of the landslide problem in our area, said Prafulla Rao President of Save the hills on the completion of the seminar.
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