GNLF Kalimpong Unit formed
KalimNews, Kalimpong, 6 March : In the wake of ensuing assembly elections in the state, Darjeeling hills have also started to warming up. In a surprise move, after formation of Kurseong the GNLF has formed its ad-hoc unit for Kalimpong sub-division in a meeting held at Siliguri today. According to Dawa Sherpa, the unit is as follows : President - Dawa Sherpa, Vice-President - Maurice Kalikotey and Prakash Dahal, General Secretary - Roshan Rai, Secretary - Adit Rai, Treasurer - Raju Tamang
Executive members - Mingma Sherma, Sonam Tamang, Nirmal Rai, Raju Shanker, C.B. Tamang and others.
The information was disclosed by Dawa Sherpa as a statement from Siliguri this evening to the local mediapersons.
Formation of GNLF in the hills has created many eyebrows about its probable patch-up with other parties on the forthcoming assembly elections and the efforts of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP) to unite all the parties in the hills to achieve the goal of Gorkhaland from the common platform.
Evening Headlines:KalimNewsMA student Tsheringkit Lepcha commited suicide at 12th Mile, Kalimpong.
WB is going to hike power tariff by 50 paise /unit.
GNLF Kalmpong formed.
Pratibha Devi Patil to visit Bagdogra

Executive members - Mingma Sherma, Sonam Tamang, Nirmal Rai, Raju Shanker, C.B. Tamang and others.
The information was disclosed by Dawa Sherpa as a statement from Siliguri this evening to the local mediapersons.
Formation of GNLF in the hills has created many eyebrows about its probable patch-up with other parties on the forthcoming assembly elections and the efforts of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh (BGP) to unite all the parties in the hills to achieve the goal of Gorkhaland from the common platform.
Evening Headlines:KalimNewsMA student Tsheringkit Lepcha commited suicide at 12th Mile, Kalimpong.
WB is going to hike power tariff by 50 paise /unit.
GNLF Kalmpong formed.
Pratibha Devi Patil to visit Bagdogra
Prez Pratibha Devi Patil will visit Bagdogra on 9 March to attend a function of Indian Air Force. It is recalled that by virtue of her post she is the supreme commander of the defence service of the nation.
ABGL to hold meeting today in Darjeeling
KalimNews: The meeting is expected to be an exclusive one to decide the future course of action of the party in connection with the forthcoming assembly poll. ABGL is a constituent member of the Democratic Front, an anti-GJM forum of political parties in the hills. However, the GJM, the major political party of Darjeeling is still continuing its domination in the hill politics since its inception in 2007. ABGL's president Madan Tamang was killed under the broad day light on 21st May, 2010 in the heart of the hill town Darjeeling while being ready to address the mass. The ABGL has alleged GJM's hand behind the murder.
Though the central bureau of investigation has also started its enquiry into the case, yet, no concrete result has been surfaced till now. In such a juncture, the possibility of joining hands by the ABGL with GJM as being speculated by a section of people is not likely to be materialised. If the ABGL decides to contest the forthcoming assembly poll in the state, then the situation may be very interesting one as the CPRM, known as second largest political outfit in Darjeeling, would be in an awkward position. It is mentioned that CPRM is one of the largest constituent party of Democratic Front which is oppossed to the GJM and this party (CPRM) has made a precedent not to go to the electoral politics till the dream of Gorkhaland is fulfilled. In such situation, what this party would choose to opt for would become a very interesting point in future.
Though the central bureau of investigation has also started its enquiry into the case, yet, no concrete result has been surfaced till now. In such a juncture, the possibility of joining hands by the ABGL with GJM as being speculated by a section of people is not likely to be materialised. If the ABGL decides to contest the forthcoming assembly poll in the state, then the situation may be very interesting one as the CPRM, known as second largest political outfit in Darjeeling, would be in an awkward position. It is mentioned that CPRM is one of the largest constituent party of Democratic Front which is oppossed to the GJM and this party (CPRM) has made a precedent not to go to the electoral politics till the dream of Gorkhaland is fulfilled. In such situation, what this party would choose to opt for would become a very interesting point in future.
Gorkha votes to be deciding factor in Assam poll
KalimNews: Several parts of Assam state are dominated by the Nepali speaking Gorkha electorates. They have been enjoying their franchise since the first ever elections in the modern India. They are also deciding the political fate of the leaders of different national and regional parties in the state. However, they are not organised, aware of their vote bank's power and bargaining anything in return. Now this time, when the Assam goes to the assembly poll with other states in India, many Gorkha voters have decided to show their strength by way of making their present felt by political organisations.
To make this a reality, they have been reportedly consulting the likeminded people in the state and even making efforts to contest the elections at their own. This is not for the first time that the Gorkhas are contesting the elections in the state. Many Gorkha political figures have already contested, won and even held prestigious posts like Minister and Speaker in the state assembly. However, this time when the movement of a separate state of Gorkhaland, i.e. a constitutional homeland of Indian Gorkhas, has become a hot issue throughout the country, the role of Gorkha voters in the state of Assam is also likely to create some impact with reference to this movement.
To make this a reality, they have been reportedly consulting the likeminded people in the state and even making efforts to contest the elections at their own. This is not for the first time that the Gorkhas are contesting the elections in the state. Many Gorkha political figures have already contested, won and even held prestigious posts like Minister and Speaker in the state assembly. However, this time when the movement of a separate state of Gorkhaland, i.e. a constitutional homeland of Indian Gorkhas, has become a hot issue throughout the country, the role of Gorkha voters in the state of Assam is also likely to create some impact with reference to this movement.
Kalimpong Press Club's society oriented venture
To convert itself into a society oriented organisation, Kalimpong Press Club has been holding varieties of programmes in the town since its foundation in the year 1998. Now the KPC has re-started Dainandini, an evening local news channel in Nepali language from the month of February, 2011. The programm is telecast every evening at 7 PM and repeated at 7 AM next morning. However, the club has decided not to concentrate only on the event based news but to bring the social evils in the eyes of the administration and people in general and make all concerned aware of the same for its eradication.
To begin with the same, the KPC has decided to take the prevailing problem in education and employment sectors in the town first. It has, therefore, started Employment and Educational News segment from 4th March. The club has also provided opportunity to make the local talented youths camera friendly by way of imparting them practical training in the field of journalism. Apart from this, the club has started this new segment of employment news in the English language. The Club has also aimed to start a weekly news in English language by selecting young news readers and reporters very shortly. For this purpose the club has sought application from the interested candidates. They may contact 9126001226, 9434131719, 9733018343, 9434873363 or pay a visit to the office of Kalimpong Press Club located at the top floor of Kashinath & Sons, Building Shahid D.B. Giri Path, Kalimpong.
To begin with the same, the KPC has decided to take the prevailing problem in education and employment sectors in the town first. It has, therefore, started Employment and Educational News segment from 4th March. The club has also provided opportunity to make the local talented youths camera friendly by way of imparting them practical training in the field of journalism. Apart from this, the club has started this new segment of employment news in the English language. The Club has also aimed to start a weekly news in English language by selecting young news readers and reporters very shortly. For this purpose the club has sought application from the interested candidates. They may contact 9126001226, 9434131719, 9733018343, 9434873363 or pay a visit to the office of Kalimpong Press Club located at the top floor of Kashinath & Sons, Building Shahid D.B. Giri Path, Kalimpong.
It may be recalled that the KPC has been organising variety of society oriented programmes like conferring of Kaleybung Ratna Award annually, chess tournament, publication of sovenir, publication of yellow pages, called Infodex, broadcasting daily news through local cable network, operating of online news blog named, running SMS headlines every morning and evening to the subscribers, with breaking news, holding interaction programme called Sajha Manch to telecast live, senior citizen's debate competition, quiz contest, etc. It has also planned to give a gift to the residents of Kalimpong by way of providing them a newsbased extra-ordinary item before the ensuing assembly elections.
These are the factors that has made KPC an influential body in the local arena. Due to its society based creative ideas and practice, a good number of local intellectuals, educated persons and personality of their repute have been showing their interest to join hands with the Club with an aim to contribute towards the development of the society. The club has also extended its boundary to all India level from its confinement to Kalimpong sub-division, for the likeminded people to become its life member. It has even invited non-journalists to become a part of the club by way of registering as associated members to extend their support towards the causes of the society.
If you are interested to become KPC's member in eligible category or want to extend your support to this body please contact us.
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