Vijay Madan resigns as interlocutor as according to the sources, he could not negotiate the Gorkhaland issue before the declaration of poll dates as planned by him.
GJM bans despatch of tea boxes from hill tea gardens to the plains demanding double hike in the daily wages of the workers.
GJM secy moves HC over Sibchu firing
GJM secy moves HC over Sibchu firing
Rs 700 crore for Jalepla route alternative highway via Chalsa for Sikkim sanctioned by centre, Sikkim Chief Minister P.K. Chamling disclosed.
Interlocutor calls it a day
Interlocutor calls it a day
Vivek Chhetri, TT, Darjeeling, March 4: Vijay Madan, the Centre’s interlocutor to hold talks on the Darjeeling impasse, today tendered his resignation, indicating that not much progress could be achieved on the issue.
Vijay Madan: Role is over |
“With the Assembly elections round the corner, there is no possibility of some dramatic announcement. I have tendered my resignation as I did not want to hang around uselessly,” Madan told The Telegraph over the phone from Delhi.
Observers believe this is an indication from Madan that a new government in the state could think of a different arrangement which could nullify the entire negotiations that Madan had been working hard to get through. He had been appointed by the Union home ministry to co-ordinate the talks between the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, the Centre and the state.
The fact that no concrete settlement could be reached on the impasse shows that the interlocutor could not influence the negotiations much.
Sources said Madan had been pressing hard for an early settlement on the interim set-up for the Darjeeling hills before the model code of conduct came into force in Bengal on March 1. Madan had also called Morcha president Bimal Gurung, hours before the Assembly polls were announced on March 1, to impress on him the need to sign an agreement, claimed a source.
“Gurung was, however, adamant that unless the formation of a joint verification committee featured in the settlement, he would not agree to ink the deal. This, perhaps disappointed the interlocutor,” said the source.
Harka Bahadur Chhetri, the spokesperson for the Morcha, said a text message had been sent to the party by Madan informing them about the resignation. “It (resignation) is his personal choice and we cannot comment on that,” said Chhetri.
It is, however, not clear whether the Union home ministry has accepted Madan’s resignation.
Tea embargo kicks off to extract more
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Darjeeling, March 4: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today upped the ante by enforcing an embargo on the first flush of Darjeeling tea to fulfil en extended charter of demands, which include housing and medical benefits, apart from a double hike in wages for garden workers in the hills.
Morcha chief Bimal Gurung had announced earlier that the embargo would be in force from March 7 if the wages were not hiked by the previous day. However, the party changed the tack and advanced the embargo today as “gardens have started manufacturing the first flush.”
“We have learnt that some gardens have started manufacturing the first flush and that is why we have decided to advance the embargo,” said Suraj Subba, the general secretary of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union.
Besides the demand for the increase in the wage from Rs 67 to Rs 120-154, the union affiliated to the Morcha sought negotiations with garden owners on dearness allowance (DA), variable dearness allowances (VDA) and uniform rate for extra leaf price. The other demands relate to housing, ration, firewood, clothing and medical benefits (see chart).
Asked about the reason for raising more demands, Subba said: “Wage negotiations take place once in three years and it is a routine practice to place a charter of demands before the talks.”
Among the new demands is a hike in the DA, which is payable to the staff and sub-staff. “Since the agreement on wages and other payments is for a period of three years, the industry would not pay DA in the first year. Garden employees get DA at the rate of 8 per cent and 16 per cent for the second and the third years respectively,” said a source.
The garden workers do not get the VDA but the Morcha wants the system to be introduced.
At the moment, the labourers get an extra leaf price ranging between Rs 3.50 and 6.50 per kg. “In the hills, a garden worker is tasked to pluck 6 to 8kg of green leaves a day as against 20-22kg in the plains. The extra leaf price is an incentive to the workers to pluck more leaves than what is assigned to them,” said the source.
The quantity of tealeaves the workers are tasked to pluck and the incentives vary from one garden to the other depending on the terrain and the financial health of the plantations.
The Morcha said the extra leaf price should be fixed for gardens with similar terrain and same altitude. “We want the industry to have a uniform price for gardens of a particular altitude,” said Subba.
The hill union also wants a uniform system to be put in place for fringe benefits like firewood. “Most of the gardens pay in cash for firewood, but the rates vary. There should be uniformity on this count also,” said Subba.
Sources said a worker was entitled to 320kg of firewood per annum and if it was not provided, he was paid between Rs 32 and Rs 36 for 40kg.
The union has already sent the charter of demands to the Darjeeling Tea Association and the Indian Tea Association. Sandeep Mukherjee, the secretary of the DTA, said he had received the letter from the Morcha today. “I have forwarded the copies (of the latter) to the garden owners. Enforcing an economic embargo on any industry serves neither the management nor the workers,” said Mukherjee.
Subba, however, vowed to go ahead with the embargo. He said camps would be set up at various exit points of the hills and “mobile vigilantes” be posted to enforce the ban.
The hill party has also demanded that negotiations on the wage revision and other demands take place in Darjeeling. “We will not go to Calcutta for the talks. If the annual bonus can be negotiated in Darjeeling, the wage talks, too, can be held here. Darjeeling tea must not be taken up during the negotiations on Dooars and Terai gardens as our produce is different,” said Subba.
The union said the entry of Nepal tea would be stopped at any cost. “We hear that some gardens illegally bring in Nepal tea and mix the same with the produce here to pass it off as Darjeeling tea. We had stopped this practice in the past and we will continue to do so,” said Subba.
GJM secy moves HC over Sibchu firing
IE, Kolkata: A Gorkha Janmukti Morcha secretary and central committee member has filed a PIL in Calcutta High Court alleging that the police firing in Sibchu, in which three GJM supporters were killed, violated police regulations of the state.
According to Dil Bahadur Gurung’s petition, the police issued a “shoot at sight” order at Sibchu in the Dooars, Jalpaiguri district, on February 8. Gurung urged the court to restrain the police from issuing such an order.
The high court refused to pass any interim order. The Division Bench asked Ranbir Kumar, IG North Bengal, to file an affidavit on the police firing and on the issue of “shoot at sight” order.
The case will come up for hearing on April 8. Advocate Abhijit Basu, Gurung’s counsel, pleaded that the police opened fire on the GJM supporters while they were holding a peaceful demonstration.
Kumar had said in a press conference on February 13 that a shoot at sight order was issued to the police in Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, Basu pointed out. It was clear that the police had the intention to fire at people at Sibchu, as a result of which three persons had been killed.
यौटा भन्ने कुरा मात्रै नि... के अचम्म भयो नि यस्तो ......
It is, however, not clear whether the Union home ministry has accepted Madan’s resignation.
Tea embargo kicks off to extract more
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Darjeeling, March 4: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today upped the ante by enforcing an embargo on the first flush of Darjeeling tea to fulfil en extended charter of demands, which include housing and medical benefits, apart from a double hike in wages for garden workers in the hills.
Morcha chief Bimal Gurung had announced earlier that the embargo would be in force from March 7 if the wages were not hiked by the previous day. However, the party changed the tack and advanced the embargo today as “gardens have started manufacturing the first flush.”
“We have learnt that some gardens have started manufacturing the first flush and that is why we have decided to advance the embargo,” said Suraj Subba, the general secretary of the Darjeeling Terai Dooars Plantation Labour Union.
Besides the demand for the increase in the wage from Rs 67 to Rs 120-154, the union affiliated to the Morcha sought negotiations with garden owners on dearness allowance (DA), variable dearness allowances (VDA) and uniform rate for extra leaf price. The other demands relate to housing, ration, firewood, clothing and medical benefits (see chart).
Asked about the reason for raising more demands, Subba said: “Wage negotiations take place once in three years and it is a routine practice to place a charter of demands before the talks.”
Among the new demands is a hike in the DA, which is payable to the staff and sub-staff. “Since the agreement on wages and other payments is for a period of three years, the industry would not pay DA in the first year. Garden employees get DA at the rate of 8 per cent and 16 per cent for the second and the third years respectively,” said a source.
The garden workers do not get the VDA but the Morcha wants the system to be introduced.
At the moment, the labourers get an extra leaf price ranging between Rs 3.50 and 6.50 per kg. “In the hills, a garden worker is tasked to pluck 6 to 8kg of green leaves a day as against 20-22kg in the plains. The extra leaf price is an incentive to the workers to pluck more leaves than what is assigned to them,” said the source.
The quantity of tealeaves the workers are tasked to pluck and the incentives vary from one garden to the other depending on the terrain and the financial health of the plantations.
The Morcha said the extra leaf price should be fixed for gardens with similar terrain and same altitude. “We want the industry to have a uniform price for gardens of a particular altitude,” said Subba.
The hill union also wants a uniform system to be put in place for fringe benefits like firewood. “Most of the gardens pay in cash for firewood, but the rates vary. There should be uniformity on this count also,” said Subba.
Sources said a worker was entitled to 320kg of firewood per annum and if it was not provided, he was paid between Rs 32 and Rs 36 for 40kg.
The union has already sent the charter of demands to the Darjeeling Tea Association and the Indian Tea Association. Sandeep Mukherjee, the secretary of the DTA, said he had received the letter from the Morcha today. “I have forwarded the copies (of the latter) to the garden owners. Enforcing an economic embargo on any industry serves neither the management nor the workers,” said Mukherjee.
Subba, however, vowed to go ahead with the embargo. He said camps would be set up at various exit points of the hills and “mobile vigilantes” be posted to enforce the ban.
The hill party has also demanded that negotiations on the wage revision and other demands take place in Darjeeling. “We will not go to Calcutta for the talks. If the annual bonus can be negotiated in Darjeeling, the wage talks, too, can be held here. Darjeeling tea must not be taken up during the negotiations on Dooars and Terai gardens as our produce is different,” said Subba.
The union said the entry of Nepal tea would be stopped at any cost. “We hear that some gardens illegally bring in Nepal tea and mix the same with the produce here to pass it off as Darjeeling tea. We had stopped this practice in the past and we will continue to do so,” said Subba.
GJM secy moves HC over Sibchu firing
IE, Kolkata: A Gorkha Janmukti Morcha secretary and central committee member has filed a PIL in Calcutta High Court alleging that the police firing in Sibchu, in which three GJM supporters were killed, violated police regulations of the state.
According to Dil Bahadur Gurung’s petition, the police issued a “shoot at sight” order at Sibchu in the Dooars, Jalpaiguri district, on February 8. Gurung urged the court to restrain the police from issuing such an order.
The high court refused to pass any interim order. The Division Bench asked Ranbir Kumar, IG North Bengal, to file an affidavit on the police firing and on the issue of “shoot at sight” order.
The case will come up for hearing on April 8. Advocate Abhijit Basu, Gurung’s counsel, pleaded that the police opened fire on the GJM supporters while they were holding a peaceful demonstration.
Kumar had said in a press conference on February 13 that a shoot at sight order was issued to the police in Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, Basu pointed out. It was clear that the police had the intention to fire at people at Sibchu, as a result of which three persons had been killed.
यौटा भन्ने कुरा मात्रै नि... के अचम्म भयो नि यस्तो ......

फेरि अचम्मको कुरा चै के भयो भने राजनीतिक पार्टीहरू त भोटको लागि चम्के ठिकै छ तर यत्ति नै बेला गोर्खाल्यान्डको लागि नराजनीतिकहरू पनि सप्पैजना एकै ठाउमा आउनु भनेर कराउनुको अर्थ चै कुन सब्दकोषमा पाइन्छ कोनि. दुनियालाई थाहा छ गोर्खाहरू एक हुँदैन भनेर. 104 बर्खामा एक हुननसक्नेहरूलाई भोटको मुखैमा एक बनाउन खोज्नु पनि एउटा ठुलै आँट होइन भन्न सकिन्न. यतिबेला आचार संहिता लागु भएको समयमा न त गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुने हो न त कन्ट्र्याक्टरको बील नै पास हुने हो. अब यो फैनान्सियल बर्ष सकिनु लाग्दा गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरा उठाइ रहनु चै बुद्दिजीवीहरूको काम हैन है. यसो हेरविचार गरेर मात्रै कराउनु पर्छ होला है हजुरहरू.
एउटा भन्ने कुरा मात्रै नि, फेरि तपैहरू त यस्तो थोत्रे कुरालाई पनि सिरेस लिएर झन् गोर्खाल्याण्ड कि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्नु हुन्छ के अन्त भर्खर सुतेको नानीको सातो पनि जान्छ.(छुल्याहा माइला)
Parishad bar on cadres in party rallies
TT, Siliguri, March 4: The Progressive Tea Workers’ Union, floated by the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad, has asked its members and supporters not to participate in the electioneering of any political party.
TT, Siliguri, March 4: The Progressive Tea Workers’ Union, floated by the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad, has asked its members and supporters not to participate in the electioneering of any political party.
A demonstration by the Parishad union. File picture |
The fiat is a clear warning to the mainstream political parties that they will have to bargain hard with the Parishad to get the support of the Adivasi-dominated population in the Dooars and the Terai for election campaigns.< “We have made it clear to everybody, right from leaders to common supporters, that they cannot participate in the campaigns to be conducted by political parties for the Assembly elections scheduled to be held in north Bengal on April 18,” Tezkumar Toppo, the vice-president of the tea union, said today.
“The supporters, who are common workers of tea estates, can take part in campaigns of only those candidates who are backed by the Parishad as it has been already decided that we will contest in at least five Dooars seats,” said Toppo.
The Parishad’s tea union, which got recognition from the state labour department in 2009, had been saying so far that its members and supporters were free to support and work for any political party.
“Through this diktat, it is evident that political parties will now have to negotiate with the Parishad to reach out to the tribal people and secure their votes,” said a senior CPM leader in Malbazar.
“Considering that a majority of workers in almost all tea gardens in the Terai and the Dooars shifted allegiance from the trade wings of the mainstream parties to the Progressive Tea Workers Union, there will be fierce competition among political parties to win the support of the Adivasis,” said the CPM leader.
A Congress leader in the Dooars said: “Even if a Progressive Tea Workers’ Union supporter thinks of backing us, he cannot do so openly. At best, he can vote for our candidates silently.”
“Such general diktat would naturally affect our campaigns, rallies and meetings at the micro level as there will be shortage of manpower. There is no denying the fact that the bases of both the Citu and the Intuc have eroded after the emergence of the Parishad union,” he added.
The Parishad said the option for alliance was still open although it had expressed its intention to contest in five-six seats in the Terai and the Dooars. “Although we decided to field independent candidates in the Dooars, the option for forging an alliance with other political parties is still there and we are not ruling out such a possibility,” said Toppo.
“If the parties accept our demands, we have no problem in forging a tie-up with them. In that case, a final decision on the nomination of candidates will be taken after consultations,” he added.
“The supporters, who are common workers of tea estates, can take part in campaigns of only those candidates who are backed by the Parishad as it has been already decided that we will contest in at least five Dooars seats,” said Toppo.
The Parishad’s tea union, which got recognition from the state labour department in 2009, had been saying so far that its members and supporters were free to support and work for any political party.
“Through this diktat, it is evident that political parties will now have to negotiate with the Parishad to reach out to the tribal people and secure their votes,” said a senior CPM leader in Malbazar.
“Considering that a majority of workers in almost all tea gardens in the Terai and the Dooars shifted allegiance from the trade wings of the mainstream parties to the Progressive Tea Workers Union, there will be fierce competition among political parties to win the support of the Adivasis,” said the CPM leader.
A Congress leader in the Dooars said: “Even if a Progressive Tea Workers’ Union supporter thinks of backing us, he cannot do so openly. At best, he can vote for our candidates silently.”
“Such general diktat would naturally affect our campaigns, rallies and meetings at the micro level as there will be shortage of manpower. There is no denying the fact that the bases of both the Citu and the Intuc have eroded after the emergence of the Parishad union,” he added.
The Parishad said the option for alliance was still open although it had expressed its intention to contest in five-six seats in the Terai and the Dooars. “Although we decided to field independent candidates in the Dooars, the option for forging an alliance with other political parties is still there and we are not ruling out such a possibility,” said Toppo.
“If the parties accept our demands, we have no problem in forging a tie-up with them. In that case, a final decision on the nomination of candidates will be taken after consultations,” he added.
KalimNews: Former Union Minister and veteran Congress leader Arjun Minister died this evening.He had served in various capacities including as Madhya Pradesh Chief Minister,was 81.
Admitted to the AIIMS some days ago with chest pain and neuro problems, Singh complained of breathing problem around 1730 hours. He suffered a heart attack and breathed his last around 1815 hours, sources said.
A loyalist of the Gandhi family, Singh was Vice President of the Congress under Rajiv Gandhi in the eighties and was also Governor of Punjab at the height of militancy and was instrumental in the Rajiv-Longowal accord.
Incidentally, Singh was today dropped from the party's highest policy making body Congress Working Committeee today and was made a Permanent Invitee.
Singh leaves wife Saroj Devi, two sons--Ajay Singh, an MLA in Madhya Pradesh and Abhimanyu--and daughter Veena.
विधानसभा चुनाउः दलीय गठबन्धन अन्योलमा:6 तारिक सबै दलले निर्णय गर्ने
Admitted to the AIIMS some days ago with chest pain and neuro problems, Singh complained of breathing problem around 1730 hours. He suffered a heart attack and breathed his last around 1815 hours, sources said.
A loyalist of the Gandhi family, Singh was Vice President of the Congress under Rajiv Gandhi in the eighties and was also Governor of Punjab at the height of militancy and was instrumental in the Rajiv-Longowal accord.
Incidentally, Singh was today dropped from the party's highest policy making body Congress Working Committeee today and was made a Permanent Invitee.
Singh leaves wife Saroj Devi, two sons--Ajay Singh, an MLA in Madhya Pradesh and Abhimanyu--and daughter Veena.
विधानसभा चुनाउः दलीय गठबन्धन अन्योलमा:6 तारिक सबै दलले निर्णय गर्ने
मनोज वोगटी, कालिमन्युज,कालेबुङ,4 मार्च।सम्पूर्ण् राजनैतिक चलखेलहरूको जड लुकेको छ बङ्गालको विधानसभा चुनाउसित। अहिले गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनकारी दलहरूको निम्ति टाउको दुखाइ भएको मुद्दा नै छ यो विधानसभा चुनाउ। मोर्चाले मुद्दाको निम्ति राजनैतिक फाइदा हेरिरहेको छ यस चुनाउमा। अन्य दलहरूले गणतन्त्र बहालीलाई प्रमुखता दिएको छ । बङ्गालमा माकपा कठिन परिस्थितिमा छ। सत्ता परिवर्तन हुने सम्भावना सबैले अनुभूत गरेको छ। सत्ता नै परिवर्तन भए पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दालाई कहॉं फाइदा पुग्छ, त्यो अस्पष्ट छ। माकपा बाहेक अरू दलसित मोर्चाले यदि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति कुनै कमिटमेन्ट दिनसक्छ भने उसित कुराकानी गर्ने र जिताउने कुरा गरेको थियो, तर पछि यसलाई सुधार्दै मोर्चाले विधानसभा चुनाउ मोर्चाको प्राथमिकता सूचीमा नै नरहेको बताएको छ। यति बेला सबै दलले माकपालाई फाइदा पुग्ने कुनै पनि टिप्पणी गर्न अनुचित मानेको छ। बङ्गालमा कुनै दल पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको पक्षमा छैनन्। बङ्गालको जुन दलले पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड भन्छ, उसलाई माकपाले बङ्गभङ्गकारी मानेर चुनावी प्रचार गर्छ। माकपाले गोर्खाल्याण्ड गठन गर्न नदिएर बङ्गाल टुक्रन नदिएको भन्दै भोट बटुल्ने कुरा संस्कारकै रूपमा विकास भएको छ।
यस्तोमा पहाड़का दलहरूले बुद्धिमत्तापूणर्र् रणनीति निर्माण नगरे फाइदा माकपाले लुट्न सक्छ। यता मोर्चाले अहिले नै मुख नखोल्ने भनेको छ, उता आविपले मोर्चासित गठबन्धनको कुरामा स्वीकृति दिने छनक दिएको छ। बङ्गालको सरकार गठन गर्न मद्दत गर्न मोर्चाले कुन दललाई सहयोग गर्ने हो अनि यस सहयोगले मुद्दालाई कस्तो फाइदा पुछ, त्यो भविष्यको कुरा हो तर पहाड़का अन्य दलहरूले मोर्चासित गठबन्धनको कुरालाई सोझै नकारेको छ। अहिले विधानसभा चुनाउलाई छेक पारेर फेरि गणतान्त्रिक मञ्च सक्रिय हुने सम्भावना देखा परेको छ। पहाड़को दोस्रो वृहत दल क्रामाकपाले स्पष्टै भाषामा भनेको छ, मोर्चासित गठबन्धन हुन सक्दैन। यता गोर्खालीगको पनि कुरा यही छ।
यस बाहेक अन्य ससाना अस्तित्वमा नरहेका दलहरूको कुनै कुरा छैन। उता विधानसभा चुनाउलाई नै छेक पारेर गोरामुमो नेता सुबास घिसिङले पनि मुख खोलेका छन्। गोरामुमो, क्रामाकपा अनि गोर्खालीगले 6 तारिक विधानसभा चुनाउमाथि दलीय दृष्टिकोण र रणनीति खुलासा गर्ने भनिएको छ। मोर्चाले पनि सम्भवत 6 तारिकको दिन नै कुनै न कुनै निर्णय गर्ने सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। सुबास घिसिङले 6 तारिक दलको चुनावी घोषण हुने बताएर यसपल्टको विधानसभा चुनाउमा गोरामुमोको सहभागिता सक्रिय रहने संकेत दिएका छन्।
उता अन्य दलहरूले विधानसभा चुनाउलाई गणतन्त्र बहालीको कुरालाई मूलमन्त्र मानेर दलीय रणनीति तयार पार्ने बताएको छ। पहाड़का दलहरूमा अनेकता आए भोट बॉंड़िने सम्भावना छदैँछ। यस्तोमा मिलेर नै रणनीति बुन्न पर्ने भए पनि त्यसो हुन सकेको छैन। क्रामाकपा प्रतिनिधि मोहन पौड्यालले भने, मोर्चाले सबैदलसित कुराकानी गरेर विधानसभा चुनाउबारे मत प्रकट गर्छु भनेको भए मान्न सकिन्थ्यो, तर घरि माकपा बाहेक अरूदलसित कुराकानी गर्न सकिने भन्छ घरि चुनाउबारे कुनै कुरा सोंचेको छैन भन्छ। मोर्चाको कति कुरा बुझिँदैन, अस्पष्ट र शंकास्पद हुन्छ। क्रामाकपाले गणतन्त्रको निम्ति नै विधानसभा चुनाउलाई ग्रहण गर्छ। भागोपले दलीय मित्रताको निम्ति जुन पहल गर्दैछ, यसलाई महत्वपूर्ण मानिनुपर्ने हो। गणतन्त्र छैन भने देश नै बनिए पनि काम लाग्दैन। पोर्टीले 6 तारिक नै सबै कुराको खुलासा गर्नेछ।
गोर्खालीगका प्रताप खातीले भने, मदन तामङका हत्याराहरू रहेको दल मोर्चासित गठबन्धन हुनसक्दैन। मुद्दाको निम्ति नेता गुमाएका छौं। यसकारण गणतान्त्रिक मञ्चले अन्य दलहरूको भोट नबॉंड़ियोस् भनेर सामुहिक रणनीति बनाउने पक्षमा छ। पार्टीले 6 तारिक नै निर्णय गर्नेछ। यता हिल कंग्रेसका दीलिप प्रधानले भने, पार्टीको जिल्ला केन्द्रिय समितिले विमल गुरूङसित भेटेर कुराकानी गर्नेछ। विमल गुरूङसित भेटेर नै सबै कुरा स्पष्ट भन्न सकिन्छ।
यस्तोमा पहाड़का दलहरूले बुद्धिमत्तापूणर्र् रणनीति निर्माण नगरे फाइदा माकपाले लुट्न सक्छ। यता मोर्चाले अहिले नै मुख नखोल्ने भनेको छ, उता आविपले मोर्चासित गठबन्धनको कुरामा स्वीकृति दिने छनक दिएको छ। बङ्गालको सरकार गठन गर्न मद्दत गर्न मोर्चाले कुन दललाई सहयोग गर्ने हो अनि यस सहयोगले मुद्दालाई कस्तो फाइदा पुछ, त्यो भविष्यको कुरा हो तर पहाड़का अन्य दलहरूले मोर्चासित गठबन्धनको कुरालाई सोझै नकारेको छ। अहिले विधानसभा चुनाउलाई छेक पारेर फेरि गणतान्त्रिक मञ्च सक्रिय हुने सम्भावना देखा परेको छ। पहाड़को दोस्रो वृहत दल क्रामाकपाले स्पष्टै भाषामा भनेको छ, मोर्चासित गठबन्धन हुन सक्दैन। यता गोर्खालीगको पनि कुरा यही छ।
यस बाहेक अन्य ससाना अस्तित्वमा नरहेका दलहरूको कुनै कुरा छैन। उता विधानसभा चुनाउलाई नै छेक पारेर गोरामुमो नेता सुबास घिसिङले पनि मुख खोलेका छन्। गोरामुमो, क्रामाकपा अनि गोर्खालीगले 6 तारिक विधानसभा चुनाउमाथि दलीय दृष्टिकोण र रणनीति खुलासा गर्ने भनिएको छ। मोर्चाले पनि सम्भवत 6 तारिकको दिन नै कुनै न कुनै निर्णय गर्ने सम्भावना देखापरेको छ। सुबास घिसिङले 6 तारिक दलको चुनावी घोषण हुने बताएर यसपल्टको विधानसभा चुनाउमा गोरामुमोको सहभागिता सक्रिय रहने संकेत दिएका छन्।
उता अन्य दलहरूले विधानसभा चुनाउलाई गणतन्त्र बहालीको कुरालाई मूलमन्त्र मानेर दलीय रणनीति तयार पार्ने बताएको छ। पहाड़का दलहरूमा अनेकता आए भोट बॉंड़िने सम्भावना छदैँछ। यस्तोमा मिलेर नै रणनीति बुन्न पर्ने भए पनि त्यसो हुन सकेको छैन। क्रामाकपा प्रतिनिधि मोहन पौड्यालले भने, मोर्चाले सबैदलसित कुराकानी गरेर विधानसभा चुनाउबारे मत प्रकट गर्छु भनेको भए मान्न सकिन्थ्यो, तर घरि माकपा बाहेक अरूदलसित कुराकानी गर्न सकिने भन्छ घरि चुनाउबारे कुनै कुरा सोंचेको छैन भन्छ। मोर्चाको कति कुरा बुझिँदैन, अस्पष्ट र शंकास्पद हुन्छ। क्रामाकपाले गणतन्त्रको निम्ति नै विधानसभा चुनाउलाई ग्रहण गर्छ। भागोपले दलीय मित्रताको निम्ति जुन पहल गर्दैछ, यसलाई महत्वपूर्ण मानिनुपर्ने हो। गणतन्त्र छैन भने देश नै बनिए पनि काम लाग्दैन। पोर्टीले 6 तारिक नै सबै कुराको खुलासा गर्नेछ।
गोर्खालीगका प्रताप खातीले भने, मदन तामङका हत्याराहरू रहेको दल मोर्चासित गठबन्धन हुनसक्दैन। मुद्दाको निम्ति नेता गुमाएका छौं। यसकारण गणतान्त्रिक मञ्चले अन्य दलहरूको भोट नबॉंड़ियोस् भनेर सामुहिक रणनीति बनाउने पक्षमा छ। पार्टीले 6 तारिक नै निर्णय गर्नेछ। यता हिल कंग्रेसका दीलिप प्रधानले भने, पार्टीको जिल्ला केन्द्रिय समितिले विमल गुरूङसित भेटेर कुराकानी गर्नेछ। विमल गुरूङसित भेटेर नै सबै कुरा स्पष्ट भन्न सकिन्छ।
A number of MPs, political leaders and thinkers participated in the symposium and discussed issues related to the demand for small states. the symposium especially focused on the demand for new states in North-east India, the movement for Gorkhaland was represented by the leading political parties of Darjeeling, namely the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha, the Gorkha League and CPRM. At the programme, held under the chairmanship of Mrs Dil Kumari Bhandari, President of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh, the overwhelming feeling was a dissatisfaction with the Central government for its general disinterest in fully resolving the problems of the people from areas that were demanding statehoods.
BGP, KalimNews, New Delhi, March 4: National Federation for New States in partnership with the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh made it possible to bring together several national political parties and organizations involved in movements for the creation of small states in India at a symposium organized in New Delhi on Friday.
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Journalist Kuldeep Nayar in the symposium |
Dr Harka Bahadur Chhetri of the GJM, who was scheduled to participate, could not make it but sent a special message in which he commended this effort at broadbasing the common demands of the people through a national forum. He also said that he and his party would like to partner the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh in similar future programmes. Describing the BGP as “one of the umbrella organizations of the Gorkhas”, Dr Chhetri said everyone had to work to sincerely to put the Gorkhaland issue on the national spotlight and create opinion in favour of its formation.
The GJM National Capital Territory leadership was present at the symposium to push the case for Gorkhaland. The Gorkha League was represented by its President Dawa Sherpa, while CPRM Working President LM Lama spoke on behalf of the CPRM. They all recalled the more than 100-year-old case of the Gorkhas and how creation of a new state for the Gorkhas was the only way out of a century of misidentification as foreigners and economic deprivation.
Earlier, a number of MPs questioned why the Government was not listening to the genuine demands of the people. Bodo leaders and MPs SK Bwiswmuthiary and Biswajit Daimary spoke passionately about how the Bodos, like the Gorkhas, had suffered for decades, having been left out of the national mainstream. But talks go on and nothing much happens, they said. “We must fight as one,” said Bwiswmuthiary, Lok Sabha MP, who disclosed that various Bodo parties and organisations had recently decided to form the Bodo National Conference to unitedly fight for Bodoland. Daimary, a Rajya Sabha MP, added, “This fight cannot be fought in villages, it has to be fought in New Delhi.”
Eminent journalist and columnist Kuldeep Nayar said that the government knew that these demands for new states were neither anti-national nor secessionist in nature. “The government has to act quickly to redress the grievances of people,” he said. “Else,” he warned, “these demands can become a huge national problem.” While recalling how the states were originally organized after indepdence, he advised against the formation of a second States Reorganisation Committee, saying it would not serve any useful purpose and would only be a waste of time. He suggested instead that a special committee headed by a judge of the Supreme or High Court, be appointed to look into the genuineness of the demands and to notify the government accordingly. Steps can then be taken based on the committee’s opinion, he said.
Dr Ram Dayal Munda, Rajya Sabha member, confessed to being perplexed about why the issues of Gorkhas and Bodos had not been understood by the Centre. He, however, pointed out that It was not easy to convince the authorities of the genuineness of the movements, yet the legitimate statehood demanders should “fight a systematic and sustained” battle to get justice. The MP, who is a former vice-chancellor of Ranchi University, also pledged his support to all genuine movements for new states.
Speakers from Tripura, Bundelkhand and Telangana also made out their cases for states of their own. Besides the Gorkha parties and organisations, others at the symposium included the Bodoland Peoples’ Front, Bodo Students’ Union, Dimasa Peoples’ Council, All Dimasa Students’ Union, Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura, Tripura Indigenous Students Union, Bundelkhand Mukti Morcha, Bundelkhand Sena and Telangana Vikas Samiti.
Besides the MPs and political leaders, others who spoke included Jebra Ram Muchahary of the United People’s Federation of Assam, Hindi writer and columnist Pushpa Maitreyi. Sanmoni Kemprai of the Dimasa People’s Council, NC Debbarma of the IPFT and Sukhman Moktan, Secretary General of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh.
Earlier, a number of MPs questioned why the Government was not listening to the genuine demands of the people. Bodo leaders and MPs SK Bwiswmuthiary and Biswajit Daimary spoke passionately about how the Bodos, like the Gorkhas, had suffered for decades, having been left out of the national mainstream. But talks go on and nothing much happens, they said. “We must fight as one,” said Bwiswmuthiary, Lok Sabha MP, who disclosed that various Bodo parties and organisations had recently decided to form the Bodo National Conference to unitedly fight for Bodoland. Daimary, a Rajya Sabha MP, added, “This fight cannot be fought in villages, it has to be fought in New Delhi.”
Eminent journalist and columnist Kuldeep Nayar said that the government knew that these demands for new states were neither anti-national nor secessionist in nature. “The government has to act quickly to redress the grievances of people,” he said. “Else,” he warned, “these demands can become a huge national problem.” While recalling how the states were originally organized after indepdence, he advised against the formation of a second States Reorganisation Committee, saying it would not serve any useful purpose and would only be a waste of time. He suggested instead that a special committee headed by a judge of the Supreme or High Court, be appointed to look into the genuineness of the demands and to notify the government accordingly. Steps can then be taken based on the committee’s opinion, he said.
Dr Ram Dayal Munda, Rajya Sabha member, confessed to being perplexed about why the issues of Gorkhas and Bodos had not been understood by the Centre. He, however, pointed out that It was not easy to convince the authorities of the genuineness of the movements, yet the legitimate statehood demanders should “fight a systematic and sustained” battle to get justice. The MP, who is a former vice-chancellor of Ranchi University, also pledged his support to all genuine movements for new states.
Speakers from Tripura, Bundelkhand and Telangana also made out their cases for states of their own. Besides the Gorkha parties and organisations, others at the symposium included the Bodoland Peoples’ Front, Bodo Students’ Union, Dimasa Peoples’ Council, All Dimasa Students’ Union, Indigenous People’s Front of Tripura, Tripura Indigenous Students Union, Bundelkhand Mukti Morcha, Bundelkhand Sena and Telangana Vikas Samiti.
Besides the MPs and political leaders, others who spoke included Jebra Ram Muchahary of the United People’s Federation of Assam, Hindi writer and columnist Pushpa Maitreyi. Sanmoni Kemprai of the Dimasa People’s Council, NC Debbarma of the IPFT and Sukhman Moktan, Secretary General of the Bharatiya Gorkha Parisangh.
राज्यपालद्वारा युआइडीको निम्ति विवरण प्रदान
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज,गान्तोक्,4 मार्च। राज्यपाल बीपी सिहंको शितकालीन आवास रम्फूमा राज्यका डेस्मी विभागका प्रतिनिधिहरूले भेट गरि युनिक आइडेन्टिफिकेशन नम्बरको निम्ति नामंकन दर्ता गरे। यो परियोजनामा नो़डल संस्थाको रूपमा मनोनित संस्थाका प्रतिनिधिहरूले राज्यपालको विस्तृत व्योरा लिए। यस अघि राज्यका मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङको सरकारी आवास मिन्तोगाङमा डेस्मीले परिचय पत्रको निम्ति विस्तृत विवरण लिऩे कार्य गरेको थियो। यसै गरि राज्यका सबै आम जनताको विभिन्न परिचय पत्रको आधारमा यो परिचय पत्र प्रदान गरिने छ।
राज्यपालले आफ्नो विस्तृत विवरण प्रस्तुत गरिसकेपछि राज्यका सबै नागरिकलाई यो परिचय पत्रको निम्ति सत प्रतिशत पुरा गर्न सहयोग गर्ने आग्रह गरेका छन्। जसमा दुवै हाथको चिन्ह अनि आँखाको रेटिनाको पनि परिचय पत्रको निम्ति विवरण लिइऩ्छ।
सिक्किमको ब्राण्ड नेमको सूची तयार
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज,गान्तोक,4 मार्च। राज्यका अतिरिक्त मुख्यसचिव तथा विकास आयुक्त कर्मा ग्याछोको अध्यक्षतामा आज टासिलिङ सचिवालयमा एक महत्वपूर्ण बैठक बस्यो। जसमा राज्यको ब्राण्ड नेम को निम्ति प्राप्त सूचीलाई केलाएर छोट्याइएको जानकारी सूचना तथा जनसम्पर्क विभागले दिएको छ।यस अवसरमा राज्यका विभिन्न विभागीय प्रमुखहरूको विशेष उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
पाण्डम निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा एसडीएफ दिवस पालन
गान्तोक,4 मार्च। सिक्किम डेमोक्रेटिक फ्रण्टको 19औं स्थापना दिवस पालन गर्ने क्रममा पाण्डम निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निम्ति रम्फू बजार स्थित खेल मैदानमा भव्यताको साथमा पालन गरियो। यस अवसरमा क्षेत्र विधायक तथा मन्त्री निरू सेवाले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा सिक्किमलाई पूर्णरूपमा पर्यटन गणतव्य स्थलको रूपमा विकास गर्न प्रतिवद्ध हुनु पर्ने बताइऩ्। यसैगरि मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङले पाण्डम गडीलाई विश्वस्तरको पर्यटकीय गणतव्य बनाउने प्रयासमा रहेको उनले उपस्थित जनतालाई अवगत गराइऩ। यसै गरि यहाँ काली माताको विशालकाय मुर्ति स्थापना गरिने बताइऩ। यसै गरि रम्फूमा स्वागतद्वाराको रूपमा स्नो लायनको द्वार बनाउने निधो गरेको पनि जानकारी दिइऩ्। यसै गरि उनले रम्फू माध्यमिक विद्यालयलाई उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा विद्यालयमा परिणत गर्ने सरकारी घोषणा पनि सुनाईन। कार्यक्रममा एसडीएफका कार्यकर्ताहरूले पनि पार्टीको नीति दर्शन र सिद्धान्तलाई जनताको समक्ष प्रस्तुत गरे।
गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा जनसभा गर्न प्रशासनले अनुमति दिएन गोली ठोक्छ भने पनि हामी तोकेको ठाउँमै जनसभा गर्छौः भरत बस्नेत
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 4 मार्च। भारतीय गोर्खाहरूको चिन्हारीको प्रश्नसित जोडिएको संवैधानिक माग गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा सिक्किमबाट उठ्न थालेको आवाजको तिब्रतालाई राज्य प्रशासनले भने रोक्ने प्रयास गरिरहेको स्पष्ट भएको छ। राज्यमा नवगठीत सिक्किम सोलाडेरिटी फर गोर्खाल्याण्ड (ऐक्यवद्धता मञ्च)-लाई पूर्व जिल्ला प्रशासन र पुलिल अधिक्षकले यहाँको निजी वाहन विसौनीमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा जनसभा गर्न अनुमति नदिएपछि संगठनका प्रमुख संयोजक भरत बस्नेतले राज्यपाललाई यसमामिलामा हस्तक्षेप गर्ने अनुरोध गरेका छन्। उनले आज राजधानीमा पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै भने, सिब्सुमा गोर्खालीहरूलाई निधारमा गोली ठोकेर हत्या गर्दै मानवतालाई तहसनहस पारेको छ त्यो पनि बंगालले संविधानसम्मत मागको पक्षमा उठेको आवाजलाई रोक्ने तानाशाही नीति थोपेर गरेको संहार हो त्यसै गरि मानवताको नातामा मानवतालाई बचाउन संवैधानिक मागलाई लिएर गैर राजनैतिक संगठनले जनसभा गर्न चहाँदा सिक्किमको प्रशासनले अनुमति नदिएर बंगालको नीतिलाई नै समर्थन गरेको प्रमाणित हुँदैछ, बस्नेतले भने।
उनले यसबारेमा राज्यपाल संवैधानिक पदमा रहेको हुनाले संवैधानिक मागको पक्षमा उभिएर बोल्न पाउने र गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुद्दालाई पनि यथासिघ्र समाधानको निम्ति केन्द्र सरकार समक्ष आवश्यक कार्वाही गराउने अनुरोध गर्न भोलि राज्यपाल बीपी सिंह सित भेट गर्ने बताए। उनले भने, यो मामिला अति संवेदनशील बन्दैछ अब राज्यपालले हस्तक्षेप गरिदिनुपर्छ, नत्र सिक्किममा पनि बंगालकै नीति लाध्ने प्रयास हुनेछ। अर्कोतिर उनले राज्य सरकार अनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको नारा लिएर कार्य गरिरहेको दलहरूलाई आफ्ने अडान स्पष्ट पार्ने आग्रह गर्दै भने, गोर्खाहरूले सधै आफ्नो दोधारे र दुइजिब्रे नीतिले गर्दा धोखा खाँदै आएको छ त्यसकारण यसपाली दोहोरो कुरा गरेर जनताको आस्थासित खेलाँची नगर्नु, गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थन गर्ने या नगर्ने स्पष्ट पारि हाल्नुपर्छ।
अर्कोतिर उनले 6 मार्चको दिन प्रस्तावित जनसभा कुनैपनि हालतमा तोकेको समय र ठाँउमा गर्ने बताए। उनले भने, हामीलाई प्रशासनले अनुमति नदिए पनि हामी जनसभा गर्ने नै छौ यसमा हामीलाई बंगालले जस्तो गोली ठोक्छ भने पनि हामी मर्न तयारछौ तर हामी हाम्रो अडानमा स्पष्ट छौ। उनले भऩे हामीलाई जनसभा गर्न निजी वाहन विसौनीमा हुँदैन भने थाना अघिको विल्डींग अथवा कञ्चनजंघा सपिङ कम्पलेक्सको छानुमा दिए पनि कुनै आपत्ती नहुने तर अन्य ठाउँमा भने नजाने अडान व्यक्त गरे। गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुद्दा र जनसभाको अनुमतिलाई लिएर भोलि संगठनले राज्यपाल बीपी सिंहलाई भेट्ने बताए। पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा संयोजक सीसी सांगदर्पा, महासचिव रूद्र कार्कीले पनि संबोधन गरे।
Shops and huts gutted
TT, Siliguri, March 4: Thirteen shops and seven huts have been razed to the ground when fire broke out at two places in Siliguri.
Thirteen shops were destroyed in a blaze along Sevoke Road around 8am today. Four fire tenders from Siliguri doused the flames in two hours. Fire officers suspect a short circuit had caused the blaze that spread rapidly across the shops made of wood and tin. In another incident, seven huts were razed to the ground in a fire at Dharmanagar at midnight last night. Officials said the fire might have started from a kitchen or an open flame in one of the huts.
Paper missing
TT, Islampur: Madhyamik students, Salema Khatoon and Hazra Khatoon, lodged a complaint with the zonal office of the Secondary Education Board on Friday, alleging that their English answer scripts had gone missing after their submission to invigilators on February 25. The two are students of Titpur High School.
Minister FIR
TT, Islampur: The subdivisional officer of Islampur lodged an FIR with the local police on Friday alleging that the tourism and small scale industries minister Manab Mukherjee had violated the model code of conduct during his visit here on Wednesday. Partho Ghosh said the minister had used a car with a red beacon and taken a police escort to tour the town a day after the Assembly polls had been declared.
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज,गान्तोक्,4 मार्च। राज्यपाल बीपी सिहंको शितकालीन आवास रम्फूमा राज्यका डेस्मी विभागका प्रतिनिधिहरूले भेट गरि युनिक आइडेन्टिफिकेशन नम्बरको निम्ति नामंकन दर्ता गरे। यो परियोजनामा नो़डल संस्थाको रूपमा मनोनित संस्थाका प्रतिनिधिहरूले राज्यपालको विस्तृत व्योरा लिए। यस अघि राज्यका मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङको सरकारी आवास मिन्तोगाङमा डेस्मीले परिचय पत्रको निम्ति विस्तृत विवरण लिऩे कार्य गरेको थियो। यसै गरि राज्यका सबै आम जनताको विभिन्न परिचय पत्रको आधारमा यो परिचय पत्र प्रदान गरिने छ।
राज्यपालले आफ्नो विस्तृत विवरण प्रस्तुत गरिसकेपछि राज्यका सबै नागरिकलाई यो परिचय पत्रको निम्ति सत प्रतिशत पुरा गर्न सहयोग गर्ने आग्रह गरेका छन्। जसमा दुवै हाथको चिन्ह अनि आँखाको रेटिनाको पनि परिचय पत्रको निम्ति विवरण लिइऩ्छ।
सिक्किमको ब्राण्ड नेमको सूची तयार
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज,गान्तोक,4 मार्च। राज्यका अतिरिक्त मुख्यसचिव तथा विकास आयुक्त कर्मा ग्याछोको अध्यक्षतामा आज टासिलिङ सचिवालयमा एक महत्वपूर्ण बैठक बस्यो। जसमा राज्यको ब्राण्ड नेम को निम्ति प्राप्त सूचीलाई केलाएर छोट्याइएको जानकारी सूचना तथा जनसम्पर्क विभागले दिएको छ।यस अवसरमा राज्यका विभिन्न विभागीय प्रमुखहरूको विशेष उपस्थिति रहेको थियो।
पाण्डम निर्वाचन क्षेत्रमा एसडीएफ दिवस पालन
गान्तोक,4 मार्च। सिक्किम डेमोक्रेटिक फ्रण्टको 19औं स्थापना दिवस पालन गर्ने क्रममा पाण्डम निर्वाचन क्षेत्रको निम्ति रम्फू बजार स्थित खेल मैदानमा भव्यताको साथमा पालन गरियो। यस अवसरमा क्षेत्र विधायक तथा मन्त्री निरू सेवाले आफ्नो सम्बोधनमा सिक्किमलाई पूर्णरूपमा पर्यटन गणतव्य स्थलको रूपमा विकास गर्न प्रतिवद्ध हुनु पर्ने बताइऩ्। यसैगरि मुख्यमन्त्री पवन चामलिङले पाण्डम गडीलाई विश्वस्तरको पर्यटकीय गणतव्य बनाउने प्रयासमा रहेको उनले उपस्थित जनतालाई अवगत गराइऩ। यसै गरि यहाँ काली माताको विशालकाय मुर्ति स्थापना गरिने बताइऩ। यसै गरि रम्फूमा स्वागतद्वाराको रूपमा स्नो लायनको द्वार बनाउने निधो गरेको पनि जानकारी दिइऩ्। यसै गरि उनले रम्फू माध्यमिक विद्यालयलाई उच्चत्तर माध्यमिक विद्यालयमा विद्यालयमा परिणत गर्ने सरकारी घोषणा पनि सुनाईन। कार्यक्रममा एसडीएफका कार्यकर्ताहरूले पनि पार्टीको नीति दर्शन र सिद्धान्तलाई जनताको समक्ष प्रस्तुत गरे।
गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा जनसभा गर्न प्रशासनले अनुमति दिएन गोली ठोक्छ भने पनि हामी तोकेको ठाउँमै जनसभा गर्छौः भरत बस्नेत
प्रविण खालिंग,कालिमन्युज, गान्तोक, 4 मार्च। भारतीय गोर्खाहरूको चिन्हारीको प्रश्नसित जोडिएको संवैधानिक माग गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा सिक्किमबाट उठ्न थालेको आवाजको तिब्रतालाई राज्य प्रशासनले भने रोक्ने प्रयास गरिरहेको स्पष्ट भएको छ। राज्यमा नवगठीत सिक्किम सोलाडेरिटी फर गोर्खाल्याण्ड (ऐक्यवद्धता मञ्च)-लाई पूर्व जिल्ला प्रशासन र पुलिल अधिक्षकले यहाँको निजी वाहन विसौनीमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थनमा जनसभा गर्न अनुमति नदिएपछि संगठनका प्रमुख संयोजक भरत बस्नेतले राज्यपाललाई यसमामिलामा हस्तक्षेप गर्ने अनुरोध गरेका छन्। उनले आज राजधानीमा पत्रकारहरूसित कुराकानी गर्दै भने, सिब्सुमा गोर्खालीहरूलाई निधारमा गोली ठोकेर हत्या गर्दै मानवतालाई तहसनहस पारेको छ त्यो पनि बंगालले संविधानसम्मत मागको पक्षमा उठेको आवाजलाई रोक्ने तानाशाही नीति थोपेर गरेको संहार हो त्यसै गरि मानवताको नातामा मानवतालाई बचाउन संवैधानिक मागलाई लिएर गैर राजनैतिक संगठनले जनसभा गर्न चहाँदा सिक्किमको प्रशासनले अनुमति नदिएर बंगालको नीतिलाई नै समर्थन गरेको प्रमाणित हुँदैछ, बस्नेतले भने।
उनले यसबारेमा राज्यपाल संवैधानिक पदमा रहेको हुनाले संवैधानिक मागको पक्षमा उभिएर बोल्न पाउने र गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुद्दालाई पनि यथासिघ्र समाधानको निम्ति केन्द्र सरकार समक्ष आवश्यक कार्वाही गराउने अनुरोध गर्न भोलि राज्यपाल बीपी सिंह सित भेट गर्ने बताए। उनले भने, यो मामिला अति संवेदनशील बन्दैछ अब राज्यपालले हस्तक्षेप गरिदिनुपर्छ, नत्र सिक्किममा पनि बंगालकै नीति लाध्ने प्रयास हुनेछ। अर्कोतिर उनले राज्य सरकार अनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको नारा लिएर कार्य गरिरहेको दलहरूलाई आफ्ने अडान स्पष्ट पार्ने आग्रह गर्दै भने, गोर्खाहरूले सधै आफ्नो दोधारे र दुइजिब्रे नीतिले गर्दा धोखा खाँदै आएको छ त्यसकारण यसपाली दोहोरो कुरा गरेर जनताको आस्थासित खेलाँची नगर्नु, गोर्खाल्याण्डको समर्थन गर्ने या नगर्ने स्पष्ट पारि हाल्नुपर्छ।
अर्कोतिर उनले 6 मार्चको दिन प्रस्तावित जनसभा कुनैपनि हालतमा तोकेको समय र ठाँउमा गर्ने बताए। उनले भने, हामीलाई प्रशासनले अनुमति नदिए पनि हामी जनसभा गर्ने नै छौ यसमा हामीलाई बंगालले जस्तो गोली ठोक्छ भने पनि हामी मर्न तयारछौ तर हामी हाम्रो अडानमा स्पष्ट छौ। उनले भऩे हामीलाई जनसभा गर्न निजी वाहन विसौनीमा हुँदैन भने थाना अघिको विल्डींग अथवा कञ्चनजंघा सपिङ कम्पलेक्सको छानुमा दिए पनि कुनै आपत्ती नहुने तर अन्य ठाउँमा भने नजाने अडान व्यक्त गरे। गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुद्दा र जनसभाको अनुमतिलाई लिएर भोलि संगठनले राज्यपाल बीपी सिंहलाई भेट्ने बताए। पत्रकार सम्मेलनमा संयोजक सीसी सांगदर्पा, महासचिव रूद्र कार्कीले पनि संबोधन गरे।
Shops and huts gutted
TT, Siliguri, March 4: Thirteen shops and seven huts have been razed to the ground when fire broke out at two places in Siliguri.
Thirteen shops were destroyed in a blaze along Sevoke Road around 8am today. Four fire tenders from Siliguri doused the flames in two hours. Fire officers suspect a short circuit had caused the blaze that spread rapidly across the shops made of wood and tin. In another incident, seven huts were razed to the ground in a fire at Dharmanagar at midnight last night. Officials said the fire might have started from a kitchen or an open flame in one of the huts.
Paper missing
TT, Islampur: Madhyamik students, Salema Khatoon and Hazra Khatoon, lodged a complaint with the zonal office of the Secondary Education Board on Friday, alleging that their English answer scripts had gone missing after their submission to invigilators on February 25. The two are students of Titpur High School.
Minister FIR
TT, Islampur: The subdivisional officer of Islampur lodged an FIR with the local police on Friday alleging that the tourism and small scale industries minister Manab Mukherjee had violated the model code of conduct during his visit here on Wednesday. Partho Ghosh said the minister had used a car with a red beacon and taken a police escort to tour the town a day after the Assembly polls had been declared.
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