GJM bandh breather in Darjeeling
KalimNews 16 January: Four days' continuous strike in the Darjeeling hills of West Bengal on and from January 12 to 15 the 96-hour bandh called by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) ended with excitement to have a 2 days relaxation as promised earlier by GJM. Unlike other strikes called by Morcha this time the 4 days strike in the hills was observed strictly and no one dared to defy it.
More or less GJM was successful in observing bandh in GJM dominated Terai and Dooars area too. Life was affected in entire Dooars area due to picketing and blockade in the National Highway 31C by the Morcha supporters though shops and other institutions were open. In the Siliguri Terai area of Naxalbari, Sukuna was also paralysed due to picketing and blockade of roads in the main Highways NH31 and NH55.
KalimNews 16 January: Four days' continuous strike in the Darjeeling hills of West Bengal on and from January 12 to 15 the 96-hour bandh called by the Gorkha Janamukti Morcha (GJM) ended with excitement to have a 2 days relaxation as promised earlier by GJM. Unlike other strikes called by Morcha this time the 4 days strike in the hills was observed strictly and no one dared to defy it.
More or less GJM was successful in observing bandh in GJM dominated Terai and Dooars area too. Life was affected in entire Dooars area due to picketing and blockade in the National Highway 31C by the Morcha supporters though shops and other institutions were open. In the Siliguri Terai area of Naxalbari, Sukuna was also paralysed due to picketing and blockade of roads in the main Highways NH31 and NH55.
But it seems that the bandh call failed to put any pressure neither to the Centre nor to the state. GJM time and again had announced that this strike is to clarify that GJM now opts for Gorkhaland a new state to be carved out of the hills and certain areas contiguous to it and not interested in the proposed Interim Setup.
GJM senior leader Harka Bahadur Chettri said “There is no indication from the Centre as yet on its position regarding our demand for a separate State but our programme will continue” . The 8 days' next strike starts from Tuesday 18th to 25th January. But more relaxation is allowed during this next bandh.
BOBBC a GJM opposing party of the plains is observing a 48 hrs counter bandh in the Siliguri and Dooars area from today.
Closing hours of the 96 hour strike in Kalimpongअब प्राधिकरणको च्याप्टर क्लोज-डा. छेत्री
Manoj Bogati , कालेबुङ,15 जनवरी। गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरा हुँदा हुँदै अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको कुरा आएदेखि मोर्चालाई विभिन्न शक्तिहरूबाट भइरहेको विरोधको सामना गर्नुपरिरहेको छ। मोर्चालाई यसै मुद्दाले गर्दा कतिपय दलहरूबाट साथ गुमाउनु परेको छ भने जनतामा पनि कुरा स्पष्ट नभएकोले अन्योलता व्याप्त छ। तर तेलङ्गनाको निम्ति स्थायी समाधानको लागि केन्द्रिय पदक्षेप शुरू भएपछि भने मोर्चाले पनि अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणको मुद्दा थन्काउँदै गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति नयॉं कार्यक्रम शुरू गरेको छ। यसै कार्यक्रम अनुसार भइरहेको बन्द अवधि दार्जीलिङबाट नै बन्दको निरीक्षणको निम्ति पैदल यात्रा गर्दै कालेबुङ आइपुगेका मोर्चा अध्यक्ष लिमल गुरूङले पत्रकारहरूले अन्तरिम प्राधिकरणबारे प्रश्न गर्दा कुरै गर्न मानेनन्।
तिनले भनेका थिए, अब प्राधिकरणको कुरा आउँदैन। मोर्चा जुन कुराको निम्ति आएको थियो त्यसैको निम्ति अघि बढ्नेछ। तिनको यो वयानमा मोर्चाले प्राधिकरणको मुद्दा छोड़ेको संकेत पाइएको थियो। किन भने मोर्चा आएको गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति थियो। मोर्चाले के सॉंच्चै प्राधिकरणलाई थन्काएर केवल गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन गर्ने हो त भन्ने प्रश्न चारैतिर मड़ारिरहेको छ। यसैकारण वास्तविकता के हो भनेर बुझ्न पत्रकारहरूले आज यसै विषयमा मोर्चा प्रवक्ता डा. हर्कबहादुर छेत्रीसित पनि प्रश्न राखेको थियो। तिनले मोर्चाले प्राधिकरणको मुद्दा चटक्क छोड़ेको सोझो र स्पष्टजवाब नदिए पनि मोर्चा अब प्राधिकरणतिर नफर्किने स्पष्ट पारे। तिनले भने, एक अस्थायी व्यवस्थाको निम्ति त राज्य सरकारले यस्तो बाधा बन्देज गर्छ भने मूल र स्थायी मुद्दाको निम्ति के गर्ला त? अब मोर्चा प्राधिकरणतिर नफर्कि आन्दोलनमा लाग्नेछ। उसोभए मोर्चाले प्राधिकरणको मुद्दा त्यागेको बुझ्नुपर्ने हो त? भन्ने प्रश्न गर्दा तिनले परिस्थिति अनुसार नै मोर्चाले काम गर्ने बताए।
तिनको भनाइ अनुसार पनि अहिले प्राधिकरणको निम्ति परिस्थिति छैन। तिनले भने, अहिले मोर्चाले प्राधिकरणको च्याप्टर पर सारेको छ। अहिले मूल मुद्दालाई लिएर अघि बढ़ाइरहेका छौं। अहिले प्राधिकरणलाई हामी हेर्दैनौं। प्राधिकरणमाथि मोर्चाको कुनै दृष्टिकोण छैन। यो आन्दोलन टुङ्गोेमा नपुगिञ्जेल प्राधिकरणको च्याप्टर क्लोज। अब नयॉं उर्जा लिएर, जनता बटुलेर गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति आन्दोलित हुनेछौं। तिनले बङ्गला भाषा बचाउ समिति माकपाकै सङ्गठन रहेको अनि मुखुण्डो लगाएर पहाड़को निम्ति इकोनोमिक ब्लकेट गरिरहेको आरोप लगाए। यसो गर्नु मानवाधिकारको उलङ्घन हुने पनि तिनले जनाए।
तिनले बङ्गलादेशबाट छिराएका बङ्गला भाषा बचाओ समितिका क्याडरहरूलाई माकपाले समाप्रदायिक दङ्गाको निम्ति उस्काइरहेको पनि जनाए। यता लेेसली जोन च्याटरले विपक्षका सबै दलहरू आआफ्नो झण्डामा आएर गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति मोर्चाले गरेको आन्दोलनलाई सघाउन पर्ने कुरा गरे भने यसै सन्दर्भमा डा. छेत्रीले लेसलीले सबै दलको निम्ति ढोका खोलिदिएको अनि विपक्षका सबै दलहरू आआफ्नो झण्डामा आएर कार्यक्रम सफल बनाउनुपर्ने पनि जनाए।(KalimNews)
बन्दमा छुटः बङ्गालले पहाड़मा अशान्ति गरिरहेको आरोपविपक्षलाई मोर्चा अध्यक्षको आह्वान- मोर्चाको दजस्ताबेज पढ़
Manoj Bogati, कालेबुङ, 15 जनवरी। सिलगढ़ीमा बङ्गला भाषा बचाओ समितिले दुइदिन बन्द राखेको कारण मोर्चाले पनि बन्दलाई लगातार गर्ने वा छुट नदिने कुरा गरेको थियो तर पूर्व घोषणा अनुसार मोर्चाले दुइदिनको छुट दियो। आज बिहानदेखि बन्दमा दुइदिनको छुट रहनेछ भने छुटपछि मोर्चाको सात दिने बन्द शुरू हुनेछ।
अबको बन्दमा भने शिक्षासित जड़ित सबै कुरामा छुट राखिने भएको छ। बन्दको निरिक्षण गर्दै पैदल यात्रा गरिरहेका मोर्चा अध्यक्ष विमल गुरूङ आज लाभा हुँदै गोरूबथान पुग्नको निम्ति प्रस्थान गरेका छन्। यसै अवधी तिनले पहाड़को कानून व्यवस्थामा नियन्त्रण ल्याउन राज्य सरकारले 6 कम्पनी केन्द्रिय वाहिनी हुल्ने भनेर गरेको मागको विरोधमा बोल्दै राज्य सरकारले पहाड़मा अशान्ति सृजना गर्न खोजिरहेको आरोप लगाए। तिनले भने, पहाड़मा शान्ति छ। कतै झैं झगड़ा छैन, सबै गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति कटिबद्ध छन्।
सरकारले आफ्नो माग सुन्नुपर्छ भन्ने मागमा बन्द पनि सफल बनाइरहेको छ। अशान्ति त राज्य सरकार वा माकपा सरकारले गरिरहेको छ। सिङ्गुर र लालगढ़को काण्ड मोर्चाले गरेको हो र? जहॉं सरकारले आतङ्क मच्चाइरहेको छ त्यसको सुर्ता नगरेर शान्तिप्रिय दार्जीलिङको सुर्ता किन गरेको? पहाड़मा अशान्ति देखाएर गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा दबाउने षड़यन्त्र राज्य सरकारले गरिरहेको छ। तिनले अझ भने, सरकारले जे सुकै गरुन् तर हामी गणतान्त्रिकरूपले काम गर्नेछौं। तिनले विपक्षका नेता दावा शेर्पाले मोर्चाले दिल्लीमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति नभएर केवल सेटअपको निम्ति मात्र कसरत गरेको जुन आरोप लगाएका थिए, त्यसको पनि जवाब दिए।
तिनले भने, घरमा बसेर,कोठामा बसेर नेपाल देख्ने नेताहरूलाई मेरो भन्नु केही छैन। म त उनीहरूलाई आह्वान गर्छु, कि मोर्चाले छैटौं अनुसूची खारेज गरेर केन्द्रलाई अहिलेसम्म बुझाएको दस्तावेज पढुन्। दिल्लीबाट हाम्रो दस्तावेज सक्छ भने झिकाएर पढ्नुपर्छ। 11 पल्ट वार्ता गरेको मिनट बुक पढुन्। मोर्चाले दिल्लीमा काम गरेको छैन भन्नेले के काम गरेको छ त्यो त जनतालाई थाहा छ। अब विपक्षको कुरालाई मोर्चाले महत्व दिनेछैन। उनीहरू जेसुकै भनुन् मोर्चा आन्दोलनमा जनताको साथ लिएर निरन्तर लाग्नेछ। सक्छ भने विपक्ष पनि गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति सड़क उत्रोस्।
तिनले 31 ए राजमार्गमा सिक्किमको वाहनहरू कम्ति चलेको कारण मोर्चाकै डरले त होइन भन्ने प्रश्न गर्दा भने, राजमार्गलाई हामीले खुल्ला राखेका छौं। सिक्किममा पनि गोर्खा छन्, उनीहरूलाई पनि गोर्खाल्याण्ड चाहिन्छ, यसकारण वाहन नचलाएका होलान्। खुल्लै हुँदा पनि वाहन चलाउँदैन भने मेरो दोष हुँदैन। मैले राजमार्गमा कुनै घटना हुनुहुँदैन भनेर निर्देश दिइसकेको छु। अहिलेसम्म अप्रिय घटना भएको छैन। मोर्चालाई बद्नाम गराउन विरोधीहरूले षड़यन्त्र गर्नसक्छन्। यसको निरिक्षण मोर्चाले गर्नेछ अनि वाहनचालकहरूको पनि यस्ता कुतत्वहरूबाट होसियार हुनुपर्छ। तिनले बन्दले अहिले नै सरकारलाई कुनै असर नभएको देखापरेपनि यसको असर विस्तारै प्रकटमा आउने अनि सरकारलाई बाध्य गरेर नै छोड्ने पनि तिनले बताएका छन्। (KalimNews)
गोर्खालिग नेता छेवाङ भोटियाको वाहन तोड़फोड़
फुटाउने मोर्चा हो-छेवाङ ः आक्रोशित जनात हो-मोर्चा
Manoj Bogati, कालेबुङ,15 जनवरी।गोर्खालिग युवा एकाईं कालेबुङ शाखाका अध्यक्ष छेवाङ भोटियाको जीप(डब्ल्यूबी 71,जी 3779) तिनको घर परिसरमा नै तोड़फोड़ भयो। छेवाङ भोटियाले तोड़फोड़कारी मोर्चाका पेदोङका कार्यकर्ताहरू रहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्। छेवाङ भोटियाकी आमा छिरिङ डोमा भोटियाले पत्रकारहरूसित बोल्दै भनिन्, एक हुल केटाहरू आएका थिए। कता गएको भन्ने प्रश्न गर्दा छेवाङको गाड़ी फुटाउन आएको भने। मैले नफुटाइदेउ भनेर कति छेकें तरै पनि उनीहरूले फुटाइदिए।
फुटाउने मोर्चा हो-छेवाङ ः आक्रोशित जनात हो-मोर्चा
Manoj Bogati, कालेबुङ,15 जनवरी।गोर्खालिग युवा एकाईं कालेबुङ शाखाका अध्यक्ष छेवाङ भोटियाको जीप(डब्ल्यूबी 71,जी 3779) तिनको घर परिसरमा नै तोड़फोड़ भयो। छेवाङ भोटियाले तोड़फोड़कारी मोर्चाका पेदोङका कार्यकर्ताहरू रहेको आरोप लगाएका छन्। छेवाङ भोटियाकी आमा छिरिङ डोमा भोटियाले पत्रकारहरूसित बोल्दै भनिन्, एक हुल केटाहरू आएका थिए। कता गएको भन्ने प्रश्न गर्दा छेवाङको गाड़ी फुटाउन आएको भने। मैले नफुटाइदेउ भनेर कति छेकें तरै पनि उनीहरूले फुटाइदिए।
उनीहरूले छेवाङले अत्ति गरिसक्यो, अब सहन हुँदैन, आज छेवाङ र ओङ्गेलाई नमारी छोड्दैनौ भन्दै वाहन तोड़फोड़ गरेको बताइन्। तिनले भनिन्, उनीहरूले घर, गाड़ी मात्र होइन मान्छे पनि मारिदिन्छु भनेका छन्। छेवाङ भोटियाले आफूहरू पोष्टरिङ गर्न जॉंदा पेदोङका मोर्चा कार्यकर्ताले हातापाई गरेको आरोप लगाउँदै उनीहरूले नै वाहन तोड़फोड़ गरेको आरोप लगाए।
तिनले भने, हामी सेटअप विरूद्ध पोष्टरिङ गरिरहेका छौं। किन भने यो जनताको माग होइन। जनताको माग गोर्खाल्याण्ड हो। यसकारण गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरा गर भनेर पोष्टरिङ गर्दा हामीमाथि मोर्चाका केटाहरू आइलागे। उनीहरूले नै वाहन तोड़फोड़ गरिदिए। मोर्चाको यस्तोखाले गान्धीवादी र गणतान्त्रिक बेहोरासित मेरो भन्नु केही छैन। गोर्खाल्याण्डको कुरा गर्नेको वाहन फुट्छ भने मेरो भन्नु केही छैन। तर यसको साटो समयमा म जवाब दिने नै छु। म मर्दा गोर्खाल्याण्ड हुन्छ भने म आत्महत्या पनि गरिदिन्छु।
तिनले लीग प्राधिकरण पटक्क हुन नदिन कटिबद्ध रहेको बताउँदै विमल गुरूङले प्राधिकरणको खेस्रा जलाए म खुट्टा ढोग्नेछु-भने। तिनले अझ भने, मलाई मार्छु भन्नेहरूलाई बाईँचुरी लगाइदिन्छु। तिनले तोड़फोड़कारीहरुमा विनोद प्रधान, जोहन राई, अनिल खवास, पेमाटासी भोटिया, छेवाङ नाम्ग्याल भोटिया, निमरिञ्जी भोटिया अनि दावा लेप्चाको नाम लिँदै थानामा प्राथमिकी दर्ता गरेको जनाएका छन्। यता मोर्चा पेदोङ जोनलका संयोजक विनोद प्रधानसित छेवाङ भोटियाले लगाएको आरोपमाथि प्रतिक्रिया माग्दा तिनले लिगको काम नै आरोप लगाउनु रहेको जनाए। तिनले भने, गोर्खाल्याण्डको निम्ति विमल गुरूङले पदयात्रा गरिरहेका छन्, सबैतिर शान्तिसित बन्द सफल भइरहेको छ।
हामीले पूर्णरूपले गान्दीवादलाई आत्मसाथ गरेका छौं। तर छेवाङ भोटियाहरूले गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनलाई साथ नदिएर गोर्खाल्याण्ड विरोधी कार्य गरिरहेका छन्। हुनसक्छ तिनको वाहन तिनकै चरित्रको कारण आक्रोशित जनताले फुटाइदिएका होलान्। तिनले छेवाङ भोटियाहरूले आफू पनि काम नगर्ने अनि अरूलाई पनि गर्न नदिने बताउँदै भने,हामी गफमा होइन काममा विश्वास गर्छौं। आज पनि हामी बन्द सफल बनाइरहेका छौं। हुनसक्छ बन्दलाई असफल बनाउन खोज्दा आक्रोसित जनताले तिनको वाहन फुटाइदिए।
तिनले अर्कोतिर मोर्चा भनेकै जनता रहेको बताउँदै गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनको विरोध गर्नेहरूलाई जनताले राम्रो नगर्ने पनि तिनले बताए। तिनीहरूलाई लगाएको आरोप आधारहीन रहेको बताउँदै भने, यो मोर्चालाई बद्ननाम गर्ने चाल हो। अशोक भट्टाचार्यको देखरेखमा मोर्चालाई हिंसात्मक देखाउने खेल हो। प्रतिक्रियावादी शक्तिको करामत हो। दोषी को हुन् त्यो खोज्ने प्रशासनको काम हो। गान्धीवादीरूपले गणतान्त्रिक आन्दोलन गरिहेको मोर्चाका कार्यकर्ताहरूले यस्तो काम गर्न सक्दैनन्।(KalimNews)
SPCC labeled lokayukta bill and announced Patra Commission as an infertile effort
Prashant Bajgain, Haalkhabar.net, Gangtok, January 15: Sikkim Pradesh Congress Party (SPCC) today laid its discontent on the recently passed Lokayukta Bill and the announced Patra Commission. Stating that SPCC has no faith with the former Sikkim High court Judge RK Patra, party president Nar Bahadur Bhandari termed the whole move of the state government as an infertile effort.
Speaking to news men here today, Bhandari said that the announcement of Patra Commission has offended the constitutional approach teaching the fact that the latest Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) movement in chief minister Pawan Kumar Chamling and others disproportionate assets case is under the process of Supreme Court verdict that came on 2010 in SPCC filed case.
“Supreme Court in its verdict upon Chamling and other party men disproportionate case directed SPCC to approach probe agency for further investigation on our labeled allegations. Like wise our party filed FIR against Chamling and 12 others at CBI which picked its tempo after the probe agency found a prima-facia case in the preliminary investigation”, he underlined.
Coming back to Patra Commission, Bhandari alleged that the same person has favored the SDF government on 2004 EVM case investigation which in turn submerged the whole matter. He further teached that Patra Commission has worked on numerous cases but the outcome in all of the investigated cases are nil or directed one.
“Patra is a head of dozen commissions. He is under direct influence of Chamling and hoping a fair investigation from his part in Chamling disproportionate case would be a major setback”, he alleged.
Speaking on Lokayukta Bill, the SPCC president suggested that any commission on the affect of aforesaid bill should comprise of retired judge of Supreme Court and not of the Sikkim High Court.
“Governor is the head of the state. He should act upon the rising constitutional crisis at Sikkim state”, mentioned Bhandari informing that SPCC has submitted a memorandum to the Governor of Sikkim, Balmiki Prasad Singh on Friday stressing on the points to be looked upon before recommending the Lokayukta Bill and the announced Patra Commission.
The memorandum has raised questions on the ground of necessity of the Lokayukta Bill at the time when CBI is knocking on the Chamling’s door. Also it has sought clarifications on the functioning of the commissions that would be set up on the basis of mentioned bill and of the announced Patra commission.
“What is the necessity of Lokayukta Bill when we have the central government investigation agency, CBI? Further, the bill is an extra burden for austerity major of the state and the Sikkimese people at the time when Sikkim is facing acute fund crisis”, he supposed.
Speaking to news men here today, Bhandari said that the announcement of Patra Commission has offended the constitutional approach teaching the fact that the latest Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) movement in chief minister Pawan Kumar Chamling and others disproportionate assets case is under the process of Supreme Court verdict that came on 2010 in SPCC filed case.
“Supreme Court in its verdict upon Chamling and other party men disproportionate case directed SPCC to approach probe agency for further investigation on our labeled allegations. Like wise our party filed FIR against Chamling and 12 others at CBI which picked its tempo after the probe agency found a prima-facia case in the preliminary investigation”, he underlined.
Coming back to Patra Commission, Bhandari alleged that the same person has favored the SDF government on 2004 EVM case investigation which in turn submerged the whole matter. He further teached that Patra Commission has worked on numerous cases but the outcome in all of the investigated cases are nil or directed one.
“Patra is a head of dozen commissions. He is under direct influence of Chamling and hoping a fair investigation from his part in Chamling disproportionate case would be a major setback”, he alleged.
Speaking on Lokayukta Bill, the SPCC president suggested that any commission on the affect of aforesaid bill should comprise of retired judge of Supreme Court and not of the Sikkim High Court.
“Governor is the head of the state. He should act upon the rising constitutional crisis at Sikkim state”, mentioned Bhandari informing that SPCC has submitted a memorandum to the Governor of Sikkim, Balmiki Prasad Singh on Friday stressing on the points to be looked upon before recommending the Lokayukta Bill and the announced Patra Commission.
The memorandum has raised questions on the ground of necessity of the Lokayukta Bill at the time when CBI is knocking on the Chamling’s door. Also it has sought clarifications on the functioning of the commissions that would be set up on the basis of mentioned bill and of the announced Patra commission.
“What is the necessity of Lokayukta Bill when we have the central government investigation agency, CBI? Further, the bill is an extra burden for austerity major of the state and the Sikkimese people at the time when Sikkim is facing acute fund crisis”, he supposed.
Tackling Telangana!- Issue Of Identity Is The Strongest Political Urge
Rajinder Puri, SNS, 15 January: THE current escalating crisis in Andhra sparked by the Telangana demand is a lesson on how politics should not be conducted. It provides a damning indictment of Sonia Gandhi’s ineptitude. Thanks to her, India now might well be destabilized by yet another smouldering crisis. The current crisis started after the accidental death of the late Andhra Pradesh Chief Minister, YSR Reddy. Because of sentiment the overwhelming view of Andhra legislators was to make YSR’s son Jaganmohan Reddy, who was an MP, the new CM. For no compelling reason Sonia Gandhi resisted the demand. As the demand gathered momentum she unilaterally declared her commitment to make the separate state of Telangana. She thought this would divide Jagan Reddy’s support. Thereby she selected a remedy worse than the perceived ailment. The strongest and oldest demand for separate statehood is in Telangana. Due to late YSR’s political manipulation it was only smouldering. Now it has been ignited threatening to engulf Andhra in flames.
Telengana is in fact the pre-independence princely state of Hyderabad. The Nizam ruled Hyderabad. The state had a cultural identity apart from the rest of the Telegu-speaking people who are spread in 22 districts. Only nine of these were in Hyderabad, the rest in the Madras Presidency. In 1953 all Telegu districts were carved out to make Andhra, the first state formed on a purely linguistic basis. Later Andhra was merged with the Telugu- speaking area of Hyderabad to become present-day Andhra Pradesh.
There is a common fallacy that is destabilizing the world today. It is the tendency to view all political demands only on the basis of economic well-being. This is happening because the corporate world has subverted the political process. Economic prospects informing the big business mindset have all but extinguished political sentiment. This is a global phenomenon. Consider the subversion of the European Union concept as envisaged by its original 15 founding members by the mindless expansion of the Community in search for bigger markets.
The Srikrishna Report on Telangana states that Telangana is not more backward than the rest of Andhra. The report and politicians in general miss the point. The demand for Telangana is not based on economic considerations. Deep down it is an assertion of identity. Identity that defines self-rule or independence is crucial for the political process. Hegel and Max Weber wove an entire thesis around it. Karl Marx focused on economic interests as the defining criterion for global consolidation. History vindicated Hegel. It was pure nationalism that divided Soviet Union and China despite a common approach to economic theory. In India the governance provided by British colonialists was perhaps superior to that provided by the rulers who preceded them or those who followed them. But that did not dilute the urge for independence that sought to assert an Indian identity.
India opted for linguistic states after being compelled by an agitation. However, in the assertion of identity common language is but one factor defining group identity. Ethnicity, religion and shared experience common to a contiguous territory are other factors. That is why the establishment of linguistic states was a half step. A further study is required to consider shared history, dialect and economic viability of different territories to define statehood. The shared history of Telengana people united them culturally. The States Reorganization Commission (SRC) was against merging Telengana with Andhra. The 1955 SRC report said: “We have come to the conclusion that it will be in the interests of Andhra as well as Telangana area to constitute a separate State, which may be known as the Hyderabad State.” The government ignored the recommendation and established present-day Andhra Pradesh in 1956.
There is need for a second States Reorganization Commission. It should study the issue of identity. There are dormant statehood demands in all the large states. An inflamed Telangana could spread the demands for new states across India. It should be noted that Konkani Goa was not merged with Maharashtra due to its unique history of being ruled by the Portuguese. UP, Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Haryana were never considered as a mega state on account of all being Hindi-speaking. The Commission should also consider the desirability of converting all metropolitan capitals of large states into city states playing host to government and assembly offices of the newly carved smaller states.
Chandigarh as a Union Territory successfully serves Punjab and Haryana. So might Hyderabad serve Telangana, Rayalseema and coastal Andhra. If instead of a panic expedient decision to create Telangana a national policy to review all large states had been announced the present discord in Andhra might never have erupted. The issue of smaller states should not be clouded by the fruitless debate about comparative governance in large and small states. There are states in both groups that are well and ill governed. The issue of identity is the strongest political urge from the village to district, state and national levels. For stable systems it should be respected and not submerged by a myopic obsession with the economic rate of growth.
(The writer is a veteran journalist and cartoonist)
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