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Monday, December 13, 2010

An orientation program with Himal Rakshaks concludes at Yuksam, West Sikkim
Prabin Khaling, KalimNews, Gangtok,13 Dec:As part of the project of Sunstainable Conservation Approaches in priority Ecosystems supported by US-AID, WWF –India incolloboratiion with Khangchendzonga Conservation Committee organized a one day orientation workshop at Yuksam Residency on 11th December 2010.
The orientation workshop was attended by 37 Himal Rakshaks from Soreng, Hee-Bermiok, Utteray from Barsey Cluster, Nambu, Topung, Sindrabong, Khecupalri for Yambong cluster, Kyongtey, Tshoka, Tshong from Yuksam cluster and Pokhari, Dhoopi and Mangnam from Narsing cluster.
The orientation workshop started with a brief introduction and review of the past activities carried out by Himal Rakshaks. This was followed by a brief presentation by Priyadarshinee from WWF – Inida who spoke on various Wildlife conservation initiatives being taken up in the Himalayas. Mr. Chewang Bhutia from Khangchendzonga Conservation Committee (KCC) spoke on the key conservation initiatives and the need for more dedicated Himal Rakshaks and conservation Institutions in the State. He also appreciated the volunterary contribution of Himal Rakshaks in West Sikkim.
While Mr. Tapojit presently carrying out Wildlife research under Wildlife Institute of India, Dehradun in KNP was also invited to speak to the Himal Rakshaks. Mr. Tapojit presented a picture slide show of Wild animals of KNP.
The Himal Rakshak highlighted on the key achievement and their efforts towards Wildlife Conservation. They also highlighted on various challenges in monitoring threat to Wildlife and their habitat. Various key issues like lack of monitoring equiptments, lack of coordination and motivational support were also highlighted in the group discussion.
As part of the future plan, the Himal Rakshaks will continue to carry out monitoring of various threat to Wildlife and their habitat in the Alpine zone which shall be timely updated.
The Himal Rakshaks is an innovative program and is of its first kind in the state toward Alpine conservation but the wider recognition of their good work is still awaited. The Himal Rakshaks also requested the organizers to provide them continued capacity building support in different field so that they can ehnance their existing skill for better employment opportunities.
Many new interested people had also come forward to join and support the Wildlife conservation efforts as Himal Rakshak.
His Holiness Dalai Lama addressed his devotees in Kalimpong

KalimNews, Kalimpong , 13 December: His Holiness Dalai Lama during his visit to kalimpong gave a teaching on The Three Principal Paths (lamtso namsum) in the morning of December 13 and offered a long life ceremony at Tharpa Choeling Monastery situated at Tripai Hills in Kalimpong. 
He will confer a long life empowerment (tsewang) followed by an address to the Tibetan community on the morning of December 14 at the Central Tibetan School Kalimpong Ground.
Lamas and devotees 
दिसम्बरःराजनैतिक अग्निपरीक्षा
कालेबुङ,13 दिसम्बर।
2010को दिसम्बर महिना राजनैतिकरूपमा निक्कै महत्वपूर्ण रहने भएको छ। यही दिसम्बरमा मै मोर्चाले प्राधिकरण हुनुपर्ने बताएको छ। यही दिसम्बरमा नै बङ्गालको विधानसभा चुनाउको निम्ति कोडअफ कन्डक्ट शुरू हुनेछ। यही दिसम्बरमा नै सुबास घिसिङ पहाड़ चढ्ने छन्‌। यही दिसम्बरमा नै दावा पाखरिनले गोरानिमो(गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य निर्माण मोर्चा) गठन गरेका छन्‌। यही दिसम्बरमा नै तृणमूल नेतृ ममता व्यानर्जी पहाड़ आउनेछिन्‌। यही दिसम्बरमा नै गोर्खाल्याण्ड मुद्दा बॉंच्ने नबॉंच्ने स्पष्ट हुनेछ। दिसम्बरले नै निर्धारण गर्नेछ पहाड़को भाग्य र दुर्भाग्यलाई। दिसम्बर महिनालाई अघि राखेर केन्द्रद्वारा गोर्खाहरूको गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलनसित नै विधानसभा चुनाउको निम्ति पनि फाइदाकारी परिणाम ल्याउनसक्ने कुटनीति गरेकोले यो महिना निक्कै चहलपहलपूर्ण हुने सम्भावना छ। 
वार्ताहरूमा घुमाउँदै मोर्चालाई प्राधिरणको लोभ देखाएपछि वा मोर्चा पूर्णरूपले लोभमा फसेपछि चुड़ान्त फसेला गर्ने वार्तालाई तन्काइएको छ। जनतालाई प्राधिकरण नै डिफेक्टो राज्य बताउँदै मोर्चाले अनेकौं सपना देखाइसकेको छ। अस्थायी कर्मचारीहरूदेखि लिएर चियाबारी, कुलैनबारीका मजदूरहरूलाई समेत प्राधिकरणले हुने फाइदाबारे लोभ देखाइसकेको छ मोर्चाले। 
गोरामुमोलेद्वारा दागोपापलाई जति ठेकेदारको कारखाना बनाइएको थियो त्यसमा वृद्धि गर्दै मोर्चाले जन्माएका कीरैसरिका हजारौं ठेकेदारहरूलाई प्राधिकरणमा आउने पैसाको कुरा मोर्चाले गरिसकेको छ। विद्यार्थीहरूलाई सस्तोमा राम्रो शिक्षानीति भएको शैक्षिकसंस्थानहरू आउने अनि त्यहॉं पढ़ेलेखेकालाई रोजगारको अवसर दिइने बताइसकिएको छ। जनतालाई घरि तराई र डुवर्सविना नै प्राधिकरण थाप्ने घरि नथाप्ने बताउँदै मोर्चाले दलीय कार्यकर्ताहरूलाई यति आश्वस्त गराइसकेको छ कि यसपल्टको वार्तामा भने हस्ताक्षर मात्र गर्नु छ। 
तर केन्द्रले मोर्चालाई वार्तामा बोलाएको छैन। नबोलाउँदा मोर्चा विस्तारै घानमा पर्दै गइरहेको छ-केन्द्रको दिसम्बरे कुटनीतिको। विधानसभा चुनाउ अघि नै प्राधिकरण दिएन भने मोर्चालाई दल थाम्नु गाह्रो पर्नेछ। जिएलपी पाल्नु, ठेकेदारहरू पाल्नु अनि वेरोजगारहरूलाई आन्दोलनमा सरिक गराइरहुनु हो भने प्राधिकरण अनिवार्य छ। किन भने मोर्चालाई थाहा छ कि गोर्खाल्याण्ड एकदुइवर्ष अघि हुन सक्दैन। यसोको निम्ति पूर्ण कार्य गरिएको छैन। दिसम्बरभित्रमा प्राधिकरण भएन भने मोर्चाभित्र नै अन्तरद्वन्द्व आउने सम्भावना छ। केन्द्रले विधानसभा चुनाउ अघि प्राधिकरण दिने सम्भावना छैन। राज्य दिने पक्षमा छैन। विधानसभाको निम्ति गरिने कोडअफ कन्डक्टको घोषणापछि भने प्राधिकरण गठनको सम्भावना छैन। 
विधानसभा चुनाउको निम्ति ममता व्यानर्जीले पहाड़को मन जित्ने कोशिष गरिरहेकी छन्‌। दोस्रोपल्ट पनि तिनी दिसम्बरभित्र नै पहाड़ आउने हल्ला छ। तिनी पहाड़ आउने वित्तिकै माकपाले ममतालाई लिएर बङ्गालमा गलत प्रचार गर्नेछ। यसले मोर्चाले विभिन्न दवाबी कार्यक्रम गरेर दाबी गरिरहेको अन्तरिम प्रकाधिकरणको सम्भावनालाई पछिल्तिर धकेल्ने छ। यता माकपाले पहाड़मा सुबास घिसिङलाई चढ़ाउने तयारी गरिरहेको छ। घिसिङले छैटौं अनुसूचीको माग छोड़ेका छैनन्‌। केन्द्र राज्य अनि घिसिङ बसेर गरेको हस्ताक्षरलाई नै केन्द्र गरेर घिसिङले राजनीति गरिरहेको छ। घिसिङ पहाड़ चढ्यो भने हानी मोर्चालाई नै हुनेछ। 
घिसिङलाई हानी पुग्ने कुनै पनि कार्यक्रम मोर्चालाई गर्नबाट रोक्न बङ्गालको प्रसासन तैनाथ राखिने सम्भावना छँदै छ। यता दावा पपाखरिनले पनि दिसम्बरभित्रमा नै गोरानिमोलाई विस्तार गर्ने हल्ला छ। दिसम्बरभित्र नै मदन तामङ हत्याकाण्डको जॉंच प्रक्रिया सीबीआईको हातमा आइपुग्ने सम्भावना छ। यस काण्डमा जति पनि पक्रा परेका छन्‌ सबै मोर्चाबाट नै रहेकोले सीबीआईले यस दलमाथि गतिलै तरिकाले जॉंच गर्न सक्ने सम्भावना छ। सीबीआई जॉंच पनि राजनैतिक उपज नै रहेको अनि मोर्चालाई हानी पुर्‍याउनकै निम्ति यो कुटनीति गरिएको हुनसक्ने पर्यवेक्षकहरू ठान्छन्‌। कतिले दिसम्बरदेखि नै मोर्चाको पतन शुरू हुनसक्ने अनि त्यहॉंबाट अर्को शक्तिको जन्म हुनसक्नेसम्म शंका गरिरहेका छन्‌। 
दिसम्बरभित्र नै मोर्चाबाहेक रहल जम्मैदलहरू अनि अराजनैतिक सङ्गठनहरू एउटै मञ्चमा आउने अनि सामुहिक रणनीतिमा मुद्दालाई सम्बोधन गरिनसक्ने सम्भावना रहेको शंका पनि गरिएको छ। यही दिसम्बरभित्र अनेकौं समस्या, शंका, अनुमान, सम्भावनाहरूको उत्तर लुकेर बसेको छ। राजनैतिक सबै दलहरूमा नै दिस्मबर एउटा अग्निपरीक्षा बनेको छ। केन्द्र सफल हुने हो, माकपा, तृणमूल सफल हुने हो,मोर्चा सफल हुने हो वा विपक्षी दलहरू। दिसम्बर सबै कुराहरूको रहस्य बनेको छ। जतिजति यो महिना वित्दैछ उति उति नै राजनैतिक हावा गर्मिरहेको छ।
Home Minister clarifies
PIB, KalimNews: The Union Home Minister, Shri P. Chidambaram made a statement here today regarding his reply to a question about the recent incidents of rape in Delhi and alleged failure of Delhi Police.
He said, “This morning, I was asked a question about the recent incidents of rape in Delhi and the alleged failure of the Delhi Police. I gave a detailed reply. In the course of my reply, I made a matter-of-fact reference to migration, unauthorised settlements and behaviour that is unacceptable. I may point out that when using the word ‘migrants’, I did not refer to any State or region or language or race or religion. I am acutely conscious that every one who comes to work in Delhi is, in a sense, a migrant. I am a migrant myself.
I am dismayed that some people have pounced upon the word ‘migrant’ and raised a controversy. The country faces many real issues, and I have no desire to say or do anything that will distract from the real issues. I have nothing against migration or migrants, being a migrant myself. I was pointing to ‘behaviour that is unacceptable’. Nevertheless, I think the best way to put an end to any controversy would be to withdraw the whole of my answer to the question, and I do so.
I would request every one, including the Delhi Police, to focus on the real issues of crime, crime prevention and crime detection.” 

“Opposition parties in Sikkim should work like ThuckChuk Lachungpa”: Chamling
Prabin khaling, GANGTOK, DECEMBER 13: The chief Minister Pawan Chamling today laid the foundation stone of the mega ambitious project of ‘Yama Green Residency’ at Rey.
The project that aims in the construction of the housing residency is one of the projects of Yama Enterprise owned by ThuckChuk Lachungpa.
The chief Minister in his brief address appreciated Mr. Lachugpa for initiating such a project for the time in Sikkim.
‘The project would not only personally benefit Mr. Lachungpa but many people residing in the nearby locality’ the chief Minister added.
Stating that ThukChuk Lachungpa is helping the state government in promoting the infrastructure development he said that the opposition parties in Sikkim should work like Mr. Lachungpa more constructively for the state rather involving in the cheap political gimmicks. He too assured of all possible help from the government.
He also said that the people of Sikkim should discard the negative forces who are trying to mislead the people on the issue of the residential certificates.
Explaining the reason of issuing the residential certificates Chamling said that it would stop the unnatural growth of the population in Sikkim.
He said without residential certificates no trade and driving license would be issued and this will ensure the local employment.
He also told the people to avoid anonymous pamphlets which are in circulation.
He also announced that next year maximum part of the budget would be spent on the repairing and improving the road conditions of Sikkim.
The area MLA Menlom Lepcha in his address placed the demands of constructing Shivalaya, road, water supply, police out post and others which were approved by the chief Minister in principle.
ThuckChuk Lachungpa while addressing the program said the lands in Gangtok is too expensive to buy so the concept of housing flats would be the best method to provide people with the house.
‘The construction would be of world class with earthquake resistant facilities’ he added.
Stating that the project would also help in maintaining the greenery Mr. Lachungpa informed that the official booking of the flats will start from 11th of January 2011. He also announced that the preference will be given to the local first and for non-locals it would be long term lease.
Mr. Lachungpa said that other projects under Yama Enterprise are three star hotels in Rey and the five star hotel in Sichey.
Ningku Lachungpa, the Director of Yama Enterprise in her welcome address informed that initially in the first phase 185 housing flats would be constructed with all the ultra modern facilities such as park, gym, conference hall etc. The total estimated cost of the project is 23 cores.
The chief Minister earlier also inaugurated Yama Green Park in the premises.
The Nepali pop star Nima Rumba also performed during the function.

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