KalimNews, Kalimpong, 20 November: Political parties championing the proposal of an alternative arrangement should keep in mind 4 basic points which are vital to our future said Professor Mahendra P. Lama , Vice-Chancellor of Sikkim University while addressing an audience in the Ramkrishna Rangamanch of Kalimpong. Speaking on the occasion of 12th foundation day of Kalimpog Press Club Prof. Lama said that the Indian Government should consider the issue of Gorkhaland as a matter of national security. We should opt for an agreement but not in haste and only if the government is considering our case on the basis of national security. It is an issue of national security so West Bengal has no role in it.
The second point he indicated was the body to be formed should have a constitutional guarantee and recognition. It should not be like DGHC which had no constitutional recognition. The issue of Dooars and Terai should be solved taking into consideration the Census of 1951. As the census clearly indicates the majority population of the Gorkhas in those areas the areas cannot be excluded from the area to be included in the demand of Gorkhas which is the third point.
The fourth point he reminded was the area demanded by the Gorkhas should be included in North East Council which will ultimately recognise the status of a state. It will be a defacto state he stressed. He further added that everything including the problem of regularisation of adhoc staff of DGHC should be settled before coming into any sort of agreement.
Prof. Lama the youngest Vice chancellor and youngest member of National Security Advisory Board said the the quest for Gorkha's identity can only be solved through and by education. If we make ourself educated and be in prominent posts or positions like Bharat Chhetri Hockey player, Binod Pradhan Cinematographer and others, no body will dare to ask about our identity, Prof. Lama stressed.complaint of molest
TT, Darjeeling: A 19-year-old Chinese tourist has filed a police complaint alleging a youth had tried to molest her on Darjeeling’s Nehru Road on Friday evening.
SNS, KOLKATA, 20 NOV: Stressing on the importance of sticking to the consensus on climate change, Governor Mr MK Narayanan, today said that a wide rift exists between those who are formulating the policies and those who believe in propaganda. He called for unity between climate sceptics and other climate experts so that a common goal could be set and achieved.
The Governor was addressing a seminar ~ Low Carbon High Ambition ~ organised by the British Deputy High Commission and the Young FICCI Ladies Organisation at the British Deputy High Commissioner's residence today. Mr Narayanan said that a low carbon plan has already been prepared by the ministry and would come out in the next five-year plan. “During the Copenhagen meet, everybody's concern was what sacrifices India and China can make. Nobody was ready to pay the bill. The notion that India and China are the major emitters is flawed,” he said. The term carbon credit is a misguided concept and is often offered by the developed countries to escape the burden of responsibly imposed on them during the Bali Climate Change Summit. He said that that the discussions at the Copenhagen meet were clouded and it was mainly rhetoric. Academicians came out with different idea, but who are going to implement them and how it would be done was not decided. He said that the country has consistently made clear that any agreement on Climate Change would have to be through equitable burden sharing. But, the developed countries were not ready to make any sacrifice.
The Governor was addressing a seminar ~ Low Carbon High Ambition ~ organised by the British Deputy High Commission and the Young FICCI Ladies Organisation at the British Deputy High Commissioner's residence today. Mr Narayanan said that a low carbon plan has already been prepared by the ministry and would come out in the next five-year plan. “During the Copenhagen meet, everybody's concern was what sacrifices India and China can make. Nobody was ready to pay the bill. The notion that India and China are the major emitters is flawed,” he said. The term carbon credit is a misguided concept and is often offered by the developed countries to escape the burden of responsibly imposed on them during the Bali Climate Change Summit. He said that that the discussions at the Copenhagen meet were clouded and it was mainly rhetoric. Academicians came out with different idea, but who are going to implement them and how it would be done was not decided. He said that the country has consistently made clear that any agreement on Climate Change would have to be through equitable burden sharing. But, the developed countries were not ready to make any sacrifice.
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