Stability is a must- Governor

Governor Narayanan accompanied with his wife arrived in Kalimpong in the morning and will stay in Circuit House and will return tomorrow after visiting Lava and its adjoining areas. He visited Durbin and Deolo.
Kalimpong Press Club felicitates social worker
KalimNews,(,Kalimpong:Social worker Sudesh Pradhan will be conferred with Kaleybung Ratna Puraskar an award instituted by Kalimpong Press Club. On the occasion of the Club's 12th foundation day and National Press Day the award will be presented to Pradhan for his service to the needy and helpless. Pradhan is serving in Calcutta police. Earlier the Club had presented the award to everest climber Manoj Chhetri , National hockey player Bharat Chhetri and Horticulturist Dr Miku Foning with the first Award and Lalit Golay with the second Award in different fields.
On the occasion a young and budding journalist will be felicitated for excellence in Journalism. During a press conference held in the Club's Office at Kalimpong Zion Lepcha convenor of the ceremony committee stated that the club's news blog will be upgraded to a news website. Prof. Dr.M.P.Lama, Vice- Chancellor of Sikkim University will be the chief guest of the programme in which an inter college extempore contest will be organised in Nepali and English. A.K.Rai secretary of the Club also informed that a draft copy of the Club's Yellow page project INFODEX will be released on the day.
GNLF branches reviving
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: GNLF branch and unit committees are being forming in different parts of Darjeeling. In Borbotay of Rock garden area village committee is constituted after the formation of a committee in Liza hill of Chongtong.
Meanwhile GJMM has organised a national level convention in Gymkhana Hall of Darjeeling on sunday. Representatives of different state committees and local branches will participate in the interactive programme. The first matter of discussion whether it is right to accept GRA or should the GJMM continue the movement for the creation of a separate state. The convention will also focus on the matter of GRA its status, power and structure and mode of function if GRA is to be accepted .
On the other hand Darjeeling police had so far succeeded in proclamation of attached properties of 15 of the 23 accused in the Madan Tamang murder case.
GNLF branches reviving
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: GNLF branch and unit committees are being forming in different parts of Darjeeling. In Borbotay of Rock garden area village committee is constituted after the formation of a committee in Liza hill of Chongtong.
Meanwhile GJMM has organised a national level convention in Gymkhana Hall of Darjeeling on sunday. Representatives of different state committees and local branches will participate in the interactive programme. The first matter of discussion whether it is right to accept GRA or should the GJMM continue the movement for the creation of a separate state. The convention will also focus on the matter of GRA its status, power and structure and mode of function if GRA is to be accepted .
On the other hand Darjeeling police had so far succeeded in proclamation of attached properties of 15 of the 23 accused in the Madan Tamang murder case.
Congress leader shot in Dooars
KalimNews, (, 30 October, Kalimpong: Suresh Jha a congress leader of Anandapur TE near Oodlabari under Kranti Police station was shot dead by some miscreants while he was returning in the night of friday in his motorbike. Suresh (39) a contractor was secretary of Anandapur TE Congress committee and attacked while returning with a CPI supporter and his son from Chakendi Bhandari Mela at about 11 pm in the night . Congress supporters alleged that it is the handiwork of CPM goondas. National electoral day
J§JVmoH$& Á`mXm go Á`mXm `xdmAm| H$mo AR>mha gmb Ho$ dmX _VXmVm ~ZZo Ho$ {bE àmoËgm{hV H$aZo Ho$ CÔoí` VWm {g{¸$_ H$mo am{ï´>` _zbYmam go OxSo> aIZo Ho$ {bE am{ï´>` _VXmVm {Xdg AmJm_s 25 OZdas Ho$ {XZ nmbZ H$aZo H$s {ZU©` {b`m J`m h¡& ^maV Ho$ MxZmd Am`moJ Ho$ {ZX}eZ Ho$ _xVm{~V {haH$ O`ÝVs Ho$ _m¡Ho$ na `h CËgd nmbZ {H$`m Om ahm h¡& amÁ` Ho$ MxZmd {d^mJ Ho$ à_xI MxZmd A{YH$mas ds~s nmR>Z Zo H$hm {H$ amÁ` Ho$ Hyb 493 _VXmZ H|Ðm| Zo `h H$m`©H«$_ nmbZ {H$`m Om`oJm& BZ _VXmZ H|Ðm| Z| Z`o _VXmZ n[aM` nÌ àXe©Z {H$`m Om`oJm& Omo 2011 _VXmVm gz{M Ho$ g§gmoYsV _VXmVmAm| Ho$ n[aM` nÌ hmoJm&
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TAAS welcomes States proposal
J§JVmoH$& {g{¸$_ _| n`©Q>Z CÚmoJ H$mo ~S>mdm XoZZo Ho$ CÔoí` go amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam n`©Q>Z {d^mJH$mo ZmoS>m°b AWmo[a{Q> ~ZmZo H$s \¡gbo H$mo {ef©ñW g§ñWm Q´mdb EOoÝQ> Egmo{gEeZ Am°\$ {g{¸$_ (Q>mg) Zo ñdmJV {H$`m h¡& amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam n`©Q>Z {d^mJ H$mo ndVm©amohU Am¡a Q´¡{H±J bJm`V g^s n`©Q>H$s` {H«$`mH$bmn Ho$ {bE ZmoS>m°b AWmoamoQ>s _Zmo{ZV {H$`m h¡&
Q>mg Ho$ AÜ`j bxHo$ÝÐ agmB©bs Zo H$hm {H$ amÁ` gaH$ma H$s Bg \¡gbo H$mo h_ Vho {Xb go ñdmJV H$aVo h¡& `{X qgJb dsÝS>mo àUmbs H$m`m©pÝdV {H$`m Om`o Vmo gm{h{gH$ n`©Q>Z H$mo Am¡a g\$bVm {_boJs& CÝhm|Zo ~Vm`m {H$ A{^ Bg joÌ _| ghs {Xem {ZX©eZ hmoahs h¡&
gaH$ma Zo {d^mJ H$mo hs nd©VmamohU Am¡a Q´¡{H±J Ho$ {bE g^s AZx_{V`m§ àXmZ H$aZo VWm XzK©Q>ZmAm| _| amhV Ho$ H$m`© H$aZo H$s {Oå_oXmas gm¡ns h¡&
Xxgas Va\$ Q´mdb AnaoQ>am| Ho$ A{Zdm`© ê$n _| 3 bmI ê$n`o VH$ H$s ha EŠgns{S>eZ _| {d_m H$amZm hmoJm& Bg Ho$ gmW hs H$_©Mmas VWm A{^`mZ _| à`moJ {H$`m OmZodmbm| H$mo ^s ~s_m Ho$ gh`moJ XoZm Oê$as h¡& Bg Ho$ gmW hs AmamohU Ho$ Xm¡amZ Amamohs`m| H$mo EH$ bmI VH$ H$s ~¢H$ ½`ma¡ÝQ>s {S>nmo{OQ> H$aZr hmoJs&
Xxgas Va\$ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Zo H$hm {H$ Bg Vah Ho$ n¡gm XzK©Q>Zm VWm AÝ` Amdí`H$ dº$ na amhV Am¡a CÔma Ho$ {bE à`moJ {H$`m Om`oJm& {d^mJ H$m H$hmZm h¡ {H$ Bg Vah Ho$ n¡go VËH$mb amhV Ho$ {bE Oê$as _mo{dbmBOoeZ \§$S> Ho$ ê$n _o à`moJ {H$`m Om`oJm& {d^mJ H$m H$hmZm h¡ {H$ {deoXs nd©Vmamohs`m| Zo ^s gaH$ma Ho$ Bg {ZU©` H$mo gH$amË_H$ ê$n _| {b`m h¡& CZH$m H$hmZm h¡ {H$ amÁ` gaH$ma Bg `moOZm H$mo A{Zdm`© H$a|&
Xmo {XZ nhbo _mCÝQ> OxnxZmo AmamohU Ho$ {bE {ZH$bZo go nhbo Aï´>o{b`mB© ZmJ[aH$ S>m°. _mBH$b {den Zo gaH$ma H$s \¡gbo H$mo ñdmJV H$aVo hþE H$hm Wm {H$, `h AÀN>m AmB{S>`m h¡ Bg go h_mao ñdmñÏ`-OsdZ {d_m Ho$ gmW gmW A{V[aº$ {d_m ^s {_boJm Bgo h_| Ixes hþB&
Xxgas Va\$ amÁ` Ho$ n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ g{Md Eg~sEg ~Xm¡[a`m Zo H$hm {H$ amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam H$`s ~ma Bg na {d_e© H$aZo Ho$ dmX `h {ZU©` {bAm h¡& Bg go amÁ` gamH$a Ho$ n`©Q>Z g§~pÝYV {H«$`mH$bmnm| _| AÀN>m bm^ hmoJm& CÝhm|Zo H$hm {H$ `h amÁ` gaH$ma Ho$ Eo{Vhm{gH$ \¡gbm h¡, Omo amÁ` Ho$ OZVm H$mo n`©Q>H$s` {H«$`mH$bmn Ho$ {bE àmoËgm{hV H$aoJm& qgJb dsÝS>mo àUmbs Ûmam n`©Q>Z Ho$ {bE H$m`©aV bmoJm| H$mo ~hþV gx{dYm Am¡a \$m`Xm hmoJm& CÝhm|Zo H$hm {H$ {H$gs ^s àH$ma Ho$ AZx_{V VWm {ZamnÎms boZo Ho$ {bE n`©Q>Z {d^mJ Ho$ gh`moJ {_boJs {Og go {H«$`H$bmnm| na ^s {ZJamZr hmoJs&
n`©Q>Z g{Md Zo `h ^s H$hm {H$ amÁ` gaH$ma Ûmam amÁ` _| Q´o{H±J Ho$ exëH$ H$_ {H$`m Om`oJm Bg Ho$ gmV hs amÁ` ñVa _| VWm {O„m ñVa _| ImoOs Am¡a amhV Xb Ho$ {bE g{_{V JR>Z {H$`m Om`oJm& CÝhm|Zo ~Vm`m {H$ h_Zo nhbo go hs CÔma Am¡a ImoOs Xb V¡`ma {H$`m h¡ {Og Ho$ {dH$mg hmoahm h¡& Bg Ho$ gmW hs Z`| Q´¡{H±J Ho$ {Xem{ZX}eZ Ûmam Xoes n`©Q>H$m| H$s {Z`Z§ÌsV H$aZo Ho$ gmW hs {dXoes Q´oH$am| H$mo {ZJamZr {H$`m Om`oJm& Bg Ho$ {bE Xoes n`©Q>H$m| H$mo n§{OH¥$V n`©Q>Z g§ñWmZm| go {Z`ÝÌsV {H$`m Om ahm h¡&
Suicide arrest
TT, Oct. 30: A polytechnic student whose girlfriend committed suicide after he allegedly circulated a video clip of their intimate moments was arrested in Burdwan today.
Anindya Garai, a third-year architecture student of Siliguri Polytechnic Institute, was picked up from Burdwan station by Darjeeling police. His father Apurva Garai was accompanying him.
Anindya had been absconding since September, when the girl had lodged an FIR. The police said Anindya had stayed at various places in south Bengal and Madhya Pradesh while on the run. They said his movements were tracked through his cellphone.
Shillong Chamber Choir to perform for USPresident Obama
PTI, Shillong, 30 October : After holding the nation spellbound with western chorals and Hindi classics on a TV reality show, the Shillong Chamber Choir will now have a very special audience - US President Barack Obama.
The young group of singers from Shillong, dubbed as the 'rock capital of India', is scheduled to perform for the US President and his wife Michelle at President Pratibha Patil's presidential banquet at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on 8 November.
A free Press
Morung Express:Journalists around the world in varying contexts risk their lives daily in unprotected situations to act in public interest by bringing stories, to share experiences and to impartially report unfolding situations with the hope to inform and empower people to make knowledgeable decisions and actions. It is the desire of most journalists to reveal the truth, promote justice and peace; facilitate pluralism and encourage political and cultural expressions. Hence the public institution of the media is a critical necessity to every democracy. A press that is constrained by rigid polities, restrictive legislations, intimidation or societal dogma indicates the lack of democratic principles and practices.
Empirical truth has quite clearly indicated that there can be no free press if journalists exist in conditions of poverty, corruption and fear. This in turn has direct implications on the society and its democratic values. Any deliberate assault on the institutions of the free press therefore is seen as an attack on not just democracy, but the people that make up the society. By this, one does not simply imply any isolated acts against members of the institution; rather it means any systematic or deliberate actions that threatens, intimidates and assaults the very idea of a free press; and in essence the very people that makes up the institution of the media. Invariably the concept of a free press is naturally connected to the idea of safety. And in an increasingly polarized world which is characterized by exclusivity, public mistrust, rising violence and fear, the idea of safety has become very relative.
In the Naga context, the institution of the press needs to be strengthened. While it has weathered many difficult circumstances and assumed an important role in the narratives of the progression of society, it still needs to work on consolidating public trust and assume a more deliberate role in shaping and enabling democratic change. The gap between the institution of the press and the society is widening, and as a result the press has in recent times become a vulnerable and soft target to those who seek to intimidate the press. A free Naga press is of absolute necessity. Therefore to ensure the growth and vibrancy of a free press it is crucial for public protest against any undemocratic assault on the institutions of the press. Simultaneously, it is also important that the press takes upon itself the responsibility to reflect and articulate the view and opinions of the people in the public arena. It remains a question whether civil society and the press in the Naga context is relating in a complimentary manner.
PTI, Shillong, 30 October : After holding the nation spellbound with western chorals and Hindi classics on a TV reality show, the Shillong Chamber Choir will now have a very special audience - US President Barack Obama.
The young group of singers from Shillong, dubbed as the 'rock capital of India', is scheduled to perform for the US President and his wife Michelle at President Pratibha Patil's presidential banquet at the Rashtrapati Bhavan on 8 November.
A free Press
Morung Express:Journalists around the world in varying contexts risk their lives daily in unprotected situations to act in public interest by bringing stories, to share experiences and to impartially report unfolding situations with the hope to inform and empower people to make knowledgeable decisions and actions. It is the desire of most journalists to reveal the truth, promote justice and peace; facilitate pluralism and encourage political and cultural expressions. Hence the public institution of the media is a critical necessity to every democracy. A press that is constrained by rigid polities, restrictive legislations, intimidation or societal dogma indicates the lack of democratic principles and practices.
Empirical truth has quite clearly indicated that there can be no free press if journalists exist in conditions of poverty, corruption and fear. This in turn has direct implications on the society and its democratic values. Any deliberate assault on the institutions of the free press therefore is seen as an attack on not just democracy, but the people that make up the society. By this, one does not simply imply any isolated acts against members of the institution; rather it means any systematic or deliberate actions that threatens, intimidates and assaults the very idea of a free press; and in essence the very people that makes up the institution of the media. Invariably the concept of a free press is naturally connected to the idea of safety. And in an increasingly polarized world which is characterized by exclusivity, public mistrust, rising violence and fear, the idea of safety has become very relative.
In the Naga context, the institution of the press needs to be strengthened. While it has weathered many difficult circumstances and assumed an important role in the narratives of the progression of society, it still needs to work on consolidating public trust and assume a more deliberate role in shaping and enabling democratic change. The gap between the institution of the press and the society is widening, and as a result the press has in recent times become a vulnerable and soft target to those who seek to intimidate the press. A free Naga press is of absolute necessity. Therefore to ensure the growth and vibrancy of a free press it is crucial for public protest against any undemocratic assault on the institutions of the press. Simultaneously, it is also important that the press takes upon itself the responsibility to reflect and articulate the view and opinions of the people in the public arena. It remains a question whether civil society and the press in the Naga context is relating in a complimentary manner.
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