TT, May 16: Two companies of CRPF were re-deployed on NH31A even as the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha tried to enforce its 48-hour bandh for the second day today.
Traffic between the two states resumed today with the help of Bengal police who escorted the vehicles along the national highway amid sporadic attempts to stall vehicular movement.
Around 1.30pm today, a Sikkim government vehicle from Siliguri was stopped and its windscreen and windows were smashed at Sukhapool, 4km from Rangpo, the gateway to the Himalayan state.
Earlier around noon, an army convoy bound for Gantgtok, had a narrow escape when a large tree came crashing down on the highway at Tarkhola. Police said the base of the tree had been hacked at with axes. The crown of the tree blocked the highway till it was cleared 30 minutes later.
Sikkim police said the first batch of vehicles along with 10 Sikkim Nationalised Transport (SNT) buses were allowed to proceed to Siliguri from Rangpo with police escort at 10am. Two Bengal police vehicles with armed men in khaki led and brought in the rear of the convoy.
Till 4pm, a total of 214 vehicles had left Rangpo (for Siliguri) and 175 vehicles had entered Sikkim, the police posted at the border town said.
The SNT plied eight extra buses with police escort to ferry stranded passengers in Siliguri. “We operate six buses to Gangtok daily and the first one departs at 7.30am. Yesterday only two buses could leave because of the trouble on NH31A,” said Tulsi Prasad Sharma, an SNT traffic inspector. “Today, 14 buses left under police escort.”
More than 600 passengers had queued up at the SNT terminus in Siliguri from 4am, but only half of them could be issued tickets. With the Darjeeling tour with a toy train ride foiled, Diane from Estonia and Amy and Cecilia from Hungary were determined to travel to Sikkim. “No vehicles were plying yesterday and we came here early in the morning and got our tickets after standing in queue for three-and-a-half hours,” said Diane.
This morning, two of the three companies of CRPF moved into two camps — at Rambhi on NH31A and at Pintail Village in Siliguri — vacated only about 20 days back. Later, they hit the road on patrol duty. Their brief was simple: ensure free movement of traffic to and from Sikkim.
K.L. Tamta, the inspector-general of police, north Bengal, said: “Two companies have been deployed in Kalimpong and Rambhi and another one is posted at Pintail Village off NH55. They have been requisitioned to maintain law and order along the highway.”
Sikkim governor Balmiki Prasad Singh, while addressing the 35th State Day celebration at Chintan Bhavan in Gangtok, said the “frequent trouble in the neighbouring region” often hindered movement of passengers and goods along NH31A for days together.
Traders to defy Dooars Bandh
TT, Alipurduar/Siliguri, May 16: Traders in Jaigaon have decided to keep their shops open during the three-day bandh called by the Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikas Parishad in the Dooars and the Terai to protest alleged irregularities in the appointment of primary schoolteachers.
While the businessmen have decided to defy any strike from now onwards, the Jalpaiguri district administration has issued prohibitory orders under Section 144 in four towns in Alipurduar subdivision till tomorrow morning.
“Our business depends on Bhutan. During closures, we face a loss of Rs 5-6 crore a day; we have unanimously decided to keep our shops open during the strike and have written to the Jaigaon police for security,” said R.S. Gupta, the secretary of the Jaigaon Merchants’ Association, after a meeting of the trade body.
The Parishad bandh beginning tomorrow follows a two-day strike by the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha and a day’s shutdown by the Bangla O Bangla Bhasha Banchao Committee.
With frequent strikes taking a toll on the Dooars business, the traders have decided to take up the matter with authorities.
“We are panic-stricken because of frequent strikes in the area. We are contacting our members in different areas of the Dooars and will meet the Jalpaiguri district magistrate tomorrow to discuss our problem. The Federation of Chambers of Commerce and Industry of North Bengal will also sit in Siliguri tomorrow to discuss the issue,” said Bijpy Barua, the secretary of the Banarhat Byabsayee Samity.
Anurag Srivastava, the subdivisional officer of Alipurduar, said Section 144 would be in force at Kalchini, Birpara, Madarihat and Jaigaon, where police fear a breach of peace during the strike.
The 72-hour strike coincides with the distribution of admit cards for the June 6 examination for the posts of primary schoolteachers. “The admits cards will be distributed from the branches of Uttar Banga Kshetriya Grameen Bank for three days from tomorrow and we will not be able to collect them,” said a prospective candidate.
The chairman of the Jalpaiguri District Primary School Council, Mrinal Kar, said there was no need to worry as those who failed to collect the admit cards could collect them on May 24 and 25. “However, they will have to collect them from Siliguri,” added Kar.
The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today relaxed its strike in the Dooars where its impact was minimal. However, few vehicles plied NH31C, and Sunday’s weekly markets at Hamiltonganj and central Dooars could not take place as the traders kept away.
Shyamal Gurung, the organising secretary of the Morcha in the Dooars, said his party “morally supports” the Parishad’s demand. “We withdrew the strike in the Dooars at 9am so that people could buy essential items before the strike begins tomorrow. We have sent messages to every corner of the Dooars so that people can stock on food.”
The secretary of the Dooars-Terai Coordination Committee of the Parishad, Rajesh Lakra, said the strike had been called as appeals to the district primary school council to cancel irregular appointments in primary schools had fallen on deaf ears. “Tea gardens and emergency services will be allowed to function normally for three days but others things will not,” he said.
Condolence spanner in ABGL meet
TT, Darjeeling, May 16: The Gorkha Janmukti Nari Morcha today announced that it would organise rallies for three days starting May 18 to condemn the police firing on the Assam-Meghalaya border that killed five Nepali-speaking people on Friday, coinciding with the ABGL’s scheduled public meeting on May 19.
The ABGL had already announced that it would hold a public meeting at Chowk Bazar on May 19 to celebrate its foundation day. The Madan Tamang-led party had earlier planned the meeting for yesterday but postponed it later because of the Morcha’s two-day weekend strike.
“We have decided to hold a public meeting and rallies on May 18, 19 and 20 to protest the killings of Nepali-speaking people in the Northeast. Our people in the Northeast are insecure and we must do our bit to help them,” said Asha Gurung, Morcha chief Bimal Gurung’s wife and a member of the women wing’s core committee. The three-day programme will be held across the area that the party wants as Gorkhaland.
The Nari Morcha leader, however, denied that her party’s programmes were aimed at derailing the ABGL meeting. “Our intention is not to derail any party’s programme. We are not bothered with other’s programmes. For the past two years, an agitation is being spearheaded by the Morcha and certain decisions have been taken spontaneously,” Asha said.
Madan Tamang, however, wondered why the Morcha was “so desperate to stop” the ABGL from holding meetings. “The two day strike (May 15 and 16) was called to stop our foundation day meeting. The three-day programme is again to derail our public meeting. I wonder why the Morcha is so desperate to stop our meetings. They (Morcha) are fighting for their survival now and we will go ahead with our scheduled meeting,” said Tamang.
In the past two years, the ABGL has been forced to cancel at least three public meetings because of “common people” occupying the dais before the start of the party’s meeting.
Tamang said he had already obtained administrative approval for the May 19 meeting, while Asha said her outfit would apply for permission.
Governor Can, Says CM
TT Calcutta, May 16: Chief minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharjee today said Bengal governor M.K. Narayanan could always take the initiative to resolve the Darjeeling impasse but added that he wasn’t aware of such moves.
Asked whether the governor was making efforts to resolve the issue, Bhattacharjee said at the state CPM headquarters here: “The governor can always do that. But I don't know whether such a thing is happening. We are holding talks with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha not only at the state but also at the central level. We are trying to explain to them the need to stay united. We are willing to give them more financial and administrative powers. Let's see how the dialogue proceeds.”
KalimNews: Sakun Chhetri, wife of late Tikaram Chhetri a GNLF supporter denied about the FIR lodged . She said it was due to the pressure of the GNLF leaders she had lodged the FIR naming GJMM leaders. She further stated that they are not the culprits and not involved in the attack on her late husband. The FIR includes names of Colonel Ramesh Allay, chief of GLP, Dawa Ghising Treasurer of Kalimpong SD committee of GJMM and other top brass of GJMM. Sakun is a primary school Teacher in Kalimpong.
Copying GJMM and CPRM , GNLF has announced that a volunteer force is being setup by the party. It will appoint 3000 girls and 7000 boys and 50 Ex servicemen will train them for self defense, said Rajen Mukhia, GNLF leader of Panighatta.
Copying GJMM and CPRM , GNLF has announced that a volunteer force is being setup by the party. It will appoint 3000 girls and 7000 boys and 50 Ex servicemen will train them for self defense, said Rajen Mukhia, GNLF leader of Panighatta.
मङ्पूमा सिन्कोना सँगै सप्रिन्दैछ फूलको खेती
स्मरण रहोस सन् १८६२ देखिनै अङ्ग्रेजहरुले शुरु गरेको सिन्कोना उद्योगबाट विगतका दिनहरुमा सरकारले अनेकौँ मुनाफा कमाएका थिए । तर समयको गतिसँगै युगानुकूल प्रविधिहरुको प्रयोग नगरिनु तथा सरकारको उदासिन नितिको शिकार बनेर उक्त उद्योग गत ९० को दशक उत्तरार्द्ध भने दिनोदिन जीर्ण बन्दै गइरहेको थियो । विश्वबजारमा सिन्थेटिक कूइनाइन को आगमनपछि त झन सरकारले नाफा कमाउनु त परै जाओस बर्षेनी २६ करोड़ रुपिया घाटा बेहोर्नु परेको थियो । घाटाकै बहानामा सरकारले निजीकरण समेत गर्ने घोषणा गरेको थियो तर मजदुर संगठनहरुको बिरोधमा भने निजीकरण गर्न सरकार असफल बन्यो । यद्यपी राज्य सरकारले यस उद्योगलाई राज्यको फूड प्रोसेसिङ एंव हर्टिकल्चर बिभागमा हस्तानतरण गर्ने कार्य गऱ्यो । यसपछि भने गत केही बर्ष अघि डा.जी.सी.सुब्बा सिन्कोना निर्देशकका रुपमा नियुक्त भएपछि यस उद्योगलाई सुनिश्चित भविष्यको बाटोमा हिडाउने कार्यमा जुटेका छन् ।
अनेकौँ वर्ष थुप्रिएर बसेको सिन्कोनाको बोक्रा,इपिकेक आदिको बिक्री कार्यले पनि हालमा बिभागले आर्थिक आय गरिरहेको छ । यस अतिरिक्त यस्ता अन्य औषधिय पौधाहरुको खेती तथा फूल खेतीबाट पनि बिभागले आर्थिक लाभ कमाइरहेको डा.सुब्बाले जानकारी दिएका छन् । यस उद्योगलाई बचाएर राख्न प्रत्येक सिन्कोनासँग जडीत मानिसहरु आफ्नो कार्यप्रति निष्ठावान भएर लाग्नुपर्ने तिनले थप बताए । Photo: D.K.Tamang
Chulyaha Ko Ganthan hits the stall
Chulyaha Ko Ganthan, a collection of thirteen satirical articles in a book form has hit the market recently. The book published by Charitra Prakashan, Kalimpong has been one of the best sellers in Darjeeling and adjoining areas in its first edition ('06). The second edition of the book is published recently by the same publisher with a new look and some additions. In the recently published second edition of the popular book Chulyaha Ko Ganthan, Dr. H.B. Chhetri, a well known critic of Nepali literature, has also penned down his comments on the first edition. The cover page has been designed by Amir Sundas, Bakhrakot based painter with an attractive and artistic work of painting. According to Sahadeo S. Giri, publisher, it was a compulsion to re-print the book due to public demand in the market as most of the Nepali book lovers could not purchase the earlier edition which was published in the year 2006. Giri said that the book has one credit to its record that its first and second both editions were not released in the public function as per the existing practice in the literary world. Despite low profile in publicity and advertisement the book gained much popularity that it was to be republished within a span of four years. Giri also has expressed his satisfaction over the interest of the Nepali book lovers in reading the literary works of young writers. It may be recalled that the book was printed in 2006 for the first time and was made available in the local stalls without any publicity and advertisement in any manner. Similarly, the second edition has hit the market now and being sold out fast. The book worth seven thousand paise (as quoted in the book) contains periodical satirical articles of the author where he has tried to highlight the irregularities of the society with a sense of humour. Dr. Chhetri has rightly pointed out that all articles in the book are relevant to the society.
Chulyaha Ko Ganthan hits the stall

Now it is upto you to find out the book which is limited in number and go through the same.
It is also a task for you readers to find out the name of the author.
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