KalimNews: Ajay Dahal the leader of UGRF was brought to Kalimpong by Kalimpong Police from Gangtok. He is accused of murdering Yohan Tsh Lepcha and several cases under arms act and armed agitation against the state. He was presented in the Kalimpong Court and will be kept at Kalimpong Correctional Home till his next hearing on 13th April . He was arrested on 9th February at Gangtok and will appear on 9th April in Gangtok Court.Speaking with the reporters he stated that the issue of Gorkhaland is sold by GJMM and people are fed up with the infights of GJMM. He also stated that there is a conspiracy on his arrest
Pix: Samten Kabo
KalimNews:GJM representatives led by Roshan Giri, General Secretary, met N.S. Khalzi, Joint Secretary, Union Home Ministry and Ardhendu Sen, Chief Secretary, West Bengal at North Block, New Delhi today. According to Dr. H.B. Chhetri, Spokesperson of the party, the six member GJM delegation submitted twenty two left out subjects in the draft proposal of interim set-up. According to available information, GJM also demanded inclusion of proposed interim authority in the existing North-East Council with its constitutional guarantee. In the additional list of the left out subjects the Tea and Cinchona plantations and regularisation of the services of thousands of DGHC's ad-hoc staffs have also been highlighted, Dr. Chhetri added. The GJM has also stated that it has submitted the names of the Mouzas of the Dooars areas as in its earlier proposal only the physical map of the region was presented.
On the other hand, the centre reportedly expressed its difficulties to include some subjects from union list, as desired by the GJM in its earlier proposal, since these subjects entirely fall under the jurisdiction of Union govt and even the state Govts cannot claim their right over the same.
It is recalled that the GJM had started facing sharp criticism as there was simmering reaction in the concerned sections of the hill for skipping numerous vital subjects in its proposal secretly sent to the centre and providing only 72 hours time for the general people to study the same. An under current negative reaction had started to prevail in the hills particularly among the temporary employees of the DGHC for non inclusion of their grievances in the draft proposal.
Morcha happy with talks- Another round of dialogue in April before the May meet
TT March 29: The Gorkha Janmukti Morcha today said it was “happy” at the outcome of the official-level tripartite meeting held in Delhi to sort out areas of “agreement and disagreement” before the next round of political talks to be held in mid-May.
“Many of our demands have been agreed upon and this is something positive, we are happy,” said Morcha central committee member Amar Lama, who was present at the meeting with five other hill party members. “The officials have said many issues raised by us could be accepted.” Lama, however, did not elaborate on what had been agreed upon.
Today’s talks were held so that only those points on which there was no agreement could be discussed at the next political-level meet. “The idea is to make the process simpler for the political-level talks,” a home ministry official said, adding: “Another round of official-level talks will be held in April for the same purpose. We hope to finalise the points of agreement and disagreement in that meeting. They will then be put up at the political-level talks.”
However, the territory that will come up under the jurisdiction of the proposed interim set-up continued to be a source of “major disagreement” with the Morcha insisting on the inclusion of the Dooars and the Terai and the state and the central governments refusing to concede ground. “Officials of both the state and the Centre told us that the territory issue has to be thrashed out at the political-level talks,” said Lama. “Neither side conceded an inch.” Morcha representatives submitted a detailed mouza-wise plan of the area it wants to be incorporated from the Dooars and the Terai in the interim settlement. The deadlock over territory notwithstanding, Bengal and central government officials also described today’s talks as “good and cordial”.
The Morcha also placed some additional demands at the talks table. These included regularisation of all temporary workers of the DGHC, realignment of the East-West corridor through those areas in the Dooars that the hill party wants included in the interim set-up, setting up of an Institute for Development of Nepali Language, and inclusion of tea and cinchona in the list of subjects to be transferred to the interim set-up. The party also demanded that Scheduled Castes should not be converted into Scheduled Tribes, an amendement of its earlier proposal where it wanted ST status for all hill communities.
In all the Morcha has demanded legislative control over 124 subjects compared to the 102 subjects it had mentioned in the earlier proposal.
Today’s talks were attended by senior home ministry officials including Union home secretary G.K. Pillai, special secretary Anita Choudhary (centre-state), joint secretary Nirmaljit Singh Kalsi and Bengal home secretary Ardhendu Sen.
Today was the fifth round of bureaucratic level tripartite talks.“Hopefully, the April meeting will be the last round of bureaucratic-level talks between the three sides and a decision on the interim set-up can be reached in the next two political level talks,” said the home ministry official.
A step towards a unique Identity for all
Veena N Madhavan PIB: Recently, many of us must have read in newspapers or magazines about National Population Register (NPR). But what is NPR? What is its purpose? And above all how is it going to benefit the common man?
To know about National Population Register, it becomes essential to know something about Census. The first census in India was held in 1872. Since 1881, population censuses have been held every ten years without any interruption. Census is an administrative exercise carried out by the Government of India. It involves the collection of information about the entire population with regard to many factors like demography, socio-cultural and economic characteristics.
The 2011 Census of India will be the 15th census and seventh after Independence. A milestone in the 2011 Census is the preparation of the NPR. The census will be carried out in two phases. The first phase spans from April to September 2010 with houselisting, house census and collection of data on NPR. This phase also involves the canvassing of NPR schedule which will be digitized in two languages – English and the official language of every State/Union Territory. The first phase will commence on April 1, 2010 in the states of West Bengal, Assam, Goa and Meghalaya and the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The second phase includes the population enumeration stage.
The creation of NPR of usual residents of the country is an ambitious project. It involves the collection of specific information on each person residing in the country. It would cover an estimated population of 1.2 billion and the total cost of the scheme is Rs.3539.24 crores. This is for the first time that NPR is being prepared. The database will be built by the Registrar General, India. At this juncture, it becomes important to stress that census and NPR are different, even though the basic idea behind both the exercises is collection of information.
Census is the biggest source of data on demography, literacy and education, housing and household amenities, economic activity, urbanization, fertility, mortality, language, religion and migration. It serves as primary data for planning and the implementation of policies of the Central and State Governments. Also, it is utilized for the purpose of reservation of constituencies for Parliamentary, Assembly and local body elections.
NPR on the other hand, involves the creation of a comprehensive identity database for the country. This would facilitate planning, better targeting of government schemes/programmes and also strengthen the security of the country. Another aspect that differentiates NPR from census is that it is a continuous process. In census, the duty of concerned officers is for a limited period and their services are dispensed with after the work is over, while in the case of the NPR, the role of concerned officers and that of subordinate officers like the Tehsildar and Village Officers is of continuing nature and permanent.
NPR will include the items of information such as the name of the person, father’s name, mother’s name, spouse’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, current marital status, education, nationality as declared, occupation, present address of usual resident and permanent residential address. The database will also contain photograph and finger biometry of persons above the age of 15 years. The draft Local Register of Usual Residents (LRUR) would be displayed in the villages in rural areas and wards in urban areas for inviting objections like spellings in names, address, date of birth etc. and also regarding residency status of any person enumerated. The draft LRUR will also be placed before the Gram Sabha or local bodies for authentication of usual residents.
Once the database is finalised, the next task would be assigning every individual a Unique Identification Number (UID) by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Later this UID number will be added to the NPR database. It is proposed to issue identity card, which will be a smart card with UID number printed on it and include basic details like name, mother’s/father’s name, sex, date and place of birth, photograph. Complete details will be stored in the chip.
The implementation of NPR in the entire country would be based on the light of the experience gained from the pilot project, the coastal NPR project. The pilot project was carried out in selected border areas of the country. The coastal NPR project is being carried out in more than 3300 villages in 9 states and 4 Union territories. The decision to implement coastal NPR project was taken by keeping in view the enhancement of coastal security.
How NPR would benefit people?
In India, there are several databases like election card, driving license, passports, PAN cards, but all these have limited reach. There is no standard database covering the entire population. NPR would provide a standard identity database and facilitate the allotment of Unique Identification (UID) Number to each individual, something like a permanent identifier - right from birth to death of the individual.
The significance of NPR lies in the fact that there is an increasing need for a credible identification system for the country as a whole. It becomes all the more important because of various factors such as the need to reach out to people in every nook and corner of the country, to keep a check on illegal migration and also with regard to the issue of internal security.
The coming in of a unique identification number would benefit the common man in many ways. It will strike off the need for producing multiple documentary proofs of identity by an individual for availing government or private services like opening of a bank account. It will help in the easy verification of an individual. The creation of an identity database would help enhance the targeting of various beneficiary oriented schemes of the Government and non governmental agencies. NPR would also serve the requirement of sprucing up tax collection.
India has already set the process rolling to create the largest database in the world, with the promise of a unique biometric card to an estimated population of 1.2 billion. Thus the path towards providing a unique identity has been set out. The enormity of the exercise is such that it requires the undaunted support and cooperation of people in making the project a success that would be beneficial to every resident in the country .
To know about National Population Register, it becomes essential to know something about Census. The first census in India was held in 1872. Since 1881, population censuses have been held every ten years without any interruption. Census is an administrative exercise carried out by the Government of India. It involves the collection of information about the entire population with regard to many factors like demography, socio-cultural and economic characteristics.
The 2011 Census of India will be the 15th census and seventh after Independence. A milestone in the 2011 Census is the preparation of the NPR. The census will be carried out in two phases. The first phase spans from April to September 2010 with houselisting, house census and collection of data on NPR. This phase also involves the canvassing of NPR schedule which will be digitized in two languages – English and the official language of every State/Union Territory. The first phase will commence on April 1, 2010 in the states of West Bengal, Assam, Goa and Meghalaya and the Union territory of Andaman and Nicobar Islands. The second phase includes the population enumeration stage.
The creation of NPR of usual residents of the country is an ambitious project. It involves the collection of specific information on each person residing in the country. It would cover an estimated population of 1.2 billion and the total cost of the scheme is Rs.3539.24 crores. This is for the first time that NPR is being prepared. The database will be built by the Registrar General, India. At this juncture, it becomes important to stress that census and NPR are different, even though the basic idea behind both the exercises is collection of information.
Census is the biggest source of data on demography, literacy and education, housing and household amenities, economic activity, urbanization, fertility, mortality, language, religion and migration. It serves as primary data for planning and the implementation of policies of the Central and State Governments. Also, it is utilized for the purpose of reservation of constituencies for Parliamentary, Assembly and local body elections.
NPR on the other hand, involves the creation of a comprehensive identity database for the country. This would facilitate planning, better targeting of government schemes/programmes and also strengthen the security of the country. Another aspect that differentiates NPR from census is that it is a continuous process. In census, the duty of concerned officers is for a limited period and their services are dispensed with after the work is over, while in the case of the NPR, the role of concerned officers and that of subordinate officers like the Tehsildar and Village Officers is of continuing nature and permanent.
NPR will include the items of information such as the name of the person, father’s name, mother’s name, spouse’s name, sex, date of birth, place of birth, current marital status, education, nationality as declared, occupation, present address of usual resident and permanent residential address. The database will also contain photograph and finger biometry of persons above the age of 15 years. The draft Local Register of Usual Residents (LRUR) would be displayed in the villages in rural areas and wards in urban areas for inviting objections like spellings in names, address, date of birth etc. and also regarding residency status of any person enumerated. The draft LRUR will also be placed before the Gram Sabha or local bodies for authentication of usual residents.
Once the database is finalised, the next task would be assigning every individual a Unique Identification Number (UID) by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI). Later this UID number will be added to the NPR database. It is proposed to issue identity card, which will be a smart card with UID number printed on it and include basic details like name, mother’s/father’s name, sex, date and place of birth, photograph. Complete details will be stored in the chip.
The implementation of NPR in the entire country would be based on the light of the experience gained from the pilot project, the coastal NPR project. The pilot project was carried out in selected border areas of the country. The coastal NPR project is being carried out in more than 3300 villages in 9 states and 4 Union territories. The decision to implement coastal NPR project was taken by keeping in view the enhancement of coastal security.
How NPR would benefit people?
In India, there are several databases like election card, driving license, passports, PAN cards, but all these have limited reach. There is no standard database covering the entire population. NPR would provide a standard identity database and facilitate the allotment of Unique Identification (UID) Number to each individual, something like a permanent identifier - right from birth to death of the individual.
The significance of NPR lies in the fact that there is an increasing need for a credible identification system for the country as a whole. It becomes all the more important because of various factors such as the need to reach out to people in every nook and corner of the country, to keep a check on illegal migration and also with regard to the issue of internal security.
The coming in of a unique identification number would benefit the common man in many ways. It will strike off the need for producing multiple documentary proofs of identity by an individual for availing government or private services like opening of a bank account. It will help in the easy verification of an individual. The creation of an identity database would help enhance the targeting of various beneficiary oriented schemes of the Government and non governmental agencies. NPR would also serve the requirement of sprucing up tax collection.
India has already set the process rolling to create the largest database in the world, with the promise of a unique biometric card to an estimated population of 1.2 billion. Thus the path towards providing a unique identity has been set out. The enormity of the exercise is such that it requires the undaunted support and cooperation of people in making the project a success that would be beneficial to every resident in the country .
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