छत्र सुब्बाको भ्रमण गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनको पूर्व तयारी ? डी के वाइबा: कालेबुङ २८ जनवरी; दार्जीलिङ पहाडका जनताहरुले बिगत देखि बर्तमान सम्म गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्यको सपना सजाएर बाँचेका छन्। तर, त्यो सपना काहिले पुरा होला भन्नेकुरा चाहीँ न त जनतालाई थाह छ न त नेताहरुलाई नै थाह छ। गोर्खाल्याण राज्यको माग गर्दै अनेकौं नेताहरु पहाडमा जन्मिए तर आजसम्म कसैले पनि पार लगाउँन भने सकिरहेको छैन। जसको कारण गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दा आकाशको फल आखाँ तरि मर भन्ने उखान चरितार्थ बनेको छ। घरि घरि गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दामा ठगिएका पहाडका जनता अहिले राजनैतिक नेताहरुको रासलिला हेरिरहेका छन् । बिगतमा गोर्खा राष्ट्रिय मुक्ति मोर्चा (गोरामुमो) प्रमुख सुवास घिसिङले पहाडमा चलाएको गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनमा पहाडका जनताहरु होमिए तर गोर्खाल्याण्ड राज्य भने बनिएन बरु केवल १२ सय मानिसहरु शहिद मात्र बने। घिसिङले सुरु गरेको हिंसात्मक आन्दोलनले १२ सय शहिद बनाएर दागोपाप ल्यायो अनि दागोपापलाई तिनले बाघको बच्चा डमरु भने। जनता डमरु बडेर बाघ हुने आशामा २१ वर्षसम्म बसे तर त्यो डमरु बाघ हुन सकेन अनि सोहि कुरा बुझेर सुवास घिसिङले दागोपापलाई ग्यारेजमा थन्काउँनु पर्छ भन्दै छैटौं अनुसुचिको मुद्दा उठाए। अन्तमा त्यहीं छैटौं अनुसुचिको मुद्दाले तिनी पहाडबाटै बिस्थापित बन्न परे। गोरामुमो प्रमुख सुवास घिसिङ एण्ड कम्पनि पहाडबाट खेदिए पछि गोजमुमोले छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्ड ल्याउँने आशामा सम्पूर्ण पहाड तराई डुवर्सका मानिसहरु सडकमा ओर्लिए तर ४४ महिना पछि मोर्चाले पनि छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्ड नल्याएर जीटीएमा सम्झौता गरेको छ। जीटीए छुट्टै राज्य प्राप्तिको निम्ति पहिलो खुड्किलो रहेको मोर्चा नेताहरुले अगावै दाबी गरिसकेको छ तर राज्य प्राप्तिको पहिलो खुड्किलो भनेर दाबी गरेको जीटीए पनि सम्झौता भएको ६ महिना पुरा गरिसक्दा समेत लागु नभएको कारण अहिले पहाडका मानिसहरुमा दिनोदिन असन्तुष्टि सृजना भईरहेको छ। यसैबिच अनेक राजनैतिक उतार चडावहरुमा पहाडले स्वीजरल्याण्ड बनिने आश्वासन पायो अनि त्यो आश्वासनको पोका कहिले पुरा हुने हुन् भन्ने स्वय आश्वासन दिने मुख्य मन्त्री समेतलाई सायदा थाह छैन।अहिले घरी दार्जीलिङ पहाड न त स्वीजरल्याण्ड बनिन सकेको छ न त गोर्खाहरुका चहाना गोर्खाल्याण्ड नै बनिन सकेको छ। यतिमात्र नभएर १८ जुलाईको दिन सम्झौता भएको जीटीए समेत कार्यन्वय नहुँदा मानिसहरुमा दिनो दिन असन्तुष्टिको भावना जागिरहेको छ। गोरामुमो प्रमुख सुवास घिसिङले २१ वर्षसम्म दागोपापमा राज गरेपछि मानिसहरुमा बडेको असन्तुष्टि गोजमुमोको उदय हुँदा भुकम्प जस्तै बिष्फोट भयो। जसको कारण नेताहरु नै पाहड छोडेर भाग्न परेको थियो। यता गोजमुमोको उदय पछि दार्जीलिङ पहाडका जनताहरुले सजाएको छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको सपना पनि ४४ महिनाको आन्दोलन पछि लक भग सेलाएको निश्चित छ। यस्तो अवस्थामा पहाडका जनताहरु अहिलेघरि ४४ महिनाको आन्दोलनले ल्याएको उपलब्धि कार्यन्वय नहुँदा नेताहरुको बिश्वास गुमाउँदै गईरहेको छ। नेताहरुको लहै लहैमा पर्ने जनताहरु गोर्खाल्याण्डको मुद्दामा अझ कतिदिन ठगिन पर्ने हो त्यो कसैले किटान गर्न सक्तैन। नेताहरुको आश्वासनको पोका पाएका दार्जीलिङको रुप कहिले वास्तविक फेरिने हुन् भन्न नसकेता पनि अहिले घरि पहाडमा सुवास घिसिङको समय कालका आफुलाई जङ्गी नेताका रुपमा परिचित गराउँने छत्र सुब्बा दिनो दिन समचार पत्रहरुमा चर्चाको बिषय बन्दै गईरहेको छ। घिसिङ हमलाकाण्डको आरोपमा लकभग ११ वर्ष जेल बसेका सुब्बा रेलीको बगरमा गोजमुमो प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङ सित भेट भएपछि दैनिक छापामा आईरहेका छन। हाल तिनी सदभावना कार्यक्रमको बहनामा बिभिन्न स्थानहरुको भ्रमणमा कालेबुङबाट हप्तादिन अघि निस्केका छन्। यसैक्रममा तिनले दार्जीलिङ, खर्साङ, मिरिक, लगायत तराई डुवर्सको भ्रमण गरिरहेका छन् । तिनले बिभिन्न स्थानहरुको भ्रमण अवधी पत्रकारहरुलाई राजनैतिक भ्रमण नरहेको दाबी गरिरहेका छन। यद्यपी सुब्बाको उक्त भ्रमण राजनैतिक हुनसक्ने राजनैतिक सचेतकहरु बताउँछन्। यतिमात्र नभएर खुफिया बिभागले पनि तिनको भ्रमणलाई सदभावना कार्यक्रमको सामान्य भ्रमणको रुपमा लिईरहेका छैनन् । किन भने तिनले बिभिन्न स्थानहरुको भ्रमण समय अवधी कुनै न कुनै राजनैतिका दलका नेताहरुसित भेट गरिरहेका छन्। यस कुराले समेत तिनको भ्रमण राजनैतिक भ्रमण राजकनैति उदेश्य प्रेरित रहेको हुनसक्ने सचेतकहरुको भनाई रहेको छ। एकातिर हाल पहाडमा कुनै पनि ब्यवस्था लागु हुन सकिरहेको छैन भने अर्कोतिर बिगत दिनका गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनका लडाकु नेता छत्र सुब्बाको भ्रमण निकै महत्वपूर्ण हुनसक्ने अनुमान गरिएको छ। तिनले जेलबाट मुक्त बनेर घर आईपुगेको समयमा जेलामा बस्दा थाकेको कारण केहिदिन सम्म चुपचाप बस्ने बताएका थिए। फलस्वरुप तिनी निकै लामो समयसम्म मौन समेत बसे। तर तिनको मौनता भने केहि महिना अघि जीटीएको बिरोघबाटै तोडिएको छ। आन्दोलनकालमा नेताहरुलाई थुप्रै अफर आउँने बताउँदै आफुलाई पनि अफर आएको तिनले बताएका थिए। तर आफु मुद्दा प्रति ईमान्दार रहेको कारण कुनै अफर स्वीकार नगरेको सुब्बाले बताउँदै जीटीएले गोर्खाल्याण्डको समस्या पुरा नगर्ने दाबी गरेर आफ्नो मौनता तोडेका थिए। यसै सिलसिलामा पहाडमा नयाँ राजनैतिक दल छत्रसुब्बाको नेतृत्वमा चल्ने हल्ला चल्यो अनि हाल तिनी सदभावना यात्राको बहनामा बिभिन्न स्थानहरुको भ्रमणमा छन। सुब्बाको यो भ्रमण पहाडमा गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनको पुन: सुरुआतको सङ्केत पो हो कि भन्ने अहिले चारैतिर कौतुहलता बडेको छ। |
Saturday, January 28, 2012
छत्र सुब्बाको भ्रमण गोर्खाल्याण्ड आन्दोलनको पूर्व तयारी ?
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
नयाँ दल गठन गर्नेहरुको कालेबुङमा केहिदिन अघि बैठक
नयाँ दल गठन गर्नेहरुको कालेबुङमा केहिदिन अघि बैठक डी के वाइबा: कालेबुङ २५ जनवरी; दार्जीलिङ पहाडमा केहि महिना अघिदेखि चलेको नयाँ राजनैतिक दल गठन हुने कुराको नक्सा बिस्तारै अघि आँउन थालेको छ। बिशेष सुत्रले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार केहिदिन अघिमात्र उक्त दल गठन गर्ने दौडमा कुदिरहेका मानिसहरुको कालेबुङमा बैठक सम्पन्न भयो। उक्त बैठकमा पूर्व भाजपाका अध्यक्ष दावा शेर्पा, पिपल्स फोरमका महासचिव प्रवीण गुरुङ, युजिआरएफ प्रमुख अजय दहाल लगायत कालेबुङका कातिपय दलका नेताहरुसमेत रहेको सुत्रले बताएको छ। बैठकमा बर्तमान पहाडको राजनैतिक परिस्थितिबारे चर्चा पारिचर्चा अनि नयाँ दल गठनको निम्ति चाल्नु पर्ने सतर्कताबारे कुराकानी भएको सुत्रले बताएको छ। छुट्टै राज्य गोर्खाल्याण्डको नारा लिएर जन्मेको राजनैतिक दल गोजमुमोले गोर्खालयाण्डको मुद्दा छोडेर जीटीएमा सम्झौता गरे पछि अहिले घरि पहाडमा गोर्खाल्याण्डको आन्दोलन चर्काउँने ताकमा कातिपय मोर्चा बिरोधी मानिसहरु लागी परेको छ। उनीहरुको समय समयमा बिभिन्न स्थानहरुमा बैठकहरु समेत भईरहेको छ भने यस बैठकको क्रमलाई अहिलेघरि निकै सक्रियता दिएको सुत्रले बताएको छ। गोर्खाल्याण्डको नारा दिएर गठन हुने दल काहिले जनताको अघि आउँनेहुन् भन्ने कुरा स्पष्ट नभएता पनि यसको मोटामोटि स्वरुप तयार भएको सुत्रले जानकारी दिएको छ। सुत्रले दिएको जानकारी अनुसार अहिले पहाडमा नयाँ राजनैतिक दल गठन हुन नदिन कतिपय शक्तिहरु समेत सक्रिय रहेको छ। उक्त शक्रिय रहेको अदृष्य शक्तिहरु सित बाँचन नयाँ राजनैतिक दल गठन गर्ने होडमा कुदिरहेको मानिसहरुलाई समेत कतिपय ठाँउहरुमा असुबिधा सृजना भईरहेको कारण यसको उदय हुने कुराको अन्तिम निष्कर्ष निस्कन सकिरहेको छैन। जसको कारण नयाँ दल गठन गर्ने मानिसहरुले आफ्ना कुराहरुलाई एकदमै गोप्य राख्न खोजिरहेको थाह लागेको छ। बिशेष नयाँ दल गठन गर्ने होडमा जीएलओ प्रमुख छत्र सुब्बाको नाम केहिदिन अघि अघिल्लो पंक्तिमा रहेको थियो। उक्त कुरालाई ध्यानमा राखेर यदि छत्र सुब्बाले पहाडमा राजनीति शुरु गरे बर्तमान समयमा गोजमुमोलाई खत्राहुने निश्चित बनेको कारण तिनलाई मोर्चाको तर्फबाट रिझाउँने प्रयास भएको समेत सुत्रले जनाएको छ। केहि दिन अघि रेलीको बगरमा मोर्चा प्रमुख बिमल गुरुङ अनि छत्र सुब्बाको भेटले नयाँ दल गठनको होडमा कुदिरहेका मानिसहरुलाई ब्याकफुटमा पारेको समेत सुत्रले जानकारी दिएको छ। हुन त उक्त भेटलाई लिएर दुवै नेताहरुले संयोगवस भेट भएको बताएता पनि भेट मोटा मोटी सुनियोजित रहेको सुत्रले दाबी गरेको छ। सुब्बाले पाहाडमा पुन: राजनीति नगरोस भन्ने चाहना मोर्चाका नेताहरुले राखेका कारण तिनालई सुनियोजित तरिकाले रेलीको बगरमा आयोजित कार्यक्रममा निमन्त्रणा दिएको सुत्रले थप दाबी गरेको छ। यता नयाँ राजनैतिक दल गठन गर्ने होडमा कुदिरहेका नेताहरुले यसबारेमा अहिले छत्रसुब्बा र बिमल गुरूङको भेटलाई निकै गहन तरिकाले हेरेको अनि सुब्बालाई दलमा सामेल गराउँन पर्ने हुन् कि होईनन् भनेर समेत बिचार गरिरहेको सुत्रले बताएको छ। |
Friday, January 20, 2012
CPM supports GJMM’s demand....Id proof necessary for Railway i ticket and PRS.....Tax target up seven-fold.....New toy train coaches to shed vestibules,,,,,Rich in cash, human drama
SNS, SILIGURI, 20 January 2012: The CPI-M Darjeeling Hill unit senior leader, KB Watter today defended the Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM) stance on land issues involving certain parts of the Terai-Dooars.
“The GJMM is justified in claiming the moujas where the Nepali-speaking community enjoys demographic majority. Also the areas in Darjeeling, which were proposed to be included within the Sixth Schedule contour, should be included in the GTA territory,” he said.
However, Mr Watter sounded skeptic when asked whether the Shymal Sen Committee would agree to include 315 moujas, as demanded by the GJMM.
“It is unlikely. My support rests with them when it comes to the Nepali-majority areas across the Terai-Dooars,” he said.
Mr Watter defending the GJMM's stance might cause the district and the state CPI-M leadership further embarrassment as the party’s district and state units have already declared a stance contrary to Mr Watter’s on this matter.
The party stand, officially, is that no additional area should be added to GTA apart from the DGHC territory that already exists.
However, president of Communist Party of Revolutionary Marxists, Mr RB Rai said the GJMM was not sincere about the land claim. “The demand for additional areas is justified, but the GJMM appear more interested in securing their office,” he said.
Id proof necessary for Railway i ticket and PRS
Tax target up seven-fold
VIVEK CHHETRI, TT, Darjeeling, Jan. 20: The government has set a tax collection target of Rs 50 crore for the Darjeeling district for the current fiscal, a seven-fold increase from last year’s target of Rs 7 crore.
The move is an indication that the state has started tightening its noose against defaulters who had not paid their dues in the past three years following the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha’s call for a non-co-operation movement.
Gopal Lama, additional district magistrate and also the district land and land reforms officer, said: “We are trying our best to meet the target. The common people have started paying up their land rents and other dues. We have also sent notices to tea gardens across the district to clear up their arrears.”
He said the department had collected Rs 9.5 crore as tax arrears last year though the target set was Rs 7 crore.
The Morcha had asked the hill people to stop paying taxes from April 1, 2008, as part of its non-co-operation movement. Even after an agreement on a hill set-up was reached on July 18, 2011, the Morcha had made it clear that people would pay their dues only from August 1, 2011.
Sources said last year the taxes had been mostly collected from the Siliguri subdivision while collection from the three hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong was “quite less”.
The department has already sent notices to 38 gardens. The total outstanding dues, which have accumulated from the 2008-09 financial year, stands at a little over Rs 52 lakh for the 38 estates.
“We want the gardens to pay the dues by February end,” said Lama. An official said those who did not pay up this time would be fined.
Local people have not complained yet about the pay-up notice. “The locals have not yet complained as the land rents are very low. In rural areas a person has to pay Rs 25 per acre per annum. In urban areas, it is Rs 25 per decimal (100 decimals makes one acre),” said an official.
The Morcha said it was not aware of the pay-up notice from the land department. “We had said we would pay all taxes from August 1, 2011. That is why the electricity department is taking bills only from August. I am not aware of this issue (land rent),” said Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri. Power bills of more than Rs 72 crore accrued during the period of Morcha agitation have not yet been cleared by the hill people.
New toy train coaches to shed vestibules
The interior of a vestibule coach brought for the DHR. File picture |
The 10 vestibule coaches brought from Pune two years ago will be converted into regular compartments that have been successfully ferrying passengers along the 80km long serpentine tracks for the past 130 years.
This is the second time that an attempt to introduce a new technology in the Darjeeling Himalayan Railway has failed. A move to replace steam engines with oil-fired locomotives to run the toy trains was abandoned in 2002 as it was not suitable for the tracks.
“We had tried to introduce vestibule coaches as a new attraction for tourists. But the plan had to be abandoned as the coaches could not bend on the sharp curves on the tracks between New Jalpaiguri and Darjeeling,” a DHR official told The Telegraph.
The DHR had brought the vestibule coaches from the Kurdavari railway coach factory in Pune in August 2009. The two-and-a-half-feet long vestibules (corridors) enable passengers to walk from one coach to another while the train moves. The vestibules had come with glass ceilings through which passengers could get a view of the hills above. Besides, each coach has an airbrake also. The existing compartments of the toy trains are not connected to each other and passengers have to disembark from one coach to board another.
Right from the first trial run in 2009, the coaches could not negotiate the bends when the train climbed uphill to Rongtong after leaving the plains of Sukna. Although modifications were made to fix the glitch, the problem persisted. The coaches had been kept at the DHR loco shed in Siliguri Junction since then.
“The coaches tend to jerk when they encounter the curves. We cannot put travellers at risk by introducing these coaches for regular runs. So, we decided to remove the vestibules and convert the coaches into regular ones that are currently running on the DHR tracks,” said the official.
A few years ago, the Unesco heritage railway had to discard another technology to run the toy trains. Oil-fired engines were brought in to replace steam locomotives to save cost and time, but they were found unsuitable for the uphill rails. Two oil-fired engines were brought in 2002 and after all efforts to modify them failed, they were turned into steam locomotives in 2009.
The DHR authorities admitted that it would suffer losses because of the unsuitability of the vestibule coaches for the hill tracks.
“Since the vestibule coaches don’t serve the purpose of the hill railway, we have to convert them into regular ones. We need to spend some money for that. In that way, it is a loss for the DHR,” said a DHR official. He said the coaches would be configured after the railway budget of the next fiscal was passed in Parliament.
Rich in cash, human drama
Seema Roy and her elder son Pintu at their Malda home on Friday. Picture by Surajit Roy |
A bidi supplier and construction material trader from Murshidabad today staked claim to the cash in the bag, which was found in a train and reported by Seema Roy, a cleaning lady, at Malda Town station.
Shahjahan Biswas said he was travelling with his nephew Matiur Rahman from Sealdah to Malda yesterday in the Gour Express. The 34-year-old nephew apparently left the bag behind by mistake.
The uncle said his nephew was “shocked and ashamed” at his “carelessness”.
“We had boarded the AC coach on Wednesday night with seven bags, including the one that contained the money to buy land. I had asked Matiur to look after the bags. We got off at Malda station and headed for our home. It was only late last night that we realised that one bag was missing,” Shahjahan told The Telegraph.
“My nephew is in a state of shock. He is so ashamed at his carelessness that he is not even speaking to me. Ours is a family business and Matiur, being my elder brother’s son, is one of the owners,” Shahjahan added.
Several attempts by the newspaper to speak to Matiur failed as he did not take the calls.
Once the loss sunk in, Shahjahan contacted local Congress MLA and municipal chairman Krishnendu Choudhuri. “He told us not to worry as he had learnt from the media that the money had been found and deposited with police and that he would take up the matter today,” Shahjahan said.
Shahjahan said there was “no question” of scolding Matiur. “It is as much his money as it is mine. Besides, these days if you scold a youngster you don’t know what he might do. You hear all these tragic stories of young people taking their lives after bring scolded.”
Shahjahan said he was “grateful” to Seema, who has to look after two sons with her Rs 9,000 monthly salary. She got the railway job after her husband passed away.
“I have come to know that her elder son is unemployed. I am willing to offer him a job in my company and give her a handsome monetary reward. Her act of honesty is rare these days. I will meet the family and thank them,” Shahjahan said.
For Seema, life continued as usual today. Cooking food on an earthen stove in her one-room tiled hut in Malda’s Coolie Para after returning from work, the widow said she had “no expectations” but her unemployed 24-year-old elder son would be “very happy” to get a job.
Seema said she was “simply being honest and doing my duty”. “I have no expectations from anyone. I may be poor but I am honest. I have dignity and prestige.”
Told of Shahjahan’s job offer, Seema said: “First let the offer be made to us, then we shall see. Rich people make a lot of promises. But I’m sure my son will be very happy if he gets a job. I did whatever I thought was right. I have made no demand in return. I have nothing more to say.”
Ravindra Kumar Gupta, the manager of Eastern Railway’s Malda division, said Seema would be given a reward of Rs 2,000. “She has made the entire Malda division proud.”
Shahjahan today visited the office of the Government Railway Police in Malda town to claim the Rs 23 lakh. The police asked Shahjahan to apply to the district court to get the money back.
“I have submitted a challan issued by our office in Calcutta stating the number of thousand and five-hundred-rupee notes in the bag. This can be matched by the court with the contents of the bag,” Shahjahan said.
News in brief
ABAVP will organise an anti GATA rally next week in Dooars. A source said that all anti GJM organisations like Terai Dooars nagarik manch , BOBBC may support this rally.
Siliguri will be a commisionerate.
Swajan Dewan a student of first year political science of Presidency College staying at Hindu hostel tried to take his life by cutting nerves of his wrist. Dewan of Tripura was fed up with the ragging of SFI members of his college.
In protest against the closure notice of the management of Panighatta Tea garden the labourers are staging a 24 hr relay hunger strike from today.
SDF man files RS papers
TT, Gangtok, Jan. 20: Former minister Hissey Lachungpa is set to be elected to the Rajya Sabha with the ruling Sikkim Democratic Front endorsing him as a candidate for the election to the lone seat for the state in the Upper House.
Lachungpa filed his nominations today and his election to Rajya Sabha is almost certain as all 32 MLAs in the Sikkim Assembly are from the SDF. Today was the last day for filing nominations and the scrutiny will take place tomorrow. The last day for the withdrawal of nominations is January 23.
Tea garden
TT, Alipurduar: The Dalmore Tea Estate in Birpara-Madarihat block will reopen on Monday. The decision was taken at a meeting in the office of assistant labour commissioner in Birpara on Friday. Rupinder Singh Ranawat, the general manager of the estate, said representatives of workers had offered cooperation to the management to run the garden. Citing lawlessness, the management had suspended work in the plantation with 1,266 workers on September 26 last year.
Four get life
TT, Alipurduar: Four persons were sentenced to life imprisonment by a court here on Friday for lynching a tea garden worker who had been branded a sorcerer. The verdict was delivered by the additional district and sessions judge of the fast track first court. Chaitu Oraon of Joy Birpara Tea Estate in Birpara-Madarihat block was murdered by nine persons on September 11, 2000. The five others were minors and are being tried in the juvenile court in Cooch Behar.
Morcha looks beyond Bengal....Life sentence...23 lakh found in train....Life sentence....Govt slams Tea Board for closed plantations....State ignores GJM call for fresh Hill stir
Bimal Gurung: Over to Uttarakhand |
GNLF president Subash Ghising to take Govt to Court
Amitava Banerjee, HT, Darjeeling, January 20, 2012: If Gorkha National Liberation Front (GNLF) Supremo Subash Ghising has his way, he is all set to drag the Union and West Bengal Governments to the court for the non-implementation of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) of which both were signatories. Ghising has been making frequent trips to Delhi to consult legal experts in this regard. On the other hand Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) President Bimal Gurung has threatened to resurrect the Gorkhaland agitation if the Government fails to form the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA) within March 27, 2012.
On December 6, 2005, a Memorandum of Understanding had been signed between the Centre, State and GNLF President Subash Ghising to accord a 6th Schedule status to the Darjeeling Hills. However with the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) being floated by dissident GNLF leader Bimal Gurung in October 2007 riding piggyback on the Gorkhaland demand finally led to the ouster of Ghising, the GNLF and the 6th Schedule demand from the Hills.
A fresh Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) was signed between the State, Centre and the GJM on July 18, 2011, for the formation of Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA,) an autonomous administrative body to replace the existing Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council. This MOA paved way for the passing of a GTA Bill by the West Bengal Assembly. The Bill is at present under inter-ministerial consultation. Following a green signal from the ministries, the Bill will require an assent from the President of India. A GNLF source stated that Ghising has decided to knock on the doors of the apex court, questioning as to why the Government has failed to honour its own MOU to grant a 6th Schedule status to the Darjeeling Hills.
“Subash Ghising has been meeting Supreme Court lawyers to seek legal opinion on this matter. Whatever be the outcome the GNLF party has decided to seek legal recourse” stated the source. Meanwhile a jittery GJM has threatened to resurrect the separate state demand if the Government fails to form the GTA within March 27, 2012. GJM President Bimal Gurung has made an announcement to this effect at Jamuney near Darjeeling on Tuesday evening. After his ouster from the Hills in 2008, Ghising had returned back to Darjeeling from his political exile in Jalpaiguri on April 8, 2011. The GNLF in an attempt to regroup had even fielded candidates in the three hill constituencies in the last Assembly elections. However after being routed in all the three seats (Darjeeling, Kurseong and Kalimpong) Ghising had made a silent retreat to Jalpaiguri on May 16, 2011.
Ghising is planning to come out of the political hibernation to make yet another public appearance in Mirik under the Kurseong sub division of the Darjeeling district. Aimed at sensitizing the public on the benefits of the 6th Schedule, the party has planned a similar meetings across the Hills. “We will hold public meetings all over the Hills starting with Mirik in February. President, Subash Ghisingh, will soon announce the dates for the meetings. He will also be present in the meetings.” stated Arjun Rai, the convener of the GNLF’s Mirik area. The GNLF have already initiated ground work, specially in the Mirik area. Rai had recently held meetings with GNLF village chiefs of the Mirik area.
News in Brief:
23 lakh found in train
KalimNews: A bag full of Indian currency worth Rs 23 lakh was found by a sweeper Sima Roy in an AC compartment 09041 of Gaur Express (up). On sweeping the compartment in the car shed the black bag was founded by Sima and handed over to Kalu Mohammed of GRPF which was later deposited to his superior in Malda division station.Sima is a widow and has two sons. A bidi company has claimed the bag and both Sima and Kalu will be rewarded announced the GRPF officials.
Firing arrest
TT, Alipuduar: An ex-army man was arrested from Birpara on Thursday evening after he fired four rounds in the air from his gun during an argument with a shop keeper. After the firing, local people caught Hareram Singh and handed him over to police. The police said one round of live cartridges was recovered from him. Singh has claimed that he had a licence for the gun. He will be produced in the court on Friday.
Life sentence
TT, Jalpaiguri: Rupesh Lohar, a resident of Gairkata, was sentenced to life imprisonment for killing his neighbour on September 16, 2005. Pratiklal Jha, the additional public prosecutor, said Lohar used to beat up his wife often and he had attacked Nanka Roy and his brother when they tried to save her one day. Nanka died on the spot and Lohar was arrested two days after the incident. The additional sessions judge, fast track second court, has also slapped a fine of Rs 10,000 on Lohar. If he fails to pay the amount, he will have to spend six more months in prison.
High power committee will meet on 27 January at Kolkata regarding the inclusion of Doaars and Terai in the GTA. Roshan Giri and L.B.Pariyar will represent the GJM in the meeting.
Govt slams Tea Board for closed plantations
Mr Jiban Oraon (57), an allegedly malnourished tea worker and Mrs Joshoda Oraon (60), suffering from liver problem, are undergoing treatment at the district hospital.
Following the death of nine tea workers at Dheklapara owing to alleged starvation over the past few months (official records show only six tea workers have died) government officials, including north Bengal development affairs minister Mr Gautam Deb, alleged that the tea board members were reluctant to take any initiative to revive the closed tea estates.
Reacting to minister Mr Deb’s comment, one of the tea board officials in Siliguri said the government should take proper initiative in the interest of the workers of the abandoned tea plantations.
Sources said the state might approach the Centre to take action against the tea planters on the basis of the Tea Act 1953 in connection with fund diversion and other financial irregularities.
A total of seven tea gardens are closed in the Hills, Terai and Dooars. “The matter is under consideration of the state labour minister, Mr Purnendu Bose, and other top officials whether it will approach the Centre to take appropriate action since the state cannot exercise the Tea Act,” a senior departmental official said.
An official associated with the labour department said the tea board should keep a strict vigil on the planters in the interest of the labourers.
After visiting Dheklapara Tea Estate thrice, Mr Deb said: “Congress MLAs and leaders, who are members of the tea board should take up the matter with the Centre to resolve the crisis in the tea plantations in the interest of jobless workers. However, they are completely reluctant.”
The deputy director of Tea Board in Siliguri, Mr KK Bhattacharya, said: “The top tea board officials usually implement the Tea Act 1953. We cannot do anything from our level.”
Mr Bhattacharya said: “Can the Tea Board take over a closed tea garden? We only assist tea plantations in various forms to develop tea industries. We have nothing to do when a tea plantation is closed due to litigation. The state should take up various programmes for the betterment of the tea plantation workers.” The tea board has made security arrangements for the protection of assets of the Dheklapara Tea Estate following a Calcutta High Court order.
The Jalpaiguri chief medical officer of health, Dr Swapan Sarkar, said: “The condition of two tea workers, who are undergoing treatment at the district hospital, is critical. A few ailing tea workers are being treated at Birpara health centre.” “Not only at Dheklapara but tea workers associated with other tea estates are also suffering,” said Dr Sarkar. “Tea workers at Lankapara, Tulshipara, Dalmore, Singhnia and other areas in the Dooars are suffering from chikungunya and dengue. However, there is no death report. We are trying to combat the situation,” said Dr Sarkar.
State ignores GJM call for fresh Hill stir
Dialy Pioneer, SAUGAR SENGUPTA, KOLKATA, 18 JANUARY 2012 : The Bengal Government refused to react to a warning issued by Gorkha Janmukti Morcha president Bimal Gurung when he fixed a deadline for the implementation of the GTA accord by March-end failing which fresh agitations would start in the Hills.
Bengal Minister for North Bengal Affairs Gautam Deb said all sides were working towards the implementation of the accord, adding Government and the GJM leadership were in constant touch on the sensitive issue.
“The proposed Gorkhaland Territorial Administration will have to be in place by March 27, otherwise the Hill people will take recourse to fresh agitation,” Gurung said. The Government sources refused to attach much importance to Gurung’s statements linking it to the “timing” when it was made. According to sources, Gurung wanted to bring pressure on the Justice Shyamal Sen Committee working to determine the territory of the GTA. The Committee was meeting in Kolkata.
Gurung had said that the Hill people would start a movement for a separate Gorkhaland State rejecting the GTA movement if the Government failed to implement the Accord and a Gorkhaland Territorial Administration in place.
GTA was to include apart from the Hill sub-divisions of Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong about 400 moujas from the adjoining Dooars and plains with sizeable population of Gorkhas but largely inhabited by the Bengalis and tribal people. These people are opposing inclusion of the plain lands into the GTA. The GTA Accord was signed by CM Mamata Banerjee and GJM leader Roshan Giri in presence of the Union Home Minister P Chidambaram.
There was no question of the GJM extending the deadline, said Giri, adding the Hill outfit was of the opinion that the Committee was working slowly and expected it to work fast and resolve the territorial issue.
Wednesday, January 18, 2012
Murder in Jorethang... Youth found murdered in Kalimpong.....DMs to scan contours of plains mouzas - Morcha cites adivasi support to argue against demographic profiling of plains pockets...Buxla takes charge of rail passenger service...Govt mulls monthly allowance for closed tea garden workers
News in Brief
Tremor in Sikkim
KalimNews: A light tremor measuring 3.4 Richter scale was recorded in Sikkim at 19.42.hr 52 sec on 18 January. The location of the tremor was at latitude 27.3 degree longitude 88.5 degree east . As the intensity was slight no report of any damage is received.
Gurung visit to Dooars
GJM President Bimal Gurung will lay the foundation stone of Gorkha Bhavan at Chamurchi in the central Dooars during his visit to Dooars in February. A sarva dharma rite will be conducted at Sibshu from 13 to 19 February near the site where 3 GJM supporters were shot dead by West Bengal police on 8 February 2011.
DMs to scan contours of plains mouzas - Morcha cites adivasi support to argue against demographic profiling of plains pockets

“This would be a first step,” said Shankar Adhikari, the Morcha’s convener of the Terai unit who is on the committee.
“Then would follow the more complex task of verifying whether they (the mouzas) are Gorkha dominated or not. Unless these areas are contiguous it would be difficult to include them in the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration. So we shall first study this aspect and then move forward. The district magistrates will be given 10 days to complete the map,” he added.
The committee’s decision comes a day after Morcha chief Bimal Gurung threatened to re-start the statehood agitation unless the GTA was implemented by March 27.
Sources in the state government doubted whether the committee could achieve the task of verifying if the mouzas were Gorkha-dominated before that. The government had initially given the committee a deadline of six months to submit its report. As the deadline will expire in February, the committee is expected to ask the government for more time.
“The verification (if the mouzas are Gorkha dominated) would be time-consuming process and we have not even started it yet. In fact, it is the verification process that is becoming one of the biggest stumbling blocks in the formation of the GTA,” another Morcha leader who is on the committee said. “What is good, however, is that a start has been made and we can only go forward from here.”
The Morcha has asked for the inclusion of 196 mouzas in the Dooars and an equal number in the Terai in the GTA. The hill party has maintained that it would not accept the new administrative arrangement unless the territorial status was firmed up.
The committee is headed by retired judge Shyamal Sen and consists of four Morcha representatives, the district magistrates of Darjeeling and Jalpaiguri, a representative of the state home department, the director of census (representing the Centre) and the administrator of the Darjeeling Gorkha Hill Council.
Adhikari said the Morcha representatives argued today that it was not necessary to get the demographic profile of these mouzas as most of the adivasi leaders of the Dooars and the Terai had said they were willing to be part of the GTA.
“They have even signed a pact with the Morcha on this,” Adhikari said. “After this, getting a democratic profile of the mouzas is a futile exercise.”
Adhikari said after the committee was formed, the government had invited submissions from people to know if they wanted the areas to be brought under the GTA.
“Of the 719 public submissions made before the committee, 696 applications were in favour of being part of the GTA. Although the rest of the applications were against the merger of the mouzas with the GTA, eight of them were from various political parties,” said Adhikari.
Government sources said only 392 mouzas initially demanded by the Morcha would be considered and not the entire Dooars and the Terai that was subsequently demanded by the hill party.
The next meeting of the committee is likely to be held in February, though the date has not been fixed.
Buxla takes charge of rail passenger service
TT, Alipurduar, Jan. 18: Former MP and Trinamul leader Joachim Buxla today took charge as the chairman of a railway committee that looks after passenger services across the country and said he would focus on the late running of trains on the NJP-Alipurduar route.
Buxla takes charge in Alipurduar on Wednesday. Picture by Anirban ChoudhuryBuxla was accompanied by party supporters when he assumed charge in the office of Alipurduar railway division. |
“I am aware of the problems faced by passengers. If the train arrives late at Alipurduar Junction, it is really difficult for the passengers to reach their homes. Railways and forest officials are trying their best to solve the problem. I am also a director of the West Bengal Forest Development Corporation and now I can act as an intermediary between both the departments,” he said after assuming charge as the chief of the Passenger Services Committee of the Indian Railways.
The speed restriction was imposed on the trains after several elephants had been mowed down on tracks passing through the forests in the Dooars.
Buxla, who was a four-time RSP MP of Alipurduar, switched to Trinamul just before the last parliamentary elections. He was given the new task after Derek O’Brien resigned as the chairman of the panel following his election to Rajya Sabha. O’Brien quit the post as an MP cannot hold an office of profit.
Buxla said the Dooars was neglected in terms of railway development and he would try to promote tourism in the region. “The Dooars is far behind other areas in providing railway services. The railway minister has a plan to introduce circular rail in the region and I will discuss the matter with him. If more trains are introduced and connectivity is increased, tourism would get a boost in the Dooars and many youths would be employed.”
Tiger skin
TT, Siliguri: A resident of Nepal was arrested from Panitanki on Wednesday and a tiger skin was recovered from him. Naxalbari customs officials said Onchung Thakuri, 60, a resident of Lumbini in Nepal, was trying to smuggle the skin into the neighbouring country. “The estimated price of the skin is Rs 25 lakh in the international market. We have also recovered Rs 1.67 lakh and Nepali currency worth Rs 25, 000 from him,” said Jyotikumar Bubana, the assistant commissioner, Naxalbari customs division.
Govt mulls monthly allowance for closed tea garden workers
SNS, SILIGURI, 18 January 2012: After the death of six tea workers allegedly due to starvation, the state labour department has decided to provide financial assistance to all 484 permanent tea workers of the closed Dheklapara Tea Estate on a monthly basis.

The decision was taken following a report, which was submitted today by the additional labour commissioner, Mr Pashupati Ghosh. Mr Ghosh had visited the tea estate on 16 January. Administrative sources said the state labour department, considering the plight of the jobless tea workers, had planned to take action against the planters of the closed tea plantations, based on the Tea Act 1953, in connection with tea (marketing) control, creation of encumbrance or diversion of funds and other financial irregularities, following recommendations of departmental officials.
The labour commissioner today approved the proposal to provide FAWLOI to the next of kin of the four victims of the closed tea plantation at Dekhlapara in Alipurduar. The state labour department today confirmed that of the four permanent tea workers, who had rendered jobless and died owing to prolonged diseases and malnourishment, used to get the FAWLOI from the state government.
Notably, six tea workers died there over the past few months, one of the administrative officials said. The workers, whose families will receive financial aid, have been identified as Shil Tanti (53), Bijoy Tanti (35), Rangia Khera (50) and Pradhan Tanti (45). The FAWLOI would be given to the next of kin of the four victims up to the age of 58 (age of retirement) of the deceased.
“The district officials of our department will prepare document on spot so that the family members can receive the financial assistance as early as possible,” said the additional labour commissioner.
The state labour department’s records show that a total of 602 workers were associated with the Dhelkapara Tea Estate when it was closed. When the labour department had sought applications from the jobless tea workers a few years ago, a total of 493 workers were listed as beneficiaries. As of today a total of 484 permanent workers are receiving the FAWLOI. Of them four workers have died.
The causal tea workers in tea plantations are not entitled to claim the FAWLOI. In north Bengal, out of seven closed tea plantations, permanent tea workers associated with three gardens receive the FAWLOI.
The three closed tea plantations are Ringtone Tea Estate and Kanchen View Tea Estate in the Hills and Dheklapara Tea Estate in Alipurduar, Jalpaiguri. According to the labour department, four others ~ Panighata Tea Estate in the Terai, Dalsingpara Tea Estate, Dalmore Tea Estate and Turturi Tea Estate in the Dooars ~ have been closed recently due to litigation and conflict between the management and labour unions.
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Intense cold sweep Sikkim as temperature dips low....छत्रको सकियो अब विमलको पालो....GTA by March or state cry: Morcha - Deadline set before territory panel meet....Rs 70 crore for renovation of road to Sikkim....India & Nepal Discuss Cooperation to Curb Cross-Border Crimes .....Urban Poverty in Seven States of NE Region including Sikkim ....Sundas smells foul play in College Library construction...10 injured, SFI points assault finger at rivals....Ambuja crores for north tourism...Ray's 'Sikkim' DVDs to hit markets soon...Govt dismisses hunger deaths
Sundas smells foul play in College Library construction
D.K.Waiba, KalimNews, Kalimpong, January 17: "Any governmental construction should have followed proper departmental norms but college authority of Kalimpong College has tried to evade it. It didnot publish the tender notice in the news print and we doubt of foul play in the construction process." Addressing a press conference Tara Sundas, CPM leader of Kalimpong blamed the college authority of bye-passing the rules regarding the construction of College library.
Earlier Sundas had blamed the authority of starting the construction of the library by evading the tendering process and the construction was stopped. Later the college authority made tender notification regarding the construction but Sundas complained of violating the tender rules by not making the publication of tender in the news papers. "If the departmental procedures are not followed then I will take the matter to the court," challenged Sundas.
India & Nepal Discuss Cooperation to Curb Cross-Border Crimes
PIB, KalimNews: India & Nepal yesterday discussed cooperation in countering cross-border crimes & terrorist activities during Home Secretary level talks between the two countries. They discussed wide ranging issues including countering circulation of Fake Indian Currency Notes, smuggling of arms/ammunitions, trafficking of narcotics & psychotropic substances and misuse of SIM Cards. Sharing of information/ intelligence reports, progress in establishment of Integrated Check Posts and border roads and India’s support to training and capacity building of Nepal’s security apparatus were also discussed.
The Indian delegation was led by Shri R.K. Singh. Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of India and the Nepalese delegation was led by Shri Sushil Jung Bahadur Rana, Secretary, Ministry of Home Affairs, Government of Nepal. Shri R.K.Singh appreciated the assurance of Nepalese Government for not allowing its territory to be used for activities inimical to India’s interest and also assured Nepal of India’s commitment to provide all necessary cooperation and assistance.
The meeting was held in a cordial environment and both the countries expressed their satisfaction on the outcome of the issues deliberated during the meeting and hoped it will go a long way in addressing mutual security concerns, enhancing cooperation and friendly relations between the two countries.
छत्रको सकियो अब विमलको पालो
डी.के वाइबा, कालिमन्युज, कालेबुङ,17 जनवरी। छत्र सुब्बाले जे भने त्यही कुरा आज विमल गुरूङले पनि दोहोर्याएका छन्। तिनले आज जामुने कृषि पर्यटन मेलामा पत्रकारहरूले सोधेको उत्तर दिँदै भने, छत्र सुब्बासितको भेट सामान्य हो।

सामान्य मात्र बताएनन् तिनले जीटीए र गोर्खाल्याण्डप्रेमीबीच सैद्धान्तिकरुपमा मिलन हुन नसक्ने पनि बताएका थिए। यद्धपी यी दुइ
नेतृत्वको भेटलाई लिएर राजनैतिक बजार भने निक्कै तात्तियो।
विपक्षीहरूले यस भेटलाई सामान्य भेट नभनेर पूर्व नियोजित भेट हो भन्ने टिप्पणीहरू पनि दिए तर छत्र र विमलले भने यो भेटलाई सामान्य भेट मात्र रहेको बताएर विवाद र अड्कलबाजीहरूलाई समाप्त गर्न चाहेका छन्।
GTA by March or state cry: Morcha - Deadline set before territory panel meet
A Morcha fair at Jamuni on Tuesday. Jamuni is 17km from Darjeeling town. Picture by Suman Tamang |
Morcha chief Bimal Gurung has set a deadline of March 27, though he has not given any reason for choosing the particular date.
The pressure tactics came a day before the high powered territorial committee headed by Justice (retired) Shyamal Sen is scheduled to hold a meeting in Calcutta.
One of the major problems for the early implementation of the GTA is the delay by the committee in submitting its report on the Morcha’s demand for the inclusion of the Gorkha dominated areas of the Dooars and the Terai in the hill arrangement. The GTA cannot be implemented unless the territorial jurisdiction of the new body is firmed up.
Earlier in the day, a central committee member of the Morcha said: “We will wait only till March end. There is no question of waiting further.” He said the decision had the full endorsement of the Morcha president.
“If the agreement is not implemented by March 27 this year, we will reject it and begin a fresh agitation for Gorkhaland,” Gurung said in the evening.
Morcha general secretary Roshan Giri had raised the issue of the slow functioning of the territorial committee during a review meeting between the Centre, state and the Morcha in New Delhi on January 9. “The Union home ministry has directed state home secretary G.D. Gautama to look into our grievances and has directed him to ensure that the process is expedited,” Giri had said after the meeting.
The Morcha’s stand seems to be well-timed as rebel adivasi leader John Barla had said in Darjeeling yesterday that his community would launch an agitation from February end for the early settlement of the territory issue and the formation of the GTA.
“We along with the tea trade union of the Morcha are creating public awareness of the benefits of the GTA. If there is delay in forming the GTA, we will start an agitation from the plains by holding public meetings across the Dooars and Terai from February end,” said Barla.
That both the Morcha and Barla’s supporters are working in tandem was evident from the fact that the adivasi leader’s claim that all agitations would be held in consultation with each other.
In the wake of today’s development, the territorial meeting scheduled to be held tomorrow has also assumed much significance. Till date, the 10-member committee, which also consists of four Morcha representatives, had been finding it difficult to get the demographic break-up of the plains population. Sources said the director of census, who is also a member of the committee, has been asked to come up with a solution on this.
The other issue, which is delaying the formation of the GTA, is the Presidential assent to the GTA Bill that was passed in the Assembly on September 2.
Giri had earlier said: “The home ministry is waiting for an inter-ministerial report, which is expected to be submitted by January 16, 2011, following which the bill will be sent for Presidential assent.” Asked if the report had been submitted, Giri said: “I don’t have any intimation.”
GJM to launch stir from March 27
TNN | Jan 18, 2012: GOKE (DARJEELING): The bonhomie between the Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) and the state government is set to face a stiff ordeal with the former on Tuesday announcing that it would restart an agitation from March 27 for a separate state.
In recent months, GJM has been giving indications that they were not happy with the delay in the formation of the Gorkhaland Territorial Administration (GTA). "We have been left with no option but to restart our agitation. We will wait till March 27 and then announce our agitation," said Bimal Gurung, GJM president.
On Monday, John Barla, the ousted leader of Akhil Bharatiya Adivasi Vikash Parishad (ABAVP), had announced that he would start an agitation in the plains to pressure the government to include Terai and Dooars regions in the GTA. The ABAVP leader had also said he would start and awareness programme in the Terai and Dooars regions from February to educate people about the benefits of GTA.
"The delay in the formation of the GTA is unnecessary. This cannot go on any further," Gurung said on Tuesday. The youth wing of GJM has already started signature campaign and public meetings to garner support for a separate state. Asha Gurung, the president of GJM women wing, also lent her support to the cause.
The government has appointed a nine-member team to survey and verify the demand of GJM, but no reports have been submitted yet.
GJMM threatens fresh stir
SNS, KOLKATA, 17 January 2012: The Gorkha Jan Mukti Morcha (GJMM) president, Mr Bimal Gurung, this evening threatened re-launching the Gorkhaland statehood agitation if the Centre and the state government fail to form the proposed Gorkha Territorial Administration (GTA) by 27 March.
“Mr Gurung made the announcement while addressing a public gathering at Jamuni in Darjeeling. He said, if the Centre and the state fail to form the GTA by the given deadline, the tripartite agreement signed with the GJMM in this regard will be deemed invalid and an all-out agitation for a separate Gorkhaland state would be re-started,” the party's central committee leader, Mr Binay Tamag, said over phone. The tripartite agreement for the formation of GTA ~ an autonomous administrative body to govern the Gorkha-dominated areas in Darjeeling district and the adjoining areas ~ was inked on 18 July 2011 in presence of the Union home minister Mr P Chidambaram and chief minister Miss Mamata Banerjee.
Rs 70 crore for renovation of road to Sikkim
BIJOY GURUNG AND RAJEEV RAVIDAS, TT, Jan. 17: The Centre has sanctioned Rs 70 crore for the phase-wise renovation of NH31A at a time the Sikkim government has expressed its displeasure over the tardy pace of repair of the highway by the Border Roads Organisation.
A truck passes through a dilapidated stretch of NH31A at Likhubhir, 17km from Kalimpong. File picture |
The BRO said as much as Rs 51 crore would be spent to convert a 10km stretch from near Kali Jhora to a spot close to Lohapool under Kalimpong subdivision into a two-lane road.
Around Rs 17 crore is meant to strengthen the pavements between Ranipool and Gangtok, which are located about 12km apart.
“Rs 1.5 crore has been sanctioned to hire a consultancy firm to prepare a detailed project report (DPR) on the proposed 1km-long bridge at Rangpo, the main entry point to Sikkim,” said a news release issued by the BRO.
The BRO has been repairing the highway for the past one-and-a-half years and it will start the two new projects very soon.
“While the first two projects will be taken up very shortly, the third one will be in the pipeline only when the consultancy submits the detailed project report and the estimate is approved by the appropriate authority,” said the release.
A 19-km stretch of the road between Rangpo and Gangtok is being renovated now, while the BRO is working on a phase-wise development of a 52-km stretch in the Kalimpong subdivision.
“We have started constructing a bypass between 20km and 27km (roughly between Reang and Ravi Jhora). The DPR on the renovation of the stretch between 27km and 28km (between Ravi Jhora and the Teesta bridge) is already with the ministry (of road transport and highways),” said a BRO official.
He added that a DPR was being prepared for the renovation of the 24-km stretch between Teesta Bazar and Rangpo also.
“While the DPR for the 6-km stretch between near Lohapool and Reang was submitted to the ministry, the feasibility study for the proposed viaduct near Lohapool has been approved,” said the official.
However, the viaduct project had run into rough weather with people of Lohapool and Suntaley opposing the plan, saying they would lose their livelihood.
The viaduct will skirt the two villages where people earn a livelihood by running shops patronised by vehicles plying on the highway.
The BRO has come under attack from the Sikkim government, which complained to the Centre about the delay in the renovation of NH31A.
A Sikkim government news release said chief minister Pawan Chamling had met Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and finance minister Pranab Mukherjee in New Delhi yesterday and complained to them about the “deplorable” condition of the road and the “tardy progress” of work undertaken by the BRO.
“Mukherjee had assured the chief minister to take up the matter with the BRO and direct that repair and improvement works are expedited and quality is ensured by the BRO,” said the release.
Ambuja crores for north tourism
AVIJIT SINHA, TT, Siliguri, Jan. 17: The Bengal Ambuja Group will invest Rs 100 crore in three tourism projects in north Bengal, minister Gautam Deb today said.
A fourth project, by the developers of the Uttarayon Township here, will be in Sikkim.
The chief minister, too, will announce a wide range of projects, quite a few of them in the tourism sector, when she visits the region next month.
“The chief minister would announce new facilities for the people of north Bengal when she reaches here on February 10. Her plans include a regional centre for disaster management, supplemented by a fire station, at Naxalbari. The centre will offer training as well as function during natural calamities and emergencies like the earthquakes,” said Deb, the north Bengal development minister.
Mamata’s visit will also kick off a campaign to bolster Trinamul’s fortunes in north Bengal, a Congress bastion. Trinamul sources had earlier said she would chalk out a strategy to make her party’s presence felt in the region.
In the tourism sector, Deb said, the chief minister will announce the opening of additional accommodation — tents in specified locations — in Gorumara National Park and Jaldapara wildlife sanctuary. “Morgan House, a property owned by the tourism department in Kalimpong, and another government accommodation in the same area would be renovated. The website of our department is almost ready and the chief minister will launch it during the visit,” the minister said.
About the Bengal Ambuja investment, Deb said: “The group will shortly invest in projects at Lataguri, Makaibari and Ghoom in north Bengal.”
Mamata is also expected to make announcements on office infrastructure at the chief minister’s secretariat that will come up in Siliguri. “We have finalised a plot at Kamrangaguri, close to New Jalpaiguri station, for the secretariat and have submitted the details to the CMO. The construction of a second circuit house, considering the frequent movements of ministers and officials, is also necessary,” said Deb.
He said 38 projects, spread across six north Bengal districts and sanctioned by the government, would start by March 31.
“We have sought expression of interest for execution of projects. On the basis of responses made by competent enterprises, seven public sector undertakings have been shortlisted for the task. The tender process would commence soon,” Deb said. He said a process was on to recruit 17 engineers for the North Bengal Development Council and strengthen the engineering cell to facilitate the completion of 370 ongoing projects.
The projects had been started by the Left Front government but were not completed, Deb said.
10 injured, SFI points assault finger at rivals
TT, Siliguri, Jan. 17: Ten SFI supporters, six of them girls, were allegedly beaten up by Trinamul Congress and Chhatra Parishad members at Siliguri College today.
Siliguri College premises after the clash on Tuesday. Picture by Kundan Yolmo |
“The Trinamul Chhatra Parishad members, most of them outsiders, did not even spare our girls. A number of them were assaulted. We have informed police about it in detail,” said Sourav Das, the district secretary of the SFI.
The clash is the latest in campus violence reported across the state and in north Bengal in particular. On January 5, the principal of Raiganj University College in North Dinajpur was beaten up allegedly by Trinamul supporters.
Trinamul and Chhatra Parishad have denied the charges. They said they had protested when an SFI supporter, who is not a student of the college, entered the campus violating election rules laid down by the institution. They said SFI kicked up a fuss because of their protest.
The atmosphere charged up minutes after the college had started distributing the nomination forms around 10.30am. Supporters of the SFI and Trinamul and CP had assembled on either side of the gate shouting slogans against each other. Only students of the college who will collect nomination forms were being allowed to enter after showing their identity cards.
The election to the 45 seats of the students’ union has been scheduled for February 4.
The SFI alleged that the Trinamul and the Congress’s student wing — the two parties are partners in the state and allies at the Centre — had initially prevented one of their supporters from collecting nomination form.
“Trinamul and CP supporters threatened him with dire consequences if he contested the election as an SFI candidate. When we asked the police to intervene, they spoke to Trinamul supporters who did not let the boy go. He felt so intimidated by their gherao that he refused to collect the form later,” said Sagar Sharma, the unit secretary of SFI in the college.
Around 50 policemen and combat personnel had been posted on the campus since morning.
“After the distribution of the forms ended at 2am, our supporters were coming out of the gate when a group of around 50 Trinamul and CP supporters attacked them. They were punched and beaten up,” said SFI leader Das.
The police separated the two groups and barricaded the area in front of the gate.
“But some of the Chhatra Parishad and Trinamul supporters broke the barricade and attacked us again. They know they will not be able to win the election, so they have resorted to the tactics of violence,” Das added.
The SFI blocked Hashmi Chowk for 45 minutes demanding the arrest of the culprits. An FIR has been filed against the attackers.
Trinamul claimed that the SFI was levelling “baseless allegations” to cover up an outsider’s entry.
“All allegations levelled against us are false. The SFI has no supporters in the college and they are forcing students to contest election as their candidates. Today when we spotted an outsider queuing up for the form, we protested. The SFI then started shouting that we had assaulted them. We have lodged an FIR against the SFI worker from outside,” said Nirnay Roy, the district president of the Trinamul Chhatra Parishad.
Additional superintendent of the police Amit P. Javalgi said he was looking into the charges levelled by both sides.
Committee to monitor condition of tea workers
SNS, KOLKATA/SILIGURI, 17 JAN: Denying the recent starvation deaths at the closed tea estate, the state government has formed a committee for round-the-clock monitoring of the condition of workers of closed tea gardens.
The committee, comprising the district magistrate and officials of labour and north Bengal development departments, will visit the closed tea gardens regularly and supervise the health conditions of the workers. It will also inquire whether the workers are entitled to receive benefits under any Central scheme.
State labour minister Purnendu Basu said financial assistance would henceforth be provided to workers of locked-out tea gardens on a monthly basis, instead of after a gap of three to six months.
Countering the allegation of Revolutionist Socialist Party leaders on the deaths, Mr Basu said a thorough inquiry had been conducted into the matter. “The government has taken necessary measures for the welfare of the workers and a section of the politically-motivated people have been creating an unnecessary issue out of it,” he said.
The Jalpaiguri chief medical officer of health, Dr Swapan Sarkar, said: “The jobless tea workers are suffering from prolonged illnesses due to lack of proper food.” A report submitted by the district magistrate revealed that the deceased workers were suffering from psoriasis, prolonged diarrhoea and gastric ulcers. The Birpara block medical officer has set up an outdoor department for health check-ups of the poor labourers. It has taken up the initiative to collect their blood samples and diagnose diseases.
The state labour department has planned to provide financial assistance to the families of three of the six Dheklapara Tea Estate workers, who have died of malnutrition and prolonged illness in Alipurduar in the past few months.
Meanwhile, the additional labour commissioner, Mr Pashupati Ghosh, said: “According to rules, a jobless tea worker is entitled to financial assistance up to 58 years. As such, three of the deceased six who died jobless were to receive Rs 1,500 every month. We are preparing a report so that their families receive their due."
Mr Ghosh said the workers of the tea estate, which was closed due to litigation over rights of possession of the plantation, are being deprived of provident fund and gratuity in the absence of proper management. The north Bengal development affairs minister, Mr Gautam Deb, held a meeting with the administrative officials yesterday to provide other assistance. He said he would take up the matter with higher authorities to resolve the litigation outside court.
Ray's 'Sikkim' DVDs to hit markets soon
Priyanka Dasgupta, TNN | Jan 18, 2012: KOLKATA: Your wait to watch Satyajit Ray's 1971 documentary titled "Sikkim" will get over within a few days. Come Thursday and Angel Video will come up with DVDs and VCDs of the Ray documentary that was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India.
"Six months back, we got in touch with the Art and Culture Trust of Sikkim to procure the rights of the documentary. We have been chasing the authorities for the past one and a half years to transfer the rights. Initially, they weren't sure if they should part with the rights. Finally, we told that holding back the rights is only denying people the opportunity to see a cult work. They were finally convinced when we told them that we had the rights of 11 famous Ray movies, including "Pather Panchali", "Hirak Rajar Deshe" and "Sonar Kella", among others," said Akash Tantiya, director (sales & marketing), Angel Video.
Tantiya, however, was reluctant to reveal the amount the company had to shell out to procure the rights. "The market price is high for any Ray film. But we were willing to pay the amount. The Trust took the print from the British company and gave handed it over to us," he said.
Meanwhile, Sandip Ray is happy with the news of the launch. "The original negative couldn't be traced. It's with the queen of Sikkim, Hope Cook. She is now in America and is quite a recluse. "Sikkim" was her baby. The Chogyals were a great fan of Baba and we tried hard to track down Cook to retrieve the negatives. We got in touch with a company called Gemini. People out there checked the logbook and told us that the negatives should be with her. Despite writing to her on a number of occasions, she didn't respond. Fortunately, a London distributor of Baba's movies - Contemporary Films - had a print. I'm told even Brown University has a print.
Though I've not seen this print, I suppose it is quite good and in viewable condition. In 2003, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science had done a basic chemical restoration of the documentary and it was subsequently screened at a festival in France in 2008 during a Ray Retrospective. The last time we spoke to the Academy authorities, we were told that they would want to digitally restore both "Kanchenjunga" and "Sikkim" properly. That's yet to be done and also involves a lot of money. Even today, no negatives of "Kanchenjunga" are available," Ray said. Tantiya, however, claimed, "The print of "Sikkim" that we have has been digitally restored and is in excellent condition."
Meanwhile, Ray still doesn't know why the screening of "Sikkim" was stopped at the 2010 Kolkata Film Festival. "I wasn't in town then and the abrupt stalling of the screening is still a mystery for me," he said. But all that is past and he is now looking forward to the launch function at Nandan that will also be graced by Goutam Ghose, among others.It's time to rejoice for those who always wished but never got a chance to watch Satyajit Ray's 1971 documentary titled "Sikkim". Come Thursday and Angel Video is coming up with DVDs and VCDs of the Ray documentary that was commissioned by the Chogyal (King) of Sikkim at a time when he felt the sovereignty of Sikkim was under threat from both China and India.
Says Akash Tantiya, director, sales and marketting, Angel Video, "Six months back, we got in touch with the Art and Culture Trust of Sikkim to procure the rights of the documentary. We have been chasing the authorities for the past one-and-a-half years to transfer the rights.
Initially, they weren't sure that they wanted to part with the rights or not. Finally, we told that not parting with the rights is only denying people the opportunity to see a cult work. We told them that we had the rights of 11 famous Ray movies, including "Pather Panchali", "Hirak Rajar Deshe", "Sonar Kella" and "Kanchenjungha", among others. That convinced them."
Tantiya, however, is reluctant to reveal how much the company had to shell out to procure the rights. "The market price is high for any Ray film. But, we were willing to pay the amount. Art and Culture Trust of Sikkim took the print from the British company gave that to us for our DVD and VCD making purposes," he says.
Meanwhile, Sandip Ray is happy with the news of the launch. "The original negative can't be traced. It's with the queen of Sikkim, Hope Cook. She is now in America and is quite a recluse. "Sikkim" was her baby. The Chogyals were a great fan of Baba and we tried hard to track down Cook to retrieve the negatives. We got in touch with a company called Gemini. The people out there checked the logbook and told us that the negatives should be with her. Despite writing to her on a number of occasions, she didn't respond. Fortunately, there was a London distributor of Baba's movies called Contemporary Films. This company had a print. I'm told even Brown University has a print.
Though I've not seen this print, I suppose, it is quite good and in viewable condition. In 2003, the Academy of Motion Pictures Arts and Science had done a basic chemical restoration of the documentary and it was subsequently screened at a festival in France in 2008 during a Ray Retrospective. The last time we spoke to the Academy authorities, we were told that they would want to digitally restore both "Kanchenjunga" and "Sikkim" properly. That's yet to be done and also involves a lot of money. Even today, no negatives of "Kanchenjunga" are available." Tantiya, however, claims, "The print of "Sikkim" that we have has been digitally restored and is in excellent condition."
Meanwhile, Ray still doesn't know why the screening of "Sikkim" was stopped at the 2010 Kolkata Film Festival. "I wasn't in town then and the abrupt stalling of the screening is still a mystery for me," he says. But all that is past and he is now looking forward to launch function at Nandan that will also be graced by Goutam Ghose, among others.
Urban Poverty in Seven States of NE Region including Sikkim :
PIB, KalimNews: No separate survey has been conducted, however, with a view to identify those below poverty line, Government of India has launched the combined Rural-Urban Socio-Economic and Caste Census (SECC) in June, 2011 throughout the country including North-Eastern States and Sikkim. The State/UT Governments have already initiated the SECC with financial and technical support of Government of India.
Under Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana (SJSRY) meant to address issues of employment, skill training and community development of the urban poor, the funding for North-Eastern States including Sikkim is shared between the Centre and the States in the ratio of 90:10, considering the lack of financial resources with the States in the region. This Ministry is also implementing the scheme of 10% lumpsum provision for the benefit of North-Eastern Region including Sikkim. Projects benefiting the urban poor and low income groups are provided support under the central pool. Community market, Slum re-development, multipurpose resource centres, community sanitation works, etc. are some of the areas which are covered under the scheme.
Statements showing progress of SJSRY and 10% NER Scheme in the North-Eastern Region including Sikkim in last three years and the current years are Annexure-I to II respectively.
If I was Anna...
J.N. Manokaran, KalimNews: Anna Hazare and Team Anna highlighted corruption and demanded a law to eradicate corruption in India. A lofty ideal however did not succeed. If I were in Anna’s position, what would I have done?
1. I will do a personal examination, if I am corrupt. Do I keep my own standards, leave alone the standards expected by God and His Scripture. I may not be corrupt in terms of money, but corrupt in terms of power, ego...etc. Am I intolerant to others and use violence as means to correct people. (Like thrashing drunkards).
2. I would pay all my taxes regularly and sincerely. I will not buy a thing in the market if the seller does not give me a receipt. I will not receive any land/real estate transaction money in cash but only cheque. I will pay the tax in full as a responsible citizen.
3. As far as possible, I will pay by cheque and not cash that includes all consumer goods, assets, jewel...etc.
4. I will not give donation to any political party. If at all I give, I will not demand favour and also pay only by cheque.
5. I will not pay any bribe, however small to any police or Government official or politician for getting things done. It could be for documents like birth certificate; permission for construction; getting domestic gas connection...etc. I will joyfully suffer delay, loss of privileges or loss of opportunities.
6. I will not receive or pay any dowry for the marriage of my children and would not participate in any marriage among my relatives and friends where dowry transaction has happened.
7. I will not follow consumerist culture by upgrading my phones or cars often. I will not switch to newer version of phone or laptop or car until these things really breaks down.
8. I will not mobilize volunteer by hate – ‘Hate Politicians’ but by love – for nation, society and all citizens including Dalits, Tribals, women and minorities.
9. I will select volunteers for this movement only when they affirm and take an oath to follow these values in their personal and family life.
10. I will select a team of leaders from among the volunteers who have highest moral standards and credibility in the eyes of public for integrity and transparent life.
11. Before demanding a law, I will mobilize my volunteers at the grass root level to ensure the Public Distribution System (PDS shops), Public Health Centres (PHCs), and Government schools function optimally, regularly and consistently. If that happens well for next five to ten years, there won’t be illiteracy, hunger, malnutrition or poverty.
12. Instead of spending Rs. 80 lakhs to glamorize the fast, I would have adopted 80 rural schools and would have white-washed, installed benches, black boards and toilets in those schools.
May be Anna and his team should go on a private fast, evaluate themselves and their movement and come up with positive, constructive and nation-building ideas and contribute for the progress of our nation.
First water eats up potato - barrage canal wreaks havoc
TT, Jalpaiguri, Jan. 17: About 800 hectares of standing potato were destroyed when water from the Teesta Barrage was released for the first time to the extended right canal earlier this month.
The potato and paddy fields along the right bank canal of the Teesta Barrage Project in Jalpaiguri. Picture by Biplab Basak |
Farmers who had cultivated potatoes said they had no inkling that the fields would be flooded.
“I have been growing potato all these years and those who cultivate paddy used water from deep tube-wells to irrigate their fields. I opted for potato cultivation this year, too, as the crop required less water. But suddenly, the fields were flooded by water from the Teesta Barrage. I do not know what to do now,” said Sahabuddin Miyan of Kranti in Malbazar.
Dipak Roy, another farmer of Charakdangi in Sadar block, had a similar experience. “Most of us did not get any information from the agriculture department about the water discharge,” he said.
The barrage authorities said they had informed the agriculture department well in advance that water would be released through the right bank canal for paddy fields in the two blocks.
The superintending engineer of the Teesta Barrage Project, Gautam Chatterjee, said the Malbazar and Sadar blocks, had a canal network of only 17km till one year back.
“However, we increased the command area of the barrage project and the two blocks have a combined canal network of 41km now. We had informed the agriculture department in September last year that we would start releasing water from the beginning of January. There was ample time for them to ask farmers not to grow anything other than paddy,” said Chatterjee. He said if the water had not been discharged through the right canal, bodo paddy cultivation on about 4,500 hectares could have failed.
The district agriculture department admitted that it had been informed by the irrigation authorities about the water release from the Teesta barrage.
“On our part, we had informed all block and panchayat offices to spread the word to alert the farmers,” said Tapan Sarkar, the crop protection officer of the district.
He said the farmers might have opted for potato cultivation encouraged by higher profits in the previous year.
“It seems that last year’s successful potato cultivation had encouraged other farmers also to grow the crop. It is clear from the fact that the area of potato cultivation had gone up from 30,000 hectares last season to 34,000 hectares this year. Another thing is that paddy takes at least five months to harvest, potato can be harvested in two months. It is unfortunate that potatoes on about 800 hectares have been flooded,” said Sarkar.
Govt dismisses hunger deaths
ENS, Kolkata, Jsnuary 18 2012 : Dismissing the Left Front’s allegations that nine workers of closed Dekhlapara tea garden in Jalpaiguri died of starvation over the past one month, state Labour Minister Purnendu Basu on Tuesday accused the Opposition of indulging in “politics of falsehood” as the government is already supplying food to the people in the area and financial assistance to the employees of the closed tea garden.
A few days ago, RSP, a constituent of the Left Front, had said that nine workers of the tea garden died of starvation and had blamed on the government’s “utter negligence”.
Addressing a press conference in Kolkata, Basu claimed 484 workers of closed industries in the state have received monetary assistance under Financial Assistance for Workers of Locked Out Industries (FAWLI) and Jalpaiguri DM’s report stated that deaths were caused by various diseases like cirrhosis of liver, ulcers etc..
“In November and December each of the 484 workers of the closed tea garden received a total of Rs 15,000. Workers of the Dekhlapara tea garden have received monetary grants. Starvation like situation does not prevail there,” Basu said, adding, he sent an inspection team to the tea garden a day after the reports of starvation deaths.
The team, the minister said, reported him that two medical camps were organised in the tea garden in the last five months. “Instead of indulging in politics of falsehood, the Opposition should have gone there with whatever food stock they had,” he said. The government is planning to appoint a doctor at the tea garden.
“The health condition of the workers deteriorated because of the pathetic attitude of the previous government,” he added.